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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 1

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)SHAWA4 G ST. WiEST. he looked ic fine,. BOYD'8 ell known by ail. ,Large atid sWalt,, le them a Laf, Isý SYOU will fisdt Stern wlnd P diarnond ringà,. things, or kings, row the ioop d like to "8scoop, L(EMEt.T HOOp, tBO YD's. )u have caught, 1 be broýught, O TIE 'THEi INOTp BOY D'S. steamnship, don't jet it Slip. at B-O YD'S. -'settiing down,- c to twn d I'uok round ) S. t'S always right, day and righî, rnorning light, lien cutl base for use, tu carve tht goose- it BOYD'S. ng old, al-s gold," ever scoid, t BoN-is. 2rnd, but corne, or iend;- mnay depend, "£LLOWS, Steel abOOO 925-000 )h Hfal JPýORKS, :-: ONT., rURE- '~~ R the improvecl WER, Etc., - 1 repair ail mna- the Joseph Hall Co. and Dirîgle ought all their tc- ;Ions for most ver or reaper. cam Fittinge, r, garlock an& most ail kinds, and supply ilers repaired, ery, any de- R Woon & Co. Is, Beehive, I Foundatioi )ortable, gc -Mi-' i VOL. -XL. I ~.' - rornele. WiEITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1896. - I________ r Laimp goods, Lamp goods. Toronto Prices flot in it WERE NOWV H~NkN(;LAMI>S $6.5o, U .50,1 5.50, .1.00, HALLi A1l~S. -$5.00, $3.00, 400o, 2.50, 5TANI~ LANli~S. 81-25, $ .75, 4.00, 2.75. ELEGANT LINZ OF **'-Rand Lampe, al , tw te '< at 2 Sc. each, worth Soc. A. HI. Aluin, (îîî-NIIST AND DRUGGIST, WRITBY, -- - ONTARIO. House-cleBflifl4time 18 here. We have a iarger and bett.er assorted stockr of window shades tliis season than we have ever shown hefore, frorn 45C. Up. we use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartbhorn's spring roler. A:so a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to see our latet style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30c. eacb. Our baby carrnages are ail of the latest de- signs. Give us a cali before purchasing eisewhere. We are taking speciai pains ta combine elegance with economny in price and generai utility. Our stock is complete ini Hanse Fprnishings. We invite buyers ta corne and set us. It will save rnoney. Leading Undrtaker,- E je JOHNSON' >CK ST., WHITBY. Etablished G g 1849. LOCAL NEWS LETTERSI CONCLE COmarPOxxiuuCE, 4 aNEI< Birtbs-On Sept. 301h, tht wife of B H Lepard, at a son. Francis Bailey will hold a sale on tht 13th of tht montb. Miss Rose Brow-n, Toronta, has been visit- ing her fritide here. Next Snnday afttruoon a speciai service for tht chiidren will be held in tht presby- terian church canducted by tht pastor Mr. James Iunis is drawing brick ta finish bis hbonse, whicb wil make a decided im- provement ta tht uorthern part of tht vil- lage. Be sure and attend tht W. F.M. S. tbank- offering social ta be theld next Tutsday evening, tht x3th inst. A good time is ex. pected. Tht Rer j M Camerai excbanged pulpîts on Sunday last with tht Rer Mn Phalen, of Biackstock, wbo preachtd a mast accept- able sermon. Tht auaI S of T. sermon on Sunday was largely attended, many coming from a distance. Rev Mn Leitch deiivered an ap- propriat discourse and got tht closest at- tention. Tht rumor as ta thé wedding mentioned in last week's CHRONICLE proved ta be true as the Rer. J. M. Causxerai, on Wediitsdayi lait, i tht presence of a number of fiends united Mr. James Caperwate aid Mr%. Car- negie. We extend our hearty congratula- tions. Aften an absence of several weeks Mr jas Leask is home again with bis famous berd of caIlle, having attended tht fairs at Toron- to, Montreal, Ottawa aid Whitby. His record is ont continuai succession of vic- tories. On tht 14 head bhawn be w-on 3o first prizes, 9> seconds aid 5 thirds. amount- ing in cash to tht snug litIle suin of $4-,8, be- sides he won 4 silver medals ai sweep- stakes, 3 diplomas aid at Montreai tht goid medal for tht 5 best export cattle. The two steers thai w-on tht silver medai at Toronto for tht best pair of fat caIlle of any age, be sald ta Mr. A. White, of Guelph, to be de- livered at tht fair ta hé beld there at Christ- mas, tht price being 7 cîs. per pounad lire weijrhL We conçratulate Mr. Leask on bis success, and predîct that he wiii do equally as well next year, for he has the right thing Io da ilt itb. The concert ta hé heid on the 16th for the benefit of tht methodist chair aid tht S. ot T. orchestra, promises tobe oneieof the best, I 'udging froze tht array af talent Ihat hai, b:en secured. Final there le-tht old favor- ite Jam!es Balfour, of Prince Albert, then there is Mr. Petty, of Lindsay, w-ho has neyer appeared before an audience in Ibis part but has a good record as a singer aid reader. M. P. Chns, of Brookliî, wili give a number of hie sidespitiig comic sangs, and ta crow-n aIl, tht Broaklu specialty compauy Nwill give tht farce entitled "The Grave Robber.1" Otýatr assistance from aa distance us expected,sot 10 mention local talent. Su.rely this ileneugh to guaraztet ae ereniîg of rare fun aid enjoyment. Rt- member tht date, Friday evening, î6th fitL.. and corne early if you would secure a seat. Mr. L. Btrnett, M. P., will occupy tht chair. waiTEvAL Mn. and Mrs. A. Armstrong Sundayed at Green River. IDIIý mem /iwma N. S. Besse bas returued home trra visît with relatives at Severn. Miss Arnold bas returned ta her home in the city afttr spending a few weeks i tht MaîbIj a.dBtsse and daughter, Violet, bave re- turnedbon feei4tnbisoGerea Drayton. Mn. Turner, of Milwaukee, is engalted lu making some repaira un connectian wihb tht Du ndas St., gnist nuhli aur burg. A number of our young mes accoanpani.d -by their best girls tok i Markhamn faîr. N H mI B Y. AIl report baring a gaod lime. ___________________Stephen Hiltsanad family, of Mais street, are about 10 occupy tht residence of Mn. Ch %OZ H _R' =ith. Jahnes Bay on Rose Avenue. uwi_ wI. 117-- I---. .%- Formenly Wolfenden Works.) Im- 1,rier and Dealer in MARBLE AND .RANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of tht latest tmaterial and de.digns. Al k inds of Cemnetery wark. Our work guaranteed. JHýSEND FOR DEsiGnS AND PRICES. Mfiss Beatrioe R Deoker, A.T.C.M. --GRADUATE 0F- TORONTO CONSERVATORV 0F MUSIC. Pupil of Mn. edward Fisher. Teaeher or P1&mfre.~-' For termes, etc., apply aI residence, Whîlby, Aug. 27, '99. COUNTY BUILDINGS. For Sale. Boat House in good repair, alsa a second- band phaeton. Enquire at this Office. Whitby, Sept. I7th, '8».-3 inl. Bull for Service. Thorougb bred lersy. Terms $x. Apply to M. Coffée, opposite Gross & Grangers piaining ii.1 Ma 2, 89.-f.G. H. SONLEY, Whitby. NEW MILCbI COW8. New Milch C.ows for sale Cholc of tte, Onle Jereey and two MbhMrds.Al4Y& aid. A ppiv to1 OS. ROLPJI, 1,01 15, 3td ouï-- Reach, or by letter to PLab ester P.(). SePt. 9,i 896-3js. Miss tirace Wilson nas nerurnea ta cte city ta continue her ceurse at tht University, afîer spendhng her bollhdays with ber parents. S. B. L1-nde retnnned home Tuesday erening tram Ottawa, wbere he bas been engaged as sessional writer duning parlia- ment. AUDLME. Miss Munnie Bray is home on a week's riait. Mn. Chas. Marfitt bas lefi us after a stay of a month. Mr. and Mms Rurnohr of Stouffville, visited Mr. S. Bray bers rectitly. Mr. aid Mm. R. Carpenter of Broce Raid Sundayed here with relatives. Miss Kate Thonipson af Pickering spent Sun- day wnth ben fieid, Miss Buie McQuay. Miles Chiapian, speit Sunday, under tht par- ental roof. I-is grocery business semis ta agree with birn. Teachers' Convention tbis Frlday wlll ne doubt dlaim sote of air teachera. I1: h held iPort Ptrry tbis ytar.. Mn. and Mm.Jeas Barbaiy cafled on rman frienda here rectatly. We a leam dawlm aur aId conirade much joy. A peicuîal hoity- mnoanîsall yaurfriendswldsh. Mrs Bray returned froin le lest wel, having accorpanled ber auhrter.Ms Dunlop heaume quite M&contht journey, st bSng a severe airano on aged stes, We were peaed to -eeOur' young..friend Eugese Nixaicund on Sonday lat. Glad to ïée Itswa jifé agiteswitlt yOUo !e eil Wiai,XmcciJr.,b bom qthé- ick 1JS,, butý<w w-car.pleaspi teset bRità arouni4g*id. Herbât Croohs bu tbeltelop'nph petator n-,ai ùon idlll baeitme d MUObv 1!. an4Étn Mrs. Casper Wilson hs very MI. Mr. Wrn. Cooper, Newmarket, w-as ln town iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Purdy, Keswick, are visiting Mr. Colin Phifipa. Friend Morton aid wife, Keswitk, are visiting Mr. Bd. Wilson. Ha f or Whltby Friday to hear J. W. Bei- gough. Station agent. W. H. Hewltt is away on bis haiidays and Mr. Brandon as reiieving bim. Saine members of the Broakihi E L of C E as- sisted ai ibe Raglan societies meeting an Snnday. evening lest. Tht farm stock, etc., ibat belonged ta the late John Wells v'lll be soid ai auctian on Tisa next, 13th inst. Mrs T W Leggaxt, ai Cieremnout, vlsited arnang some of ber Bro:)klîn Inendâ for a le, days of ibis wttk. Tht W F M S of the presbyterian cburcb wil bold thuir Thanksgiving day reunion and tea as usuel this year. Mr. Fred Kingsbury. from Michigan. arrlved bere lest Wednesday 10 stay for the wiiter witb> bis suit, Miss Spencer. The sale ai farin stock aid chattles that be- longed ta tht laie Wm. Bryan. was Iargeiy at- tended and )n every way bigbly succestl. Carpenter Shop ta Rent. jA carpenter sbap adjoiîing Mr. T. Scott's biack.srith siiop. Brookli, Ont. Apply ta T. Scott,-Brookiin. Mr and \Mrs J F Pirie are mouning the lois af their tbree months aid baby, whicb died on Friday of lasi week. Their many friends sym- paîbize witb them in their bereavemnt. Mr Wm Durrant bas sold his hanse aid lot ta Mr Thas Wickeît and wiii sbordy move witb his famniiy ta Oshawa. We are always sorry ta set any af aur townspeople leaving and regret Mr Durran Ca departure. Mn. M. Valleau, wba owns tht cheese factory propefty lient. rnmoved with bis family ta Tor- oto an ruesday lest. Mr. Valleau bas made arrangements witb bis brother to carry on a aoai and waod business in the city. Their yard la au Doverconni road. Mr. 1fna. Vackert, who bas had charge of the baptiat congregation bere during the past year, rçturned ta coliege on Tneaday iast. Durlng bis stay bene he bas made many friends aid become jusîly papular. The aabbatb service will bc condncted as usual. for a turne at least, as Mr. Vickert purposes camung down tram Toronto eacb Satarday eveniig. . Mn 8BaBtty died at the residence of Mrs j B Bickell, Taranto. an Tuesday, aid was burhed i the Grave Side cemetery bere an Thursday monning, the funeral beiig held immediately after the arrival of the train from Toronto. Mr. Batty was for raany years a farnillar figure iaur strets when be was tngagd i busines as a butelier. Re aid bis daughter went ta Tononto about a yean mgo. Ht ses 79 years aid. It was with mnch regret that 1 rmd in les Weti*S CIRON scLE af the b!g gang af fak;irs thaï the direct'*s of the Ontario & Durham exhibitioni bed affloued "nsde thuir grounds to prey on theïr patrons. If the directorsdo aotalredykuw<l4t th"y sheuld know i now tdma the time-bas corne wbtn the y twst choase betwetn tbese blacklege aid ahanes, and the support they 'receive from tht rigbî thinking pe ofaithe district tram wbich they draw their support. If they are bound ta have the fakirs let it be nderstocil aid then the public will be in a position ta know what they miiido. On Sunday night lest between eleven and twehve o'clock, Mr. Thos. Wisoi's bouse wa discovtred ta be on fire. Tht fire hed gaîned qulte a hcadway before efficient help arrived, bat the splendid work of air famons bueketbrgd nder the able direction of Chief Robson finally prevailed. Tht bouse la badly burned snd will need a lot af rtpairiug. Tht cau s l fot known. Mn. Wilson went ont about fiv. oclock leavlag a sinall fireein the stove, and on returning sbortly after eleven found the place on fire, but no fire ini the store. Mtach symlpathy la fel for Mr. Wil- son in bis lou as se uadertand there la no hn- surance. Thie Brooklin public sceo snimors oanzed a literary sciety for '968'97an Wtdnesday. Oct. 7t.Teofficers elected afier a spirited contest in tacli cas were as foilows :-Presidçat-Miss Elle Buirotlgbs; vice pres-Ciffad Eddy ; sec -misaEna Caltai; cornrittes-Mlsses H Grass, E Hust=, N Hialopaid M Mbdleid. Tht sohety starte off under encouraging aus- pices, tht pupils and teacherpurposhng w mak aIl tht meetings iaterestiug id înstnsctlveA stries of fortnightiy meetings wM be helM thronghout tht falR aid wwoter. The pubie -schoals are closed this, Thursdy and Fridav, whilst tht teachers are ýattends the Ont. Co.ý Teechers' Âssociauon lu PortFerry.* Report cf the standing of :6e pupils of the junior departinnlithft ilnooktin seicoea for Sep- tember. Tht naines of four puphlaof euc la are givei in aider of merla, Sr 11-Loale ~ Effi e Ddlog. Frak Ceins, annaFranciis, -jr 1 l-Pear Reeso, Claa Cook, Fm*n Redia, ( Lottie Whfteford, Gentie Lavrenoe,)eea.B PII-MaMe Craig, Clara Cpt. Mius Craag, 'ru, Robso'ýi,,rj Il Cpk lanee Bichetaira VoIe.Charbet Ellioit Rewmof senlordepartueént. - Il-Maai 7S ---ýBwW S 7ëtnLirale Delog 7,Violet A=;- Hiaet cout54. Lmdi - Sebeit a. las ccM au 48, Johi Ccl a, Hnny hlu in w absent foutr «'ixo» Ays.) &I- U7- rphffip> latavi i. Cazde àBiNsa6& .146ïud Wàiitt keenly obnscious of the lois ;ve sustaîn, yet we rejoice hg tht eveat which occasions it, and in tht hoPe that you are goi'ig as wider opportunities and cYtu greter usefulsesi. We know that there h s e book dearer 10 7013 than miv other and to-nlght we desire to present ta you that book ho n«. praving, that met giorv of its sacre$~ pg liîgbten ali your way and tbat the Godà of alli gé ewill leep you, cornfort sou, guide you untll se *il corne. . Where giory, glory dwelleth, In Imrnauel'a land," S ed on bebàf of the cburch and congregation, 1-;Vlchert, pastor, NI. Doolittie, cierk. Miss Dryden was rnaried in 'loronto on ThbursdaY. Sih Inst., to Rey. W. W. MeMaster, baptist minister i4 Tiverton. She wsll be vsry rnucb rnisaed in the baptist church bers, wbere she bas for some years taken a very active part in ail branches of churcb work A large circle of friends nuite in wlsbîng bier and ber busband a long and happy married life. BUMOesSDir.es@ry. GUY & 00., grain bnyers. BHÂLL, &. - lainer of 11rrtage License. Besidene. opposite Town Hall, Brooklln. W A lMONEEL?, D V S.--Gmduste of the On- tarlo Veterinary College, Toronto; Honorary member of the Ontarlo Medical Society. Trials ai l diseaesoa thei domestiested saimaise by the mail a>pproved melhod. Aima Particular attmntion urgicai aperaliona and dmntistry. Day or nighl oesromplY sttmnd.d 1. MOfce and reuidenos Broolu, Ontarici. B. Duttcan, mierchant tailor, has secured the agency for the Oshawa Steam Laundry. Laundiry will leave bis shop on Thursday morning, and wiil be returned on Saturday. Ail work guaranteed satislactory. Hastings & Mdassers, Oshawa S ceam Laundry.-22-tf. 1000 lMon VICTOR~ TEA. Our Special Importation of Nesv japon Tea bas just arrîved. Tis is the saine brand titat bas given our customers sucli universal satis- faction during the past season. It sella at 25c. or 4j lbs for a dollar. S UGARS.-D You can>t beat our price on Sogars. St. Lawrence Grannlated, 22 lbs. for Si. Cash ; St. Lawrence Brigbt Yellow, 28 Ibo. for $i, Cash. Tweed, Worsteds and Pantmngs. Our new Tweeds, Worsteds and Pantingi at-e now in stock. B3ig stock to select frein. FIrst-cajý workmnaaship, and perfect fit guat for every garaient w. tts nt.u READýY-MADE, OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS are now ready for inspectionl. liaS wlÜtby Osuna nhe coneil met Mcsdey. Reeve i thtechair. Tht minautes of les meeting vure read and sdopt- id. A communicatio was reýd (rot 1. 1.- Farewell Cherk of tht Peace, stmting the autiber af juron required- for tht -ycar z897. Prom Bigeer & Burton. re municipal moitis!. Pro C A -jonssasnrg tht council t Mtel, Com- mittet of the Oshewa canu»h ad Otbthotdue if possible tht tersis of oiS=ructlng a draIl i the ]Cit con. Mr. StôthaseoMded by Idtu amoved that tht reeve grant bis ntrdér tht treasuin ha aonof Wrn Grm for tbe su* Of $, damages te, shafts --Carnied. 1r. Stocks seconded by Mr Gay. moved that the-Maple Lestlits. Co. be gnaated, tht use éflîe towf halto boRd their meeins imiO o' i' rate of $6 oeaaaum.se Codd yCr'Stocks, rnoved tRial hàmd depisty rem evhoa-cornuieeto mCKW citOmlste fi Osbawe toma cnl M eu otSêd 7 ÇçMlit- co. E=stWbitly ça 14 f Ockt aa eOck*, mi. with thet object cf agr - 0 po*êjsof et antsodite-l14 Mr. Msect Gu, uoe iia tt Iect -bse 9bo r *h*un.. tc sa fildn, *1..L..q.s....'à: NO. 45 vision in Port Perry: W P, J Beanets ; W A,. of cussedness that tbey like to see a horse IMiss LPearse ; RS, L Qnackeîbusb;,A R on hie mettle. S, Miss C Gamble; F S, H A Nott; Ca, The anuai ploîghisg match takes plan Rev D N McCamns; Treas, J Stôvin sr; on the farm of M r John McCintock seai- the Con J Taylor ;A C, WDonaidson ; I S, A townia few weh Partclars ia latei Quackeibush; 0 S, W Loftus; P W P, L issue. Tii Signa.I W. J. NarT. Soin. action sbonld be taken by aur counil Port P.rwy Bueiass »hx-otory. as prevent itinerant patent inedicinie mon tacking G. 1. WILIJANBON, barber, nexl la post oSes' tin. signa on telegraph and telephone poles. t Ot lllh.-8 Mos. Several instances have occnrred recenîly wbere children and ladies have had their clothig tot U mILLItEY--mIUTuaxpia has received be« by tht ragged and broken edges. of t" signa on new lu stock afi mihneryand la prepafel t pae adpsts. Oniy a few days &go a lad in tuu utfie eai ' lbryinte latse pole andp .styles and low prices. Slampfng dons la town recer4ed a bat! eut on bis face by coming in order. Sept. 19th.--moa, contact with one of those broken edges or a ti W B Oz.ÂaK bas fer sale lhree good second. sigi. It wauid be well if tht chiet canstahies of band perler hialirs wlth ovinsa, which ho W-I towns were gi yen autbority to force sncb men ta ssii cbîap for cash. C&ansd inspeet Ihein tack thear sigus a% least serti feet ebove ssII s tb.y mss good bargalus. sidewallms Hardly a pole on our main street but wbat bas tram ibreetot six of those pesky tii aigus tacked on iL If those naw on were taken off it wanld be a sensible act and maybe prevent aiber accidents in huxure. Liewsswe oTabby. C n o Ont af aur praminent citizeis on Tuesday lust _____ had a straire experlence wîth a venerable tom- cs, Tar-tebby bad antiived bis usefulness as a mouser and rat killer, and for the comf art afW a o the housebold aur citizen praceeded in a sort of _______ buuiness-iike way toi dispatch the said toin-cat. He 6irst fired a revolver ai it, boring a bale in the catis bead. It rai witb its lile biaod aaziîg aut. To the man's surprise sext morning bis catsbip was at the door. Tht afaresad citizeb tbeýa gave W aehdb l o u it same forty draps of prussic acld In mik.1 Tht Wnerhavig e phad uteor o 1cat became suspicions at the taste, ancf was fi nd mert agoDe.artinei taidg lave henanotn-rshottoo effct.mode accordiug ta our own Another. aid still another, and aur citizen thinks design aid is arraxugtd foi it la dead by this time. Of ail tht cats, the cit. eeycneinei a thinks thisacat beats al cats for life, and says thetof Vt coivej u ain cas aid saylng I that a cat bas niait ilves" la true." w-teks w-e sali bave several He thinks this Tommy had tweity-ievenlilves. aTic .-Tý&<. A an.,. .lr.r R.J. Bru aid bas noi of th adwae store lest week,anbaonofteadis hardware establishments in ibis couniy. Every part bas heen laid ont ta advantage. We now have three fErst clesa hardware stores in town wbere every need eau be graîified. Saine urne ago it vas a very frequens occurrence to bean people say they canld buy hardware cheaper la a western town. That la îow very seldoin beard as-lt-iii cieimed our hardware mmeasel as close as any other dealers i this district, aid the trade thas nsed ta gro away froua this town bas returned, as is seen by the business dose by eacb of tht hardware stores in Part Ferry. Bruce's hardwae store talon tht place of the lote building- burned in FebruarylstThe present store lsa great umprov eetan the old aie. Tht maman work was dont by Mr. George Qardiier, tht woad work by Mr. fao. Stovis. and the painting by Mir. Jno. Rodman, tht tic roafing by Mn. W. H. Clark. Each cSntacor bas dont firsi clan wvork and tht finished build- ing la a crediit to those men- Unseemly Conduet. A te, weeks ago the Prince Albert correspmd- tnt of tht CHEONICLE wus Tupl 6son t fth boys of that bnrg for unseemly cnd-tOnIh streets and olaewhere. Lust Suuday, aftertco smre youug girls la ibeir tarly teeng w-et.ilatht oemetery whec soin ofagld oo h lbey Tbe ManMmasad 5papasc tc by bii girls eaum.o; t-si Or a.~Wfo l out having sncb boodiuuus tagging- aber di"t aid guygtbern. ifosncb m*=d et meunder My notice agaîn I ail gir. tht nainesof the boy& s. < a s e îey wvue iaugh* té oâiw hIr place. Tii. caretaker would n« «Diow such thuags if lit knew i4 but lint 01b. sspomed tp btin twooethrdm pWacesat 1h. sa=-.jlne, It woald lie visie if parei»s of yonug girls w ould have au eeorl wltb thes Wb=:ea astch k pat; i fmcifE soimatimm ould givts.li b .jý tht e amulary lessosc«t sonto ho forgotum. Warang ste Dlcysnlhs A nurubir-of biccliata Imaginet tht bigbway aid cm -il&,-- as s pleusScarelioee, a4 odhai M erouso t eto, 4wwes a acdeat byez gno *t<I an, olry. iis iepklkl@ aciden ri t ma- dmm 1 driving dd*os h-wi th asile* bidem tmt- Wle est robvw àr tbsyown j' us tbiy 1oo~.nmni- Ir a is ru Dr es W i au AMBULANCB WAGON of it in case of accident, draw-ning or sudden death away from home. JESSOP FURNITURE CO-, W . J. NOTI, PORT PERRY, MANAGER. WIsby TwnL*eals Jno Murphy, Peterboro, w-as ini towi Iast w-tek. Miss Prrkdand, Chicago, la in tow-n vlslting' 1(i. M Palmier bas taken up the study of medicine lu Toronto. O'Brien & Stedbam's photo gallery,' open Tüesday, Friday aid Saturday. Mr. Robt. Alexander had a cow killed at, tht G. T.- R. junction on Suoalay. o Mr john Winn bas been very aickfoa w-tek or more, but fa improving now-. There w-as, sno in Masiteba TU"..ay and the arcL-ave- slruck heme-on Wed-,s ConpJ~aewstock ladies: jacketâ * . Tht annuel meottof the- Wbitby '-Cl' log, tlbwiRlbé beldat-Woodrufr beteVda- Yriday, Oct. z6that ., MEr. W. Oý repotrpe.wl luimgaley Wbftbly eeyT s4. P layai S ay.GO4YwU lath WANTED. Milst have good pusbliig trjwn aid tôwnship At ciac., iteadY tlflployment. IH Trenton, Ont. sept. 15: 8&ýin About 50 food Ys aèà SI4each ai Q SWL1 -sept. 31 îg&- - oo~ r. 1~ -L b, 1 jt*rý; 1 1 IVLIL.. N...

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