Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1896, p. 8

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&seOlbl GOO D& i!hCa St Goeoe hurclîseboolpleut héla on' Wtanqsday aftcroon. The. Orio»o play Bowmanile Ïai caste on7Tkursday for a purs. ai $5o. YeWsyteriaù Suuclay achoolp vas beld at the lake laeýit nldmyaftcr PrsetPark Teuniï-club bad lboin tognapha taken in a groap on Tu«sd&yl lng. Six members of tic Rosedale golf wi pay six ai the. Oshawa golf club ai BOTTLING WAX, and SP«*IBowd.fSsud the. Oria1s4ayed at RUBI3ER RINGS for tbearktou Friday aftrnoo. Tescre tii.end af tue 6tLblunings 28 tO 4 ie fruit jars. (a var oi Lb. Gnioles. Several ai tue bead offcials of tue Grand FRE IH ISEC POW ER, Tmuek Railwsy, iuclading general manager FRESHINSE T PO DER, C M Raya and general supeniniendent )&c- POWDER GUNS, Guigan, stappcd st Oshawa Junctien for a fev minutes on Tbursday. FLY PADS AND PAPER, Tii. UxbMgde Tennis Club playcd the. TANGLEFOOT, (sticky tly paper.) Gshawa Tennis Club on Biubop Beihune grounds Tbunsday aft.rnoou, and lu the evening ti. visitons vere estentain.d toaa dance in Mallony's pavilion at the lake. .Dibesi*g o P- s n -(kUs towu aI Oshawa would biew itself IV to the. exteut af aetting up a drinking feue. and Famz*ly Recipes tain>onew t ea te mincetr it W eceives our carelul ilog the bot veatuen. Tien. la at present Da ;rsonai 'place wbere eltiier business men or strang- al/enzon. ers can get a moatbfal cf cold water. Mr Jo. Houlden reports a finit cdosa jOb lu -AT- catting dawu Starr's bill vest ai ber., abd that Bisiiop la makling good progresa lun e- 11118~ viole wark i» being doueuder the saper- R le' .Lrug Storemoviug Lecaea or' c i Sintendency of Engineer W J Deanes, af 1 Oshawa, who la a specialiat ini nadway or 1 Simco-c st. South, Oshawa. road work af any sort.F New- ,DOn.- cldub n Sat- OSBiA WA, J UL Y 24, 189, ~6. OSRAWA PAGE O8KAWÀ. Farinera -ii do weil to cali at M. E. Mmy's for boys' ready made clathiugr. .1 vil] psy any parties' ntinplating bîîy- ing an engagement or ý ding ring ta se. thc large stock oS FeIt Bras.. Osawaa as tbey vifli sell ibis mouuli ver -iap for cash. Genulne diamand x4X. only sc, Tiey are aima muÀkng sanie specal offen uGents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver vatches. Set thcm. Feli Bros. To Toronto by Str. Columabian. Toronto, Calumubian, Mdonday 8, only cents. Mr. E. B. Morgan, vas in tovri Suidi end Moynday. 50 Mn J J McLaughlin, of Toronto, vas in bavu tbis veck. Mn., Nicholson, Toronto, is visitiîing Mrs' Il T Carswelî. Mn. Ed. Glenney, af Ottawa, is visiting bis, parents in bs-n. Mn. Fred. Wigg af Rochester, is spending bis boludmys in Las-n. Mr T W Chappe], M. P. P., Uxbridge, &peut Sunday in tas-n. Mr. Silas Urquhart 1.11 on WVednesday moruing Ion Ottawa. Mdiss Bridgernan, of Ottawa, is visiting Misa Kenver, Albert St. Mr. T. M. Kinsman and E E Rogers spent Suuday and Mondav in Port Hope. Mr Philips af Brockville, is visiting Mr. Don. Spidal, of the Oshawa Railway Ca'y. Mooniigb: etcursioru by palatial steamner Columbîan. Monday, 8 p. m. Pare 25 cia. Mr. Rager Rice, formnerly with Mr. W P Sterricker, ai t.bis tawu, vas in Oshawa lat week. Mr Frank Cirter ieft lat week for Bal- filo, after apending a very pleasant vaca- tion in Osha«i. Mn. sud lira. C. I. T. Goaid of Balimore, Md., are visýting Mr sud Mis j -f Gould, Saue. sgtreet soutb. - if yoa bave any romance in you the C3iumbias moonligbî excursion Monday üight wiil make yau happy. Treat your lady lave to a moonliglu: sali on thc magnificent Columbian, Mondmy 8Sp. mn. Music by 34tuh att orchestra. Mn. Jas. Ponton, af Dominion Bank, Lied- amy, but tonmerly conuccted vîi tte bank bore, in spendingr bis bolidays lu Lavu. Tii. Metcaife St. mebiiodisi ciunch Suuday scisool beld thein annual picnic mitie lake last Taeaday. Tbcy bmd a rery large tm- out.' The. swift and maguificent Str. Columbian rues ta Toronto Mouday nexi, Juiy 27. Leaves Osbawa st 8 a. m. Giîves six full bours for business lu bbe ciy. Returu tare So cents, children 25 cents. W. regret that the Royal Tempiars did net bave a langer attendance at tin gardes Party st Prospect park Iat friday evcnlug. W. trust tuat the. neir Lime tbey give a gar. den party tiiei efforts wiU be more appree- iatJd Mr. A. D. Henry, of Gsbaw-o-tjbe»Ue ougbt te r&deive the ptronage.of e"er pic. vie wbes anc cousîdes cheexceptionsuy iow- price Of $1, for whlcb be places bis grounds aud diniug hall at the servies of the public. This price lucluds bot water. Mr. Henry la very abiiging and dom oei best te help entertali thepublc. Befone arraeging for atrip for your sumn- mner vacainw. would- advieyau ta cal Qu ?Mr. Sterricker of the. Osbawa R.ailway Coy's office andmecure information conceru- ing the many pleasant boat and rail tripe he eau give you. Mnr. Sternickrer bus aimatmd arrangements wih the G. T. R. by wblch thebest Possible express serice s gweu ou towu, express matter belug carried in every passeuger traie on the. G. T, R. We extend aur cougrtatqom to Ur. F. L. Fowke on bis hmung >Ppolntd Vice- Prenident cof t te ouug Peopfr' union etai ,Ca. t telrcpunnfloù Pmwl Session tilwa.,Ws 7> f*h *ver beeqm a esu - an. Wb *"tic vwkerw',b haYowsg p.)topIgg7thmsk. u Sdwe o" f.. etain tbsein bà no mêuroffe jThe employees cf McLaughlin Caria- Everybedy*eujoy tbemeselves aitih. A. G. mwmoutue-lake on Smiurday mfternnon. An nual auîing uext Tuesday, atiJuly. Dont excursion te tic Falls vos fri talked cf but miss beiug anc cf the party. Oving te mc many excursions being rue ibis Mins Hmnbiy, wba for some time bas been ai season the idea vas abaudoned and a picnic ber hoe inl Port Penn suffering fremin ifiam- arraugcd for lnsî.ad. nation Of the. lungs, bas retunned sud viilbe The Ohawa ailwa Co. ad thir. arsfud iuber drcssmaking shop. Tii.Gahva Rxlwy Ca ba iber ,aa A s1hbt sbock of eauubquake vas feht ber. 1ai bndilantiy lighted ou Wedneaday eveulng. veck. Some say ilvas only Tapper's trunk Each car bal tvemty ane colared ligbts in it that vas throvu out of tic second etorv windaw aud the wbole pneseuted a vin-y pleasing a: GOttawva. We cannai canfirin tuis report as and attractive appearance. Mn. Sterricker wr o h os la bound to makre the. Oshawa Railvmy Ca., we ttentae. very populan vitu tbc public. Sia The Vindicator taika about the CHRON- WiII Monbgomnery la still imnroving. ai 0 ng b> ie p tl he b, tea Rt t f Mr. W. E. O' Brien, photographer, bas tonnd kt necessary, owing ta rapidly increas- irg business, ta move ta lare ad more pleasaut quartera in Mr. S. Luke's block, over E. E. Rogers' bookstore. A gallerv wil be immediaaeiy buit for hlm aud wii; be fitted with ail modern improvemen- ruew instruments, back-grounds. accessories, etc. Everything will b. up ta date. Mr O'Brien deseries the support of the. Oshawa public, and we are glad La know that he hai'ý received it ta sucb an citent thai he bas lu seek larger preceses. The. cburcb organ department af the R S Wlihiamns & Sons factory abat down on Sat- urday to enable the men ta attend the fanerai af tbe wifc af Chas Gage st Nestie- ton. She was ill of lever st the. borne. of ber parents snd died there and was interived in the. family banial plot. This is the second wife Mr Gage bas lait in thice yerrs. 1: will b. remesnbered that bis first wife died of beart lailare after visiting the. oeerry-go round near the Qaecn's, leaving a famiiy of sesali chldren. Thene have been tendent cared (or by the. late Mrs Gage, and bis companions in the. works showed their symn pathy in bis is« by attending the fanerai y of' ry le le to In el re ro Df M sJsIRom ss e Inm'Ormlia on a riat ate prss Mr.,Anthu Curtis and IMr. Holland. Pari P"rr, speat Souday a: Mfr, Curtis'. Mliss Sfilila is iting fried ndlaBrantford and othen pièces before retunng home. Mr. Barils, aur blacksmitb, spent bis weil. earned balidays visting frienda lin Kngston. Miss Ada aarpoe la recovenug (rom blood poisonlug in -ber foot caused by the sîing of a wasp. Mn. D. Tbompson sud Mn. Derby were dele. gaies te thi e m temperauce convention M.d in Toronto 1maiweek. The bUSY hum o09itie bind.n la &gain a: wcrk and s»venad famer bave cnt their fail viiesi, SOM la tulng eut good. Que a number tram here vent ta, Myrtle ta hear the Kiekapoos and express themseve 14 [i Mayor Coaa bas wnittcn a veny practic letter ta, tbe Oshawa nmilway, suggestin among otiier tbiugs tbmt tbeir lreighî fine t exteuded lunthen non ta tcame ont at ti tavu hall ; that Lb. terminus Ion vaitir cars a: the. nnti be tie Catbolic cbarcb and tiat liii.preservera b. attacicd btIù caf fronts. It would prove an advantag bath ta the railway sud public te carry ôt every anc aI ubese ideas. Monday's Mail and Empire ccutalned ut tice of the arriva]inl Toronto aI a travellin tinkrer. He struck this town on Tacada morning. He carnies on bis wbeel a kit ( ti nomitb's tools. His-wbeeI is of a ver anct date, and han a bard ire on thi front wicel and a pncamnatic tire on thi bind viieei. He is riding fmcm Chicago i the coast on a wager of SgS, and bas ta cari his living wbde on Lb. roid by wanking a hiit trade. J udgiug (rom his talk bic bas . softeir spotluLis beurt fon Amenican haie keepens tian be bas for Canadian iaedîord * la the contest at Bisley (oxr tie Qacen' prise M D Campbell was third in the. scon, at 2coand 500 yards axîd lbe vas only twq points b.hind the besi score. Mr Campb.l vas tbcad af Hayburwth Le vinner cf ti pria. at ycar. H. vas ane cf tic eigbt ai the Canadian team af îwerny ai Bial.y t' shit fo tonhe cup off.rcd by the Rajah o Kalapone.Tiere vas a atroug vind mn,< his score vas 74 out of s-possible zo05 points Besides te. tp there la a cash prize of £-8o This la tihe sixti tinMe the Canadienshavt wan thc cup. - Whilc pouning metal ait the malleshit vonka an Monday Gus Jacobi gai somne o the moulten ruextal in bis boot. AI] thai shows at present la a large blister on the aide and under the foot. Tii. burnofaImaul- Lefi malleab!e iran is fan more seniou u i tç eflects than tb. grey iran. There la some- Lhîng poisonous about it that maktes a burn to b. drendcd, and the vonst effects af thit accident do na: develap until some days a(ter bbe accident. Those wbo undersasd the nature af these burin are of the opinion that Mn Jacobi vili have a traublesome foot befone lbe la tiraugh vithitI. Lsî eek Anchie Robinson met with a simru aci dent. , ia ci Gbituary. Mns. E. T. Slemon died at Hmydeu on Suuday. Tii. immediate cause ai deatb was quick coinsumption. Tic cincumastances sur-i aundiug tic case are mare titan ordinar- iiy sud. If la aniy a few years ago sbe came ta Gshawa a happy bride. About a year after she vas stnicken witu typboid lever muid beor. aie bait luliy nccovered a cblld was boma.Camplicaion arase wuicu affected ber mind and mlîbougii Lie besi ex- perts wrere canulted muid bhe bccaseunden Licir cane, ion mouLus, bhey vere powerlcaè aud aid the. anly lbape vas that the. affliction would pais intime. Tuai vas tva years ago and nov tue newa camnes of ber nelease.' Sic-vas well khua-vunlusaa anmd beloved for ber kindiy nature. Her 11f. aeemed ta >e opeuiug out ou particulaniy happy lines until ah. vas stnicken. Her home vas roken ap and a lite ai shadov sund of litt. uope sîretcbed out befor. ber of vhici abe was fully consciaus. Mn. SIemon lias dan, all that lay lu bis paver ta find relief and fâllng Liaite make ber 11f. as frec tram dis- tress as possible. Mie bas the sympaîhy af bis (nienda lu bis %'ad affliction. Thc Vindicator takea strong exception ta the lauguage uaed by tue CaRoiqîcLs in ad vîing seboolboys wboamrethreslied te take nrcible imcas" taresc e c mt. IJ ays bhis la bhua advic. to give to vicions boys. rt a bad advice te givo ta auj persan, we adit, bus vhcn tue 1mw, tue parent and umaitY fmil te protece a boy tam "aman reamient, sanie otiier mens musetlue taken. %& a us"altuiug a boy la net able te flag tue >eMtn vbo Saga hlm, 50 h. vil bave ta dlopt some ailie means, sud some other cpnthan the smrap. Ite la lways besitat dop effective remedies, and teachers vbo, recp tbeir bauds oft ebldren vill have no Mme toa trtheir neenge The tblng la may. Wben ve vere mi sehool y, ver. mry strngiy of a mind severai tuesta .ack a tcacber's bead, and if vo bad litet no over again tue plan would h. carried eut. bcere lias been more ergeley prsictice lun bis coUntny in Lhe naineof education dur- il the laitfifty jeansthon in eonnectloa ti ti tI bl ti p a i ci i 'c ci te te s il Pa ICLE'S numeroas expeniences with vnita for Jbel. The present owners oftheCmioNicLFv anve iiad charge nearly cleven ycmrs and iave ouly been iavared wiii anc vnit. This uly makes it square fon the. îhampiug Bro. licholson suflercd. About tes vheelmen froin ber. vent ta ýont Penny au Sunday last, (rom viience bey saiied ta Lindsay. The nain Suuday sight (nightesed maiL ai tbcm from wb.eling Wek, but tbree rode tbrougb the deep muci JIlday Monday, dodging tie showers as bes t mey could. Tbey wcre nearI7 dead by the Stock taking is nat yet finisbed at tbe piano works, but -the company i gettung mnaterial ready for fail trade. The organ department is in full aperatian and Lb. stafi in the machine department is being added tû as required. Tbe quietness in the trade i attributed ta two causes, the finit and per- bapa least, that so mach money is spent for bicycles and second, dealers as the. election.- appr ale, have been buyîng in sal quantîties as tbe demaud required, outil tbe fate ai the goverument was knowa,and are now waiting 'ta see wba± will be don. with the. tariff. It la expected that trade will re- vive as soon as it la known that the. du:y la flot ta be tampered with. If ît is, then look out for importations and a reduced staff at tbe wurks ber.. g' t,. i wu c e dii a lom onu .1. B sMslty la BWin upsIa0 mdde. rtio Drnier JxsPmmaw, damimr la sukmMfutumeestin. vn, tLag os e entntv Oaws EnstssesDiroatay. LVIOKEET, barber. Sixuoce mia-et. O0KW LIVEEY. Simnca. streel, north. LUOLPHharnsss maker, Sim«e t. B. NOTHEBOUIri- butoher, Ring St., West . arrxaeox, Deutisu; aince avenEaowse's kma. Y. ealx-Dminion pianos sud argaus, -u stresS r.Ux J. Dzâua, Doinin Msd Ontanie and survayar. Clvii Engluser, -D«57, Oui- noes" RecuL-J. C. Woou, rflb- edams bontaly. neat msudff - Tou>.-Oatmrsrfor Esih, smmblem, Wed- nup, suppers,etc., eac. Aim au kinda 01 mme Ohaw stS8a m an& p M,ma" itst0 a mnsd-4 pm WB Cuire, uaaufstum 0et usi»bintages xtvagon& &" sudande f ai uierMsd nouta iublieéOovqaeu, . K Iot leu& .Ofso ~ oino ahSmo in OOImies ckeny nOWW M &uoezou BAx,21s-~Tbe submerlbey vil! ha la (bih ut 1h. Castes! -fletai, twda~~ et us.!, boni osa 1~aka ai- tbaos~hs. P. Laxuuac * *a.-~a ¶ea4fa~ 1~8prfig '~~W1uwatehing~Iurn~s, Oi~swa. étr~ - ais, 1- 1v~kayg~j 4, w !wa w- Tiios.Bakera barn la about flnisiied. W. Stott, aofTrante, vlsited bis imbiier. Mn. W. J. Lamb bas purcbased a bikte and he can id. it, you bet. MISS L.angly, ai Worxter, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. W. D. Lamb. Pea promIses lta b. a gaod crop if' the boys sud ruen wiIl leave theni alan. 'A lange number have cnt tbein banley. bat Mn. S. J. Williams ia th. aniy ane wba bas it lu his harn. Wiil Lammniman soid a fat beai Lo Lb, bcdf ring. The farmena viii ail get fat an scb good bcdf. Misa Lilla Lambhbad a vcry successfii Party on Saturday las: and aiilb.h littie ones enjoycd the. spart imrnensely. Miss Moore af SaintfieId is visiîing at Mn. J obez Crozers. Miss Essie Jackson la spendiug a portion of nier vacation in Lindsay. Miss Ha-imn, ai Part Penny, speut Suuday ai Mn. John Sveatman's. Miss Clara Henry. aI Part Penny, was on the fsaud mn a visitor on Sanday. Mms Barclay of Part Hope bas beeu visiting at ber daugbîer's, Mrs. Hiramn Fnalick. Rev. J. H. Mallet is avmy at Beaverton lu the A week from Sunday will be quarterly meeting 4od Rev. ihos. Manning. BA_, of Wiiitby. wxll conduct the services for the day. The lawn social at Mr. A. A. Bryants, last week wa3 a grand sucrcess. About ibo people iZatbered and ail report a mas: enjayable time. Proceeds tirp On Monday eveuing Mr. Maurice 1. Good- beart delivered bis lecure on the " jews lite ir, w.ussia,» ai tbe central churcb. The cburci, -vas fullland the appreclative audience listened o a lecture bath interesting and instrictdve. q4r. Giodbeart has made very rapid progres k the Englis language and al tuba beard him were well pleased with bis address. GRae la edt ee tatMrg. Gog oe Waex-plie ased tese talMn.oge oue.ai aften hua long ilincas. Tic following is a lst ofthe ticpipls of Green- tmnh puhlic achool wbo succeeded la pasàng the necent entrane ex.smination: Fioreuce Banna-,. John McKitrick, Lizule MeArtbur, John BMc' Donedald Jamues Taylor. The. naines are placed accondingt a umber of markus taken, highest finit eextend aur ôongratnlaos toi aur young fInends. The long exp.cted aud laîencsting cencmmy of Iaying the corner atone ofthte new meiiodis:t cbuncb lsa nnaiiuoed fer nexi Satudai tic a.5tl ansi, ai a.3o p. m. Dr. J. J. McLaren, Q, C., of Tarmuto, sud Win. McGI Emq., bankier, 01 Port Penny. viii vield tlb. moyeu. Cenemony conducted by er-presideuts of confenence, Rer. Dr. Lambly, Rev. Y.- B. Smnuton, sud ciafrman of ditrit Rev. T. Maunugalo addresses hy other nuenists ofltheeighborbood m:erspenae vifli musc by te Uxbmidgç benm asbnd. Dia- ner vwilh. serwed by the. ladies et tic congrega tien Tickets aoUY 25 cents. Everybody la Mn. Urns s»d tva daxgbtes -visîted lamas Pmckoiing on Sunday. Query,-Wbm a ticth value ofa pensons mouey in driviug a lire,7herse? Mu. Duan and Master ONeil.o et uum, Are viing Mn, D. MeBrady. Newlddés are beard an evezy aide of us nov.- M4a7 eey gSmegSoed ssfction Miça Chamberlajuof Douailaspung a tcw veeka vWstisg hea" in ot parts. Waher Cbapsusu, lUxbrmtge, vas ibrouri hem nee dey lait yak l in.Uiniorcat of the tbresblag smcaou W. altu voedu viy WMlgotsvon oc Bamundiy evniega. "It'a pauidy dur," as The Dominion A4oe4eegames rYepuei from tic amey imd rcpo(iiaaIbotk bot discussion o6 Vi-presdâcas eridnth The A. 0*U ..of Wbikbys-a"Pickering *Mi rua agrSd excur" 'O ekt Tueday. JuIy 2M ttewoison, QUOsu n d NIa ýCossder th aI*satas fOr aiue' galo aai op-m -lm Yeu . mg Caitmt ota o, = ooçka1ap 'U la o=t ie - Dem e na W. - F - E a lii S cl ip Dr. MF Crssbis ictrn g on Tues- day mtteudlgtbi crsing 9 practice in Mesars, Clunamon, Milier, Dilloni aud Pusniti l shoot iu thé. Ontario rilfle as- sociation matches» me Toronto. The Metcalfe street methodists . epecit t spcud sîow o lnreuovatfng their cbarcb tuis l'eur- Thé vwk vil ba donc during Augusi. Mir. E Carswell was ln Toronte on Thars- day aud Frlday attendiug tic prohibition Convention beld lu tut vity. The abject ai the convention vas te urge the prohibition question ou the gaveruneut. Ovlng ta the successes that tbey received lait pear thc Victoria Lodge L. T. B. of Te. route are preparmng another day's sport ta b. given lu Prospect Park ai an- cari y date. GoodI i>rlzes have been offercd and the dlif ferest items on tic programme wuli certaiuly Going rapidly at the price aùed. Tlhe 75c. kind for 50c. The $i 25 quality ini pretty pinks and blues for 75e. The extra fine 81.50 fine g DOW for $1, sizes &iU weil asorted; fit guaranteed. Tiie 81 quality for 50c- The botter cloth and Limmed Garment, prie 81.50. 10w goiug for $1 eaeh, only a few left, L)ou't delay but came if yoar in ueed of Waist Goods and Mualins. 200 fine Zephyrs going for... 25c ooiored tSwim iMualine going for 15e Victoria Lawns going for. 18c Printed Lavns 25c Cbecked Ginghams 25c Organdie Muelinis 25c Dresden" 30e Peruian" At. This Our Greatett Joiy Sale. The 90c. kind for 60c. The fa.e black' Parasol, rice frame and handie, at *1.25, in selliag for 75c. The il Creain Para- sol sella nov at 75c., and ail the, stock re- 15e 15C loc 20e 20e 20C 25C dread in pro ortin. àGlv 1-* Every Saturday Night. LaJ- ad ie trwRt Worth 75c- sud 3 1 esch. going for 25ce, sd trixmed fre af charge. The best $1.75 and 82 fine Hat@ are being sold for 50c, trimmed free for thia wéek only. I i-AT-&Co, KING ST. WEST. luly ïIearing 'hoe Sale, I!Boots and, Sboes, like ehrtcover a multi- ud ofimperfections. We have Boots and 'I Shoes that will cover j C E SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS Boys' Tan Ljaèed Boota, hand-made....$1025 Ladies' Tan Shees, reg.- ROc., now i......... ..60 weffrr.. .... .....10 Ladie' Tani Shoes, -ue» hand turnsolesreg. made, r.eg $.2,Î4 1 Boys' Laoed B ots os- RING SRE, STo Manitoba and the Canda ~vNorthwest and Return. Excursions will b. mun fram aIll sta lu tb. Provinces aI Quebec and Ot on Junle 3Oti, July 7tb a nd jul i 1&»6, ta tie folIowixfg points u f ToDLoaatic anadan Nontwes Restau, . i ... Estenan, Assa., i Bisearti, Man. d Moosoman, Assa. d Regina,49 ... Moosejaw,di ... Yonkton, d Prince Alberit, Sask.di ... Calgary, Alb., Red Dce-, ... Edmonton, SlLIonITSn T ok- S d viiil gaod2t July 7, Sept. 5, x July 2!,sept. 19, I Above tickets and ail information cas abtained from W. P. 8TER1CKERI Osbawa Ry. Co's office, Oshawa. R. C. Carter, Agi Oshawa, june 24th, 1896. 28%I 300 THINosphH MA CHINE -MANUFACTURE- CLOVER IMILtue mu and supply parts, and repair ail chines made by -the Josepiý M'fg Co., Masson Ca. sud Dï Estates, havingz bonght ail1 patterns, foi-ms, etc. Knives sud sectin fori sny mule, mower orrs Iron Pipel Steam Fit# _(brass or iron). Bcubber Betiîig. Packing, (ruàbher, garlooki Threslea Teth mosi auiI parandsme Mail-Mcinry sp :-:OKS Pas Pc Shùt Waists and Blouse. r w&» ce~ s A. Great du/y Sa/e 00o0sIMorrily on The Greatest Bargains of the sea- son for the buying publie. They orneOur As; seasons caMe and seasn And foikas tart out .jeweî SOfls bu Tbey cdme wlth,, ta u To us, because aur cboic desapp Includes the newest style s T'h. Dollar Cames Our way. G)Ur pricea are so very iow There is uowhere else it pays T'hats wbat th. buyers Lo... There's maueyamved lu e very ta And tiat la what bas alwayak~ The Dollar came aur waymad OUr Stocka the. markets pick and Its quality excites surprise It'9sucb a big display.~ No Wonder we the trade coauad Ail bayersaeek headquaî.,& ,d The Dollar cames aur way. Thec magu.tiam of aur store, La simply tuis, and nathin Mr Fair treatment eveu-y Y Like water, Dollars rau downbi, To find their level in aur tinl The Dollar cames aur wfay. 0 c ing a 1 1 1 1 -- i. 1 1 l'ý 1 p 1 -- 1 1 1 1 i IT CURES Tired, TE Sour, SwÉ W. wush to pro',- sud for a litmited ti1tn package, (prîce 25c. anc vbo viii send uso postage. This offer sooti as the remedx, know yott vili recoin- as soon as you try :,, give anc package A AMERICAN i BATrAX:; DRUGOIST, AGENCY FOR- MUNI HOMRPATHIC W. bave a langer anid of vindow shades bave ever abovu Wc ns. tie bei. shade clotb, vith rolcir. Aise a fiue vrie Ask te sec aur laig - Brccens, tafitanuy Our baby carriagesa an signa. Give us a cal] bforeI We are takiug spe elogance vitb ecý geucral utility. Oui stock la complet. Wc invite buyers IL wliH save money Leadiug Und -eri BROOK ST., V Wstblished 1&. "Whitby Steam -MarbIe . and granite Woîks1 Dundas Si WCH 1.THB (IPOrmiely Wolf porter sud Dca! GRANITB MO lhe latent mater - inds et Ceunctt gumxunteed. .*@USuNn FoR DE 1 1 Wve a Thin, 1 Pl WaT. SMOOG. Parasols. Parasols. -AT- WORKSI- GÎUMNBArm AUDLIM. t VOL, XI

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