Case. Bout 'W,~ TDolotoem VED fERRY ITORAL n severe cola, 'lit. T* doc- te the test or ,ase hepele8s nlcre for rae. able, sent me& tora!, whlch 1 1 was greatly îed the whole 1 have neyer erry Pectoral -D, 8 Quimiby 'Octerai LIJS FAIR. ulgmPhysumu. i u;ng owner at the time of bis decease >everal good farms and otber prop- ervincludtn g is herd of Sborthorri câttle and Sbropshire sheep, wbich Litter wil sbortly be oflered for sale by tCie executors of the estate. Deceased asat an early age married to 'Miss Annie Evans, wbo with 5 sons and 3 dauglbters survive him. From early inhood a prorninent member of the baptist church Mr. Pugh's time, talent aint purqe were ever availantl for its stipport and in furtheringand aiding its vissions and institutions." 10 CENTS SLCURES A GOOD LIVER GOOD HEALTH. AND As a System Renovator and Bteod Buflder, Dr. Ag'new's Liver PiUa are Supplaut- ing ait others. So Great has been the Dcmand that it's hard te Supply it. Cure Constipation~ or Nervous Head- ache, clear tube complexion, nid it oh eruptions, yeiov skin, ccaWt d nu. etc. Act ueay-neveu gipe, sud the after affecte au. o positive pIessant'. -lu viais, 40 pilla, 10c. For aâIé. by J.eT.E Willie. Mr.Annie-a~ 1x~nf 1last Saturday at S. ajor, ~Y Quite a nu nibrh ±4 J# *attended the funeral ct t, e -14wMr Purdie of MalVeri. $be,,had a, great mnany friends in t.hiâs=cion.' There bas been a great deal of mov- ing fremn one house to aluotiier during the' last week or so. A moving cpi- demic seemns ta strike this town once eveny year. This week will wind up the beef-riug for the vear. There seemns ta be gen- era] satisfaction ini the way the concern i, rnanaged and why sbould'nt be w!len the farmers haire been faring so S(ulllitllr>usly. Wt uld it not be fine te spend this wî'ek îin the States. How Iively tbings tse. Bryan has been brought into t ualmost instantanaously and if we arnfot greatlv mistakeri, he will dis- appear almost as quickly. Halloween was celebrated here in rather royal style, stilî we don't think lt,,it there was any serious damnage, o'vthe innocent pranks of the small b .A great many people harvested trt ir cabbage early and no doubt did rýLht in removing the temptation. seemingly a great many of the country tnk are making apple jack these days. Il *s great stufi to get filled out on. T'here is a cider maker out in Markham t, wnship makes the cider and bouls it (i,,wn for one cent a gallon. Why not tîlrctw in the apples when about it? Then the farmer can take bis apples tte andl hririg home the apple sauce. N- doubt there will be somne kept tii! il gets real tarte because you know we imve local option. ( )ur sîdewalks are being repaired ot,;-'e davs and flot before they need it, thsifev have occasioned sore shins nruthan once, and no doubt a few natighty words. \'lr. T. P. White and MIr. W. G. (rtwhave gone te the happy hunting greîîinds back of Georgian Bay. If 1neruns short take a crack at some of the manv bunter-, there as no doubt thevý are vu'ry plentiful. You will flot bu hanged. for it has gone out o! Li flo . t looks as though Canada is about to un 'oy a season of 1 rosperity at last witb vtreat selling at eighty cents or over ;ird lots of gold in lritish Columbia, tht' CHRON ilLt. and the Canadian bible (,'obe, for ane dollar and a quarter. Vn we are right in the midst of pros- Froru a recent issue of the London A x o-cate we clip the following: -. The ,te Thosmas Pugh of Whitevale. Ont., v.~bcrri in the parish of Llambadarn- luPadnorshîre, Wales, in the vu.uà r 17 24, and came to Canada with bis ,it-u'nts 'vhen he was but 17 vears olci, ihe familv settling in the township of 1). kering, Ontario county, u pon the I>ennabank farm, where the deceased nrtinued to reside tilI his death. At t ittt:lt the cou ntry was but partiallv Cciu'd and NIr. Pugb could tell some .erv înteresting and ,amusing stories tegDtect'ng the logging bees and other pýi fluer experiences. Mr. Pin:h early i..c(-vered the'advanrages bM îrnproving the, native farm stock and bv the con- t'nmuou-, use of Shorthorn. ora-e cattle breaks the oil in- to drops so srn all that ,you can hardly taste it. J. Tari vas Lb. gueetu of last u Snday cvening. P. Cexworthi Mr. Dyer, president of the Soutb On- tario S.S. Association, visited the echool here lust Sunday. Messeà . SBith and Brody wheeled out from the Queen oity Saturday and spent Sunday wîtb friemde bere. There i. likely to be a plowing match et J. Beare'. or B. Tweedie'a before long. Owing to the anniveraary services et Zion Sunday, the congregation et the evening service ho.rswu net sas large aê C. Degeer ie building an addition te bis ceinfortable dwelling. Wben finish- ed we mauy expect i e e MMm. Degoer in or mîldht. Sidney Beare and his bride have st&rt- ed housekeeping a& the old homestead. W. wî8b tl4em a long, happy and pros- pereus journey together. W. are sorry to have made a mistake ini lust week'e palier. about the price ef James Todd'a farm, whicbcocet bim $4,500, instead cf $2,500 as we thougbt. lessly made it. A kit of curions teols was fonud in a young man's buggy not long ago, along with which wu. a guarantee that with tbem it ia poFsible to remove a gaLe, pos and al in less than two minutes. Miss Rolland bas resiRned her poaition as teacher ef Lbe public school hers. Iler weaching during tbe year bas been exceileot and much regret la manifeeted by alh who have an intereat in tb. achool on acceunt et ber resiguatien. Mr. and Mre. Snell, who were married at Uxbridge laist Wednesday, spent a few deys et Pleasant View farru. W. do net know particulars, but ne doubt the union was agreed to by betb parties, sa we wîsb them rnany happy years of wedded bies. If rumor hbu it rigbt we mnay expeot several weddings arouad here ere long Apparent2y this year bas been the most snccessful leap year wè have ever wit- xiesed, owing, ne deubt, te the facti that there witluoct b. another for eiglit years, and that seems a very long time Le w*ait Wben pioking apples a short ias age for Jas. Thoms, F. Jadd waet with what might easily bave been a fatal accident.. Eewas standing on the seat of a demno- crat reachjng for some rather higb apples wben the wagon rau ont freru under bimn. Bis coat caught in a limb tearing off ail buttons excepting the coller button, wbicb did muchi credit te the tailor, and beld him as neatly and securely as any profes. sional's knot eould bave dons. Fortun- ately for Mr. Judd help was insitantly at hand, tbe wagoo was moved back, and he went on picaing apples as if nothing had happened.-News. : ".&L" LSTER le 1 haa pm"mucrt ýMmn i-lanimba of oemmnina« m 1a" tu.Mai vaine, a"S &0~,"oymo Blnu G Witti 15. ffect, au pIBmistnha 0or.appli~ol-W, H.LO&apsz. ltES. MD., Rotoiai 'bave nudme llio ia eveal nasa *Price IDIavis s Wre. O.,0.1Z1,* no vyirtue int the nasty tast 1e of codamliver oit. Then why take it clear? Hello, gloves, Baia Jack te Tommie andi Sammie. Whatcber eall ns g!oves for ? aaked Tomînme. Because yen are o pair of kids, said Jack, Winka-Do you believe in hypuotiortu? Biuka-Oh course 1 do. Don't u me titis uecktie that te elerk iuduced my vwif. to- buy Lte other day 1 I tell yen, cried the autlior, l'ut going te ris. in this venrd. The. editor eyed him doubthully for five seood4s, sudthen asked "Balloon or elevatuor -," Miss Daisy Moddesa.<ely---o ye love me, lJason iJasen Huné Course I love you 1I1)9,"!4u a'pose "r' havye been actin' the bf ool e JM aU iii time if 1 I didi' attire ,oh tWi î"roon saLirh t 'li iutaydoubt ab~out it4 replied& tii. feugal youg. man. XRivry toti oOIa ous.6 Thoi*nê b o eixo, c- î --. ' of liùs Wonderful LittI&'Pellete. No other Medicine Reev MIly go Many esionialerm Grateful People. STRO-NG WORDS of PRAISE. Every Mail Brings Them tTnsolicited f rom ail partsa o the Country. The Beneficial Resuits Obtained fram the use of Munyon's Improved Homoeopatbic Remedies by those Afflicted with Rheumnatismn Kid- ney Trouble, Dyspepsia, Catarrb, Athma, Bronchitis and other Diseases arc being Tcstified te by Thousands Every Day. Misa Mary Kelly, Hanlan'a Restaur- ant, llanlan's Island, Toronto. smyeu "Lany-for tvo months in St. Micbael's bospital with rbenmatiam. Coulsi net move in b.d. Wue painted with iodine. Had chloroforin bandages on me. Got some relief and lef t the hoepital. Waa att.aoked again, and could net do my work. In tvo days Munyon's Rheuma- ic Cure made me se well I vas able te returu Le vork without an ache or pain." Munyen's Rbeumatiem Cure seldoni faile te relieve ln ene te thiee.heurs, and cures in a few days. Priee 25a. Muuyon's Dyspoppia Cuis po«itively cures aIl forms of Indigestion and BLeui- aeh trouble. Prie, 25c. Munyon*s Cold Cure pievents pneu. menia and breaks up a cold in a few heurs. Prie., 25c. Mnnyou's Con&b Cure stops ceulZbe, night siveats, allays soreness, and speed ily beals the lnga. Prie, 25c. Munyon's Kidney Cure epeedily cures pains in theb. s.k, loins or groins and al forms of kidnev disoase. Prie, 25e. Munyon'e Hoadache Cure stops head- acbe in three minutes. Prie, 25e. Mnnvon's Pile Ointment peuitively cures ail ferme of piles. Price, 25e. Muyon's Blood Cure ail impurities et th. blond. Prie, 25o Munyon's Female Remedies aie a booon Le a&l vemen. Munyou's Astbma Remodies relieve in 3 minutes and cura permanently. Prie., si. Munvon'@ Gatarrb Remedies nover foul. The Catarrb Cure-prie 25c-eradicates the disos. frorn Lb. systein, and Lb. Ca- tarrb Tablets-price 25c.-eleanse and beal thbe parts. Munyon's Neuve Curs is a wonderfnl nerve teone. Pice, 25e. Munvon's Vitalizer restoros lest vigor Price, $1. A separate cure foi,eacb disease. At ail drugzgists, mostly 25e. a via!. Personal lettera te Prof. Munyou, Il çind 13 Albert et., Toronto, answered [with free medical ad-vies for any discase. @a- Funny Thinga. Hgzel-I have ene of the nieat don- tisa yeu ever saw. Nutte-In what way? Uazel-by, b.pullesi eut tube wiong tootub the other day and wouldn't charge me a cent for iL. dsyMi.Young hard aà 'rasbeftglaosla * D >ý4 $ e o m ,ao f g * 0 dt o a - ftownlahrough a pan.e i E inOns of the windows. The' bird waa osaily caught, but Mu. Young, of a fore- bearing nature, lot it go &gain, tô smash- -if it foe that way.-some more Wvin- W. bave this week te ebronicle th. death in To'ronLo and fanerai boe of a young man, woll known in Beaverton, in the peison of Mr. Findlay B3uchanan, wbieb- sad evnt ocurrod lent Sunday et the bespital, afteî an operation for appen. dicitia. The body arri'ved boe Monday nigbt aud Lb. funerai teck place noit morning at ton e'eloek, from tb. resid- ence of Mr. Wm. Campbell toe eemetery, Deesed wau only 25 yoar of age. Master Anire McKay, wbo lived i wth Mi. J. MoMillan, Thorab, died on Fni day laut and wus buried on Sonday at one o'clock. Mr. Alez. Brain, wbo bas been boli daying in this vieinity, returned te St.' Louis te work laut week. ftev. Mr. MeKenzie, of Cambray, preacbed in Knox cbuîeb last Bunday, exebanging wilib Bey. Mr. McDonald. Mr. J. Harrison, wbo has been tbrough tb. Raîny River Rold district and the New Wapagoon faim district, returned .femr there lust Satnrday and je staying at Mr. A. M-cKay'e, Thorah. Mr. Henry Gleudenning, of Brook, ivil be a candidate for the Brock division of Lbe county counui«l. W. do iiot require te prssZ. Gleudenniug's qualifieat.ions -Lhey are indisputable and we bave ne doubt bis fellow ratepayers of Brook and Ganninglon will give him a bearty vote when Lb. ime cogies. Mrt. F. J. Gillespie, of Uptergrove, ivili b. a candidate for Lb. oounty counoeinii this division as will Mr. Wm. Breoi field, oh Mara, aIse Ex Reeve lMeRs., ef Tborah. We have aise hbeard Beeve Don. Brown, of Tborah, and Ceuncillor MeMillan, of Beaverton, mentioned as possible candidates, and let us net forget Mi. Pbilip MoRae, of Mars. Mr. Win. MoKenzie, bas Dow in band Lb. purobase of the great underground railway systeiof London, England. El. rdon developed some braine In McKenzis. The townehip of Tborah should follow Lb. ezaniple of the niunicipality eofPick-. ering and pane a local option by law. li wotild affect one tavein only-tbat ai Gamobridge and this, Lb. people of Lhe section bave ime and again declared tbey do net want.-Ezpresa. A MESSAGE TO MEN. Proving that truc bonesty and truc philantropy stîli exist. If sny man, vbo in week, nervous andi debi. litated, or who is suffleriug tanin «ny of the varions troubles resulting frein youtbful folly,. excesses or oerwork, wîfl teks beart and write te me, I vil unsasi hm ofldentially snd free "uf .cbarg the pla purmesi whieb I vas competeýly restoresi te perfeteultand man- hcad, alter years of muffsuu frein Nerveus Debility, Lona of Vigor and Organie Weakens I have nothihf te s»U andi therefore vont ni, money, but as i-kn0w tbrough. my own ex. perience bey te sympathize witb sucb sufer.r,, I am tglasi toe b able ta assist any fsllow-being tu, a cure. I amn vell avare of the prevalence of quackery, fer I anyself vas, deesivsd sud imposesi upon.unsi I neorly lotit faith inu man- bNoNMan . . THE JASIES SMART Mgo. Co., the. perturbation cf spirit a voman suf- fers lu ceoklng with a bad Steve. Our constant am bas been te furnisb the best articlePossible for the use istende& .The, CastoriE. Outmis laso wel adapd techfldintlia 1 recommesd (t sssuperlortoanyprsoelpti known te me." & LA. AWBI14 IL D, 11180e. Oxford St,. Brookà ynK. Y. "Oui -pb"~claus in the chfldrent ~dopa* meu bave pokes h1gbly of thdti epeui. eues la thei outahie practico vtthasarl, and althongh wvoucly have amoeîg so medicai sppiiedwhat la kwovu «sregelar productu, yetvoeemres tocounem tba tbe mcerita cf Cassons bas von us te look vid favos upos (t." Boue% ~NUL Ie "REGALPERFECTION?> MS AGE.. frceai or wvood, fulfils "eîy reqIr mentThe design snd cornamentaio of this range are in advence o! anytlà ig 1 prvosy atmts.Te ovens arte- hieand"poie with drav-outzsck,.ý-- oven door lnesi with týu, fie box pro-' vided-with genuine duplex grate mW~ IL IAaperfoetsad Mire baker. FUUy equipped vith even shef; téa pot shelf; footovendoortap,dooiherthndxtrai fae;' made vitit four-cor su ýýcooking, à oes. Send; for descriptive cataloge * LolclLgon. MRO S'A.L; m Dundas Mms John DuhI, Myrtle, ijs with ber sister, Mis, W. J. Graham.iý F. Hutchisoit is having storm win- dows placesi upon bis residence., Reeve Gerow and wife wec at Stouffville on Tuesday calling upon friends.: HTbompson is eo s way froiný the ' id- country,-- He now ,ne.. si -Leith, n$ear Owen Soui.-. Mrs., and -Miss Hyfield retutped frotù Kii~e1l iiswè'e4 aftcr sp.sadiîg con-ý siderabe ime with Albert Uyfield.- E. RP.. Eddy- and, son,- Brookil, wtee here ôn Saturday lookmng-up fi*ends. Theý family ete well pleased, wtth their new homne. 4 & Street% Wbitby. -For Weak Backs, - Painful . kindof .Bad, B. Celery-Nerve- the. QIeat Bacb Backs Il] AFTLR A PopuWarQ. ; Adds His Tesitimnyý Dr Agnew's -Catart Mu. John Mc ldw puisC t Oftheý-C ba sa,""ýýV-.ë Vastor1oifs Dr. Samusi Pltobe's proecÈ1pt1on for ln"~ts. and ObUidren. It <«otainsneither OIUai, oirphine other Nareotie sbt Ic.htla aà harmlss ubtiut for Paregorto, Drolbe, Soothlng Syrups, and Castor 011. t la ]Pieasapt. Its guarat.. 18o thfrty. years' use, by Mionsof Mothers.Castortsadestroys worrns an4afl ý feverlshuesa. Castorla prevents vomfting Sour Curd, curesDiarnhoea and Wiud Colle. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipatton and flatuieney. Castorla asslmil atheii foodg reguaaes the stomach anud bowels, glving healthy and nstural &jeep.' Case toris la the ChUidrents Panacea-the Motheris friend. j- ~rgUiS el eaia a u excellent ubmior e hu die«. Motheushave repestèdly told me or ta goo etmupon rhil odremYLi Du- 0. C. Omco», Lowe4 MW& elCai l b e remedy for cWIdec of vhlch!1 am acqualuted. 1 hope the dayis n«t fai distant vhnmothersvlleeddetere. lnt.restof thslichUMies, and im .Casolt i- Mead -cf thsvualousquacknadrumawhklhare destotg tbidr iovd oses, by forelng lums, morpbine, .ootbing uyrup and otiter ftref ageata dovmunei atI4s thsreby .edlng tt1ua torematurs graves" DL . 3.K1", omvay, ÂrI. ilsionj LI. health je lsion teparalîon Of iIs!on .., wtt gave Mte utaa, L EAL ATENTS,j ITS, .to.I :Write te HIw Yeux. u n Anserica. 'ugbt before paper Iu the Intelient 00 eNo &t Co, ork City. rears "S 'c RIEND MdADA. The O.ut.uw Opmlg7, Ti XurmyStreet Nlw Yok oe7 )OOOOO 100,000 ýPres Casixi nsace s of Ca mn,E ý>pe. Deposi vq -- - 1,ý r