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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1896, p. 5

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FWJi - p - - ~WH Lt is stylish, . light, aind fast, of perfect workmanship and finish....... Cyclometers, WVatch Holders, Silver Name, Plates. T-rumP Watches for tourist us Sp. . Barnari ose18 Cou.ty Organ.-Largss diron gos of "Yj localpaper la Cam"&a FRIDAY, AUG. 21, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. %irs. Jos. Spurrili has gone ta Nini Thô~luo~isuce~r.d bout 700 sPal Mr. Abdeo, dtugglst plck&«sg towa On Sunday lust^ 9,.w M. Mdecklenburg ophthaluîc opticîsu, re. Ports doing a business fitting people Mr. and IMu. Frahk Till sud Baby Tilt, Toronto ame Vlisitig la town, the guest of Mr. sud'Mrs. Wm.!TiII. Mis Helen Burnj, Toronto, là home wzth ber parents, Mdr. and Mr. John Burns, tur s fcw we.ks" bolidays. Mr. Geo. R. A",yrexpress messenger b.- tween Toronto and North Bs y, pent Sun- day in town wltb relatives and friends. Principal James Brown of the model scbool and is Brown arrived back on Sat- urday from their trip down the St. Law- i c/jl G. $5, at for ing îth to ni- ls er ay iC- rs. st, m. >y to ýr- er e New (ail goods at-riving daily at W. Waltei s' Hard wood d in ing t ables, 4 leaves, only. Tr-t Tod's bread, sold oui>' at Vates', 5cents per- loaf. Miîss Jessie WVebster, Tot-onto, is homef a nonth's vacation. Messrs. Gross & Dent at-e on s canoeit iirptoSpanish Milîs. Miss -M. Holland, Toronto. visitcd wl frends in town on Salut-day. Muss Clara Adams has gone to Pictoni vtisher aunit, MIrs Wm. Huston. Two brick houses ta t-est; ail conven ences ,low reniai. Appiy ta M. W. Collin Tht- Eury.dice carried onl>' ose passengg hmthis port on its Rochester trip Saturda Mfiss Bt-lla Nicholson, West Toronto Junr lion . s visiting in town with Mr. and Mr jas. Nicholson. %Ir. Chas. Winn, Hespeler, wbo bas bee viitng relatives in town fot- a month pas, lt for home on Tuesday. James Sadler, Whitby, i.; prepared ta piper hanging ai 5 cents pet- rail. Came o vol yvour orders. -35-41n. Messrs. Hubert Chishoim and Wm. Rich ra~ rdson are taking a trip ta Fort William "Tht-y wili go by Owen Sound and returs b. Mtndsor. Ail the heat af the past tortnight failed ti bnsg rain, but the sudden drop in temper ature Tuc-sday morning bt-ought a showe ' ~ verî quickiî'. .1ohn A. Ashby, op-rato- at Copper Cliif -' near Sudbury, and Frank J. Atkinson, opei aor a[ 1'.anhoe, bath on C. P. R., arc hans for a fortnight's holiday. - ' r. J. A. Undet-hili, Port Pers-y, was ir -x towri %londav. He rode 12o miles an hi. blcvclt )tl( day last week, startinig 3o milet nt-n t <; uelph snd wind ng up at Oshsawa locts and S bacs Jai auctionf Prices for 3o days at M IV Co] liii New Shoe Store, East Side±, Whitby. Stàge (ares ta Oshawa. O'Brien, Oshawa's photagrapher, pay5 lUge (ares to Oshawa for aIl cuatomerE ordering work ta the value Or $3 Ot- upwa-ds. Poothau Tht- fourtb match af the scason, betwccî Lynde's Creek ican and the Maple Leafs look place at thc Athletic grounds on Tues- dam t-vening. Resulting ini fayot- aI the MaPît- Leaf teas by a score of z-a The Maple Leafs have never yet becs beates. *1Yteneaj - A Very preîîy- weddlsg took place aI Stiony lalce on Thursday afternoon last, the ICOtractînig parties being Mr. Frank H. Dumble, of St Paul, Minnesota, sas of Mr. D. W. bumble, Police rnagistrate ai Peter- bon)o, and Miss Nellie Eck, af Prestos, far- nIerly teacher at the Ontario Ladies, Col- It-e, Whitby. The wedding was celebt-ated lni the presence of a few relatives and fends by Rev. Gea. Warren, of Lakrefit-ld. Miss Ber ha Du m bie sister of the groom. act- tda5 bridesmaid, wbile Mr. Fred Dumble lee the best mas. The CHRoNîcz. Uunites 511h the people of WhNîby in wisbing Mn. and ers. Dumble long lite and happinesa. flt'"muical fiemd.* Of al thse exct-uciating noises, those made Yamnpractising upon sas alto bot-n arc the eot-st. Sonsetîns. ugo, on He-r>' St., One of the salvatios ans>' officens purchased a hO- After a few bout-s pracùce he was ObIe'to play' (inI>'welî. Now b. casn eci 'Off imnple hy'mns in a veny agreeabie mam- *e'. But ths was sot the wonst. The dis- tac had rm o stay,8> Anober cbap bor- t-Oted a horn- and began a negular stege af the msusical scale. H. made assanîts early 'fl the mr ,ah m id-ciay, and at even- t'de. Yht- citadel nemaised intact. The Sig acontinued The. assailmut passes- 6a musical taste that -would tbt-ow a buzz 1ý* nt tesaw dual begp ta bide tacîf for ý Shame fis hannàuot a promounccd1 ba tI ofe' It bas ter the lust few ycars1 be ung up in the waodsbed wbcre cou-ce 1 tracied a Cold, hc eceigcr9lc i lIt Ithtie decrepit stage of cos. letiou 84ct'nartlystrajua. Wb.eue etuas ig 13'i wotr linse evealpg lie k»ows he19 i COiug neat- home, even -wt.ea be 7et8 a r4iov fa>' the.hot-s'19 pt imït MIÃ" rea'dà n for analarm cdock ta pk cat a. ê bOt-5 s sbamd ut dawna. Thedi- à> bu a asbkecs sold for àIdape~~ nataeu is place, W. edti0. is1 VPower...pvwet cf Jîp. We prafre e ~i5ence-*btmdcln t , . bougL îîuaaàie f# 4r < f.bSthereb feur rlg ,e Zo l à 1 ej8 h s th e a-I p te-0( I W Ice Cream Pallot For the best Ice Cream, cali ait Mathison's, Dundas StrCet.-23-tf. The best in the lanad to be Slaugbtered. The Siater boots ai shees. Don't mise the chance. Only days at M W Collins' East Side Shoe Stoi U p-to-date styles D. nud 30 Te. SAv-HarriR I Auaatu'$e3.cene Mr. James Ayr-es, formerly of this town, and Mr. Stewart Wells, twa amateur bicy. clilts, Toronto, started out os Sunday mors- ing Iast to visit friends in Wbitby. They were making good time, and wben they reacbcd the Halfway houte were approachei by a couple of" scorcbers. ' James, mai caring to take their dust, let out ut a rate ai gaîng ihat would have donc justice ta any- ose in a road race, and juit wben he bad ut- taised full speed bis bicycle struck a rut, wbicb caused hlm In give some acrobatic performance the like of which was neyer secs in a circus ring. Whcs Jins gaI up and came ta bis senses, it was lound that bis wheel hsd a puncture, while his bloomners were bevond recognition. After waitlng by the roadside for a whilc along came bis friend Stewart, wbo had been hasdicapped in the race. However, aftcr nsaking sonse repairs tbey wcre cnablcd to maire Whitby. asd after psrtaking of sons. refreshments took the evening express train for homne. White Mountala Special. Those who sec fit ta go down ta the G. T. R. track about 5 o'clock p. ms. os Mondays wiil have the pleasure of seeing, westward bound, ose ofthe ic lest trains that crospes this continent. It consista of fire pullmans vestibuled, and on board may b. found every convesience from a barber shop and kitchen ta a grand drawiog t-on. It ruas about fifty miles an hour, and sti s U p su much dtast these dry days that whcn one looks at il frons bchind unly the. top of the car cas b. sees in a sort of haze or fog. Betwesn Montreal and Toronto it only stops tht-ce ti mes--Kingston, Belleville and Port Hope. Its trips are from Portland to Chicago, and it only z-uns as long as thc tourist season lasta, probably until Sept. ist. Notwithstanding thc grandeur of the train (ares are sot exorbitant. the round trip be- tween Portland and Chicago beisg only about 85o with pullmans botb ways.W. doubt very nsuch if sucb a train is profitable, but there must be somne means of hustlisg people who have money and wbosc lime is Mens fine kid gaiters toe tip Si, Mens' fine kid lace boots, nat-row ta., $i ladies' finc kid buttoned boots, toc tip, sarrow toe only $i ; ladies' fine kid oxford shoes, mat- row toe, only 85c aut the new shoe store, M W Collins Obituary. Miss Mary McAuliffe died Tuesday night after a liagering iliness, aged 6,5. The de- ccased was the Eldeat of a family of two brothers and two sisters who have iived in Wbitby from very eariy in the history of the town. She was of a vet-y quiet and t-e- tiring disposition but good.hearted and humerous ta those who ksew lier Miss Johanna and Cornelius wenc the best ksown of the four. Father Jeffcott celebratcd requiem mas, in St. John's chut-ch ut the fuserai Thursday mot-ning. Fines &long Uie railway. The Grand Trunk railway mes have ai great deai of difficulty In putlg out fires these dr-y times, and insapite of all Uiey cas do the companry bas ta pay many bUis of damnages. On Monday aftet-noon a fire start- cd in Smith's field in the south ward, west of Centre street. The east half of the field was son painted black, and the east and saut h fences took tit-e. The spread of the fit-e was sa rapid. and aIl in the direction ai the bouses alasg Brock street in the south ward, that the people becamne alarmcd and telephoned uptown for the tire brigade. The fit-c aiarm was rung, and a general rush made for the south ward, and the crowd ar-tived there in tisne ta tear sway the fesces and stop the spt-ead or fit-e. Had the fit-e crossed the base line Mr. John Riley's residence wauid have becs in great danger, and a gond snany are of opinion that many bouses would have becs btarned in a ver>' short tise, as tbere ias ot much available water in that neighborhood. H arveses for the Northwest - On Tuesday there was a smali exodus of young sen (rom thbis vicinity ta the north- west an the harvest excursions. Those who svent from this viciiîy sa far as we could lest-n their nases are as follows : Whitby and vicinit>--W. J. Pardon, Frank Mc- BJrady, Ft-ed Met-ritt, Har-y Suthenraand, H. Cofley, F. Sharrard, Win. jury ; Brook lin- Gt-ay, Craig, Webster and Mcdland; Picker- itig-Muilett, Chapman, Clark and Keiick. The prospects for work out there st-e fairl>' good, and besides s great man y of the young met, who go out there take up fat-ms. There z-ould be no better argument in fayo- of emigrating to a cousntry than the tact that it grows sucb enorsous ct-opa that train loads of mes have ta b. gatbet-ed in ta barvest the grain. No yousg fat-mer who is nat doing wtell here should besitate ta go ta Manitaba and cultivai. the uniimited wealth of t-lch soil ta be found thet-.. TIras. who wcnt cc here from here twelve or filtees years ago r have ail dose exceedingly well, and there î Lt-e mas>' of thein.r CaP Hughes and John Galpis. On Sunda>' eveaisg Ist a numben otour Whitby youmg men look their usual ride ta Oshawa ta sec tbe prt-ci> maidaeto that fuir town, and amng othens was Ext-m Hughes, populani>' ksown as "Cap.", agcd 13. Cap. does sot aspire ho flirt wnîb lb. girls, lu tact b. becoises higbly indignant wb.s accuseal of such nonsense, and usually shumpq the dayligbt ont, of the part> Wb o laya the charge. Stili, b.e goes ho Oshawa wlîb th, other boys, and went Suma night iqs usal. Yankee ffartrick ba agirl lu Osbawa- tait he is badly gone os, and se have saine doses or se af otbcn teliows frein bere, but we witb- bald tiscir names for thse present, seeng that the>' are sot cancerneal in Ibis Uttle incident. Yankee Hartrick saw Cap. at Oshawa and ofiered hlm a ride home if be wauld mimd the liver>' horse until after Yailkee bad pan- aded bis girl a wbile. He gave Cap..,5 coie ta, buy bananus *Ith, and weua, bis way s. girlisg. Cap. nover weuld go to sebool if possible ta avold. 1h, but thi. vigilance cf bis parente bun fatced matters unîli b. -bas iearued enougli to rcad the fazgt ;Ide etf John Glipîs, sud b. thongisi he would take just sucb anather ride ont ef HÀr;tdick' liv. et-y loise. H. drove it fros tih. park snd. hcaded It -west alemg the Kingeton road Takisg a hait mil. to getspced.up. 1w hadf stîli tbree mcd a haIt miles tô Wbitby- for bisj ýrace. Ami a raceit was. ýUp bh suid, dowu t that hons. vas 'U rd1toitse l~t peed. i Somethmes it ,woa .-bfoM i-eacblsg tii. top Ã"( oneoftbe Ioug,-bUIs., sd1 Cap. ýwould *vqrycosdrtl tact util the sa rnut of the il waà rebe'd. bït 1 Lb.~ ~ ~ ~~bt clwn-gad fun iaaalmni.L Fod Murray fleaeL Prom Wednesday's Globe : Shortly b. fore midsight os Monda>' Police Constable Fors-est was doing dut>' in plais clothes in the vicisit>' of Kinansd York streeta. He raaticed a gang of men lalking togcther. Soon after lie met P. C. Sockett, and the>' walked together as far as Peari street, wlien the mes, seeing them, strayed off towards King and Simnca.. A littie laIe'. they smw Lthe mes runsing away, and almoist at tihe same lime a wamanu appnachcd in bremth- less haste, saying that a mas bad becs knocked down in a scnuffle at the corner of King and Emil>' streets, and was lying ou the pavement in an usconsciaus condition. The policemen went ut once ta thc place in dicatcd, and fonud that thse injured mas bail been removed ta Kip Huff's restaurant, 175 King street west. When they went lu there they saw bis sitting ou a chair, in a dazed condition, sud ut once recagnized hlm as Charles Murray, a youing mas who has beca hnging about York i4treet a gond deal re- .entiy. Murray, whulc lu a seml.cocious condition, wus talen very i11, and whep tretchcd out on Uic fao'. a large cut In thc back of his head showed that he had re- ceived there a vcry serions lsjuxy. A yongi mn who was with hum staed that the crowd had becu drinking, sud that duriug a row Mur.ray had been thrown dowu. He was removed lu Jo. Rymn'la hack te is boardlug bouse ut 24 McCaul street, viiere h. wus placed ln bcd sud curefnla watchcd aUl ight Dr. McýKeown atteuded hint.-At 7 >'dock Tuesday morniugr Murray died, bas'- rg failed to fully regain couslonees front Lie time hie inJr~a sustained. Tbrce ours later Cousua ecrreat anreted Geo. Bàdgiey as being one of the. men of tiie !rowd lu uhose presence Murray received he i1juries whlch proved fatal. J*e w» in cd at bis room, ucar the. foot of jarvis treet and apae etl "le >ld cf Murray's dcath. Se =sTnitteced bmv- nIg been with the. crowd, but demies$eu espousible fcW- the biov tiat -*as trk hough ouiy- nizStecu years cf age ad ey, who, fa apaiuter by- trade, buas cci- ig ta policý eüyato veyîxii eSnrd. Uc i been «t fpHriU osir ew dan, «d bsbruter , b ugôoàd haveservedtérerunsfp<0rmtSu.0 - lved te have lmceu uêhier ou s u IV. ti û bt et t' in 'r Ti !e: ini f., ta lm se ka] Cost sïinks out of sightin rihis s mt. îf saVing s 18 aking money thisý etanyCinn t Dont ai ttsarel ni hbargains of he -GREAT. CLEA AE AT C. .SE ATS 1 1 1 onTuesd4y.61YU 4 A fine steau yaeht fro" Ucl S' lualt06 luts inthe harbor».on l amle d At Whltby, on MondâyAg.r the *lt l U RjcardCollans. fa ydAug l7e MXiss Beuia «ilkinson, LïudsXy, la visl 'Iag in town, thle guest of Mr. sud Mire. Wa Ayree. K> M.1'd'a breadmdekes ae oî.i ut Yates'. Give hlm a eau wheu ouw aUytig ice in that line. o a Mir. e.Madden, express Messeuiger ix tween Toronto and Collingwood, sPeur Si tirday iu town looking up old fiitends. Mr. Wmn. Straiu, express mDesseugero the Whitby-Manlly rus, bas been laid ci work on accotant of sickîiess for the pa two weeks. Mr. Robt. Ward, Toronto,ï relieving himn. Were they stolen? 10o Pairs ladies' bouse alippers ta be 80o( at lmy perlpair durinz this great sale for3 d'Lys, at M. W. Cofin's, the new shoe store Pasad away, On Saturday afternoon of lust week th, West Side Boot and Sboe store bnd maus departures of boots and shoes at the grea sacrifice sale. 1oo Pairs ladies' alippersa 9C. per pair. zoo pairs ladies' lesther slip pers at çoc. per pair. Trunks and valise at coer. Men's gaiters at 2o per cent. dI& count. Ladies' button boots fi. The salt still continues. Oh for Manitoba and Europe Se. -E. Stephenson, Whitby. for cheac tickets for England, Scotlaud, Irelsnd, Brui isb Coluinbia, Manitoba, California, al] Ubnited States snd Casadian points, aiy« wbere, everywhere, by boat ril or oceazL Rates guaranteed right. Througb tickets rromn Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brookîli and Whitby. Write or see Stephenson, Whitby, before travelling, and get choice of ten best ocean and steamship lises. Buy hii 6lo day round trip tickets to Manitoba points, good going Sept. [st and 15t11, only tT Mt t- Lot 'e 1y at at le Sp Il ci E'. STE ~WLART. Every -Week-. We reoeive a frççh shipmiens, of (not fit of' s i)a4are.,guartwte.d a to any otheèýr biand§o 1.mre' -9:s ~22. lity. 65c-, '75C ta-$.5 at HALE PRICE. WINDOW. $3.75, b5.00, About bomo people tooklu the Columbias excursion fran, Torontowhich vtslted Wbit- bY. Oshawa and Bowmaaville ports on Sut- ut-day last. Messrs. Bert Smith and Milte Sullivan. Torasto, twro aid Wbitby boys, came down on the Columblas excursion on Saturday and spent s few hours lu îown.* Taire the new bus liue for ail passeager trains ta G. T. R. junction. Remember we reduced the fane frons aoc. ose way to 0C and round trip from aoc. ta 25c. Leave your orders at carniage shop or li vMr stable. Support Newport's new bus line. W. Nitw. PORT. Propietor.-4 in. A partial eclipse of the moon will occur on August a-2 and 2ý, visible throughout North and South Ansenca- The ht-st contact witb the pneubrs will occur ut eight minutes past eleven o'clock on the evesrng of the 22sd (eateru timne). asd the middle of the eclipse wlll b. reached ut two a'clock on the morn- ing Of thc a3rd. The last contact with the pneumbra wiii accur ut 47 minutes past wdrth $5.oo. f y BARGAIN DA' Saturdlay, Âug Only 63c. for the reguiar $1.25 quali i 50C. $100 48c. ".95 STRAW HATS, STRAW HAIS. The very'Hats we were selling at 25c., 5oc., 60c.,i a few weeks ago, naw we're clearing them ail outa MEEDI8PLAY ANDPMOIS IN BOUTE K.feu's ]Ready-to-war Clothhig Men's Navy Serge Suits ....... Men's Tweed Suir.s at .......... Mes's Black Worst&1- Suits a. ...$ REMANTofa Fine Tweed Suis at F0:.. Complete new Stock Men's Overalls, with or without Bibs, REMNNTSof aitKinds at HALF REOULAA - T H E A B O V E R C S A E F - One Day OnIy, Satxurday,.Am -1 - i W.TLL,- SOP c Pmntr g-a- Far-in.oia ,Job Lots of Dreu Uo}ode 25, 39 and 50c. Reducedjcy -lý415~i and 25c. Se ur Prints ô 10, l2je. Ali New-,- Goods. New Dolored Crepoin, ail new, odj u odf -o ur prices Saturday 12 '. New Blaek Crepons regular 15c., for l2je. ; b. sure and se thema. Bee, aur Flanneet« at 5c., 7e. and Ibo. * eaur New White Spo*- Mualins at 20e. regular 25c. t> Ail1 our Wool Delair.a tab. aold at oost and under. 1 e 1 m ust go regard es of Prim . Tri mmied R t e ua 5-fr $3 rm e0ajr eg lr$ 5 o i e 25, 30 and 50e.Sailo rs. A l R ibbo ns, Lae s, Flow er, &C., at ery lw e dSt p r e b al '8 d75 examine u. au Ldis'Bet ueie a o.10.NvBusSes regular 500, to go at 25c. Very bet goo. 1 ~8.oo, ." *8.~o. "- *15.oo. 7.50, at Lowcst Prices. " ~z r'iivces,, Ail our See Haliax i~'ed uit any 80. A.BtteSergeO Suite OUIY $12. £& Fine Black Suits a speoialty. g in cuir stock. EverYtkng at Reduced Ptiegç. This ùzI le É in.~f*. IÀ" Ifft 22zauI. : 1 FI 1 g No truh 0m»lv4dmftý . 1 abcFre;fur 7-gaNo trdaink MILLINERY, MILLINERV.- L Y-y

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