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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1896, p. 1

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Ai xxxx. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRUfl)AY, NLJGUST '21,Y 1896. NO.S !ig &i;o~imomonI letnecessary to tell you that we keep the pureet drugs. The (roods speak for themeelves. Here are some fresh arrivais: EP(MSALIS. ROCHELLE SALIS. INSECI POWDER (PURE.) (-RO)UND and WHOLE SPICES. A"6Â,# ÂI1iDg CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, WHIITBY, - - ONTARIO. 13V BUYING THE BEST Anthracite + Coal. 1 Our Coal is the best; x wel] screened ; free of 1 siate, and briglit. J. H. Downey & Co. OFFICE: MARKET BUILDING, WHITBY. House-cleaning t/me is here.' We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shown before, from 45c. up. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartshorn's spring roUler. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to see our latest style of w; ndow screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Our baby carrnages are aUl of the latest de- sig ns. Give us a caîl before purchasing elsewhere. We are taking specini pains to combine elegance with economy in price and general utility. Our stock is coniplete in House Furnishings. We invite buyers to corne and see us. It wilI Save money. Lea.ding Undertaker,- E. j. JOHNSON, WHITBY. BROOK ST., Established 1849. A WhWbý Stoam MaibIe and kînitg Works, Dundas St., WH ITBY. LJ Chas. HE. Smith, (Formerly Woifenden Works.) Im- porter and Dealer in MARBt.E AND GRANITE MONUMMNTS, Etc., of the Iatest materiai and designs. Al kinds of Cemetery work.. Our work guaranteed. -"SFND FOR DusisoNs AlnD PRICES. WANTED NGene, aI 4gent 'and one or tva Local Agents to represent thse Home Lufe Associa- tion of Canada in Whitby and vicinity. Apply to GEO. B. WOODS, Superintén- dent of Agencies, or at this office. Toronto, LMay zath. îSg6. FA LL WHEA T- 8EED, A 1 irmited quantity of Ear!y Geuesee Glatt seed for sale at a reasonable pricé Thse On- tario Agricultural and llxpéemntsl Unlon_ have found thia to bî>ise<fthe yer>'W adest and stiffeat stravçd mid mS inet di grown in the provt. JUlY 27, '96.-tf. LOCAL NEWS LETTERSO CxmwC]Lz Comassonsxs<CB. KMUSA6L Harveet Is a tbing of tise past.- Miss Stiles and sister, ai Loôndon, bave been visiting vutisteir aunt, Mrs. Tisas. Stepisenson and otiser relatives. Mn Lavrence and son are vorking on tise front road for Mn. Arthsur jahnston, renavat- iug hNs buildings on the farn he iatety pur- cbased. Rev. W. Ellioti of Seagrave. visited friends bers this veek. His healtb is quite restored agatu, and h. is getting alosg ntceiy sud meeting witis excellent success. Our scisool te-opened os Mouday mrnning lasi vitis a good fain attendasce. Our ped- agogue intends using tise nod ta Setter ad- vantage this quarter. We are vitis hlm. Chas. Mackey Sas again neturued ta bis school at Enfieid ater a gond deal of bard work harvesting. Chas. us a bustier la the harvest field as veil as in scisool unsfonin. Wm Binghamn paid our îawn a fiying visit a iew days since. We hope tise ucît calise gives aur burg he viii carry bis vallet sud ise viii meet rnany anxiaus ans. He is still mi Blackstock su tise harness business. Rev. Cissiolm ai Dunbarton, offlciated isere ou Sabbats. His discourse vag excep- iionaily practicable and interesting. Sisould this christian gentleman find it couvenieni ta agairs vieil us, he wili be heartiiy receiv- ed. Mr. Dyer ai Oshawa, visited aur Sunday scisool lat Lord's day. He repreeented tise county executive, and an able represeuta- tive he makes. He is a noted S. S. verSer sud gave aur ecisool corne ai hie expenience along this line. Mn. and Misses Lee ai front road, Mn. Alfred sud Miss Rogers of Mt. Zion, Mr and Miss Wagg ai Goodwood, Mrs. Black ai Landau, Miss Jackson af Brookiu, and Mn. and Mies Lidgett ai Greenvoad, wene arnong tise visitinsg fieude on SabbatS. Mr. jas. Disney of Mt. Zion, is among tise regular visitons at aur eanctuary on Sabbaib afternoon. John likes Kineate foIse mucis before home friends. He says vs arc more agreeabie and better Iooking and iu n any ways more attractive. We agres vitis bim. Anotiser meeting ai tise quarter board officiais ai tise circuit vas called fan Thurs- day nigisi lasi. Tise outcome ai tise pro- ceediugs ve did not gleaus, but ibis maîten ai breaking up a strnamnd vealthy circuit lîke Greenvood ta gratiiy a forsakcu his station like Picken-ng bas caused a good demi ai uneuviable discord. AUDLEY. Mn. E. Jackson, ai Greeovood, occpied tise pulpit bers on Sunday. hMs Maud Logan, af Pickerng, spent a fev days wvhS isende be.. Miss Pickett sud Mu. Anderson, ai Claiemont, visited friendo bers os Suuday - Our chair bas taken qitite a start laîely and ta what but Amneicanisus cas yoy atibuie thse tact ? Forest fines are uaging in tise voods os tise Bailey tarin ta aurt et. We hope ih may do no mare bani. a, Miss Memrit, visa bas becs seving in tise neighbarbood bas returned ta ber home is Pickering. Tise boys have gane vesiverd and nov ve are lonely. Vet ve viiss tisem ail prospeniy anud an apportuniiy for doing gond lu that fan avay land. Messrs. Dr. H. Wigbirnan and Robt. Stevart, ai Whilby. vere visitors uin bis neighbbioad ose day tari veek. Mrs. Whitney and daugister, ai 'Oshsawa, uisited vus Mmr. Walicns ou Sunday. Mms (Dr.) Waltem ta nrecoveing. Mnrl)yer, supt. ai Meicalf St. S. S. Osisava, visiîed bere on Sunday. He gave tise scisolans good avice and exhorîcd us ail ta good living. Our public scisool reopeued an Manday last with a fainly gcod attendance. Miss Plonence Parsons, ai Part Pcrry, vas tise guest ai Mns. S Hoitt an Sunday le.st. Some iev loads ai fsev grain has been de- livered at the elevatar isere vitisin tise last iev days. Mr. Lesley Briggs and family, fromn Park- Western Lime, grey and visite, and Bicksmiti's Coal, at C. P. R. saiu Myrtie. W. LEDINGHAM. sitoj Apnil 3otb, 1896-3-mos. Fruit jars, ail mips, Holliday Bras. - EUlH stozois Oi ail Sinus i scisoo spplies et Hîoliday Brou. Miss Nellie Kesier,, ai Osha$a, 15vsing viti> ficudi oe Mm, George Rabertsius bspllk3 dýiug va e*k vsh ilenda bore. Misa Alias Olver ir home from Ottava t rem- min fer a siort tisse., - ll1 Miss Cl~aAndenss. ofiTooi S evMgtl -ho eusn. ~ls lut Hlday. tons vili be gives upetaira. Rer. Thas. Man. nlsgt, af Wbitby, and Rev. T. H. MceDosafd. oi Greswood. and resideni minisumr are eypecled ta be present. Tise youag mas Pollard, visi deatb by duavalng in Toronto bay on tise 9th lmu, vas anaaunoed in tise daily paper ai the «ime, vas a sephew ai Mr. John Noriboate. Mr. W. S. MoAlpise- B. A., pastor ofthe~ Baptist cisurci, Wisitby, vii preacis la tise Rap- tisi churcis bere seat Sunday. Mr. licApiso viii alsa sinir Bt bath services. Mr. F. Hodion, superiatendent aifPaumera' Institutes, bas been spending -a vesis as bis tarin sear bers. He bas leasod il for a term of twenîy years ta Mr. W 1 Tharnpson, who taises possestion ai once. ise change ta coder voather bas bed a ben- eficial eftsct an tisescI one in aur midst. Mr. Tisas. Bladk, wvis down wvustyphoid f&ver, bas been in a very critical condition, bt o consideraIbly better. I regret thai by acareless slip ai the pen 1 announced tise re-opsniag ai tise scisool for Mon- day, thse r7t is t. Siso date shoutri bave becs tise a4th. sert Monday,vises tise mev teacher Mr. and Mr@. Eddy, viii taise charge. Mr. and Mms. Robt. Millar, visa have just le. turned frain tbeir trip ta Buttaîs1 vers passen- gers as the steamer Lake Ontario ai th ise refa ber collision vitis the Vancouver usai Fatiser Point. They bave since pald a bni visilta oMn. and Mus. D. Burns. Thse fire that vas reported in ibis calumn lest veek a!t burning an tisetarin ai Mr. isas. Ai'- sev, bas occasioncd a good deal ai anxiety since tbat trne. On Saturdsy and Sunday the vlsd fanned it ino vigorous action. At one Urne an Sunday the lers buildings beiosging ta Mn. A. Hannam wcee i great danger. Mes vers Sept on thse roofs vush pails af vaier and tise slraw [stack vas protected by vet blankets. A change in the vînd saved Mr. Hannain troi n y lose. Besides Messrs Arkscy and Hannain. tisere are others visa have becs in anxiaus trame of mind coscerning this fine. Messrs. Lynde, Bushby and Medlasd have bees kepi busy maving tenons and in otisu'r vay s seeking ta check tise advance af tbe flaies. Durro g tise carly part ai. this week thse ire bas dicd dovu considerably but us- tees a soaking rais cornes thon vfiii be mare or tees danger from ît tilîl tise suov covers it. Thse veathen os Tuenday eveaing vas sot specially prepared fan out door enîertainrnas. The teniperature would have donc credit toana eauiy fait night aud îlue danS clouds tisat carne oui of tise nortis vest ai Urnes looked very tbreatening. But in spite ai these adverse cir- cumstances tise Royal Templar garden party heid at Hon. John Dryden s vas a graUfyhsg succcss. Over anc bundrcd and flfty persans attended. About twcsty members of thc Osis- awa bicycle club were puesent. asd tise gatiscring included visitors tram Ashsurs, Myrtle and Kinsale. Tise grounds and residence a, 'Maple Sisade" vere prettily decoraîed vus Ciinese lanterne and caudies aud pressuted a very ai. tractive appearasn. Cofe sud cake vers ser- vol in tise Iawn tennis cduni and tceain vas pasiaken oft tram tables set -an tise lavs is front af tihese. An exoclenft programme ai vocal rnusiê-ànd rectations vas gives by tise followiag veil kuavis estetainers-Miss Martin. oi Wii- by, Miss B. Lick and Mu. P. H. Punshan, ai Oshava. and Miss Dryden and Mmr. E. R. Eddy. Brooklil. Tise proceede voue $25.5o. 1 OUT & Co. W.A.IL Ealaoea Dtr».e.y - -- BEÂLLI, S.- houer af Marriege Lloceo«. B.sdoeno opposite Town HsU, Brooklin. W A McNmmrL, D V S.-Qraduste of the On- larto Veterinary Callege, Toronto; Bonorary member of the Onario MediloSciety. Trests aU diseasesof tihe domnUsttd animais by thse Ust ap<prved metbod. Alo particular attention t urgicai apemisions and dentlstry. Day or nlght cas romety attended %o. Oftloe and reaideuce grookln Ontario. B. Duncan, merchant tailor, bas secured the agency for the Oshawa Steam Laundry. Laundry will leave bis sbop on Thursday morning, and wyul b. returned on Satuirday. Ail workr guaranteed satistactory. Hastinga & Manners, Oshawa Steain Lausdry.-22-tf. To clear out the balance of SIJMMER GOODS we wifl give special inducements to buyers during this month. Sipeimen Cash PrieS lit : IIes's Duck Veste...-.. ...were $2, now $i.65' Men'. Colored Shirts were $f, $.ro, now 8,5c Meuls Fine Straw Hats, were Si, uow 50oc Bicycle Sweaters,......were $i. now 8,5c MenIs Cotton Socks,.".......4 paimsfor 25C Men's Tan Boots,..-.. ere $r.90, now z6 Men's Tan. Shoes. ..... ere $1,4&, nov $1.2,5 Ladies' Tan Sbaes .v. ere$.rio, now 85c ChldÏees and Misses Hats, wete 25c, 4oc, 50C. now 2oc, 25c and me. White Sk:rting, with tucked border, wau x8c, 11olv 5c per yard.-1ý 'Poney Crepons, black sud êolored, were 17C,»nov 5c. Per yard. Parasols, Bt 1ao per cent. leastisuusket. Prim. St. Lawrence's Graulatd Sugar (tIÉ*boet) 22 lbs. for $i,.uab. Beot Brg*ht YelIow Sugar; a7ýbs for i, csh, Au ôtber Grtoeerlf .1c- oe cs pslse ,We viii not bW undersld. 77m m mnth-dore is Opesuiros.4$ a.rn W. close ate7-. a. shirp1pulTüm- DmA sad TnuuasÂy.ve",,., r_- - . 1 1 - - Mr Pt'Greensu sisnise dty Saturday. Miss<naGibssais lavisûlng inds inithe dwti fge$ short timte. Mr ff# H Walks, ai Broklin, spetSomdayt Md MCOay wlîh aid acqnatucss. Mn v Ward and tamily bave rer&,Wu 1 from Chgwoad, whee bey bave been spesd- ing t ation. A ver enjayable tise waa spest Sêha rsopesed on Monday witb a goad- et- tcdUss4. Let teacher and pupils go to work vlîh a nad-make this lenmthe tisent sucCeas- fuios spu lia*th pigsue ve repart Mr. Alex Moore abie t0-e oti gnh. Havlsg spent soins elgis wecks XIn bed with a braken Weglhe viii.na daubt, *ppreciate being ou( of doors, even if he bas ta tâe thse crutches ta valk with. At tise officiai meeting a shart tiine egoai: vas clecided to dbasge tils circuit back to tise saine s it UMto be. May vs bave a man tisai viii do bis bet ta gain tise good will of bis people and to -oalitihe good ise cas, ls tbe wlsb ofaili Has'vesîusg lus ow a thlng of the pastiIn ibis1 accuoii. A goad rnany bave aiready thresised1 and née veli pkaead vuibte abundas: yieid. If puice were as good accordlsgiy tbe cry ofi bard Ds would soon be forganten, Mr. Â.1 John W. a fWed of tati vbeat wbicb yisldsd aval fty bushels ta thse acre. Tbe ladies' aid intend giving a grand pie Social on tise beautiful lava ai Mi Levi Mackey, on thse eveaisg ai Aug. 26tb, A choice pro. gramme vili be given by talent from Claremont, Eafield, Kinsale and several ather places. Don't (argoèt thse date and camne and have a gaad fend af-aUluksds of pies. A sinsli admission féee vili be hharged. Mr P M Chapinan, of Audley, conducted thse league last vkck. Thete vas a good attend- ance aid everyone wus veli repald for attend- ing. What' ta the matter with the uongme of Graesobd tisai they can't take iold of the le.guefwark and malte tise metng more suc- cèsstul? They have tise ability if tbey would oely put forth tise effort- If tbey vers as gaod ai tisai as at disturbing a meeting they wauld do alrigisi. Now. boys, ater tisis try ta conduet yaurselves in a more manly vay before thse trus- tees taS. it itischir bands ta maire an exampie of somte af you. Mr. Erst McNeiI, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. Peter Christie. Mi I.eonard Bunnctt. M P, passedl through isere on Tuesday en route for Ottowa. Mu. Bd Stephens and dauigbter, of Tor- osto, are visiting with Mr Hiram 1itchett. Miss Lillian Martyr returned borne on Friday after a visit witis friends in Lindsay. Mrs Parsons is very sick at present. On accoutt'of aid age sise is becoming very weak. Mys John Grahamn rcturned hasme Iast week ater a visit with relativcs iu Battie Creck, Michigan. Mr. Wm Luke, g-enerai agent for tise Masse-Harris Co., is bere tbis week assiat- ing Mr Jas Baird - Mrujua Wnlker, of Port Perry, is spending a few holidays houe with hie uncle, Mr W btrng- e tisese fondtios unde iebouse. Misses Fnankie and Nellie Spence lefl on Tueeday for Ottawa ta witness thse opening of the sew parliament under Mr Lauïier. Dox't forget that tise Sons of Temperance wiii restiue meetings on firet Pniday in September and it is boped a1zp number may attend. Scisool startcd last Monday with, Mr Boynton in charge. Miss Dixoa is ii not returs at presesit on account of l il ealts. Masy af tise juniors are veuy sorry -to lS their aid teacher aud it lis oped se May soon be able ta returs. Mr Wn Worden turned up hers si 0 K tiSter finishing the contreet of a large baru near.Paris. According ta, reliable ieports we learn tisat Mu Worden bas nmas«rand job of tise building, and ve tisereibre cou- gratulate hlm upon hie succeos. P. C. -GXwur«; Dr. Hunmer asd part, Imm New Yoirkarived lait Frlday ta bave a pleasas iiftue as oui taise. Mi. E. J. Wright af tise Weigisîe and, Mea- sure department, Toranto, lu vlshlsin fends in Oui newly eleeted M. P. left as Tuesday for Ottawa, for tise session ai tise Hanse Cd Casa. Oui unraried druggtst ruspectfuily asha tise pubico adtiand sS bis nov girl. Sbe's a delsy mdagcod loaker, and rides a biSe. Mis. DLamond and tva smu af Bmuaniad, aie -4ting ber aiter. Mm. W. Tuminanda ta tova so bal ftier, Mn. N. Dure ai Recis. Win. Tammoudi of Toronto, and Master Rdvard Tummaucla oi ibis îavn aie visiting Mis. Horion aitishe Tbousasd Islands. Tise Port Ferry Trotting Association lntend ta havé fail races ini a tev vesiss, vises puiss ta tise velue ai neanly oue tisousa d dollars vill Se given. Particulars later. Dr. Ware, af Orilia, vas a visitarinl tovu Jaut vesi. Tise aid docti loas, vounger tisas vises hb bers over tvesty yeais ega. His face looked veuy familier ta many aid resides ai Ibis place and Prince Albsert. Dled ai Prince Albert an tise î5ti st., Maud Bras, aed3mas, ad on tise î8ib imotGeorge Herme, qed maiinfant ivin daughter and s8n aFHMu sid Ms. ames Thotupsas, 5U Dundas street, Toronto. Mn. Chsarles Baker,-of Toranto, vise ba becs camping viib bis tniend l~as. McKnigbt for iame days at "aOurnovncamp st Aldred'so00ScngOg, let as Monday ior hatne. Cisarley, visa losi bis faise testh wvite batblng ? Don'i drink laite vater sny mare, it ta bad tfnrtise teetb. Mr. Robi. Thampean, genira metcbani mi Seagrave, ise avimg erecied a commodions brick stars ta Se uied for bis large and ineaslng1 business. h speaks vell for Mr. Thornpsan's enterprista seesuscb a fise building in a oeutry village, and it vould do credit ta a tGv». Wben completed it vi have a plate glass front liSe ail modern dry goods stores. Fox, rabbit, sand dnck sisothagv Mn. Robeit Brawn af thse Oceas Hanse. Ses. grave.,i'bu secured fox and rabbit hounds and several duck hoas o tisat huniers viso go ta Sesgiave cas alvav e ue aiofhonds and lucaîs. Emry hanter vbo oea gueo ata coin- fortable isostslry vii lue fun2Isied ihse ccom- modations frese, as there is excellent duck and rabbit sbooting aitishe moutb af die Nonquon river. Tisere ta vceplng, vailiig. and gnashing ai teetin tahie Baiemas camp. Tise veaiher af taie bas -bem ofaitise thermmdvariety. case- quesîy tis inl general ame very bat, Thei cooling veather af tise lest fev days bas had-so- caoling effti. Mr. BtesanluMtIIndiau agent, ,natvîtisstandisg ail reparla ý1o tiseeau- trany. But, boy long, ais. bovlongilait talasm? Report sys ibat tise indien agent admsd tiseina- dîans os Scugog ta oeil % cuncil ad memoral- uce tise nov goverusuent ta Seep binzhils-pasi- lias, lnstead o aui t ih eid tbey tntend te oSk tise gaverinesita give him thse G. B. Tisosef bad Gnîte vhô vraie tiso9sletters lest -veýla anc oficur local papshsould have baid more compassion ouneuglubor Batemmn. Tf fa the visais malter ià tista: ofl aitise bout ou- seuvatives in tladviSe laugbso n tiseir sieste ta tinkihasugot su bsdy expo.ed- Tisyfur. tiser say tiel bave nuse for W aemaè as ho cao't-beoglled oui tAco!dl Mg b àie cy Iei Tbe ReIUIS sy iyIaeoiubrm dod t4lve x» swsa Iàe WinM iina 1 a couple o ugo. .1fr '&aemaü 40e ta, knov agood dcae blai ii" te~ b à0i ooisrsai auy rate tiaitisai gegiIemnswu cut out for a pollielmn or Bua *or ti he gives hirneel-- avat. su"&- ehl1ulOP= for ridicule W. -.10? P ro m Uw Dm1 Ce% t Ub.-3 mas.l aider. Sept. W E Ot~AKb aw. uhu -f.james L ove" daugister. Clara, Pu b niIIifvet. W. hopb tisey M m li*ae Vitsitera- FS&d WââIurand AM4Y Rd& Tari. ,o*:JMm I u ClumaII Hotel frp For sols o PapuIsrEotel chster md k 5155' the à...! voL. Sa~ st at i $28 28i 280 30 ýo 30,9 350 35e P 40 « Whitby TuPwm Loimia Scott repairealal kinda af pampa. Mn. Robt. Holdes, Toronto, la ln tovnqý Ice creass, cakes, boiled ham, at Yates'. Misa Editis Grass la visitlng lus Torontd vitis friends. Clesn an: your veil asd fi tise pump- viie-the vater le loy. Mir. Chsas. Nevbery, visa bas been uailing ai summer, is in îovn for a fev day. Mrs. J. S., Barnard sud Master Herbegt are visîng relatives in Lindsay ibis woiek. W. G. Walters' fluai offensng afi ie -bal- suce af bis stock ai remuants aud sunsmer goadi at bal pruce, Saturday, Aug. a . Mr. JF. Vichert, pnai ai ofBrookln -bap- tiat cUrcis, vi excisange vus Mr. S. Me- Alpine, ai Wbitby beptisi -ciurch, neit Sunday.o Tise Henry e sisdevalk i aina delapldated condition. Prompt attention ta k ii lUb. a great comfort ta saine aged people and on. blind man visa bas ta travel tisnway. Staufiville lacrague ieam defeated Mark.- bain Bt Stouffviile du Fridav lmet by a score af 8 t t , miter an easy <vaie. Thsis puis Slouffllle, Markisam.-4na Beaverion a tde for tise champiousbîp ai tise Midàsmd -dluW To Dayl 11 Ice ceain, cakes, bailed hans, ai Tates'. Great Sale ai boots and sisoes et auctian prices* for 30,. days at M W Colline' Nev Sisoe Store.- Bait Side, Wisitby.. liarry Wflkos fJqu s eeka. Thse faisons bu'eeding stallion,- HOKrry Wilkes, vill remaun at tise Armotrosng Hoùtes, WiMiby, ftne ot tva veeka, for sevice People around bers neveu 1usd sncb auà opportunity beretofore af breeding -fromaiss bouse di continental fame, and vs trust they ~ viii taesfuladvathage ai dii. chaùçe. Town Consei Met Monday nigI4t. Letter îeadfroue D Onîsistos, barrister dejnanding payeentof tise dlsputed $i.~afSo ? a tteudauce upoi Mis. Rie, vhicis bas been isangusg f"blueg og It vas refsried ta tbcý cottiîlesa elçrif. Canas. Deverell reported -for4 he Stroets cédm- utittin lufanai ai paylng 5accut sfl lova : W- H Warner, cuttbig-Éuple or, streets sud valks, #9.36 ;Jno M1éar1 boj $13.75-; Win, Happer, do., $îqà; Ju.-- Bravener, teamisg, 8!z--a; Jso. Itogetu- labor,$7.o;Jut>. W Wilson, ork, $i'à. - for tisé e isd7 *ater, commkeltee reeom -iaendngpayeueas fo*liovu;R. ý ru voikaiv olegae 4nit 8-75; eiect4 &S. extra fl* Icanidescent InlIont'. il hall. 4.g8 ; J Bandel eening bse Jno., Bioé,obatlbfr fie -eftgîiàeu o repoit- i~.Coun. Nble r a on froir imei~élefcommitte.,- u-four 0,tJ 09wng paynsents. Jno Elow,8.7~ liue. It for tdi nterment aOf vild iled tise sG TRj tntiyý. tise .conseil 'adjourn

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