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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1896, p. 1

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g les11 en, Ltems 4 r wey. mre, - till r way. b WEST. 'le Canadian ansd Ontario' Id JulY 2ist lits in~ Mani: thwesî at the'ý ....28 00 .28 00 ....28 00 .... 28 00 ....3000e ....30 00 .... 35 (» .... 35 00 ....40 <» ....40 oo d to ug. 29, 14&~ ýPl. 5, 1896 Pt. 19: r89&ý tiois can be -ZER, as the, 1. Agte, INT.,' iproved Etc., all mna- -ph Hall 1 Dingle- iii their r moet, reaper. Ak and- kinds iuPply aired, ihing ë - VOL. LUUAL. NE.WS LETTERS, CIOoIscLE ConIzsPoN»xsCI. -:0.*- AU»LMY. Hemb Irelansi bas a bike. Somne (aIl wheat la beisg pua is aroussi us. Miss-es Basic Bray andi Josie O'Leary are in tise city.# Mise Lily Lawmence lu visiaing Mr. Geo. Lawrence. Misses Lesavens sud Wood spena a few hous-sisre Sunday. Haul appîe to city for Mc. eh ? Wby sot, pa>' aie buyes-s to corne and gel tsern. Sevemal of our folks have been taking in tise fair Ibis week sud we believe being well pleasesi. It la a frigiîtishe way old cider bas becs guIpeS as sorne of our tisseshings. Not a thimble-full. Simnon Puckerin la talking of visitiug tise London (air sud Snell Bs-ou. the noteS brecd- crs of Cotswolds. If quicia moves will make aiseshers farnous Chaprnas Bros. have eamsed it. AIl good mes, no diray language, aècornodating and easy charges-Stirling virtues. We have jus read Lord Salisbury's corn- ment upon cisurch fais-s and entertaisments under church patronage for churcis funds anS we are grsdsaally corning to believe as ise. Before men will aid philanaisropy or cburch îisey mnusa est a higis-pricesi cup of tes or buy some article of no use for double its value. WVhat is ws-ong with oui laity ? Sierely we don'a need sisese barvesi homes port. Lets rise to higher levels. - TOWWNIE. Miss Lydis Blake>' la ln the city. Mi. Neil McGregor, 0f Chicago, ia home on a visat. Miss Maggie Irving bas been bolidaying at Quebec. Miss Allie McGregor and friend spent Sun- day as ber home. Mrs. John Bath's daugliser and children are vWsting ber Irons tbe West. Mr. John Sanguine. wifé and child were viais. ing ai his uncle's. Mr. C. Kesupthoru. Mead Brown is spending a week ia the cisy visitiag relatives and taking iu the fair. A sister and nepbew of lra A. H. West are bere f.-rm Canningion for a fortnîgbta siit. Mr. John Graharn made hia nmy frienda in tbis locality a short eaU before entersng school. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Noxon, of Ingersoil, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brown. Mr. T. Long. of Toledo, Ohio, is spending a few days arnong old àcquaintanoes in this nelgis- bombood. The DeHart famsil>', accompanied by friends from the other side, made a riait ai Sylvester Miackrey's on Labor Day. Mr. Carruthers Mr O'Connem sud Mr. Mackey> were in tc>ron'to Wednesday looking af 5cr achool Improvements. Mss W. McGregor, Mms.C. Kemptsom and Mis. R. Carmuthers. sr., wbo bave becs conined to their beds for a week are ail better. Mise Alberta Webster and Miss Minnie Brown bave retumnetu (rosas li e astema trip. The>' pasd a visis so the seaside wbilc away. Remembor ihe Sunda>' achool association con- vention, to o beîed in Brooklij in thse near future. These gatheings are nos attended as they sbould ho. The bounsîful ram tbat came on Saturday was weIl apprecsated. bcsng the only tain ihat we have had in shis part to amouns 10 anything for a long urne. OuSa cisool trustees have becs mnaldin< gims>ve. ment inlutaie School prernises, bavink ba<l a new PumP Pus lu the well sud expect soon to bave new blaciaboards. Mr. S. L Browu, wso lias becs working bis fathers fanas for tise Lut iseven yeans, bas Civen up ifammuug Roger Cas-penser asaking bis plae.Mr. BroWn's future course lu undecidesi. BlancS McGregos-. Edith Kempthomu, Lizule andi Alle Cosavwelli Ma>' Dawes, Ida Lee, Albert Cammusisens, Lizzie Austin, Fred Dave>' sud Normas Jeffre>' are ail secs vending theis- way 50 tise coleglase instute. Tor-onto Faimrla tise topic of'the day. Mme. Airord, of Wiuona, la visiting friendu Rer. Mn. anS Mme. Bedford are viaiting fnieuda bere. Mr. Bedford was a former pastor of Myrtle cisurch. School Inspecter McBrien viaitesi aur scisool on Mouday, and made tise scisolame hsappy b>' giving îiscm a baif holiday. A number of frienssasd relatives attessies the wcdding of Mr. Gea. Dovnane'sd Miss Lynda Rowe, et Oshawa, on Wednesda>' 0f lant wei. Miss M. Robson and Misa Pollard, of £ver- grecs Cottage, Prospect, qad P. C. Grahamu, of Manchsester-, speut Monda>' evening of st wecia at Mr. McTaggartsa. K.EBALEB Miss Ada Rogers le ettilvisltisg among nortscmu friensis. Young Mm Lee, of Kinigston ras, visjted et M r Roarrs' on saisatis. Miss Florence Mackey bas becs vsslsisg fsianda lu Greanvoos tiss yak. A goosi deab of tal visat bas beau sovu skis sassa. We trust botter results wll be o ializesi next soasn. Do not tas-gai Use Sas-rau home next Taesia>' svcsisg -et Grecuvoo& .Speçial ers s yl ho areocisesion saishats-s>' set nusibeer H W Mer-s-shbmsbes duspaslng of sasse of is tatiapples ean suexceed1ag1y 10v figure,ÇOC ses - bars-et Sudey ises..txceptal- o picas as-e n uismesi lova-siplasbimg large as-chas1-1 A fav of ans- lagS vslis-sattandsi ti SuvenUe t 1PdncsasMstlben 1*9eek . Tisey nepg lenos v1=1iis t' so4'teo*d mlu bé À"y and e nu<f t u sio esion On Monda>' aftcmsoon lasutthe romains of Squire Grecs, of Greenwood, was isterred a Saern cesseser>'. Mr Green wiâ ose of thse fis settiers in the vicinit>' of Greenwood, isavlng spent over one-isalf of a century in thai ne!gh- borhood. He was a mas wldely known and universail>' respected.- His body was followed b>' a vers- lage followlng of relatives sud friends. Thse obsequies wus d>nducted b>' Rev. Mc. Doneil, of Greeswood. In the st nutuber of the Canada Pmesby- teian, there is a well witten short stor>' en- titled, a "A Broken Chord", from the pen of Miss Annie Smith. Misa 'Smith's talents have been prevional>' rccognized b>' C.E. conventions for which ehe bas prepared papers, but this la, 1 believe, the tiret time she has written for Uic press. She la being heartil>' congratulated on ber succesin hav-i ing her stor>' accepted b>' so wellî- known a journal as the Presbytemian. c a c a il h t] p EusiaU Dlrtieb. BALL, 8 -issu«r of Krm g.Liut. Reaideno. oppoalta Town BRia, Brookltn. W.A.H. 01 placlg id thése tler w4w belg dmunk sanddsrd.] 1> onl th*eatï-ecta- EllJab W« tdlnaelttJp thon SaIns-de>' itis bis tihaHot of fis-pI a~ es l n l d e * 1 e n i e -a u p » « _ h s a ý a u u 4 Q«s C1rïàîw nth. L..L.. e, a xxxxe ( f IIAL ia- supplies. FR ES 11 MA -c F. LOVES, - AULS PI CE, ( NNANION, (,- R LI1C, T URNI1 R 1C. kilbRppss-I TNsr. r\ý ,>nrr\ M1NU ro -UNr. , ,FALINU WAX, ETC. clii :.IIST AN.D DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO.1 House-cleaning time là here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of winduw shades this season than we have ever shown before,' (rom 4,c. u p. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartsborn's spring raflerý Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask ta see our latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at soc. each. Our baby carniages are aIl of the latest de- signs. Give us a cail before purchasing elsewhere. We are takîng special pains to combine elegance wîrh economy in prife and general utility. Our stock is complete in House Furnishings. We invite buyers to corne and sec us. It wîiI save money. Leading Undertaker,.a EL Je JOHENSON, BROOK ST., WHITY. Fstablished 1849. MarbI8 and kRnit6 Works, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smith, Forinerî>' Wolfeuden Womks.) Isu. p ,rter anS Dealer lu MARBLE AND ',RANýITE MONUME.NTS, Etc., of the lates materjal sud desigas. Al kinds of Cemettry work. Our womk g-uaran teed. JN'EN OR DzsiGNS AND Psascr5s. \\ANTEDSevrl irsclassa derss atend so oui business in this and asi- Oiflnig Counases. Apply witis efrences. The BRADLEY-GARRETrSON Co., LTDr. 4,S Richmond St., W., Toronto, Ont. Farm to Rent 145 acres, Parts of lots 7 and 8 in thse 8tb con of Easa Wiitby. Good buildings, Stream and well of water, ich sosi, veli cul- t1vated, two srnall orcisards. Apply ho ALEX. McKENZIE. Aug vAth, 1896-39-4in. Columbus. M188 B eatrice -R Deoker, A. TC.M. -G RADUATE OF- TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Pupil of Mr. Edward Fishser. TOAcisror f Plauofr& V Fort ernis, etc., appi>' at residence, Whtitby, Aug. 27, 199. COUNTY BUIL]DINGS. 84B1LiFF's SALE de r bal:tStock, etc. There wilI ho solSun- drabiiis warrant, attise famnâ of MR. BAR- NABAS ý,GIBSON, Lot No. a=, lu tis»e n c Front concession of ,Wbltby Tovnslssou i FRIDAY. SEPT. z8ais, z896, Use $f1ohluib chatsîs iz : Horses-z seoinsof draft <edagi, baY ;siteanof draJt geluJi blsack ; s1 hosse, bay gelding. Cte-z Dus-bsm= 6 cows gsviug milis, 6 yearis- em=ll drj Hiogs- 2Soya, 9 9 ,ssa l x suelngJ&ls. Yarm Products.....o ton.04 yn00 - *acre of Poutsalo,3 acres Of tusmips aces - langolde. Io acresf 0 $. 0 w i 8e Of liseat, unshs-ehed, z es va nlst- W eS. 3 % acresoficor-n *WmdseW ip, u ti t' 'hcavy CrosiS $irîflt1rl*md -- ,s Ltý dupcaria, 1 Ms-np. i gang plov '2 scullas , tue 114Y na4aMill 'X as-ing box.p à lp,, us'- au W A MONICELT, D V S.-Osadute cf <heoOn- tas-la Votes-sar>' College Torotao; Rouasas- mouiberorfatise Onta-. Kedbclsocls* Treets aul dlaoa.es ai tise domostbcacss nisaisb>' Ithe mosbpproved motiso& .AIo pesticuler attentIon ta surglcel aportions sud destisti>'. De>' or ulgbt aoels -mamy *tiisndsd lao. Ofoe sud repidane o.roklu - Duncan, mèrchant taibor, fiasacusoe tise agency for the Osliav4 Steana Laundry>. Launsir> viii leave bis àiiop on Thursda>' moring, sud yl ho returned on SaIns-day, AMl vork guarantaed satistactor>'. Hastings & Mataners, Oshawas Steams Laudry.-as-tf. ETTING FRFALL. FOR 1896. G NO.Umm goodlooking woznan of 26, was driviig a Sandlor4 cow tbrough the woc4ls when the asault Is The S of T soon intend atarting a contet. said to have Ibeen made. Compton is not considered quite sane. In Uxbrrdge he got Mi"a Phillipe, of Udora, is visiting frienda away from Cpnstable Fsankish on some here. preteit at breakfast time, but waa re-capur- Mrs Boulton and ner two niecea were ed after a rua of 300 yards, for which dis- *visiting frienda here. tance Constable Franklsh now holds a record Mark Hall is quite lame, caued by a Of 3e seconds, ComÎpton was- comrnitted to prick from a mast> nail. if PORT PZER Ur. Tnos. Lundi of Buffalo, la lu towu sesew- ing old friendahips. MsP Paxton of Whitby was vislting Ms-s C Paxton last weck. Labos- day in Port Pemry wm.s generalîs- ob- served as a holiday. Misses Tilly andi Fl(iris are lu Toronto visiaing relatives tbis week A large number of oui citizensbave attendesi tise Indusuial (air this week. Unm. jas. Tisse>' sud Miss Oliver of Bufralo, are guests of Mmesud the Misses Robes-ts. Mr. sud Mm. P. Bergursu of Chicage ; Mis Mari McGeocb of Meaford, sud Mass Case of Uxbridgýe have heen -vlsitlng with Mms R G Vansiciftes Mors-ed, on Monda>' thse Ina:, attse Metisodissipas-sonn ebyte ev. D .-e Camus, Msr. Wm.!.l >of Coaourg to UAzzie daugister of Mr. Thsomas Moore oi Port Perry Congratulations to oui youug frienda ; me>' tiscr Mr MeDonald sud datighter, of O)ttawa, are viaiting at Mms.Brows's. Quites number ot people from heme took lu tise Toronto exhibition this week. E Taylor goS a kernel of su 051 n,inus eye, which caused him acvre-pain (0ýf severai days. Theme la some talk of having a hamset home here in counection wlth tis methodiat charsch.. jas Somerville, of Roseville, visited ouw publie acisoolHe thanks the echolarebave made great progmesa since his lasî'rsit Wan Obeya in tise emplo>' of R P Moore, feU off a 10oai f grain, fortnnateîy recclvang no0 furtiser uni ur>' tissu oisg stunnd b>' the (ail. Abner Davis will have to look put for- hie cow witi tise bell on, as one of oui citizosa inteusi claimlng damages if h. la beinkcpt awake ail nigis b>' the continuiî dling a front of his residence. Ben Has-wood isad a narrow ecape-the othes- day, s pitcbfomk from tbie top of -a mow tiking hlm oa tise checis boue. Rad Mr. Geo. Wilson was home from Oshawa st Sunday and Monday. Mr. Thos Black is n.w able to walk out for a short time each day. Mr. W J Marquis, oflRipley, visited fricnds here on Sunday and Monda>'. Mr. B. Duncan, tailor, has movcd into the shop adjoining lus residence. Mr. P Frayn has becs quite sick for a couple of weeks but ils now on the mend. Miss Nichols has sufficiently recovcred from her ilîneas, to again get out of doors a little on fine days. Mr. George GUI has been in Toronto for two weeks, where he has had work in con- nection with the exhibition. Miss May' Gibson, Bloomfield, and Miss Richardson, Whitby, visited Miss Lambly, at the parsonage, on Monday. We regret to lears that lire A Sommer- ville, wbo bas j ust recentl>' recovered frosa a serions ilinesa la again qsaite sick. It was Mr John Magner who bas the tali corn referred to in laat wcek 's papem-not J oh n Wagner as the typos m3ade ît read. Toronto exhibition has becs a great at- traction again this year and large numbers have gone from here each day this weck. Mise Ida Cole, whose another and sister are slowly recoverinç froua typhoid fever, was taken witb the discase on Wednesday. Mrm Nichols, of Syracuse, who ha& spent the summer bere with hier parents, Mm and Mrs A Robes, started for home on Thurs. day morning. The visit the Port Perry Royal Templars were to have paid the meaubers of Brooklin counctilist Monda>' night, was postponed tilî Monday evening, 215t mat The Clanrch of England Sunda>' achools of Brookiu and Columnbus are to hold a picnic at the reuidence of Mr John Pherral, to- morrow, (Saturda>'). afteruoon. The execntive committee of the South Ontario Sabbath School Association is to meet here, in the methodjat church, next Tuesday, i5th nat, at 2 o'clock p.nz Mr. Thos. Prankish paid a brief visit to bis mother this week. FHe was acconapanied b>' bis wife and child. Tom stili has a good position witb the Hamilton Bridge Co. Mr. John Allema haas opened up a bamnesa- t naking establishuýent in thc shop latel>' occupied b>' Mr. B. Duncan. He las now ready for an>' kind of business in bis line. The recent raina and fine weathem follow. I ing have made a wonderful change in Uic appearance of Uic country'. The freah grees - nesa now everywhere visible is as beautiful as a second apminig. Arrangýements are beiag made fo holding union meeting of the yonng peoplc's cieties of the village in the methodisî chnrjhch on Prida>' evening of next week. r Mm. R. O. Graham, of Rochester, called onc afew of his frienda here on Monda>' even-E ig. Having added soane fift-y ponnds to is avoirdupois ince he made bis home in Brooklin there were few of his old associates who ecognized hlmi at first sight.f Mr. E. Leader returned froua bis trans-at-F lantic trip on Tueada>', bavinçr been away an ittle over a mouth. Fie went in a live stock f( boat and enjoyed the voyage both ways and à the week he spent in Uic old land, but com- B plains of the quarters fumnished hian and bis 'w New Goûds ntow min Stock. oIu~grEonAdiî:~iLS.~?1aiu a ond bîçoorog 25~ peu-yard. .1 WIIITBY, ONTAIIO, FRJDAY, SEPTEMBER il, 1896. --j-- 1 1 -- 1 PINE DAIL Walter Howsam hbas engageýd with T. H. Son ly for the fal. Mm Wesley Thomas han almnost mecovered from bis recent seveie alinees. Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Langmaid of Darling- ton, Spent Ist weck viaiting fs-tends here. Mr. and Mme. Wm. Hall, and Mm. sud Mrs Josiali Thomas are attendsng tise exhibition. Mmes. Mark Howam spent a few dasm ast week with lier cousin, Mme. Johanson, of Box- gTove. Mr. Bewell, of Whltby, carne out st week and Rave an address 10 the Sous ot Tempes- ance bere. Little jas Cowie, of Layton, is dangerous- 1>'11 witis pueurnonia. H-e le under thse came or Wr Paik. M *me Josephs Howsarn, of Manitoba, is spessdng a few weeks here with ber sister, Mss. Wr. Houais. )4ss. SosIe>' received a telegman stating tba hem son wbo lives in thse count>' of Essex w4#. proer.rated wfth typboîd fever. she left fo 1Is home on Saturday mrnoning. OUs Wedncsday of tias weck John Sosie>', of Mune Dale, was married to Miss Minnie Balle, of Masilla. The ceremon>' was per- foro)ed aStishe residence of the bride's father lu prsece of a large number of guests. W'wisb tise youug couple rnany years of ha niess sud pmospcrity. PIRINCE àLlEET 1%se Mises Armsrog spent Monday in To7pnto. M$ie'ElIlen Dodds la visiting wiîis Mr. P1u b of Scugog. Rer. Mm. Ockle>', bas been ressewisg old &cquaintances heme. 1rC. Bryns of Toronto, îa spcnding a Çs~ a ysr w h friende. 't - nsi Mme. John Jeffre>', jr., have been s, ndîg a few sisys in Toro to. 9McFarlyn and farnil>' of Canningtos, sptà couple of daye with ibis mother. 1e.Leurs Weim, wbo bas becs vislting frlqdina Claremout,, returned on Saturdiay acçoiend b>' Misa Pugis. T I-Msses Proutts of Marksam, wiso for bo0~ #me back have been reidiug with Mm. as s.John West, left for home on SaIsir- daé TIý.exnnual convention of thse Witby Dis- trie<.£pworth League wan held here leat Frila Î,7 Delegates from ceacs league were presp also man>' visitors. Thse afternoon Sesf*wcnues bytise Rev. D. N. McCiuus, sud addresses were deliveresi by tîisl.a Rednsond, Lasubl>' sud Powell, asnd b thse Rer. W. A. Bunner, Rev. . S. P. Batt and Mr. J. N. Debart sud Mr. J. S. Bes-aÏd.I The eveniug session was well at- teu4e& the Rer. Thos. Manning taking thse cha nd mas.> mo-c addresses beiag de- UiVe by Reii, O K Lambl>', Rev James rbhpý. ev. Htelîcs and otiaere. ,8is&ao.4Achibishop W".sh of Tos-onto, lýeXpedto vioItu te Catbôlke chus-h be-e on, thse i5thbto,àdmWnster- cosfirnstlon. A few weefks later a mission wl ho beld, ln t4s c-iurc b by the famona Father Elllott of l>hiladelphia. Thse Rifie Matches. lise indications are that, the weaths-t>emng favorable, theme wilI be a large gatisering on Friday and Saturda>'. Tise officeru wll neet on Frida>' evening at thse Qsueen's hotel fr the transactidn of business. On Satus- "y at i.15 tise>' will dine togetse- t thse. Bascosu house. Tente and scata for ladies rill be providesi et thse foo yard srange aItisheI end of Plank's lane. This willbeie best f point from which b' wtnessthe shootisg. No person will be allowed to cosa tise rangea mo to pana behussd thse butta. Ail asuft kccp t Iat 2.5 (cet ln rear of tise mars-kmen. rh. cupe will ho presented os Satu-da>' etb tue tentea masedlateîy upon the -Close or tise a imtcises. AU local sbota, muet fine on Fs- lay. I4ook out for tise mcd flag, it measc Janges ; whcn up ail fiing muat cesse. f b.e Market. We have sesn lettens (rom Toronto buyers a Messrs. G. Brown and las. LAnsk bave lélt - o spens tise hanses lu Masitoba. -Ms-. las. Rennie l is n aendance attise cahibi.': -taon with his oelcbrated lies-s of cattle. As nsaa ha busacas-s-ed où mas>'ps-lac. R. Waddell liassuccaedod. l a oeeng sthr close examtation, sud 1. Bais-disse Part I*bMam triculasian lu Use laie examlnatione. r Copsisg avenu mcatthesis-shadova befora biem' ýf sud paraleulary sala-usatsesapstrlmouil We -ma>' tierafm ook ahfor orne or <va mate yod dinga lu Use seas future Mme. Was. NMKa>', of Little VYashm beaut vlsiting friends hae ibis yack., sud lis vlsg a a monumient-pnb up in tise Cometas->'have lu almss amy of bar fasses- tise Iota Ms-. Hunier. Thse following have beau attesngtisa axhibi. ion-Jobs ClrisSie, R. ThosisJ.Tsomâ,Sý Isosas, Albert Stase. Ms-. sud Mlor.J. tc Ino. Hes-on, Pmad.Hsden, J. Bairds, R. Bid- Mr.-nd MmNeau Hli f HWGreasoeja HIU vu osbrs andi raised in <bis ]9 but aluce <ban bas movasi up ts'Il Giste# co n t>' f Huron, sud nov a bla k sotn h m"e~ A egsarge saffl uge moxq am fall viseat for %nM ma>'>'mr Tise rama-for * isucis hein& sovm la probably becauset bus asuiner es-op tias ring et- Mrmm s-eus-eans ibocans a godd csop lsap anis thse case-ii aÎ,Ithaduoe~ double aliat aoa a rp of ,*n *isa..Me the Wb= eat la aisS> ova, A lutk ie s uècai*; bise s oi e_ ' ding day tie Mjm grava. - as-iemui ash.~ ai% ciroe .ta cia-metvie- hpwe tlke Rer. M. - cgos..W. nera lae Uses-a for a * e ltside liqearae tTi h'ess bis o Mr isss tb fOeiSss&m- quasis ot ftends bue foô î iabottl. Mr lias Marris cf <xslg v~ea vsule on- Monda>'. l&.Ioh" DvyWh'iad bis blips- - on lema ie. «À iA t u m.m..' m 1 - 1 1 was suddenly awakesed tise otse day (rots tise cri-n scor of lite b>' a notice of as action for libel (rom Detective Wasson, whoee beaig in tbs Kickapoo cas bere I crisicisesi about a monti ago. Upos cossnting with tisose 'wh< aremor coverantwith tise administration of law tisas I amn 1fins tisas aise>'conside- tisasM- Wassou'm couduct a a rfecti>' proper for one who bu to rasort to aisrsof devLsesto appre- isend law-beakee. Isam glasi tolsund was wrong sud sisat Detective wasson ta blamueless, sud I tisemefore witisdraw ail my sicture upon bis <'onduci. I trust there ma>' h o 5 further isard feelings betveen us, as I ouI>' viote wh4f seemesi bo me to be a fair critias ofbath Was- son andi sud Leington, tise defandant .My objec islato report tiingeain>', snd if I (ail ih la lu judgmnset. <We ma>' add ti she bcpolic- of tise CamacL.x lto asalst ail public officials vis o are cisargesi with the enfos-cement of law, and bad we secs Mr. Nota pas-agrapis about Desective Wasson isefore publication we usould nave hels it over for furtrin-iqua>'. Wises tisera lu so mucs corraspondence ose eye caunot scan la aIl,. cpecial>' as a grasdeal oai ILcaes in aS tise last bour.-E). OH) La. Thusda>' nigist s bicycle rider visile scorcing on Per-y Street man luto a boise sud got a bad tumble sud caumed tise herse to mau, but was stoppasi b>'tise driver halosc olsg far. If aisosa viso ride bicycles eitiser de>' or negti woulsi keep <o tise igbt sucs accidentasic oob avoidasi; tise wonder'is Siis case was Use rds vas sot semiosal- lujurasi. Who are tise>' A maise- unique written advertlsemes: vau pastedlu tise posa office last Frida>' su rends as fcoya m:-" Leist.srayesi orsl- a-afs-ansthe grounds af tise Port Per-y tenislaclub, ail, aIltis gentdemneu wmomabheusaf ai mciclub have dlsgqppes- esimnce Aupet- an~sd ou>'pas-on giorug!à- foinsatidu s-ugarding saisi memnbars viibe ma- ahi>' sewarded by X Ray, 'ITs eclls way- of adveiulslg for tise >Oum es=me-atSi sutred tisa boys. Tiez Ipièce of pps was rad sud re-reaci b>' cozeus of peron gln ta tise office for tues- mail, mas>il- etn wbat It mantusai l t dasd spa. <beauabat vers ittle tennis isad boss played for mmn> weeka. Perisape tise Iflsaglsg Smttilee.mu explain theesituation ta tise satlsfaedm cf isons wiso vere tise mis 0f iaving Lb. fannyPs>' eeof wite tee pa-Vits prirnes te s-s nposte lu tise post oUkWc. As 'revard la offérec1fo ayisW- frsmation, tise foilowing desciptS ion olm f tise mms rmietpiaesmmae> lesaine m.e tsifis tise bat or strayed oanas umbe- one la a fim young man. rather, corpokle nd s-enssu a gelic moostacebe; sumber twa in a' "cs stiglt >aug man sud las otoci fwor bsg si initier St pleiS ; aumber t is a s -m lit aud ceet yougg mas, mashesdea*cmpeus andi su ail roud spart; sambs- fourlaaisd of a ruddy ' iosaplexl nsd youtls umbs- ive la a veram seat s'aylisiyouag mssiad siduaaly làcuclad ;-umber six ls- y t afm", sest. genaraiy dlassi- abvm ud sa modeat, asasumlug yousg miu ; sumber saoe*ia ýraber =nde- aves-agae-lgisi sud uiktc- 9mbti lgbis 4sYoung- mm a of uoapernr umbs-anie ls rtr si l-felov' 4o<YOutb- ai pea-n ; unsubors- 1 e r4y ymag mms sudd**lêsIonsasMe.ie s0 'W in -ër wo ate so os1ýyo(ua-yoms uouabets bave ed a& sfor. -Aàr» Q u din'UsgY one or> »fflb -«, W Mm vÎi1 report tsi thelcus la bbhosatt bb tse'avI)ol vnus kt bthe -oung m- desedbedare uogcs fiause cd tbelo e ieC104W re , - 1 Cnvvc ai Noe'41

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