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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1896, p. 5

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~W~EEL It i S tvlish, 1ligh t, aud fast*: of perfect worknatshîp and finlish. .- 1--. C;yclomneters, WVatçh Holders, 5iIver Namne Plates. Trumnp Watches' for tourist use. Jn.8. Barnard, gjOI ol0an"Y loal papu n aM d FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1896. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Were ehea' stolen ? 100 pairs ladies' house alippers to be sold ai îýc. per pair durinir this great sale for 30 days, ai M. W. Cçllin's, the new shoe store. Allîn's for PUiýin9eCt powder. Columnbian, Toronto, Mond&y, 5o cents. phi] Hodge, Port Perry, was in towu on S'tnday last. Trv Tod's bread, sold only at Yates', at 5 cents per loaf. Ladies' bilses, laundered coliar and cuifs, only _soc. at W. G. Walteré'. miss Annie Sadler, Parkdale, spent Sat- crday lasi in towu with friends. Miss A. McSweney spent a few days in Toronto this week vîsiting friends. Mr John Clemens and wife and family go to Scu gog t his week for a two weeks' outing. Straw hais will be reduced ta ane haif prcon SaturdayJUlY n5that W G Walters. Mas&ter Stuart Saunders, Guelph, visited in town for a few days at His Honor Judge Dartnell's. Mr. A. M. Ross has been appointed Dis- trict Depuiy Grand Master of the Masonic order for ibis district. NMessrs. l)ow & McGillivray and Mathison &Hawken are uutting in a furnace of suffi- cent calibre to heat ail their business roonîs durîng the winîer. Raspberry picking is almost over now. There bas been a scarcitv of this kind of fruit this -eason, no doubt on account of the very dry weather. This, Frîday, afternoon the Whitby la- crossisis will go over to Oshawa and cross sticks with the Oshawa club ait Prospect park. There will be a good turnout of their frids to go along and do the rooting. Phe dry weather has tended to limit the supp:iv of straw in the vicinity of this town, bu-, à few miles north there has been an abui'dance of ramn. The prospect is ihat there will be a good yield here, and a verv large crop furiher north. Some farmers frum eight or ten miles north have staied in town that they have the best prospect of a crop that has been known for years. 1ce Crea.niPa.rlor For the best Ice Creamn, call ai D. Mlathsons, Dundas street.-23-tf. A poiner for housekeepers - Aill your wants Suppiecà'j Allin's drug store, rubber rings. corks,IRNjing wax, ctc. Up-to-date styles Mens fine kid gaiters toc uip Si, Mens'1 hne kid lace boots. narrow toc, $i ladies'( fine kid buîtoncd boots, toc tip, narraw toce onlb $i ; ladies' fine kid oxford shees, nar- r0w toe, only 85c ai tht new sboe store, M W Colins. Cha&mpion Heavy-Weigbt. Mr Theo. A. McGillivray writes us from WVindermere, MdsLoka, claiming the heavy weîghî championship as a cyclisi. He rade from here to Orillia in a day, and suffered tre detay of a rainsiorru ta boot, which1 caused so much rnud that thcy had ta walk and push their bicycles five or six miles. To Torontaoha' the %Lohimbtan. Thai magnificent steamer, the Columbian, bas been chartcred by Commodore Jackson for a Toronto trip, Monday next, July 27th, leaving Whiiby ai 8 30 a. in. Same raies, 5')c reîurn fare, childrcn 25C., as befare, though this is the finest boat that ever rau froni these ports. Should patronage warrant other trips may be arrangcd. Columtiian carres i2oo, She's the swiftesî and saie!st steamer on Lake Ontario. Decoration Day. Business was suapended tast Friday ~ enable tverybady to attend the decoration services ai the Union cemctery, vhcrc tht (>ddfellows ai Whiîby had cornbiricd te beauîîfy the graves ai dcpsrtcd bretien. Five or six hundred people visiteti the cemeîery, and the 34tb battalion band play- ed fine music. The programme vas cxactly the same as during former years, sud vas carried oui wrth the fine spectacular efleci 'shich practice lends ta a ccrcmony. Wben ahi he graves at dead breibren bati been decuraied, as weli as those of relatives of (iher visitors present the cemetcry piresent- cd a spectacle ai the most beautiful descrip- tion. A sense ai dccency appears te have struck those wbo bave relatives interreti there. New Baggage Arrangements, A new system ai keeping track ef bagglage caine int use on the G. T. R. ou Wednes- day. The baggagemnan ai the station pie- pares a dupticate way bâIl of aU the haggsgel wvhich he places on a irain. This schecked oser hy the baggageman on the trin, anti a description of eacb pîe.e t baggge atitied., showing exacîly whet the articl e la hat 4t. is made of, vhat condition' It la lu bt injuries, if any, lu las utalned, *Whe It came frorn, anti what vasdouie Withl it. :A Stries of abbreylatI s» 1 ltwO4UCd for toot- venience ofdc.cripliom.' Ws,L,,&~ CB., S.G., mm" th-l Ifà black lë'qw taIn, wiul bottpSa p, «JjDCI br*stà,nd strap gene. Wleu the, pubUec'. Officiaishave hecoin uwed tt1. I1 txrpected tInt thI,tM YIW b& worketi than the*tà oti the. traehag Of te bava h ý 'e , a u mut, Ifût cry mo~mmger 6 'Pièce solid wainut parlo,- suite, plizal, wtth silk plusb bands, for 8Xa worth $45, Lt W. Till's. Toronto and return by the swlft steamer Cotumbian, Monday July fltb, 50 centsi, children 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Tîto. A. McGillvray-sud Mr. John McLaren are spending a few weeks at Windermere, Muskokra. Mens', youtbs' and cbildrensr straw bats reduced ta baîf price on Saturday, July 25tb, one day atily at W. G. Waltera'. Mr. Wm. Greenan, who ha. been.working in the lace factory here for some time, lef for his home In Port Hope last wcek. Miss Mary Harriot Greenwood, superin- tendent of the Jewlsb hospital ut Cincinnati, la borne visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Greenwood Mr. Geo. H. Huston and young son, East Pravidence, R. I., have been vis'ting here tbis week. He la an ex-CHRONICLE boy, and is doing bis training credit in the euat. Bring your baskets and bave a gond urne neit Tuesday, July 28th, at the A. O. U. W. excursion on that tloating palace steamer Columblan ta Lewiston, Queenston, and Niagara Falls. A social meeting in connectian with the W.C.T.U. %,as held in the free reading noom on Wednesday afternoon, JUIY- 22nd. An interesting part of the programme was a memonial service for the late Mrs. Yon- mans, who for years was president of Uic Ontario W. C.T.U., and later on of the Do- minion. The Provincial as welI as thc Dominion societies feri that the cause has lesit a strong fiend and helper. Oshawa Reformer :-Mr. Worfoik, of Part Whitby, took the centract of moving the buildings fnom the prapcrty of Mr. Hinds, recently sold ta Mr. Fred Cowan ta the Cor- nish propcrty laîely purcbaaed on Albert St. The building vas lined wlth brick yet it was moved without the tenants removing any of the furniture. Mn. Worfolk said the dlock only stopped once. We were to& consider- ate to aias how many tirnes it might have stopped if it had becs startcd again, but the fact that the bouse was movcd in good con- dition and ta Mr. Hind's satisfactiun is suffi- dient ta establish M1r. Worfolk's skill. To Day 1t1I1 Ice cream, cakes, boited ham, ai Vates'. Birth At Whitby, on Friday, July 17111. the wife of Mr. Peter Rusneil of a son. Boots and Sho.. at auction prices for 30 days at M W Col- lins' New Shoe Store, East Side, Wbitby. A pie-nic ou the 1a"e. Take the lunch basket along and pic-nic on board the palatWa Columbian Monday nert When she runs ta Toronta leaving Whttby ai 8 3o a. ru. Return fare So cents, cbildren 25 cents. Orittud front Rutrauce List. By an oversight lasi week in giving the results ai the entrance craminat ions here we omlîted the namnes of pupils from the Brougham public achool. Mr. Colîman, the clever pedagogue of thai achool, succecded in getting ta-o pupils thraugh the ordeal Alfa Hagle 436, and John Phillips 422. Big B&rga.lns . on Saîurday. joly 2,5th, 1896, ai the West Side Boot and Shoe store. îoo pairs of ladies' and children's slippers at 5ac. per pair. 5o pairs ladi, a' buîîoned boots ai >-our own price. Mens laced and gaiter boo)ts ai 25 per cent discount. Trunkrs and valises ai cosi. White front. West Side .Brock St. Dividlag the Couuty. W. might again remind aur readers that the bearing of arguments and suggestions for the division of ibis county into électoral districts for county counicit elections vil! take place here on Manday, Aug. 3rd, before Judgcs Dean, ai Lindsay, and Benson, of Port Hope. In aIl probability wben ibis division is made somne new reforms may be anticipatcd, chief among which is the pros- pect of a strong majority in favor ai a bouse The Excursio Season This is truly Uic excursion season. The weathcr as particularly bot most of the time, and jusi nov for a time people are not sa, veny busy. Many people make a trip ta INiagara Faits or the Thousand Is- lande for their annual euting, and really ane coald hardly finti two grander trips on thc map of the globe. The facilities for handling aumnmer passeugers ar-c now ex- ~ctlent, and the rates loy. Many places depend upon touriets durng the ailly sea- son ta leave theai enough mouey for thein living Uic year around. Thus those vIa seck pleasure provide for a large ahane of the population ai or near summerý resonts, and the uendency is ta even up capital. The. new Marriage Act. On thc first of Augusi the manrage act passed at ube lasu session aubhe Local Legis- lature wîlI corne mua force. Tht act pro- vides ubat before procuring a marriage license eacb ai the contracting parties sali maire an affidavit statinxthe date on wbicb the cerernony la ta be leld ; that uhey art cacti full sixteen ycars of age, and ibat there la no legal bar ta their marniage. A record ai these affidavits vili be kepi by the issuer af the license, and be vili forward te tbe Registrar-Gencral's departaicut the narnes, ages, occupations anti religion of the con- tractiog parties. These new features of Uic marriage tav vere atided t thîe suggestion of the minisuers, who discusseti theai pretty falliy t their meetings. ,Just as we exptcted. Pickerng News: The botel-ket e -s oethiis township, vbo bave bsdfines tiaugling ever tîcir Icatis for île past aImé ycars for vio- ulagîte local opti'on by-law *irtle d W WIlbyou Frlday o!fas week, and arr-aigu- ed Zfore 'Major fHarperTht magîstrate statedti sias tic lad rdantiathiag freinthe departent for tIret years, be vas net lu a pesition to dispose of the cases. Tht in admittedti tehaviug viotateti* the tovashlp' by-lav, but le wvas notcadviscd lIai Uic by-Iaw vas valt!. Tht maltter was adjourn- cd for ive weeks asti la île ineatîme the- Police Magîstrate wifl naike enquirles as10. the matter. " -(Apat 1frntheb fact tînt tht Pickerinag hotel keeptis -titi -appear before the police xmsgItrate itefor acuten Co w statemxent of the all air ielie fûrtler from the trntl tiatan leabove. Tle'aëWIa traie neyer laid an'yîhing abo#t li tearlg tram '<le deparîmeatt lothtre y;îars» H. u rcard te goeu dlnctl fines, t-buit Oeeté tethç. appe*1 - of nt dams -for mordtai.TlÎecase vaq. nit, ad, -(ls àlth Gnm * a 1atgp AtHoe to b.cr frienda on Pri y aftékitoon st. nehtabmlaacle Sûdtay acIhoiheld -a pic- nic-at Corbettls Point yes&May5, whlch was Iaxgely attended. Mi. Ceo. H.- Hogarth, B. A., Mathemati- cal Master at thé Whitby colleglate Itistitute --j rutcatlag at Solina. D. M. Tod 'a bread and cakes are sold at T Vates'. Give hiai a caîl when you want s.nytiing nice in that line. Miss Carrne Stevenson, who las been visiting frienda and relative*- in town, left for her home in Peterboro on Tuesday. Meuars. W.* Pringle, S. Kempthorn and jas Walters wheeled to Toronto on Friday aftàruoon last, returning on the Zurydice in the evening. Mr. snd Mrs. C. H. Smith, and Dr. Harry Wigbtman, accnmpanied by the Misses WVightman, of Toronto, are camping at Storey's point.1 Don't forget the excursion of the scason on the maguificent steamer " Columbian " Tuesday July 28th to Lewiston, Queunston and Niagara Falls. Mr L Sel>ert, Port Perry, was lu towu on Fniday last, le b'eing on his returu trip from the Sarnia races. His 3-year-old calr won the three minute trot. Wiîh warm weather. lavely music and the moon at the full wbat more romantic the sale by tbe Columbian's moonlight excursion Monday uight, at 7 30. Fare 25 cents. Sunday night's and Monday's showers were most velcome, and we would add timely ouly that it came a week or more too late. Nevertheless the season has been highly satisfactory. Miss Florence Dartneli, who las been teachinir at the kindergarten Normal school at Torouto, has succeeded in passing ber final exammnations held recently. We ex- tend Miss Dartnell congratulations on ber success. The Uzbridge Times laughs at our state- ruent that Mayar Rutlcdge, of Wbitbv, rides his bake ai a level gait of 8 miles an bour, and boasta that Mayor Frank Raines, of Ux- bridge, records io miles on bis cyclometer every 6o minutes. But you seS Wblhy'sý Mayor goes in by acclamation and doe'not reiebreak-neck speed, wbereas Mayor Ranebas te run for lt at a dreadful pace. Another feature af the matter la that speed-. ing bcyond 8 miles an bour requires one ta burnp bis spinal colunîn like a warrlng féline, and thia aur executive could neyer stand. P>resevg tinte. Ail your wantipplied at Allin'a drug store; rubber rin gt, .ks, sealing wax, etc. The bhast ln the Laud to be Slaugbtered. The Siater boots and shaca. Don't miss the chance. Only 30 days at M W Collins' East Side Shee Store. Takce your best girl A moonlight excursion by the majestic steamer Colurubian will makre that rooeantic ruatter rlght with your lady love. Boat leavea WbitbY 7.30 P. ru. Fare 25 cents. A chance for us &IL The possibilities ai winter comfort seai now ta be only limited by the extent of the spruce tmees in the land. So long as a 4 9-ooden cloth "-and this la practically wbat Fibre Chamois la, can be had for a trifling expense ta lirie aur outer garments with, no anc need ever siffer from the sharpeet winds or frastiest ait ai winter, An absolute non- conductor af heat and cold. Fibre Chamois is also durable, light and pliable so that the presence ai a layer ai it througb a coat is neyer felt save by the protection it gives from a roaring gale or icy temperature. As its thorough wortb bas long since been proved there is no possible chance of disap- poiniment in preparing tn enjoy the bealth- fui warmth it alwsys provides. Won the Kolapore cep For the sixth timne in ita history tht Can.. adian rifiemen have won the Kolapore CuJp at Bisley Camp, EUgland- The match ta called after the Rajah af Kolapore, who es- tablUshed thc event in 187t. fiacre vere four teams in the contest this year. one from Uic Mother Country, t'wo fromt the Channel Islands and anc froa Canada, the latter. making a score of-66 the Mother TownuCouncil. Met Mondpy night. Lettens read frorn Couuîy Clerk Farewell informing tht conn- cil ubat the commissioners appointei by the Ontario goverument ta divide the county into electoral districts for the purpose of electing a county councit, vili sit here on Manday, Aug. 3rd te receive suggestions. Coun. Blow read a report from tt tovu* property committetendrering paymeuts as follows : Wrn. Tili, repaira, $i 5o ; P B Waram, fixing up Downey & Cols office s16.69. The report passeti. Coun. Smith reati a report fi-rm tht streets cemmittet or- dering paymenus as followa: Geo. Cor- ruack, cedar, $121.85; Wrn Happer, labor, $3;John McCanl, labor, $15 ; Jue Beltl1#25; B Barrett $2 ; P Hamilton $2. Coua Smilth ruoved that the tender of Mn. B. Worfoik for jixo, for building Jackson-Snov bridge in south ward, be acccpîed. Reeve King moved inl amendaient that the matter stand untilthie council bas inspcctcd thc place be- f.pne nert meeting of counciL Tbtre was considerable discussion over thc matter. On motion of Recve Kinag tht town clerk was orderedt t communicate wlth tht Whit- ba' Electrie flght Company vtth a vlew to haviug tht heurs for runniug lights extendeti ta r2 o'ciock cach nigît, Dcputy Pringle vas alloweti titi nexi meeting of councilito- bring iu hi. ameudmeuts te the pound by- law. That Red tike. Orne vould hardly suppose wheirsi lt e gets asînide a bicycle and (eeh with lis mUtid'. cyt low narrow s la ls footing anti bowvfiable to capsize, thut after a few tiais tle coscern would saiu cffcarryinghlm aloa wth tht fleetr>esa of vinge anti doiuty of*a horst, Our harrewlag experlence on' tInt- ltlde Red Bird only contiawsd an hour or sol whc it begjan to anc ilat.we verethe -. rnak-' iflo becman efthîe irst wuter, the' oply sortwlboo tti4ç the Rd Bir4.ý GRET -LÂ1G AEAT C. 'F. STIEWARTS LIST TÜ TILEDREFPIESÉ . Job Lots of Drees Goods 25, 35 sud .50é. Redirced to l2U, 15- and 25c. eeoui' Piints -5, 10, -12Jc i e Goodo. New Colored Orepons, ail new, goo0de juat in4 sold or 15e. ou'r tie aura lc e. le Ceo regular 15bc:- for 121c. be sure and se. theoe. SSe our FFlnels at 51 7 andIl>. See Our Niew White Spot MuWlins at 20C.- regular 25c. Gji Ali our Wool Delaira to be sold at coat and under. MILLINERY. * s * g MILLINERY. Ail must go regardies of price. Trimmed Hats regular 85, for $3. Trimnaed Sailors regular 41 75, for $1. Sem aur 25, 30 ad 50c. Sailors Ali Ribbons, Lace, Flowers, &c,, at 'very lOVest Prime..0-CalI and examine them. Sec our Ladies' Belt Buokies at onty 10c. Nev Blouse Sets, regular 50c. to go at 25C., Very beat good, Amm.Oderd Clothiug at Great Reduotion...u Hialifax Tweed Suits only $10. M.Blue Serge Suite only $12. in our stock Everyeûing at Reduced Prices. Mr Fine Black Suite a specialty. ¶ No traak This 15 lte store for real Bargains. C~ E.sTEWrR -. ~ - ---. ~ ~~m-v-s-- Great JuIly Cleartng S a,1e, "&m-BAGAIN8 IN ALL DEPARfTMENTS.«-. We intend to make business as lively as possible during the preseut rather slow month if ]LOW ]PJUCES and plenty of them WIl do it. SClearing out the Departments, I wll e he ainobectofAnd the Redtiction of Stocki willbe he ain ec ofour business, and no effort will be spared to make Jnly a REC~ORD BREAKER in this respect. Shoppers IZ m gnrlshoukid not fail to inspeot the immense inducement we are offering ii W ~Dresa Gooda, Silks, Limions, Co»ttonu,4 and<IRea<Iy-toWears of every descriptiont SIncluding Jackets, Capes, Blowses, Boys' Clothing, llosiery and LJnderwear, Parasols, etc-., etc,, ---We G. WALT1ERS, -. Whitby., Chase & Sanborn'sf, iàSEAL" Bran JAVA «A NWD M OOHA Coffoe Is incomïSarably /èe Finesi and Most Dei- tic eous Cûffee the worldrodues. TRY IT ONOE YOLI WILL USE NO OTHER,,. '4; Eak n bLby WM. TiL, STOP AepD THINI I1 -Befor.you pùeba.. Four i tu Fumu oe. GoodWioest*as, ay éls, fx.01.76 Ooo&M.pl ~.d1eaa fo.....20 M. +O.+L&W ale Sam&~ offée, ?nto-J BowMAJ sr& at 74t n the fol 7th, y 3 rhly iv .land 1î-own i v '7-11-: -ý l'-«ý--lolYr,71-717,"7- I*él-/- 1. lý/-l 115-jr -48,1

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