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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Sep 1896, p. 3

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and Ontario in that behaf. autso Ottice of the Clerk of the Peaoe Se Pt. 8th, 1896. Name of Name of Prosecutor. Delendant. Nature of Charge. .IW HBudman E Penneck W McCraçken Alonso Long. James Vichers William Turer "4 Wlnson 1 .4George Gilpîn .1 homas Wright ..INDoble . .WDoble F'ranik Iarkle ,4 Frânk Markle Charles Willitton 1-bomas Dancaster Wiliam Ritideli George Gardner Allite Gardner M Meckenburg William Lang Ben Lebar M Meckienburg lred Lexngton Leonora Hood and Emma 1 ames J ohn StinckIind RobertIloNve (;fo Kri.. .. Aie î-,ardner Niary A Fl-eury kx NicKniOit J.LI II.XA-, sr., V.latAnderF-on _.!joseph Andierson E 1 jlarwod . lerbt-rt Snelzroe John Inmrie . ontihan Terry ,Io..eph t herpaw AjLian Wright li es Vech Austin McGrail Willlam G Mitchell. loh thiFerguson . John lient-y Parker William Calverle>' R S Wilson ohn Ferguson.. Catbarine St. john Leonard Newsomne.. * Robert NMcIntosh * Fred 'Simpson and Robert otewart Thomas Deishurst John Otuoby Eîijah Peneck Vlilah Pennock Sylvanus Trevai William kobingon John McGrail .. Timothy F Leonard Andrew Tbornpson James Cataline obn Failen ames Gîrdon Alexander Wilson Winfield Bi-sse Willim a01, John M Gerew Ellen St. John Wm Tarves, jr JNO. E. PAREWELL, CLEUR 0F TNt PlACE. Oc>Tiwrv n~ .1 -~ I f* I..-. I. I ____________________ lt D.ate of 'conviction, viola t ing liquor license act ......... Aug 29, ir893 69 . f . 64 Nev 20, 1893 .4 49 d: leNov 28, 1893 té 0 # 44 84 Isn 16, '1894 4 4 6 F eh Il, 1894 0 . f4 . ' Mar 10,-1894 4 1 ~June z, 1896 6* une i, îxgM June 2, t896 assault.............June 2o0i &»' vilatng liquor art........ijune 2. z896 selnfiquor during prOhihited heurs.. Apnl 25 .... seingliuor Io drunken persons and allowing disorderîy conduct on his~ premises .. ..3J...... as.sault and hattery......... UlY 22, x8qd assault and battery.........uly 27, 1z&) assault.............Aug 15 assault........... .JUly 24. ineetlanguage...........ulY 27- selling without ficense........une iS .. assault................une 16.. assault................une i19.. profane languaZe...........June 22 .. violatxng medical act uY3 .. ..Jay3 1 aking furniture.. . taking cattie j diunk and disorderiy. . Name ef Convicting 1Justice. ,Chas Gould ................ 3 f 4 1 & 4 .3 * ,f f 14 f ~ 44 e ,4 4 4 4' 6' 6'Cbas Gould and N McPhaden &Chas (.ould G F Bruce and T Treleaven.. G FBruce and F McRae.. 6iD S Brown...... 61D 8 Brown...... Gea F Bruce...... Wm Bateman...... Wm Batemnan...... John Nott ............... f446 * 4 Jaune 24.. ..IS j Holden Sept 8.. SJHolden. ... iAmaunt of Penalty Fine or Damage $30 $20. . . $30 $25 . . . $20. . . $25......... $15.......... $3.......... $2 fine........ si and cosu...... $i andi costs. .... $5 fine........ $i fine .... ........ Si fine........ $i fine........ $25 fine....... discharged gains? discharged .ID S Brown and WH HoyieQ.......... - with conts a- prosecutor wlth costs a- defendant Mm'ue wben te be paid to saîd lustice. fortbwt. i week forthwubh July a4tb Sept i5th ýforthwith TMme when To whoni paid over by sld« pasd. Justice, and when E J Breen . . .. . . . ..- Clerk of the Peace E, J Breen EJiBreen ferthwnb.,. April 2.5tb 3? .E J 3reen 2=nd.. .. G 1 Hoyle, Julj 22t1d 26th . .. G J Hoyle, Aug 261 h .....F McRae, treaa., Beaverten .... countY treaturer ..... not vet paid i 5th i 4ta ce. treas and j te prasecu. 27th.. county treasurer 201h:.. .. !ounîy treasurer 251h.. .. village treaiturer 31 st.. .pasi prasecuter for medicalý 1july: uly jAug june July J uly .njury to bicycle by running over it l ~June 2o. ..W Hamilton.............. damnages $5, fine $i... forthwith indecent assault assault................. profane language . drunit and dLso>rderly agsa ul t assault assauit selling liquor without license assault peddling wuhtout license. . ,assault .. ýta*' s .selbing liquor withou alicens . iassauit disordetriy conduct 1 une ... i>'l Sept Sept 1June Sept Aug Aug sept ane uly July Jul>' July uiy JUly .Jaly .iSept 29.. 9 ' 6, î896 L K Miuton... 7, 1896 26, 1896 31, 1896 8, 1896 8... Major Harper 24 24 24 24 44 6 ... T H Clendening 2, 1896 M Mclaggart. sifine .... 81 fine.. .4 " Sto fine .. ,... .. .. .... .. 83t.. .... .$ and costs !$2 and costs 85soandccoss " " Sso and coss * 185So and coss 1 $50 and costs 4 f4 $5o and cosis g........$2 and cos If net pald. wby BOt, & geuera eb &eratbons, if any. Ieft the Place ne goods license lnspectoy license inspecter council time te makete i monev, two wks , granted by constabie Simpson ahsconded, Stewart ipaid his hall share $2.5o tel forîwiîh .. Jne 31h... . pruaccutar ana 5oC te ce. forthwit.b ..Jt1ly30111.. ceuni>' treasurer f o tw e e k S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c o u n t r e a s u r o e 2 week5... .............2 Weekslime within 3 days. .',Jne Vil 189)6,treas, Oshawa town, Jul> 4thj wit)hin i week. Sept 2, 1&)6 .. lime ex:ended'i week hy direction of ce. at<ýtorney forthwith . A ug 3!i, 1896. John Ferguson, license inspec tor, Sept 1, 1896 within 4 days..I fine pd. at onceito Co. Clerk Arg 8 .. ..ýAag 8tb ... tclerkf peace' ..JIuly 26.. . ,Uly 261hb. .Icounxy treasurer .Sept 9 ...i bept 911 . ..county treasurer 1 hereby certify that the foregoing Sehedule contains a true copy of al] returns of summary convictions made to nie by Justices of the Peace and filed in my office between the 9th da- o June, A. t)., 1896, and the Sth day of Sept., A.D., 1896, inclusive. Has been endorsed by the medical profession for twenty> years. (Ask your Dcctor.) This is because it is always palatable -always unjorm - always conta/ns the purest Norwegian God-liver 01/ and ~-Hypophosphi/es. Inslst on Scott's Emulsior. with trade-mark of man and fish. Put up in 50 cent and $1,.00 sizes. The small sîze may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. When yeu a.sk for Scttà EmuIue sud your druggtst Cives yen a package In a malmon-colored wrapper wtth the plcture of the man s&M fisi on lt-you cas trust that man ? Sost & Bowne, Bellevlle. Ont PICKIINO * Concillor James Richarde bau been nery dangereusly ill fer the put week, btwe are glad to say that ho nov shows indications; of speedy recovery. Wed nesday evening a new black suit, of ciothea were talien frein the fonce in front of W. Woodruff's resideneo, whero they bad been plaôed to air. Uf they were talien as a practioal joke, the joker laad botter Be so at once, elewben folund the piactical part maly be too rosi for comfort. Uog choIera bas brolsen eut in York township end sorne two hundred animais bave either died of the disease, or been glaugbtered by eider of tb. autiiorities. We have net heard of any casu ini tbis *- locality, but we woula adutse farmers wbo are raieing hege te watcb tbeu care- fully andl in tbis way pievent th. contaà- * ion Retting int the numorouis bords cf 4Pickering township. Oleanline. vill in rnany cases prevent the. spread cf disease aniong animale. Messrs. Miler & Sens ana Pugli Bics., -' Sipped a carload of fi sheop te a lir. RosB, of lova,4 on Wsd.uêsday. The~i obippers vould indiste. o ~ ~ 7ieascending th ladder te tii tabe lft fw dys oAlI. Margacli mme< bis footing Md ilcu# qUuce caused te duo.nd *itive 111 ermn.For à f.w- ba.lew*gst- t Otisly indieps u tt ..nals.z, t0 the deligt of âH. Jant Whltee, o! tbe 110d' eon#, mm~ with an accident on TburqaY ïd Week, and fer aeU "oi. oipndWmi -* thonglit bo b. critio, but w' A»e,~se to leain th&t b. -boa xuoh ImpoIPie4.$ is thegttbe'ato -r 00 116 ooka l.d of'-" the day aboe eù p M 'Were cf theJspiriI ýéï s - t el of i"o - triao--an the, vol t" 1&WIJU. 'q Mur Reach Counil. The regular meeting of the above counicil was heid at the town hall, Man- chester, on Monday last. Ail merm- bers presenit. Minutes of former meet- ing read and confirmed. The clerk reported that the agree- ment re Huron and Ontario Electric Railway Company had been returned duly signed. On motion of Mr. Stephens, $336 was ordered to bc paid to Mr. Thomas Dyer for plank furnished, Brock road, conl. 2. On motion of Mr. Weir, $3 was or- dered to bc paid to Mr. D. Reese for cutting wood for town hall and remov- ing obstructions f rom drain in the the 7th con. jLàjkâ On motion of Mr. Lambe, Si 5.9 5 was ordered to be paid to Mr. j erry O'Leary for cedar supplied the corporation and repairing road, opposite lot îo, con 13, as per instructions of the pathmaster. On motion of Mr. Real, Si was or- dered to bc paid to Mr. W. Crozier, cedar for culvert, opposite lot 3, con. 5, aiso Si to Mr. John Love for bury- ing dead sheep on the i ith con. On motion of Mr-. Stephens, Si was ordered t0 be paid Mr. W. P. Watson for repairwig culvert in the 8th con., op- posite lot 6. On motion of Mr. Lambe, $6.66 was ordered to be paid to Mr. L. Burnett Esq., M. P., being two-thirdE value of one Shropshire ewe killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Weir, $13.50 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Ledingham, being premîum for insurance on town hall property. On motion of Mn. Real, $3.75 was ordered to be paid to Messrs. Newton Bros., for advertising Notice to School Trustees. On motion the council adjourned. The Mara show will be held at Brechin on the 29th instant. The threshers are busy at work. The early sown grain is turning out very good, but the late is scarcely worth threshing--oats especially. There is a great area of fail wheat sown in Mara this fali. Many fanuers who have not sown any for years are putting in large fields. It is -t be boped that it will' do, well. The late nains have made the g"round in good condition for the grainto sprout, and *commence to grow, and if the weather continues varm it vili bhave, agood top before winter sets in. aaeu.u oe. mania cau.sdb~iaotlo ukinatthe ~hfunstSmai~âe JINO. E FAREWELL, w LPID. Rev- W. H. Adams, Mrs. Adams and daughter. of Orono, are guests at the parsonage. Mrs Wm. XVas, who for some days has been seriousiy )i11, is we are pleased to state, recovering. Messrs. W. Dalgieish and S. McGirr, of Bolsover, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. R. P. DalgIeish. Mr. Robt. Groogan, of Port Boîster, was seized on Monday evening last with a paralytic stroke, and at time of writ- ing no*hopes are entertained of his re- covery. Among others, Mn. and Mrs. J. Switzee, Messrs. W. R. Griffith, Jere- miah Hart, W. Keelar and W. Walker were in the Queen City last week at- tending the exhibition. Rev. Me. Wilson, who for several weeks has been absent, preached twice last Sunday. Next Sabbath he will preach in the morrîing on ,Armenia;" in the evening on -'Books and Read- ing."- *Mr. Geo. P. Hart and bride, of Carn- crone, who have been visiting in this iocality for a few days. netuened home on Monday iast. They have the best wishes of their many fniends for a long and happy married life. The open meeting of thé Sons of Tem- perance, which was held on Tuesday evening last, was largely attended. The meeting was exceedingly interest- ing and thonoughly enjoyed by ail pre- sent. Enthusiastic addnesses were de- livered by Revs. J. S. I. Wilson and W. H' Adams of Orono. and W. H. Bewell, Grand Scribe. Good music was provided and excellent necitations wene rendeeed. The chair was accept- ably filled by Me. Art .Walker, Wonthy Patriarch of the Division. BRISTOI2S I SarsapariII4 Thé Grfeatest cf al UveMr, Stomach and Blooôd mediéine& ASPOTENT zoom"" j.Dssu.an.u E XTERNALLY PoM SUPaJI% ,AohesBooi Joint%, SpreaihBruisse scal-eBurne, Betinge, Bftma" Ct lat INTERNALLY SCroup AaOmCo lle,* DteS, PleUrtsyCOe06 Mrs. A. Craig, who bas been on a trip to Scotland for tfie pût three months, returned on Monday last. She reports a pleasant trip. Nothing happened while on the ocean to6ma= the happiness of thôse on board, ex- cepting once ýhey came in close con- tact with- a large iceberg, which Mrs. Craig says reminded ber of Louden Hill in Scotland. Outside of isý she, had a pleasnt time both on the oCean and in Seotland. She found ber peoplé over there in a prosperou> condition, as well gs the land ini general,. there being lots of work, and everyviiere the People were sulfled. L A*number çoî lier fntinds gatixered et -lier, home to> greet lier on bier arurivaild r.Tb> sang "eoi oe hc enc t havea ýelxâgeff=ct.'on Mrà. Çraig. No do~b aKe vs gJadtr tnio the vari hearis0o! ber f9mlly ýandê.the filends i*bé' met there to velcome bher Clerk of the Peace, Counvy of Ontario. Mr. John Francia, of Derryville, was hoe on Saturday.1 James Brethour waa at Cannington on Mond&y afternoon.% Mr. Thomas Banbury, Vallentyne, was bere on Siturday evening. Allen MoLean and D. MoArthur, from near Méanilla, were ber. Saturday on business4 Manson Oliver in conflned te bis bed Nom the. offets of foyer.. Ho i. undor tic armcf Dr. J. H. Oliver. MUs. Gillespie and ber daugliter, Miss Teenle, bave returned heom their vimt te James et. John, Vicemanton, vas horm on Saturday and wu pissent ai the town hall dunng.the. session of the cocncil. Mr. 8bier, bur.popular and obliging station agent, whe bas been helidaymng around Trenten' for ithe -put two weeko, retuinod home on Satuday. Mr. T. R. Walsh. lbas lad theIi. a cleaned, stove 'and pipes. pou"&hed eveiytbing put in the. boat cf shape for tiie oold weather. Wbat a thoughtfn clerk the townahp of BreDok bau. 1Mr. T. Wari è, u Èi eem tovua- man, lias had à veiy Am ne randýl la on the front of lia ba"M cuie. Mosan. Doble & Anda- id the car- penter wcrk, and Mi. Potter tli Painting. berd.lti$ dsthUe 1lir cf ibis tiwn, 4&n &îÏW - e viib. heMd the' an NIfa» fik of -sbb brS" toýýbWthiegr.àtoteve b4 lxi îtuda tuep otêomzofbï1k- oz girgo4peplt -of :, feuw extenmdiestoém aèi -As àa bloo4 d: t~b~p i e là £i v e r a t , S& m- tem e~~tà 1 -go , flic Most Econo~ .~House Wa The 'Ko1ey "Cofmsgt.d Wa.'m Ai.r Gonêm'tou'. A7 ordlur Hot Air Furnace wifl produce heazfu wilYvon lsuppîy euough fuel. The Ir "Kels.evea seca and vaînabte féaurs tutMos iportantinthat it Winl gfv.oa boeat wlth lmssfuel and insthe meduable heater made.i The 111Kaseyl' Ore pot being constroced1 0< sver up4ghJu, wbular, corrugated, cent; ira sections (née cnt) arond which te Sud *pase.sudndnp thimighb blcl. the celd air pauss whil beng eZ ansd this ernire section1 bemgwrapped wit a heavy steel canins whlch becomeshbeated by the fire utng itwhen t= indown u lsde of npright sections V & s okepipe, It in turu varus the air that pa u p bewieen this steel csnins snd the galvanized iran casiug, this explains why the Il dey " bas die. Ures imre radfatiug surface snd warm air capacity than ani ordi- nary Farnace. The 6 KemyyI heats every room evenly, wheresoever loca:d, with a nice mild, healthfal warm air that 'ilfnet ýnjurýé yonr funiture. The IlKelsey ",,vrll heat rooma 60 feet distant. The Kelsey "do., not heat your cellar. The 'Kels.y la absolutelyga su d dust Send for descriptive catalogue. THE JAMES SMARTf MFS. go., BROCIVH..U, Ont. * Excluàlvs Makerufor Canada. WM. BRYAN & S'ONt DUNDAS ST., WHITBY. WESTERII BANK 0F OANADAU; Capit aluthoriued $1,000,000- Surplus 100,00 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. OuN CowA>i, Esq., Presideut. REUBEN S. HAMLIN, Esq., Vice-Pres. T. H. MCMILLAY, -Cshe. General Banking Business transate4.& Drafts issued, payable in ail parts of Can-' ada, United States, and on tendon, Eng-. land, payable in al parts oe Europe..4 per cent. allowed on Savings Bank DepoSta and credited half yearIy. Special attention tO o olecion 4P Faram' sale notei. B. D. WAIRREiN - N EW BUS- LIN E OMEETS ALL TRAINS..ý_ hdt et .NevjioWàt'âverfyor citd Whutby, JO y . 6ei r pos r 'I Tbey E J Breen .4 f Fleweil Breen 4- yul Dot-bu t.1~ 1 ut r- ClMR OIP TRIt IPRAM COUNTY 07 ONT.AlRlrn- l. 1 FOR SALF, iBy BWSTOL*51

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