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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 2

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wtumo bo te larg .r ï R>ber7t Rogers -moved Ihis famnlly to On F. Mo the1 fvasala&s, Pelham, near'NÎagaraon Wednesday, >RICE SREOD ImAG-NsufA e.»ofwfl - W»n a rd~n flnodu* mm, hreehas been placed -in charge of wihOurl, iiarin Ijr t is n arti wMhapredl i.Fe a riads:cogrecgatiOn. -We trust E U ALSVEDO Bonie..Tietrlde eedvn zosson reaogvn naeutc that he m~~~~y -b~~ succeseful in h~is minis- dw h Mrhmradi ar nt i rae teed b&gorrm.doni terilcalling.Hundrede of Grass of 'Dadd's Kidney the hors. f rightened au&awa trWhn o ou he a, edeb illa elaafre F. ' . Ln- left for Ann Ab, Pis Burned - The Dodd's Medi- Mise Miggie out. A littie fartber the residnt of UxzbridgoStnfilad Mich., an Thursday evening of last cine Company inNwQates i trtick the fonce throwig iehes idwod twatknfo i.Wc wéek, and did nat therefore appear be. down and entangling Misas ern in the Timesl, and told bow ii.pu ila fore Major Harper on Friday ta show Orders from Ocean ta Ocean- wheel and eprinq inu sno a manner that had, alone and unaided lae n caus wh heshoud pactce dntitry Energy and Enterprise Conqnes the sPring had to be take,> spart te set whole gan« of outlawswbweemkg withou bein regisered.The extensive establishmetfte ber loose. Fortunately the horse o!l targets of the peacoablecîonofWo wihot eig egstre. ntofth scha manner as to be unablo te irise, how ho had escaped wihnyaneva proprietors of Dodd's. Kidney Pis, at sa As usual ramn visited the Whitby fair Nos. i and 3 Jarvis strt, h * or had the herse made a move at ail, it abock and a few bbsIDLBa. e-to the annoyance af those who attended cnetecpigt efie, with olas d itiedtrrbefetucin n uetig adh for the proeof enjoying an out cntirl ets, eptngthy ofiesows Miss Nash entangied ln tie rig as elleJ ointhe oyes of t]eTxspouae as weli as with a desire ta el along no fthi5h here hile ttendng sy lietire roke ou.in tead.ioining .Te ixbrdlapers keep arpiug ne ailhoite igt, ad be Oaa' the association. Those who did flot lOf feh it.as cap be oxpected. bad shown tie llre-eati'Ynstbîw ' ~ get wet from hr hl atnigsywarehouse, but spread so rapidly that aoTanaeu i e arkhe a isoas g korios ioonefer 196"wraio that it was a good exhibit. in less thari ten minutes the e po es cu we n f i a r idge bcote l i o d s h ed fro d li G ob, w Inspector McBrien visited aur schoo of tic Dodd's Med icine Company, from kees ti i oyoksdn n avle ral ht'iimsvbru las wek, nd n bs rpor tothethelabatoy, he dvetisngand the knows il botter than lhe proprietors of ded was flot among i it .- ~FK trustees gives bath Mr. Murkar and shipping derartments, were ail in panic lhe self saine papers. Iti. true tiat lie oouidn't uridersîand il h i. udw wr v ~ ~~~Miss Whitney a very good recommend flight for their lives.prreorf the Queen's hbotel af that oxtremely sad. But jeaedyw e as taches. H staes t at te puils The perfect sàfety of all these persons o n rendered ur lacroae a bill for 85 ceived a uock wiih dipe ed ieg on. P i s u e j are making rapid progress. The ac- Qnce assured, and while more than two "*for meals whicbhoie ad propared and It is inilie siapeof aacipgfrnLe L commodation is pronounced ample, and hundred and fifty gross of Dodd's Kid- were flot partaken of" and tbe t' wherein Waco Telephone, andredasflo: A yer s Pils the sanitary-condition perfect. ney Pis, together with labels, wrap- tie debt consise. And the reason the --Ath1.80 o'clock tbisaeronM.Cu d The annual Harvcst Home services pers and tons of advertising were being mosea1 were flot partakon of ln no credil William G. Lewis eaibed t b Tlphn "Iwald11. e ddin tstrnnye chrc wlhin connection with the methodist consumed, interest and effort al Cen- ta IJxbridge-it was because the disgraco. office and oxplained bolieatceSetS eIn thtotoheswho have used Ayer's cuc wl e heid on Sunday and tered in the rescue from the advertising fui trealmeût accorded aur boys made Toexa desperadoas bsi illdbim Plilli, and ta say lat 1 have taken (hein Tuesday, Oct. i îth and 13th. The rooms ai a mass of seemingly aId and Lihe game s0 long tiat they iad only lime came te reach Canada. osae itAPretCr yHo' formneaut roi nd aelwaus. rve b Rev. McCam us. of Port Pry wil worthless letters. These as afterwards Pr ryteiea e la iel, han e hei sits ti n is no da ttomeeh ugi h wa b o a t r e s u l f r ep t h e p uln t h e i rm i ngu sde .t - r u n f o r t e t r a i n . A p r e t y c a s e ' t w o u l d a w e s s c o u n t r y a n u t r î u t e 0 O'i f o r s m u h P e s r o r For Stomiach occupngthedpuipitebathpmorning and leano e, oved t be fth cuuat hho oexpoot pay for a supper nover eaten came home. A printerinduWaoHd'Srsail.Myonasfi, eaedig an delverouprlriat.ser-ionsof tarsccnsreusnds ecae aI liTe Uidgspo r om ev oud u tiabt e:eerayh e getpini h ons cop beadache caused by these derangements, fruits of the late abundant harvest. odsKnePiladatgfr -Ae' il antbe eqiile f Dd'sKdnyPI!s nddtigfrmimprove their position with lie public be wouid encourage tah dsadbvelbdfloîraln nadad my friends ask me what Is the best Wiliie Smith atternpted ta obtain the inception of the business up ta the ifas a mali reparation for their conduet, sanie fun.,Sa8 i hotok esae a eyaliu bu un n a remedy for disarders af the. stomacli, gaods from Isaac Wise an the strength day of the fire. 6 These records of tri- they gave the Markiam boys a banquet wiich bad been printedonneBd d Liver, orBow'els, that he wouid get an order fromn one umph, these proofs of the suPreme and an apology. with a proof pres pintedlehoyaotHd i j oseph Heard. But as aur worthy meisoiu ra inyteietMr. Lewis andtile despeao alrh rny Invariable answer le, Ayer's Pili% silve rsmith was uncuine ith were the rnost peiu of ail the pas- bdfe u ak en In season tbey will break up a unaquantedpreiaus-tmed a in ittapega cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, anîd either parties he preferred ta keep the sessions of the firm, and were ta be à màý ohdn data i regulate the diesieorgans. They are god.When l ' ngthe sopWiihie saved if possible, as the iltnaeytosn in ff btyp.M.heios 0YfdC aotHods8rsré god. evng so e otuaeî aset l fbu edianii gIma rafwic nand urdhm. t ea yoa ea dasked how such orders were usuaîîv were, at the ast possible moment. ahehaif-dozeners Are the best wofded and was toid. He no doubt at On the invitation of the president of Break U CId nGpumetieCaaboia aend osem ui asawnal ail-round famnly medicine I have ever once set about rtn resasaedhecrpyarpoerfTeNwsy planation be made, eiwngta 5ca knw."Ms MYoeo,~ ie hs ee.visited the quarters, iocated at Nos. 6 a owscnendi Ave., New York City. W.Qourie, of the east end, has and 8 l3ay street, where new premnises PY -PECTORAL as ha asn etii was aiieatfotffcenlonte ler yt rm A ~ PJ LS renedW.J.Mitheîsfar wstofhave been promptly opened. Here a The Quick Cure for COUGRS, -Free Presti. Hlge. A ars a W rl'sFai. iaemnt ndwear tod ih tkerapid glance reveaied many busy hands COLDS, CROUP, BRON- ou m NigfflAwade t Wrlds Fir. possession tuis fl. We are very sari-v rush ing the several details af com pie- CuTlis, HOARSENESS, ote. Celumreprtfor ua .A ve' arapazriao,.gthe<êl<,0. ta iose such worthy citizens as Mr. and t'onoaf new goods ta ilI arders continu- MRB. ÎossPH Noizvcir, Sahool eporntyfMrndeptmer1SL Mrs.Gouliebutshai exect a har usly arriving fi-rn ail points i Can- of 6J Sorauren Ave., Torontîo, writes ; Jni iî,Mnd icxn fe, ada, the Unitetd all xpectto her P7r-?Scamlbunever failedto clire Beesie Sfiniti (second,) Jeie ogn good accounts of them when thcy re- other partsfa log-stadin(Ibird.>te move north. Mr. Miller wiii work the ai the worid. Judging from thc ac- ceea 4hrrmdishfledie. xIt as Cole (fifih.> Entrauce-aceBekî OORRESPONDIENCE farm himseif as soon as Mr. Gourlie cuiae resa ie Iwihyu IDI leaves bingn tticetaerepoiter Lyot a glimpse, the output of forogIth::cru r areneL 657, iet y yHam , e549.M 'à Dod'sKine Pllsisaleay lmst . ).BABOR,538, James Lk 468, 1anneOms CANNINOThebeyand th conceptio, and anccan A. a crtofor381, sa Pyny.ectoraj a of L ittle R ocher, N .B ., w rites :to 3 1, i n e H a p r 3 8 G o B o e of the late Casper Stott was put up at easî nesadta termn ln s est %.lItnicmffe le; MI eue ~ ~ 274. Sr. Ilt-Wm. Bicatun40 M. Birnie has bougt thc stock of auction on Saturday, at the Gorden can create suci an incredétable demand. tomers 'l have neoter. HryWboo 2, o aui46 H Mr. C. H. Amey at the corner af Laid- house, by Auctioneen Poucher and Chanacteristic af the enengy and Large Botti., 2U Cts. Hattie Richardson 407, Rt od87 OTSCESILR'L yw iaw and Cameron Sts. soid. Tie farm containing 122 acres etrnz.o h odsMdcn DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO, LTn.eîSnt 9, eseMLa 9, O A RBAT Mrs. Pbiipott and son have gane an was soid ta, Patrick Teefy for $2,450, Company, - Violet Luke 853, Tenu, Pereman 278, Rd.& Kae Brpr 89, ab an extended visit ta Rochester and whie John Dwyer baugit tic house itmybemninolhte>'ir~ ara. * Rt Harer 87, Menu lfetv67 S other points east. and lot for some $6oo. Bath these frthegh aern ufalomadu rge ofm #im44é Sde Bu 9.J.l-ui ure ED L 'saIoj ampeae t taeth îi.lisgentlemen have resided at Greenwood tic0robabelieent ad oucam.5f1ti 1 mpesdtosaettMr hi h robti anager wntasd uma e aeof 5 A lleWnn.1 eie Tink45,501, ar Beatty is around again after uis recent for vears. 1iatr n il i pensswn EVRO Lonie McLean 289. Sr. 1lLn uk ~ l5,vuearada î i l n e s . T e r e s c o s i d e r b l e i s c u s i o n s t i l i b u r n i n g o r d e r s h a d b e e n w i r e d a n d T hlov n i n o î ~ . s . E e r s5 3 0 , G e . H a r p e r 5 0 1 , i n y B c < ¶ ~ n a e j a Miss Dancasten of Orono,s the goirig on just novl as ta tic stai-ting of goais tram New York and other points Sohehioes nih methi eavertP. S. t n47E, rwin rito46,JeeSni m UO. guet I MssMae! anastr usan Oddfcilow lodgc here and the pros- wr cdlytwnd oonofr h ee brouebt toet ir ladie at gn ile 42, 1nnie Woîten 4To1 abni 1IP pects arcdithatoancs Toronbo fnranized Wreproduction week. ~~before tic w int r is over. A s a rule a o d id e îî, m n from % dI ve n le coun y of Ontario. 4 2, M innie N icols 417. B ak Bo d 4 , Tic Rev Mi-. Connell af Scabrigit small places have too many societies of s0 that no order shouid remain uufilled. They were charmeti with the situation Fanny Stark 886, AgnesHe 22.P.Cio,1.,A. , suo ootoNw.ad bospitality of the people, but, aaisI IL-Pan! Purves 459. Cecil cae 8, Dnis ouemrlbtIaoj ochpe h eon ud îofthe ast, ist encevoe ntre tii o x -------for aur tiignity, nol witî the appearance NorannGuv 846 flarryBuke30, tIftbia~ curch nSnay evcning lsMn. itne witi tic resuit that none af LINDSAY. of the village. The air of untidynesa Gertle Stark 271, Samnicl 6 Greatrix taking Mn. Connell's puipit in them have that degr-e af prasperity Evide'ntly there were eue or two pro wiich havera over the sti'eeta s18so evi- Pt. 1 sr.-Chags Hoiman 6,Wre jWruabasnx lmO Seabrgit. that ticy siouid. and Pickering isflo fessiona1 pickpockets iu bown dgring lie dent that it wus the aubject of remark by Tink 243, Prank MeLean 11 t r fr ..oS Tramps are again beginning ta nfcst exception ta that ruie. We have daye oa le contrai fair. Quit. a numben many ai the viaitons. A trifling cosîta o Zeima flezzelwood 180,AnePog S.yu u8 , 2 the neighborhood and people siould alrcady four societies of this nature a)f ladies from the counîtry hadti heir the corporation or a litlete ime by the riRit 176, Pearl Harper 17:,FakRc m.E .KEDL OPx take this intimation ta put the hock on with tic resuit that some canno *t pockets picked, anti several emply purses -people woulti effeot a gi-cal change in Ibis 1jartison 173. Brce mt thc chicken coop door. hoid meetings for want af a quorum. founti on lie grountis a thie close of irepcthuguthevla. B mît71hVla£NSUG FLS T ezowod19IthlBiil14 _______________ am1 latory Sap". cOmmlfend ýted witb ed wit Lip atahi kneeu. 1 'ngwra I dWe. tsQ A toilývIte h re Ias w hih 'fhs endersor 1jan0pshire a teplace. Fr17ank Genow ha' ijrjlcourise -. bave gooti succe- *Thc Sons are t" thl-hall, not 1 t hough. A fullrneet i n Alliance 1 aie 12th, at Bi-ougrhai thc cause înt'ite<ý joseph Burk, h *ta accammrodaV 5a rdinary Price- bai-ses wcl carerc One night las persans unknowr talai-shap, -t h r- anti apprapi-iatedr vests and an w- yet at largi~e. T tramPs ente iredi thriough a wînrli'ý cai-fival until mc<- The suddcn dt, niuch rcgretted b was a fine v'(ufli years. 1He- ha6 some wecks. bu* tiI Fi-iday noon with inflamrati', Monday- Tht Tuesday afterný were intcrred in i etei-y, norti af parenlts, wio resi, icieehave muc bercavemen t. Apple buvers 50ocas. per barre., Mn. Wellingto: ing aven thc advc Mr. M. was visiting at NI week. Miss Jessie Pon fi-rn a two wcck! Lindsay. Mr.. Ben Pett lai-m naw tenar Harper. Messrs. Ir-win ing in Glandine day af last week. 'Mn. W. S. 'i-v lage last Sait practical -discou hy ail present. Rumor says t or more wcddint Quit. a numbi ed the funcral Graves, af Por last. M" ~W. believe th ments are ta t church by makil more comfartab be a great char *tion. The chut andi Scugog circ mffodiaus buildir - .Mm. John Si Mvr.jhn'i. Robinson contemnplates '? limte ailments the sieut see vs ss sue orsee irnrth yt an su hiu ayT nuakifig changes tiat wiil in ail po-ne ctdtitroeasuad lie ides laken for thé test' oflisp 'behfsi. letcubt i : -Salins 'ir--bethen, Enlday ,ngt ul~'1 au ma e t e big We sailaIl e sri-yta car us s Mi. dseasa. ast he onuey. Near tlb icol- niîy'alt e s$, titi lie gentlemen wh0 attendance requel!ted. ;W halal esor o er hsasM.serions diseases pooket book wasfeuud, belongmng là a, viii aspire bt bis tempîn oe hud M.and Mr&. -ElU OshorneadMs "Robinson is a fi-st rate feiiow anti anc eto adsred have their in- Mmr. L0. McOrea. The thiet *s- evi- ho in the -field. eu.on Datlingtu eeso cponia iodrddigestion sund faultY dently a professions! co'm'k, wboà badl______aae ir uss ilt ai tic kinti we shall miss firn aur nutr±n2 This is tr,.,. th t adime" labenqs- midsit. Howevcrifhe makes teo iessc pifticastd dy L on hangngaboutthe town dnÏiiug fair -, M.JmsÀ er 'c-hanige be will take tic wel wishes o f ai sposrtonadexhausti<,n and line, sud vas being- walched by ýhe e -to *te an aooo1nùtîîis bi aLe- ail with him. maisof ai ai rescf Wt* Oiese i-poie ldCotiuîryfor The Statesmar Qbs lie citizens' bandi intenti having an p dbutcrir tsorma othe Z. W ecitÂg - aYýwi r" iva vn u:elgeîrr t'oîbi i aid time tea meeting on Tuesday, Oct. rney einsrsis ekplace ou RMintheit ailnd An nnfailiug cure for sU disease that Monday -evoinwg about8,20, Twoyoin ..oznxiiLi eieýad I3th. The suppet wili ho served inl have their enigin in diserders cf the diges. mn nameil 8Sheridan i 'M Buekley1, the W. H. Hoyic's hall anti the programme Eion and fauty- nutrition iàfounud inlu om er~, of whom ie qnom 'To.rontêauin- TH CGK88TR viii b. rendereci in tic auditorium af Pierce's- Golden Medial DiscovMr. i '~ '--- w 'the tawn hall. cures digestve dsodtehouue eicape- i. l £ing VI1U45 O ioWWù P 1 ie~ " .' A l o o r n w a s a st a e r ti s C o m u n - ite , *in v ig e r te s th e i v e r p u rifie s as u -ou iv ry z ig , a n , p o e d 4 ~ o s t w .L w ç S I K C N O .' Fromia ay mor hs wbemn-iche h 1o, ul esthy flesi ansdWed j rývig 'past Veithfihot&~a ty o u c a iof t ic death ai one ai ur i. cnresg8 re l bave tl~ s o - jklî . opendrai n thst is bi gdu àr "j ,js ' ' poet citizens, Mr-. John Leary. M'r.fac-ta-Dugaswh uge ubtttS..sdanor i nd t rk 'Layhati been unweli for soee lime 1 disOneît bhore tusastaûdatlL.'Tea~Io :and bcing ai ripe age ai course tic rr e~8LllTti'~, "~- ' "worÉtt wasta b. c*pccted. The family Wt Vs., wrlt1 wu honid y odead1are~ -PVI~*Z QVPI L4(Y 'haLvethe sympathy ai tic cuti-e cornm à%a in i efl" th fe isc to«tÎe otter ' Ipot c "of 1y Puàt1îÈ m=unýy. The remnains were inter-t=lià&- Wa ' and' 1 'G4rale cemetery ou Monduy aitér- :ýoie t iet"- h- '"'f t uMptSs noon ait ta a'clock.-..Ecbo. 'Yl;î- th Mi. . À V(. , ~'<Wndsora WMbe snt pa .r-bouud, orIf#ty, d1. idotfortu s4~~r pjenu.ci our viliag, las )4r .'White, 'WiaitQui, f eu AS4Wi~ eguest-of Dr. MitceIL «triCon i&îtC 'th '~r. Dr)Mi tchell -anti MSiss & n '~ ~iéy hir ~trnd fomWestern On.- Aff ~ ~ 44(_" -o bWbuls, ni dms herb Tbe abois w. by hW' lx;and ME. Noms Ak a oc Bakt mmmEwý, e97 , icmm am W

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