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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Nov 1896, p. 7

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eabove >fC~~itf~1gd jodaY, Oct. 26th. embr i prou JuIy 17 out. Il,! :WELL ,,oprietor, tit with priceis. at reaoon._ Toronto. romn a dis- in rubborr Iver fillin - p erators ai the City. me exain. tra charge. east corner ER. PLES o. ast of ER. NT. ,that lie îing, and of busi- Long a ained. ,COTT TBYi, uinef r i mesof last meeting read and Benjamnin Stover complained that he os assessed for a dog and dld noi bave cle- Several accounts were presented and referred to the various standing com. A certinate from j E Farewell, C., Clerk () the Peace, as to comple. tion of duties Of selection of jurors. The standing committee on indigen. cieçs reported payment of the' following accou nts D Dafoe, support of H El- son froil 3Oth« Sept to 28th of Oct., four wee ks at S1. 2 5 per weeký o n iotion of Mr Hilts, chairman, rport %vas adopted. The conigittee on sheep killed by dogs reporied and recommended the pavrnent 01 the following antounts: WIV ,, [ urk, 9 sheep and 3 lambs klleil hv dogs, also 8 sheep damaged, estîmate d value of sheep killed $5 each. ilsc) $2 each for damaged ones, $5.tt. Thos. Beare, one sheep killed b%, dg and two lambs damnagee, esti- ated valuie of sheep killed $3, also Si each for damaged. $3'66; Wheaton Hagernan. 3 sheep killed by dpgs, ais)Imb estirnated value of sheep killedl. Sb each. also one lamb at $3, $14 !),ivid E Pugh. 4 lambs killed, etîmatcd value $2.5o. $6.66, said amnoînrt,, being two-thirds sworn value. on motion of Mr. Richards, chair- mian. relp')rt was adopted, v )Lir standing committee on con- tîncen lies begs leave to report and re- cCîii i d s follows: reeve for select- 1111 t]rursý, S5; assessor for selecting jurOrý,, clerk for selecting jurors, il)1 i. Palmer, W Hollinger, and J Ann.in. fence-viewers for services re Tri:):)v. lolbourne, $:! each; James HuL)î)îrd on accounit, $3; W V Rich- ardsemî renewal of insurance on town hall irom (4Oh day 9f June, 1896, to the 6th day of J une, 1899, Si 5. Yi> iur cornmittee acknowledge the re- ceilpt of a petîtion from the temperance alliance of the township of Pickering. attached to which are 521 ratepayers an,! -_3 residents of the township that are non-ratepayers. asking this council flot tw suhmit a by-law for the repeal of the local option by-law now in force in thîs towAnship. While we fully recog- nize the Iargeness of the petition, con- taining as it does so many excellent nainew. your committee feels that in výie%% of having passed a resolution at the .\ugust meeting of this council in- tîm.itint,, that a vote should be taken at the niunicipal election in January, 'your coinini ttee coisider having determined on thie above course before the pre- sen,_td n of the above petition, feel vtOi .eN- are not now at liberty to grint tie praver of said petition. (en motion of Mr. Mowbray, chair- rua: reuport "'as adopted. The standing committee on rpads and, bridges reported and recommrend- ed as l 1: ) E Pugh. 208 yards of gravI,, supplied pathrnasters, $1456; W C.ark, 2()6 yards of gravel and right of a' $2020; Ira Orvis, drawing lumîmer and repairing culvert bet. lots 2 ài!l ,, con 1, $3; A N Ridley, re- pd;r.îîg bridge between lots îo and i i, Con 2, S_,; H Johnston, shovelling sno-x on sideroad bet. lots 26 and 27 a:keeping sideroad open for public a:is Austin, jas Prouse, $67-77; W. t I evitt, concret pipe for various e,$1830; W S Gould, gravel S'-pl;>ied div 38, also to contractors gri\eling on Kinsale road and right of O 1,$18; P R Hoover& Son, lum- bt u.rpplied pathmasters, $6.43; Thos M'blen, balance on contract on side- lne between lots 10 and 1-1, $2; JnIo Tý,,35 yards of gravel furnished div 47. $2. 55; Jas Lidgett, repairing billon Sirleroad between lots îo and il, con 4. $15~: James L Palmer, 500 'feet of lumnber at $i i per m and delivering. also 362 '-2 yards of gravtl supplied pathmaster, $31-37. Vour committee hegs to acknow- ledge a petition from Nancy Dunhamn and 6 others asking for bonus on wire fenice at lot 19, con 5, as'per township bý"-law. We would recommend that the request be granted. lOur committee begsto ac-kn'ow-> 11,11e notice f romn Jas Prouse' con cern- lfgrepairs of culverts on B LO oppo-! site lot 2o, and would recommend that Councillor Jas Richards eçxatÉine the Samne and make -necessa"y'epairs. Vour committee' begfi- to - -'khw- ledge a petition froin Rkbicard Wilson and 16 others, asking for bonus.'on wirc fence on north end of lot ir, in 6th pi, as Per by-law, would xeopaend CIat their request be graati,>m< Your commnittee ledgye a pelition Iiô# ile and to othm a 'r ltnd il, c ,cOrm.end gt li Md. 'fourcp PM$rts oftaVarlostanding coniitn On motion Messrs 1.. RIHoï>ver aid" Clarkson Rogers were-héard presentig two petitions, one frotâ 'the-,ratepayers Coftaining 521 .names and another con- taining 723 names of nôn-ratepaes over cigliteen years of >geboh ae and feniale. Mr- MowbraY gives notice that he will at the next meeting of the count-il mnove for lep-ve tu intî oduce a by-law to repeal by-law No. 663, of the corpora- tion of the township of Pickering, en- titled a by-Iaw to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented ôr other manutactured liquors in the township of Pickeri ng. Mr. Mowbray, seconded bry Mr. Poucher, moves that the counicil hav- ing opcned the sideroad between lots 6 and 7, in the 6th concessio 'n. of this township, where the C. P. R. crosses the said sideroad, and having requested the said railway company to make a crossing on said sideroad, and they not havîngK complied with said request after being repeatedly asked to make the samne, deern it advisable for the reeve to take proceadings to compel the con- struction of a crossing by the company at that point. Mr Richards, seconded by Mr Mow- bray, moves that this counicil do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, the 23rd day of November next, at the hour of 10 a. mn. for the transaction of general business. ONCE a YEAIR @NLY JUST OUT. The Dodds Kidney Pill Calend.ar. for the Year 1897. SUPPORTEO TUE WORLO On Sb Ici-oic Shoulders-AtIas Must Have Healthy Ldneys. As the first to be laid on our table for the year 1897, we welcome the re- appearance of the Dodds Kidney PilI caiendar; published by the Dodds Med- icine Company, Limited, Toronto. iýrepossessing, beyond anything of its class hitherto published in America, thougb its purpose is at once obvious it has been made exceedingly pleasing by the fortunatie choice of a design for the cover, wbich has been charmingly worked out by the artiet in red and blue lithograph, the classic subject being-Atlas supporting the world. It seems that these clever and per- sstent advertisers, not content with decorating the grassy hill slopes and rugged mountain sides with their mam- moth letterings, seek also adroitly to seize upon the imagination and assist t to account for the superburnan strerigh of the heroic Atlas, suggest- ing the secret of his power by repre- senting him as being hîmself supported and relying upon a box of Dodd's Kid- ney Pilîs. On the back of cover, in a few pithy words those previously convinced of the urgent need of kidney treatment are warned against substitutes, imita- tions and counterfeits of the genuine Dodds' Kidney Pills. This much as to the cover; of the book itself we haire to say :-Tbe argu- ments aIl seem unanswerable, the proof s ample and undeniable, the whole unique, admirable and useful, not onîly for the coming year, but for aI ways. XVe are assLred by the publishers that sufficient are being printed to go around, that in due time every family in Canada will get one to their present and lifelong advantage. And as usual, adding: ',Dodd's Kidney Pilîs Always Cure.'" To Cure RHUMIATISY Bristol's SARSAP4ARIILLA. IT I1$ F'ROMFk R EUL A909E AND NEYER FAILS.' 4*. Agaif j Mr. J. Hall hau. the contract for cleaning the brick Of the burned schoo tçd tobidanew fire hall in Orono. eThe new fire engine' test wasquite satisfactory! . School is being field in the McClung dwelling. Messrs. J. Horm, C. McClung, H. L. Simpson, T. Rurden and R. D. David- son wheeled from Bowmanville Sun. day. -The contesting sides in the Royal Templars' literary competition are cap- tained by Miss Addie Warren, with Mr B. Wilmnot as assistant, and Mr. N. A. Pickard, whose assistant is Miss Flor- ence Taylor. Mr. W. Rickard, Reeve, has been appointed postmastet for Newcastle and will reside in the village in future. Miss Edith Orchard and Mr. Walter Rickard gave splendid reports of the district convention of the epworth league at the meeting Monday night. Miss Mary Powers, Kirby, as guest of Mr. John Rickard. Mrs. Neil, mother of Mrs. John Ug- low, has returned *to her home in ,ln- diana, U. S. For Publication, A PERMANE~NT CURE. A Letter That Proves the Value of Faine's Gelery OompouÈd. A Mledicine That Makes People Well and That Keeps Themu WelI. Fergus, Ont., Sept. 22, 1896. Gentlemen: The following testimonial, relative to your Paine's Celery Compound, will no doubt interest ail who remember my testimonial given more than two years ago. This long interval bas afh*.ded me ample opportunity for judging of the effects of the medîcine. I have always valued the duration of a cure more than the temporary relief. It is difficult, if indeed it is possible, to get a medicine that will produce a permanent good effect, so much being dependent on right use and dietary regulations. We must belp Paine's Celery Compound; We must consider the qrean/ity as well as the quaiy of the food we eat. 1 arn convinced by experience that, if this medicine be properly used and aflorded fair play, it will do good work. 1 amn past seventy: yet. since I took the Paine's Celery Compound, 1 feel as well as an old man can feel. For this condition of health 1 can think of nlo other cause than use of the Compound. I amn, gentlemen, Yours thankfully, JOHN IRELAND. Wells & Richardson Co., M--ontreal, P. Q Traveled Haif the Globe to %id Health, Without Succeas. Took the Advice of a Friend and No%v Proclaims Lt From the Hausetop-- "South American Nervine Saved My Life." Mrs. H. Stapleton -of Winghamn writes: 1I have been very mucb troubi- ed for years-since t 878-with nez-vous debility and dyspepsia. Had heen treated in Canada and England by some of the best physicians without perman- ent relief. 1 was ddvised about three. months ago to take Sou th American Nervine, and I firmly beliave 1 owe my life to it to-day. 1 can truthfuliy say that I have derived more benefit froin it than any treatment I ever had. -I can strongly recomrnend it and wjll neyer be withont it myseif. " Sold by. J. E. WiIlis. Io Autum Topifressing WawWblt Thon i no waste in apreading-froui- maDuro or that not oon4-o.toden grass lands in the antumn of tihe yesoue.O rh.y are liable -to b&e floo4ed. la ý thé firat place, the.fréEà hmsnur.'l ËAanOrffl, îy avllab m niro o .b.iasted W sii a.i a i. MOubl pothoe-' ile uh wbeft sprsng cornes, w.roelng .' fBIÎ4 thi maa>eure vili doq'M'Poseac wit>h it, a"d b. intho>bâ.t t9 11010 thefai *-n .l U4 //(f17 v 0 W.S.Kimbali c Gol ROOHESTER9 N. Y. Retail Everywhere ~C.Per Package,. 17. First Prize Medals. "The Craft of St. Cri9Spin," -A pictured historv of the Shoe fron thei 3rd centurY to date. Ful of foot facts about leather, shoe ruin and longevity, trickrs of thé Iast, foot. forning ifune, styles and colors osf latest shoes, etc. Copy free fromn agents or niakers of "The S1at&rr.5ho. Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W C-ollins.é Stormy[>ays won'tmatr. - when yoii bave dwtik tatkecp y ycm Watm iniany vethe. Just a ft -~~~~ Is.y. of -Flbrê ba*s hog a elthfu omfot tht IMSIila Iiealtuw, nozft0=,horeew rainor ioid air o froW, ",401 an execigeàà only oatafew t raon- Weh. he ý.* oo fin nêw tthosa WAL L PAPER& Borders to M atchà Doum.e arly end getfirag choke. P. B. WARAM, Book St WLà1 DOMINION BANKe Capital Paid upt - 10500t000 Surplius, - $1.500 00 Whitb7 Agenoy.» Generai Banking Businem Tranaaot.d. oratot wafld at hfgb..i eurrent rate. kentt. e W*brCam.r.qufr.d Establsed 43 Total>funds.in U zsr>em# Total, dlaims -pa!d..,.. -22,113~iS.9- Total. amofflt. A~rne force Dc-70,g~>j. 6is~ dêaimýPaid95gamount- - lieu: dw~d ap& d',spu!ài fà St, plait jupe , «tan by r -~ LoW'EST PgicR&

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