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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1896, p. 3

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RÉKfF Nsix HOURS. Geo B~Ies aW.f.Known Contractor of visiti'rg st Mr . beiW là"awek. Nlagen Pallu, CompletslY Rastoae OuGr sohoi iaber luttteudu avag ai by tse rea Bonis marpît Concert at the Ambool on #We2lth -et Ibis by te Geat out AM'can month. Everybody la inviW'd. Kidney Curs-'bOlusBd@ Mr. and Mre. Âieock are viitinR rmIa- Mors Can Bear thse t1one #,t orillis.. John int.ends te have a Saine Testimofly bunt before they return. 1 wasm-a reRtt sufferfir for yeare with Mr. Newton Dike wau laid np lest sente .kidney disordel' and pain in My week by an accidenlt at the shingle mil. pîlef; When slmoat alother known Hoe wae oaugbt in thbe maobinery and reuwdiedi bad been f airl.v tried and b.d stripped of coat and vest so quickly t.hat fajled. I wae advised to ake South ho hardly knew wbat happened. Had b. Arnerican Kidney Cure. One bottle did been thrown in the opposite direction ho lue 60o much grood I Pnrchased two more. would bave fallen against the revolvinig 1 am n ow completely restored-feel bet- eaw. ter tban 1 have for five years. It'a a Wm. Reid, son of Francis Reid, died gr.'at cure; will give relief in six bours, On Saturday, 7th imet., troua the ffecta hil 1 deligbt in recornrfendi[ig it to of the @ad accident by wbich bis epine others. Sold by J. E. Willis. waa injured a couple of months ago. The - .8 a -funeral took place on Sunday, a.nd wae s Reach Qouncil. very large oeue. The Sons of Tempor- ance attended in a body. Deoeased wae 11el atthe ownhall Macheserin is 28rd year. I,à leId at th îonst hal, acest er. Mr. John A. McGilivray la havlng the 1~ Mna ohîs.Tecekra stragglino ttmps pulled on tbe Sunny- ,ja nmer of communications: Frein side farrn and hie mon are busy making a Iý erk of Brock, stating that a re- road straigbt tbrougb the ewamp te the tin passeci Brock couricil at ils second. wbich will greatly herp the ap- ' , meeting appointîrlg Deputy Reeve pearane Of the farm.- ,1, CulIv a commissiofler to, act in con- The boys are bet'inning to corne prow- :11ctiOfl with a commîssiofler appoint- hini round again ater being away for the 1cNk Reah t equalîze the statute aummer. Libr to be performed respectively bv Miss Franlciah, of Uxbridge, was visit- e,.. h municipality for the year 1 896. ing relatives bore last week. F-,r ni the clerk of the peace. acknow- Al the f ariers have their turnipa op 1,,î,ng the receipt of the return of the plowing is pretty well finisbed, and most ioctors of jurors for Reach for the of the farmers are ready for the winter. rý ent vear. From IN r. D. Handry. and those who are not ought to be, for I Mmcone of the councilors of thet hink Indian sommer jge or and I amn t wAnship of Etobîcola, asking informa- sure we bave had esquaw winter but there t on regarding the capahîlity and tuîility are a few waiting for a snowfal) se hey * the road machine owned by 'Reach. eau skid their pumpkins and get them in 'Pie following amounts were ordered shape to threeh. i he paid : Mr Ci Corriochan, for cedar, ;.Frank Frankl'in, sheep killed byý d~,$4; Lcvi Duncan 75c, Tho!ýCas- hîv10 5c nd noWFrdtCreayl$,5fo t,el 'c. nd jno Whîtnev xal$3,.for. for repairing bridge and cleaning out (reek opposite lot 4. con ii; James 'rn ifor repairing gravtl pit on i entre road. con ii- Chas. McLean $S.50. for building culvert on Reach .11iN4 aripo-sa boundary l4ne, 14th con, ' ,'aid amount being Rýeach s proportion ft theexpn aLenth, th- hiilw...th of saîd culvert - jas McMullen $2ý664. for 444 loads of gravel and erecting fences at pit; Peter Christie 65c and Jno Ackney $1.20, for grave1; Duncan Town Si. for openîng ditch i n Sea- grave; Mrs Harper and Thos Martin $2. for work on road, opposite lot 15, con 5; Jno Tummnonds $8, for sheep killed by dogs, and $2.50o for work oni road. con 7. opposite lots i i and 12. Mr Tummonds came before the coun- cil, and said he had two fine two-year- old ewes killed by dogs. Mr. Burk had viewed the sheep after they had been killed and valued thein at $6 each. The reeve was appointed to neet the commissioner appointed by Brock councîl to equalize the statute labor and morey expended on tht townline of Brock and Reach for tht present year. A by-law was passed, F~depi [)al Ep& Wal Gre ___S Pril Cre Mr adjo '.1 4 4 4 CORI TO0IML BRISTOL'S I amd Thé Greatest of ail Lî.ver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPEOIFIO FOR Rbeunatlsln, (ut and Cbronlc ComplintÀb. They Cleanse an?i Purify the Blood. Ail Druggists and General Bealers. w-v~ Mr ~Minis of Port Union, vis- Ited her mnother, Mms Thos., Pugh, on Sunday. Miss Ella White'hbasgone to vilit friends ut Tilsotiburg. She wil be àý*qy for abôùt a moruh. Miss Nellie Thoimpeon, who hasi been atcnding school in Toront, spent Sunday under tht parental roof. Mis Poynter of Cherrywocdd. spent Friday visiting at -'Tranquility. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thos. Ted is nt imprevig. He has been laid up ail summer with a bad arm, which has become'very painful. We are sorry te hear that Miss 'Day is thnking seriously of resigning the position of assistant teacher in the pub- lic school. She intends to resume ber studies. Miss Day bas given every satisfaction while here trainin'the ten- der shoots. There was a large bittern seen east ef the village last week. It is something unusual to set them around here, es- pecially at this time of tht year. We think that there would be a fair- y good operîing for anether store in the vale. Opposition is the life of BTOUTFILLE.trade. John Smith, of Aurora, waa in Toronto Mr. Oliver Pugh is down te Whitby Monduy afternoon seeking for bis wife onl tht jury this week. No doubt. he Who, ho says, jett home tour weeks ago wll help te set right somneone's griev- and bam not oomznunicated with him ance. sinco. When leaving ehe told hin that Adjutant Maltby of tht salvation se intended viiting a neigbbor, and took army was te have lectured on social ber trunk with ber and ber 5 yoar-old work in the metbod'st church. but for daughteî. She left the neighbors house. somne reason or other did flot turn up. a short ime afterwards, and tiold thoin'te Mr. and Mrs. McCoy. who has been inform ber huaband that ele bad Pro- ceedod to Toronto, and wonld write hxm. visiting here, are about te leave us and The letter neyer arrived, and now Smith go te reside in Newcastle, for a time at le thorongbly anious. Ho says that bis least. wife bad ne friende in this country, that We notice that some of tht gates ini ho bas been marriod 15 years, and that tht village that were remnoved on there are Lkree oilidren at home, two hallowe'en have net yet been found. boys and a girl. The girl, who is eigbt We advist tht kids te xieturn themn. years old, la very ilL It ia getting te be about the timne of Fr sm ltiatm»s.rl oidnathe year that we txpect te set things or he ownae bte ie dstrbl ed efreeze up. Tak ing tht summer alto- ofte prewngharoumn on ibe ypar gether it has been quite a pltasaitt ont; anelswbenrou nd on-toe irntacs though prices are nât high stili tht and eiig eener ivelingancrops are abundant, and taking every-i Sstdayrnigha sette swep cf spOnfod thing into account, it has been al that & Co. formeîly oecupied by Mr, Monk- coudbedird Weilnoshty bouse, as entered by way bfth@ windew look for winter. in tbe rear between tIhe building@,, a pane Mr., Mrs., and Miss Holden visited of gises being broken to enable the burg- Mrs. Wmn. Turner last Sunday. Mrs. lai te reunove the faatening. About $150 Turner is ever go years of age and has worth of goode were akoncOoniting Of been ailing for a long time. At pre- fine overcoatinge, top shirts, vesta,,&e sent she is very low. Tht proprietors do net know 'bey much 'Tht B. Y. P. U. of this place will more may have been removed. lu our opinion it wonld bs the dnty of Stouif - go te, Claremnont on Monday neit te vil conoi t tate omestps e po-vîsit tht above namned society there, tect thle property et citizens. Sont en and will aIse assist in a literary pro- couragement by way of reward shenid ho grammne. offered or loeal constables to seek eut" Mr. W. Turner efthte 7th concession the porpetrators et tho tbeft. Sheubd had two good colts killed on tht C P R depredtioni of thie kind occur again a on day last week. Mr Turner has constable sbonld ho placed on night dtty. been very unfortunate this sunruer, as -Tr-ibune. he had two cews killed in a like man- ner in tht early part ef this summer. Dlur Ladl of CaA MEâW. X SSAGEC -TO MIN. Proving that true henesty and trut rt"llifg, places ana appoîiLîi [ty r strt-rn oiE . hrstt W. W. McLaren, of Columbuvs The Sisers of Good Shepherd philantropy sui tzist. fomesLtost ore-MMr.E A. mhrist oreevith friende Sunday. bsHi ghly Recommelld Ifny man, ho la week, nervous and debi- ~,Marsb Hill, Mr Wm St John; Thes. Grahalm, V. 8., 15 in New York - varidotrwouble sfrsutg from y of tohe itenbakM ekis egaethis week aasisting Joseph Raweon with cesses r obevrk, ltake ou yhetud write eenbak-lr D Prkin; Searavebis exhibît of H. N Chresbley's boises. ecse roewrwl aebatadit 3leep's store-Mr Robert Munro; Rd everseer Hutchis-on bas had a RYCKMANS kOFtY CuE t, 1 vill send'him coufidentially snd Ires inéeAlbrt- r jo Batle -, eda ofcharge the plan pursud dy kb I1vau nce Alb rt Mr os arley Ce arrod planer mun ovr Brck street. whieh ~ completeîr restored to perfect beaith and man- eek-?4r F Orchard; Manchester- vrmucb mmproved the condition et the A Lost Voice Restored-.Unexpected hodebîlty oisOf smgorand O m Nic ekuus JosBaid. n otin teconcl s.ret.Dîliverance-Praise Given 1 bave notbhp oe e fl and theretore waut nt, ourned. Tht methodiet friende raised thosad meney, but as i knev through my own ex ________dition t-o their shed ou Tuesdsy. The Where Praise Was perieuse how to syzupathizevwith sucebuuffets, addition wibl ho much appreoiated by Due. Iamn glad te bo able to et me ay fellcw-being t-bose who drive te bch b - c ur tor amylswef tshecsuvded u S W. Dowewell bas the material placed o u*rtrYmsl a eèe n upnt-be Kouud, and lu a ev dayT Monastery of Our Lady et Charity. îiP<od 'Pu utlil I umaly lest faith iu man- npo gr Y"kind, but I rejoice te say that I amrnowc pet-t marnons will commence te pot a stone 41 1 St. Andrew Street, feotly well and happy ence more and amn desir. C5«k's Cttai RoSI C4Rponad foundation beueath bis shop and vais Ottawa, May 19, 1896. eus theretore te makie ibis certii meaus of Manufactured b v T he e rooms. S. S. Ryckman. Esq.. cure kumov te &IL. If you vini write te uns Cook Co., W indsor, Ont-., Fred Dovieveli bas abandoned the car- Hamilton, Ont., yoD eau rely upon beinu cured and the prendt sadtesfain of dvi beufen of rear for my e adDetroit-,Mich.., is the pentermng fer the winter and bas enuaged Dear Sir,-You must have feund it asonin of hang be su f eet se fricmt only known safe, reliable as assistant te Joseph Slaok in the geede srneîy ungrateft on our part 'neyer trouble. Absoluts secrecy aeuSDid. Bond -5c. SMonthiy medicine on which ladies elevator. The grain is ooming iu te botb stang ver te eover postansd sddruaa, Mrt. Geo. can~~~ -een i tke kour and lime elvtr ail ote have thanked yeu for t-ht Koot-enay G. Stron g, otiRckod î of ý1geed" Every lady wbo reads The trust-ees have advertised for teaoh- Cure you wert se kind as to send us ibig$ je request-ed te i.iclose two Post-- r o u eho n e aeht last wint-er. Tht tact is we bad it a ageetapswith fier address, for s fored tat îeboo ar eave ore enin-tylong time befere ve knew te whom ve uiid &applications bu al.ý It muet b. quite a vert rndebted, until Rev. Father Mc- William Patterson, a Pioneer of /51CC (I 11lott-ery te select a teacher. Guckin, Rector et the Ottawa. Univer-. Breck Township. Ontario, died at- bis snd Ju articulara, Wbich il Walter Knigbt, the adopte&l son of sit-y, told us t-bat be had sent you our residerîce, Sunderland, ageti 93yts Pedb euumi npan eld hs .Pgwovstlo b name and you vert kinti enough to andi nine months. Ht leaves behind envelope. Toronto hospital on Suuday, November send tht medicint gra-is.t hlm five sons and six daughters, threc An obd physicien, 35 Years cou- lot, sufferiag fhem blood poisouing, died- Those anengst our sisters who took sons and three daughters nov living in Stinued practice treating diseascesof ou Sunday mormng laaL. Deceased vas it flnd theruselves rnuch benefitties- Manitoba, one son in Aurora, one son vomen,h ba hr gsftu f Ic.sd a lad et gmre fifteen sumamers, and vas pecially cases of indigestion, poverty of' in itndsay, one daughter ini the United' eau be consulted by letter or in brongbt ont te this country by Dr. Barn- tht blood, and tht atter effects efthtie 'States and- one daughteër. Mms John1 perso. Address oui main office ardo. Hie death la muoh rtgrettod hby grippe. But there is one tlwlng ht curep, nisu-wîg, Toronto- Deceased caine 'rT1490C K CQ>MPANY9 al. vibich wve have net noticed in your pubý to , Canada from Scetlnd about- 70 Uoo 8-6.258Wdard ÂveAk., Robert Grahanm left Suuday mornine lications, and whiclr ve are happy to ycars ago and settdj igin~ih - Dtfllt~Mid.. for Now York wbere oh. il attend thse announce te ail great singers, One of his' hsi, he ate Mr. Mortç>u, t:b gge Cook'e Cetto Root Compoud ogreat boise sud cattle show lu Madison our sisters viho slags in our choir- toek popiettof tthse Iàrgest dïstlllery, 1 je.sold b7 al responsible wholesale Sur adn.Tefr i a hw h rpels eeber. She was illthe Dominion. Re aftervm r rlmv- Mnd retai druggiata in the Dominm'oni ing any horsts this year as4bey Voe 100 j long titne, as it- pcuiIlyaffettd thbe ed froinliiere1 ana comme cedfam of Canada and nte ttes for',Ont làte iu msking their maI7.- Tht boys bronchiai tubes, and, âlthough sitê_ re- on what le .nowsý clled - the tbwi&n *of Dollar per box. ae ouveywucefu uthe put nt covered slowly, stil ÏiÇînedwak., Suderlan d lHis w, evs ss Isa-, tiiashow sud vo regret tisat ti.ysare Her volet. hovever, -remaiugd oh 1y laValetfe lo~BokT. Dt in positionutobe "Inilt bt a .t-bat she bad to, g«$YC up . mno l- Tbey have sons flue animais fitte& up, in te.Abutvowig'h MIRACLES TO DAY. tht Pink of coudto 1e POeICr, u~?LlES-CtJIElYIN 3 TO 4NGIT Mia. Willis Ecottw M eidsteoibesides feeling -ronger, iduler > Âu. nsuimi iêa Wllisin il. White ef Portuguese oé,oa. co puelb n inv>kec~ing backso quickly. that-site. ~ >~ ,aked hy the Toitures eh Rheuma- Alcot oi oigltis. .4m o short pistes. ai , equickiy Rolieved snd Monday wbtn tisey -baa'i-aier -an heart-ily gfo; the inedi-,4-mgt.-c 6e elcome oxperience. ,Wbouopposite-tb ~ n-p r. orbi e'ý>4é"d "le fi oal sufereiýand' esecaly tô llàd r"o ., âoub meriesu uW, *»*i b c_ V espnu eevî~rx fret-t tr ï# ebut la, ii inesiSe hçtil c O ,6t SiCbr, remedis sudps.... braies. 7h Iuj odi*is4vS 4fra1 a"dI*as yellgr"a3àB-IhrTbloi f Z Uiku ow» ars.Il ladnà "s Theinrt la &DsIy puîi, n Of,'460, 144 sufresfan Cié~' d*%0àid tDSdY. ÎÏ1 ,4we tt1 , it:bu e4 ,J- Castorta la Dr. amuel Pltcbls '5prEIsiptSOffor Itui et and Cbildreu. h ontM» n uther Ouium, Morphtne bot etherKarootteosubstane. B tla a baruh 'sumbsttu for paregorlc, ]DropS, SBoothlng Syriaps, a-ud Castor Oil. It h pleasant. Itsg gqraflte ln tbirty years'urne by ]Milions of.M£otheis. Cstora destrfO75WoIrIIIa"uallaji feveulshnbl.Catorla preets vomlting Sour Vurd. esà Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle Castorla relieves teethlng troubles, cures constipat'l suad llatulency. CastorlAa ashnsltel the foodg laeU the stomach and bowels, glvlng healthY sud natura lmlep.Cat. toria is the Cbidron'5a ascefr-the Xfother's Friand goeef.cupmeUentObUilhifl"OW gSw ea o th b ude frhie ule whcia31aqam I1MtS<L 1hope thie dayla ne ftu distat vhsm mthem vtUo ond't be5i5B tntteet tof lrcblliel, sud uus Camstellu- tsad oftboveaiIquwkflOgb wvhiche destryigthtfreed emes, bytoelflOeufm. morphine, sootlolg .yrup Md ocher huntul agentsdo U MW U mhiats, Iherby uýln tbom toem&=tO egravm e. 1)& J-V. KInCEU.OE onvay. Ârk. ýkUU te me." "Our pbYdd5a5 luthe Chfldren'5depa*- ment have spokea hIgby ef thelr epd- on nceluthelr entaepmatiS WI& Cgatoda, and althoagh vs oBl hIs uo.- itO modkMc aappilh hastla kuowu a- rogulai producta. y, tr fe a" mto cSea eistbsht merluacf Castorla hUn won usatte ki vit Un Bas roas" .AND, DavNaaa, Tis CatulC.mpaay,71 TiMuWB7 treet, Nw T «6ycet No Man eeruranoosmt ariepoiefShcuuSWenl ~The diREGÀLPERFECTION"9 for ceai or woed, fuIdils erery r~qis ment The desigu and orninenatlcu ofth" range ame m .dvànceof mYtblll< %e.The ovMeae aL~nd ProVKîdWit1 dxaw-ott 6 ovedomrslined ith dflfire box-ro- vided with genu2fe dupiez di t, eqiuiped wfth oven- ae%"ft« et shelf; footovedoftrp,dOrCd lurge brolingortostg dorwlrtbmic h fraze, made with, for d sx okg _____ h~oles Send fr descziptlvecaaoe- WILLIAM ERTÂN J S1SFKELD. AC~NTS At t-be plougising match iselti on Mr. W. J. McCullough's tarin, Mess i Roses, J Hall, R Hall and J Geflgheri teok prîzes. Mi T Watten isad a ploughing bee on bis tarin on Friday. Ht is going t-o take up t-be occupation -o>tfalrming again, andi no doubt will nnake a success oftit Mi. J. Dyti is havÏing a wirkl-miill -put Up on bis bain.M. Dyer.is'Oile et oui most energetic taimers, and bas most et thbe Iatest impr9vlemntts. - Miss K. OriàistniftOthe sicklUt We hope t-o soon sec.lier about agan.: Mi. J. Starks brick cet-toge is nov, *completed.- and la handsomestructure, cominantintg a gooq i iev, ftien th-li -ies paes ib Dar1iige>.. Mie sîHezie*Mdsister of_ Mism Dye ,larenewing ldacixaintatites ln >Enfield., -Sie? vil'sbvrlyretutr 1 the>r*bo>me la RenwiCk. lov-a. ~ -*Mci: LèvI Niddety _hlappy lu the foruroa~anghardiOkfn'l olusivelu for ter= W'MEEtS AÈL TRA 'f. "ne- I ra15a.. 1, (aaa~a~ m- '4 on .WIMël 1 NK* tom 13«'T TxDl:pj A-T-J:m Streét-, Wbitby---:ýl Dundas

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