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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1896, p. 7

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't' AI Jiair VIGOR 001« to mt".at t as fUJng t. aKv. Dlgbre 1N. à., m7».. "A littie more one~ ~ ha boteotyr' warVor ni v« color~ ~ ~~an an esdfaln n.An the air~n god ondte.-r th on bul f ofe' Hair go "righ et ~Rao. i ha the rjo.. Iold. and fos ny alir, w oiut.reAu OeoU wappitioabndhasnc I t th ar igood cparation. ut f&h out F.eilars FEWC, i I bey.nS t Abosxthagomhubd Froght home a otIle oftheyr's- jidandigo, anmI h air, e tav ousy it T a shrteaune, new hair began to apefalres, dthl eisn o ,About prsiet osth ka growthuaa bis au hm ~be ry ln .9~gr'.cvend day& Tb0 Dominion O nad in FactGzy was soo busy rIiing orders for musical instruments tO close up for civ'ic holiday. Mr. Cornelius McGarraea, foreman for Dr. Hillier, had the thumb of his right hand girdled to the bone by a small rope with which he was leading a colt behind the buggy. Mr. Robt. Beith, M. P., recently- sold his fancy carniage team of hack- neys to a Montreal firmn at a big pnice. Mr. Sam Gi took them to Montreal where they were greatly admired. Canadians have won the Kotapore cup at Bisley and the $400 prize that goes with it. Lieut. W. C. King of fBowmanville and Pte. W. D. Campbell of Oshawa, both of the 45th Batt., have done some good shooting and won many prizes. A memnorial s4rvice having reference to the 1ife and death of the late Mrs. Gordon D. Fletcher will be conducted at the S. A. barraeks next Sunday night to star-t at 8 o'clock so that those attending other churches may be pres- ent after their regular service. Wliat might have been a serious accident occurred at the wharf on FFn- day. McMur-tr-v's hack team r-an away narrowly escaping throwing Glovers bus into the water between the piers. The runaways were stopped by Mr. Richard Hughes before they reached Rag Castie corner. -States man. of ai naît 4 e Lre m iin s- - - ."0& l mu'm v uem. JUIII aarp s norses Were M1rs. A. WEBIE, 1Polymlnia St., NeW Mr. W. D. Lamb has Purobs.sod a bike. kicki«ng one had its leg broken. He Orleans, L&. Master Geo. S. James, of Bowman. k1Iiled it. ville, i8 visiting friende bore. One of Mr. M. Munday's best heifers MrHAIR IGOR Weatlake has; commenced was badly cut in a br iefnels PREPAARD DYMisses Minnie, Honora, and Mue barbarous wire too dear at any price. Eddie Werry are visitinir friende at Port Several stayed over visiting their old DL J.C. AYER & CO., LGWELLMM$., U S. A. Peery, Fenelon Falla and Lindsay this friend, Miss Edna Kennedy, Garden week. Island. Àper'a FUse cure Sie Heugeo Mise Mary Elford and Muter F. Vice Friday was civic holiday with us, we __________________________are visiting friende at Fenelon Falls. picnicked at the Willows and had a Barley barvest is neaely 6inished in glorious t'me. Football and boating LOST TORTY POUNDS. isecono eoonr.Teopje eeth leading features. Friends ÀN ILLN'ESS TUAT ALMOST CIR very good. were present from Seaforth, Brantford, BIED WAY N ONY CHL frir. W. Montgomery is sornewhat1 bot- Toronto, Oshawa, Harmony, Courtice, HED WAY N ONY CHLD. ter. Hope he will stifl iruprove. Soliria, Mt Ver-non, Haydon. Tyrone, Sbe Suffered Terribly From Pain8 in The Army worm, the came s report- Hampton. Bowmanville and New Back, HIeurt Trouble and Rheurma- ed a Goelph, bas made ita appeerance Haven. Our picnic becomes more tiem-lier Parents Almo8t Disps.ie ber. and is doing damnage amnong the popular every year. ed of Rer Itecovery-How it Wu oats and barley. On Sunday morning a number of the lirouglu: About. The rm on Monday was a welcomed parents and members of the congrega- From the Arniprîor Chronicle. visitor. tion visited the Sunday School. Dr. Perbaps tbere 1s no botter known man Mes. Geo. Stevens, of Oshawa, ij vîsit- Mar-vin gave an interesting chalk talk ia Arnprior and vîinity than Mr. Mar ing Mes. D. Haddon. on the lesson and Mr. W. G. Ranton uo Bnnan, who bas resided in the Mr. W. H. Howard, cf Hamapton, of Brantford made a few well chosen town for over a qnarter of' a ceni;nry, and preached a veey forcible sermon ai; M&. remarks. bas taken a foremoot part iun many a Vernon laut Sunday. Blaokatef poimcaI camupaigo an North Lanark. A .---- The drill shed wus crowded Sunday reporter of the. Chronacle called at if;asThe Most Costly Materials Used evening, July 12th, when Rev. R. M >tsi ence flot long &RO and wus rade at Phalen preached the anual sermon of hunýe at once. Dur-mg a general co in the Manufacture of the district orangemen. Monday large lrare o a . rema n gabve cu e in bis aml Diamond Dyes. numbers went to Peterboro to partici- lârgof renar-abe cue i bi failypate in the walk. He ead: -Mv daughter, Eleanor Elîza betb, wluo is'oow 14 years of age, wasi The best and most costly ingredients Mrm Joseph Sharpe sccomupanied by akela ver-v ii i n the sommer ot 1t192 and materials are used in the manufac-be meetangreîuredafy m eerboroi wivm back trouble, rhenwatism and beart ture of Dîamond DiteS. No experi- CEmtringTlhurdaoevenng1i d8ease She al8o e he erriv ndr- cn' :i . -i .A.ud. . ..-1- -,.... J...i -. w - %_ E SCIence 'Is "ýknow-Ing' how."* The only secret about,Sctt'.s IEmulSlon Is y e a rsàof science. When made in large quantities and by Im- prov.ing methods, an emu!- sion must be more perfect than w hen made in the old- time way with mortar and pestile a few ounces at a time. This Is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil neyer sepa- rates, keeps sweet for years, and every spoonfuli s equal to every other spoonful. la other emulsions you ame Hable te rot anuaUneves boenflt-elther an over oru nder dose. (tt Scutt'. SCOTTS EMULSION has be endorsed bv the medical profession for twenty years. (Ask vour doctor.) This is because it <s ai ways paLuiabe-always unform -always contains: Me purest NVorwegtaaz Cod-liver Oit and Hspophpîtes. Put uepin 50 cent and S: co sizes. The email size may be enough Lo cure your cough or belp your baby. bcultt & Bwa, eleIeV, Ua OL6 MAPLE OIr ROVE vous sud cou d DoL eileep. We sein t fo r a doctor and ieh gave ber mêdicîne which aeêewed to belp ber for a trne, but she Cctnînued to lose jinflesb ontil sme wîI5 terribly reduced When first taken iii she wviilîed one bundred pounds, but be- carne reduced to six <y poutida, losîng for- ty poutids 1n the course of a few mon ths. For about two years she continued in tins condition, ber bealth in a most deli cate tate. and we bad very littis bopes oi ber ever getting botter. Our bopeêq, shat littie we bad, were entirely abutter- ed wben she was taken witb a second ttack far more serious iban the first. Ibi@ second attack took place about two years after the firet. We tiow fully muade UP oui mînds that she could noi live, "but while there ie life there is hope," Rd, Peeeîng consîently in the newspapers the Wonderfui cures affected by tbe use ()f I>r. Williame' Pink Plille, we decided to gîve them a trial. Before éhe hiad tniabied thie firsi box, we notUced tlîat ber fiPPetîte was sligbcly improving, and by the. time she bad used the second box.i a decide,î îrnproveruenî had taken place.1 BY the titie ase had used four boxesi mobre elie had regained ber formter we 1gbî of one bUudre,î pounds and was as well &I £ver slie Lad been te ber life. Hec back trouble, heart affection, rbeumatism1 and 8l.peeS ad ail disappeared.i Sbe Do0w enJ oYs the- best of bealtb, but1 8'ol continues to take an occasional pili ý'àEn i th feels a little out of sorts, and Bo it Paseeeawva v. àMre. Brennan, together WU1LJ the Young lady, Who i8 an onlv eh J, weîr. lîresent during thae recital, and< anl were lond in their praises of Dr.t Wlira link Pils. Mr. Brennan also ,tat,]t.I tiie lad used the pilla himsesft "td believed that ibere wasi no other fted'ej11t. lîke tbenj for building up a Wekelled systetu or driving away a9 WeFàrmlfe ioi fact be tbonght that 118a m10d oictney weee away abead of D.Wiliams~' Pink Pille are soid only i n boxes bearing the firm's trade marke wrapper, (priinted in ced ink). Bear t valud thlat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are k ,ever Sold in bulk or by the. dozen or - Ddred, and any dealer Who offees mb. 10 eSin is fortn is trying to defraud rl YOUl and sshould be avoided. The pub lic0 - are a85 cautioned agsainst ail other so0s 08us1d blood buildore and nerve tonice, Put UP in sinilar form intended Co de- C@Ile. Tbey are ail imitations whosq nifakers hop6 to reap a pecuniary Advaà-. 1w tage from the wonderful reputatiot mhieved by Dr. Williaaoes' Pink P11ls. .&sk Your dealer for them. T5ePille are manufaoturd by shO Si wi 1amw's Modi"cova 0pp~y Brook-, 'IleOntario,.and 8obtiecçi7, f .t5 ldar.sl uli m xboibes ig, the eot§a box, or sd wrmppevr, -Rt60 ,Thoy oraysexhaawo .fe r $, 50 :i lbe o nby minsu4h Dr. i = i nsare. .vî, îuîâucwîuincieap cuiors with h îe iew of increasing the manua- facturer's profits. L)amond Dves are the wQrid's stand- ards, and w[ili be kepi. as such no mat- ter what the cont may be. The cheap and imitation dyes sold by some dealers are never twice ruade from the same grade o! materiais. therefore, they vary and are not. reliable. Diamond Dyes give as perfect results when used by a chîld as they do when handied by an individual of experience. Bright, pute. ich, fast and unfading Dîamond Dyes are the world's favor- ites. ]PINE DALE. Miss Pi'nkham was the delegzate froru the di vision here Co the convention in. Torontao. Quito a number in this neclbborbood are laid up or nearly se with severe colde The nighî of the -meeting of t.he ep worth league bas been obanged froru Wednesdlay evening to Sunday evening Lt i8 the generai opinion that . ibis isaa stop initbe rigbc direction. 1 Several members of tho division ai tended an open meeting of the Good Templars ai Cresswell. on Frid'iy even. ieg of lust week Othiere intended going but froua varicus causes failed to conneot. Tbo8e that did go report a good time. Mr. Caleb Roacb was mucb annoyed a short time -since by animais of some kind destroying the neste of bis fowls and taking both egizs and chicke. Suppoeing it te be a ekunk be determnied ta waîcb toc il and put an end ta its ioraýiçg ex- peditions; with that end in view armed with bis gun h. awaited its comng. On going into a sbed, riear the emaîl houes of the morning and looking up saswhat ho supposed te b. a large owl crouclaed on a beam, and thinking that the bird. baal no good intentions his Rua wam soon n position. sud as Caleb iesà dead ahat, every time .the. bird-waes oon yig o the floor, but alasiii waî on. of big Sur keys. Sncb je Rie.. The. hay crop ini bis vicinity vais rather light snd mos of it was damaaged noi e or lêagby vain, tilu unhea"t ike are now bein2g out. Fail weats;ý rery good, * aliie weIl filled- but le a igh't crop, spring wheat i leIow -$140' iverage, cet&, poeanad recta ffl ooJkju4, st John ý- Jr.. o I 'a M ................ 7 151150 mItees in la ho L, Mes Chas. Gage, nee Misa Bartleté- of North Cartwright, was buried last Satur- day. She died of typhoi *d fever. Mr. Alexander Bell, of Toronto, is rus- ticaîing bereabou as. Miss Brown, of 'Medonte, is istaying wiîb her auni, Mes. Quinn. Ornew school.house whicb la neseing compietion will b. a ceedît to the section. Haying isaimost finished and harvest. ing is ia.bfull swing. Fail wheat snd bar- loy are beiqg sut. The crop, as a whole in ibis district, promises te b. magnifi. cent, better so faranees aay, than it has been for the iast three or four years. Rev. Mr. Fîeh preached un the metho- dist church, Sunda>'. Miss Ida Parr and Mes. Major Hodeon are camping at Wshbrr. The sick are : Mms. R. J. McNally, Mes. Moore, Me. A. Pare. MURRAY LANMAN'S, PLORIQDt WATER GLU, W. S.Kimbali d Co,, ROCH ESTER, N. Y. 5 C. Per Package« 17 First Prize 'Medals. SôleAmge-ni àt"" WVhitby-, Me W. I Clfis Wood'S rhospboduIne- 7, Great EnglUsb Remedy. Io the resuitof over 8U yeam batreengtlsousandof casesw" hal kS"w <frugu, until "t Irna we hia". dlsovere4 theo une remsdy and Umtmmt-a oemblnation tha#willeffect a&proaipt and peSm2anea5 orsim la tagesor Sexd rsaJ eb(y, Aba,< or &tcmes, Nervmgo Weiakau, Fm£wgkrr MeuI Woiiy, £-rces4v, Use tof Opims.,To - Ak or.ACO& StmijrnaZa U, iof -which soon bd to Insanfty, Consumption and m «mrlygrae. Wooda T g. Pophjo e mbaSauaed sucoeafuily b>' huadremof Camsett emed a.lmost hopbi* meUat h<I basatremsi.d b> themoui talented phyei diams-casesthat .ron the verge ofdepaàrmad Innajy-<estetwr toUmbzlg over th. grave-but wfth the. oondnued and pueroing Useor Wood's Phosphodine, thes. caes that ha.d been sivea up te di%, ers remred to mmml>' vigor and momtl-Beader you neod nede.par....oni ter who lias gfven you up as tacurabl-the remedy te Dow vithin w ' reach, by lts use you cma b. reetored to à 1Ide of usetulmeu a" d hmppinu. Price, one pachag% 81; Msx packages, $5; b>' mailfre of postage. orne wu/J>car#. sùgfaraiteeoIg oere* The Wood Com pany, Windor, Ont.. Canada. ____ Wood'g Phosphodi.. Léa M by mreponaiblé wbslseMmd rotait dnrmgglà dit4ii *m ro~ wLe -Buter m W-hou-Ic- A correspondent oet Hoards Dairyznsn givee the. foliowinganmethod of keeîn butter firm witbout the. use of ioe : &Tak, a tight box (tiee or twelve juches highl ivelve ho, fourteen juches wide, sud'i eigh- teen te twenty-four juches long,) that can Lie got at any grocery store, pothalooft aheif about five inobes froi th bottent, mn which ho place the. butter. Set a dish eonsaining water in th. bottem eoftthe box. and place the butter, on iii. aboli. Take a piece of cloUa largo euough ho weil cover the butter -and drop over the. edge of the. sheu auto the dish of vater. Ifoisten the. cloth, apread il over th. but- oer, sud it.wil labo up the vaSer se0aà te ueep the butter cool anmd bard sud-,re from sait crystaleand lu fine shape for table use. Tovoeling crash ota ii.iet 'loti te une forilt.eaimposé. Ti. li abould have aco r.-amr' cate- 'E I f t c e c We hag, .PisêSl BEAUoFU AMERIv of514 PA RfS ~ I a) I I 'I g se L SI s ~apta1Paî up $1o Ooo0 Borders to Match 66luv rie otllegn, bat 11k. Ayeà m s' tho statement md. ovor ad o!'rin b>' t [those w ou<li>'te1h.beoîteRaderlved froni b.d a grator en@es>' hac ibis poverfl blod. purifier. Ilt nkes tho weak suoamg. air loba EjiAmabas aOsptsdthb. Pliden> Of tii. Bahtib Au.itln, bl m ilnT ont. nezt yoar. P A E M L E E 8 P L Z D o u s e ,t b . e , ft a c t- iu1g mpooilaU pon odhoaàeo rge, Suu in lasum g t0e M uon * -0 Do "a î ts e--M o _m p I x m t J î t b e p o 0 1 , h . m u M . h o w a MW puray, ct iesefami.vTlin m d nasurs aree ri el rotheibodyn4. f Ksimsasiybqamkmseius.t. psy ou more gold. uar4~a UaSmatuweme~~a ~e Wbit'byAgeLy General Bmnking Buoiness r'ransaoted. SAVINOS EAB N~ latrei llwod St bIghffemourlent'taius Kouo1=019, wfthdrawaîrqS. TAR LIFE A SSURANCE GO0, OP LO;DOz;, EGLANU. Total funds ln band..... $ xS,oz,m.#6 Bonuses added . ...... . ...., 91635,7S06. Total daims p 5d 22,32956.39 Total amount Assurance lu force Dec ' . .7,967,2L40 68s dlaims paid '95 amount. itm - ........ ....... 1,38,656-83 Granta 'a 'world vide and indisputable policy. No restrictions as to residence. Profits umreaing wlth a. f polcy. lmmediate paymeug of eathclaims. In-terini and eoeupouud- onuses added. Every descriptiénonfetLifeAssurance policy grauted. Local agents wanted. Ifoèt liberal terus. Apply T H Cartr General Agent, -Tor'- onto Jun s~,Ontario. Ck Hlead =..c for Canada,- No. -i Adelaid St. East Toronto, Ont. Gua. UMager, A W BRJGGS, Esq,' une 23, r8~6-3moe. Torons., Ont. W. mDMS -000 frs or tbioçonÇa s o tari tbva for mO ivingi bbner,, W. A DAMSP Il lEverywhere Mt Verimon ac SolimA Corné oarlyi andigotfirat choie. P» B. WARAM, Brys"na .old S$Budo Brook St., Wh1dtbr DOMINION BANK. -WALL LOWEST PRICIE-30 Retail -am-DIUS, ir 1 1 il

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