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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1896, p. 3

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joehHoward, an OtUiwa train: - juck port liope the other day. By ïùlstake he called at Chief DUfl. bouse, and not getting the kindo~ pie he asked for, became abusive.* He was j iyanded in the cooler andi fined îOMoand costs. He wa.s ail broke up Whenl he iearned the mistake. A north Mariposa fariner *states that the crops are doing exceedingly well, especiaîîy the Canadian thisties along the highwavs. They were neverbetter. It is true some few farmers wjio Iack an eye for the beautiful have ruithlessly cut dowfl this national fiower. It i too bad, and the pathmasters should see that ail seeds are preserved, or otherwise issue their mandate and have them all wiped out. The Russian thistle, which is a greater nuisance than even the Canadian, is also mani- festng its presence in the same vicin- ity, and if prompt steps are flot taken wdil soof become another trying pest to our farmers. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. L c c s t t I mot For a," !'la là u lediehiase .nd wheri Te lut il ien 1 hadj ) soren,1 the rnecon 'On by re Leatary. motber, Mrs. MetlSwtI1-Stotjpig foi dinner, returrqing home ao<ut tbr4ue C'dock, vhenshe foursd thatËhousc had been entered 4d hira~s4 the articles bifore nsmëd âl L * Entrauce vas btIed tbzpgk 4w à IIà= window, froira t1s*iL m te any Part,.of , th - IIo*0., t * oped the thief, pr **,iIeV% IU caugbtbut at p, 1 .tà, there 15no iô i parties ame..W Thé hei.4o h-" & .oiio à being re-pau.di, ud lb. faulty veniti- ltioni of the building la beig reotified. wo bae ofme. wvoderd th e Iilatter wu. Dot attended ta long eince. It ha. ft imes keppt people away -from the Ohureb duuing th' ii.vrrmontha of the sommer. Bouides the -pérSoxll disoom fort of smelterixag heat and nary a breeze tào preaoher'a reforences t. ftrther me- wara and punishm.nts wero from the. rurouimargs, V.rapt-10 onvelop th.- nadorstauigwîh 'a vry lnrid hue, iroduotive of much 'melancholy and o1rebodixng. At th. recent publie sohool lepving ex- unînation, held at Markham, four pupilà from the public sohool hore wroto, and tbree of thona voeesucceseful, vis:- Gertie Nighawander, (who stood fourth on th. liet) Nellie Thomson a.nd Zusîka Beare. The fourtb candidate only lacked a fow marks of the numbor roqnired for ai pase. Violet Bosse vas theocoly one rom thiâasool who succeeded in puas. ing the ontirauce examinaLiofl, but as boere vere none otboe to fsil, 100 per cent mnust b. deemed very satisfactory. Equally satisfaotory je Lbe result af the ichool loaving ezoin. and the high per centago of marks taken by the candidates is ovidence of tbe careful preparation of the claie by their tesoher, W. H. Met- calf, and altbough morne dissatiaf action wua at imes expresed by some parents at the extra turne dovoted Lo thoin, whodier correct or not, it detracte in iowise froin Mr. Metcalf e ability as a oeber. The raisilg of Theo. Hagerman's new barn on Friday vuas .tonded by noarly 200 people and Lb. frimne work of Lhe structure wau very qui.kly erected by the eontending divisions under Captaino A. Forster and Thois. Beare. We regret tibat aur townornan faled Lo geL there with hie bel alion, aud regret still more that the Lieu. and yonrs trulyv ere un- able te leud hum a hand, for though noîther of ns are great on a ' hefty " job, yet voeculd give Bro. Beare sme very valuable pointers in marshalling bis boots, and circumventing the eue my. How- evor, Capt- Beare and hie followers did well and veres wazded second monoy. The barn when coinpleted will be a very substantial and commodious structure, with stable, root cellar, etc., in the bassinent. W. H. Smth, of Lhis place who had the contract for the masoni work, did himooeli preu n w b. doing oi it, and frimer Carruthers, of iephyr, the contractor for the carpenter work, û! doing bis part voIl. 0ijsr1ictiini navigattin a no f ot her good results f rom the ser- isOf informations laid by Crandella It agaLflst the leading business men of our tow n who conduct vast enterprises along the Scugog. a thoroueh know- ledge of the river below the locks will C at Ieast have been secured. The par- j tjes 'nterested in these actions, .with t the legal representatives for both the plaîntif and defendants, with other leading ci tî7cns. made an investigationa r oi the Iierent points at issue on Tues- N da\, lagi. At MIr. Carew's mil], where n a quantitY Of îogs are stored at ail b times in rder te provide employment for a nimber of men and keep the rnill b runn ng, the ivsiainproved be-2 yondl a doubt that by keeping these 9 rafts along that wharf that it was reallye a benenit to navigation in place of an J obstruction. Mr. Carew explained thet nature of the river at this point, and ' taking a pole and making his wav overt ,the legs te the other boomstick provedi te a demonstra'tion that the water was net over three feet deep eving te the cone or ridge thrown up by the dredge. As; the Crandella draws about four feetE of water it will be seen how little cause the captain had for bis line of persecu- lion ifl this case. There is ont pleas- ing feature about the case, however, the suits have ail been withdrawn, with one exception, by mute~a consent, on the understanding that certain provis-1 ions entered into by ail cencernied willi be observed, and while navigation wiii not be in terfered with to any serieus( extent, neither wiii the lumber men in- terested suifer any material injury.-i Watchnan. Accident.1 (On Wednesday merning a Young1 man, William Keys. who is living vithi Mr. James Moore, East Ope, received' a severe wound in the palm of the hand1 by faling against an axe. The wouud1 is a painful one, the arterial arch en severed. Medical aid vas obtained at the earliest moment and the wound dressedi. Frein the peculiar nature of the wound, and the severing of an arterv a large quantity of biood was lest by the sufferer. There is nJ'need whatever fer Grand Trunk railway men te be the slightest uneasy over changes or importations adverseiy affectlng them. The Warder lias every assurance that Canad îans are regarded as the equal of any men in the world, and se the G. T. R. man- agement think. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. R. D. Thexton lost her purse containing $27 n buils. some silver and a number of receipts. The purse was found by Mr. John Reynolds, who early on Wednes- day morning restored the purse and contents te the ovner. Mr. Reynolds done nothing more than a conscien- tious honest man vould do as he coulci have kept the money had he been so inclined and net a breath of suspicion have rested upon hlm. Such prompt action as be,took is commenable. Fatal Otd=t. A Young lad named Barry, about 14 years ef age. vas killed at Howry's yard, Fenelon Falls, on Wednesday evening. He vas riding on their shunting engine, which was coming from the nev yard with a load of empty tru rrCs. t ; is suppsed tat he vasý . C ured byDr-- Agnew'g 6re4t Heart' Rimedv.-an Lives_Saved. The Secret of Suédesa of Dr. A.gev's * Catarrhal Povder. Wereil flot that Dr. Agnew's Cue for the Hearl willgivo relief vithin th1t minuties after lbe first dose bas beenlke w. would nos read of se mamny lives being pBaved by ti remedy. William Cherry, oqf, Owen- Sound,. Ont., say-"I vs.w" groatly trouabled vlftivoakuesa of the heaml sud 4intin.apolle for qÇwo year., and ofttirns vas uufited tôtmy vork. Naturally mueb auzioty vas felt by mny- self and friends, for ne treatnent seemod ta, do me any good. I vas influenced, hovever, te try Dr. Agnev'm Cure for lie Heait, aud ftund it sa. prolaixed-s 'speedy' cure. 1 havo nov taken fiY9 bottles, and it ha. brought baek ta my' beart Lb. proper action, aid made me strong aid veil." Catargb-One secret of sucuenain Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Povdor 1 iaI Wil is easy and pleasaut te use. As Mr. W. H. Boenett, Conservativo member lu lhe lest House of Gommons, sadlaken in the morning iL clears the head of any cold or catarnhal trouble that isn manifeot." But il net alane deal. vith Lb.esurnom cames of catarrb, but even vhere deafnesosud smre of the vorst forma of dises.. have becomo manifeot theso have been eradi catodl by thia remedy. To Lb. namos of Mr. George E. Cosey, Hou. David Mills, Halzo H- Rose uiight bo added scores of etber members of the late Parliament, vbo,- uver their owu signa ture, have berne teoîimony to Lb. value of the re medy. Sold by J. E. Willis, Whitby. Murray& FLORIDA WATER TmUE sWEE1ST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHINO AND> ENDURING 0F ALL PERFUMES FOR TE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. AU. DRDIST, PERFUMERS AID iUE iL BELU i Fac1Wufor Farmens IL nover pays to overload yonng teai. It coste more to keep a poor horse than a good one. - Nover foe the work teama mostly hay when it is »possible to avoid. Âfter cream becomea sonrtthe more ripening the more it deprecites. PesA On"8to form boue- and mucle and corn and oilcake to mmû. fat, Ineresing th. produot and cheapening the. colt villucres..the profite. Teéeh the colts 10 walk weli and you vil lay a good foundation for other galle. The teame vifl derive more benefit from their noon rout if the harnea i. re- Alwayu koep th. plow sharp, It make. botter and .asier work for the mon and Whou the Iambe comrnemnufg t0th*,i feed W jea goindioation hbil then r The bout sy#steof oroppnaea vaxisby houft *.h for li. MOiU The. ia 07 0e vsM'csi siig & gond roput -fer -<r poeo -An go Tii.objot u frtilslig i rit olyto- addAtothu elemeute llh. flbit to, al& -à- i sotiat bnd igiOù. piaeten .81 usit Itela aui to D ullLroXéa ooilmisio&- j'â ofgravellin -ou tii. centre Roa, lo 14, uat Ia lprice.per mcd, bo t fum htie gravel. Tii.reeve signea -o0 usisulonr ordors a followa, riz : RobI. MdBeth, as 0 Imiuion- $5; P O"Dçnnell work co l, btâ $56; iieb"C1'Olirfor 213 #parlgh. $9 1Olot 1, remnngstmpa * .0 JEan ullert con 9, lot 19,' #16-B ik.,fin colvort con 8, lot- 138$3';P. ÀJ .e3l>nah1 work con 9, lot'17 and '18, *0;. D Chaiubors, work con 11, lot 4, $2;! . Browà, on Une 1Oandil, con 11 $1 Wm Smith, colJvert on Fair Valley >Z $4.0;- M Doherty, turnpiking Pair Valy Road, con 13, $11 90;9 A&MOI"",c gravling con 11, lot '25, $43.f5 ;J Le., gravolling Rama Road and con Il at lot 26, $2650 ; Leughlin MoKinnon, gravol- lung 1'ovn LuUn Marsanad Ramna ard lin. 25 sud 26, con 13,' $40 ; A McDobald, grave ng Monk a, lot 249$1 ;J Egan diihing, Uine 20 and 21, con 8. $5.25. The following were paid for vorking with atone cruaher: D Mc- Kenzie, $40 ; M O'Donnell, $400 ; Rry McLean, $7.60; P Maugan, $9 ; E Mul- hem, 64 ; T U'Leary, $9 ; P Kelly, $3 ; C Hoînies, $3650; P J O'Neill, black- .mith, $2.90; F Flynn, $3.50Y; D Me- Kenzie, $12.70; P Kelly, $13; 1 Me- Elroy, $8 50; J McCorkell, $550; D McRae, 50c.; M Kelly, $9; D Mclntag- gard, 88.50; Jerry Mofft, 875;D O'Donnell, $3 ; Jno Kelly, $5 ; T Bolmes, $8 ; E Mulhern,4 $6 ; J Clutchey $13 75 ; Duncan McKenzie, work on Centre Road, $9; T Mclaaac, work, Centre Road, $4; M Doolan, work Centre Road, $2 ; C Hohues, for 61 loada gravoI, $3 0OS; M Doolan, cleaning pit, $5.90; J Sheridan, tii. drain Centze Road, con 4, $1106 ;Jas Sheridan, tii. drain, Centre Road, con 6, $1112; J Morgan, gravelling Centre Road, con 3, $50 ; W J Speerav, fixing road con 6, lot 12 in 1896, 1. 20 ; D MoKenzie, vheels for cuaher, $2.26 ; D Conners, colvert on lino 10 and 11, con 7, $7.65 ; D Con- ners, colvert, lino 10 and 11, cou 9, $3 30; J no Fair, gravel con 11, lot 8, $517 ; J Molptaggart, work on ditch, cou 8, lot 20, $7. The ree4e granted choques -as follows, viz: J Cahili,f value 1 aheep killod by doge, $4 ; J Rose, î value 1 )smb killed by doge, $2 ; M O'Donnell, lÙ T R statuts labor, and F Shrums, labor, ý 0;D Grahamn, assistance ta D Marri- èau, $10 ; À MeNabb; ta asast in burial of -D . Mormion, $10 ; The Municipal World register for birtha, mamrafes and deaths, $3650; J J Cave, 1000 envolopos f or municipality, 83.75 ; H White, for gravai, $2.90; J MeNabb, for gravel, #6.09; Geo Bruce, gravel, $350; Jas McGra*Ji, cedar plank for Suoker Creek bridge, #8.10; T MeDermott, for work- ing G Tr R stiatute labor at Atherley, $10. Counil lien adjoumned to meeL again tAug 17th, 1896. W. R. MéPmxE, Clork. C'el. the.'sOur & aiigwomn and getl and teçsnothig cqual to .t1 INIiXAN We a» Alid frpifying the blood, .s, toigup the nuvrs and bulig up the hralth. For 8aIe b; J. E. WILLI8, WHITBY. The Question -Answerede Ire- th laisv1 ae s by~~vwm *ielrlah é y o % à i~ <ther Narcottosn8anp It la a h1m~bttx for Paregoric, Drope, Boohing 1ByrmM arCastor OIL 11,18 sPlesmut ti. I8 Uaratesla i9-thurty yar' a1y Nilioa of Nothiie .Castria d.stroysWormssd amàaj feeries&.,CasItons pvrevents vomltlng Sour Onrd, ees D1arrhoea snd Wlnd Colle Veston . evia teetblng troubles, cures constipston snd fltu1eecyà Casrins fiiltue1hfood, regulâ+:es the stoimt*h sud -bowels, givlug healthy sud -natursI sleep. Vu toria is the ObIMdren'. Panaes-tho Mfothen sFIaNd. -C--tria cuetSean mezeet medSidne for chM- iioe Zothambhave rtestsedly told meft is good e&M upamthdobekefdrecI. DIL Q. aOCsece, MOati e ebireDSy fcoebidrus ef whlch 1 amn acqoelntsd.1hope thedeyla net furdiMUtwea mthm wMloaliiderthle real kmteg ci tkeIeihdren, snd urne Cumera- .. af tthevdriomqumà nobumswhlhame deuk.oyng tidrlved oame, bytooeclgoplum, morphin»ýsmoddng yrupmd aom huitful *Sem.dovuChthtroeisSb.eby mudng arnto plumatuegravUL.w Omvay, A&~ Geo. Piilip vas home on Tuesdy vith bis people. Stanley Gerov hu closed bis 'sbap home and gone la Toronto tb vork. Mm. Joseph Burk hu recovemed rom ber ecent iluesi, aud vwsmai lgiad. Miss Adams, of Markiam, vs.i;home Ibhis veek vith hem cousin, lMms.Wili. There vas a gond attendance on Mon - day at the temperance convention ber., Quite a nunabei of aur people teck in the Niagara etcursgion on Tnesday sud veme ailpleased iti tbie outing. T. B. Willlhand vifs rotomned from their vwedding trip on Mond4y meralug -bavizzg speut tie véek lu tie veston part of the province. - fUele Tom'. Cabin vu given boreou Satumday evering by, Walker Bri. -Tii. shov i -»U-dto e bfirly good, adA lie aI- tendsoevwu faim. Tqboys hav a -,, i chri gT. B, Wills hm veéký bu't netmuelsstsfao tien bas been obtaimld. ' Thïwwlotom abould b. stoppeé. Uns. GOrovrelunned last -vwek f oe viuting frieuà sàa weh.»R.S. s accniuuedby 'beru i.B"* s Mn shav vioul m n ]meu.forstomu0e Une Tho.. Poucher vWated thse olty on Tuet- d ry v nho pmiirba da$1OO orli ofopi1o a', lb. eat %b m ilisotru- '*Mllspvl e in ihê2fr "*rM". cof à 'tory -Rmu=aWl u il 4-I% "iiba~ep '*qgIé to1lc mou et reana udoIbis ovûmhi takeatoip. tu 4 "arauuiô, gu~vu ~au!~a vus ose cf!) - Castoro& Cm4sIo no gavo~daptet bldrmaU Irecommed iSu lertea ywuep kDonauto e e. Î. A. AacUaI .,ý 111 Sm Oxford St., BreoklyM, N. T. cOitpbywtcum in the cludtml&dotînt me"i bave spokeahlhdy ofilirezpel &ud althaugh weonly bave. oce medical Mm ~lswbat la kuova a, resu.. prodisil,'ým l'wme ro go ,foes;mtai urn maths et éorla bus voS li te "luS f ar upon lt." UmKm» Aixaw C. SumP'e TeMost Ecnma *"NueWaic Thé vas-lIaI a amar-Dltm n [.lbq Local option le actually in force nov in Lhe Val., so oeeoa our citizeus onq day last veek veut away te a village lu the uoighboring township af Markban vhere Local Option in net in force.sud gzot bis aId akin obock ful of vhîskey. Thon for fear b. sud bis vortby oom- panion mi' bt sufer fresu the drouti on bis wy l ne an ample oupply vWas placed in a big brown . d ud they arrived hamin'ugaod spirite, Simn being lu figbting humer, Daniel lu a weaiîby maod. Daniel eau t"lk&bout bie Muokoka farsu, lie mouey ho bas bad and wil bave, but he nover drinks wbimkey af the fightiug btand. Nol e, Simon-big, lusly f.llow Lias ho jo--ho dotes ou tii. fightlng brand, but one pecnliarily in conneclion vith iL as Ihat Lb. desiro te figbt rarely soizes upon tii. brave fellov until bhr goes home alon. with bis delicate, ickiy vife aud heipleas little children. An uncantrolable im pulse causes him thon ta pu1ll lb.vif. out af bed and around Lie bouse by the bair ef ber head, and boat ber vili bis flos until ber body is bruised and black- oned, thenif theohour be late after vell tbumping vife aud children they are kirked. eut m tiithenigbîta ogo vbllhem lbey may. The authorities aboulAdeai vili this manm. Thevwife ie lu four of ber hif.,and vould not dure te taise action. W. hav e rlated but a uuall portion of vbat tliiipoor venu sud hem helpiess obildron haro bad te under- go, sud vill &gain. bave tosumnit ta, unlesthe brutal bushand àinlu mre vay brougbîta undorutand tiat ho maml con- tiol tuas fiabting-tite of bis, or ols eoschev lie £gbuing brand of stimulnts. AI- uîougb no liquor is being salA in lhe Val. the. conumption continui nogma, vith a sliht icreasing demand.-24ovs. Miss Mamie Turner wvvsting st D. Hoover'@ Bunday laut.. Mr. Harvey ussis n th le services lut Buuday îveuing hem.. Jnoý fLéônaIWhathe tireIm Idvhet Ofthetbrehunf>,meo ablov aL bis Harie Frmir eele f#1wpbi seboo st Diekin.HUL . &àlI.Mak erftuy. Th" e Ir.n~hu vlu seletions Try pioey. I 1 itu60 m4 Md uub. ledegiest iemb«er, 31y4 Uzbmidg, Prut iaurme hstl jal Ive~4o~ #mai J 4 ub*l Th eatuRComp.My7T19=»Y7 sbw%., New'Toekl~

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