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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1896, p. 4

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TO BE- P ES TED with FL/4 5c. and 10c. Packag fi Os uity In8ect ford d. £~ W/LL/ C HE MIST & DR UG GIST, ME DIC AL -: - H AL L,' Brook Street, - Whitb~ WHI TBY, SE PT. 4,1896 le a d r o o se r - e~ i e ar a e n Iast week in favor of an elective Senate.--- Premier Laurier says the Dominion plebis -Cite and prohibition will be take a s- miised by the Liberal •at- prei s pr th * elections, but the date bas pvot ye en de- turned uon.-Hon John Drydeneia rh- weî e had a grand t-rip, an Xid the corner stone of a new country at New Dry-. ration ethspato (ntanlo to te new --onoreel p ret certanthat Mr Sif- terio ttle utLauriers cabinet. The terni ofsnewllbenoh dManitoba school ques- bis appointment -Hons ulanesyaith co nial secret-ary of Engiand, as eain, b St-ates taJç - t-he Venezuelan ques. mayn iis er rObeand he ed thejàr io a Toront o ot s r> Mla e, M.Hs f vn- nin to a n D th eeto u euues in- recent Dominion elections.-Isn 't it about e joining confedatiout Newfundland ~ .sShort Nt. A forea e of the result of the United C States elec* s, at l'east in the eatr ts may be tal fromt the Vermonasvte Ts- F day. Out 50 senat-ors the Democrats s failed t-o e any, while they onl pti out of 24 mnembers of the assembiy Al E tehghte offices went Republîcan by S maiority. Even in Nes abuork state, hch S is nomnali Democat tis t-he opnion of The Pickeiring township council, as will p be eenbythereprton anothr page, ta d ouned bes ton eutice tao t-iaton sb e W lamsooerion bfrehegagnsu-R mitte. F ll wi g then sua tacics t-e S whiskey ren have e arg uio e I * iha tn te havken sufficien t-l disgracei fort pie of t-he township, and look t-o the coun-ar, votera of icken voed for tlocal optin tdi voe o proht-on y have gti. t-ownship, and matil t-lebe ol ai- foots enougi t-o vote repc ai t-ler. never will be. any mo-byqo aony tlier.. hy sotuid t-e bt eaear rie l asr- - antintedby nc-ieeil loereton or w soldtb haclfThtal t-eratinfoey ea and aos reeoeaeie hasde nt- intn thu sem>etat ty are toast-e? hiacty seld .hThe at-oren. eer.mt-iluis ,ntbiciaten. b newsbut-punrig cnsencerono munirpalt ctheciritishrCedumbiaroped mie s shaidor opeatle way -o.esPepialy thefo intviws take. toe ase men have t-i t-re. stack it- bans teyn aw in arss g tok -54 F. t-on, suueu wey cogna, so tney ptgqp ta iinto thehole and mad u ail bélfeve p4oiYe>do nt ued t-o go lto lnug Nt uteles la t-o lt the mfnlng tock abon. any bsi eand su4omaed~ they ca'- ""'°"°*-ere-l'-- eePaareg ain*•• [8 •i anis show t-be naLmes of parties who passed fu as > n kid gos atrs t-oe, ti ladMesuigteM nhO atth pacsnaed btar nt ecsarlyGn inue boots garrow t, ;ldes' D .in M nh o August we Wil offerBa tlennae of pupils who studied there : only $I ; lades' fn id xfodn ahes ar- l U E R O D a n PIcKEarNG oL-IEGEro to, 8only 85C at t-le new shoe atore, M ,1 re Om k Seon fm-^:rtI-.M Annan T Wuat DuhmFarroom for our Fali Importations. g ber, D Thom<,passed i.,phsics,> Bowman,îîîe Pairt-hiseaw i,,b. eld od ________________________ W Seondliform-Part I (without physics>.. ebsda hand uFriday,e Sept. î17 and î8- Pritnary--R W alsh (honors, form II.) Thursday at 4 p. m. th ee î a s ai l efl < Junior leaving--T Bush, Ethel Dale, match for a cash riaze of 020. At ight a l*l~ u. aa~uw es Fasont form-G Hill, G Johnston, H Richi. 13 1. fr 2valabe rie adis o . o o h l a RSecond form-Pa- I- tKing, W Shaw,2 p. n.~ for 3prle$5, r15 ad$oon SecA o dn Go Sm ith r (wtophysics)-- ed f ut-ter, including Sr3 Dinner Set, $8 A s e ~ MA T e t o d e M oa jd. J cP e sn M II), G ere mu n aJ o ge hnea f t -h on s at-e M N A N T l f fd becD n l J H id y Ai et H erson, Vry large num ber of special prizes are of- w e .rO Junior leaving-H Bewei1 K Hillay trctd, mairlogseteroe bf t-he Socstya-.SW C W r Iai L a r ne ,S iMc C r - y C M T g ax t , K C o a f - e i ze L ia gmO u tbaeebyaS alfro mc Mee, W Ong I Piley c aissed, ein ttre sy w m e. Fourtli fo im-Part I--A G ose, A Smith. beC hunted, takn or kl e ar t e n Sha , r5 t1 1 BowMANvILLE and Sept. 5. May flot be sold until Sept. * _ _OJl H OU ycFirst o-ni- ankeun Clemens, M aken orkled between 5t Dec.ead UST 18 6. Y abdge. , readFKnk V olard, H Spt, and may nlot bie sold until Sept r5th,- S cond fo i-Part I--F Kerslake, C Mit- lot be hun e d ak or ld ewenD e ' K Primbany- Cobeik- ok and î5th Sept. Beaver, otter-Shaîl not lie S ma, E ord edic iHan, R hunt-ed, taken or killed before Nov rst, 1897'. Sunrleav Wxig- Brw llnrE uskrat--close seasor, bet-ween May lat and Conior (paseding- Frnh, Fatieno rk E January rst. Deer, elk, reindeer or caribou . Cuncor pledving-Fne Job tin an Gare,T --Shall not e hunted, taken or killed be D ry G Oods, Carpets, R ea y m d l t i g Ryanio lTeavnuth. in Lwie tween t-be r5th day of Nov. and t-he rat dayaeCOhi Senior leaving--J Gillesbv of Nov. the following year, but no ooe Foui th form--Part I--D <rieve. elk, reindeer or caribou may be huntèb- Fint formi- Beatb F Bailea, C Bain -be ownertob accstne -o pOKuTRE TsuWIT Y GBaset-, Guylo, EalaL Eiby Evero deer, shall permit any suchi hound or other EGPester, Gauy, E Pay y,H cCuloc, dog to run at large in any locality Wbere 1pMPacke, F Sanson (honors)h deer are usually found, during t-be reiod, J Spenceley, W White, '~ fr-ome 1t a oG b raedcotSm ton-Part- I--J Farrell, WV Gar. day of November in the ohowng yer first Seow0ndnoi-ni-Part Iwithout physics )- s5a nas yt-hn c orci .ach oflec. Any Ahlis oma SE Dre, V ooper, H Purvis, E person harboring or claiming t-o be t-be P hops, ugden, C Swanson, W Smart, owner of any such hound shall be deemed S Tompshors itorM-e oner thereof. Any party has a~toi- F Joblin als passed-i ai n Grek, Ctgesd-.Fi,0*Uv. A Knye Ibn , A.Lawlor, L Lindsay (also eConeadtePieoSler Ritson, M Ta O'onnor, . 'Thi-d fog -- The anntual product of gold is nlow esti Mat-nen , * ~ ~ ~ ' mat-ed at a litt-le over $20o,oo0,oo0. For t-he epGads years 188î-886 Soet-beer est-imated the Thois~ Gaay, L Keddie M non-monetary consumption at 8o,ooo,000 a Pot h foi-m-Part I--M Gibson. year. It is no0W probably a third more, but X B l G Ea bout $îo0,oo0,000 remnain t-o lie added t-o d co aUXrIDG t-behad(as.sppy currency gl uaingcftri s. pThE EORP MSRBLR Mit ox-n-- Coe, J Grye, D ELa, nato or Eurpe eprnso-.n< ot pdayohriatemreytnpeger o. åesl o ynmrusgsoes ih etrpprta tl insont, J DoGlay R Gaam M ays n haep inreaed thei expasion af uinss EGra a itadbte3auOhaOvrLubr T d P au t1 n ens xrieB osi Er, x bl M Ken n, RMc ns, HEell oEa M sc or d angt-er oft datige urrea nc af DyigC . n h eetr ulsoko at em re, As gnyfrteB iih A eia [re tt-, M WaLea, M unioalker.rrd the otrld aislon e tha n ere is a fn -bersawa so a d trectonin-Nrag I- Blashnr sulat ngth currency ofitheiwhesea wrlyh0 ÅS ha x-pd(e, aG æ n r classis), rat oicre se b b e tai-cy the world s b E Eg OU PL Mma efo u0r usw nID uaî strieFenchs oui supp nder ntre r n cr eaeS R B L R ,o pesy m ut ne etr p p rta Seno lea oi g ls J -a a i, A rKy. atri lth ba idayp ueesay t-o an cpa E so- 1,2 a d cfo ne y 2,3 nd c. Alt e P bi a d H gh c o l T xt B k Pis f- B ra B M LBod e, S Brien ntion, o eoe wm- e s ver-eapr naton E c E an E ln a pefaa sw r aPap c ery. rq ie u eir En e o e ~ . pcae t n i o N i e sa n d e r , C a r , A D W a l e s- o L u - s h i f t b o m r ~ a o h . T e eD o n C h o i c t e F l a i l yP u l G r o r i e s Te r n, C o f f e en n d lm erfe, M ch aîb-son Woub a E Hay- mo reae r m ---otin tb c:5urtkigrtonWefdyevraoti t-et-on, kett, alke. Loaîn t-b cgreatc ot-em wo.FIRS-Wenlddoowgods oat iîa ren, Ctag (I cln nor d an ivr Ton ulecy f tbe oi-Tiemesr t BGok hara d I la s hn r pisto rT iarsc , I am ta h tba ungs in ng o a li i- O Ry b f F aH g n CJoran pase Warnrenenn, an, GPBut atd-t-.odratsiof atrpaate t-be SanO adiegg grg ct-d n ani-ft-BM Senior leavi g-J Sharrar. nency de ns. Wha tb curn y d- T T P womessa otte.Wehfur caU7 to Sautlad~ .h itr .t sie. £nt misthe cane Ony 3 days at M W Collis' East Side Sho tore. Stage fareu to Osbawa, O'Brien, Oshawa's photographepy sae fg r to sh aa f or ornr r ay or r ~,~ya~tlie -Quigbey BOOTS ait- ornn~, i*c~to cati ail home beautif IXCAN ~Goot->s w-hidi w-e bougî meet suit-ahi. for Dreses,. Waiet-s at- C1iiIdreui~, wear. T1ae~wlioîe lot- go< ou Sale.._ cows t-o exc sldaseentof MC. Geo. St-urgess came down on t-be entsmb n on Sat-urday and paid bis par- g o e s o t - t o t - e r h o e l u C e f d o , h a V i ginia, after spending t-wo months bei-e. Mra yonadTae HoHland, Toron- strak lat eek They sailedi downv t-be with a vrlarge at-tendane, epn ealy l thbe, low-er mot-s. Mn. Chaie SAmt-h y ies carge of t-be eut-rance class untl t-bheu- of drawing çard weks- aRto 4lect-a ad lu f-. t ,dair - swaoa thêe nna err outudegt t-hisf year Hiow great tb Thue pRide, d bet. t- h.. stlr MILL, MGlLL UNI VERBTY, Montreal SESSION 1896. The Ctirriculum cowrjisea Courses ln ALT (nclui t-he Donalda S~ap .MEDICDmu _LAW. and YETEuuR4tNA ì c¥ ElCa MatriculationEh5tfn u C o f the aod~, e v b î j ESab1TATE 0F Barley t 8IFf8&tL~,, ~4~Iafor salne at noue ne noon onth at x: at the. rc le cblld i aif Mai W. armae e mas 8 gBROOCI SCARF UINKS BUTTON innatural atumn tir .utiu Canadian! Th~eeand many other esigs in enameli car -ea COUnty Organ.-La Usi.@f any local paper liRIDAY, AUG. 2 LOOAL LAOO Scott repaira ahi kinds of p -Ice cream, cakes, boiled ha -Mies Aggie Walters is visit relatives St Solina. -Dr. Harry Powell. Chicag week visiting fiends. The model school opens fo teachers on Tuesday next. *Save your butter account 1 bread. .Half t-h. butter-will Mr. Arthur Fallen, Bufia visiting for a few days hast w Miss Mary Ana Foley left for Buffalo, where she will in Two brick bouses to i-en anges ; low renta. A pply to A number fromi bere tool races at Prospect park, Osh -day last. * piece solid walnut para with silk plush banda, for $S W. TiiPs. -A couple of ou- sports t-ook Bryson matched t-rotting race liton on Thursday last. Principal Waugh of t-be col has reted t-be Holden hou street, and will reside there. -Messrs Chas Macdonald: neil, Toronto, were in town i on Sat-urday last. They cama Columnbian excursion. .Mr and Mrs Alfred Gronss r-en, of Chicago, who bave t Mrs Grossi to- tbe past weekx day on a t-rip to Montrneal Milss Edith Gross accompanie went by train to To-onto and mnail steamer. *Tp t-he surprise of everyb<t lflH were st-uck up on Wedne hlig a baiift's sahe of chatte Mnr. B. Gibson, base line. T back int-erest due on a mortgr that. Mr. Gibson may b. ab-le t-kt-of hie emxbar-assments ve is eert-ainly a most worthy cit Beds aad board at Industia. NBed and board for visitors [ibition2, 4Ann St. Were t-hey stolen? 100 pitirs ladies' lionse slip Mrc rpair during this g1 vat.W. Conin', t-h. r -Teegular meeting of the S SAssciaionwill meet 'a brcBrooklin on t-be s~1.J W Brown, Sec. u~a.uecital at Oshawa ~Juo da yevening ne: give a dram waaiMiss Greta Masi

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