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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jul 1896, p. 3

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r. r * c.. --r Resto~ îarIil.. Me heen olbe )rtness of bs-eatjs, taint af thre pain I was Ma tired ire hall the day hber of mledîcines rellgdtrOM a, Ition ofa fie Ps Sarssaparilla, ,("el. 1 have Con. ree botties, andi f man. ts-org as Oves- nighuit. I have Iood's Sarsa. ith Es-le Ps-e. LrIlb. WloUeet yet '15tS. 2c w ?EMED»y ýT. blutera CURE. [Feb.u 'S. are that a CURE@ A&Pr 3, lm5 .iel of your succeml 1 iRare m. ,rnded it Lo ýleaead wftb n,&erlsa rht ter Ig aR ta* ernte 's,lgn ,(83.003 & o., C itey.,, IENO kOA. 'RICE yearsg, id oubt, are ro. to $15 h dby ig te Abolit 10.80 on Fniday ..ig~ Jlwdiscoverec<oflrderible samoke n«s is promises. sud on investigation feun, rthstat quanity of straw. sud otiher iuflan mable material bad been piied on a abei in the rear of Ko.àedY'. bas-ber ahop ani ignited, Lb. evideut intention being t bus-n the building dovu. Sorneone sen mgljy bad the idea that if th. aid fri structure vas removed a new brick bloc] wonld ados-n the site, but ho ps-obabl2 fos-got that ho came danugerouely noir lx în2g comupelled ta cee notbiug but tbe un attractive atone walle of a certain buiid ing in Kineton tas- a numben of yeasu No donbt thoer se a tsw biilldings o1 Missi"sags street that migbt veli ho ne mnoved to give place te more substautia, ones, but this viii al ho ccowpiibed il due tîme it isB oped without the aid a tbe fis-e bugs.-Timesa. The Barrie Gazette saya : Ou Fridm1 la8t a mpm ber of the Barrie bicycle clul wetro to Orillia by boat witb the intention 01 riulinR home. Ho Ieft Orillia in time to~ reach Hlawkestone by desk, sud tbes-î met a miLies- Of travellers wbo vos-oon. deavoriotLz te trade bas-ses, sud fs-cm mp- peratit'- were not toal abetainors bel \~Heubout to leave ho vos-y indiscs-eetly ouir ut aui elegant gold vatcb, wbich heiemaziner] the etrangers looked upon wiîb covetoll. e*es, and then a feeling of * anlietV c aie oves- hum. WXvb about tw' ruuuier tmorut Hawkestone he heard the clatter f L oufsansd the uoisy Voices Of .tbe eratizere. Qnlickly dismooutiug he beUzhu safetv in the shade of a tree until t1îe strangers Ralloped puet, thon turning rigiih about face, made for Brother W hit- arn s at Haviiestone, vbos-e ho rested pesceallY till masning.-Packet. Ate four teef acres ef este Fs-rn several parts of the district corne complairuts of tbe damage doue by grass- bloppers, the Most notewos-tby lbs board bv the News Lettes- being tbat of Ms-. Colin Bro*wn, of Coulson, vho bad four teen acres of catis ton by tbese issecta. They ioft hie field@ as clean as a uewly movu lavu. l'h. pest is vos-st in Me doute and Nos-LbOs-o. but tboy as-e ta be found in the ligbt smndy district&a. Thoy bs-ood in old stumpa, and a light saudy field filled vith snob stumpe is a perfect botbed for tbem. Then, vben tbey are gs-awn enough, they stamst eut on abois- career of miechief, traveling vith tbe wlInd. They are nover troublesomo dur. inz a summer folioving a vinter in whicb .4 gronnd bas been fi-ozen bard. Last wîntes- the fs-ast did Dot uet ino the tround at aIl. Tbey as-o chiefly canfin- îniz their attention ta the oste and tus- s-ipi. *The' grassboppessas-onet oLaliveiv l it night and several farmes-s bave takein a Ivantace Of Luis ta got out rolessand crushl thern an the road8 sud aLlier places. The wis-e vosrn, vbich bas doue damtage this season in other countios, bas nat made is appeas-unco in this district yet. -Nova-Lettes-. BEAVEETONl. Messrs. C. E. We8cott and D. Rntbe f 'rd visited Sturgeon Falla by wheel la A Fil n Il ýy b n e t p f Fridmy eveuing Iast Wi]lie the throe year aid son of Mr. W. H.: Fegan had a very farrow escape frorn fatal poisoniug. It appeans that an ounce bottie of laud- anumt had beon procured by Mr. Fegan, and after nsing a little of it in tho moru- ing for a sone ear it vas placed on a lower shoîf in the sideboard. ln the eveuing about nine o'ciock Wilio, in playing about, shaved a chair against the aide- board, add nountinoz it procurod tbe bottle. Whou noticed ho bad the empty vial ta his mouth, while bis lips sud clothes vos-o stained witb the liquid. Ms-s. Fegan promptly sdministered an emetie of mustard sud 'warm water, and as the ch-tld voruited freely it was natur- aliy supposed tuat if it had swallowed auy of the poisonous drug it vas thrown off. At 10 o'ciock ail retired, at wbicb time the littie follow was in bis usual iealth and as lively a evor. At tbree o'clock the following moruing Mr. sud M&rs. Fegmu vos-e aroused by the bemvy breatbing of the cbiid, snd on ligbtinR a lamp it was disccvored that ho was black n the face and in evident distress. Dr. W. Jeffers, the f arily physician, was promptly summoned, sud upon bis a- rival evervtbiug vas doue that medical skill could suggost ta arouse sud relieve the littie suiffer. It was accu the fol- Lowiug day hefore ho wuas aakeued, sud a haîf baur later, despite ail efforts, again eank into a stupor, in whicb etate ho re- mainod until 8 p. ma. After being walk. ýd around for a short lime uleop again sserted itiaif, aud the little fellow reated asily untii 5 oclock,. wbea lie got up ud played around tii bcd tîme, appar- )ntly none the verse, wfth the exception )f woakuess, for hisenoforced sloop of iineteen bonrs.-Watchmnan. 18t A fire in Mr. Wm. Taylor's brickyard, crie mile east of the village, drew a nura- Ier of onr townsrnen to the scene lust Wedne8day evening. The fire was in the larRe piles of wood whieb were near thie riîiwasi~sding to the north and est of tbe kilos, and started shortlv Rfter the ~5.2.3 paâsenger trainhd asd ob Ieading to the supposition that a spark froru the engine ha.d started it. l3y the earnest work of the people present, the sbeds covering the brick and the otherj buildings adjacent were saved. Mr. Tay- lor waa absent in Peterboro at the tinte but arrived homne that evening on the .'30 train. He says tbe wood burnt a'nounted to 900 or 1,000 corde. Beaverton cricketers bave retrieved their reputation nobly at the expeose of Sutton, which team they piayed Wednes- day, July l5tb, at the "BriEars," Sutton. Sutton went ta bat first and made 17 --rint,, ieaverton foliowed, making 82 and Sutton wound up witb 23, loaving Boa- verton an inninRs to spare sud 42 ruas, wicie i considerable of a record. We11l take back what we suid star the Lindsay matchl.1 al el aj ei n j A large party of Young men went ta Jackson's Point per ssii boit lust Friday withi a fair wind. The wind still stayed far,' however, only littie more so, tili it was time to go horno, but &aseaud alack a fair wind going south weuld't do tgo north and the party elept under a haystack at the point and returned next Morning about 10 o'clook. Among those wbo were on the excursion wore Meusrs. Fred Madjîl, N. Ritahie, W. Harrison, Dune. MeRae, C. Leaoook, M. MoGowaD, J. B. Warren, Christy McRae and M. H. Roach. There ie one joliy orowd cf campera wbo. we are sure, wiii put in two weeks of solid, undiluted fun thie yoar, sud that îs the "Thorah Island Camping Party," who arrived in town luet Saturday moru- inig with a large quantity of vot and dry Provisions for the outing. This year they brîng along a new cannon, the "Roaiing Mag," which ie ne toy as its conte $120 and is buit of brasn with a carniage made of oak and riding oni large îron wheois. 't is a sounder sud Do misitake. Tho first shot whieh vas fired froin itvas op- Posite the Bay street fire hall in Toronto and buet ail the panes of ligbit glass in the vicinity by the concussion,. The oity sanction haëd to ho procur-ed for that boni- 1* hardrnent whicb occurred ou Dominion Dýay. The ffret lime the cannon wu Ohot Off i0 Beaverton the explosion vas fOltowed by a crash of glass frein Lie Windows close by. There le uothing Menr about the Tborah Iuiand Camping Pa.rty, sud tbey put Op tbe pice for el'ery glass brokec sud hsd a drink on tbe head of th. vbolesotlgeao At the island the grounde are fisseS np with eloctric belleo' 4~talbbOno heer pump, a e M l ysen tutene ~'orks, aornameusî iÈ p etC colier 0( Ring sud tonge,d a braun wetb.r oocë 10 oie bossBil bonte, no, boat., oob hô- diaiag -tant, sleepîug -iit l oti *î C5sdbfind sbWtniw grou Liir butl à fence, liahîî .i ___ 1ALWAYS CUR ArmTe TEY"«S wzau Tqwo 13= Cam MxLVERTO!, 2RIR Ulmy, lm Gentleen -Purnthe iasttenyeaz, Ia been troubeA ýwit.ii kln ydisease, belng no bad a t tr vA isuthtT c ou in a ie bed aI night uer atbcp l i e - - n.4 1 bad tired a&Hb. thde e Icouhi fnS wthout effbctbut -heerd et Dodd'a RIS. ay POu sud ord &ab= oakeno el as ter etii Ttat Ir utv ThemUIaaup =;~buit If tluit hoimpoqiblo ethm lbhelo M v rou e. iireot o ut.se w, tient by tbe poison uswed. or permonE If May have hâd a sieurar exporience. Id Ou Tuosday hast at Kixnouuî, twe Omon named Cooper sud Pogue vos-i 'brougbt belon. Couuty Magitratie Dea. e n d fined $10,60, iuoiuding coste, for k eiling riimmed milk te the chocs. fao. ,y tory. As8 it vas the fis-st offence aI îbii fades-y the offendere vere ]et Off wlth s -lîght fine sud a varning. Lt i. hoped il * ii prove a vas-ning te others as vell. Tuesday mornnng Mr-. A. W. Ps.nkin 'nmet vith a vos-y painful accident. Ho had juet ste frd aboard Mr.Crw' steamer "Myrt e,"1 and in opening s fiat Diron thst bad b.e. bung up ou sunais If few minutes provieus vas kuocked off, fatlliu1g witb full forces on Ms-. Pas-kin's yright foot. While the boot vas net b broken, the socis vas cut sud the iustep a badly bruieed. At first Ms-. Pas-km sup. 19 POsed that smre acoundrel had set a e"dead fali for bis pasticular benefit, aud ntimated masntuch to theO oVUer Of the "Mystie,' but the maitter vas quickly explaiued by that gentlemian sud the osev vers oxonerated front al blame Mir. Parkin nov vaîka with a painful 1limp. Ou Thursdsy laut about savon o'clock an accident with fiai resuits occurred ai a barn raising on the fas-m of Ns-. George Smuith, Pleasant Point, M'tnposa. It appears a niumber of men voie in the mct af raisiug' the purline plate, sud un doing go veo suing s ver-Y beavy igreen pîke polo. Robes-t Diokeon wus standing on the stono foundation a short distance away at the ime, sud throving back bis hoad ta seee boy the plat. va. going ho seceivod a terrible blow front the pike- Paie, vhicb bad slipped from the bands Of the 1mou12Wboo reueinR it. Ho war. felled ta the ground, the fs-ont part of hi@ skuli beiug crushed in and the brain in. jured. Tho folloviug division of Victoria oouuty, as viii be seen by advt. else. vhes-e in this issue, bas been decided upan by tho commissioners, Jndge Wil. kinson of Leunoi, sud Judge Sinclair ai Lanark :-No. 1 diviion-Town of Lind eay, and thbe portion of the tovnship of ()Ps lyu wes;t Of Sougog rives-. No 8 Division-That portion of the tovnship of Gps lying oet of the Scugcg river, the tovnship of Erniiy and the village ai Omeme, No. 4 division-Tovushîpe of Ves-ulaw n sd Somerville and the village of Bobesygeon. No. 5 division-Tovu. ehip of Fouelan, Bezley, Laxton, Dighy mnW ongford, sud the village of Fenalori FailB. No. 6 Diviion-Tavnsbîp of Eldon, Cardon, Dalton sud the village of Mise Eva H oovr fa ea Goe MiiifieEs over.o oa-Gae Me mi'otb svisiting friendabse MiAin ntoti@eBotbk i iitn en Ms-. snd Ms-s. Jacob Pib. of Maskhin spent Sunday bore. W. J. Barkey sbipped a lad of fa boRa tua v eek. Ms-. F: F. Boothby left this veek on prospecting tous- ta Calgar-y, Didebur and other vestes-n points. Ms-. Gus. Jes-ma.n, vho bas been help ing cur taller, Ms-. Bootbhy, bau loft o A campany of aur youug people psid a e;pecial visit to Mr. F. F. Boothby on Friday eveniug laet. Tbey report a good ime. The threshing machine às beginniug iLs work bore this week. Mr. Ab. Wideman bas safely returned from hie western trip. Reoepeaks higb« ly of that Country. Mise Mina Rmymes-, of Vineland, vas visiting bers this week. Our generu.] blaoksmitb, Mr. Ed. Bootbby, vas on the sick liet thie vook. Ms-. MantIe, of Claremon:, in staying at Mr. Ah. Mantle'a thie wrsek. Miss Lee, of Goodvood, vas viNiting ber sister, Ms-s. Hayward, bore thie woek. M.and Mss. Isaac E. Chapman and Ms-. F. W. Williamson vos-o recent visiL- os-s at Ms-. Wisn. Sbeppas-d's. far d Ms-. A. Mos-sow's new shop is neaning inter campletion. ae Ms-, H. Pavesewva in Lindgay s-eont- dout ly. mos-z Miss Maud Clemence, Bovmusville, is vsitiug at Ms. Tho. Brmggs8. Ms-. Fletcber Chapman ps-eached ins the methodist chusch, Tyrne, Sundy veek. Mesurs. Rot.. Clemence and WiUl Cob- beldick visited in Necastle secetly. Rev. A. J. G. Casscadden, sou cf the ute James Ca-scadde, visited friend in th . s en sLantly. al anmbro M, a Mia.MsgiO McMartin, 27 Radenhurst 8t., Tornto, Ont, swearath".tRfcknm'a "Kootensy Cure» curd ber of Parajysig wbich rendered one aide ci ber cd eatirely useleun. Phyec*.n Mad there was otz of ber ever recoverng h~ use of bur lin ?H deaeted ber, but L-d&y ahe la valkig aound teffing ber fienda bow Rynkinan'--"KootenyCjr<ure -»gave ber lii e a.nd bappinega. ;Wor a l 0 8 bafrlae. W. Seymour Corley, ýNoa&ry Public. SWOR.N TATIIENT 0 AOFTu'j MOTMBa. Lanias White, nine yesra 0W, who anffered WUt Eczeina m"ce her birth, bau been entIrely cured and ber geaersj aovsem bufit up by Ryckmnn s Kootenay Cure." The &avoe facte are given ~in a swom Uat,. ment made by ber mother, Mie. George Wh, 139 Stinson St, Hamnilton, Ont., d&t.ed July a. 1896, betore J. F. Monck, Notary Public. A CONELNATION DISlTRMmg 5@ IÎTATEIIENT INASE. Ohre .Newman. 13 MrlboroghBt., Toronto On L, had a rmplcIan OU 0blaad troublas, Rheu. M&matjs veaKid ey trouble aad oooatpaýO,. Wa« trequenujy dsturbed at nicht, ot bi@ appetite@ snd wu a very aîck ma.n. Hie Kidoeys are nov in & basýjtbY cond ition, bis appetute good. &les, undia. turb.4snd constIp#Ation ured ; KUl h"s as dons by Ryckma.n'à KOot@nay Cure." He =mswova «tem.nîta hie above tactsb.iffi. J.W. s3onm Coriey, JuIy 1M, 1l9 Miss Eva Hoimes i. visiting Mauvers frienda. Mr- JOhn Pollon viuited hie parents re- cently. Mesurs. James Bruce and Joseph Fer- guson have been to Toronto. Mrs. R. Kerrigan is stiUl very iii. Mies Martha Johriston, Toronto, is viîmting her mnother, Mrs. James Holmes and daughters, Maude and Stela, visited Mr. John Johuston, Cadmus, Mr. aud Mre. George Nesbitt sud a few friends spent Tuesday at Waahburn lu- land. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott, Toronto,,'jai. ed ber parents, Mr. and Mrsj[J, Hughes. Mv.. Robt. Jobb gave a ui.Party, Wednesday. Mr. sud Mv.. Mutton vislitod at Mn, Baicy's. Mna. Howe viaited with Pahawa fniends A New Remedy in sr ~s a'Kstb sud theN Mte"ivsi lir vave ae Ofseis vhIobc.v..psoverli p»»ýOfti thé Ib Doisbuos iuthe-i« a~o iiesabIt ias1rn~mml t -i./~ a AT Pami1y eMddcine of the Âge. Taken Internally, kt Cure. Diarhoe, ram, ad Pain ln the OtmcSors Thmza guddera Colda, Cougha, etc., etcè Used Extemallyo t Cure@ Cuts, Bruis, Burns, Soalda, Opraina, Toothache, PaJin athe Face, Neuraigia, Rheumatiom, Froated Feet No article aver attained t lhu b nooded ilopuar. lty. -.gale,,Obwmrer. We cas bear teatmony ta the eaz of 94 5Pa"n 151ler. W. have san ia mmi, etalaoiuu e seYrest pain. snd knov h% to 5e good ih.0<ù, la bu mas melt su maofairemovhug a.o medido.ba so.ad eptation equai ta pais-9-va nàvMs' 8uSd aai'wbr.J botUe, 3ý. me L,îjuorU5<x ow own cncers. Mr. Wrn, Paterson anucunces biesmafE arrivai in the uorthwest, Mater Wilbert Powers je Iin, iti w4Jflw Wood won't burn unless air-oxygen-ls present. The food taken into the body must be united with oxygen before it can be consumed and give heat to keep the body warm. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver 011t, ith Hypophos- phftes, is one of the best fuel- foods. The cod-Iiver oit ob- tains its oxygen from the air and heat is produced. It warms, nourishes, invigorates, gives good blaod, and fortifies :Pgainst the p!ercing winds of fait and winter. The hypo- phosph tes tone up the ner- vous system and improve digestion. Scott's Emulsion prevents colds, coughs, con- SCOTTS EMULSIMN as bee endorud by tho medical profession for twenty yesr. (AMA yo~ dodto.) This s beause i l s lways pa atab t-..a y* u am (o -.slw ys oeam t&bepurm *N or qi sCod -hivr 0 3 and iyospiAtes. C u = pInfl50 cent and 8 i s s . The. maxi sEin av be enough ta cute YOW cough or help yeur babY. 5 o e 1 5 & o ' w u e ~B O f l. v I I eI , O a l t Dear Editor.-Plese u or yor reder it ilWritts teo omfidently 1I vil!ma inlua salsed letter, purilesa of a genu oumaI home Oume 4bwhlch I as poenafatlyentje- ed te h6ath &s ud uy vigor, Ule yunm of sufering frein serons debdty, aussi wéask- uma, 0!*Uht loOUS sd vomS obî unkur p i s. wus robbed sud svlu iedW ( b . u ok uh D.emy lest bfahhinu mflki ,httmukbeavs 1 amn nov veilvigorous»Isu troug .4 Ws te noise this oertaiu mesfs lcure b o.ai sufferera. I batom nl a à 40 n bu ensa riboUevÏrler et-, m&8 j e*Utwj f m e d drasîs sim0 -Pnned flt.-Nne 'but-"lsos vise ave W. nids osgm ut, ka o r b. spuso4saa loi i iaddStict wa Played, on.u"Tsnd à Néwcaaîle, and Oshavavas -4,10 nin it."ë Boumanville vwon lue pennant, thé $5o ser e.money sud the gate-e- ceiptii, whiçh auxountedl to another,$50. The boys vere accompanied froin tôva by_ a lange' numbe- cf entbusiastic 'rooters," the citizens'lband in their natty nev uaifos-ms and a number of promninent citizens, ail intenseiy inter- ested in the sport. Thé' Bovmanvilie teant vas made up of Messr-s. C. Kent, W Wllcox, A Mingeaud, C McClung, C Morrison, A Bennett, F Ganait, Waite-s and Malone. Wilcox pitched two innings and then v as succeeded by Cas-i Kent whc excelied bimself.' He held Oshawa down ta 5s-uns in 6 ini- nings and really von the game. But bis support was gcod ail round and Oshawa vas easily outplayed even if they did change their pitchers every other innings. They made a great ef- fort and faîled and they are flot likely to soon forget their b-eating. Stapie- ton Bone and Cinnamon pitched for thent and Simmons vas bel:lind the bat. The score was 24 to r6 witb an innings ta spare for Bowmanville. Among the sensational piays vos-e Biliy Wil- cox's home s-un and Alf Hennett's run- ning catch. Ms-. Bert. Brent umpis-ed the game. Our boy-s got a rousing welcome when t'nèys-eturned to town. Di, .1. FaKixomo. Ocsîva, cs-. - Car-toria, "Cuatorla la so wel 1 adapted te eblldron lta I secammed It ansopes-tor tosny preacrpti knovu to 112P" il .A. LAseuzuIL D, 1110-. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y "Our pisyBicla-nu in thechlldrou'u dep.r. ment have spoken highly cf tiseir expert. suce i hir I-culaispractlce vill ter and aitheuge voonly bav caorb4ns mnedO IcsPPlias vhal la kuowu as rgola prodocta, 7y e are fr o e e eni th"bitlis meritu Of Castes-a s wvan us o bo i v laves- upoU 112' Us-an Noapff.x An DeURMWaâar ScarborotMyteay Saturday evening the badly deoom- Sposed body of a man wau fond in Levi Aunms' field, just to the Southb of the iKingston road, sud notoeany yards es of the Washington oburcb. The man was fairlywell dressed and cdean ahaven, Hie foot were &aet in the fenoe, and there was a terrible bruine on the back of bis head. lI hie pocket>. were found papers from which it wus learned th'tt bis Dame was James Grass, of Frankford. Dr. Sis- ley, coroner, wau notified, but deemed an inquest unneoessary, as there wau no ap- parent indications to warrent the ides- of foui play. Theo-body was preparod by unaertaker Hanter and buried in the Washington cenietery. Newapapors containing reporte of the aad affair were eeen by B. Grapuo, an ex- tensive contractor, of Trenton, Who con- ooived the ides, that the unfortunate was hie nephew, and reaebed Scarboro, Mon- day nigbt, when the body was- exhumed and promptly identffiod. The romains we«e enelosed i a metallo oseket and ouveyed et by the uncle. Te mns Bd etory is briefiy this: Gilbert Grass wae the only child of a well-to-do farmor of Frankford. He was alwayu well supplied with mouey, and froin cbildbood wbatever he wanited ho reeeived. For some yoara ho belpedIse father on bie farm, but later became a olerk in a dry goode Store. Wben about 17 yoars of age ho feU into the company of some youag fellowa eider than bimeeli wbo wore given to, frequonting tioo often the neigbboring taverne, and ho graduai- ly developed drinking habite, which gain- ed tbe upper baud. Owing to the bard limes and the de- preciation of farm property the eider Grass bad of aite to curtail expenses snd thinge did Dot go. a smoothly sa efor. On the. day bftr the eleotion the fatiior had te go to a neigbboin village on business and asked bhie son lu look after the place during blà absence.- Young Gv>*, u»for$1 4vgot iièbriatod sud on bis ah',etr aro eued Whou the worda. weuo eux 1h.jouth, for he vae only 26 ye.rs 01, »Se aMW for sorne money '8d îhorS togo -o Belle- youg m oMsss& 4 tue* wli.r.ie.oe get Meianti heft h ous 16,aj pRved, %rtrdt ot aiv e re H. vas Md.p iii a Moeou tm> ber.U ...Housev %WA5e n*A. Warm Air Genom't.' b a m a't Ipra, uttl nive mo. e se vitE. fris f iàl h meut durabie beater Ma&e. Tet Kda #1 fire pot beng 1 ,smace0 Cif "eV"erai nplhe tabula, corustde fr05 ~ : se:%. aeco rd wWLa,.e pesaeasdop irosi wihe cedoàsae whie bein5 Ia ud-,d ibs enm sectlo ~~down ootalde cf pdsig olsm mèepipe, l i tor wU g ek tha PU suep btweetbbigaeeoui galeanzed fkms esbsibis plh Ie "le"bus thrie timeamor nayFur.. The" uuq baga Tbe lesy e"vilhezoeomsO* The"Keiae-" ldoabsothom 76" suU h IRE JARES, I Fh Go., !Mu BRYAN- & SON DUNJ~&~ s~, wm~»x~.y~ 1$ 't Il ul»bmtoclL f, ', , - - m UNDER OATH 1 Castoria. Cuta Io an excellenit medieo!sofoo, chil- n.Mothers have repeatedly tld rme of 1h. d ect aupon tisais-cildreol Di. G. C. Oseocu, Love ,Mau CâmStora inthe beut resn2dy for- lîfdres af 'h I ais acqualntsd. I hope the day la not lIstant wheu mathera vl1l consder the rea re af thefr childrn, and one Casgma - . l of thevahloasquack nostrnnuwhic are 'oylng tssus-love euby fos-ouo, pimo, aaothuug ayrop snd othe hurtUui 2M dowu ia-teir s-osti, thereby aed-ng to PI'0ma5us-gravèe Castorilà laDr. Sainuel Piteher'st Pre.crlpllon for Juuhus and blidren. 1$ coutaLqs neither qxaiun4, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It la a barmless substtut, for Parefforlo, Drope, Sothlng SyrUP1, andi Castor ou.ý It le Pleasaut. ItS guarantee la thlrty years'luseby MKillIOns Of Mothers. Castorla detxoys Worms and allay feverishness. Castorla prevents vomittng sour Curd., cure.Dlarrhea and Wind Colle. Castorla relieveg teethlng troubles, cures Contipat'ou and flatulency. Cantorla assirnltates the foodg reguiaf-es the Sto'nauh and boweia, glvlng healthy and - natural sleep.1 Cas. toria la the Children's Panacea-the. Motlier's Friend, AltoniL 84 c dren. good

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