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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1896, p. 2

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Almost. Passes Bel jef, Mr. . E. icholson, Frlmno.vme, F. 33., 1Btruggeo for Beven Lent Teést wfth CANCER ON THE LiPt AID18CURD ETll Ift. I Nileo"n sa: «« 1consulted doc- tors who prescribed for me, but to mo purpote; the cancer began t I3at Into the Flesh, spread to niy chin, and 1 suffered ln apyfor seven Io" eas.Fnaiy 1 a wo n aud Decided Improveinent. Encoursged by this resuit. 1 perse- veeunti lu a mnth or 50 the sore uner My chin began to h.iJ.ln three moutjis my lhp began tW hesi aud, after usin the Sarsaparila for six mnnh the Strace of the cancer disppcar...t luis .8SRISap8fla a àc&ited ine towIn f ort adaur fro J&UM a'..ctshensWerldos yf. o -.---*"Dns. 1 to'tice, 250.message: "Will you nov Barry foi .LYBR'a PILLS ~ ~ o Calgary, for wbicb place be lett last M yonsoubCrstpcog,£2.'Te ha inbega:Fa week. nigbî uveats, alsays screnaesansd sped Rapids, could not be communicated M* Sid Marshall, who by the way is ilY bepls Uste ]un"s. Prie, 250. with, aud the message vas sent to J W a sportsman of no mean order, succeed- Munyon~s Kidudy Cure spcedily cures Smith to forvard. Barry is one, of the CORRESPONDENCIE cd after a terrific encounter in captur- Pains iu the bsck, loins or groins sud ail four oared crew Who visited Canada ing a wild goose over in the bush forme of kidnev dises... Prie, 250. a.osu.pset ba known as McDonald's. After sigbting Monyons Headache Cure stops head. last yea.He is no:spoe ob 9 ace i the miute. Pice,250 mach for either Harding or Bubear. PICKERMO.toe fi Mn Marsal doe bis gunand Monvou's, Pile Oiutmput poitively He could flot give .Jake any kind of au to ly r arsal drppd hs un ndcures il forma of piles. Pries, 25a. argument, -unless ho bas iniproved von- Rober-t Miller, of Brougham, left for jumped off bis bike and r-un bis prey to MnonsB OCure eradiesies ail denfully. If be really wants to rov New York tbe other day to attend the eau-Us. Those wbo have flot before îMuu-ieof t Ise=od -e,2e adu fr£5,hvleacmo a u n u l s o v h at ta k s p ace in a di b e rd f M . M rsb ll~ s p int n g ro- M u n yo ' . F e m a e R e m ed ie s a re s b o o n d a te d n o d o u b t. B u t vit b a lo n g vin - son Square Gardens. He bas been se- clivities will please take note. The to ail women. ter ahead of us be sbould bave saved lected as judge of the Durham cattle, goose weighed in the neigbborbood of Munyou's Aatbma Remedies relieve in bis mouey cabling and sent the chai- s position he feels justly proud of, as 15b. -Ecbo. 8 minutes and cure permaueutly. Price, lenge by mail. By being saviug be this New York fair is perhaps the most __________ l iii be out less on the gross total. 01 fashionable affain of the k ind that is blanvou', <atrb Remedies nevot- lu course ho viii bave to corne te Canada. yearly held upon tbe continent. He The Catsrrh Care-price 25c.-eradicaies The News-Lettor does Dot exactiy sec willaward the prizes alone as only one Ini No va Scti the dieu Ithe b system, sud tise Ca- weeb tns naeacn judge is seilected for each ciass. Pick- tawrb Tabiets-price 25e.-cboanse sud wvere he sd to , n. Niaws.aL ent e ve ering township [s happy in possession belteprg eehet i.Nw-etr Of -Mn Wo 'tans s wel u intheAloL her TIumphi. Muuyon's Nerv. Cure is s vonderful buess maswostnds soeli up n th nerve tonie. Pries, 25c. For Dyspepsia and Bad busin es as t h o ngbus s l e me eCedo.oh .hlrg i f I u yon s V talizer restoers lbt vigor. W e '. e s r e t c n g - a u l t J m e f e s e f o h i . M o g a , f P r i e .,$ 1 . B lo o d H u m o r s ' M a r l e y ' RÎcbà.rdson, of Philadelphia, uipon bis À d88e Aspanate cure for eacb disease. At Svccess in passing the Pennsylvania - dgwte.ail druegiste, mostly 25c. a vial. -Celery-Nerve Compound i __ 'tuBoard ofExaminons, aSs arogis- Personal Jettera to Prof, Munyou, il i Stercd qualificd assistant pharmatist. PROMINENT BUSINESSB MAN. 'u S&br tS~<~~aso. nxelr 'Jim " vas a favorite while bore jand with fre. medical dvi.. for any diseau.. we but re-echo tbe sentiment of al Mr. 0e.Reid, 0.T.L Opofltsr, j that in bis fluai oxaminatien, eigh:een His Testimony Righ:t t the Point- NIlre ambure, ont.«der dats et monhsbece h my e quîî ~ C urcd by Dodd's Kidney Puis. LIDAy arch Ud 1896.wteu jjW1 3 cessful. Goo Y Wood, aise au old Farmers sround Lindsaay aisould net Witt nouis md Dyhbepmts « Pickeigby nwoecpo u ndeaeN .Nv 6-Se. complalu, as tbey have been gettîng 50c. w.rst kiL d. rmoe vumsj e4. Pi erig byin hos eplo ou BidgwatrN. . Nv.t6.(Spc-a bsg for potatees; vhile in Toronto snd ciei, but Eam Ogav0 euroUre. 1 yeupig friend is, wri:es us that James ial). Nô business man is better or sgo ther places tboy vere oniy bring. Vt romwy0Clr.NT is xuaýkiug rapid strides towards succesmore favorabiy knovu in this part e n 8oef frl. aeqaniymisaeo IPMn'bu o laappy t. n1 lu se Qu ke c tyN ova Scotia than M r. John S. M ougan, Tini a e e rt n fts . . R O t m d se s . s. Report bas neaclied us that a man re- tinsmitb of this tovu Fr ig:en il.iL le r orit , cesse G. T.ug - r b i tS WIL'me sidiug oas: et bene, go: the worso of ii- years he sufferod from one stage te piffisn.ed brakemen. g. inteude go have FOPiSalé y J. E. IL 4uer, cornmoniy cailed ciden', the other another in the progress of kidney dis noue but competent meu on tis, trains day and upon re:urnuîg home abuscd case, but mvitbopt help until ho go: A nov reaulatjon rcgarding brakemen ou WMIBY.t bis suf i a shameful manne!. If this hold et Dodds 1<idnoy Puils. He tells freigisi trains provide that ts.7 shail be be truc hoe bas ne claam Lu Ienicncy as the stony in bis own verds, and says *- on tho top cf theit trains visen .passiugSul a1~tm it la flot the fins: offense. Women may #1: commenceâ wïtb backacbo about tations whetbor tisy stop or not. The Rev. Mr. Fraser preacbed te a very be aggravatiug te a man someti mes, oigbtoen years ago, with Jarnenessansd forvwsrd brakema- le required te oxcisauge large ogeain nSudyftr but ne man can be se puovokod as to pain in my limb." w1Utis te rosi one. The moen rcoegeatanonSuhaeafe b lift a baud to the one he bas premised 6'1 vas un-der the doctor's care sev- lneesation as somevlstt cfaà hrdsiip. noo<h, at the base bine school lieuse.. te ýproteca. Sucb conduct is despiseci rai tinues, and tôok "soveral ronsedies On &ody tiseMro.gTinumaospi oer Lia been very by ail who bave the least~ spark of man- asido fromn doctor's medicine, but gaa- Tetro, reteist vek by Ohief Befll kvtsiulamtriremtim liuess about thena, a tact that we re- uaily came te o b bdiy crippled up." on suspicion of being tise culprîtit h e Mas. Griffin, et Columubus, la visi:ing specttIuily commend te bis attention, -Inl the autumn ofe niuety-four l. est wardstoue&îhrowing css.,paticuars ber aunt, Mms.Jesse T;uIl.t aud be can even beconie a man by as began te run dovun in flesb aud strongtb 0f visicis bave alresdy aPPesred in Tish r.Lv Vuan ied rc ti far as possible undoing the vrong be uapidiy until I vas about fouty pounds Wstchmsn, appesred beore Magitrat. l Trsev. aCm vsieù 8 lia doue. under my usuai weigbt." Deicon tec recive bfsgtentene. Tise cas Talk about bard times ibis tall, te be 1 vas tben in constant mîsery fo . eneerypoe y ~ Bl, Mr.- John Clark's -littIe agt e wbo b.d ouly m e-01W0ta r&on -Ast veiysîk. Sure products of"tise fau-m are as 1ev in rbeumatic pain and the dread of has- bosasd oit ,fled85a d$50 A ube f urlca sotscr ff price but se are tisepuoducts et the siusg urine vbich vas ef a very dark i-andisomid over t.on ieir auvaihun.i nsecbanic, and in this iocality crops are celer and causal me the Most intense ok f4io neja.Tot.Wo aWs rosrie orne this t. 'botter than they have been for some misery. Oe>tise P«,'oo&er Se Bce cdvdbo'=t i years,\for vhichbebtter prices are ob- I realized my danger, but fromn some. kao uer9>". g elaàfpaingh t. veewith a -fluedeer, weligbiug over- tained. Most business men viii agroc :bing I read about Dodds' Kidney Pius c ato n dle 7Uepoias2 to.un4s. bagged bIy iimel! thtcollecfions are slow, but go te any I aeuùp My mind te use them, and naqiirtanâ it let. ha .boW t8 -Us-Jhn Huais, oOzhava, u ii. eli the stock sales beiug beld aimos: cçmmenced a: once. W lnCrôa ooG éf eff lg j inug lber b-otler, 1Mr Josephs Výa!aP. daaly ýn4 you vili see more purchasers 111 have used :weýnty boxes.- have te- Sner' 4 : eaosy"le saýid t. bav,boou at Mrs Rob p !Truto 5VStu eakingthe discount than yeu would cx- gained my Weight aud l amnnov as thse bo#ern ofthe affafr.- it vaw.à 7ung lier-sister,, *.Je sn'uaga. pect Wc ad -occasion te visit a tow strong sud well as-ever beeei yasnnm&~n rowl. ho vas - - f these Sales sud vere surprisod to lite." * " *thtb herakZloe C~ 1~ see tise, nuuof, cash - paid. A. gen- 'Wbeu I-commenced uShsg Dodda eltijo h -t àïu - b5 isy Wa dLi tioruai Who maires ita business tô clerk Kidney Plus 1' vas entirely unfi for. l- h -à- f-_u' hsegatbierings told us that in some the dutîes, or enjoyutentus of, liM suam f~~gwy meO anuciscash paid as ho bas ibis faij. trust my -tesit,ùmouy ray be tishe uas rag liYs xýQùf00tofdi il7e bifi;m Wbenyensec the average farmer dis-.et dOiragçged tao thers ffIl b o 5 i~wlha tseven per cent., times are -C dcu% . - 4ck as bardaas tbey M'ght b.kme 1> ,Bttubs ea ppointed. te- m înjmcr orUs eecî~aro~~a misa ohàtbn,a, iua*lan>, isiting -ü »« Breaaisam lsê «iuag-dits Wm1 at Mr. çôeàu, -.t___ _ ' a fi ti ai n e( te C. et Ki ist nii of H( vua tbisie uC"in TorontaoIa$t"wiiter when th -back -Ilàg* of;t1 nwus flùietlroag1ithe strocta trt'O RJr~ IhUdredàý«.meù iToi-otooay *ho-**Lwn & are Idie blutihy ^ ii lo- ouà(o*e,1 E0 .TH ferring to Mty in the city and bBSCY e stmnas rmPoeWoHv keep body and soult >eher. Last Tsioil rmepeWoHv week the city council apprôprà4ated o BeCCuCmd by Munyonàs Improved to charitable purposes, said amnount to Horueopathic Remedies Your Drug- be disttibuted >by MorFeng gist Will Grive You the Names of The aged and decrepit should aJonc re- Huudreds of Others. ceive this money, but as a rule these people are not ratepayers and therefore MmS H. DeCoursey, 201 Cbestnut could flot help elect the present con St., Toronto, says :-",The cure of my cil next january.-News. daughter by Munycm<g Remedies wau CANNInoTO. indced a marvellous one. For ten years she had suffered wkbh stiffness of Master Ernest Clark. on Tuesday the limbs, and had been treated by two Iast wbile handling some carpenter's of the most successful physicians lu tools sustaiued a severe cut on his band Toronto; -besides this we bad paid out a from a chisel. At last accounts the great deal of money frir all kinds of wound was doing weil. medicines in an effort to improve her The school board met on Monday condition, but she -seemed to get no and Tuesday evening' to consider the better. Her condition became sucb applications of about one hundred and that she was unable to asceud the flfty for the principalship of our scbool. stairs, and had often climbed up on ber Now that the year is coming to a bauds or knees or be carried. The close what are prospects for a new stiffness in ber wrists and fingers had council. As to the merits of the pre compelled her to abandon ber musict ent one 1 take it that we have good lessons. A few weeks ago she beganL cfficient men at the belm. 1 do not tO use Munyon's Nerve and Blooda Iink one dollar bas been misplaced, Cures5, and now she walks. about with t .nd it is to be boped we may secure perfect: freedorn. She is able to attendF nen for another year who will do school, and is again taking ber music 9 ýqually as well. lessons. To say that we are deeplyn At te lst metig o thePreb-grateful for wbat Munyon bas done for ery of Lindsay beld in Woodville, on tbanks btmll Cpesn u )ct. 2oth, Mr V M Purdy, B. A.,* of tak."o :annington public school was examin- Munyou's ]Rhpumatiom Cure seldom si d and certitied to Qucen's College, faîls to relieve ini one te thren bourg, sud 's ingston, in preparation for the min- cures in s few days Prioe 25a. at ;tery. Mr. j A Donel, also of Can- MUnyonsa Dyspeppis Cure poitively n( ngton and son of Councillor Donnel!, c..w&Il rso dice 5e. dstm 1 T borah, vas also certified to the M Unyca ol d uri e pr ve25cne.. orne Mission Board and 'we learn bas maonis and breaks npacl nafwt I '4 hàverha b'eeft ofed* $30 Cus tw o U~ l d nte est in th e '#d % l u gi thé. purhgSr uojfubhýUlcemq cyg Wmew $m»k, Moodîuu tlt ones tbrougz, large Plate glass parlor ws*tidow of h 1John MeCoss'blouse -on Goldwai road, and 'through a iudow of M Chapman'a house on the saine thoroug fae On Saturday evening. Mi., Wainwrlght fouud on~ Monday mornii that a large ntone had beenf thro, through a wriudow in the tannec Most of the windows in the Longfe Lumber -Co's psu factory have al bien s !ahed recently. A vluable Grm la bterfy. lu thin month'ar issue of the Cana ian Eutomoloist, Mr. C. E. Grant hý an article on 4 4Butterflys taken it C illia." Amougst other things he mei tions having in bis po"essiou a melani male specimen of Use papilio turnus,c swallow-tailed butteAfy' which be cal tured some twenty yearsago. The m lanic male is a freak in but terfiv life, o account of ir.s color. 1: appears thi this sud -suother taken by Proi Flet.cher, chief goverument eutomo( gist, Ottawa, are the only two speci mens of its kind in existence, O1 Tuesday Mr. Grant had a letter froc Mr. Herman Strecker, of Reading, Ps. >ffening him upwards of a hundret pecimeus for this one. Mr. Strecke: is probsbly tbe highest entomologica uthority in America. Mr. Grant wil. ot likely part with bis treasure. eDallago fe Gisudaur. Yesterday afternoon a cablegram was. Yleffl tiê.Address o TM£ COOK c bài C8oki. 258 r -ks otto ZACV L rEs tolur ast, UWO h. beeà àbasô a è rIn ,iem4andulthoighsatti"e, jtion,Ilt'app.areduifuOhé V'te-on ti the., WScverYthe doétors held out UIC ittie orno hop*. 15trstes FI Wdl n d 19. R. wid.., icd. A.- Prsha, wu tried for atsaiug Ba bicye A-beleuging to Jas. Oampbeil e arh nlg Couuty Constable Clenuing, Who Wn arrested Detusba, had àamto casebut Pry. tisor. vwuou. miaslg link, e vu aun- ord '#ble te Plrodue. s w*te.swho would Iso s wear Usat ho hsd îeen Derusha with a I visel fitm the Urne it vas Iniashsg until fouud, aud G. H Stephesonu wbo clouer. ad- ly defeuoed thse prisouerê trong4y preased i tisspoint-on theagstatWhio fonnd th. ie prysoner "flot guiluy."1 The case ageist rumb for mtesling saviseel ho- cn-1019ig o.Hugs Millet of Markbham wae ic aise dismissed, tiser. being no direct or ewidence sgaiuat thse prisone.. ,P- mot gitr. le- The case againat Thoes. m aIntyre cf the int O0tis Cou., Markhamu1 for frsud, sud ie son as an acoesuory te the actwas heard )f. belote Magistrates H. Wilson, H. Rl. 0- WlEJ. 8laSiter, G.- R. Vauzant and D. a- B. Nighswsnder, at the council cbamber )n Friday evening. Thse information wa& m. ladunder cthô new, orlininal code, snd . chsrged Thos. MclntYre with dispoaini A removing his cisattels from hua promises er for thse purpose of defraudiug his iaud. ilord, Col. Wm. BuLLon, eut of thse reut. jThe evidence wenîtet show tisat Mcm- tyre bsd seld bis gfraIin uLie usual vsy, sud hsd aise se Id- a team of horses, LS wZ a n d sd moreturnipms ad mille t eP. n CreW. iotel keeper ou tie Kingston road, snd at this me ime had psad noue of e tise proceeds te hie landlord, but ne con- ricusive evidence wuas.dduced te show Iitisai h.iad àold thena vus fraudulênt 1itn.Af tet sesring Lise evidence of Lb. eprosecution, prisenea-'&S cunsel Mr. eC. R Fitchs, sked foras dismissal of tbe- R cms witisout hesring evideuce for the de- afeue, as he submitted neocase isd been 1made ont. The maqitairses &f ter cousul- t1tion sustaiued tisis view, snd dismissed .bots prisouiers. Mr, G. H. Stepheuson rassinted by M r. McDonald f rom tise Conn- t~Y Crowu Attorney's offce, iproecUted.- Economist. - -* -~The eakest self ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o de-get chle 'e hevoul turubsheeltoaneue h vs h tht saror paet i h lu~~~~~ a aoythtaisutùk stogesi Catin is aou ngcinga mans - viii~ ~ ~ ~~tId pudbicisiudlgis yent attacked tse bsy ee a n e Oen he t ario wnias -,tiseurtnaes tis p rIte dieaie asu as-andatt er dct, hel a d wthntion eOM1eleiand tsa wnild iseelt h fles d lsieauh drives s uprti« eatsd hsud frs mer thete Er o. wear, of u he boe t rediduethatVevrn*e l 9 er ce n.oms mo f cu C NdosAuio A -"% " VI GO hair ~ ~ 010 va ctr to isoÎi color ~ ~ ~ Yer am esdfaln n terothe OnebOtle o f Flr) Iairrt igh ars ao, I had the vrj> el, and bet my hai wiout. . Savaitofalrepiaton bs ike te ar n 9houd .Peananen y,-j About 11mnhago, rny he baio bougyhw t ome a bontti1of Ae' obene toùappeal, dthl eSn o every prspec of sthika grMowus bru t ao as befre ofiyes us At. WEEasotymeneair ~j Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIe VIGoR jPREPAmRE T ORJ. C A & CO.,) W M ,1 A.~ Auver,* Pis.cure Sie* Zc eg I mulsionj 1s inv2auale. If you are run ~dowaslt Is a food as volas SThe D. & L Emulsion ~ ' fI bid o up if your general healtb la The D.& 9» Emulslon' E ,the beat and most paltabie Prpato d ECod Liver OH1, aren lhdamuu cate stomacha. The. D. & L. Emulsior, I~,bdby the leading physiciamc fj T he D. & L. Emulsion S la a mrveHcus Bush prod crand wyulgiv l you'an 5ppetite. &- Me.&el P«rBotti. e .......-à eydiso- ben sir bad been ech good I wcompleti 1 have f( re; wilgii deligbt in Bold by J. Reach at the toit n.day, -ioth ii ber of cor Ierk of Broc on passed B eeting appoii ,ly a commisý on with a co Reach to to be perfoî muni'cipalitv the clerk of ng the receipt ors of jurorý t year. Fro Ïco. one of t] sbip of Etobic regarding the e road machin following arn paid:, Mr G C Frank -Frankli ,$4; Levi Dur ., 75c, and Jn( ~vligsnow; Srepairiing bridg ýek opposite lot prus $18. for rep entre road. con ~o, for building 1d Mariposa boum( id amount being [the expense attý *.said culvert; jas w'444 loads ofg nces at pit; Pet oô Ackney Si. 2o, >wn $i, for opeý ave ; Mrs HarpE .,for work on roz n 5; Jno Tumm( lied by dogs, and ad, con '7, oppos r Tummonds camn 1and said he had d ewes killed bN ýd viewed the su en killed and v ch. The reeve 2et the commissi 'ock council to e( oM and money wnine of Bî'ock nsent year. A b mgn9lling plact )uty ré srning' foe's store-M r. MsoM--.Costello's s itson; Marsh Hill renbank-Mr D àleep's store-MI ice Alber-Mr 1 ýek-M r F Orchîý >Jos Baird. Oni #=red.

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