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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1896, p. 7

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.A. LqIS. e Resuit Of a Neglected CoId. DISEASED LUNOS O~1~ct Oct. 17 Fur ioîerbers of the Pickoring coun- cil. nunileiv Messrs. Gerow, Poueber, Hilts andi Richarde met at Po8t'e bill on Satuirday aft.ernoon ta coneider the appli. Cailonfor an additioîîal grant ta be epent in fanther cuttiniz the bill down. They were inet hy a large nunîber ot ratepayere Wb, ere anxi oue to have the work done. Af ter having the opinione oï ail, granted an extra$10 There were eome Iorty riîc p)avera present and they were unau- -~~, irnus in the ides, that to leare the work as the irst contract would leax'e it would be a 'nao Those whp ceaide in the nemmhborhood of thie hilI agreed to each * gnve a day drawitig grax-el gratis, as a tupe o.t the extma $100 granted. The' reeve let thie second contrect to J Heard, who took the saine at 10 cents per yard. Thus thece wall be 1000 yde of earth remioved frorni the west aide of the hill. This 8hould make the ascent î'env ru ch lese and when. the eut is graveled thie road should be inuch im- pnoved. The extra trrant was secuced moestiy th cough thie efforts of Gervie Cor nell, whî, canvassed and got -the rate- payene euthclently interested in the mat- te; &S to ask the counicil to consider it. T!e %Misses Bunting bad a few fInonde in t n Tue8day evening ta Say adieu te Mnes. Preston, of iidland, who bad spent a week wuth them. lin a letter to hie people Wm. Miller, et Indian Head, N. W. T , reporta that the wheat cnnp oflhhie Section bas been cut in good condition, the froet flot having donc any dainale. Rev. McAuley received a elegrsa on Satunday evening froua Nova Scotia stat-. îIng that hie mother was dangeroualy iii antd could not poesibly luit many day. lie anti hie Iamily lett Wednesday evon- 11c and hope ta reach home before iL is tO(, late. - Whmle he wus bore witb hie peopleeover è,unday, Bore neee broko into F. B. Buit. anz's dnug store in Toronto sud umade off wth sonie $20 in ceuh, bosides couider- able candies and cigare. The les. will Sttonnt to soeop8 50 in aIl. No dlue Le the perpetraton. The evaporatiug factory bore is now in full operation, uuuyzg day sud xiýht. ht is expected froua the extent off the apple crop in t.bis section that Lb. factoiry w il] be running well into the, winter. Those who have cuil fruit should make eInqumr--eese to price sud ether particu- lare. Uind lord Gordon bas bad postasplaced !t ether aide off bis drivoway. sud as bav- ing a gate rmade Le bang theron.. Be has announced bis intention off oloMig Up hi8 house and yard neit ueok. Th& lie claim8 ho is cerpelled L-de as ho cannoL c Oftnue to accommodate tiie public i- 10' a5 he iisllowed tLe innaopub. 1 aehecarrdes ou t tii bove lten ti011, there is a chance fer soins poison te try the experurnont off rVquiDuW a Laer. &ecO bouse ber.. Mr. Fount4in, road overseer Of tiis section Of the Grand TÈuwIkt, ws eré Thursday tfomnirag, pmoigtedý- age d"ne by fiue toW. J.i EoaaW U, John Fothergilits fene mtt.au 4q miai the îailway. Tiiese mzen Cunniderabl. feue. 4atro, ' engIneoSett gflue th" s a informodi10#, *rh %rand Trunk i* «»oWi o " lood he dsig" k l Apjge boyemrs are,té "boît utIllwle n, la* titre ha~4 reotàz fPIse.au0sà#arLe hoa T. h one a tii.pretsut Lime. The Very sudden death of Mms.Thma gorinloy on, Wedn.sdy bas c&used rmuch surprise amo-ng ler nuanorua friend% aud relative. bereabouts. Deooased wus in poor health for nomisrim. up to & couple of years ago whou she becaiue quite ro- buzat, and apparexitiY would liv. for mauy Years. WeduessaY merniug ah. did flot feel as Well as msul, bu& did flot make aunch complaint. lui the.afternou short- lY after 4 ooclock, ah. aéked for a drink and very 8oon after expited without a struggle. I& it net surPrisiug tb. number of sud- den deaths that have oocurred in tusvi. ciuity Vithin the puit two years?7 la fact there have been eqraally asnrnany died without previeus ilinessana with it. Borne YeSa ago auch a thing wua almoat unheard Of Uftless through accident. Why je it that disoasea ef the heart have becon'e s0 prevalent ? Borneoontend that oui mode of living bus something to do with it. But that theory canuot be entertained as it is generally those who are at Middle age or over that are .h vict.ins sud an uaany cases those who are living retired aud quiet lives. The ans. wer ta flot yet. EKAMPTo Mr. Barrett, ox-warden of Essee on ty, aOcomanaued by bis wifo visited his father and other friende in thîs locality aset week, returning home Monday morn- ing. Whicla DoctorsPUFM ldt@KIop, CURED BY TAKINO 4- contracted à severe cold, whlcb settled CD mv lungs, and 1 did wha'C 18 otten don0 la sueh cases, neg lected it th n iIt wonlId awayas It came; but i fondaftra fltîe wUle, that the sllghLt ex«erAo< palned me. I then Consulted a Doctor who found, on exarmi ung my lungi that the v per part ofthe leftonewuasbad yaftected. le gave me anme medicine which I1 took as ,directed. but it did flot 80GW to do any good. Fortunately, I happ ned tb read ilu.yer's Almanse. o0 the effect that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral had on otheni, an 1 deteranined to itve it a trial. Atter taktng a few doses may Irouble was reUJeved. and betore 1 hadt fin- lisbd the bottle 1 was cured.'-Â.LLaL watchmaker, OrangeYvIlie, Ont. Àye's Cherry Pectoral Kighest warde at Wor1d'. PaIr. * Av.r'a ZIUa Cure Imig..Uots. ,john R. Wirnter is almost recovered frwiu itsrtecent att.ack of inflammtation, and is about thie week. Audrew D>ouglas has rented Mrm. John Ândrew s farti to the east of the village and will take posâession without anuch deav. Arthur Bo)yes. the prosent tenant, hias secu red thle % estgate farmt on the 4th coic.siî', and is now duîng fall plowing th e reo rn. Chare Downing, after an ilinees of Bol e ekeL-, died at hie residence, south weet of the village, on Friday,. Septem.- * br4th, âged 72 yeare. h( di oc ini il aiu Bit ce Pa ho ur store keeper, Mr. A.LU Orvie, hv- ing tahen op lanud Ab&dseded t e mi- *Mpato eAigema ' âtrly li tiioosprlr*g, 1iss deelded te eIl- oct the store to the l4M. *lrady b&en rmev closu Up &ýdea for the pIoperty. #é hop@e m gç0o& bu bes nu em..teon uin$dgl.ý fer semagi yeam a 1sud a gsse ei'U' *piht, -b nriall.dwaisg maiMi 141,14 u.P-1u W i S oie Agent at You Can't, yu an -mi yatrin sudtheis loalb Vti eresen- The Hamnpton Chesse Co. have sold is trkelY Mrs -HOYle ivili accompany their Augnat cheese. him. Mr. John Stonbou8e, wife and'ohild, A team of horses belonging to Mr. Chicago, are visitibg relatives bore. ' Lunney, Sonya. which were tied toaa Mr. beo 8ater nd ife* Grenbnkpost in front of Mr N Clark's store, be- vistod friendé; bere thia week.' came frightened and in trying ta break MiS M.J.Ellot reured ore fomaway broke the harness and smashed MΫM. . Elitt etune hoe fomthe pole of the democrat ta pieces. Haianlton lastI week, afLer a pleasant Beyond this no serious damage was visit witb frienda. done. Mrs. Bull and daughters, wbo were INI C H Amey's stallion, -Black visiting st the oheese factory, reta rned V'alle ntyne,' won the first prize of$5 to their home at Stirling lest week. in the roadster class and the 85eep Anumber froru this loeality took in stake prize of $25 and the silver medal the great Toronto fair and ail report a as being the best of any age in his godtmr. akBon akovle class at the Toronto Industrial exhibi M .F akBrown', heeack onviley .,'tion. The people of Canningion are visited st bis bo ra eercnl. pleased to have o ne among tbem who Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott spent Sunday is Sa indefatigable in bis efforts to with friends in Bowcnanvi[le. keep first-class horses ta receive appre- Mr@. 'Iboe Elliott bas returned atter a ci'ative reward.-Echo. very enjoyable visit with Toronto frienda. Pont oce burglary Mr. C. Everett and Mites G. M.* Brown Considerable excitement was caused epent Snnday in Bowmanville. here on Saturday morni1ng when it be- Quit.e a numbier froua ber. tLook in the came known that 'the post office had barveet borne enterta,înrnent in Tryone been broken i nto during the night. Sunday week. Chief of Police Harwood happened ta Hampton is the heaithiet villaRe in be down town ab--out 5.30 that morn- West Durham. Tryone at thie present ing, and, in passing the post office, he tîrne ie the mont nnhealthy. naticed that the front door was open. A number of sbeep bave been killed by Further investigation revealed the tact doge in tili neighborhood roe.tly. that thie door had been pried open, thie lock on the door leading inta the office broken off, the back window open, the * SS ** e efront torn offithe till and the safe open *. ? l~ f/opr 19 -the cornbinatjon of which had be *wrenched off and thrown out into Ibe :L ngstreet. Postmaster Talbot was im- mediately notifled, and, on examining *Tr ubl s0 the office, found that only about $i in *b coppers had been taken. Ail the other money and registered letters he dence. About $îo warth of stamps *SO I were in the safe, but these bad flot been toucbed. Neither was anything 10 touched on Mir G J Hoyle's side of the xe cOXSKYHPueON Md ail UWQ store. The midnigbt marauders had *8-16id orESSSf It £3L001'D Ilfirst visited Mr Thomas Stephenson's CeVGEL OU PPPETM DIZUj8th *mns fta cardiage shop and stole several chisels *a2sael.&»msmo anlfuu4. * and braces out of Mr R Luacas' tool- rWBy ti.d f>TI.. "Dr. &a -&--,emam1u ab- te box, an entrance here bea-ng gained by o f a yard . OuhWÉ a W mo *re ài of abck6"c bai bhad in breaking a pane close to the rear door * b WaIi W» Momr5 %0 5au a~.n8 e and then i .setin ýeir hand unbolted z u- H.WINGm.à C.E..Mouarm*ù the door. With these tools they werb ne a~sI me»r B"26l able ta pry openi the post office door, 9b.oks a LAWUIDICa iS, LTL, amuA etc. Sorne of the chisels and braces **** *5550were found in front of the post office, but several have flot yet been recover- ed. Chief of Police Harwood and Messrs. Talbot and Hoyle are of thie Rev. Jas. Thomn preacbed a harvest opinion that the burglary wus done by oui. sermon ber. laut Sabba.tb. Ris profesional caacksmen; but we are in- isosne sng ptei blesuinteree.theclined ta think it is a local job. No ecaion bengpraticblean ineret-trace of thie burgiars have yet been g. 1found. --Gleaner. Miss Addie Mowbriy of Claremont îent BSbbath st ber home bore. 8h. No Zmli h'W rd kes Claremont witb its people aud sur- qa nteW rd îundings quit. well.'Re. W. H. Withrow, D. D., nov Tour- Mr. Clarken Rogers lest bis valuable ing Europe with a Canadis., Piely, pply of water nelons a fe* e enîng s s ne of M any to T,91& Favou -rably ofl Ieesd with -lovera of friÎittasu ecWa stolon fruit. There are few mor oe eelr Owig t- b. a.bat sevics n cn-than the Rev. W.- EL Withtov, ). D Owîg t, te Sbbah srvies n cn.editor of Lthe Canadin ,neUodioMg- Botionl Wfth the ML. Zion churCh = zine, aud of Other p0ubuIoîUoug ofthe nducted in the afterncoD nov, a 7g<>jjd CUeh cï&,f, tus oouýy, ms tIhrough our vlf o-,ve le Su=s -_ rtuu ttha e gIe renîug on route for Brokiu.We 00sàô;dg-n po to give tbemn a night seric, in KUIaX<<' ii fOlt f le and r y. valbexuof 8m, long-a#&U4. Lôtità Whitby, M. W. Collins. Feel Draugt-S. when your cloLbng é' iuterlin~ with the light and durable Fibr Champi, lu psttv'Y 42eemsot "Mr breat of ýeold wind sud4'- frosty air -ad'keeps in thé naturel warmth ofthe body, be<.m lu la a complete non-couductor. You'il cnjoy genuine (al sud viniter cern- fort with it tbrough yu ltig 't for only a few conte etuiaexpense. IleTh Real Fibre CIwnoIaus fbotr2gc, vith a1abd -eah Ion «Mer rady-o.wem sidt vhich la - wwwwwwv~~ Waaithe PIest 8 -0 tlou la toyia of tiiou. B8EAUTIFUL AMER ICANý WA LL PA PERS Ï0oi tbat tble prob!]bioXYý aj sii eont nad mage workablei tii itere- iugtimet and no trouble wil b. xro U i a continuation cf the same. If Our Lotol men will net %bide by the, law re. ituIating their bases, jet us. disoazd botb thei n sd tLis .aoursod business. Wo commend the. action"of the council in co"aderz*ng Lb. matter f0flJ'wuary. Oui poatmaster, Mr. Weatherall, bas got tired of being in Lthe employ of tiie golverunent4 sud more especially aincebe bas te thauli the Laurier gov.mnent foi bis office, aud now we understand ho je geing te drop eut and enter the profès isien off farmer Be wülin lual probabil.. ity work Lb. place nov haudled by Mi. Donnis. CA.NiffNGTONÎ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sinclair returu- ed tram their eastern trip on Saturday. Mr. Edward Fitzsimmons, of Port Boîster, was in town on Saturday. Miss Minnie Ham, Port Perry, is visiting at Miss Ella XVbetter's. Miss Pipher. wba bas been visiting bere for the past tew weeks, returned ta Toronto on Thursday. James Anderson, Sunderland, put in a tew days around town during the past week. Mr WV H Hoyle left on Monday for Dallas, Texas, ta attend a meeting ot the Sovereign Grand Lodge ot the j J s b CaptalPai up - 1,000 S u p l s ,* 1 5 0 0 0 WheritbyAkngeuy SAVINQs DBPABTKEIST. lutersat ailow.d at hlghObt ourrent rate&. go notie. of Wthdzawal requia.,d E. J. THOINToN,# STAR LIFE4SOAE 0F -LON:PON9 NL~ Established 1843. Total fiands ln hand.... xq, Bonus".add...... 96~7 Total daims.- paid.....- Total amnount Assurance ta force D)ec :5. .... O97~ 685 dlis paid '95 amenait- Granitaa world wlde sud,-adispum Norestietlts as t6 residen ;ce. Pto-St. lacreaang aseo<ol coeas an opound boruuweaddeê u1Eve.yý description cf. Lire AU"a policy granted. - : L-ocalageswaiated Most liberait té *Apply TH ate, eeral ttL * Read Ofic for Canada, Nô. r Aàéïa, St stTe0ronto, Ont. Gen MnagrAW BRIGGSzÏ*, ý June.23, i$96-3rn5. O= -0o W.ADAM$, J ut--'- aImait lu Weed!s I terwho lu rsoeb~ intrliec wih l lway - - - --w wwwwwwwwu ronto, adis- rubber: tors ai eCity, exala- charge., corner Orne early sud getyirag choe. P. B. WARAM,- Brook lSt, ur, DOMINION BA>NKI, W. ele8 . Kimbali lC, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail lEverywhere 5t. Per Pa *ckages 17 First Prize Medals. Are Your Feet Mates? --or dom se = osi yo some painful momnte ln the morlnq o onvince l them that Lheym are mIes y13~UY the sho s uba ft t si Lb. fr i Um e they a» w o en. FashIone<d alter the human boton tii. xmoamodem aud stylsh at tb5kWd eau produce. QoodyesWoM OOnatuetleu..uor. perbet than the Iad.uade Besi importud caUf-eui-bl&Ck or tan-tsmpe4 onm ho Sol. Un8.00, .4.0800 per pair. The Siater Shoe (for men.) VIIWFIWKiýffl ým il; A BodeS to ac Buoinem f ý TTES PRICBj9iý,,. 1 Surplus, Whi-tby,,,M. W. -Collins,

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