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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1896, p. 7

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>ly 16Ot e,; :d; 1 Almos! ever «vhudi v ta thie townshipî of MeaDMI30L, lI utltrîu ('o., knows %Ir. Wm. Auigils.. J- P'., posttnaî-tr of Augui. ton. Mr. Auu i ow tri lits 771li year, cEa me lo Canlda rt Enldfoy beresîlitri ofNelar)ctl)ou. I>nrîng tome îlot-ty Netars of that time lie bai. keensa postwa8ter, for eleven or twelve t-tacs was a wm-ber of tbe township eocil, foîr Situe vearg hling te 11081. nonof depuî.v riève. Ile bas also been LEU? ajastiee of the peace since thie formation VOODt thîe cout y. Ih wil thuI3 be open ta Mr. Âugast stands Iiigh in the estimation ETC# ef bis netglî bore. la the %vmater of 1894 915 Mfr. Atigust vas laid api oitIi -an iuuusutillv t;evere attack of rleîitaboîng conflned to OieStb bouse ai ro hi, lted for about three j 1100Dths. T, ai rteporter of thie Ecoaom- st, Mr. Au.,u1: u si - - was ina fact a rerular cru 1ple. Suspeaded fro m tAie a St of~ ctbig uver iîuy btJ %% as a rope wbîch 1 F Odsize Wath My bands, and thug change tuY position in bed or risc toaa 'IItng posture. 1 snfered as only those !tkdwatîî rbeuanatic paint couîd suifer, tAi OwinÏy te my advanced ege, ity telghbbr8 I11i1net thing it possible for Ietareciiver. I had read much cou- 11, îg I)r. Wlliams' Pink Pila, and et laitdeterwat-ed to give them a trial. I elInraoflce- takingi the pilis about the lat fFeb., 1 m95, takang at the outeet oee o Ia acb ineal and inreasing to thmees * 1time. Within a couple of weeke 1 'Old notice an iruprovementi, and by 14~ first <if April I was able te be about 'S1ala free froru tbe pains, ad with but Very' ltttîe of the stiffuess left. I con- lfed tie treatanent a short time longer "ad fouad uiyseif fully restored. It is 11llarly a y6ar simca I discontinued tlîg thté Pinkr Pulls, and I bave net had IDj' returo of the trouble in that 'tune. 1 have Do beoitation in saying tihat I ove n'yJ rcoevery to Dr. Williame' Pink Pille. IDr. Wiliams' Pink Pille are sold ouly 10 OXis keaing the firm's trade uaarl; ~tldwrapper, (printed ini red Ink). Béi tâ Mmd that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla ae 676r sold in bulk or by the dosaS or U anfd any dealer vho offars atmb- etUiteg inithiB fortw le trying te defrand 1012 and shouid be avoiclad. The publie ar a180 oautjoned againsti 3lotb*80a '1I.d btood builders aud' na om S, ~UP in sirnilar form i itenddta de. Nive. They are ail imîiaSl.g.- * liakens hope to mesp 'O iary ïadutn. ISk" froithe o fl khefed byDr. Wd'i " tý-P ve soldO' ià1beè Jm-a tra' i ILBoorseIu~si~ i Miss iib~18 visitiuig her f riend, xim ml)e lrauider. miepÂtïGilchrin aVisiting w ber cousin, MîisoMag*e -Gilchrist. Minses Chard and Gilohrist, Toron- t are TlSiting at Jas. LUw8on's. A great many froin- heme attended' the funeral of the late Mrs. W. W. Irwin.- Mr. Roach oeccupied the pulpit on Sunday evening, a large congregation being present. Wesley Roach has been appointed delegate to attend the Provincial con- vention at London. Mr. Kays, accompanied by Miss Whaley, Toronto, visited at Pleasanti XTjew on Sunday. Mr. Whitaker, of Hull, England, Mdiss Cole, of Locust Hill, and Miss Tran, of Uxbridge, visited at James Gilchrist'8 on Friday last. iiopeless Case. IW ible Oough. No Est Nlghît Go ay iven up by Doctors A LIFE SAVED 13Y TA.KIG CHERRY AgYER'S PECTORAL ,Several years Ogfl I caught a severe cold, ttended wth a territ le c ough that allowed Men) rest, e thtr (l' or night.. The doc- rs ater sworking ovtr me tathue best of tbeir ablitY. pronounced n'y cae bopelesq, &cd saîd thiCY coUId ido no more for ne i friefld, Jeru ng <4 tny trouble. sent nme abotile aI ANC t C! <rry 1I tOTa',lih 1 bepn to take. an!d very so-on 1 was grently releied. 13v thv tirne 1 hid used the whole braie. 1 tas cnnipletetly cured. 1 have ut-ver bad mccli Mf a cougli since thit tinie. and I Urmy belleve Il 't Ayer's Cer'y Pectoral glye< n if lt -W. IL W"ial, 8 Quimby Apî' S Cherry Pectoral HISESI AWARDS AT WORLO'S FAIR. iyte?" Pillj the )Jeit Famuily Phya4o. A REGULAL CRIPPLE. THE STt)li 1-(F AN O(1 1 SITII. Lii 1> l I lN CC)LNTY. Suffred 'e r r i b 1 vwiti i uats and Ha, ,t-l .î-\,îîtîAp Xliances to Tara iii -îI 1-rîcud l'bougbt he Couid ni KeýCover. Fron ht ý n n" "lîheP urne, t )n. itby, roprieS 41t vîtu prîcea. Toronto, In rubbes, iIver fiwhniý ýPeratorisj the cil7, me exla tra charge, eaet corne; Alfrçd Could ry cf West Sheffrd, Qte bec, Completely -Cured --of!Heart Disease of Four Years' Stan dingi by Dr. Agnews Cure for the- Neart -A Pembroke Lass Cured of the Worst Form of Chronic Catarrh -by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder- Dr. Agnew's Ointment for Piles, and His Pis for Liver Ilus. Four Mait Reinarablc Reoeedle:, 1 The development of science in t-e- tcent years gives hope for the curing of many of the worst forms of disease that afflict humanity. Even so dreaded a complaint as heart disease is curable. This is being demonstrated almost daily by the use of Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart. It positively gives re- lief in any case within haif an hour' after the fit-st dose, and this often means the saving of a life. Alfred Couldry, of West Shefford, Que., suf- fered from heart disease for four years. He found no relief until he made the acquaintance of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. and says: 'After using eight bottles of this medicine 1 know nothing of this dreaded trouble." Catarrh in its worst formns is deem- ed incurable. But here is what Mrs. George Graves of Ingersoil, Ont., says: 'Nylittle daughter Eva, aged thirteen years, four years ago was taken with catarrh of the very worst kind. We used aIl knowri catarrh curesand doc- tored with the most skilful physicians for over thre vears, but with no avai]. %Ve considered ber case chronic and in- curable. Last winter I heard of the lame of Dr. Agncw's Catarrhal Pow- der, and was persuaded to try a boutle, and 1 must confess, for the sake of all suffering huinanîty, that atter using two hotties niy chîld w-as completely c ured.'- [Dr. Agnew has given to the public four vaiuable specirics, and ail alîke do the mnost satisfat'torv work. H is famnous o'ntmnent will cure the worst cases of itchtng piles in froni three to six nights. and one application alone wtll bring comfort. In an age m hen there is ne end of liver pis. it savs much for i)r. Ag- niew's Liver 1ilib that they win frîends wherever know-.n. Ten cents is the charge for a phial of forty doses. Sold by -j. L. \Vllis, Whithy. Met Aug. 29tlh. On motion of Mr. Alldred a by-lstw was introduced and l)assed to raise funds to meet the Corporation expenrses, pay the countv rate snd provide $150 for eacb sehool section, vi7: t.ownship rate $400, county 8,36740. schools $450. On motion of Mr. Bryant a by-law waî passed to raise the foliowing amount,3 required by the sehool section trus- tees te defray the expenses of the sclxools the present vear, Section No. 1, $150, sec, 2, $150, sec. 8, $1200. On motion of Mr. Crozier a by-law was passed to appoint John Jackson coliector for 1896 at a 8alary of $25 Mr. Alldred moves that the reeve be and he is hereby instructed to to employ the township srirveyor to set out the centre road and place monuments on one side of said road- way. Mr. Bryant moves in amend- ment that inasmuch as the councilors are not aIl present, Mm. Aildred'gi mo- tion to engage the surveyor to set out the centre road ho laid over until next meeting cf conncil for further consideration. The axnendment was put and carried and the matter laid over. On motion of Mm. Âlldred the clerk wus instructed te flot charge dog tai against Robert MéGregor, as the dog was aasessed ini errer. Mr. Crozier moves that the road and bridge committee meet on Saturday next te inspect the bridge on the th con. opp lot 24 te deoide on the ad- viBahility cf repairmng the same. On mQLion of Mr. Bryont the clerk was, instructed te ueotify the pathmasters of road divisions N o's 8 and 5 to re- pair the culverté on said divisions. On motion the council adjourned un- til December lSth next. Ile iIsperial Parlisment ha. bom formafly prerogued £11 October 31L Spaia bas erdered Ivonov wfurt edau ms iu f rom the Thosupsons, of Qlasgov. The. voilier in Engiaiad durmg thé'put, week vas v"yunmttie, but thmus va n great eat. ~f 1;4 OLU- GOLU «CIGARETTES Co,, ROCH ESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywbere 5C Pe r Package. 17 First Prize 'Medals. Foot Defenders! 1 Yo-ur bat b on top and my have a soft thing lbe take cS o-(toI But your hos are ben«th ye, and bve a hardt ime alring Came ef your fos. Whaî kind et care-takers are they? Plnched and painy and m2aft;tlng per- hape. Here's a Shoe WilU defend your' foot againt defbrmity. 'Fit yen the flrsî Lime you 'wear l't. Twelve ShaPes-=nny wldths-biack or tan. Best imported cal! skim- Goodyear weft procese. Stamp.d on the soie $&.00, 04i.00,$53.00 per pair. The Siater Shoe (for men.)' Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins* Wood's rflOshoaIl....T » Grea Englis Remdy. la the resui of Over 85 y'esrs freating thOizasad of caseswlth aul kiown druga, umttl at Ingt we have disoovered the true remedy and umaues&& comblnatiou that wfil effect a prompt a"d permanent cr la aul atageof Sexm~l Debil~ Abase or ZRc"&u, ervom, Wmeaue, mam,4 WSrry, &eem Use Eeof O>tius,Tokoccoor 4JcoOJIcShaimlaua«c -which soon Iead to lnsanlt, Conumpilon and au «Isrlyaav.. Wood Befoe TaImJ.Pbosphodinebas been used succesatUiy by hundreds of culesUia seme almost hoeloe-cS ase t ad beeu Ltraed by the mos& talkuM edphs cdans--casestiat were on t.he verge oxlder and nsani y.ancgjth Sottering over the grave-but wtth the continued &M peverng use of Wood'a Phosphodine, these casa that had been givea up te disvwu restored to many vlgor and healtb-Reaer you need nlotdspnoat ter who bas given you up Us InCUralIte r.medy la nov vithin yu reach, by Ica une you cSn be restore4 to a Idte of usefuinsu &" happinees Price, eo» package, SI; six packages, $5; by mail free of postage.L Theb Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.ý,, Canada. Wood'a Phoasphea s ld by rspomaiiswloisal mh reuIId lhafs ag . i '>1 t, Rbr diffcr~ i Prepare Now torte 'à sIlye m g- tih W. have the llaeuf eio lin latown o1 thoise WL L PA PER8' Sodr to Ma tch Corné early and getfirst c/soeg. P, B. WARAM, BrYan's old Siac Brook St., Wbjibp DOMINION \BANKR CaptalPad u5a $1,500,0oS W"hitbY A genoy. SAVINaS DEPÂBTMENT. Intereg l ed 111IhIgiieg curont irata. NO nlotiCef vlthdraval relied EJ.TKORNTONt and Ieading drnggIis'whîi*'. STAR LIFEAURNEC, OP LONDONi, EGA Established. 1843. Total funds lu band ............ . Banases added...,.......... 9,0357p6.4q Total claims pad. .... .......212,5. Total amount Assurnce lan forceDe .,... 15 daims paiîg~ammnt. * ng te esemm.,s.,, j066,j Grants a vend vide. and> policv. Profits lncreashg Wj* opIç Iiilfediaie payInt f dt Cains laterim sud opand..beauses ,adde& .Every .descriptonl , L A uaaeý Apply T H carter, étEat AýW Tor -oJunerion, Ontario HeadOoefor Canda', No. 1 S .ià R sT Oi . < cf CDd-lîver Cil, withý Hypo- p-hosphiîtz-s, will soothe the cou gh, relieve the inflamed membrane, and tone up the SCOTT'S ENIULSION tu* beeFi eednrsedbtv te 'cs, .e-fitýiv-ears. (Ai -. -.., a ' -i e isîa!v .i î-31%ah/ 1-".-a on Scott'a Emulion with trade-mark of rna-a and f- 'sh. P 1 p i se ce-il and $ i.oo sizes. The smstl asize rra.iybc c.. __-ý r c yuw cou1j h or h ssN.-r bat, y. Ub ta11 ,,1WntriBellitt-ai ot-î BLACKSTOOK Mr. Clarke Latti more, who was hurt some time ago while passîng Hampton bridge was tare-n te Toronto Thursday by Dr. Fish and Wrn. Parr. They report no hopes of recov- ery. The sick r Florence Corfield, Phoebe Cor- field, Mrs. (Dr.) McKibbora, and Mrs.( Rev.> Drew. Visitors: Mr. and Miss Tabb, Bowman- ville, at Mrs %Vm. Hooley's- Mr. F. Parires. Peterboro, at 'r. Jno. Parkres; Miss Lizzie johnston. Toronto . Rev. J. Ferguson and wife; Miss Annte Davis, TLronto; Mr- Wm. Corfield, Erîfield. Rev. J. Ferguson preached for Mr. Dresv Sunday week. Livelv time at S. 0. E. on Friday night- mock trial. Mi,;s Sara Moore is visiting hersister, Mrs. Collier, at Toronto. Mfiss Maude Parires is visiting at Columi- bus. Mr. Harry Ferguson hs visiting bis parents. PYNY iPECTORAL Positively Cures COIJGHS and COLOS ln a surprsingly short time. It's a sal- entific certainty, tried and tune, soothlng and heahLng an las effeets. W. c. MCCOMBERi & Son, Botachette Que realu ltter bthlpyny-iectoent cured SMm . aeof t-trante cold tu ciiesiand branchial tube%, snd a&ocuresd W. G. uComb e t à MR. J. H. HLYTTY, Chemniat, 52-8Yone St Toonto wltes: laia moSt Invaua Io. i bau ghven the Utmout »àmt"a b bave L t dI.Maur boving upoke ta me of lb. benOgts deuive uM tu nela u.t oir fautilu. ItlI.a gtble fur aid or =C1,0 betg mUaurte the ta" &Its mie wlah 2» e . ..,"on.r1 and 1Icma wuaya reowa.umd autg » 1 a reaiabi. e nl edta"- Large Dotae,osColi. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO, Lrc. Soie Proprietors MODITRaAL The Spaniih gorernint ia anviticg tenders iu Bnglhd for Lb. construction ef a flouting dock at Havana. Tva vainable pictures in the Britiab Nation- ai portriit enlery bave beec delibecsey dam- aged by vaudals Svaria cf grasahôppers ame dosg pUai damage te vegetation in parb s ýetein- Tran s amaking elaboato prepsrt£oms'os "the eutdgvlc yof bOec#,*V . 1 . 8.Kim bal ct The wlse farmer handies fruit very carefully. He knows that MIe bruiscd spots, are 1-efi[-s!ta decay. So with your system. Dori't let your cold continue. The hard ef-> forts at cou hirig and the in- flammation bruiDý.e the doiicate li-nirïg to your throat and lungs. Disease g.crrns like thecse bruised ani 'eakened parts. rk oftiau r hat bt ned. u L LowFST Generai Banidng Transacted. Businew seugog couneil. bd . 46444 1 IcAky PRICPS& ý auminst

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