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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1896, p. 3

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» ~.loda Ist at«"L ÂÏSorder vm ead fro.- Rnoôre Datelrfi appft of J. n. frthe co00ofrevison Gr,0bis glaeent. The propei!t7 i& t,,te near Spink's mil, Pickorîng," sud $le judge reduced the asessment $rII 1800 to $1500. A loUer froiMrs. Iàscombe% To rotaisking tha.t qua.ntity of bouse- hold articles stored with the towuship for ton or twelve years past On behaif of the &Ilbright children, b. given to betfo« the eldeat Miss Alibright. Onmotion this was agroed to. ONî LOCAL OPTION. p)ur ing the afternoon session of cueltwo deputations camne into the hall to discuss the question of taking ,n earlv '.ate on the repeal of that law. that on behaif of- the hotel- keepers consist'ed of J IH Haverson, barrstt'r, Toronto, James Gordon, pickerînig, Edward and M Gleeson, <j'reeiwoOd. .j )M (erow, Brougham, ,od AÙ'x NWilson and E Derusha, Clarli)iit. ()n the teniperance aide were Revd's Leggott, Claremont, Mc- AýUley andi Thom, Pickering, and Perry, Greeni River, and P R Hoover, Mjr and M rs Ed Wilson, Mr and Mrs R P ilopper, Foster Hutchison, Mr an(] !rs Jaines Hogle, C Rtogers, A Boyer, Thos Carter, Mrs J Cowan, M!rs Dl)urîa, 'Miss Phillips, Mrs Wagne, (i ugh, R Phiilips, John Tool, 1011i1 Seldon and others. M.~esnwas the fit-st speaker. i-e saidto-ý- hati signed the petition for repeal, whlereaLs only 455 had sign- ed the' original petition to have a vote for or aizainst introducîng the local option law, and only- 626 ha.d voted for it. The available vote of the township) is probably 1200. 11e aimn- ed that local option does not w-orhi well, and neyer will be séitisfactory. No such law is successful. It is not fair to the township and flot fair to the hiotel keepers. He adînits that the hq(uor traffic leads to great evil, but a. hotel cannot lie protitably t-un without it. To lay off takiug the vote tili thet' municipal election is not fair t. the' hotel kepepers, who have to lay in a stock of coal and wood. E41. N\ilsoni spoke next. lie said Mr. ;h-sî s certaitnly far out of the' 'may in settîng tlîe avaîlable vote of theti îship down nt 1200. It is tlout 16011. lK.>Votetion the oc- caston Nwhlen the ly-la\ wits carrii-.d. The arznîient that there ilust be a 1harrittn ii Itoioster up a hotk-l keeper', iiit of ,ifusîîîess. If a iierchant can't troud t tHesenou-li ire bas te 'oto tbf iii So tIies anvlî,ody ('lse but a h(,tel kti per. H1f' prointses to LIvuS ,1;er J i nners andi ot ber aocîom 100- dato Ieif w e %N11 iiialow Iii ii t.()ru in p~jein his barrooin. N o personi has IL11%,r11ght te lie entertained t oi a chep: Su'ani have the blanîe of hi s ex- 1,,rises tiade lv an eviilusi %ss hich roisuiîed three years in trying Vo 1'urk i't, and now thre people ask that MIother three years be granted with it Mi force before people be asked to con- dIemniit . We cannot now give an intvlligent vote on local option for thre reiison that it haa ouly now corne into force. ThosA who hindered its work- Ii", now ask that it be condemneti be- CauSe Of their own efforts to disgrace î.The' cou ncil is vesteti witir power To) sfec that tire interests of tire town- 41lop are looketi alter in this matter. ffie would be willing te concede a vote after a tirree years trial. Mrs. Hopper saiti thero are a vast nuinober of sufferere from tire liquor * tratlic. The repeal cf this temperance law, whicir is now working spiendidly, "jeans a renewal of all this misery. Iiîmor has put our friende in thiri gra ves, brougirt trouble to tiroir homes, 1lOI tod hungry ciildren of their bread, anti lias debasedti ieir once virtuons iuothers. Tire council is not obiiged to re-subinit this matten te vote, and 'sat any rate there is net a good word that can be said inl favor cf tire liquor tratlic. If a man cannot,- keep liotel wîvthout an evil te maire it pay lthîm, go inte some othen' business. Esoli tavern iras te support mauy moentu-cm tire vices of itsecuutomers.CmIa a- one say tis lo cp lias had$ fair trial ? Those *wh demsnmd tis v ote are the ýmon ,who .hive rc*idor tire law unoperatie. Jt.be.m 811 sense in having,* kwrV" te.into h>rSe and thon Iotqd., qat.,aaiu~W hias had'a fair,*4?- thne, ýopI> à Pickering hî6VQ.. change riow r t beeput --, 0 .P , r ~ ~ g t uficetfi'1 x toý work tbma evils. for the 1sake Of -gsù,antheOffer, to bribe us intoý ugreingo itby ferig us Cheap aocommodâtion. These mon who have: corne here to-dy to urge tIi. repeai of this law, have continually- violated it for iliree years, and have fouglit it in the courts until they could hinder it no longer. The bar that an hothe8f trial of ite merite je imminent. and they seek a catch vote of the pfopie to kili it before its virtues are eetab- lished. This iàw which lias stood the test of litigation for three yeais muet b. a eound one and a useful iaw. We demand that the people shall under- sqtand these- matters when they are e.gain called opon to vote this by-law. Let no scheming on the part of the enemy rob British law of its fair trial.1 To-day no liquor is being sold. As a resuli the father and sons of the town- slip are ail going home sober, and at last a blessing resta upon us. Rev. Mr. MécAulay said the dole- Iptea in favor of local option comprises people of every shade of -religion andi from every corner of the township, wherea. those opposeti do not comprise a person not interested in' the traffie. Why do they demand the repeal of this act the very minute it hecoînes operative 1 These men took aiviantage of thre legal difficulties they had raiseti to sol iquor in defiance to law, andi now want people Vo bélieve it is no good. Mr. Haverson said it is claimeti that many naines have been securedti o the petition for a repeal vote in a surrepti. tious way. Thre question is, did the people know what they were signing 7 If they did what odds does it make what argument was used to induce them to sign 1 They say some signers; are flot votera, but thry do not gîve naies. The people are the ones te setIe this question, andi such a large nunîber of signatures could not have beene ai&11obtained surreptitiously. Clergymen argue here o-day that there should lie delay in subinitting the inatter te vote, brut the frock- coated mren usually preach that "Now is thre accepteti tinîe! " It had bepn clainied that aIl denomninations are te fight for local option, but he is Volti that nont' reprtesented the chut-ch oft Erîglanti or the Catholics, two liodiru.S that do not join in these agitations against liquor. The people by peti- tion have askeýd te have this lam- re- suluînitted te vote, and there is neyer a lietter timie than the present. If flot at once sulîmittedti t a vote thre coun- ci "ImIll le taking111- upon itself the re- spoîosililitv of enforcing a law in op- position to the wishes of over 600 ratepayers. The signet-s comprise a respectable numnber of ratepayers of the township, and the matter sirould le' handeti over to the people for their deci sion. Rev. Mr. M-ýcAuley-Wîill Mr Haverson say tis law iras hati a fair test here? itself a failùre, which was very unfair. Insteati of tis the hôtel keepers shoulti have said ' that they had been skilful enough te make it a failu re up tili now, but tirat they would be un- able te, do so any longer and must have it repealed if possible. This closeti the discussion and Ileeve Gerow thanked tie deputations, and promised Virat al tire arguments offer- ed would have due weig4t In' deciding thre question. SHERP KILLIED. Coun. Richards brougit in the mut- ton bi-$8 to A-. Hastings for four lambes kiled «and $3.30 to Jno. R.odd for one iamb lrilled. The report -pas- sed. INDIGENTS. Deputy Hilta read a report from the indigent coînmittee orden*Ér that $5 be paid D. Dafoe for 5 weeka board of H. Elson te, Sept lanid $4.5Oto Mm. Laidlaw for bofrdg Mary Jolly to sanie date. The items pagne&. ROIAD RM RD<E Deputy Pouchoréaee4thei'.port ,n~ roade u biger Mmpisng pay-i ment aflfolloim 0. P. ,YoètMSr,-- 9eIj draizi onide line -betWeéul4tes 4'"du 3~ h Stl e ndo>andfor. *3.1~; WmM~gw , ,# e eld C0Utý 0W condItia id bowein, "d1 riP acroU tge begat, e IDonh un part of boir then bem arc$ le ls etn 4 even-y day;- d1 no cout% Lr4'her Ou retable arîj Civic holiday came off here Aug. 27. A very large crowd attended the after-. noon programme of sports. Sunder- landi band was on baud and furnishod some very choice music. The weather being favorable and everybody seemed, to enjoy themscîves. In theu'c vutga grand concert was given i&i the town hall given by Mr. Thos. »aker, the comedian, of Toronto. By7 8,oMcock t.here was scarceiy tsding roora la the haIl The Sunderlaud 'orchestr furnished tire music for tue concert. Thre following is a list of tire-sports; Running long jump-J. K Oliver,- J Wilson. Hop, step- sud ump--JK Oliver. J Wilson. 'Putting thr shot J MCcCuiough, J Wilson, 'S Bro High, jump-J McClan,, J- Mar Hal ne Il me, .,openiýJ K Oltvexý- M'ein. Localbicycle ,race, balf-~iile- ý-l'anRa M sonsM 'R . St~y tween lotsil sMd 12iui 9tI001o,$.84; Ray King Meanigradesd ak ing ditch between ts ain-d 9 >1 con, $32; do, contract on town lino Uxbridge, 87'; do, contract . on side- od between lote[10 aud il in 9th cou, 85.75;- E Rbeeso,- grave), $2; do, 'gravel and -cedar, $1.374; Mr BMl, gravel, 84.90 ; A Booth, b~uilding1 culvert on sidoroad between lots 841 and 35, $7; Jno Anderson, bonus on lirg fence, $4.40 ; Jno Wilson, grare- 1 lion 6th con, $3.37J ; E Mayor,i grading on 9th con, and eeveral emal iaccounts, $29.26; Noah Baker, grad- ing oit 9th con, $5. 18; do, grading on1 contract on 8th con, $13.1 CONTINGENCIES.1 Deputy Mowbray read a 'report from tire commitrtee on contingencies9 ordering payment as follows: D. R.4 Beaton, on salary, $40; W. J. Clark,1 pnxnting, $1.50; F. W. Chapple, iaw fees in Hoît case, $3 ; Judge Dartneil, heaning Ilolt case, $5 ; R. W. Mow- bray, attending judge's court of appeal as assessor, $3; Reeve Gerow, for attending meeting to divide county, $5.20, for attending judge's court of revision, $3 ; Deputy Poucher, for attending division of county, $4.20;- Deputy Mowbray, do., $3.90; Dr. R. Beaton, do. and attending judge's court of revision, $6; Jas. Huirbard, on account,8; Foster Hutehison, salary as collector, $140, and postage, etc., $3. Tire report passed. THE TAX RATE. Bylaws were then passed to levy taxes. Tire rate will be tire saine as in 1895. Mr. F. Hutchison was ap- pointeti collecter at a salary of $150. THE LOCAL OPTION VOTE. On motion of Messrs. Mowbray and Hilts it wus resolveti that it would not be in tire interests of *the ratepayers of tire municipaiitv te take a vote on local option repeal before tire next municipal election. Tire council adjournedto tmueet on Sept. 28th. flg Sornetimes it seems -. to weaýry woman tirat - he must certainly = give up. The aum -piest and easiest work becornes an ainrost insurnîount- able task-. Lassitude % ý aimost overconres5 N b er. Nervousness a n d siceplessness and pain hara-- her and life seenis lardly * worth the liviong. That ber sufferingr ma-e due solely to ber own fauit selèori occurs te ber, but often it is se. Health, rtrength and vigorous vitaiity are hers if ghe wiii but as5k and reach for themn. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was mxade for ber. Dr. Pierce's Golden Mied- ical Discovery %-as mnade for ber. Th:e for- nmer is for the ills distinctiy feminine. t1le other for ber general Eysteus. Together they supply a scientifie and succesrful course of treatinent. Thre " Favorite Pre- scription"' restorts healthy, regular actioni to the organs distinctly ferninine. It forées out ail impurities. strengthens tire tissýues., allavs irritating inilammration. The 'Gn--,d- en Medical Discovery- nmakes appetite, helps digestion, promnotes assimilation, fils out the hoilows in cireeks and neck wlth good solid flcsh and hrîrrgs back the mme.li m lanuu.t7 sdeuut 5et, True Ont., uvearsth"t Ryckmau's "Keetonsy Ca um nu lier of Paralysie shidi rsndsrsd oes"18.ci ber body entirely ueleus beoasmi tesvsnoan ef lier ever resorennir the ue of ber limbe. flop desorted lier, but to-day she le wsilungeound tefllugt ber friendu liai Ryokman. " KeesnsyCure gave ber lit, sud happlue& .Sworu 0, July 10,.3lu& before J. W. Seymour Cbrfry, Nets-y Public. EWOEN STATENENT ç0F A GU.ATEMU 1»"uaWhuis, na eamm o4d, ho muffered Wlt Ecuiemua s"c. e erbirttbu belien stiâtrellycursd sud ber geral ytem bulit u yR ka Kootmuay Cure." The abore tacts are givon ln a swer atBat;e- meut mades by lier mether, Mm, George Whlto, 1» Stinson St, Hjýmiton, Ont., dated Juiy 3. 1896, betere J. F. Monck, Notai-y Publie. A (IOXB1NATION. DISTIJEDI - SWOEN STATENIEtIT IE Charles Z. Newman, 13 Marîborougli 8t., Toronto Ont., lied a Complication of hlood troubles, Riseu- matimsin mvee Kidney trouble and constIpatio Was trequeatly diaîourbed at nicbt, lest bis Appetits andl was a very sick insu. Hi, Kidueys are now lu a hesltby condtion, bis appetite good*mleep undWs tui-lied dconstipation ouroil; a&U thlm vws doueby Ryc1tmun't "Koot.aay Cur." Ho makS s sie platmenit tite aboes tacts baZars J. W. Bqmu codsy, July O18 A. Elhis spent Sunday at Union- ville. Mr. anti Mrs. McGougan visitedt at P. R. Hoover's on Monday hast. Miss Monkirouse anti Miss Feu-rier, Toronto, are visiting witir J. Bell. The Misses Jackson, Lindsay, are spending a few weeks at W. Turner' s. Mr. andi Mm. Hopkins and Miss Gertie weu-e vieiting at D. S. Turner's, Wiiitevale, Sunday last. Tom Robinson ie down with typhoiti fever. AUl the rest cf the sic4 in our vale are on the menti. H-arvest is over at-ount hem.-andi threshing ie going on at nearly every barn. Tire yielti per acre ie fair. Walter Hoover anh hiis two sistensï, accorinpanied by Miss Noule Barton, were visiting f nientis st CherrYwood Sanday last. Siciiy Voiý ncnuAl, n 0"' Bm Pr om wa"no b.oyJ Fred htecf ëroitô, I bà wU 1rnftisr, air. ilon, fî~ Mlis Pocob.rj of Tqroto, la with ber sistor. . A. Major, for a' short P. A. Boston, cf Toronto, -je bore wztb Ise brother for a short âmne, alstng ln thre office work. m"e. Prancy ef t on Saturday to rojoin hor huaband in tho agates. She wil spend a week with fMonda in the oity on route. W. ane informod that Mfofsis ynde sud W. S. Berneane at O)ttawa this woek on offitial business. Thoy wil rem"i down thoro duuing the session. John Bleigi'. apring shakos thre Ihirst of mauy a weary horse theso dry, hot dayp, aU wehl as beiug a source of much eomfort to the. stock of t.he noighboring farmers, wiro bave exiraustod tire upply of weil-water upan tiroir respective places. It i. ruoerd tht Mr. Delong, of l~kin, is uegatiating for thre purobase 0fia Major Mille for tire aum of &bout #4,0(1. Tieso mille are fitt.ed np in tire very iatest fasirion, and should do a good local trade, but tire being so many changes tire public have breome some- wbat ekeptical about it. Tire buvines wilI b. oompleted on Tuesdy nezt itii s expected. Tire trustees bave engaed the services of a Mr. Hackney, of Tyrono, as princi pal of our publice chool, and on Monday of aset weok ire oommeueed his dalles. We trust îirat Mr. Hsckuoy will be suc- cegsf aI in advsnciug tire intoresta cf our section. sud lu behaîf of a&l we welcome him to oui midet. Miss Day is, cfcocurse, in charge of thre junior departmnent and ie progreeaing nicely.-News. Castoria. 09 OMMIS oan emmceuendkmte fer eui- Sien. Kothom nhave roestedly told m» ceItu good eoeaupo.Uatdr hdgrfL" Ds. 0. C. Osseen, LoweE. NU& "CSEoeVIlaItbe oaIU medy for ehidrmo f ehih1 amn acqualntsd. 1 hqpothe day la et far distantwhmmowlcnsder the roa fnteredtoftthefr crdremnd ums goinl- stesd of tbevarloeuquack uonbumawbkà mae deafoylng tbe& loved cana, bytelnOrlumtuc - - usotin y àuip and other hurtrul agents doms their tha-cata, thereby mding tbem to prematurepae. " Dit. J. P. EKcuoe.o Oouway, Ai-k. Castorla. Coeiassowofl daptadtodtfdymthM I recommbmd It asmpriortossyremi kueva ttn&m" £IL A Massa, ILD., U11 U Oxford 8t, Brooklyn, N. y. "Our pbyscfmu atho chfldrem's depat. nmn have spokea hlghly cf tirisempeef- once ln tir is eMepractJoe vth Cauiefs, snd aflhgh ouoly have amwmg o& modicul .ipçflm hat lu knwu am regular produets, yet ve ae fmeste oeufet at tha mal-tsetfCantins bs wonius to looak ut favor upon IL" Al.rms C. BSUIri, t, T"e C.mtam amwtpn m, F1Mmystw..t, né* York cet> James Whitson and son, Markham, spent a day with hie brother J Whit- son, of tis place, not long since. Solomen Burkliolder sipent a day in Sutton hast week with M. P. McClel- land, formerly a school teacher ini this place. John Lott, of Green River, visited under the parental roof last week. A. J. Poynter, Queen's university, Kingston, called on E. B. Hoover net long since. Miss Mable Spears, of Uxbnidge, spent a couple of weeks with her sister Ethel,'cf this place. Mrs. E Hoover and irer sister, Mm-s Reid, cf Toronto, were visiting f nientis in R1ingwood last week. Miss Ida Browusherger is spending a couple cf days i Toronto this week vwitir her aunt, Mrm Reidi. Mm. Reidi and daugirter have re- turned to their home in Toronto after sçinnding about a month in this vivin- ity with friends. Miss Ruby Nighswander han ne- turiedti t her home in Toronto, after spe3lding a couple cf weeks with lier old'echool mates cf this vicinity. Master Alex. Lapp lias been on the sick lEt for some tine, but we are pleased to eay li j out again. Mrm.A.. Hoover, cf tis place, spent a day with hen sister, Mms Barkey, of Cherrywood. Mis J. Nighewander and her son, Frank, cf Markham, were'visiting at J. B. Hloover'a oneday reeently. ONE HOEET AN Dzaa Dn'oa; -. seiuform your reademe that t wr*M on teofideuuy 1 wzJl"rIsi à ed toheit sdmzsn MWao , lryu=eof ausuasfomaim""Ou$ smi ea. I i z 1] t à -il TeMost Econolmca flic .Houc Wm r Thei. KeIsey'i W4rov Ai aen The K08s1cy Ssixpot belq .Pin nd pu A iï bbl aighaoistb ~d'b t~sx The~Iegy"emale ir." 6e go roItS 'au a. Vnatouias le Dr. somamulpitcbr's reO eiýo o ut Md bida'n.1*outalmn eiter Ouiium, Kor-piue or ether INarcotie sbss IoJt 18 a barmies substitut. fer Pbregorlo,, Drops, Sotbing Syrupa, and Castor 011 J-t 18 Plesat. Jta gusrantee Io thfrty yesaW use by MMlous 0f >Jotheru. Caitorta detroys Wo=umsd aflys fevfiorlsbeusCastoris preveuts VOmiting Sour Cur«t curesDlarrhoe ansd Wlnd Colle. Castorla relipves teetbing troubleis, cm'.. constipaton aud fistulency. Càatorlaasita thre fboi4 régula+-e the stomach imd bowels, givlng heslthy and - natural sleep. Case torls 1s thre Ohidren's Panacea-the ]Mother'. fflend. rEDY IRE@. b.5a il '0 r Roi-es t l a ;astlied IRE. 3,m IV tinuvot- ces 1~il lcdt wit ixs1 ND rCE. sarS,

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