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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Oct 1896, p. 3

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,William WiIs="i n~~ -Kinowles, of Uxbrldge, Visted ~ishere last veek - Th~Young left f«x Tornto Tues. dto Omplete his mdedialstudios.j Thmas Philip pesented ~ bfdwth a daughter on Tuesday. Thos Hetiderson has arrived at New eHaPshire and is much pleased with Frank(y;e row bas gone to take a com- . 1calww~ at Toronto. May he 'h osare talking of renovating he h all, not before it was needed 1 ~: etigof the Temperance Alin,( sýallcd for Monday, October 12h t lrouýgham. Ail interested in the clt. 1 11\în ted. BrBrougham, is prepared vac .11a the travelling public p rices. (Jood stabling and caired for. ijn 1-i:Y.lst %veek some person or irr)kn' 'VO entered A Urquhart's P.w throu gh a back window, r cian overcoat. two new ari ii1ier. The thieves are The saise nfght some tra'; ru tedthe christian church tht" ifo w and there held high iint 1 nîornîflg. Tri,- idd(n reath ot Fred Ham is 1, 1 cd hereabouts. Deceased .1 s',;:" N)Mn an of twenty four -' I1t, 'Ihd not beeli rohust for ~uf o k~.but was able to work un- t i ~n unwhen he was taken 1ii ýi)i1,iinat1on and succumbed on Mn\ The funeral took place T *..xî\ itierno-on when the remains wers turrIin the Presbyterian cern- et io nrth of here. The bereaved urt.Who reside haif a mile west of Shave mucb sympathy in their SCUGOG huvers are swarming. ct.per barrel. Only Matoq, recorflm.fld anied Wlth ýt Up sttjrs id kneeog 1 iavtng re«, ires '. I dtr en botties, Mie. G. A. SKfptIy anda IRES o yoar InL 1 ita ru- d wtsh Ab. Vie believe that ments are to be i',,,.,iirchh..'maksinvu extended improve- made in the Centre it match larger and lo~yone.,The]RieeM1u.t Iboy lpuy Yyou la ibave to b.. He-H~e youabyroafor doubt.- mEl3tàsy V1 Bea.t-Teil I have, if 'e eil over. As th4d woman uttered ths worde ah. dropped ta- the floor. The baby had spilled the. tnk. Let's go shopping te day, Tess. 1 can't Bess; I've Iota of things te buy to- day. V've notbing te do to'-morrow ; l'i go thon. Suraday Sohool Teacher-What is the lesding doctrine of Christianity ? The laundrymsn-Rid throw stone- srnashee glase-no can catchee-for- givurn. What oflice are yon after this time?2 None at ail. Thon what are you mun Ding for? Because I don't want to be oonspicuons 1 Canny-Is Miss Wilbur at borne? Norab-No sorr. Oanny-Well-go np- stairs and aak ber, when eBe vili b. at borne. Norah (going)-Yes, sorr. Jokey is in bard luck ? Wbat's the matter ? Heo bits t that lItt year's crop of footbvàll jokes wbich be rntonded working off on bis editor. We girls are going to bave a barvest borne festival. Wbat 1 to show big punpkins and things ? No such non- sense-ongagement rings and photo graphB. What in thunder are you speaking tc the achool cbildron for? asked Lbe voter Just keep quiet, replied die candidate thîey'll ail be old enougb to vote befor( I'm elected. Miss Keedick-Etbel cac't ho a! tei mnoney. She bas broken lier oneagemnen with tlat wealthy ico man. Mista Fos dick -Dont be too sure. She jilted hir for a man who owns a bicycle repairinI sbop. r n g Scene : A cottage on Loch Awe-Side. -Lapy touriat to the cottagers vwife- "And are theée three nice li ttle boys all your ovn, Mrs. McFarlane ? " Mrs. McFarlane- "Yiss, mem ; but hum in the middle's a lassie." -Hadn't you botter call another phy- sician ?" said the wife to to the young doctor who was troating her husband. "Juat for consultation, you know. ' No, maam," he replied. " My idea; are confusod enough already." -Why, Torniie, back f rom school ai- ready ? i 'Yes, Mike wouldn't lot me tag. -" Av course not, " said Mike. 'Yez towld me to take Tommaie down to th' 8chool, rr.a'arn, but yez didn't sihy nothin' about lavin' the bye there. "I am vniting a play which cannot fail te be a great succeas," said foyer to his friend. -Wbat is ita chie! feature? " "In the lutt&at the comedian vho bas perpetrated ail the eatn uts dies a miser- able death." "Papa,," said jackey, "vould you hi to have me gi ve you a perfectly botuti Christmnas present ?" " Yes, indeed "Thon nov is the turne fo double my lowance, so's l'il havo the mopney te h it viien Christmas cornes." tITICA ke fnl a.I- Canadian DairYman iin Zealand. New1 Mr. Jas. B. McFwtn, at one time on- 5gaged as a young maker in the Ballan- tyne cheese factories, and subaequently on the staff o! Dominion Dairy Commis. sioner R.obertson, hias, as our meaders are aware, been of late looking after the work of da.iry instruction in Nov Zea- tend. Froin the proceedings o! a dairy conference there vo notice with piesane that ho has beon doing good service, and a resolution vas unanimously adoptod asking the Goverument that he behomr- rnissioned te go to England te examine the condition of Nov Zealand d ai pro- duce on arrivaI, and te investaga and report on its handling and distribution in Britain. The mover stated thst Mr. McEvan had given such satisfaction in New Zealand that every factorymail and every farmer would have confidence ilr hum. , e vas aiso accorded a hoarty me solution of thanks for his past vomk on the Island. We gather from the report that when his proposed mission to, Eng- land is completed be viii retou te Ne% Zealand to, pusb on the work of an ex perimontal dlairy station and sehool undei (loverninent auspices. Resolutions woîi passed in the. direction of aecuring cheap er ocean freights, and the cold storagi plans nov being worked out for nei soason in Canada vore cited as a goS modol for Nov Zealand.-Farmer's Ad vocate. uy Di moure comfortable. This wjllcertaiflly The following is the standing of the le a great change in the right direc- pupils of Utica sehool for Septemnben - t1 nT. The church is by far too sînali First cias-B Murray 206, W Cairus 206, .ritl Scugog circuit is in need o! a coin- N Me-Id 204, T Walker 180, L Wagner mod ionis building at the centre appoint- 1779 W Kite 174, R loamu 178, G Law ton 178, A Kite 165, 8 Rovami 115, C Silver 107, C CJaimns 89, M Stevens 79, B Mir. John Sweetmnan is contined to zromr 46. Part Il-P Cairns 284, W hi, bcd by a severe illness. M rs. P. Tennpson 248. Jr. II-G Cairns 844, J \\Villkants, sr., is also on the sick list. Lawton 814, T Sutherland 306, DOCrozier -- -----277, A Wa.gner 271,.-P tephgneon 272, M MoDemmôott 26 1, A Wà1ker 259, A Kit. ---UNDER ATH' 2W, M Taylor 228, H Orchard171, C Silver 147. Sr. 1l-H Tava 318, E IRsmper '214, C Lakey. 218, L Howsam 120. Jr. III-L Tavu 440, B Tenny A ' son 878, M Tennyson 386, J Stevens 142. Sr. 111-G .Bentley 558, J Medd 552. Jr. 1V-F Lawton 547, A Walker 508, H Sutherland 455, C Sonley 450, E Lassey PA.5.LYIS crIJuE-4WORN T marEN. 865, F MeDonald 886, A Bentlov 830, W Mme.Meue Mcistln, 27 Eedenburt St, Tomcto Walker 298, E Horn 82. Sn. I1V-S De Ot siar Rvaokamea's 'ootcnsy Cure" =rs è-- --.-ik-.d n"m-«MAknt. '-am Foe 590.-L. Gilroy, Tetcer. ercurely useleas.Phyu*otas ad Sker.wau nochaos of ber ever rooovein skie une of ber limbe. Hope deert.d ber. but to-day skie le walklug*aaound telling ber friends how RBckman'e Il ootenay Cure*- cave her lif e and hap;Lo«&Sueworn ta. July 10. 1896 beore J. W. Seymoeur Cori.y, Notary Public. gwoERN STATENENT OF A GEATEFUM NROTifE.L boulas White. nine yeara old. wbo uffersd WUt Eczemia stuc. her birtki, bas been entirelï oured and ber general systae buil up by Ryckmen as Kootensy Cure." The aboie fact. aregiven in a eworn alate- ment rmade by her inother, Mma George Wbte, 139 St nuon St., Hamilton, Ont., dated July 3 1896, blore J. F. Monck. Notary Publia. A CeEBIATION DIS&TITBED- W@EN STATURMES RADE. Charles P. Newman. 18 Marlborough 51., Tercts oatý_,ad a complication of biood troublas,.lUueu- nsism, severe Kîdney trouble sud onsUttin. W a f rsqueatly dlstUrbed sntht. lost kie appstits ad was a very slck man. Elle Kidusys are now in a helb ondilo, kilsappsslte roci% leep undi- ture udcostpalo ord; a&U ki"s as don* by Ryckmann a Kootenay OUMs" H0 wakss swis statement to the abois ta9tM befffl J. W. 8UOyaoi Oorley. Juiy 10, lm9. NMWCASTLM Mliss Baker. Midiand, is guest of \Irs. John Uglow. .\r. T. MilMer, Orono, visited at Mr. R. Barlett's on Sunday. MI ss Agnes Orchard is teaching at browns schooi house during the iii- res-s o! Miss Ballagh. M r. J. Tabb. Bowmanyille, visited at NIr. John Gieve's on Sunday. Miss Worden vistedat Mms.-W. Aluins on 5unday. M rs. D. 'Amott is orùmtlittg the, front o! hem esidence ,with a ne-y-1 fence. Messrs. LJ %rleves aiidS. El.' dridge are the builders.« Messrs. Alli B3ras . are witing numerous prlzcs-at.,the fal l Zi4tion Mr. Neil,,?04 l pepuI md wth friends la t@w. Thon i@ b t Roeois*m smipn soagrevoe The following is the standing of the pupils of S 8. No. 18 Reach, for Septem ber :-Jn. Pt. II-Donnie Mante, Edgar Bntt, Edith Whitter, Mary Parisb. Sr. Pt. II-Thomas Elayward, Frankie Wat- son, Bertie Whitter, Lucy Parieh. Jr. II-Egbert Rose, ""Wilie Dew.ey, Cecil Tait, Ions Orchard. Jr. II-)Iinnie Moon, Florence Sleep, Florence Clem. enta. Br. III-Walter Moon, &da Bntt, Florence Lane. IV-Edna Moo4, Oeo, [Rose, Lly (Jieents, Edward Dewey, IJohn Muro, John Watson, Lily BligÎt; George HaYýward. DO TE WORK AT HOME. Xiarond Dys Gua.rantee Succei a.nd Satisfaction.. Many people go to the city or towu dyehooso when they have gooda te be dyed. This means a bass of ime and mach onnecessary exponse. Ninety-nine out o! evory oe nhndred vomen ean do their own dyeing at homo witii Dia.moisd Dyea, ut an expense of ton or twenty cents for what tbe professional dyer viii charge thein81 50 Le $2. Home dyeing means a saving of ime sud much suuoy --e snce, as the professional dyor ofteu put. th. work aside for a week or ton days. Al aiffloalties are avoidod by naiug Diamoud Dyçs ia yoar homo. The plain directions for each celer make good e- soîts ahsolutely certain. Therp isaa standing guarantee that Dfamnd Dyes vI celer more geeds, package for pack mge, than any ether dyes in the world, sud viii lways givo tiie bekt sud strong- est colora. .When buying dyes, avoid ail imitation, package dyea that your dealer May effet yeu ; take only the 4"Diamond,',aud yoa viii be crovned with saees. Bond for ont Diatnond Dys Cook Boekî free te any addresa. W.ollo Richurd- son Co., Montreai. __________of qusolieu',tfor 1 Di t....,.a..~astoescbsi t 8 oeloek in- tiseimposs lrmnin Xint evenig.. hit!,but rejoInstoasi # 1fvstlyesd 'appy, Mua S, syu 'qsuaft! euisatio Pâim asth«otre'mw sae m. old brA .&is.mgiL -o e w*ljm * " A Baivation Aràiy Stmy aboisolalope, u nn-d"l atien st Uixb!idge.&ejj~Asu~ mow ou of ui - tii- an t f jUt rm is v» ùtise iossesonsici bytsîe st 11 ic 'uedootore la to omp ne-moseaIq thse verIt b. fss-'-wbyitshu Lightly boit the'White of -an .gg Md take it either with or without sugar. It iis on.et tithe best remodies for the. dis-1 eaue. Two or three eggs ishould be -taken per day. * As shis in food as weIl as. medicine, the. lighter ti. f ood otborwise and the. quietor the patient la kept the. more rapid the. recovery. DIPHTHBRL&. Several bases have been cured by this simple remody. Place raw onions in a bandage and beat it to a pulp, thon bind the cloth containing ouions, joice and ail, about the thnoat and veil up over the ears. Freah poultices should be applied as of ten as the mass becomes dry. In mee;t cases the pain soo;n baves and the sufféeor sanks into a coinfontable sleep. This is a good remedy in any kind of sore throat. tiome, i as ich at o e ofie«« sud "m , b.chr of lthe or lýan can e 000K COUPAte ri person. Addneor ain office Boom 8-JNo. 26 WoodwadLe., Dereit,ammkh.1 je sold by all respoessible viioletule sMd retau1 dmuggits in the Domirnon of Cad nite states foik oue Dollar per box. Proving that true honesty and philantropy sut. leist. litated, or Who la suffi various troubles resutt excissetrcverwotk, 1 te me, I1iii send h:m of chàrge thse plai pur omplstoly reatered te i I..bod, alter yeof-oS IDobility, Loi of Vîgw Ibàve uothihgto i monty, bat s I ika, amsos.Teivll 1 m eand' truc, kIwuuss. I qmutuel rau -x Every ingredient in Man- Iey's Celery-Nerve Com- pound is a blood maker and health giver. Ilf you are weak or rundo' nte wlt Mr.\VelintonSweetman is rejoic- ing over the advent of a fine baby girl. N1r M.A.Elford, o! Enniskiilen, was visîtîng. at NIr. John Jackson's last wee k MIiss .1essie Pogue returned last week frnm a two weeks visit with friends in Nir. Ben lPettite has purcbased the frm now tenanted by Mr. WVilliam Haqrler. Niessrs. lrwin and Mallett were visit- inv in (Glandine on Friday and Satur- (.I f List week. \lr \V. S. *lrwin preached at the vil- laz last Sabbath afternoon. His practir ai discourse was mnuch enjoyed Ruinor says that there is to be two or miore weddings in the hear future. inte a number from Scugog attend- el the funeral of the late Nirs John ('TuLti', o! Port Huron. on Nonday Whywear wool ? To keep out cold?jàNo. To keep in heat. If the body is supplled wlth plenty of fresh air--oxygen-- and proper food, it wIll gener- ate sufficient warmth to Pro- tect you on the coldest day- Scott's Emulsioti of Cod- li er Oil, wth H pophsphites, is the best warrnth-food. Thin people, people with poor blood who are easily shaken by a çold wind take Scott's Emul- sion and it rnakes good blood, improves the ÉL'ppetite, in- creases.fle-sh, furnishes bodily warrnth, and prevents the 111 resuits from colds, coughs, a n dT"SE MUp SIO bas bem etsor'vd by Ibo .,,ds<I rofiiSJ<foi' tu.'ent1y Yrars. (Aà your dot. toi'.) 'bis as becau.se ft salwayi piaiabJb-JWd.7s unliforin-ilWUS oudtlithe purtst Norw.egim Co- 18ve-r Ou .and f,ýpOphOshuE. Put S> um ç 0 Centàand $ i. oo sifea. 'Tbe saailsi{ may be enough Io care your cougb or blp your bab. 8,ot & BoW ne. Boe1fl--1 Ont.. Ly and - natuial sieep. Case acea-the Mgother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorta la so el adapted to cbfldren tba 1 recommend IL assuP.riortoan prUoelPUO known tW me." Hf. k Âo,'L 1. 111 Bo. Oxford >t, Brooklyn N. I. Our pIiysctn5 in the chlldreu% dopat. ment bave poken higbly of their e«peri- once In their outulde practice vtthCautorta, andI although vo only bave among oi.w modisuipplie wbat la known s regular products, yot vo are free to confeM th"ath@! moriOs of Castons bas on a to Wok wth. Layo on flit" U T M H OSNTAL A ND DIS U M U 30 ÂLum C. suxn4 rumw, £auwway Stret, N w'wok OIty. The Most &0um~a ~w) ~ 3' Me" I merles. fores p i the i4 Co., ity.- Nothing is botter for burns than the ~~ white of an cgg. It excludes ail air, thus Castor1& agmilates th. foc eaaing the pain, and prevonta inflamma- and bowe][s, glving Ikeathl tion. Several years ines one of my trai h hlrWsPn children feil on bis forobead againat a ro1th ClIeu Pn very hot stove. The skin stuok te the stove, leaving a largo raw place, disfigur ing him for life, as I supposed. IlNoth. aor 1 ing in the house te use," was rny firat leCa 10 u emSOIIt eICIii for cl- thought ; thon an item I had road in a dieu. Mothaflhave rel>estedly toid me oitite paper a few days before came to my mind. go aauo hi hlrn1 Thank goodness that romedy vas at Du. G. C. Caaon hand ! I quickly broke an eoeg and uwe M5f fRÊ appl.ied the. white of it several turnes te .CamaoeIlasthe boa re5dy forechl'eof the humn, and soon he vas playing aL- if which 1aaqanfted.IboM tbOdI&W1 De nothing had happened. I used the ogg brdmwmnàmwnod«hra occaaiona.lly for several days. The buru int5WMotà thsr eChjIdOi and use Cantorta in- soon hesbd, loaving uot the loast sign of Ma fteVrmuknsrm hc r a scar. This bas been usod by us evern q>b"I, hirlg neby foxeanA opiO tu, aines, and I nover tire of rocommonding d«hma oothiefr boaandUi.o0er Y ueal it to others. Linseed oil is the next best gudw m Sas hrb ni remedy I know of, and one should nover K.MCEM.LF. 4 be vithout a bettie of it in the hous, Oonvay, Ark. especially where there are children. c FELONS. This painful trouble may ho cnred by an application of rock sait and turpentine. Put it on a linon rsg and wrap anound the felon. As it dnies, put on more, and ,rxuoi. if followed up, the fellon wilb dinb. Among reent visitors are : Mrs. J. W. tventy-four heurs. Spaling, Miss Bes8o paling, Mis EÂRACHE. Shirley Moruison, Mis. John Hellyar, This is of ten cured by layig over the Bovmaiivillbo; Edvand White, Wiarton; sar a fiannel bag filed with hopa, and Miss Cora M. Gardiner and Mr. W. Mc- wmung froin hot vinegar. Carthy, Lindsay. Rev. A. C. Wilson ia enjoying a well- eamned holiday visfting a brother in -'- 4 C4..,.:L Michigan. n Long Saisit social wus sirnply attended *t from Tyrone but a plsasant evening wus Coe'a gte ~g ~mpaa4 spent and the. neat littl. snm of $14 vas W ~~Cook% Ce.,WindsCor, Ont.,te t-Manufactured b y' T h e edAlrHakyadouwh reand Detroit, Midi., is the. typhoid making tihe third member of Lthe P - only known safé,, eible hJi*hold te b. thus affiieted. Oe mdnthly miedicine on which ladies Mns. A. Rtamma friende arepleased to Kt can depend in Ilthe hourand time ue her able Le take short drives. d ofvzeed.»1 Every ladi who reade Tii. junior pester, Rev. Mr. Curts, d. t'sais requested to incLse tva post- pre&cheà an excellent mrmonSabh ge stamps, witli ler address, for ov.alng. 'la Our church sud Sundsy ichool roome sud u1~artcu1aSh ~ :11 are stoe m ons for musical instrumeuts anca paticlar, w we in t iprosent. .esid by retnu m=auin i plain. seeled He many frmndahome regret te heir as envelope. 1eoftho unoxpocted depth et Our former Au old physiciau, 3S years cou- reepeciied citizen, 3Mr. Abram Itounie. .t1ild ratiersuàase %4.a -K»'" ce.m m s ». For 81 FAR NU: Lte1. Casori laDr.aîimel Pitberres cr(mphlOIIfor Ineuta andudiâwIit uain ither O001=4 Morphine uer other Co~Wb5t5U. i la a barmless substltute for paregorlto, DropesoothigSma u atr0 It la Pleaisut. Its guarautea la thlrty years use by :M1hDonfMrothem .CatorladéstryoYWorPlS andalsy feverlablOSSe Castorns preveuta vomnitlng Sour Curdo ,cures Dia*rhoSa and Wlnd Colo. Castorla reileves emat4.4,ir troubles. cures constiiiat'lon and fatulency. 1 . 1 The 4 Kolah-P*Cori WsvM Air Gien & AaScff i Rot AiFua=s h'yooyPP 00 : '«y.:tImesei b e. 0

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