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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1896, p. 1

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3T. ET ST. loek-ed go a shne :nown by ait ce and Bina»' lemn a cgî, u will find, nl wind,") fond rns the lope y)S.HO)p, ,*re Ca ught, hrought ýnship, t ]et it slip, IVO s. Mtingdou 0W n kround waYa igbî, mnd nighg, ing light,' -ut lbase se, rie the goose.. gold, scold, . S. 'Orne, or $and; depend, LOWS, LOCAL NEWS LETTERSI CanoaçîcLu Co)mspeartxcxg. (Too laie for last issue.) We wara favored with a heavy fall of snow on Saîurday evening of lasi week. Mr Nad Lawrenca bas been visiting friends in Gravanhurst. Ned talked somewhaî of moving northward. Mrs. H. W. McBrian a few days sinca presented har busband with a bouncing baby boy. Hanry wears a happy smila since the laie arrivai. John W. Salion has, afier spending the summner months working for Mr. Wice, gîven up farm operations and will locate in îown for the prasant. Word has bean received frorn Mr. Orvis since arriving at Woe-ba-gone, whara he is busily eugaged building a residenca to maya into 'nexi Apnil. Mm Orvis will not return until he fin- ishes bis building operations. Many farmars hold their apples. not being desirous of giving them away. Wa pradict bettar prices later on, and would advise thosa that can to hold on and trust to better prîces. They cen- tainly canneflota lower quotations from local men than is at present enjoyed. Miss Lilla Mackay. who bas been holidaying ai hem homle here for some y7" 4ext Sunday tht Green River auaiversary viii ha praacbed by tht Rev's Cainonon anti Mc- Auley, anti ou tbe tollovang Monda; eveuiug a goti anti varieti programme viii ha reudereti, A B. Y. P. .U. quartette cf dia ciy viii ha thare and ne doubt diosa isho attend viilho vali pleasad, as it promises ta ha an anternmennt cf very hagb arder. Mm. loba Mitchell. vho vus dredgiug on tbe ae last vtek, hati a vey axciting turne. Ris be0Mrogi almosi subrnued lu tIsa mud sud vater but by a vagorous effort it cleameti itstlf of dia sliitmy s'sbatauce andi avain acerosa the pond bitchadt t a large dump cart. Gatinlathse cari nexi time John anti cross the Jordan vith hlm. Accordiug to dia papers there vill bha patition circalatedt iis vinter pravîag far the release of G. E. Alger. Inoaur estimation il vili bu cimcu- lateti about 4 years toc son, as ha vas promun guity of acrimeathat bas cf lata yeans becosa. rathan rampant thnoughout Ontario, sud tihe es: of the chque sheulti a"sobhodolng tino sith hlm. lEO#KLIN Rer 1 B I Wilson vas the Sguofo!Dr Lambly white in tevu. MLisses Ella sud Marie -Hoiiday have mturae froin thir visit ta Tomante. Mr ABChinu,vWho basbeen vprkiug laTo-, 'mnta-Co-a couple of!- monibi, ratumned hans lait Tbnrsday. The Epvomlu Leagne haveoundertaken ta bave' thse baseint oaItdia medodisichancIsreuovatsd. ltiii halng kalsoininet iis veeli, Caps o! al lUdiC or mnansd bonu - Big stock. 'Aima some very preuty .tass .fat- girls& Sac aur 25 centcamp for mon, .it> i vesr pocia. Hlouses ta blet bave for-soap rne ie-been a preinium beransd a: i ie pree teunisere le' nuit a vacant baisse ilus rçu Icaid îti l-tia Miss McChehln, o!.Bowmo,iUê atW - *ith Misa lgbani, whffl lla ' êWmA precanlatas coudtion, dch ashÙ ii; ' -aý UTM Bd J Ioid~,~ ê M p Mr. John Rodd had a ploving bac on Fiday last, aise a quilting bac. Aftcr the laborlous duties of thse day were completed a genaral goed tisse vas- indulged iu until the party got s0 boisterous tint Tommy Richards, the landiord of the premises, called the noiasy ones ta order and askad fan a littie lais noise or the immadiate mremoval of the company. Of course the offienders had no desîmre of baing an annoyance ta the aeighbors and Tommy had. no deaire of allowing them the privilege, consequently lais noise vas the resuit. Baverai applications for the position of schaool teacher made vacant by Mn. MeCul- lough's resignatian have almeady been ne. ceived and msny more may follov.- Our board cf trustees are a body of competent men, vi : Walter Rogers, R. R. Mowbna7, and C. J. Stevenson, and no danbt they viii transact business iu thc beat interesao! the section. It acensa to us au undesirable thiug te change teachers often. Mn. Mc- Cullochbams donc veli for thesa chool, but the prcvailing salaries must cause do"n, and of course a man wbo bas tanght far twa yearm could net ha hired for a thîrd terni at a reduced salary-hcnca Uic change. Mn. McCullech leaves Kiasale achoal viti an excellent recommend frons Uic trustees and va trust ha may meet wiUi no lais succes ln the future tia bas crewncd bug past efforts. WHITEVALEC. Miss Laura Puzh speai Sunday widi city frienda. Mr. McCoy. of Jackson city, las saying a 1ev deys ai Mr. Sleighs. Hc bas gaineti vemy much In flesb since aisee n la iis section. Mr. Will Birnie, cf Cleveland, is apendiag a fais deys bere vîtti friands. He looIta mch beiter than the lst tdrne he wsa bore. Mn. Thes, Boire bad oaa shecp killed sud several vorned last week by dogs. As it sorne urnes occurs they teck the primes: ci tbe lamba. A gacat rnany people ame îhrougb pickiug apples and report a very abundant crop. Though prices arc radier balois tha average suil tey psy. On Thursday eveang las: a bouse. helongiag te Mn. T. P. Wbite vas burnetidevaw, cause unknovn, insured for 82oo. In anothar goneis- tien oui village vili bu a thaag of thc pasi. Rev. Mr. Siple bas lied bis bouse treated toaa good ceai cf paint vbich adds vary considerably te uts appearançe andi loagevaîr. We voulti Ite te sec mure people coaxedti t do likevîse. Mr. Jas. Tedd bas bougbi the faim cf Mr. James Damina. We beai the price vas $4,5a0. which ia a very gond figure for these days, wben a gond tarin can be bougbî in Wablgo o frsoc. an acre. Mas Hatie McPbee, femmerly cf this place, but new of Ha-lamotn, spent lasi Sunday andi Monday wth her many friends bere. Siace eaving bera she has been mac-h nissed as weli as .hie resi of the faii y. Tht congregation of Zi-n church beldti ieir aniversary fast Suaday 1 bese wbe attendeti frem here vere weil vieased vîtb the Studay services and aIse the eauenatmea: on the fol- lewàing Meuday nigbî. About a vetk ago or noe some eue visiteti the premaises cf Mn. Jud.%on Pugb andi belped themstîves te a sasi) oat cf oats, that vas lu the barn. Ibere bas buen more itievlng donc lately soutti uf titre. Sorne people are pmeparing thenasalves far limbo. There yl ha a very intercstlug debate given liv tht members of tht Epwenb Longue next Wednesdaky eveaing ai ith e iedasicburcb. Subjeci : Resolveti that music bas a greater effect en people than literatura. Ail are invitedti t goie and bear it. Sive: collection iu aid ef league, Mm. Wiesse, the naw proprietor of tha grist mili, will seau have things fixeti up and viii hoe ninniug. fIera bas been cansidemahia expease put on the mili lateiy iunave tubbing andi siso a uew bulIt head. Mr. Wiesse cornes here very higbly recomumeudeti snd ve confideaily-believ'i that ha viii Ibid it a prefitable investmnt. B. Duncan, merchant tallai, bas secured the agency for the Oshawa Stean Laundry. Launrtdy viii leava bis "hp on Thursday morning, and wiii ha returned on Saturday. Ali vomI guaranteed satislactamy. Hastings &Maunens, Oshawa Steam Lauudry.--aa-tf. Coal' oil--Canadian, i8=cetspar gafl6u ; American vater white 2.1 cents per gallon. cash pnice. Get yaur cana filled nov, at Hohliday Bras. Carpentar Shop ta Reut. A carpenter sbop adjaining Mn. T. Scott's blacksmith sbop, Brooklin, Ont-. Apply ta T, Scott, Broakli. Sugar clown aa* St. awruceGranulatedi 2à »lb .r ibn CCASD,' Bright Yel&w, olbefot $x, C AU other goei~paotothyeep fu tock ofWfl t R Y O 91 e. VOL. XL.a the occasion vas used, and Mr J F Vicbemt, pas. tor of tha Baptist chumch, gave an addmess vhicb vas mucb appreciated by young and aId alike. Tbe , members ai the Women's A.uxillary of the Engliah churcb. met at the parsonage au Tndeday aftemonan sd got ready a bale con- iating about fanîy articles of new clatblng, for ahipem, to the Backloot Indien -rasarve Dca Calgary. A very encaumnglng report ai the worI t bing donc ibere vas raad. er Noah Laite, of Columbus, bas renteri the vood &hop la connaction with Mr F Scotî'a blackhstahop, and will soon heaiat ork there..l Mr Lua bas already donc a good many years voik in ibis saine sbop, and sc e le is l knava her e.H bas praved imbînacf ta ha a finai cias vorkinan, aud there ta na doubt he viii recelve the patronage ha deserves. 'ieMethodist cburch vas about tva thirds filé* ou Tuesday eveniug, vhen Rcv J S I Wil- sou.. the county dalegate go tha C E conventions held ln Wasltingiun last summier, gave bis report of the proceadings of tbat great gatbering. mo Car as be wua able to la the limited drne at bis dis- posai. Mr Wilsan's description of vbat h. sav and bis accouas of the impressions ha received weaé very lntaresing, and ha succseded lnaa masketi degre la conveyiag to hbhearers smre of the chrtstian enibusiasi nd sapiritual help that vras mo ,largely nmnifeated and fait at the convention. At the conclusion ai bis address the -speaker was given a very beary vota of uhaitt. 1Mr Wilson ia glving bis report ai dif. fert> points ail tbrougb the couaty. Christian ea< sa enasd ail fricods of the movement sh hsuretohbear him whca bc is in their Tha gold and silver bugs wbo nov meet eauh Monday nigbt to study and diacuas thiliterest- ing snd intricate question of the introduction of a slvar coinaga and tha affect ibat vould bave on the commerce cf tia vorld, bave oct yet faud a naine -for thamalvas, 1 udging by tbe discussion tha:tecok place hm tManday naght Il'Political Science Club'" vould mot ha smianainer. flre va» a langer atteadance tban ai the firit meeting. Among thoxe promeut vercthie fallavlag : Chas, CfîI4p, 8 F Camnpbell, A. M Delong, E R Eddy, D Ubliday. A Ketchen, Dr Moore, W A Mc- Nesly, V S. R Moore, R Rogers. F Seatt, John Vapodd and jas Waring, V S. Hou Jahn Dry- dan led off tha discussion. He first asked what la the cause cf the latarcat nov taken luntis question. The ansver vould bu lound la the fact that there la much dissatlafaction snd dWsressa nav existing and the people aie looking for aomtehing that viii improve tbeir condition The real cas6f the difficulty tat oauct naturel produets bava been reduced in price until it dmc not nov pay te bu a producer. Tia affects the fuare finai but afierwards ail atiiers. Whan the question ta asked, «'Why do these 10v prices prevail ? ' the a'isver la nine cases out cf tan vill ha given, becausa of over production. Mm Dryden takes the viev that wvhile ilrnay be said te bu over production yet tbis condition eista owiing to under-cansumpio. orne cf the gentlemen presen: coucurred lu tiiese ideaç vhile ethers took an opposite stand, and argued strapgly that itl sal owing te over-productian, anit thal alene. Dr Moore, ln the course cf bis rert, gave it as bis opinion that tbe vhole trot le vas tbe rassît cf the vonld'a producing are% încreasiniz mc mach more rapidly iban the Colnig aiea. The silver question vas nos izo". i0to ga~ny extent, the discussion beiug Mo ila tha nature ot foundation vork for vbat îaZolow. 1The next meeting viii ha beld on 3yeveaing. vhp. ara lnrartpd-aie OUT & CO., grain buyeé. BEALL, 8. - muer af Marrie.ge Licauses. eAmidance opposite Towna Hall, Brooklu. W A MONEEzLY, D V S.-Onsduà,te of the. 0* ta.nlo Veteninary College, Taranto; Honorai> mendier of thae Ontario Medical Soiety. Treate &al '?iseases af the. domesticated -ni Mi by the. most approvad zmathod. - bc particular attention te surgicai opeiatlns sud dantiatzy. Day or night oalespo ty atteuded to. Office and realdence zrooklin Ontario. -AT-- *,.DRUG *,STORE* 000 packages Eclipsa Dyes, wvere aoc., niow 2c. Fresh Stock of Diamond and Turkish Dyas. Extract Lagwood and al Dye Stufis. A. H. Aluni, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, WHITBY, - ONTARIO. I House-clearding time M8 here. weeks past, bas raîurned across the . Ilnestober duties. Han many friands ý50.00* 5.00. Hall 'RKS, t, Etc., in ail ma- )seph Hall ind Dinglc ,ail] their for mogi 1reaper. Fittings,. Iock an&- ail kùxfý supply epaired, îrîy de- >n & Co'. ndation, reshing We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever shovri before, fromn 45C. Up. We use the best hand painted opaque ý;hade cloth, with Hartshorn's spring toiler. Also a fine variety of comnice pales. Ask to see our latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 3oc. each. Our baby carrnages are ail of the latest de- sigils. Give us a cal) before purchasing elsewhere. \Ve are taking special pains te combine elegance with economny in price an~d general utility. Gur stock is complete in House Furnishings. \Ve invite buyers te corne and see us. It wilI save money. Leading Undertaker,- E. J. JOHENSON, BROCK ST., WHITBY. Established 1849. MaibIe and f38ranit Waks, hera were much pieased to meet her, and one and aIl join in wishing 'ber avery availabla success. After mature consideration combined witb flot being able to seli bis Kînsale proparty satisfactorily, Mn Wagoner has fuliv decided on remaining a rasi- dent of Kinsale. It is needless to say bis many friends wiil receive ibis bit of information with mucb satisfaction. Ben has lived here a good niany years and ail are anxious to retain him. Our worthy pedagogue, Mr J B Mc- Cullougb, has resigned bis charge here and walI vacate the same on or about Xmas. Mr McCuliough has been bere two years and bas given goad satisfac- tion. We understand the trustee board cannot see tbeir way dlean to pay as large a saiary as has been customany and of course this necessitates a change of teachars. . Mr. McCullough will leave the section with a: wall earned re- putat ion. We wih him success. Mn E W Xice soid off bis farm stock and irnplemenîs last week. Price't were quite iow il current reports be correct, and no wonden, when we con- sider tbe many sales tbat take place from day to day. As maniy as îhrea are selling out tha samne day, and flot very far apani either. Tbe greatast wonder to our mind is tbat purchasers can be found at ail tha sales. Our beef ring is re-organized for '97 witb a full complemant of mambers, Dundas St., and some shut out. This institution is [~j about the only one tha farmars can WHIT Y. ~hold togeiber, but of course whan you W H I B Y.touch a man's stomach you îouch a _________________tender and carniverous part of bis make up, ana thai avernueeds a supply Chas. HE. Sniith, o! ibe bast the land can afford. Gen- (FoneniyWolfnde Wors.) ns-eral satisfaction is said to hava prevail- porter and Dealer lu MARBLE AND ad. The same officiais hiaveaLauain beau GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of raiurned wiihout a vota, and no wonder1 the latest material and deýigus. AIl as more competant men cannai ba kinds of Ceuieieny work. Our work procuned. guananteed.9 .ýý'SEND FOR DEsIGNS AND PRICES.1 -__ ____- ______ J. B. McCullocb spent Sabbath ai his home1 in Enfleld1 Miss Boa trice R Dec ker, A.T. C.M. Miss Editb Èllis bas engaged t&' work for4 y Dr. Frank Warren. -GRADUATE 0F- Tîîmnip harvesi is lu full operation, the MS Crop is geuerally under tihe average. TORONTO CONSERVATORY 0F MSI. Sabbath school viii be helti nexi Sabbath Pupil of Mn. Edward Fisher. St 2.,30 owing to the1 quarterly service ni Teacher of Pian otante. -, Brougbam. jas. Richardson sud Lewis Rogers paid a l'on ternis, etc., apply ai residence, flying visit ta friands on Scugag Islandi on Whitby, AUg. 27, '99. COUNTY BUILDINGS.Sabhlsechrdabie Miss Anale Weathenall, who bas beau -spending several veeks vith han aiter ai BullforServce.Malvenu, hu raturned haine again. BullforServce.R. McDonell officiatadl here cn Babbath. Thorugb red erse. Terns 1.HRs dîscourse vas adifying and instructive.i Thorugb red ersy. Trnis$î.The chair did excellant service. Appiy to M. Coffee, opposite Gnosu & 1 (;nanger's plaining mili. J. W. Salton is wcrking vus Wm. Jones, 'of Mt. Zion. Ailthtisenoth farmners coma G. H. SONLEY, Whitby. souih vhea in need of good men sud neyer1 M Sy z1. z896.-tf. get disappoinied. 1 ,M. ol wlî hippad a carlaad of stock ai Bfolia station an Mousdayhast, Mi.ý GA TES FOR SALE - Harrison. of.S leîn corners, sold a c"Iple1 --%bout 5o geM PFari Gaies for sale at 0ui. sud mis. Treu4b1e,-p f Gteesu*ood ii.40 each, at DOWSWELL'S, Claremoni. spent Sabbauh with-fniawl, a Kinsalea. We Se Pt. 3oth, 1896. learnwith pleauna ubat 74,p. Trembla -hms WANEDOwing ta Uic regulor a#utumeli At once. enangeti 1 eman or wamau in ecah Seinîc'4bid mi Boantmie*t 'Lord11Eý5 town sud county ta taka charge aforder de- nsérVléeeilSehdha. iauor Pannaent. teady amnloy>uant -Good *rvceat, Bratigham 'àa0ie a w. taV, PS!. H. D. HUGHP3,Trnato, OtL Dnîvl ~a& Sept. u9ih, f896, Peter' lébeuseu ét.1111 Suhis basht wuon temin-té the Geenwikod Farm to Rente The vomi balf o! LoS 2 andI othslf Lo 3, ?th cancagI*u OfthSe'tO«sMP 0lPi* lsme 4t;4 dcr , -pü enng,kinovu as this Hklsbat#i Ml tukie À-b Id. will ha rantedon kfarale15trm t i ii 7 û'hpue411 able tenant. APP1 t " o, and.~ oct. :lot i896. ný Heavy If r4jwod": NO.4s, Mns R L Lucas la visiting friands lan tomcnto. Ed Rundie cf Oshawa, vas la tova Suaday vlsittng friands. Died ln Port, Part, ou dia a4ttb lt, Reuben King, aed 84 y ars. Dtcd lu Part Perry cu the e7tb luat, Philanden Hurd, agad 85 years. mase Astoaiofath, bas bean Bret viSîtor of mMellavIo, ber sisuor, Mns S Laidlav anti Son of Lindsay vere the gust fMn Jno Irvin lust veek. Rav A C Courtace of Tonocto, vas vislting bis parents on Tbursday cf this vesk. Bon Jiaa Dryden was in tavu last Monday on business in conuaction vith the fouudmy. Barber Kennedy cf Linday. la cae af the latest arrivais iu tova. Ha la in WilltarnsSoîtensor- lai parler Mrs Wu Wilson, vbo bas been veny 111 vith inflamamation cf tue nerves, la uov ahi. ta bu arounti again. Rev S A Wbiternan vas a delagate ta the aB- bath Bcbooi Association cf Ontario held inaLan- dau ibiswvek, MrmIJno Kvle, vho vas almost at death's doem ibis lut veek. la impncving ; Master LOU Cbmcns aais al n the mand ; Mr P Mlatlanti la contineti ta thse bouse vidhinflammation of dia thrcat. Dm Haro principal o! die Ladies' College, Whblb, bas an excellent reputation as a lecumr, vIi could net our readlag reaindireciors se- cum that gentleman to de' iver ana of bis enter- talnâtng lectures in tbe near future? Three or four of aur citixans a fev eveninga ago stanted to go veau for a short trip. Wbedier the aight vas dark or that ibey dlid not kaov tbe road repart doas not ay. At any rate ona of the number vas phcbaed througb a fance loto a nest of borsand ha bas basa bumrnug evar since, vbla tha eb a s ere ide îacad The piavlug match laItes plaoe next Wadnes- dav on the faima cf Messrs McClintock and Raines, adjotcng tbe tovu. The prisosaie for tirsi clame men on sod, $25. 8x5, $ta, $8.25, $&. Stubbie clas men $25, $13. $I0.5,08. $5. Sec-ind clas men, stubble, $2c, $z4, $8, S5. $4. Btutihi claaa--boys undar 17 y=&n, $13, $8, $5, $4 $3, $2 $1- Thore la vemy uttle tal among tbe boys about the pimules th." intand dolng on Hailov'een. Last yaar Chie! Cou-itble XcKnight gave them fair wavsrung ibat if le vere fosuti ont tht, ,vomithcy vauld bu eu wed 'vithanutfear oi favan, The town boys have for moiny moaths been pretty vail bebaveti, Have a 11111e fun, boys, but don't do mean tricha. Mm D Ashion of Columbus bas bought the uidldisd livery business carrieti on by the bite BBra at Mynuie. and- gaad a mnsa dr Barretvas, the public viill iu inlathse no propfactor a gantai andi obiglng livery mnan. and one vbo viii do bis best ta caser ta the vanta of the trmvelling public, as ho intends ta ho rason- able ta bis changes andi keep up.to.dats boises and rigs and caneful driver. The many friands o! Mm. and Mm. Henry Johaston vbo rnoved frein Ibis tlav a to iay cliv. Michaigan. saine dîne ago. vili receive vit? sadoass the neva of the death a! their datsgbtr, Mfamgie <Mmm. Nathan Hexselvoôd). vhich toal place lu Imlay city ou Sunday. Oct. 25tb, aftez an ilness cf manie montba, We exîead oui eyrnpatby ta the relatives la inteï nad bereave- meut. .Tbiuevs a nov Jiquor deteçtf"veia touS m Weduaasdny ta ana o! the ncesdbalam Reach aud brought ta tao a moniento Iu the shape of!>a jug party i lhled lîth vblake7. It h mepomtadl that a, fine o! $So snd cosa as tmpcaac ou Mr E Nevton af- Salatielti for baîving tihe abovç jng feund la bis possession. lu la misa rumored iu Soya ihat other convictions are yet ta cor=e Last Saturday's Ontario offiiel Gazette con, btaieda olloving annaunncment -of inoorpora lon : George W. Dryden, James. Car geand William IMcGilI o! Port Perry, Leotard'urneti of Grecushank.-Hon. loba Daydcn, Trouta, and F. W. Hodaoa,G1ualph, have tai oui- lattai lnoorporsslng tbe Paxton-Tete CbWI'y1apt $ggoao,-ta carry on tha business ci. iaaa'a ù=u selluagsawril mabinryagrlýcultaral anipi ments, ce., now canied on a:- Port Pu"-y hi Gcarge W., Drydu.- ýpv~ Mr. M. Wells baa returned froi a visit wvhl hi$ son, Mr. A. Wells, of Coldwater. Miss N. Martin, of Port I>erry, las bèen the guest of Mu. R. Short for sme days pst Mrm F. Otis is visuting relatives in Our coin- munity for afew days. We are glad to smet er arnong uis once mor. Mm W.' -Miller, we regret to say, ia laid up wiith a badly sprained ankle We hope ta sme ber as weil as ever Meore long. We undersand we are to bave a supper ai sme sort on Thauksgving day. This is a my la the rîght direction as our village* is aluicst dead. One of our farinera made a mysterious dlsap- pearance saine few days ago; his brother-im- iaw, Mr. E. Frise, has taken possession of bis belongings. The a.chool trustees of this section wlU be mom. pclied to bire a new teacher mach ta their re. gret. nce the rresetât one. Mr. Geo, Miflr, fromGreebank basproven mc satisfactory.- Thcy have Mc met as yeîtat decide who Shan ho the succesaful one. OenEUWoO» Mr. W. T. Hiàey isla our midat again. Mr. Jin Harris, Uxbridge, vis inaur mirist over Sunday. Misé 1-Ss Gibson andi frietdofiToronto; are visiting friends bore for a few dYs, The farmers are busy gcuing in their turnipt, whicb are a very fair crop on the average. 9 Mm. W. Cacbenoar, of Toronto, a is uinmg ba rparnts. 1Mr. and Mrs. W. Tait Uhi week. Mrs. Speace Taylor, la very 111 but at time oaf, writýrig Is somewbat better. May she bave a speedy recovery is the wish Of ail. % We arc pleased ta note Mms.J. Glbscnwho,; bas beau on the slck list, ba saufficiently recov- ered ta be able ta ha arouud again. r Rai. McDouald lead tbe luaçu lwek. very înterestiag and instructive e"04ing va spent and a causiderable arnouat of businma done. The bcdf rings bave came go a close for th1W year and dre already organizesi for iiçxt ym. itEveryone was smc wel satistled Fnbit tàh- t g. vasn't the sligbtest trouble in gctting eaough me a te up evcry share. Nuarly nine tons of basfý as w divided among the membars thia sumwer. 1, Mr. Wm. Pile and family are môvlng Port Perry. e Mrs. Robt. Heran gave a susal party laot- ýeFriday evening. Mr. Jos. Garbutt, Locuat Hill, gave us. flyiag visit on Suuday. )f Miss Annie. Pearson,. Toranto, la viaiting, ber aister, Mrs. J. Wilkin. M Mra. Smnith Wilson, Scarboro, was at AsWi' buru a few days prepariug ber bouse forw e ytenant. Y Rev. Mr. Abraham, of Wbitby, and Rei, h Mr. Radford, Ashburn, exchne up Suaday. bndpupt kMrs. Robt. Duif and a few of ber friend espent a very enjoyabletiîne ai ber rci4eoe last Tuesday evening. - - Ms. 7ofrn leII41 WS. W. WJdM1W' Mir. and Mnà. C. McLea a! onya,$pW 19 a fev days ta tovo. *s I la whispered that there 19st),Selàawe& Id ding dowvin Egypýt ai mp aao., ee Mr. Mania 'and fàilUy bave*Sv1nç Sthe hanse Iately accupied by-Mmi. TaytoY. We regret tolearu tbai a ,tittle dager lof -Mr. and Mmi. W. Tayj,loisap1oustilyý U lever.- G.1 vs. j. aiuua. PONT PENNY,,, - PvI Poew~ Nusiuon D~s,1. il. W~y~aow~ barber, uxt ta »oil u~n OeI.ILih..4 suces =evtau w KT bandp v ftu Ch WH1TBY, ONTAIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3M196 t 't, 'k AiWl the > ainiers a ttips dais veek. " -Iüg out fulhjb !ex i mni.- Mm. M.àOe

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