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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Oct 1896, p. 6

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a - s _ h 1h Th.wus presage ,of i storm lthestjnse. The windwaila nd died Md t4diod and wai1td. >la the roadwy rue-ty leaves leapeci suddenly to te aiur, ecidieci and whis-ted, atrove to, unite with the. tree that bad' cst %hem, abivered in tbe dike. Lu the fringe of -Ure cloud there wna a star. A stile 4ad been fixed at the. turn- -mngofthe s-oaci. Lt haci ths-ee bas aud a step ta cross by. Ou elties- ide the. hecige grew thickiy, and there &ho two trees, 1k. guas-dians, gaunt in the. hors-id ligbt. So the. stile was picturesque. But it had its uses. Ou the fus-ties- aide there stretcbed a path acrosathe. meadow; it iead to tue oid bouse that bad stood among the. beecb trees for genes-ations. Fs-om the. stile you coiild see tb. tus-rets above the. tree tops. The. inhesitor of the naine of Dalryxnple, the squ.ire, Iived there. If you followed the s-oad, you couid also corne to the hall, and enter by the great gate. But the path. way was nearer by far. On the. aide of the. pathway, in the angle where it joineci the stile, there Iay a pond. In the. district there- aboutit waslooked upon as a place of ill onien, and back to a time out of mind the. children of Dairymple had passed it at nightfall with 8peedy steps alnd eyes asla.nt. 'Yet not to folk >earned in lore, but to the weirdness of the place itself, should you go for the reason. The trees grew close ta the. nas-gin and met overhead, save only the. centre, where the. banks were widest. If a stranger should take a stone and huri it ta that point h. would get in return a tarie so deep and resonant as well migbt make hum wonder. How the trunke creaked and wiiined, and the. wind wbistled in the. branches. Andi the shadows were black on tiie pond. A man was seated on the stile. Hia. back wu to the. road, and hie eyes were fixed upon the. tus-set tops above -tbe trees. H. had corne upon a jous-ney ; you could teit it f rom his boots. Hie was buugry ; you could tellit it rom hise.yes. Sucii a man, indeed, as on. wouid pass upon the. fuis-Lies side of the. sAd, and b. glad to get sid of towas-ds .vening. Wbat bangs ta feet on. vaguely catis "boots," with him it wus ecraps of leather. 7 And bow thin h. was! Tbs-ough tbe irente of bis garmnents there pe.ped out angles so sharp that the. coldest, if he saw theua, couid scas-cely withold bis Spity. At the pointe tiiey were laces-- ated by tiiom, but th. biood had con- geaied andi tay matted thickly witbý lte duel of travel. Hie. bands wes-e Uek cla.ws. Long, uinewy, toit stained, they protruded shainefuily froi bis rage, aud, ctutching the rail &pon either @ide, kept hum fixeci on bis nas-- row poet There 1s a penursy that cuils the. ' blod.It wasinthieface of tat man. Coarîm, taugled, thickly ciotted with dust, bis hais- iuug base and rsauk the man ual stii upon the. elle. But -, hen those who were burrying from the. atori carne by, h. moved ta let themps;ytoe-h ropped upon -the aide thst *W'u fusthest fi omthe, liai!. Sncb aswere womeu eyed'hini - saknceansuscbas were men 4itb wonder. But flot a soul paÎs.d bu a salutation. So. the mani remalned, sund-the-tirds cried out for l the m, The&- twomaidxreti e-,t-"b' al - ~ ~ th li ile, ud toisedthei ,thathe sbould Sil, y' ~i-O"té the rail whioh their Tot the stile was bibown.Nos- the alli abne;but tlb. ,ga" at bhàis e ", te groa&* u. ai "lm i y,.thCy, n lite w ýaçreM taI -th j# Mov0dO, dbex~re uirubrS .âmcnt, "Them's thé. kpt 1 Ithouglit thetth~.e sqiurewA au old Mai. ' iTowd squiret1 WhY, bleus your life,'e¶s been dead this tonyear."l- There was a pause.Aic. then -the. mnusaid -«: "80 these are the chilciren of bis eldest son 1 "Noa," said the workman, ,iît w innb. the eldest. 'E wanted bis bs-othe's gai, and'cos she wouid a nowt to say to 'im, 'e went away 'i suiks. Andi 'e neyer corne back nuo more Aye, that was 20 yearu ago.'. &&And what becanie of hiri 1~ igAye, bless your tife, 'ow shoulci 1 know ? 'E's dead, tbey say." -"And the brother inarrieci the lady 1" "'Aye, that 'e didve" There was silence, for the man was gazing at the tus-rets. The. laborer was about to move away. But the. man stopped him with another ques- tion. "And are they happy, those two " Il'Appy 7" Again the workrnan seem.d amazed at the question. "Why it's beautiful to see 'em. Aye, often and often when tbey passes 'i the rQad wi' the bairnas, agoing to church mebbe, or mebbe not, the missis she say's to me: 'Jim, it's a pîctur',' Bhe says, and 1 says to 'er, It is,' says 1, 'Appy?" A.nd the. workman smiled. But the man at the stile was silent. Fs-rn the heavens there shot a jagged strea.k of light. For a moment it lit up the faces of the two men ; then the das-kness had fallen like a pail. And the workrnan laid bis band on upan the. shoulder of the traveller. "Look 'es-e, stranger," h. said. "I1 don't know 'oo you be, or wbere yer came froni, or what yer doing 'es-e; but you seem a civil sort, and l'Il you tis : We're goin' to 'ave sncb a niglit as not many 'i these parts'li re- membes- the like on, and if ye've got a place to go to, don't wait no longer, but make ts-acks; and if you 'aven't, why corne yer ways along o' me." 'the stranger seerned moved ; but he replied:- 'lI1tbank you. You are vos-y kind. 1 have sheltes- f rom the storm. " As h. spoke bis eyea strain- edacross the stile. So the laborer passed on bis way. Andi th. storîn gathereci. Thundes-ous clouds loom- ed densely overhead. The ais- wa£ thick and preesed upon the. brow. A .great bird rose fromn the rushes at the *pond's verge and shrieked to a sus-er refuge. The. wind droppeci. Bat tbe man iingered. And over in the meadow,'on the pathway, there appeas-ed a liglit. k drew near, aud swung gentty to and fro. The ts-av- elles- saw it wau carrieti in the baud of a men walking. He was cleci in a coat that was iined with fus-, and his face wus saft and whbite. At the. stile h. saw the man. H. frownied and wouid have passed. But the qtranger the gnLlp. ','He will neyer retam," l e replieti. 'g'By what inumeana," nd the aqulire, .can't 1 tell that you.spemk with au-ý The bàd b"yI l The maupt bshid.e hie ra and dreiïe forth de -bae potv- graph of. a woman. -OiÀ th. back there wa a me written un the. back Then I 4aiébi.ieftantIi~i er- edà-" bi bs..Âdhsjsid te theimia1-; Ma 1keep this moment» ? u& the Mau i nodd-d YÏ nl mrImb thom l 1h. onde"l But th.e, quire Lad drawn off his selkn glove, .-nd b he hitioutise so*t, white Pâlm. 'fi other clutched it in bis boèny baud' ad for a moment the ayes o! the two meè1 in the ligbt of the. lamp. The squire sUtrted, sud s-e- leasedhiesgrasp. There was alook in bis face that held something of fear. When he entered bis brougham the look adill. remained on bis face. .And the man sat again en the saile. In the darkness the lights froin the hall shone brightly, and he gazed at the iights.- Thon h. turned- bis eyes to the trees that were dim round the pond. Wus there bappinees at the liglita 1i Was there peace in the pondt So the. man crossed the stile. In the hush before the. storîn there wuas gréat cry. It wau a cry of "epair; yet a cs-y of hope, of joy. The squire heard it, and fftopped bis brougham. The tabores- heard it as he entered bis cottage, and linges-ed at the doos- titi bis wife called out for the ds-ught. The chidren at the bal heard it as they sat? st tea, aud drop- ped their spoons askance. But the trees at the pond bent closely ; the circles rnelted away. And the storm bus-st. r w w - p p I p p p I p I p h. PYNY m PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGH8 and COLOS laa Llrsngly short time. It's a adl- entilcceraity. tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects. W. C. MCCOU BER & SON, Bouchette, Que., reprt u alctertha 7u.Iectmml credIlm C. G~veauo! czonk c lu cee sd brouchWa tubs, udsas cuedW. CL McComber o1 a Mit. J. H. HUTTT, CheMiat, .528 Yongte St. Toronto, wrttes:- ge eaioeugh and u4ng lmrupm7~- Nala J=mot alduable preparatimt taa gien the ut m ac - 1 auiiWho bave &led lt, many havlug upokon ta me of the bmeta derlve rm m e i un th4lr fazzdUma It la au"tble for aid oryoteb!tng piauaut to thet« tat.ItU iewttbme basbeen woudrfuL &ud 1 a alwayu w-o- oet mlàs anmd I*rg. DOwIe4 523Ces. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lii>. sow Propdietors mu, -INwuwwMNR GOODWOOD Business is booming on the grain market now.- Mr. Todd took in ovez one thousand bushels daily during part of last week. Mrs. John Jones, *'ho bas been for several months suffering with an aflhic- tion of the stomach, and who was un- dergoi.ng treatment in Toronto, died there. last Friday. Her body waw brought here and the funeral held on Saturday to Uxbridge cemetery. Mr. R. Bali an 014 dand h*W .re- spected tanner near the n*1lag& died on Friday. A funeral service was held in the methodist church on Sun- day morning. after- wh'ich the funera] proceeded to Goodwood. cernetery. Rev. Wm. Thornley, wife and daughter, have returned home. Mr. Wm. Lawrence, mail clerk, To- ronto, spent Sunday here with f riends. Mrs. Dickenson, of Thorýh Hill, is viiitiug her daughters. Soars Far Above al C ompetitors. Marvellous Rosuits bavé Brought it Fame and PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND THE CHOICE 0F THE ABLEST PHYSICIANS. Il igl tuatevery on. should -know tlt Pale'. elory Compound is net an ordinmy p&tlýnb med ine suai the ti flet!I ?» arnis bittr."a t hh.r es-y outpond isa r boynd1 -he ceommon prepaaom ma.the diasqM z Man &.B:and Will Orydetinan spent bever4 Clay* ateOtta*a fa&t,taking in &U1 places 'Of intereet. E.v. Je . whiîlook Bnd Misa Wbii- look, Port Ferry, open& 8unday bore. Rei. Mr. Whitiok very aoceptably ceu. pied the pulpit as the mornig service. Be',. Carnoaddeu, of the Toronto con- fereno., preaohed ber. Buuday evenina. Mrs. C 0. MerrW l bves tbie week Ibm Aurora., III., where -she wi ispend the wister wflh ber brother.* Mr. O. Everett Brown go.. bt Torontô this week to atart bis conrse at the Sobool of Pedagogue. On September 25th, bomu to Mm. and Mms. Robert Taylor a daughter. Mesore. Jones and Trebblecock, Bow. mantille, visited friends here Sunday. Messrs. A. -W. Mitchell and Fred Lee, EnnIskillen, visited ber. Sanday. Mr. -E. Stevens sbowed bis chester White bogeansd etylisb driver st Orono (air Saturday. Mr. John Stoneb ouse and famiiy have returned to tbeir home iu Chicago, after a pleasant visit with friends bore. Memmr. Clatwortby aud Johns have the contract to build a bouse for Mr. James Stark, Enfield. Mr. T. J. Clark is atili off work with a bad kuee.. Mr. I. Etlijot, jr., bas beau somewhat indisposed for a few days. The frost iset week doue a good deal of damage to buckwbeat, coru, potatoes, etc.e Mise Maggie Rogers goes back to Chi. cago this week. ZiepuyE. Mr. WVî. Rynard, of the 4th con. Scott, has been successful in wînning r94 in prizes. principally for grain, at Toronto exhibition. His list was as follows: Collection of grain, ist prize, $30 and gold medal; white winter wheat, i st prize $ 15 ; red winter wheat, 2nd prize, $îo ; white fife wheat, i st prize, $12 ; any other variety red wheat, 2fld prize, $8; large wheat peas, in which there were 14 entries, îst prize, $2; alsike clover, ist prize. $6; red clover, 2nd prize, $4; sugar beets, 3rd prize, $xj. DOÂN'S Kldney Pille DOÂN'S Kldney Plleé DOÂN'S Kldnoy Pille DOÀN-'ýS.- SALE BY- - Oiemiatmu 'WHITBY.- I £qaI. Barriw Oonaty Owown Attorzie, a (Ju ongy OIOIO. Offie-Bouth 'gntof Court House, whltby. JAMES KUTLEDGE, Barise, etc. Office formerýy occupled by ParêwelI & Rutiedge, neoxi oyal Rote!, Brock St., Whit4~. DAVID ORNIISTON, B. A-, Attorney-at-Lav, Solicitor in Chancery, convoyancer, eto. Office -Inu the Office soulli of the Post Office, ii Mollan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. (.YOUNG SMITH. LL. Be, Barrister, etc.,-Moiiey tbLoan. Taier 0! larriage ILicenses. Office - Smath's Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby. DOW & MCGALLIVRtAY, Barrigters, Solicitors ini Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken'a new block Brook St., Whitiby, sonth of Ontario bank. Drs5Warren c Moore# 3. . Moore, M.-D. Brooklin. Offce houri 9. a. Mn. to il a.m. P. Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office houri 1l &.M to 2 p.M. pg rivte Tekephoise Communicalwo'. D. P. BOGART, MS.D.1,L.D.S. physioso, Sutgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Besidence next la AUl, Saintso Cburch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery lu aUi is branches promIptly atteuded to. r.H. Wightman DENTIS T. SOvew roTaGe& OTanger'u. ýWMtby. open every Saturday Dight. W. B. YARROLD, D. L.SB. CoUun 8 yer and Drainage Engineer, Wlf. ç-ALVERLEY,- HAEiBU LAiiZE, WITB?. H[aving moved into our ne* pomses, we are prepared to extend the range of business Ail work pertaining to the aness-making and saddlery business will b. done to satis- faction. Collars a upeeWaty. Cal and se my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west o! old shop. Dunda Street, WbibY JNO. NOBLE, -DICALEU IN ALL KI1NDS OF- Luier, Slaigles. ]Pa, oo"rim su d14 Turalug sud Vrot4lawtES. ;mm Ail orders or Information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whltby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wl- son's resideuce. Whltby, APril 4tb, 1894. Esalshedci1856. lj1 p.: anunM la aVaao, qtiboos 1*LI;o. SubàWobbIO salva ajibyable at the gng Rfiqq of uatlou. lThe pbih - 1 udtae .deivrl.ap a .d~ Io upth l ivb Pa qut lmertiu L.tks,O "e tspetlim. mat Ebruk l o late t ,is Teadsy EINDI38O~ ~ G~ANAK. Pro-. STÂWION, »o~emw, A- __________ X-Oa 93&ID Tavx ADMIZxI 5i#ngs0fThe Dii8jî,1 oOUwriTo-O TABIO le%. &,;i S;, eb.3; Marcb3; ipnî 2.~~! lune 2: July 7 Sep. 2; oct. 2 1 Dec. 2. OsH.aw-D. C. macdoneiî, Whitby o Jan. 4; Feb. 4; marci24; AP rîa; 8~ lune 3; JuIy 8; 8ep. 8; Oct. 8;'N,4 Dec. 8, BRootiGEA - M. GleeBon, Clerk.-Jan 6; o ; May 5 ~.~ Sep. 4; Nov. . 5;'y jý PORT PzERR - J. W. B1rnhiî Periy, Clerk-Js.u. 29; March 9; July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. 7. UXBaMoz,-Jooeph E.' Gould, UIbyiA Clerk-Jan. 80; March 24;Ma th 14 ;Oct14 ; Dec 6. CÀÂNi<nOToi-George Smitb, Cannk Jan. 81; Mardi 2b; May 2(); J b )t 15; Dec. 17, BEÀVzBToN-Geo. F. Bruice, Be vrîn Clork-March 26; May 21; July 16; Ot.1" Dec, 18. UpTruoovz-FJ Gillespie, ptere Clerk,-March 27; May 22; ialy 17; O1t.! Dec 19.» By order, J. E. October 7th 1895. FARE WELL, Clerk of tic peae, New Livery and Sale StiMIs. Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. commercial men liberally deait with Teaming don. at reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage hauled at rea8on. able.prices. A cail solicited. C.~~3 B2 ~Gse DENTIST., Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto, For the neit three months I amn givirg special attention ta patients f rom a dis- tance. Am stmI making plates mn rubbèr, 88, oelluloid #10. Gold and silver fiflin; work crowning by firet-clas operators a the most reasonable rates in the city. When in the city cal! in and let m6eXÉ&s ine our teeth. I make no extra charge. 0. 1. RIGGS, Dentist, south east corner King aud Yonge Sts., Toronto. Nov. 81h.1822. W. He WARNER;,II DEALER fIN GOALY LAME COEDWOOD AGENT For the PEOPLE'&5 GOAL C0O, TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of,.-- .î. Uptown Station. *Wbitby, Oct. 25t34 1894. A8K YOUR 8TATIONER -FOR- SPÂRTIOJ TAXE ýNOOTýH El AS~ SCO. A4»ds~m Y 1 w P.,A Zq z P:; c p:; c plý c c a à6: là hý: lý& âý: è.ý 1 m A6 m ý ý ý ý m

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