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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1896, p. 2

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le te LILL THE CHAPIONS res PiIlls in the profes8ional ranks, at the C.' W. A. Meet won their laure]so e L U J~ v I S K I i 1 ~ B ir d . L a st y e a r, w ith o n ly o n e ex . e t o v r h m i n a h l s A: U8eiber id.Ter mybea ecuefo tha etoter whehae uedrogde to victory o PaIgedp Pilla nd te Say tat bave taken b t they r a o t a a i e a s g ed f r e best resul fremthe1r use. jATfdf's cainlvictory,buth For Stomnach peated victories is superiority in its oyrnîn quate8.A be iyletob sii and lver troubles. and for the cure o must be easy running, to win it ust betualte hAn wheel headahe caused bY these derangemeunbebuit ote Ayer'S Pilla cannot be equae. We mut bebe daim thatan o My triendsa sk me what Is the be n eamtat the e Bird i remnedy £Or disrders 0 e stenach, t e m s a ef ly c n t uce3i y l Liveir, or Bowels, sold in Canada to-day. tems aeul osr My Invariable answer is A yer's Puis.aa0 Taken lu season they wli reak up a cold, prCveu t la grppe. check lever, and ~t regulate the digesti.Ve ergaa. They re easY to take, and Are the best ail-round taml Medicine 1 have ever Ave., New york Cfty. AYER'S PILLS T/,e Fiou,9 are ikze Wzns made ai this year's C. W. A. Meeî. HIg.t wars a Wold' Far.HARLEY DAVI DSON, who won the professional haif-mile championship, the professionai five.ml hm ~YC'8Brsarou~ê.~, pionshxp and the profeissional mile open. - ANGUS McLEOD, who won the prQfessional mile ehminhp hr lc ntepoesoa afml Mi L ewI iMe iMor . D. For- pae n h pofg3i CAEOT championship, and third place in the professional five-mile chamiohp ayth recenrJy. WIL M ITOS H, Who won second place ini the poesoa ieoeadtidpaeiitepoesoa Thomnas Wilson ig larnngthe pai xi le chamrrionship.Pnesoa ieoeadtidpaei ing with J. R. Thrîu. OOER Mrs. Garnett, of Toronto, i eewt E. C OPR who won the professional oneml .0cas xi orhpaei h rfsinloeml H1. Micheli and daug0icer. handicap.8rie24 lss n orhpae ntepoeso * The NMis@es Carter, of MRr]pOsa, arep with Mra. D. Forgythl thla week. Len Bdel.of ornt, Istedwiil R. E. AXTON, Who W0on the One mile open amateur, ini which he made the fastest competition iledea ber grandfather, George Bundy, recently.th meet, bsdswinja hd place i h n-ieaaer M r. and M rs. Pt3ter Mc-lnab ad funi ily are with friends at Agtn court for a week. Jamaes Hortop and wife spent SundayTh witb Alex. Bowe8. They are frOEU Port niv;i 4<r. h Goold Go. Ltd M,88 sJessie Gerow leaves ;Ott lfonday d fer Winnipeg. where she will spend a few Imnb ihber siister. BRA NTFORD, Charles Middleton bas been confined O TRO ohie roemn for Borne few daye, sud hiq ON ARO condition le ausing o ze sarm . D A nninber Of Our boys are talking of ieaving neXt week for Manitoba. WVe Until tbey eibark.Th Mrs. John Mecfullocb, of Almonde, was bere Over Sunday accomapanied by Red Tha ber son Rnd dBgzer.CrimsonFls - Ocar Dey, of Napanee, was bore ai-orTre oPoise Snnday and called upon his many 'u toP nzs friendg, inforuniugthern that iii wonIJ bedi no la BeidatQeec Led the Poc1. Borne ie Until lie was bore agamn. i nola Be nd tQub . J 'Vé have a band stand from which 0cr sion in ail the Ck.,Larninkp l eeple.are nightly treatiéd witb a solo. in po rird i*the 1That T1r*d twIngCntPU and Pain in th. Back i PPOMWt. Mnd H.fth H@flo's Srsaparrn. f', b mv Cas. *te1 st Cathenine'a, Ont C. I. Hoéod & C& , LOweIIMam.: l' .-"" mber of yéarg I have been tob8 rlth a généal Urdffeéiin& ahortneaa of breatI pain ln the baec, aud constipation. I couw get anly littie iesatlnht ou accof e the pain ha ne ptite watever. 1 was git re umylmba natgave Out bétOn. half thé day wu goue. 1 ted'a great umber of medicin bg-id o$ elýany permanentU feilWfrnm au, liood;> Curesc ;ource unt% ,UPOn ftcmmen Of e& afrtend, 1purchaaed, a bottie ef Hoed'as arsapari4~ fhich made me feet botter et once. I have cou Jnued Its use, havlng taken three bottles, lad 1 Feel Like a New Man. have a goed appétt.te e as strong as ever 1 Ud. and enjoy perfect reat ut night. I have ucb pleasure ln reeolnxendhig Hood's Sars& trilla." CHARLES STBEE, Wlth Erie Pr8. erving Co.. St. Cahernes, utaro. I4ooc's pille are prompt and efficent, yel asy iii action. Sold lty ail drugglsta. 25c. eaeu QNy ALP T a ntper sab h é ' t e r e n j o y s i r . E s Bew e s i s i t i g b r w e r e t h e r e f o m C h c o a d o h r k6 ac m iei u -ad mis~ e nab e, a fen w d" Ja s l yt n acd ai~1by M iss sister, M rs. Carr, at Br kin o Sa r- >ecs Sh wa bu dS t ~ m m. tat laisw aary, w a ry, life W a over 2'Sù da . g t uc-a: ." kI îr : M r . Ir e m D . e o Th t a d m s r b e n f e ia r d e a n o r m d t o .d ay last. o f c e e t t e gra v e . 4 g - t i Ù5rl ïty and Blackwell purcaed twe Th aboyé dclaration and humnbie Constables Tidsbery and Hobbs Wm. J. Turner' madÎae atspecia'l1tnp b bar1oels ef ho umadetheymradenad. ec til ihtrip 1) rsaaofhoe hèr etwe o efsjni aée hspriuaere iu tw nedylst weekfoor in teo 1. P. Ferrîer's Sunday evening lms.Re.M.Trnyga neres ekpoent te téEgla ake.TeYsao oueng and oid who anre aiy search of a mani who had stlnsoeLt be so. sevr. --hori hei av iterihe *èe- ail havy animale, and s3omé of proatrated bY thé prevailing bot Woauuher. carpenter's toolS.-at Highland Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Tomoto ae-pa-ngrî->r -t) -d I -n Tf Ihéin brought good tlgnres. Théaé monn L i. suicidai for aiekly imnuand we The lawn social held by themeo-n a visit te p cel',tetedprtç ýt.Tèt~ ,d1 wi» b.aliup ung se n aga n. ifen te atteuPt te PUséstrough th é -ter diss of this pla ce was a grand succ es. Iar.ers other. s n la y i r 1 4 ~ ù~~~ Th ,atit-epewlwrh nterible heat f énnimer W "itbu hé f The PrOceeds anlounted in ail to about heitbeoe ferni ~!s~ptatooîéwilsnobi i té anchobalth and strépgtr bMr.- and Mrs. J. -a urt aui amuL ?rý_- next Sa6batii, sethat thé paint- j Omc~.wr irtnga~a~Nlo.»eMr KT 4Ie ' teub~'w ~ -Ui, édice may have chance e ~ wéak ~ ~ ~ A nuiber froni here took in theio$uayls. aragemp wcaf awh kWben tbhéDnel repaira are Oumn- cmii flego,~creain social at the resîdence of Mé. Eaedou itn uaeitokuIrb fh# pîï hàChréent hé bevery mnch boy*ncy, umental -depressi10W au é a Hde ndfonth in ta oeý"m"al day Sutday, ýbut'~cculd ýi vdin both appéarance and coin. b3v<jhoe ebed e he ont w e th gcl" - - R, Bn~ 1 r ut pa ty le ve't 'n e gmé atIjlb Miss L ibbio e w oodruj l« d a1Johhu j ohar - a nd ~ W I~1 ~ m ay hé onnted upon. o ntte t e breas coJl> ~r e p e r $ i o n W l » b é m a d e . t e h a v é P a i u o ' s d »i ,vy » a dw ay , a w n ~ h g y o r t o thée hé tiaofis t u ___îe y ç on rso1 ,1- 1o, t ld t k ý - 'q mmiçoffl L-L ý*l * 1 doe on F squaaity of straw 0~1Bmaté 1 l ad be îüb bô urr'f Keùnedy' th vident il r n ie-bildinq down, b~l ad' thé idea tha itý.tUre wu. removed Wbühld orn the site, j-orgot thas hé oamne dai ing compelled toses no vtaUvatone walle o in WKingston for a No doubt there are a Z isidsaga street that mýovéd te gîve place te Y one@, but this wilI ail bý due tirne it is hoped1 the flué bngs.-Times. Thé Barrie Gazette lait a Ïbember of -te B3 weit-tô Orifli by boat of riding home. He le to.reach Hawkeetone by met a nuniber of traveli deavoring to trade bon pearaefOs were Dot When about to leave he pifled ont an elegant h. imagined the stranL, vith covetous eyes, and anziety came over hir, two miles from Hawkest clatter of hodfo and tu~ thi,.tétrangers. Quickly aowght safety in the sa thb Marngers galloped p right about- face, made fc lam'a et Hawilestoue, péaceably tili morning.- A» feUrtmm mares ef ett Frorn soveral parta of complainta of the darnag hoprthe Most notew< by thé News -Letter bei~ Corm Brown, of Conlsoi teén. aérés of oata esten 1 Thà.yleft hiarfields ac Movn lewn. The peut -4p»- Nou J9th Oro. bu found la theé hght uandy h tu g~t*,tzonbthéy ai ceur of Misehief, travi wind.' Tbey are nover ti ing a aumméer following e the ground bau been fro~ winter the froat did flot grtmdat ÀIL They an( xng thon' attention te t], mipa.Thi grasaboppersa et rnght and several fara edvantage of Liiis to get crush them on theroadsaa The. wire Wormn, which hi tus ifflon in other cciii made ita eppearanoe in t. -NwaiLétter. Messrs. C. E. Wescett1 lord visitedl Sturgeon Eall 'ÂufreillrWm.Tay' eunul. mat of the v1lagi berft ,t-oni 'townsmen te Wednady evening. The oaepe f wéod Whiei ~aI~adlu g tothe no] - bkilos, and atrted ah .28 passenger train had Ieadiug te the aupposîtici froM -thé énine had atart éarn.st work of- the -peoj sh0d oeering- the brick

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