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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1896, p. 2

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Reoulte.AstOilIsh MIEN 0r SCIENCE. Sansa. AYERSparl A MEDICINE WJTFIOUT AN EUL Statement of a Well Knowua Doctor " Ayer's Sarsaparillaia without an equ.1, as a blood-puriller ani Spring me(lcille. an,, cinnot have Pralse enougb I have watt heti P3~ effects ini chronic cases, where other &reatme-nt was of no avail, and have beeti astonished at the results. No other blood medicino that I have ever used, and 1 have tried them al Is 3o horough In Its action, and effects so many permanent cîr's as ' Ayer's Sarsaparîula."-..Dr. H. F. iMEFRItILL, Augusta, Me. Aye's'lSasapailla-C Admitted at the World'. air. Ape r'la Pilla for lUver and bowelg. Mise Ida Patterson in with Toroi Alex. Bowes and wrfe visited at F, Perry on Sunday. Tobias Caster sbipped his first cargo clover seed on Monday. Thos. Wilson ba& aompleted bisa prenticeehip with M r. Tbring. F. Lawrence, of Whitby, waa bote ov SUndaIy wit bhis grandfather. The baptist frienâs are having thf paw soate upholetered this week. Mts. William Coultice spont the pi week witb Groonbank frieads. YMr. and Mr@. Eddy movod their hous, t bold affecta to Brook-in "al week. M'es Crooke, of Toronto, in with Fru Cis Sodea and famly for a short visit. ,Mise Campbell, of Gelph, is haro wit ber brother Robert, of th. C. P. R. sec tion. Wra. Dowwell is rapainting hà roi donc. which improves its appearan< M2Ucb. J. H. Bady and wifé, of Pickering were bore on Tueaday cailing apoi friands. Miise Jassia Gerow Ieft for Winnipeg on Moaday whara site will spoad a fev inontbs. John Diokie, of PickerinR, was herE Tueedav and visitedm yplcso Football praetice on Satarday evening. Ail old playere are requeoed to be present. Geo. Reesor and wifa,1 of Locust Hill, wara haro Sunday with Roeva Gerow andi family. Mrs. Crooker and Misa White, of Buf- falo, were barea mat woak with W. Dowe. wall and wifo. M4r. Leaper has hadi a wail sunk at bis now rink. Th-e building wili now be * pnshed te completion. B. S. Palmer ià raising hie stable and * building a atone baseniant bonaath, aiso increaaiag its ,capacicyconsidrably. Miss Mary Duan, matron cf thse Blind Institut. at Brantford, is haro this weok witb bar brother. Thomas. Dan, for a short vacation. Josephs Slack bas beaua appointod bayer at Lise Gooda elevator "tBi eaeon. [hes elevator in receiving a considerable repais. ing t"isweather. Miss Lena Wrilson'has ratnrnad froua Visîting friende at Soarboro jiinction. 8h. wuaS companied hy ber oousin, -Viss L. Wilson. of çhe ateWho e v apend a fortnigit hore. ~ ul qhje ~.iss ome Çalk of- ThpgS Pg 6v4oting ohrooaQ 4thse statin b.las! W4 é.w. $oldi appJidtoh.(.. M, Co. for a sitoe M.'Pghid D o suten. or t. tise (armers LU gsI ality. Tobims Micboll's te=n Iook friglit at $hbo ation Mdondfy anid Zana vy op tise Zbon.of t rig~ Aithongis the aonal- rau for ooasi*iorbIe dùisacet no dmne waa d= ot-,Oither horses or. àt t ý eeigof thoe pv uOfM .R B olt* i 1 v a of à fasw ap. cen Ver bee, ben eir er. aSt M han 2- Ira Lt preà bees I- M ce Suai JO] ~* bore Mr ie boa w ing0 ,e On and f row i had b trio fi tise he cents-e or@ of by dri cos-Laiu Mai 1JeweU, te mi haVe a badly1 the bu, aemititk abued, ji of tise cut intc very Psi tit im Viz : Jiu are to lb raspondi .eWOUo Sir- Oi Ce give they are maost fit Psao., a t0y vil hp«> lu' c0o~~ CAT LO UE OR ME SKNG. tR m TII[ 600LD IDICYCLL GO LiD rU AUDLS lai _oip lsi sse. TAUNTON. (To lie orZet isu.)On Tuesday two gente in a top buggy Farmers through here have started Six rigs of Indians froua Scugog Is. Richard Priekarin, of Myrtia, vsited and laading anothes- buggy boitind werit harvest, crops being fairly good, con- land p9ssed through town on Tuesda) ends haro Sunday. eastwarci along Main St., but tbey had sidering t ed o g t o nn , b u d f r S to ,t ii M.an:d Mra. Ts. ~Puckarin @peutnt rced marnny roda until the 8 lit utt her.W. rouganha. mrnig, ouonfo Sheon tovis re. onwkaichfrihnds indMsfoloed parcnaonhwMr.hW.hVivian basobeen onrthershck their kino teSicereserve, and NfsàNlleRalo BwsniUýbu1did the rent. It remindod nus of pat Some twelve subscrit>ers have erect- esa iepit While in town they fis Nlli HllofBovaniij, aswien be fou f roma a third scoroy window ; ed a pumnp at the creek west of here disposed of a lot of-baskets they were nspendimg a fov day. vîtis relatives ha said thé fall did not b-urt bise, it w for th~e purpose of getting water for carryîng with themn. Titese natives the uudden stop. The. hors. aeemed to threshing. We think this a good present a much improved appearance, grif. Bye claims Le have ch. beut bind- regard titis as part of thse programs, sud sciteme and worth a great deal more over their tribemen. of twenty. years Ité a Sylvester inako. went loisurely forvard till cauglit. than the smnall cost, for its convenience. ago d r. and Mus. WaIters visited Mark- The. pria. of old oat.s in Phenonsonaîîy Mr. Geo. Walters and wife spent A mes-chant of this town seized a n last wook. Her fachos is very loy, low titis season ' selling at 16c per busitel Sunday at bis father's. couple of bicycles, that a young man ag an old m2an. at Stouffvil!a. The. new crop yili soon isMblShrDatn and ban is wife Irom Toronto were spin- Ve M usceo ugratuîate our young friend b. on te market and Chat wich a large nMiss Mabel Short, Draortonlonnd Miss A. Lawrence upon seouring te hoad quantity of last year's oet& in tlite Pauline White, Prince Albert- are vis-nng daround tthenmon ora long sltan' fersbip of tbe 9tbh . eisool. w0 hands of farmera will undoubtedly etill iting te MisfssLander. rng debt <at ise ayladupiess man liet a suooesal course as Ira itsfurtitor doprens tise prie. It looks as if Miss Emma Grant, Tos-onto, is visit- Wilsytemrcatddigt.P- a a good. studeat. tenants viii find it very diffieult tô secure irsg Mr. S. Thomas. pilshoulhpmetheanddid befor they bas. Lynde bas had bis engin. se enougit eah titi s eason te meottchair Miss Yarnold. Port pIeshuldpathirdebMrefoeAhe rente, a they aePers-y, ataMs-.idA..indulge in luxurie..Toc> many people and nov site runs like a top. ec~a ie r oya e adr. E. Henr->'s. in tbis. wortd" put' on style with other able litent on the est crop. If the ny lieu L. B. Gib Oo isa. 70pen ricea of grain tare g6ing-M. ad M. . GrunndOshawa, peoPIes - ney day witb ber bseadv KimsE. Guthrie» ly lnclors iii1> obgat Ms-. F. Glaspelî's. r.1rs4aua. )hu Saiton, of piiipit finie, disceursed rente else tenants viiiber fcrced te en- Ms-. A. Tervillegar is nsoving on the citienso sa oiernei te de on anay as, ggeas ara lboers Aricltre 1Il premises lateîy occupied by Ms-. T. G. feelings of regret of the deatis, at two rs.. Bell is vos-y 1ev at presse. She Arnerica in pasaing titrougit a severei Allen. Ms-. G. Lavis, proprietor, has 0'cîock that morning Of Ms-s. Jane agood exatple to us voîl people. duction of citeaper virgin landea of tii sieabe nicelyretteddsding Vcss vdw o tel iche and ochor countries, itarvested by the Cnie-beipoig Vicars. and one of the mocst estimable O&UMngt«best and most modes-n inventions. IL is Ms-. Duncan Blair had a cow strange- ladies in tite community. àTuesday morning Mr. Ecivard Ed- impossible to prediet viit acy certainty ly disappear from te pasture, on Mon- Titere is no use t alking, tise bicycle s., of Derryville, caaled at cias office vhat course tite fArmer ishould nov adopt. day evening of last we-ek. Ms-. Blair bas injured man rnhso uies uhov e s eaivitu is bousaftLaen oeev iik tbtectee, was awakened about 3 &clock in te Titesumines- lotels as-e compasatively <ines tseGav o bs oas ate i beef, fruits ad brancités ofagiutr mos-ning by a disturhance amnong the 'empty titis year to vitat they have been "oe astrnk by lighezsi.g, Tise eiec. viticit requis-e labor, skill andciOxperienace cows, but thougbt it nôt necesaasy ta in former yeas-s, and stèamboat traffic lnid itai strucek tse nail square on viii psy fer ail time, but thse olci motitoc investigate, but in tise morning there is repos-ted very liglit, visichià eati ead, making as omail holo devu tii. ofelipaitoc farming will pay ne longer. sati e and coming eut about thraeequart. Every man isnet qualifieci te fatia suc~ was one cow rnissing. Tite fence itad buted toe t act chat tourists are tour- r a ma s f on ti e o ci Ti e b ue cea ful y. he far or us ho hro gh been taken do vn . and the anim al ing on tieir w ieels. In tie-citi es t , s aai li1k. as il it lad been Madeuap Ctte business andi must atuciy le hu driven through tite turnip field un to street cas- companies.- liver bas-ns and ving a pin Lisseugls it. Tise nail is in ail its details to maire it profitable. cuà oe the s-oad by some party or parties. per- gin milLs sufier sudlise cutyioe taly~~ a. hra uia±.O a~siymrîgli ieppl aps known. Some experts exarnined mass graspa .the oddshig. Tise uterJospb jewlI, on f M. Wn. f Stuffjîî reeive a uddn sec -the foot prints and homse tracks and it tailor and thte laundryman-also fee tise , cfCiteMarpeaatovnliv, Isci vtenil bcamoknoa Cht Mm ~. is known whicli blackamith. shod tise depression, for the cycliat use ricp fiorun, n eaday Oensng, tIo Stark lad becone alarmingflyi11 ttrtougitmrudrshoe lI acyln si ndhsabJoe lire. Of tis ine s h. ight band the nigit; sndvasW su n--zkuinnsîoý con- Mr. Jno. Stainton lost two lambs thie white shirt and- collar. bruiseci and eut. Re vas ridiug in dition. Siteitaci been ailing smo.Ltae frôm bis pasture, wie$ lie. neyer saw Among <lie anwerstoqueci, n ggy vitit bis fatiser and leading a Thursday ps-avions, but ne symaptomaeof a again. Tite lambs w-es-e taken aothtie recent uiit Coo ntr4nce exam- Wben near Mr. Ali'& .black serious <ature 4iave!oped ii Satarday <the fist of June. We hope this wos-k iations ties-e vere manysy i shep ise nimalh. vs le ingnght. An attaek Of lInflammation ia con- may speedify discontinue, as thies ad Mail and EnEmpire, *hichiwe- oh erkiug his banci againsetbe back j uncion viit congestion of Lb. brai - uuch vos-se crimes have-been, pes-pet- ý of record. -Ie answr es-ttequestion, ug y and caum nug thse tie-rope Le vas tise cause çf lier extrem a prostration, r at d n r s d n s a o t ýh r ,s i e 6 h t p it -i r e x o a ines is nuie e- preducing -nnconsojouanen w hioli contin. ae nrsdnt bu ise om <ia ao s i oe~ uX ne ;01 af s.Te nure w e d oreers'r .Foevs vsÃ"igsheeýp. somte valuable -fat cattie.' and who la s-isMiltroe ýs roporteci tiat two of our . P's, aonfsteci by bis broter, Dr. 8 L,.- Fr an otc. Siites-s ts-m im l ie anadowar answ. rd "Qbâ-R ct ý.or A. . Msybe'a .1d D. S. Brevn, deÉorvoegreat credît for bis nnreustting ec upc<n aal t is, i aUvea riiMs.J<lned e'i4o >egasettod Q.C's; abortly."-..4Jr. attention and exorcise of Ixcle&~e southerîy directi4n fs-oin bi ilae soni-laPrime Ministes." "A'oe antc aunîngt6on "E ho." (Yest cal si n bringing lits ptient oiàt - of distant Jesthan , 1 wues.andl- ac i.-ws " hiscrot si ova mucha iwignpe_,0f somn« parties have suficient ,'pso"'f t M14iStes-ol ilIwIn 'or Mlovat nata±rIy efpot bim : s SpeSdy sud'.complete recover ke*î,,,* ng Cits, on l~oabvo oue, i bxie- -- -- ~ akethigaratiser unpleasant,- fthe :names were subu -t 4w.lawu i piplied lthe tii. fhf1. mn in Our loit t le, osition of Jsie l:, v. leeau se. Do aosvyli sud i-i i.'oo' slt.o I~ ~o oqbî, oon Ieeà s demb yLLr R6er<0 OOL~ aua f Ika~t~o ' <~3I~ ~at1k~i1. I -Gentlemen in fayoo f li 1 have been tr and- throat & menced to tak 'Ue buncheas Q flood 1 < ~not bear the aî tg Ïài one bottUe of1 gone, and betci «F- bunches had en .1TWOOD, gang N, . B.il <oL % / 4 ~ i n u s d o n o tb e 1 I4ood's Pij ing uio peristan rob Sd wIth ul 1 Seyeral ktnd-à Of edic, ,u 4 do Me an]Y good, and whn5 :e Hfood's Sarsapaillth.,, 3oni Mzy ock go SOre ttat 1 ightest tOuch. Wben Ihajjý t1is mediclne, the sorenet ore 1 had Éfished the ueCcgN l intlreiy disappeared? îervIlUe, Mai ne. i u decido to, take HOOd'g- lnduced to buy any otber. îls cure, Constipain y 1*c actionOf the alme Y Aft« Others - Otulettug navigation If no othergood resul ies of informations la, agaiflst the leadirrg bus! towfl, who conduct along the. Scugog. a ti -. edge of the river belov -at least have been secu ties interested in thesc the legal representativ plaintiiff and defendar Jeadîng citizeris. made2 of the differerit points ;> day.Iast . At Mr. Care a quanttY of logs art- timnes in order to provI( *for a number of men an running, the -investigati .yo»d a doubt that b.% raftsaléng that wharf t a benefit to- navigatio i~rdton. Mr. Care 4Iure of the river at takinga pole and makil jjhclogsto the other b< t'cd 4em-nstiration that W4à dlferti'hree feet dee, cone-r ridge thrown u As the Crandella draws 2of water it wiil be seen -the captain*had for his tion in this case. Ther inCaturc about the the suits have ail beeni -one excepiion, by mutt the understanding that ions entered into by all -be observed, and while iiot,-,be- interfered witi citent, neither wiIl the teeed suffer -any mo Watchrnan. On Wednesday Mc -dmn, William Keys, w gr J èns Moore,, East :evere ouind in t.he1 'ydfâUe gainst an am s sa painful one, the ar sqevered. Medical aid -the-earliest moment dressed. From the pe, -tisewound, and the artery-a large quantity< bythe sufferer. fh&e. jno needwhu Ch raàilwvay men toi1 pna ver changes a&vé rseIy ffectlng thes lias çeryassurance thi. àîgadýd as thse equa *~h~ wrMand so th< -IRmentthinkL On Tuesday afterno Thimion lost ler purse in bus. somône silver à receipts. The purse ms 1voun Reynoldi, who, e - 4aKmoringrest-ored co abp to the- owneri &NICe1 nothing more t tîouis honçst man w0ul, laaàvekept thse mroney iiinied and not a b#< .ý.rbàeated upon, him, ~Mi~-ie tcok ls col Fenilon Falls, ~eîie<WI Unkypicol Vft d ~SI à&,J.i~ '~WWVWUN YAL55< Yv:~ - I AZ~ 00- age,ains.. Lý kPoft. jiope the ~istkC i~-caled at -iiS'and not gett'fl ie8kdfoir,.becamneabi beheM, fi.~ad cô5t9 Hem j <lienhe-ljeaffled the mi A rt Mariposa fa] - the r<Ps ar doirig ex, ceCily the Canadiai the. 1%wrays. They wE T: s iuesomne few fa Secfor the beautiful S<0"t.his national to~Band the Patn ail- seeds are Otihcrwi5e issue their m2 ~h0ail wiPed out. tblî,which is a g than even the Canadiar -kStiflg its presence in

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