Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1896, p. 1

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«VOL# xxxx. Dig AI;ortimsmonl Isnt :1ýPcsarY ta tell YOU that we keep thse purest drugs. The g,(<)ds speak for thenîselves. Here are some fresh ['<MSALTS. arrivais:1 NU(IILLE SALTS. IN}(VPOWDER <Pi-RF.) (SOU ~NID and WHITE SPICFS. ýÀ11\lST ANDi DRUCGIST, WHITBY9 - - - ONTARIO. 400 $1.00 for Barley WC iI Pal Above Phice for smnall quantities to enable us to make our samples. Not more than one peck taken rm anv one farm Immediate ::Delivery. J. H. Downey & Co. OFFICE: MARKET BUILDING, WHITBY. Ilouse-cleaning time 18 here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown befor;, froni 45C. uP, WVe usel1be best hand painted opaque shade cloth, wlrb Harrahhorn s spring roller. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to sec aur latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 3oc. each. Our baby carrnages are ail of the latest de- sig ns. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are taking special pains ta combine elegaiice witb economy in price and general utility. Our stock is complete in House Furnishings. We invite buyers ta corne and see us. It will save money. Lea.ding Undertaker,- LOCAL NEWS, LETTERS.I OsmaxîcLE ocauzspaxnaulcz. i -domm--*, 1 E Z T RW~n I2 IQuite a numnber frot» here atiendedth ie Ea jeJO 'ON9' quanienly service at Kinsale on Sanday.1 BROOK ST., WHITBY. Established 1849. Whîtbý Steam Maîble and Giariltc Woîks, Dundas *St., WH ITBY. Chas. H1 Sm3L (Fonnerly Wolfenden Works.) Ifm- porter and Dealer in MARBLX A"~ GRANITE MONUMliNTSý lhic., of the latesi material and deuigns. Al kinds of Cemetery wark.. Our work guaranteed. J""SEND FOR DESIGNI AND ]PRIcE WANTED General Agent and one or tva Local "0t Agents ta represesi the Home LU. Associa- r. tion af Canada lu, Wluby and viclnÎty. be Apply to GEO. B. WOODSe Supeliteii- dent of Agencies, or ai ibis office. Toronto, hMay I«il. j&». FALL WIREAT 8EEDi A lirited quantlty of E.rly Gene.. GiM#i seed for sale ai e.reaspambk pnice 'TW On- tario Agricultural obd ExpeuiuýtAI union have fousd ibis to b. me 'écf iii.ê'ery hardst and stiffest straWedsd ifptx tve grown ln the Province. Min.. 0 Il.J!,SPECER PELINCE ALUNE? Miss E. Dodds laspending a fev days ut Os- awa. Miss Garrow, of Toronto, la visiting Mmm. J. Lang. Mms McFanlyn bas becs very iii but la. ne are glad ta boum, recoverng. Tise Misses Landers. cf Tyran., are tise piesta of Miss Pauline White. Mr. A. R. West spent Monduy vith bis brother, Mr. J. F. West. Mrs. R. Arrntrug vsbasbubeen W iii i<in- flammtion ta on tise mcsd. Miss Lizze Dodds and Miss Raciel Turner are vztisg Iriends on the Islas" Miss Pauin Wiite isis9ne on a vWt. Sise is aoeompavied by a lady iniesd. Mr. mud Mms.Frank Alun. of Stnantonvie, apet Sanday ai Mnr, & Ballours. Miss Risoda Epten snd UMn.. Ramslet on Satureay so vwst ÛMiessnOsbavs. MlE . 1 om Scs veeledta QuIt hos Tuosdsy Qbe eiton aud m s luen c Sringo bdin Gu spadlm gs ai«t 'vernis. r nre tise egnof iMiss EthlMcCullee. Min 9Lizdie ad Miss Maud Stabbiack, of Be.- vertos, vers vlsilng as Mn. S. Virlenybuma veel. Mî issBrdez, of UÂndsay, sud Mn Ioula Dauels, af Mauciseser speat -Suaday vib Mins E. Foy. Mr. 1. P. Wst vise vas, eatiy bsumt ont a bofone ssanslnpbuàius apga cae a s tp $mul Ste Mai. maiStR hurd Bemq bu pnncJsased nev yeé aMd byibte prgraS'la minmtiii *b Se a~soslshudr rbeblinssOaitise ttruisl achne u Md . lon".Xmuy of tbe fmser ar hum , lll unos -sg or f ibe Rtv. Mri, "mhrIl aae pleaseltnpaitIà7rewmir g fnoaseriousau ý ofC 1p1110 foe. M I M t ,ay- » tO go, sa~ ci? Ibsade 'y. k Bird p, ~ aa4 vay. Miss laiti Scott is visiting iu Lindsay. Mn B Ketchen vas home oyen Suday. Tise Rosebank campens bave ail returserd hoe.. Mise, L B Holliday is viaiting witu fiends lu Ripley. Mns Allovay, Pickering, is visitlug ai Mn M Burroughis'. .Mn W Gill.i ai Tarante, spent Suuday lasi at his home ber.. The achool-heuse beU wvaa re-isung lu thse nen belfny on Menday, Miss Cain, af Toronta, is visltiug ber friend, Misa Mary Neal. Mn John Robsas bas -becs vlaiting ilende lu Hamnilton for a fev days. Tuesday, tue r8tu mast., la tthe date select- ed fer the Royal Templan gardes party. Mn Geo HoUiday bas becs avay fora few days on s trip to Taronte sud Hamilton. Mr F W Hodson, edion of the Farmeus' Advouat, Landau, bas becs bhm folt a few daja. M ndUnsD Dufour are bacis fnom Ot- tawa, where they bave be living minc Misàs tisel snd jessie Haliday bave. ne- tmcd from s tva veekastvi= Tarant.ý fMentis. Ur lames jSper, of ZlAndon u, 'sbee* hoeeon s vsslta b>Ie'.aubp, Mn. 9KJE Spencer. Ur R X Robmsou; V; Sliés returbeoÇ 'tom frtNewVo sta*tei :to zibs tf -auhontilmenmmèF. -ý Thse dogs are keepiug up their iiavoe amongtise se;ep. About tes days ago iisey g niti Mn Henry Sonley's and warnied fftee of tise isqîleue creatunes five of which have ince ýied. On Sunâay nighi Mr R Micisuel'. flock wus iuvuded. lu tle latter tase ane of the doge vas cupturedi. Tise tpwnship muiton bill la runsîsg up fai.Zr Micisuel'es seep vere in ose of his» , t Wbitby fields ao tisai aur townshsip wilÏ li exempt from tis daim. Mn. Jobs Dwyre bas purcisased a sew ongan. Severul ai the boys vent ta Audley Tues- day nigisi ta play football with the Audiey teams. Tise Misses Dale ai Taranteoi'are spendisg their isolidays with tise Misses Rogers, ta tise east ai is. Misses Lyens and Pape ai Osisawa, visiieti witis fiends ln this vicinity tise early part a tise week. Thé Honey social in connectian with tise ladies' aid was a grand success. Proceeds armounted a littie aven Sa 5.. Owing ta quunterly' meeting, at Kinsale last Sunday there vas ne church or Sunday school hene. A good mnany froia isere ut- tended tise meeting at Kinsale.. Tise officia] board meeting ai tise metho- dist cisurch was held on Monday evening. A great amaunt of business wus donc and stili there is more ta do. Tise meeting vas adjourned until next Monday. Mn. W Gi Gleesan having secured a situa- tion in Deer Lodge city, Montana, let for tisere Tuesday. Walter vas a generul favor- ite with aid and young, and isad a greut mnany friends who join in wishing him a sale journey sind a happy and prosperaus hIfe. In isis departure tise foot bal boys las. anc of <hein best phayers. Tise night previous ta his leaving betvecn forty and flfty ai tise young people gathered ut bis homne ta sper.d their last evening with hlm for a wisile ut least. Thse G F B Club presented hlm with an address and silver watch as a slight token ai remembrance ai tise many pleasant <imes ise has spent witis thern. Tise follow- ing is a capyaf- the address - Mr. W. G. Gleeson. Dean Friend-We bave gatisered here this evening ta express aur regrets tisat yau have decided ta leave us fur tise fan dis tant tavn unden tise Stars and Stnipes, and ta assure you tisat you take witis you aur very earnest wishes for your*welf'ane and happiness. We aIse beg of yau ta accept thissmall present, and ve knaw you wili i prize the gift for is associations, nos for its intrinsic value, for it nepresents feelings and sentiments wisich time and distance cun neithen change non dim. Let it remind ynu af tise high esteemi in whicistise givers isald vour character and remnemben ht is a spon- taneous oflering ai <ime attacisment and re- gard. We can flot say good bye without re- gret, and thene is a tarewell ta you lu cacis of oun heurts mare eloqueint tisastise lips ai any ai us can uatter, 50 we close <bis feeble attempt ta express aur feelings by wising you a sale and pleasant jaurney ta your des- tination, and sincene hope tisas you rnay sometime return ta us witis youn heant and isealti tise same as visen you leave us. Signed on behaît aiftise G F B Club. F W Meen, R E joisnstan, Hl E Stevensona, M White. BUmoiJG.m Miss Lydie Littlejohn und cousin, Mn Harris, af Chais Laie, Sandayeti ut home. Miss Polly Sandraon and a frîn iVisiteti w iti Mn Tisas Sandenson. Tise young peoples' meeting is to be led I y Mn John Phillips. Mr and Mrs Hendensan wene calling an aid frienda hast week. Miss Emma Lîtlejohn la lliving ut James Tarrunces, Markisam. Mr John Mclntyre is sick. Mn. Jas. Hogle is under tise docton's cane. Miss Jewell-bas retunned ta ber borne in Port Perry. Dr. and Mrs. Walken, ai Torante, calleti on Dr. Bateson anc day last weei. Miss Fassie Pisillipa bas netunneil fret» Osisawa. OREEN21ANE. On the 301h imat, thse vile of Alex. Lee of a son. Thse uneartbly vi of Wall Ward's whlstle is aguin ta be beard. Haresting infu labsai. Nearly al the grain wili b. ready ta ceut uis week. Visitons:- J. bicCorquldale. of Orillia; Misn Bell, Zephyr; Miss Leask, Toronto. Birt;h. We ent in a few items last week at thse usa] turne but by sorie meas rb4y fatiled ta appear ln thse CHRONICLI. {(They vine toc late for luet issue, but appear tbis week on another page.- ED. CH.) Alex. says il Is ail rsght. but if h. had bad bis cispice it would bave becs a girl. He, inteuds ta brlng them up ta vote the gnit ticket every rime, and has no doubt but one cf <hem viii le able ta taise rbe premliershîp sornee Urne in the future. Airer a long spel cf duil times in the division tiser. is bapes thar a revival viii be warked up. E lernison and A. %win are tise captains of a conteur which is expectcd ro enlives thse meetings. Captais Ewins sde opens finne axr Sarurday nigbr. so ir would be well for thse members ta tuTn ut inrlfull force Since the old metisodist chuncis vas pulled down thse congregatian have worshipped in tthe little frume church, but it bas been faund to be toc smail tor comfort. Tise difllculty bas becs solved by the presbytrian afficiais oftening rthe use of their cburch. Sa unril tise new cburch is flnished <bey wril hold service there on Sunday eveniags wben Mr. Leitch wiii preacis. During the hotîday scason especiaily nisene are many vWators going and coming wbose naines we bave not been able iang t and sorne ray tbink itstarange that sa and so bas not been mentioned. Now it, is no secret as ta wbo the Green ban k correspondent is, and if any one bas any items of this description or any other sewg would tbey kaadly let it be known and ve wouid be ouly t00 pieased to send ir in for publication. CEDAE DAIM_ Mrs. D Riordan has removed ta Oshawa. Toronto frîends are visiting with Mrs Phillips. Miss Addie Ferris is visting friends in Burke- ton Mr. J F Bethour of Taranto is in la tovt vis<uing fnends. Miss L. Ksap? af Toronto, is visitinR witb ber aunt, Mrs. M F, lercher. Mr. 1. Tbornpson, wha has been very il for sorte lime, is slowly reeavenig. Mir. L 1 Caryell is camfortabiy located in bis new residence, Esplanade si. Tise movisg oc- curred an Saturday last. Mnr. John Shipman had a valuable borse kil. ad n thse public crossing about a mile east of Oshawa nction station on Sunday p. m. by western express. The carnmusity vas sbocked ta heur of the death of Mr. j O'Connor of Oshawa Wednesday norng. He was weli and favanably known in thîs vioinity for a namber ai yeans.. Ble fanmenly llved ia Pickering. A warisman namied Dafoe, wha was operatinq on tise Henry fruit bouse gai a nasty faau acrose the iran rails of the siding leading ta that build- ing an Friday last. He îs able ta be around again, however. An cari y roving af campons tram Dernili rcad reson took place on Monday morng about t*o o'clack. The irnnedias.ecauseof tise iuruied, »mmnovals as yK iom jeîn, umw ~é%akIt W,' dearble tai smarnt Ieast. Constable Goadmnan badl bis kem suspicions araused anc evening this wvei, vises h. notioed twa ratiser smail boys accompsnied liv a mucis langer ose, enroule westward, and upon enqulry they stated Toranto was their destination. After inucis cross questiasing il vas asoeîained tbat tise langer boy vas leuding tise others ta To- ronto awuy tram thein home at Port Hope. ise former evidennly was a snember af tise amateur trump organization tram Rochete, N. Y. Con. stable Goodman lok chsarge of tise tva amuller boys and made the neccsaary arratngements ton tiscir retuns ta their parents us Port Hope. Tise langer ana upon tise advice of Station Master Kain, stanted on tise rn towards Tornto along the base fine. Mise E Gutbnlie spent $unUay in Pickser- ing. i Rev McDoaald called bere os Tuesday. He preacises isere an Sunday. Football. Éâsteras out ln full-force; westerns, tardy. Resait. estens ahead by ane or two. W. expeci Mn Madili bouse ibis week sud bope he will be filled wiîh good ideas fret» yankee 1usd. MisJennie Bell, of Alvision, la visiting isene. Hen grandasotber, Mrs. Bell, la veny Iow ut preut. Visitons : Sam Bray andi sons, of Taras. to; D Hubsci and the Misses Fraya, af Myrtle, ut Mn Bray's. It waald oblige tise people very mach If smone e ould laventsmrn ew citas nords. Sa many limes ne heur tiseoaths se cosmon tisai we long for vunlety. We bold ibat i a young mas (?) cannai taiS on discuas vithout seusoning bis lauguage witb sncb Interjections, hecsisould keep isa asuti clased. IOU000. Rev. J.H. Maliett vas in Wbithy an Snday filling Rev. Tisas. Manning's pulpit. Mass D. Bolton, of Toronte, spent a fev days on Scugag lust week, tise garni cf Miss Julia Williams. Mr. Henny Collins is rnaking extensive irn. pravernents on bis farn by building stone stables beneatis bis barn. Mn. Faster, of Novan. vas buslly engagcd lu reseving aid acquaintances on thse Island last wecis. He seems as bale as ever. Mr. Wanrnmau bas etarned frorn Feterbaro visere be bas beau spending a few veeiss. We are glad to sce hlm vus us again. Miss Sadie Pningle, af Sutton, spent last veek on tise Island as tise gucst aI Mrs. Nelson Poster. She retunneil ta ber home en Taesday. Mn. Wmn. Redrnans nov bouse lsaslmoet coan- pipted and it greatly improves tise appeanance of tise Head. It is a fine loaking dwehliug, second se nase os tise Islansd, Thse flnst qaarterly meeting aI ibis year vas iscld in tise centre chancis lait SaI.busl mrnng, Rev. Tisas. Mansning. B. A., of Wisithy, officia:- ang. Ho preacised a practical and claques: dis. coursefrnm Matt. 1626. ise service vas ans of grreat biessing. About 85 teck tue sacrarnent of tise Lord's supper. wIC Tise folowing, taises fromn-tie Claremoni colmitof tue Pickering Neye, wiil nov be iterqting ta Brooklin reud"x -tts regu~ meeting of tie ejpwanrti league lu thse 1 ttodist chuancisno ay evening1 tise 1 ignation of Mrs Z R Eiddy, as presi- dent~ reluctanily accepted, as sse blist fiheft position for searly twa years witu cned tobherseif and profit te tise society. Fer. "ia sncb zealous services sbauld ivt unnoticed, tue above lady was pre- sent 'witb a isuntsome easy chsair, a bea uiul photo-gravure and a seat pain ai napkis rings. Miss L Cooper nead su up- prapniate uddress, wbich, in a befitting way,, expressed tise regret of ail tisat ci-i cuinstances wele mach tisat Mn Eddy vasg about ta leave fornsew fields cf labor. Rev Ieggott occupied tise chsair, f?,snoaia, ailded mucl:to tise intenest af tise miscehîsu- ecus guthernsg. Mn Eddy responded ta tise #.ddness in a very feeling vuy, tis is. ccnity ai ber expressed regrets ut parting bein vnyevident. W. ail jais a i is. ing n suZd MmsEddy sand famil y a long and happy future. Tise pu pils of tisis section, and parnts1 as Weil, deeply regret tisai Mn and Mrs Eddy bave sevened thecm cannection with us and remnoved ta Brooklija viere iisey have becs appointed icacisens of tisai scisool. Tucsday cvessg iiscy vene invltcd ta tise scisool bouse visere t bey vere met by tbeir masy veil Wiabers, compesed cf botÎ aid and yang. Reeve Gerow vas called te tise chair. Suitable addnesses were muade by Dr. Brodie, F Hutchison and tise isaimman. Duning tise evening Mn Eddy vas presented watis a iassdce gold chai, and Mrs Eddy vas donated a beauti- fuI gold watcis guard. Following is a copy ai tbe sdde& tisai was read lu cannectias wit, tise presestatias Dean Teacies-It is v1h feeling cf regret tisai ne tise pupils and ex-papils of Claremont public scisool, vie* tise break is tise ties tisai bave bound us during tise pasi five years. During ibese years y ou bave neyer neglected your duties taw-ard us aIl your enengies were expesded for eun acivancemeat. We shall even look bact ta tise scisool as a place of pleasune, soyorkindness and umiability bave se renjéer . Our stadies have becs bri h ene4 by youir patience and isdustry. Tqe gift - we offen you are nic inh love, gratitude sud respect. Pieuse acccpt these gifis sud witli theni aur united hopes tisai youn lives wili ever be as happy as yau have made ours Witb tise souvenirs permit me, an behif cf tisose I represent, ta vush yau heuRShappinesand pnosperity. Signed on besahf ai tise scisool, Miss A. LEAPER, MIS# IDA PUGri. Mr Eddy responded on beh*lf of Mns Eddy and himseîf, cxpncssing thse *!ahs tisai hein muny Clanemoni fienda would continue ta prosper. TSey were ex- cet-dlngly boath to leave bebmnd tueru so munlt*vans fienda. Thse basdsosne watch chaùlès would serve ta retnînd tbem in tutu*S years of tise massy fientis tbey left bhld insutuis section. Miten viewing tue Dr. Huilersd pmny are luneamani' nov,. <bey bad a natier rougis sud usplessat voyag "moa Nev Yori. Mis HiWr jolined <-be ata la"dand sulatraMveli hbiepon tse cen Dr. JuU a Tornas, Tortomti iss Fr.panoça RadinasDouit Midi,, iuIldbore mosd"ycol, lises ;a; bacS froKoiresi-sd Npovle Qu.e b vsea;bey bavme 1"an uooetbe et lili vlth Mus. L. aesadî G. de « Cob dm. gve s ispourse b -if te edaiw.'dBà lSwsw el oov D byierg u nloo pa d bwt. Mn. lU gela , 444Mv rd> NO~ 96 ID Ol X~U5t5t@ oemn~ pubIk~ visa bey t viii ~ib~sD~ liotal top For &941 or, tep liéet WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AJJGUST 7e 1896. Evcrybody la busy harvesting sow. ise grain viii b. seaniy al ont tisis veci. Tise road sertis ofsownnewly tumspikat is b e- ing gnavcied. Tis is l mretiinc needed. The fuserai cf tise hale Dolly Stripe, cof Black. vaser. toci place ta tise hurliag ground Scie os Mouday. A fair nurnber vene present cansider- mng tise busy t"res. Rev. J. M. Cameron and famlly are away at presesi spending <lires or four waeis iolidaysai St. Caîbenines The Rer. M4 1ls,À, To1 osto, ta offlciuting durng bis absence, A numisen afimsttle tibis locàlliare shiected vi smre kind of a coniaagfous - 0#ethtie efel. Tise diseuse continues io aprçî4 sud no' rea"ey or prevntatIve isla f beanalis, M re- rmedy <brougis isecolmua oftis, , -, - U.<oeomber- vii. viii h bsniuy reoezved by Made. Mnr. B. Viatine, c~i ùddon1sià issli.4 aUb Rie -à B".. iho' cisasappeauta tobave dose viÎl. Nvero- ie"s ose quarem at mbrlugs a-clau te s$c"a stage tisatit beglsto -cevtmm reIs sl tisewefeusTheb.Proposi is nov maoacon- tilue tisa slugiug ochol saior qwansd va hope ibis may be doue. OEL Canad: arn. aIl st.atî, and Ont, 1 j ily 21 hswest ut1 19. 29,s ER, uti yen, Etc, ail - ýph'o d Diti Ill thi T1%e little fous e'nlsgtie Baud -of fupe had a plaicin Mr, CasTaylor's gnovesoth', Of tise eavn Ist Frldsy afierucon. Severat af tise Parens andsd f an sd thse ladies visa ie carneat temperauce variera lu tise WÇT U wceal»oprseut and sehped the lluie Pelt& bave a pleasant altersoon's outlnge lhie bad ta their iseurt's cntent, in gamue, etc., siter,-' visici th"ey ailst do»s snd bad refresismeais, On FIrday eveuiug las 4bout 7y0o' clok, Mn, F N Poole, pisotograpiier, af Tala, breds'ro-, bout frorn the Pari bout iscas. lHe vse bttb ChanelIsland. llgisr eeper about 8 o lock about a mile sentis of tise pler rowing toward Port Elgin. Tisa rovisoaut vs' opdni yesterday about six miles out in tise laite hy thse schooner Coronet, nud brougisit to<bis port Mr. Poole's cap sud caut sud cen ar ver. in tise boat. Tisebat had 'n ai.vter 1*kMr., Pool. as supposcd ta bave faIMen verbîd d - becs dnovned. It isfasionable ncvdays ta taise abheader or dip in our pretty body cf vuter. A fer dgys agoa aprominens lundiord in îowu vWho ys even-incis.f'lm-ls-auolr-boy, vas go-Ue for asalvýth anotber person. andise to M <bat a schooner lu Luise Ontario vas fsfr tisas a yacht on Seugog laie. He vas valhl%.n uaund tise mutstanadinasome Manner net iw, actly knovn he vas heading for the buttais of thse laite. He vas weil boptized sud bat té go, borne vithout tise pleasurable sal ho anticipsted. For information upply ta tise Ralrosd House. Fred Allun, visa bas becs in DavlsWdrts store for smre drne, leit on Tuesduy for tis-sU. S. se continue in tise drug business vus basq brother-in-lav us Ernretsburg, Iova. Fredli. ane cf tiss.boys viso vis a credit ta CMr toWu._-, Ho vas oais quiet, rescnvcd nature, but was vonsisy youug mn, and bis masy youug- frieudsç ia tovn wvus vhomn he vas a favorite regret to sec hlm leave. As it vas ta bis future succeas hi g ces te, bis nev borne vilS mie bcrty gond, viii and visises o! bis nmerons fdùl nboéh Pbd onytd ase Kiekapoos Klck-s-peesud. DetectIve Wasson, of tise Ontauio eiu', Council, puld a visista oPart Penny ou -a "aiig(> excursin d se Mancisester on aàmeical itusr on) Juir eantsd wvu a go-betveia gai <4'1 Fred Lpxington to diagnose tiscirpécullr U meurs (?) and cf course Prof. Lexngtq'nnde. siood <heïrInum seansd prescribedKosl. Sacqua. Prof. Lexlngm a aeuPiIO vain and bandcd hins a plece o! bine PÈ speetfnfy neqnestlng tise plmeasofis"PM before Magistrat. Noi aît 5 udy(eu~ At tise appoismcd dîme a saal uie cd ut tise ton hall, sud smong fisose priment~ vere tise magistrute, OrovuAîesy1aew1, rho roseuteafor tise detective. t.ayr èbr tise defence, Détectives Wammou éd a»d bis go-betweefl ThomsSud a, ee visitera. vas plâtnlyscstisat visn *W-, detective and bis vituessjhad Ri dm& fr *9l . îiat the «1Prot " hadsno defnic. Aftps-obsý sultàtion betvee tise la y,.dietev défendant, il vas a e.*ga teLu ir plead gullty sud asiior isetpaoiwy aftisa- os accouai ais finit of.sc. aefie. court vas f lai' PS4C.F'd oncb. -*a sud $,1ocua1vsdvuifeýt frnc titis out Pro.te*liiewl Cisaryof gÇvlutàdvlce ta peôple Wlib thlseje. oio.sdows; 0 oeêt*aÇ w iLrl-- GVY & 00., grain bujere. DBamlL, 6. - Iuwucerro. siags Lienets nosl4em. opposite Tovu all, Brookila W A MoNELty, D V S.-Graduste of thée On- tario Veterlnary Collage, Torono; Bonomy moniber of the Ontario Medbi B ociety. Trest Uil ilfthédisse iie m«estaid a-t-ils by thse mont auoeoved motbod. Aima and denilstry. Day or nigisi Cais PMf attended to. Orne. and résidence bklils, Offéarto. rB. Duncan, mierchanttiailore- bas secured the. agency for the. Oshawa Steam Laundrj#. Laundry wi I ave hup sbop Gcm TIsursy mornlng, and wiil be returned on Saturday.~ Ail work guaranteed uatltaciory. Hasig &Mansera, Oshawa Steam LanÎndry.--iLtf To clear out thie bnanmce of, SUMMER GOODS: we wifl give speclal înduceMnts, to., buyer durng this monh. Men's buf»* Veimi..-~.we*$Z, noWl$r65ý Ucyle wetm,.'.. vert1 nov 83C Me'eCus Soks W....4 au 5 Mei> asEoi,....vre$L0 ç= W8E

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