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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1896, p. 5

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fameI aple [sa e BROOCHES, 1kSCARF PINS~ LIN KS, BUTTONSI r linatural autumn tite >'tuake beatitiful Canadian Souvenirs. Trhese and rnany othe-handsame dtigns i nmrne can be had af Jno. , Barnard, JFW' 1 E OIWW Coutty Orgu-a.rgst Oto-C gons ofay local paper la Canada FRIDAY, SEPT. 11Y 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS.- Scot repairs al kinds af pumps. Mfr. Bert. [)artnmll, Fenelan Falls, was home over Sundav mss May Gibsoi, Boomfield, is thse guest o(31iss Ella Rchaidson. Save your butter accaunt by using Tod's bresd. Half the bu-ter will do. The Huston residence was sold on Satur- day by auction ta MIr. R. R. Bird for $550. Two brick houses ta rent ;aIl cooveni- *ces. low rentaI. Apply ta M. W. Collins 6 piece solid wanut parloir suite, plush, ,it silk plush banels, for $32, worth $W,, as W, Tis Miss Fu!lerton and Mr. Cuttle, aiToronto, vert the guest afi Miss Lillie Rice aver Sun- div and Mondas' last. ioe patterns new Ceylon flannels, fiannel- etes, and shaker fiannels ta select fro aiat WG. Walîr-rs'. Prices lawer tissu ever. JThere has been a great run ta Toronto this week ta see the great fair. Very nany wcnt on Maonday ta see Li Hung Chang (Lee Hoong-Shawng sund spoke well ai thse aId chap's appearance and manner. Sage tares to Oshawa.. O'Brien, Oshawa's photographer, pays sage fares to OIshawa far aIl customers ordering work ta the value ai $3 Or upwards. .e;, Wuç:ley stolen? too pairs ladies' bouse slippers ta be sold a: ioc. per pair durinir this great sale for 3o diss, at M. W. Collin's, tise oea- sioe store. Stoaffvile wins On of the fits in the Midland lacrosse dis- tmct was pîayed ai at Uxbridge arn Friday last beîween Staufiville and Beavertan, which resuîted an another vîctory for Stouff- ville by a score ai 4 ta i . Stouflville and Markhamn now play Al for the champion- Dry Lîquor Case. Janme Gordon. Pickering, wns sumnmooed * before P. Mi Harj>er here on Tueaaday, charged with having violatcd tht Liquor Li- cerise Act by selling liquoir without Ilcense. Parsons Hogle and Jesse Htabbard were tht itniescs and they admitted being at Gar- don*s bote! on tise 24th Augnet, but denied getting anything intexacating ta drink. %hY found the bar lockcd, but were ad- nitted, and got cream soda sud ginger aie. Tbey did flot ask (or liquoir, noir did not try ta get anything put in thse gnger ale. They * did flot go in ta buy intoxicante, but mercly iospend ten cents because tht ybhc! used Grdon's shed. Tht case a-as dismîssed by tht magistrale (or the want ai evidence. [t is clear that tht party a-ho laid thse charge nui have donc se on suspicion, merclv be Cause he saw thc parties goiug iota tise hotel, Hubbard having a bottît aifail in bis hand. Cfreai Snap ta New Subscrbers. The CHRONICLE with citber tise Toronto WeeklY Globe or Mail from n0w tri Jan. tut, 1898, for s1.25 spot cash. Sixteen monthe. Thae Globe will be a 16 page paper ncxt ytar an'd fnot be second ta any in Canada. Tise 'isrease of four pages will enable its pub- libhers ta arrange ils departments in mast 11sefcul and attractive form. - Thsis is tise best rate ever ofiered in this province. For generl news and select reading the Weekly Gl1obe cannot be beaten, while tise CHStos- iCLE Publishes mare local uta-s tisas any ,liter five papers in tise county. The editor Of the Domninion Oddicilow huut* through 'i1 the local weeklies in the province cvery issue to secure Odfcllows' news for bis owu -Journal, and recently be wrote the following edit0riaî commrent in tise Oddiellow: Thse Wh'!itby CHRONICLE bu the best local paper Publishe ina tise Province ai Ontario. Tise Orillia Packet and Picton Timses rank equal for second place."P Trisg to scare tua. SOtie good fricnd ln Tonawanda, N.Y., eadis usa marked copy af tbe Tonawanda paer, in iviicis there ilean editorlal resent- tring vnstrongly tise action ai our Canadian ft1anciaI Corporations lu puttIug Ausericona - eney under discount.- Our Touawsnda <~tt.Urges as a reprisai that Canadan. £Cin be slmilarly Served on the atlas, aide of tise line-. Belare vrltlug atnythlu ounftais Oubiect We bave cxamlued on p pcî%te& u llild tisat we have $z,îo of Amne*sn slp., Urd $o.25 ai Cenaliau cuirreucyffl bad, sm ve do nat cure boy ltheuSt J"iaw. <ur" A'meican dollar w. have carrid fMMeuOr twcntY yers.Wheu we Brst-tas4sua pus- 4ed af it the, coin vwu vo$., -To-4*Y isWorth 53 cetsad îpU n' eeetd 09UmUntd ut»ft gold. lîoi. TheuCà ltir cnre WothW mm Teachers' Association. The Ontario Ca Teachmr' Association will meet at Port Perry on Tbursday and Friday, the Sth and 9t0 ai Octaber. What yon oea' expeet At thse West Side boot and Shoe Store for twa weeks. îoa pairs ai alippers at 9c, Z00 pairs ai shoe et Soc., Men's gaiters 20 per ceint. discount, Ladies' buttas boots, $i oo. White Front. Rifle Match. The M4th battalion will hold its anotiAl rifle match at Uzbridge ta-day and ta-mor- row Tise local afficers will go ont this, 1 Friday, eveniug, wisen au officers meet- ing will be heId and mueis business afimin- partance ta thbe egimnent a-il! be transacted. Owing ta tise proficiency displayed by the regiment inu the laet annual drill tise authar. ities did nat deem it necessary ta send thse 34th to camp this year. Mr. Harace Bas- cana, ai Uxbridge, has been appaintedre- mental paymaster, vice Frank Madill, de- ceased. Pasanciai District Meeting. Tise financial district meeting ai tise Whit- by District ai tise Nethodist Churcis will be held in thse tabernacle, Whitby, rn Thurs- day, Sept. 17th at ia a'clock a. m. In con- nectian with tis meeting there will be a special religiaus service extcoding over two days. On Thursday afternoon and evening tisere will be preaching and short addresses, prayer meetings and testiruany services, closing with the Lard's Supper. A]! these services are open ta tise public. All persans from surrounding circuits engaged in churcis work will be cardially wclcome ta attend. The abject af thecse services is ta pravide greater spiritualit), in el! concerned. On the evening af Friday tisere will be a con- gregat ions! social, wben an address will bc given by thse Rev. Xar. Wilson, ai Oshawa. Re(reshmnents wïil be served fram 5o'clock- Admission :S cents. Town Coucl. Met Mouday night. A letter a-as read frona Mrs. Hoa-ell, asking ta have a cross- ing laid opposite bier redidence. Cousi. Jackson, as chairman pro. tem., read a re- port froin the streets cammittee, recom- mendiug paymente as folloa-s :Jua Braven- er, teaming $25o; Hatcb & Bra., hard- a-are, $190,69; M H.atper $5.25; Grass & Grauger $6.92 ; Gea Cormack $z .o6 -, John HaYt$9a3;Jua BeU9;Jno McCarI$2t.. 25 ;Wm Hppr $2oa; Jua Rogers $16 63 ; B Barett$688 RBarnes $17'.50; Wm N'ew- part $4.5a; Chas Eastley $2.13. Ouà the netition to prohibit cea-s from ruuniug at are the committee recomuzends tisat a ple- biscite on tise matter be taken at next muni- cipal election. Tise repart passed. Cous Blow- read a repart from tht property cota- mittee recomnmending payments as followe: Tisas Deverell, j r, $29.io ; Thos Peffy 63e ; Hatch & Bra $no. 1,5. Thse report paused. Mr James Campbell, Chicago, appesred be-- fore the council in regard ta tht taxes on bis store, whicb bas sot bees occupied for a year, Ht os willing to pay half oai met year's taxes pro.viding a rebate is allowed of thse ather bal. Ht argued at some ieth showing tht fairuess af Ibis .proposition. Tht matter a-as reftrred ta thse nance com- mitttet ta casider sud report upon. Çoun Smsiths gave notice ai s by-law to aspoint a collector ai taxes. Thse conseil adjoursed at-8.36, Charge of Praud. Jas. D. Thompsou tenant oi frm Rich- ardson's farm on the 6aùe ln. vent of her., vas up before Police M7sstrate Harper ou Wedueudsy, chargtd ue_ awarat it baving dlsposed o f»his fum Oprod je, fart stockand farm implémenta. MBEbas besun in jafl heme since lest Fridsy. He bas been teant on hut fatafor tvayeuse, Lasyea be paid Ise renta i fl, f3m o~This year a-bayathe renta! bec ame dûçiThom -'-l ,tated that owlg ta Wd feécescaIlle - be- loaigtao tlasr pstle.:14d oveua abis off,,ud thcedMadd.t-ebat. Qf $c7o us damsscaof29« rnaifr 8 ",sd $5o oDe 1897. Hé. wbun14 par nôthinag nleOu Iis vet mgeedIpA itre.wa tv as 1*-en e n ew a~148 ~d~~s~ m~U.to»e1ectùfro=utW. G. Whr ~bo i uyetvery few of.tbem ha', enwVîic- W G Walten bus ulredy rftelved some thihty cases Of new fuil gopds direct from the old country. Mi"s Florence Dartueil arrled home from Kingston on Tbursday last afler hav.* '49 sPent a month visiting friends. Mfr. Lou Findlay, formerly of Pickering, but now editor and proprietor of the MiId. mnay Gazette, gave us a 'cail on Saturday last. Mr. Findl4y says he is doinz well im the west. Hotel-Keeptvr Foy is rebuilding bis bote!, at tbe tunction, of brick. In the meantime he bas arranged temporary quarters wbere refreshrnents are dispenscd, liquid and MessrsýFrank Elleker and Wesley Saun- ders leave here this piorning for New York, where the former hopeës ta find a good situa- tion and where the latter already holds one. We wish them both success. M. Mecklenburg, optican, will be at- R. S Cormack's bookrstore on Saturday, Sept. 19 Eyes examined free. Has ail the latest and most scientific instruments for testing eyes. Cen suppiy glasses ta fit any optical defect with the gratest success. The Royal Templars announce a pesch festival ta be held in their rooms next Wed nesday evening, Sept. i6th, adftission 15 cents. An excellent programme may be loaked for, games, music. etc. Lots of fun. Don't forget. Doors open at 7.30. This week's CHORNICLE contains a great lot of very interesting news of the county af Ontario and vicinity. For one weekt an ex- traordinary number of events have trans- pired which cali for -interesting paragraphe. Our wrjters have donc well, and we can cas- ily defy thse world ta produce a local paper af like interest, or containing as great a range of news. The delegates from the Wbutby Epwortb League ta thse convention ai Prince Albert on Frd ay sat speak in the bghest ter mns af ther qu liy of the convention. The ad- dessadthe papers were able and stim- ulating, and tbe effect on tisose present could flot but be profitable. The hospitality ai the local league was unbounded, and the dele- gates were entcrtamned in a delightful mani- ner bath by thse sociability af their hasts and the inviting refresismeets provided in the %choolroom of the church. Great Sale ai boots and shoes ut auction prices for 30 days at M W Collins' New Stioe Store. East Side, Wisitby. InIS Tise M arkets. It je estinaated that there are five or six million barrels ai apples in Canada aud the State this year for export ta England, whereas about a million and a balf ai bar- rels je tthe nuxuber t-bat fiuds demand in Englaud. This looks bad for aur fruit grow- ers. Qne vriter advocates that mare apples be evaporated, but this would be Mr pal Icy seur Mr Lowell bere bas th eest part ai:ta- years' output ai evaporated apples ou baud, aud bas been unable ta dispose ai the stuif in auy market in tise aorld. Many are sisipping apples ta Quebec sud thse nartis- west withaut barreling tbem. Tisey simply dump them ino box cars like grain a.nd send themn off. We sbould not be surprised ta sec crates used be fisre long ta seud th cm ta Europe. There ie eaid ta be a lot ai trouble anticipated in securing barrels this year, tise crop beierg so great. A cooper can sa-car at a-haever he likes these days. ln 1i st wcek's War Cry a-e notice the fol- lowing u nder tise heading ofiWhtby : "Tht laie eartisquake di4 not have tise desired eflect, irorn a Selvationist's standpoint. I thiuk tise Lard will have ta give Wbitby quite a ehake belore a-e get a revîi>. Lard, let it corne, le tthe prayer ai Captain -Hux- table and Lieut. Nelson, in charge ai Whit- by Circle." We bave nal as yct formed a very extensive acquaintance w-lUs Capt. Huitable sud Lieut. Nelson, but somebow a-e are led ta doubt thear carnestuess wheu tisey pray for an eartbquake in Whitby. We have seen lots of people visa were al ready ta go ta iseaven sud wiso wsntcd to go tisere rbght off, but a-hen danger camne tbey stood irom under as fast as they could, or eIse sent for thse doctor if it a-ere sicekuess. Capt. Hîixtable sud Lieut Nelson may fancy that tiscy are so much better than people bere as to be able ta, talk Sodona aud Go- uorrab in their prayers ta God, but for- tuuately God kuove wbetber tisey do their estîmating correctly or ual. It ba - . te probable that the gallaut Captain sud bis Lieutecant a-il! effect much gbod-iu Wlaby without tise ielp ai an cartiaquake If they vil! offly apply themselves ta the job wjtb- aut relying ou terrar or farce. Trylng b dle happy Dudley Allaway, Pickering, bas for some yearu isad a notion.la bis isead tisat h. vas gaing ta die sonactime, but could not forge oui a definite reckauing as ta tise exact date ai bis demise. It migbt be a day or a year iseuce, or a decade,. but hg~ bu felt that deatis vus bis portion, sud bus been braclug up against tise trying hour. He desires ta be happy a-heu that time arrives, and usual- [y absorbe enougis nicotine sud"alcobol escis day ta niake a peaceful end a certainty. He ie bound ta die happy, sud UsaI is. sil there. is about but tise suspense ai al*ways ex- pecting il, alvays Iookiug for it, sud Il uever happening does oometimes upset hie feelings. On Saturday last lac cana.to Wbitby -sud called at thse Ciî*ometn offie as usuatoâge us and bid us goodbyenntil a-e rmept lu glôry. HelIe d he. felt k. a, peach ; bul -4îlll lb. posutilk of msnwly dissolution vas present lu bis Waldas usa,. so lac purchused a boule ctgla sud t"~ susse cf LPruen tly lacIobk alo« mote -of it And Uscu las teUt like dylsg. B@asnd - t. 4 rt sti iaWis uative place, hg.triedê ta bic lam in tihebut vas 4enlcd. Rw*bý ed for a l-a e-id ouas 414 tapIle* .ui1 I aÂNDOMER OODS Pav eer -been shown, in Canada. Nev4e eoejaew t . iuc a omplote Stock to mee t te reqniromeasts f thp trade -- -- VJLtUUA'J1NGS for Fait we tead. Our reputation as First-class Clothiers is second to nonme and will be, lod!i 4t~bread and'kéà in socdatý Tt..' -it hlm a ecfl wbeu you IWan ayuytgnice. lntizat lin. Mr and Mr& jas. Finlay and Miss Moli Finlay, Guelph, spent part of last wéee vislting in town, the guests ofrbits. Grass. Miss Emma Frost, of Toronto, and E Frost and son, Scott Frost, of Pembrore, are the gsuests of Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Green uts cet. Mr C A Canner let an Friday for Brook. lyn, New York, ta again take bis position as optician in a spectacle establishment, ater four months spent here through sick- ness. We hope that cvery anc af aur correspond- ents will write every week during the fall months, when news is plenty. We shal gladly send paper and stamnped envelopes ta any who are out of supplies, if tbey will 7RO 0UBL E luàA lainaineaj5~ TO SHO W GOODS. We wilI be glad to see every persan. Ail welcome. Remember we guarantee -perfect fit in al Our ordered Clothing. Cali and see us firat and you wUiI BEST TRIMMING AND BEST WORKMANSHIP are put in our Clothing. Ail goods at Cash Price, therefore they are cheap.. Inspect. BROOK STREET. w. G. At a meeting af the South Ontario board of license cammissionrers held here yester. day, the tavern license ai thse Manchester hotel was transferied from W C Heard ta M J Tooley, Cedar Dale. Tisere are only two cammissioners since Dr. Rae's death, Mesers. Tweed je and Watson. The Saturday Globe of Sep t..st contains a fine photogravure af the veterans af 1866 at Brock's monumenL Lieut-Col. His Hanor judge Dartull and Major J E Pare- well, Q C, are well taken in the centre ai thse group. There is aIea a good picture af the bicycle çlub ai Ontaria Ladies' Callege under thse captaincy ai Prof Greenwood. If you are not in a position ta mnake as many dollars as your neigisbor, the next best thing ta do is ta learu ta make a dollar go faxtier tisan he canw If you are only malt- ing $Sa a montis you c'sn't puce tbe same course with the fellaw wha is mnaking $rooe but yau cao cut across lots and corne out even with him, or aisead. He will ped dollars, just because he happens ta bave therm, where you will find it ncccssary ta spend cents. The young moan who lives within bis means, no matter isow susaîl, stands a better chance ai living at esse in aiter lufe than ane who lives up or beyond bis incarne, no matter baw large it may be. It is tbe habit ai saving a portion ai one's earniogs that leads competition and wealth. Thse best lu tk4e land ta be Slaughtered. Tise Slater boots snd shoes. Dont miss the chance. Only 3o days at M W Collins' East Side Sisoe Store. Up-to-date styles Men's fine kid gaiters toe tip Si, Mens' fine kid lace boots, narrow tac, $i ; ladies' fine krid buttoncd boots, toe tip, narrow toc only $i ; ladies' fine kid oxford shoes, nar- row toc, anly 85c at the new shoe store, M W Co!ins Apples t Cider 1 Mr. Lowell, ai Whitby evuporating, cider and vinegar works, begs ta announce that thse cider milI will be open for customn cider making on Saturdays thse :2th, i9tis aud a6th and after that continuanisly. Also bis yard will be apen ta receive drying apples during the season commencing Sept. 21t-4 in. WALTERS, New Colored Dress Goods, Fancy French Vigoureux in Broche designs in Myrtie Brown, Black Navy garnet, Cardinal, Bluette 44. inches wide .......................................... New Tweed Effect Dress Goods in Brown, Grey, Blue, and Green, 45 inches wide........................... New Black French Tamise Dress Goods, SiIk and Wool1 Mix- tures in latest figured designs Very siîken, bright effect, 44 inches wide at ..........................5c to 90c pet yard. ComP lete New Stock o- 85C. - 25C. Ladies' and Miss-es' Manties and Cape&. wm Every WALTERS. We receive &~ fresh shlpment. of fast Bco.These, gooda are ilüd -ored <~ (not fanOf Salt)'"and Bo to any other brand on tue marxkete. Farinosa, Brewfat Foôd, Daolk tu WM. TLL, o o Fornitura DO& , STOP AED TNAt B efo ,. y ou ur obus& W W v l r py oir"t--om .-té Largo b. - c.- Fz'om theOCustom H~~u. Direct cases are arriving, and will be canstantly until the store is filled to overflowing witb the FALL wants of OUR PUBLIC. As fast and as far as possible we'i1 tell of the new things, but many will corne in and go out without.a word in the papers. ýr than )Oka in1 Ru bber, LCkage., i encan augs: 'Tîs sable ana rs in -ndry suad iitifül ugist and iand goe NVO 1 (3-M Call arid Oddfellows Building, e*e

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