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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1896, p. 3

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irI p è. wellko0" r tisat )don, me6 proved 28o' )r blOO& 1:' '"'Y ho., l o the1s aund do ied by takuang legal adviee. There-c ,ore your committee recomond that ( consideration of the petition be laid Ig over until a later meeting of this coun- cil. On motion of Mesurs. Richards and 1J ilt8 the council adjourned Vo meot IE &gan on Monday, Aug. 31 at 10 a. o, D. c Report waa adoptod on motion of I Mr. Mowbray, chairman.3 Payment Vo A. Nighawander for I building culvort and raifhig,& thesanme 1a Opposite lot 38, 8 con, oertifled to by IE .1. B.Lott, $7 ; J A Mitchel, 120X0 I cedar posta dçlivei'ed at Brougham and li Pickering at 9 cents sncb, leut two tw dollars for noV delivering the me. hun- b dred at Pickoring,'$16 ; J"H Qonxiqr, J building culvert 0on Klnigson ioodl 4 *est of Dunbarton, oertifofl .b James Ililts, 8.5 onr '"teaning cedar from B.... ai o Kingston rond, certifiedtoJmà ut,$;A Boot, r.p. 0.*vertl '1 on, siderond betve ot 3Iýd1 Mi lat con, $.5 loputfiixg in ç4v.rt 0C on ingston rond ;w lo-22 oe*rti5*e4 « brenking toe Q cetified1$2470; 1 tos i oeefl- î 824.50; onBé'$a41 graveî, 50 used 4y road on 7th ox, tdl.ed, e#15.70; con., bet <ta tr1t $45, 5iice bet- th.e vffe li t%0â Th mutes vers read. on notion of Mr. Poucher and Mr. jiohrd' the minutes were "tred Wo ~t USthe &djournnment of last Meeting nad atu rday lot instead of TMonday, An atPli<ation f rom John Barry Was received re wire fonce on the 9th 0ojj, opp lot 17, with certiicte of Robert Grahamn and sixteen others. The reeve inforined the council that His Honor Judge Dartneil liad appointed Thuraday, Auguet thé 6th for hearing of appeals re Coin water course case and appeal of J H G;reeflwood againat asseesment. Anuniber of accounts were present- ed and communlicationls read ad re- ferred to the various standing cons- iittees. IRPORTS. r.Hslts seconded by Mr. Richards noves that the reeve grant bis order on the treasurer in favor of the parties recoltulnerdeld in the report of the var- ïous.standing cominitteesl as reported this day. M. Gleeson presented a petition containhing somne seven hundred and forty-ive l'alies asking that the Local O)ption by-law Ibe submitted to the elec- tors of Iickering Township for re-con- sideratioli. A large deputation cf Teniperance people was received and strongly op- posed suhîntitting such a bylaw. C. Rogers. P. R. Iloover, A. Boyer, W. Dale, Rev. J Il Oke, Rev. A. Me- Auley. Your standing committees on sheep killed by dogs beg leave to report as follows :-Payment Vo Titu O'Le&ry for two sheep and one lamb killed by dogs, $16. 8aid amounit being two- thîrds sworn value. On motion of Mr. Richards, chair- man, report was adopted. Your standing committee on idi- gents beg leave to report and recons- niend as follows: Pay nient to 1). Dafoe for support of H Elsori froni l6th day of June to 4th dav of August 1896, seven weeks at On miotion-of-I !r. Hilta, chairman, report was adopte>ýiteo otn The standing co iteo otn gencies reports an&~ recommends as follows, W. J.- Clark advertising road jobsJ and Post's bill cutting $2, on account cf voters' liat printing $35,. 1). R. Beaton for sitationery, ink, and registry book of births, deathi and marriages, $7.80. Mr. J. H. Greenwood having ap- pealed f romu the Rassssment of parts of lots 17 and 18 in the 2nd con. of1 Pickering and frorn the finding of the, court of revision, your commxittee1 would recomniend that the reeve and cierk appear on behalf of the town- ship on Thursday the 6th day of Aug- ust at thse bour of 3 o'clock p. ms. in the village of Pickering. gravoIling uideroad hotveen lots 4 ami 5in con 7, $28.29 ; I Wilson gravel. ling hotweon lots 2 and 3 in-con 6, R R Mowbray coin, $t 20 ; John Dunj opeuing ditch bstwesu lots2 and 3in con 51R RMowbrnycom, $4.0; Jas: .idgett Iz'v1lmg bok-,t los2'i3 ýén 3, Geo naltpr-a coli ,$15.40; Jas [Àdgett, building culvèrt ,bot lot8s 2 and 39 con 6? and ,drawing mber f=o. Brcugham, B R Mowb!ray com, 4.5 Pl gotU workdâ nQssj on Lie% Pickeringssar 6. * hitby ewli e mu ig a àÎaey $2.10;1 ou'0106tpBidnfg culvert -.and d g ýet14Isadi o ,P 1nss. î4 *gae!U>idtoiô yd riht 0A way 1illcluded, &1340' WmDe%'Ùvitt per -laftpipel2zelot 35 'r div 68, 45.2&; 17Ï ft pipe 12 siSe lot 35 r div 699 *&-1 5à; 17 foot P4*15 -Mlot 50 r div 52t $8.7U; t-pp1,2size lot 36-rdiV 41l"$7 ;6 0 t pipe 12,aike lot 25 aton sever $21. Two loads igrave! and delivering pipe and instrucetions for laying pipe at Altona, $50-87j, by 10 Lt pipe re turned 12 in uize $3.50, total $47.87j; Frank Sodon 16ydsgravelsqt 8c fôr r div No 16, $1.28 'Wr» Gibson draw- ing gravol between lots 12 and 13 in con 8, 48 yds at 25c per yd, $12 ; F Sodon grading hill bot lots 12 and 18 con 8 as per contraot, $18 ; H Mauari- son n bonus of 12J. eta on 90 roda of wire fonce built on sideroad bot lots 22 and 28, b f, $11.25. We bog Vo acknowledge the certifi- cate of John. Barry askingVo, build a wire fonce; as ho hLu complied with the by-law would re.-ommend that bis request ho granted. W M Micheil for work donc in rond div No 69, $9 ; W M Mitchell grad- ing and ditching on northern Vownline opp 3rd con Uxlridlge, $17.50, also grnding opp lot 34 in 8th con, $3.90:1 Jas White for cedar railing for rond opp lot 20 1 st con, $1.30. We beg Vo, acknowlodge the com- munication frons J H Milard asking for grant Vo, gravel hill at AtVony. Would recommend that no grant ho made by this council this year. A Gormley, pathuioster, the amount cf statute lahor returned frons r div No 9 and collected F Hutchison for the year 189.5, $5,75;- Wm Parringer gravelling 7th con near Brock road as por contract, John Russell cons, $30;y John Dewire gravelling Oth con in the village of Brougham as per contract, T Poucher cons, $L) '60; John MichelI gravelling 6th con opp lot 27 as per cont, Thos Poucher coin, $30 ; Wm Hilta repairing enet und west hîlîs near forest mille on 4th con. $10; also repa.iring bill near Dixie in 4th con, Thos Poucher coin, $3, total $1 2; Geo Linton repairing hilI on 5th con near Brock rond, T Poucher cons, $3; John Wilson grading rond on con 7 opp lot 6 as per cont, R R Mowbr-%y cons, $9. 75;- H Byer gravelling Madill'si bihi on Brock rond as per cont, G1 Gerow cons, $1 4.06 ; Acey Huhbard balance grading 4th con opp lot 17, John Percy cons, 83.60; David Russel grading lth con near Brock rond $3.50 ; Vin Michel] gravelling Brock road bot village of Claremont and C P R station as per contract, $75 ; Frank Burton repairing Whitevale bridge as per cont, T Poucher coin*4 ; 1 Cook timber supplied the township of Pick- ering in full for the year 1896, $449.- 72 ; John Michel] putting in pipe cul- vert on 6th con opp lot 18, also one day running rond machine $3;- Wm Hilté removing driftwood froin bridge at Forrest Milîs, $5;- Acey Hubbnrd grading hill on sideroad between lots 16 and 17 in 4th con,as per controt 84; :Geo W Philip, two arge ouble-11h Walk through an old denW- forest and you see nothing butI trees, and in spring a host of thigs will shoot from the ground. These did flot ap- pear before because every thing was not favorable for their growth. Scott 's Emulsi on à Cod- lIver 1, ,-with__Hýypophos- phites, prevents corisumption because it keeps the system in such good condition that thi ngs are not favorable for the growth of the germs of that disease. Cod-liMer oil makes rich blood; and the hypo phosphites strengthen nerves. %COI"rS EMLSfflNhbmbs uosdb thse mead .pro fa frtwenty ]=r. AUk your doctor.) This te becaua. It »a#*ye a0ffl imebuMy e tebaby. The report that Mr. Lattirnore, who was înjured at tise bridge south of this village, waz dead, la noV, true. He bas been suffering frons injury of the brain, and is in a very precarioua con- dition. Mr. John Horn and cbnrn, Picket- ing, wheelod down Sunday rnoring spent the day with friennda bore, afid, returned in the evoning. 0 Mr. Frank Ruse and wife Exteter 'ia visiting friends bore for a few days. Miss Mabel Pascoe, Toronto, ila vie- iting ber aister, Mm X A Trenouth. Mms. Win. Scott, Danfortb, is viait ing ber dàughtorý, Mms.Wrn. letera Mr. Chas. Booms, Toruovsie friends bore for a few days rScetly.ý Mr. F. A. Cce's store vws entereci by.burgiara Snturdny ifji ati orne $30 inwash and $1Oin starnps takmn Tbey entered by prying the back door open, and found thé."aleunlockod, se their work Of aproritigthe-ud wns COmparatively eab8metoo" veo sécurêd at The bacsrIth .h *bich they bave noV returmd M rs O . XEe lily M d ug te , o Sarnia, are visiting at Mr. Jas. J leson's. ig ads.aâre zeed, edt4om bad m'edicine&. _ ___ ç meriterv.et o 4 ' - 4 lu p ér o nt a4 25 J >hýàeid on120,ycb- grave! àîns1)d'j>*1Us 'n'iafot àayd, tS4.80-, À Bx,UeIl r drWlngrveonroarùivNo2o 20 yat4c per yd, $85;R Qretr g a1 inzgavel on sidemaonde bt lote 28 sud 29 acaording týo conlstot $12;  ut. rw*g gravel On Bay rond as per contract, John Remmer cern, $12-80 ;A Birreil graveling betweon lots 26 and 27 as per contract, John Anderson cons, $15; W Rults, draw- ing 24 yds gravel on Bayrnoad at 30e a yd, $7. 20 ; W Barton.. 58 ydis gravel mnpplied rond div 63, $4.64; Jas White building breskwater on lut con opp lot 20, also building railing, $18.- 95 ; J Jones delivering gravel on aide- road bot lots 4 and 5 con 7, according Vo contract, $13.28; F Soden, gravel-ý ling con 9 opp lot 11, Bao cutting down bill on con 9 opp lot 10, as per contract, $84; James TJnderhill one day, man and teain grading Hiamil- ton's bill near Claremnont, $2.50; J Jones gravelling sideroad bot lota 6 and 7 con 8, as per contract, $19.80 ; Ben Wilson 70 yds gravel furnis1hed road div no 50, and right of way in- cluded, $7. On motion of Mr. Poucher, chair- man, ieport was adopted. ueL- Travelers who Inet winter found thensselves snowbound at varlous points along the lino of the Grand Trunk will ho glad Vo lenrn that the management of thse rond propose Vo wrestle with the problem of how Vo prevent these snow blooekades. Whie last winter was of course an excep- tional one in this respect, sVill there are sections of the rond where a cons- paratively light snowfall suffices Vo stop railway traffic. The Midland road is probably the mogt troublesonse portion of the systens during the win- ter months, and is a continued source of trouble and expense Vo the Grand Trunk officiais in their endeavora Vto keep the rond open. On the recent tour of inspection of General Manager Hinys and other officiais of the Grand Trunk on thse Midland rond, the worst spots in vinter were pointed out tg Mr. Raye, and the other officiais coxî.N sidered what could be doue Vo provont the over recurring blockades. Mr. E. H. Fitzbugh, Vthe superintendent at Toronto, of thé middle division, will have charge of Vise work, but it la noV, yst,îeeded 'bat .wvillbe done onitihé ediland -rond.-Watchnsan. PAIN -KILL Rhnatf , F at_ 4 W4 gt to ustidg..ÀÂwell di- rected blow behind the lett unr pi him týp sleep, and while hq "lay uneon- sciions i. j>ockets weIre turned inmie out and -robbed of their contenta. Fo9tiuateIy Mr Begley did not have. nsucb money with- hlm, -but what ho bad changed banda, The police have the matter -in bond, but as yet n'o trace of the miacreantse can be found. A young lad of twelve yesrs of age, namod Calderwood, belonging Vo Mata township, and who was viaiting ren.- ives bore, began doing Up the town> on Monday. The linos he worked on. were fruit and boots and shoos. Ho visited Jobnston & Sismon, M. Mark- hans and F. Fobert in tho leather, lino, and honorod A. B. Terry aid, Thos. Anderson for plume, peaches, waternselon and ice cream. The boy had the goods cbarged Up to a couple of well known north ward reSidents, whose credit was ample. Tuesday ovening it was discovered that the youngster had no authority for ob- taining the goods, and a relative, get- ting wind of the matter, called in at the respetive business places the other day and settled the accounte which had been improperlv'opened up. It is to ho hoped that the boy will ho duly punished by his parents, as the offence he committed was serious in charac- Castoria. c"iOu eI a a n c oilo t m ed laln t oeM . l dre.. Motha haue repntsdly told mee f ts goodefoeaupoutheircdMze.. -" »a .C. OuG)Ooe, LoweII, MM. C&Mia a te «t emelyfor chlldr of whlch 1 am acqnalnte&.1Ihopsibs day la no« frdiflntwhmmotherswMoonsldrthereal lnteM of thefr bldren, ad u»e (mbori in- oeead oft tbvarlosqukaostnmwhieh re deg Uorlng t lr I o mw c s, by fÉo ,9 e upl - rhlwothlug syrup ad oUmoehurtWu aUentsd own tU eirthroata, thmeby m idng thomt'Opmatur.gnves:" Da. J.Y. Knczo, Oouxway, ÂrkYor ALEMCrEZw-P-& Castoria. 1 recommend t mapeS'o-tca Y pz-owj known to IM91 0- A. Awn4 IL D x., 111 Sa Oford St., Brooklynj;.N. "Our phy7ilan tu thaebld~ê mmnt havespoken highly of tm* pgS ees e inthefr outa"iepracdàe I~e aud aitmhoui we only haiesiagor moed lsuppam wu a akoua su productmayet wae ie t cufg ma merSis f Cstorin bus o u s te Ioo00* 1 favor upon Sti" ummmED HOPIAL AR» Drsaug*t,. The East Whitby couneil met on Wed- uosay hast. The membera vers ail pro- sent. Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting wote rend and adopt- ad. A oommunicati8n vas rend Itom the educatio"ldepartment, brot;, wl,.th reference to assoasment roll amd anat an teachers iu achools. Fromi Regis- trar Goerald re regiïtratiolsa.. Yrcm ,Jas M eB riti, P.8.i., ppori4ionts u nlci-a boan fnda amongst tesho Mr Hem-y moyed tint the reeve grant bis order on the treasurer in favor of jnà St6rks, "r.9- for tie sum of $14, béing two-Uuirds vl1ue*of thrse heop suda twol Iambe kiled by dog, he ame uivi4iýu beeueodproved to thse atsaio ii .Màr Stocks moi'sd for Ion,. Vo lutro. duoe a by-Iaw to asSueestomrnewuhip 01f But ý-Whitby for geuraltoV ui county and educntÎ 'n1ptirppus, sâbd- for fhs, làpport ce the , o« oïr4GQ 1%esby law wu readafit and Seood Mr HeiMrymoved. thattisone- grant Vie mm sof $2, for thq -purpo"s. of grnding_ bilis ou bas.elinei, spé'th bMiu- dary cf 0s"W14,la 'epliUnction 'ýwft grant made by ()ounty Coimoi o $ aùd by"the. lovanof Osbava.of #25. foloin sin; u~t- - . r gai - Onty, 22, RAbFunu ' . - lis" ce~~5~ÇsRi$$;aw Loulou, *21 M, N~~A*~I ~ 1LA The M »aatowlshI» Samuel plioher' os p~ for Îus aud Chidrem 1 e intlxas utber oniu, Mothlue xi., otber ic It ustuc.18 a rMIeu. substitut» fer Parecorlo, Drope, Boutbnu Syup, sud Caneor on, Et le Plessaut.p Its guarantee le.- thrty.7eas use b7 Mimons of Mousers. rira lstowsuWonu "d aj s7 ferlsluaes u.(atorla pre*eAusvotnitng Sou, Cbrd es larwhoSasad WiEd Colle. Castorla relleves teethlng troubles% cures constipat'on and ituleney7. Castorfaas lltsthe food, reguisthe stoîuach and bowels, givlng healthy and- natural sleep.. Case toria Io the Chlldm'nts Panace-the Mother'is i4end, IRE. IMMh emr sur m. 1 At te Iost Ecoaoml ..oue Warmàc r But Whitby CouneiL

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