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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1896, p. 6

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-~ v. 5w m Came Peterby~ to th* laint Janevaus cr"uny veryj urou. with ]hon moncfy.'8h. &mnnindigence 'so -longltai, ber snug litle inhenulance came naahaste to, foilov ont many -o euppressed- longings of a lifetima -One of ber, hobbies (hobbies mmoUg tbe frsl privileges of the;r vas 1he use cf money for Ihinge aesthotic Ibm Usil. B he beloin tc a Society of Sometbing-or-O1 whioli promulgated. this dootr Tlzey gave greal pots of pink1 cinths te th. denizens of Angel AI 1 believe, and framed copies of Bodenhiausen Madonna tete avel gils. One Christmas Aunt Jane gave a z-esy handsorne Venus de Mil Parian marbie, some- twenty-f mnch.îs higli. I know that befere îng il site had a colloquy vith 4conscience, or Perhaps with lier ciety, wbuob. ran somneviat as folio -"1 suppose those Pelez-bye wci like me te give thons a red plusit p ion isofa, or a silver-plated vat pitcher-I don't approve of pli thinga; tbey are demorlizing-<i dozen handkerchiefs for each oft seven, but I shaU do nothing oft Ikind. bet thein buy their bandit chiefs. They'll have te leave ther but if I give them the handi<erchie vould tbAy take tisat money andp il in a venue ? Net much, Jane Cc 'dinglon ! So if you don't raiL standard of that famiiy abover plush and platod silver, they'll die their grossness; and beaven, ini absence 'of red plush, will met naught te thena 1" Be the Venus de Mile was ci Christmnas present frons Aunt Jan When il came, we ail admired il dul Fin"ly Mary, rny faithfril better haJ admitted. -"1 was hoping she'd send us son sterling tea-spoons; but of couri this is very handsome, sud perhal we'l geltishe speons anyway. " -1Itbld her I was saving up to bu a set of Dickens, sud vas in hiop( she'd take the hint, said Tom, ou eldest boy, wiso had gene int bus ness when he was fifteen, sud ws trying te read Up) a bit in the ever inge. 66'm sure we need a parlorer c worse Ihian we needed a statue Venus," sigised Sue. And there ve let the might-haVE beens drop. On Christmas day Venus stood 0' the parler table, but il soon becaai evident tisat that was ne place for well regulated statue toe stané Mary said vo must have a pedeste fer il, and after mndh debate and de mur a pedestal we hiad before th, week was ont. Il waa ebeny, and ied sconred every sîcre in town te, seq if 1 could gel ene for les. than lf teen dollars; sud after four neons o five minute lunches sud fifty-five thte spring anyway, Bo vhy couldn't voe do theun nov ? I declare they are are an awful eyesore." 1 was net prepared le paper se soon after lh. financial drain of th. holi- daja sand the «"extra" of the pedes- !.al, but I gel up sud foilowed. Mary intce 1h. parler, and, sure enouigi, tbc val s did look dingy boyond com-Z pare. I vas going le gel a nev sut cf 'cloties ltaI veck, but I thonghî I ceould do villiont them, Iemporarly, .azayhow; so on the next Monday two men came in and ordorèd ail our be- longinge ont, and afler pulling 1hé eld paper off 1h. parlor aid ittixtg- zoom, and vashing lb. kaladite off lthe ceilinga, lhey departed on some unysterions errand, leaving a c arl- !oad of plank, buqckets, ladders, etc., li our-robme. The ne#$ day ai noon a mani came anid Wzotqhta uude pi milhofpýaper, andr on 1he. mê"g Ïf g 0f thIbirc dy iliose Ivo msatiuspnsn ame bock' 0 ajt epaitar ttig and Opt andi 0 honight they came hom-laew Myhoua. i it n nmoh, Bi&h- fd±Iur AWIy o home- e a dPtoeby i t--the atigpr.asd eoaenlit 'e d bd. bo Ooteo eadiusyiM*lith p.$S0Ucat haif an hotur, for no'one rmm ~ àbered that th. carpet vas o ie dark in pattern, and ihie dolicate ftfrar niture was mock.d' byits pIeb.=a Sneighbor. l S e à)We endured the. carpet for s i wmle; '> Ihen, one day, when no one haddared L'>pjt~ é e Say ficarpet'" for a long time-be.T 3rcause every one knew that there veref -i no more resouroee--Mar startled the COn= fS flot ei , -family by offermng the. seven of us one le "Sprlng is oomingon," she ex- al o ge h tyou r"andit is not ftfopi t eeati ShO Id fZO1flY= U or- 80 much meat as w. do. Why, '1 know familles larger than ours that ~m r food. rneyer have more thaia one siteak among them. It's ail nonsense our r bavig two big ones every lime; we'll -get oui blood ail overbàated and -bring on spring disorder-mad steak at eighteen cents a Pound 'Wo!" That last clause gave na a clcw, for we had nover gone on haif-ralions 1any other spring, and we coouldn't even imagine what the disorders were Rf II A which came cf good broiled beef. LJ EI I U II lI four weeks vo had a new Wilton W S V / > I rug of pale ecru ooloring, and every tixne w. looked at il we thougiat of aiu fr"-" the steak and roast Iamb and fri- ISfo cuqeni casseed chieken we had gone witbout O to get it. are a Our parlor began to look very aI- OnY Ia ±kthhri tractive now. W. needed new lace Sai&Bou'n., BeIlviIle, ont, curtains badfly, to be sure, and Grace said our specimens of art were " 6a Hmpo sight to behold, " while Sue, Our Ma.F EnausM us E Rbb school-giri, could not forget about r.FakPradUa.E Rbii the cdock that our mantel-sheil liter- returned fIm CamPbellford Fuday, afier aily cried for. a Picasnt woek's z-uit wilh fuienda. " W. need a pretty lamp with a Mr. and Mna.Il. J. ERoidgo and child fanc shde,"sai Molie.rom returned b Sutn by way of Stouif fanc shae," aid oUe.Ville Ssînrday, aft.z- spendzhg Vacation "And a Palm--everybody has a witb friends bore. palm now," added Grace. Mr. and Miss Jonc., Bloouuington, iE "I wish Our Piano was not an old visiting friend heno for a fow day.. clumsy square, " sighed Mary, cap- Misa Littiejoba, South Darlington, bar, pmng the climax; uprights are go been vitiing for a few day. with Solina much prettier." and Hampton friends. Tom bonght a dlock out of bis first Miss Gertrude M. Brown is visitine savings, preenmably at the expense of frienda in Toronbo for a week. lunches, car fares, and neck-ties, and Mina M. J. Elliott is viating with Mollie said she knew where she could fzionds in Hamilton for a few day.. get a brasas lamp with a big drape As Hampton is thbc mb cf the. town-f paper shade for ju.t what eh.e had 8bip, Mr. C. Burrows, mayori andi bit COntemPlated spending on her Easter cnany advisers thbougbt it advisable te bat. prociaim last Saburday cz-uc holiday. A 'I've always thoughit we spent too muelh on our backs and too littie on our house," she said, bravely, making 1over the bows of ber last year's bat. Grace sent a palm home from-'the florist's one morming, and a jardin- iere up froin the china store next day. and said nothing about what sacrifice it represented ; and on Sue's birthday ini April, Aunt Jane gave ber a photo- gravure of Ba8tien-Lepage's "Jeanne d'Arc, " handsomely framed, which was a great ornament to the walls and good company for Venus, al- though, as Sue expressed it, "it made ",Barns' 'Highland Mary' and 'Wash- ington cro8sing the Delaware ' Iook sick." Joe Jefferson came in 'May, and we had planned to ail go, bolieving it the second duty of every American citi- zen to see Rip Van Winkle-the flrst thing te, se. Caleb Punmer-but Mollie said she did not sec how any- one could feel jnsti.fled li spending i money on the theatre for the plea- sure of one night, when those Ildraggly old Nottingham ourtains confronted them every day of their Se nonc of us vent, sud by saving seven dollars here sud seven more there ve bought twIo pairs of very de- cent -Bruasels curtains for our vin. dova, and lnied te feel Ihat ve had been extremely vise. Venus looked on with moreêapproyal Ihan ah. had bien able te manifesî heretofore, and vo began te fiel that our parler indi- cated a nov ena of culture for the Peterby'a. lI Jans ve took out ',"Washimg- Ion Piand "'Highland Mary " anud sub- stitut.d copies of fiThse Angellua" and a 1 sdcape of Landseer>s, sud Orace saii ah. had fouxtd onI il vau !chygien o ego wilhont gloves, ,60 ste coulul bny a veneisu rose-bovi. W. staiti home ail sumuner, and4 ef- lbcedan xeang-of oui old-piao- and our outing for a nov pighî and soun-lo-be-paid inst ents, Sue halpiug onIbis .rns lon y o Iaking suy lessonsfrom May teO o. lober. ln B.plembr, v.hon fpopk . er. oomng -home frok-a -,o -,Z«4 airig thir sul.t hoAésMa tob~ve 1, lange numbe- cf the. stuzdy ycomnanry ai Darlingtun responded, and oonsequeuîly a very pleasant afterueon wus spent at Willow peint in ui z-filage. Tii. Royal Crusadeus, of Sohuna, turncd out in vasi numbers giz-ing a very interesting pro gramme. There vuasos foot races for boys and girls, double su, sigle seuil, 8«ck racel, wbeelbarnov and obatacle rae; good prizes vere awaz-dod the sue- cesatul contestants ln eacb case. Tise ladies came veil preparod sud a splendid Lea va sesrved in genuine picnic style, aIl goixtg home in tihe ez-enixig pleased for thoir cernlng together. . Rez-. S. T. Bartlett, Cobourg, preached a spiendid sermon î» the methodist ohurch Sunday monnmg. In thse absence cf the regulan organia: Sunday mouning, Mu. C. N. Ruse z-eny ably preiidcd ai Lhe ongan. Mu. J. H. Elliobt returued home lasi week fnom Muskoka as brovu as a berry Oving to loy vater, Mr. Thos. Elliott bas fot becn able to keep up bis chop pwng sud snpply bis oustemers vith fleur. Mu. James S*IJaz-y, Toronto, le vsit- iug li ibis locality. Mms. John Daz-ey, Pickerng, bas been z-isiing friends lu Darlington for a fev daya. Misa Courtce, Souh Daz-lînglon, vho bau receutly rcturned frein Englamd, viW edfricida bers fer'-a fev days lut- iveek. Mins M. Clark bau beon quit. aick for few days. MdissE. GulIy, Toronto, has been z-lit- ing ber. and i BovmauvWle for some time. Mins Dora Gouge sud aler,,of Midi., v isitig ind e e. Mr. T. J. Clarke la laid up vibh a bad knee- I I Break9Upt WC.I hiThue avYuia 1 Mst. Eobar On f ToroIItola10wit Mr. uaad mm s.eonseYoug. Mua. Youqgiod$, fanidl Of -Toronto, mre "i&XMua.A. BurreIl iMas veh. Mus. Morris Pencher, of Plalnfeld, la ber. viîb Thomas Pouchers*and vite for a sbort lime. Sylvaniui Philfipi and dangbier, cf the weat, are bere uisiting with hie father, Squire Phullips. V/e are pleaaed to Jean Ihat John Tool, jr. l nicely recoveng (rom bis reeent accidentwith the piteh (o.k haxidie. Master Bert Linton bis relurned from Detroir, icI being enti-ely pleased -wlth tb. manne, in whieb buaineas is conduot- od out biiere. The Alger tarm vas sold th, other day bo a maxi narned Norton, of Scarboro, for V7,00. H. Winl teeaopossession this 611 we underat.nd.- Parion Hogle sud John Carter, having flîish.d harvesixig beo, left for Mani- toba on Tueiday wbere they wilIi p to, store, away the wbeat crop. Mns. Joseph Youýng la aarionsly fill witb iiflammatory rbeuoeatiaoe ths woek Thero are some indications of an improve ment in ber condition, boweveu. Thonm aBndemeon bas charge cf onu uchool until Mnr. Coltunan ias sfficiently recovered frein bis severo attack of typhoid féer. When lait beard frein he waa niuch iznproved. W. are doeply regretlflte havo to state tbat Çieo. Pbilip is agix conflned ta bie b.d witb bie old conplaiut.rbeuma tisin. Wben vo laathoard frein hixu h. wau soin. better. Tii.to'wnship tcmperancc alliance beld a meeting in the Sons' bail on Menday afiernoon fou tbe puz-pose of discusaing maLtera in cennection witb local option. Thero was a fair burneut frein ail pa-té of tho towniship. BREAD AND BAKIN( The Std d Lite and theIM Who NÉk iL MOT WORK AND Loue HOURSI Practical baker, are so exposed ta extrern of teiuperature that it is flot surprising ehm they allen suifer fraoi kidney and other trou bics In many cases their work at night cot fines tlier in a beated atinosphere for hours froin which they sally forth through the cok ngtair to their wefl-earned rest. Mr. George Roberts, baker for Mrs Rana.han, 257 Dundas street, gives us thi following facts: I have suffered so murh fa the past fourteen years with kidney dise»u bhat it gives me pleasure ta tel] of my changec condition for the better. I bad fearful pain ir calor with a reddish sticky sediment, with brick dust de>,Sit. Artimes severe pain in te region oa te h ladcr. onusug me great suifcring andi discomfomt Appetîte very paon, and much traubleti with sleeplessness'at nigbt. I feit tired and worm ont all te timce. Work became a drudgery ; it was an effort ta do any- thing. I wau low spirited and discour-aged. i-earing af Doan's Pilla I weneta oM .W. T. Scrang'a drug store, London, Ont., andi got ane box. From Uic first dose 1 corn- rncnced ta improve, anti now sny back sud side are ai] nghe; te urine is maturai in caler; the sediment bas disappearcd; 1 bave no pain of any kind; rese well; appetiteehas retum-ed; I ami stonger sud better in every way ; for the firse cine in many> years I now fée that life -#; worth living-. Doqns Kidney Pila have cur.d me of my> long standing caniplaint. sud 1 amt pleased te acknowiedge what tiey have don. for me. 1 have nat taken more than two boxes of the pilsansd the result la as 1 have staecL Previausiy ta this I had tried ncarly evn kidney remedy, but until I took DoasPb" experxenced net the slightest relie FOR SALE BY- Chemist and Druggist Brock Street,, WHITBY. Id 's Sn. se a: in in Bush fOres are aglng in British Columbia4-ý New Westminster la sunrouadeti andt thestea- ed on evay side. (PubUsked 1by Rquest.) Deaim;Mr. Rdilor :-WMfl ou kindly n. forin te, readers of your valuable paper that 1 will gWaly send PRER <o acy sufierer from Lns MVanhood, Nemvus Dcbfity. Night Losse:ýVarkcoedg.- Impoteucy" and the re3sults of yiouthMu foll7, Particulars of a simple and inepengve means of self.curew"i after be- '0g humbugged aud Impoeed upon for years1 byg 1Mcs u pt ~dâne Miarks, cured me m afewes I av dnfgLo Uo -gv avay, àor arn l'ad, aMy patent .iedcb~ butues, bt wll ed tbear ÙMb> am mffretaeSns<o a crefor bis _bp lt ~ b atIw-lnia- u curd. Zually hiwavd bym wbcm4b w red. hmg m - EIud~es bv~ qeu~ *re imy ad- wfc.. Ooes apblmg b éaraWbtpsdhua. db of dollasIo fmd, à*ut'Address confi. îeuiMlyaasmd eoke.»=ap if 'uheenu D.. OW-EN. Tomat,F ont Rivoe*i& P.O. Prqmtp ardy M~tp~VaidMsu. Utte <SLu....tL % k . 2M 3r.. fi Ba tqr. louaty *aAoua. Couurt Rouae, Wbitby. BaruH e, et. office fo um ul o cu by PareweII h&Bull.dge, next-L By&" H0 Brook Bt., Whitby, DAVID OEI8uiTON, B. A., Atoney-a-Law, Sollotox i hano Gonreoaeer, etc. Office -xI the 01 South 01 the posltOfflo, in Nommei DOW &îIcGILLIVRAY, Baristers, Solicitors ln Chancr, e Office i Mauhlon & gawen'sf new blc Brook St. - WhItby, soubb cf Onlarie bail iUc~ica1. Drs. Warren if Moori JJ. Moore, M. D., P. Warren, M. Brookli. Whltby. Off ice h eurs9.a. m e om.ct Office heur. Il a D. P.ivale TelphiieCM murncals8 Phys'c", Surgeon and Accoucher e1 Offce and Resdence net te ARl gaini Chui'h, Dundas Street, Whiby. N. B.- D.H. Wightmai I >vor Gos & OTangr's. Whit W. B. YARNOLD,9 D. L. se. Jounty Snrveyer and Drainiag Engineei Port Ferry, Ont. WNK. CALVEERLEY, BABifBSM AKB, WHKITBT. Hving mnoved int oui new prenàseo, w, xe prepared bo extend the. range of busines. W okpertaining tb th. haneag-makixi ad saddlery business will be doe to, sale action. Collas a specalty. 0.11 sd B& ay &hop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL INDS OF- Lumber, Bblxigles, Saah. Dois and Buands, Turning and Fret4a&wn. pff Al orders or information can be àtaned frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas treet, Whitby, opposite Mr. A.-C. Wii- )n'a Tesidence. Whitby, April 4th. 1894. and piled mer th's by. etc. ýoch k. les D. tly 'Y. I Ob st Whitb Uhru1856. *perubamum la advauoe, olbuuwlue 815.Subsriptions aiays payable. at the oicoe of publicaion. The pubUher do mol udérake tb deliver the pper at lany 8 pos ffoe but Whity. Aul5j~ Whe ataa reh il. destination e replacoet upon notifioaton as a znatls, of courhuy. Advertlslug rates unleus by co- tlymt. 10 oeut* per lia., uoupmul.l, min. n ~quant insertion Local.a, 10 oents per li. WAll hknges for yeary advertlemeits 12uiat b. brought li nol fimbu than Tueaday unaorn:ng. OHK ~4NTN, _ Puoptietouî. G. RiwyTime -Table T"geUNS eu. TuAwz. No8, Epe uDaiy Mail«..... 548 à m No, 5Limil d Epre s s' . 6248i N o. 7, Lioocal, OZo QI S day .. .9: 8 m ý No. 18,Pa&"muet, '..4.4.Sp m NO. 1"BEzpe ~Mil al .... 80 NO. 6 Expe ». su aiyniecept Sua8:2 a N o. 4 E p c ~ No, 2, z»*gg,, emil. diy..1Q JIU lu~ By order, New Lioîy and Sale Stibil Dundas St.-, Whitby, J. T. NEWPOIT, Propri.j,, Commercial men liberaliy deait "jVit Teaming don.est reasonable pricea. Preight and Baggage hauled at rseu B. E.FARE WELL able pria... A cmli solicîted. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toront For te next three monthu I aingjyj opecial attention to ?,atents tram a di suce. Arn stili making plates in rubbig 18, oelluloid $10. Gold and silver lb1 work crowning by firul-olas operatol ,h. most reasOnable rates in the cil W'hon in the city cali in and let me szsq ,ne z-ur teeh.1 mû.e no extra chaq 3. . RIGG8, Dentuut, south eaat corn King and Yonge Stis., Toroxnto. Nov. 8h. 1892. N.-He WARNEI R.ÂLEB INÇ COLY LATH, OORDWOC ýGENT For OÂL CO.& the PEOPI )ffice and Yard just E Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 251h, 1894. OOIINT Juy 7OPONT; 2; V/m -b O Mcuot. k'q DecL8'2. "e. el 1 O5KAvà,-D. C. Mael Wit71~ 3am 4;Fob. 4- march 4' à Jutes; Jiii; 8! 0; c. P xaz Dec. 88,8.; soi. 8; î *'EaoucmàUIE- I. GIee Bon , G Clerk.-Tan. 6; Maoh 5; May ~0 Sep. 4; Neyv.5. PORT Puxixi - J. W. ] Perry, Cleik-Jan. 29; h m July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. - I& UXsxMMou-Jeseph BE.Gouldy Uil, Clerk-Jsu. 80; Mdaroh 2A; M'y 'th 14; Oc J4 ; Dec.16. i8jt; CàNI<un<O-rN-Ge orge SmithCni, Jan. 81; Maz-cb 25; ]May 2o;Jy o< 16; Dec. 17. jd 5 ' BRÂ-ZxITn-Geo. F. Bruce, te, Clrk-March 26; May 21 uly 16;O0-8t.18 Doc, 18.p Uz-mmv-F J Gilleupie, Upteupè1 Clerk,-M.aueh 27; May 22; 1 uJy 17 Oc.7 Dec 19. A8K 'YOUI? STATI ýPÂRTIOUi Â'ENO OTHI ýc Y< U5USI3ISI x8g~. mu tGund miii [lth. partiedh wflèae foadi iki wbat h PiNl don. tc r,*èy haveu i av woman no uGva[. HÂ-AS. SCO yellou mi me, çàawm e94. ltatj aouuG. ~hlI Mail. xta.a To L~ 1 1 Il- 1 AMEDIC iceeltof a Weil ibWlod-purifoe ad BSp «B~t U" Draine enoug ýu,, feocla,'D Cliionie ce &r1ciit vasof no mia astômlbedat. the resuits -iuedlClDbtha Ihave ovel ta1ed them aul, la gc thora asïd effeet no Many per jp.'w Uisfer ftvel WREN OTED S WIIaLIAm'S PINý STORE HEA.LT STRENGT -Weil Kuowu Young L givea hoEx iperience She Oould foL go ni Fesling-Her Frienè Waa in Consuruption tureof HJaltb and S nte cBeaz-er, Napanee, âmong the youing ladi, oue la noue botter k gly esteened than Mues. Indeed ber &cc puIaetiy covenod a more' îh. lsa atravelling sa] Mision Coiset Ge., a atlOunenson ber -route niOshava to Ottav Ifgldy bappens te be s artýic l dueto the eocnlly undergone a lchant thrugb lbt odelâl fleruessenet iima' tink Pilla. W] if h. Býeaver - alled to pber -cure, h. vas me Useh young.,lady herse] beks and bcaltby appa àcation that ase had un 1- 6- YOUNG 83IiTI. LL, B., Barrister, etc.,-Money te Loin. lem of Mara e là c" »s . O ffice - Smii 1 l' 1 1 )j 1 y it e r i t t 1 1 1 1 October 7th 1895. ý OSce holirs 9. a. m. to 11 am. Il IJýRNTIST. C( ti -FOR- offer.

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