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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1896, p. 2

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Resuit of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctine bd te Kelpt CURED BY TAKINO AYER'SCherry AyEePectoral. " 1contnacted a serez-mol Whlbsettled e n i ungs, asud d lwhat ttndoue an aucb cases eictaI hllng h twouid oawa aash am; ul I ou after a Iltle wIle, that the sllghtest exertion pained nie. I tiien Consulted a Doctor wo fund e ,onnr lngi a t the Uperput f te let onwasbadl afected. e ge e some medicine which 1 took as -Zlrted but Ic dld flot seom Wo do any good. Fortunakeîy I happe ned te z-cad in Ayez-s Aimnanio the effect that A yer's Chez-zy Pectisnal had on otherx, and Y detenmlned to give it a triai. After takatew doses my trouble Wsnreîîeve<j, snd before I bhd fin- #shed the hottus I was eured.*"'..-À4. Las-i..,. watelîmaker, OraugevlfleOnt. Ayer's Cheriy Pectoral Hlahent Âwrds at Word'5 FaImr. Alvera PJw cis-s .ndigee . OR EP1D N EvISîung mfrends aM Torouto tbis week relnet'b&trcuheed aie joiitrea-l niechant ; lobezn;-t he KngomofGd.nNnMgLre ndMr.E.Ratigaae lngIns 0 hppuay. seth nodv tn tit'ail z' - fo reneuberthr reiittations, su ad nez-y that seithe Poisonous dz-ugO efiert CO RSO DN EMrs L Lawry, Mrs Hodgekiss and worthleaa onea, too. 'Tis 'Paine's" ta ihr 0 ~danghtor, Hamiflton, are visiting at Mr. ruakes people well. IlE hots', j r. fll LIDÂ.Mn John Cole ie on the asick liât. Photo gaîlery burneil EVERY FAM ILI The owner of a dwelling bouse in Mnr.J Maduansd Miss L Gulley, Ton. At 8.80 Tuesday morning Wiiten's the souîh ward is in a quandry. Twe onto, are visiting ber sister, Mm. L Joins. pbotograpî gallery ai foot of Mississlaga nionthsa go the tenant, wbo was in Mrs T J Groat is visifing fnuemis ut street got a foconcbing, .and the valuable arrears, left for aîj adjacent village te P&kdal,. appliances and art exhibits ef Mn. Whjten look for work, taking the key with Mr Thomas and Miss Paseoe, Peter were for the mort part ruined. How the him.The andord ua aite invainboro an vistin ut n JE Coes.oiginated is a mystery. Mr. Wbiteu him.Thelanlor fis witedin ainbor, ae.vsitig a MrJ ECol'a. bad juat corne dowbj, and wus enkraged for bis rentaI, and be cannot get ie Mr and Mrs T Buse, Exeter, are viait cleanhng the front window, wien le as-le the bouse, whicb ià bis own î Inad- ibng relatives boe. cnded the Blairs tte the studio for tle dition to ibis le cannot niake a seiz- South Dariltagten first rime thnt rnorniog anâ maw the roof ure, as bis tenant, wboîu le ha tried The fanmer, are about tbrougi their wa on fine. Tic rooni wbere tie cherui in vain te ind, bas neyer refused te harvesting in ibis vicinity. cals were kept was intact, Re ihat the fire didnt oiginate thone. H. rusbed down pay thl. rent once. 1It is .j ust possible The warm weaîher bau beau almoat and gave tle alanm, and gcoing back war. tlat wlen tbe curtains are raised it unbearable. ouly ahl. to sfcune sorne of lis instru- niay b. found that the effects, suppos- Mise Ada Trull and Mr. Thon2pson, of mente, being dniven out by the smoke la a V"r remarbabi. remedy, both for ZR. ,ed te b. there, may have vanishcd. Onono, hua been visiting Mm,. T. Van The building was punclaed îwo mentIs !I!RNAL anîd EXTEENAL Une, and Wen. The landiord is scrat.ching hiseif Cam'p. ugo by Mmr. W. L. Bcn.neît, Front Lîrcot, derluiin Una quick notin te relie"a diatres baldhcaded to find oui just whuîte do Mn. J. Truil bas Ipeen quite uick tie itnd it wus bis intention te abord non' P IN-KM-ILER s Mm Mm fS Soe' ii temate.last week frein tic efféeca oethîe henni, vent tic place into a grocery a ah b t 11 Dlarrbea, »'-MM rgfRhOu in te mater.Mr. and Mn,. Frank VanCamp, ef ""OP' Mn. Bennett and Mn. Wiiten are choiera, ad anu waLOomelatitt Lasi March Mr. Wmi. Armstrong, L syar iiîn ibs uir. boti lca Ylosers, an tic nsurunce had ]PAI-KILER "dBo %nm9 o'veȎu. well-to-do fariner of the towniship of been icnZ educed the past few weeks. B« rId. heiaim "àe«asa H Inlv rented bis farni there and Mm-. Captain Phillip, cf Cleneland, Wîen Mn, Bennett purcbased the pro.aPAT)M=KRLER the uni ev, l~as been visiing ber brother, Met. F. p.î in u oiyfr8, 00, but M1 LE BIEAT UIM»ENT left for Norîl Dakot.a, where le ex- Guy. pryteewa oiyfrI110'u ADnE, b bfflgPUD,,i'ND saPRUANU IPIM r. ho renewed for enly 8500. Mr. Whien ilaU Mu o ru im eta, t..spa,, sev» pected te do boîter. After putting in M . and Mns. T. J. Diokie, of Oshawa, ladl a policy ut $500 wih expired two BUM É4 ete»l h f. r a vcry bard .sum mer le returned, and visited ber futien, M. L. VanCamp. aek& ago, and ho could net nenew for PAIN<KILLER& =ted tcfa o h is now bugging limelf with joy for Mr. and Mm.. DeHart, cfWbitby, tle short time le expeoted te occnpy thei e rh uri aes,, Pl emalloe adi not baving sold bis old bomestead. visited ai Mr. J. TruIl'a. buildinff, as le waa to vucate on Batur- adbâtriu tous?.iteriOaAt or eXiernaJIj wih He says tIc wheat crop in the Glass- Mns. Kennedy, of Oshawa, bah be day. He oha 6 150 in tle. Laccausize, lw.' ofru fIdgations. Txkofmouet . b ou "au ton district of Noz-tl Dakota will scar- visiting Mn,. Thomuas VaniCamp.- Suvn estimai.. ls bs bTwe ies un." arD Y imwe W"vr~. &dc gbtîQ ceîy average five bushels te tbe acre. Miss Everoon, cf Oshawa, is '-itiug "d drowntig acideat-o Th ba e left there a farroor was ber brother, Mr. Samuel Everson. A sad drowning -accident occnrred inL IAN E drawing euts fine miles te an elevatoz-,Lake Couchi c aly on j 'i iii-A T IPLE A L N E wbcre he sold theni fz- senen cents a ig b-wic le y Dons thnumnu- busheL. Barley was bringing only Il gby-wbohthe arer as, îlne y ong centsand weat 4. Armtrongoollsbouse, lust bis life. Aften cbosing That Hue Woni in Every Oorifict.- a teuchin.g stery of liurdsbips f the - bs shop ahortly aftor midigli, Davis The Three Greàb Southi Ameni- North Dakotja fame-s. 'visited Maundrelîs restaurant and par A young Frencliman named Fz-ank- took of Jpnob. lu Company wth Wiilie canri emedies Nover Pull in the McKmiulay, Roy Dunlop and the young Cure of Rheumatiem, Kidney trait painter by profession and a bar- the medicine fakrir, b. aiselad ice croamn. Disease and the Worst Fora of nees makez- by trade, who bas been iNAys JEw4Wl5 w1aVEWIY.TIen, wit thLb.suie cornpanons, h. Indigestion. employed by J. W. Williamnsori fer o& we.ru Uja b luwenî down to the wharf for a bath., oux soie menthe past, is riew languuirig 01 bfsaîer hou7 The. way down hudiSgutver bil purs. in Casîle Jackson, whitber lie "as o r m.vnrua ith r v p euaàouauig$1in oeas d 65 wmai- i. tavbeon ea nd i Amcoerian R sentfor iften das byP. M MS bt to7 "yNota.ver, 10 Coustabîp Cotton.Arie er hao esc4.lieofit wh snty r W tenesday ho hù-ed Ma.rMobby beaiia 58à4 baplcp f siOu aCve Lie party prooeodd to, taie a d ck" m y 1adee ffpe o-fuemy, hut, he ma sl Intre Wdnsdy h hre anobyberoaJ.W. and pceQ, oi * Publie. n Davis got dowu ou the atones ..at he hâ jY-Inte b. reeorded arboe tie> have nos hoeeduri nf t MurphyWBou.'"iveà of the wbarf, th. othera eig up ountcm u b/Rio.I ol~oSu stable te drive te Fenelori Fais, but W@m*AUIN ~ EBP rsig or undresuing. Saddeàl ho- American h à- ioCue thé stéry c net tuz-ning up at the appointed tise Le" WbIt% ain7e.rceoc b mmdv updof-i ode wtr etdw h tet b i él r suspicion was aroused, anid Obief Bell O bu boon «5!!s7s a e an ~d dcame OP, but 'wUtont a rsd ofeérfaiy aloe it. ) eu put ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e onbs90c=H0a ureeda oatma t"KcoîRykzu ahoad above the surface., As bis on-eso etnooSferoenubly fro,i Port Hope on civic holiday and broug'ht 'D'm w4" nua «e t ore bare. in paM0oamistakingly suppoSed hlmlo-be "USsila ena bi«êre 1b Sasto n . iIatem, OM.. dtedJùýL 'ue, a good sammor, Uihey îook n1p10 ardoctous -ton ddâtffe 'lié, M UUY back te tewn. Wben brought before bI( .F.jOcNqWua7Publi. otceoflb ulOrun P&yongia dlffrent paepwilb h ie h or olv the inagistrate ho denied any inten- eUi »UruNSma3 - WOM j stru.Ie&Bue.vhoh a a nsd b dbiéfrélat ii bs y7temi-Lé UIhsU tien cf tbeft, but as ho had Ida whole » i did n% epp,îebeca' g'sjW*t dravu out'. f shape aniti h liàý outfit with hlm ut the urne of bis ai- on. a , ltaismoent boitagWbw.siejin àlw8t o4 trb>yéld. Uis 111h 4 bï,a& ,b rest, Ia worship dccided otherarise, 4<,5imroebi.sude5uUPaesKuOtdflpbiiï%<j oflthi e Jtain ecein l a pIs.tt 488f b~iib t pwÀte ome. nîov toit lad» bith' no*gt.ozte ek i4mr -om st>u l It pays te b. honest, everi if you dont Whn b.losred ti. ulaia411f - s 'i-Plh'aie9t~ i. ê have any f u. 4oou pâta»d;?uuumà] ej s4 p m.ý4 ISw18W*wd A melancholy double drowiiing se- K htl ali ciderit teck place ut Hennessy'ls ad- ccr>, U 5 lew hOu bon r Dr._ ing rieur thesouthez-n bordera et tho madé téUI towri on Wednesduy -evening lut init*a4têosf4 àï' . fse00 , w M or tW #Iyo .o5 1 t yy st About 6.30 o'clck, 1, being vey Mr. ]Peter Pejlwdowu W' a g en-t e fseî ý:1teooot*t warm, Mr. John Richards an Mmî. ungtmon. ea ont - rate Wtil Âte Pred Huwkins cf th. Central botef Mvr. br ak fVcoi o'oiiy o started for the river for a swim. ner, Wwaltrec n Saîudy »oea Wb<en tliey reachod the landing thoy Mr.,& 8. Webster E_ Vtdora>wi reAfa0g Iourid that Master Rqgee, Smo f Km. homeonxi8torday loi 1 John Mander, nd Thos., Rushi Éich- - &v. g 4,c ~~go !9~*$*P - . i tç.uo< floln pa4 vr 8r lu ti _ _ ti' l 4Ops~ luo ria&~l iund lis, uock, ho struck ont foi f* Utsiwisoi , g r, weln0f au the fools on eartb &wj vas hesdWontthe Utéthoi,* whenby ba.,aceurst tPLo lad oaflo4 i>4ts, I ai fon. Wo h ati h gh ha The. Drunkard sbould b . reckoed witthe .worst. ig His h fathwi* or allod ore aodlot Wife's Ad-o.NO beast that walks the. plain gwoubis thoJ1 s iLtt'tle neshoro an hoor b!Fd tint faies, woul met 1m, ut ho oxtinsantDOes act so base a part, Hawkins threw 4p one arm and.sank A short tinie ago a Montrea.l bugineu orTno0 nlwiae. to ri». no more alive, CaITyM8 gthe boy Man ret Omnd froni a New York privat. The. slow, the dull, the poor down with hini. Tho father vas hor- hospiral, to which institution ho b.d I dost espnnl au rer astrackon and became complotely gone luat Fobruary for' trealment. Inwso e tednk unnerved, -go mmcli so that lie wasa. TheOeue wae a serious one-kidney ..d ard fat surlias,; able toe nder the alightest asitamdisoase -and had baffled the. skill J& the Idrinkla no more wen natfid M r. ichards had no ee n h local doctors. The. New York specia.liuî, But leaves the streani aîong Matr.bfr for fifteen years and con after a month'a close attention, could flot the val. to glide. wate beorehold out very strong hopes of a complet. But drunkards of inferior sequently had lest confidence ini hini- cure, but advised patience and contiinued sen will drink self aq a swirnmer. Assistance swon traaient. Till they cao scarcely walk, arnived and the body of Hawkins was The. sick man,1 hoping for botter re- or talk, or think. recovered about 7:80 in twelve foot of auita, remained for somo weoks longer, What sin will not a drunk. water, in a boe fuit of weeds. Young but finally left for home-s.ick, unhappy ard then 'commit Richrdsbodywasrecoere an ourand deapondent. Upon hia arrivalin~ While in tis vile intoz- Ricars bdy*ws rcoerd a hurMontrea&l, friends woro alarmed when icated fit ? later. I7he unfertunate accident they found hua condition lad flot im- Satan tien cao rule i spread a gloom ovor the wbele to4ht. Provod, and &orne rocommended a seandtr u',h with easy sway, Mr. Hawkins had been employed wÃŽtb volage. pes n s w Mr. John Maunder for soie eight Tihe aick man's wife having heard of e nbsw~ montha and wvas an upright, straight- the. wonders accomplished by Paine's His health, his wealth, is charac. forar yongmar ad gnealî ~ Celery C(ompound in cases cf kîdney diasAr- a ter and time teemed Hiepmae nrd enPor es ee, urged ber husband to give it àArea destroyed by thi tete.Hi aetsr8d i ottrial. A supply of the medicine wa atrocious crime, E Hope and the b6dy was taken there procured and used faithfully, and the W. censure thieves who un- for interinent Friday evpnirig, and was diet lisî-ppare<jspocially for ths To rob their neighbors whilst escorted te the station hy the citizenis sfficted with kidney troubles-wue close- they are asleep. band and a large concourue of 9itizens. 1> followed. Tedukr osi rn The f ureral of Thomas H. Richards Alter three week'. use of Paine's Gel- "hedrukar de., bdrin toek place Friday afterneon andwu ery Compound, a blessed a.nd happy He robs hi, wife and child- delgi v8ylaglyatedd.Te noru-change wus observed. The patient wa ren of their right. 0 verylarelyattnde. Te uforun.brighter and stronger, no constipation, To purchase poison in at~e lad was a charter Mmrber of the no back aches, urine was more natural in the flowing bowl f Quecr's Own Piccolo band, the meni- color, and appetite wus healthy and e,- Which bringq theni ail to want T bers of which turned out in a body tablished. and damu insi soul. Pl and attended the funeral. He was a Aftier due care and attention, and the Stay, drunkard, stay before favorite with his companions, who une of l'aines CelerY Comnpound, this it 15 too late! placd alare nmbe ofbeatifl Mntrai niezchant in well and attending Reflect with sorrow OU plaeda rets is fn a mrof eitifu buMonessl a.thine awfUl slate. tr boqets n bis coffin.a ako hi Poor suifferz- from kidney trouble, The blood of Christ can cleause n whttikYuo hsMontreal case ' h? ee i thy sins away. r HmppNwili nfot the sanie treatment bring youOh ekbsmryek Mr. C. Rôwe was the guest of Mr. W. the health and freedoni froni disease that wtout delay li L. Ward on Sunday. you so much desire ? Y"e, we are cer-. Then sober hive and let i Miss M. Clark ha@ returned froni visit- tain it wil. Paine's Celery Compound Be wholly spetnt God-tyftr as g ing relatieesata Midland. will quite renew your life, and Rive you thy Saviour's praise. btn"-b WLmé i hey dai ou de of ve on nel poi umc fiel Bl be a gi had boy did boy was the1 chili Med babe' are h gun time the 6 but t been ing ct withi tunloa -Ne, 1, s ire l~gl Ina. ~toued wbau mis tans t. tii. dght mmdi. Tf ha.. ~ .--&- -- ~ - 'taupe g~ Wes&uas.ss, delioalsdoeange ~aialul diso~Ioes ilisi affliot-hut u relief sud Sflunnuwa.*Ln t~- ~ ep- vsth tz~jds. John Ã"orow is mstitcating in cf ty this woek. M&- - Waddingham, of Toronto, with Mis W. Leaper. David Peatie, of the city, is w Wm. 830tt and fainily. Robert Camp)beîî anid faniiy i with friends west for a short va tion. Miss Ettie Gee ' of Toronto,.- i lieze on Moriday with ber aunt, M F. Hutchison. W Gales and wife, of Toronito, wE bere on Monday with Reeve Gerc and famuly. It wae WiIl, instead of Albert Ra son, Who met with the accident spoki of Isut week. The Misses Hughes, of Toronto, ai here witb their brother, T. B. Hugh, of the station. Walter Powell, of Pickering, ai~ Aif Holliday, of Brookîju, were hei Sunday with Geo. Field. me framewrork of the new rink now up. The roof will be of a meta li nature, and therefore very light. Goo. Dowawoil and Brysori Park, c Toronto, were lier. Meriday. Miss Thomecon gave a farewe] ýarty to ber ritmierous yourig friend n Tuesday evoning, before leavin1 .r Buffalo, wbere she new resides 'he evening wau spent in a verj leasant mariner indeed. Ilereafter there will bo no markel ie at W. Dowawell's mar-ket. Tb. rade bas been split up for some onîhs and if the same is pnrsued ucb longer there will be ne market er.By tbrowing the building open ,is to behoped that thero willbe a *and re-organization ef forces. Constable Gibson had two Italian ,men before Squire Gerow on Tues- ay charged with peddiing goode with- ut a lîcense. After hearing the evi Bnce the magistrates gave the poer nfortunates a few heurg to louve tbe aigbborhood. They ebeyed tbe erder tbe court. Tbe wemen were ef a z-y dissipated set. Prof. Bates, principal ef Woodstock bptist college, wbo had been camping e ne of the ialands on Lake Joeoph, sir Bundy's point, died fren blood 4sonirig tbe other day. Wbile re- vwing a dried piece of bait frein a b beok ho scratched bis band slighv. and tbf, caused bis death. The ceased was well kriewn ameng the ýptist people, and bis saci deatb will delepIy regretted. A. shockirig accident happened a >rt distance west of lier. on Henry ion's firn on Saturday. Whul. hie :children, a boy of rine years and irl of seven years were at play tbey some dispute ever a swing. The threatened te shoot the girl if she net let bum have possession teff th Fi khgM. -M -AUM wd~ -.Fife, Bulgari*iai produced the greatei 6. Dawson's G iainand Pride ofG mn&AmericsnBroi fet.t. by th u ta. 7. arly Bed ci GQolii Obaif were ih PrdG Gatudigaxaî ~& DwsoBsaG obureh .1 O)sbawa, ont Pains in__the-ii1 Caus.d by 8nffarma1,, CureIIIngod " ht a f oa m a m e mD U C h p le a u re to r c m , BooSd's 8rarsfln& .. owsafîca j gpua:patn tu the Joints, sncopM n, swefllng80 bad that h. could not Set Up glin1 tO bed l thout Cflwling on banda and knw& 1 waa Very aniSon about hl a, and hav1,, "e'a sc much abeut Iood's Marapartfna, 1diw îtned to tiyfIt, and got a hall-dozen botth% four of wblcb entirely cured hlm." l ag . , tLAKEr, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure te gsi Hooda SuaparM HoOd'S Pile sa easlly, yet prnomptuy a« elliciently, on the liver and boweja. 25C. FOR MA% OR BIEAST. * eu C~ la 1M o@tubanand »v«blli. Rmd P-àob.lw, Sa flilieR ksp.Ms 19- " ad »VtSu >" o " "gmîu-~Ç%ai5se ne" lh auh oe. t9Mk l hebo t Luisg le u td. au, tan Brna s 0'"m HamaM"aemm wj e ~ Y&~AP. 0.mmj MVoeaIbya&U Duggtu,,.c; . . xgE'DlL 00kadp4y tNosaunow P ALLS, VT. -tWihe b pottgaveî benver, ricUl5"' College, e ~~fati<the eOEDP& en traW of thé hu ave been .h~ year for their 'qua ,txii cfmlU'7srngth c0 fr0111 Ti5t, et.., ln o1 -,Whih kinds Wl1 give tory re5ilta, when gro, conditfiS&fter t1h have beoIl enrefully te' thboates. Batjsfaction a tributiOfl tbrughout teom cf co-operative el nalsthe farmers theuives wbich of th~ WMl give the best resul particfllar formes. As froili obtafiig informi bundrede of farmera v9rieti1OB in their regui ,,bic4 were entirely u short timo ugo. For 15012913 Golden Chaif ,wheait, wbî cb bas reô higI AveoI!ge yîelds botb M, the College a tarie, wae ecarcely. kn( neiughbonbood, near GI BoWM inOur BIpenit 1891, and aftenwards operative experiment DOW one Of thc most i winter wbesa in this; 4ue fanl cf 189- ieties cf winter wbeat t'ibis way. Tbey were sets with five vaniet DawSonB dolden Chaý sets to forrnl a basis by of ai the -varieties c( with ene another. wanted to conduct an in bis appDlication wl, and the five - varieties ware sent te bis adi gimuctions for cond, ment. Tic grain wa ofbue. add one thîr~ upnplots exactly shp.I!he yields calculated fron the a ed from the plots. Ninety reports ofc experimenta bave bee son np to the trne ol came froni twenty-sei in Ontario, the resuli praoteal value to the vince. The foilowing table stive regulta cf stra'w of th. winter "wheat' îng tiie puti season oi Dawson'sCioldefl Chai jones' Wintez- Fife Pride cf Genesee Early Red Clawson Surprise* American Bronze Early Genesee Giant Bulgarian Jones) Square Head CONCLU 1. In average yxs per acre. Daweon'a higlisi umong cke A Pf«ect l acd

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