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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Nov 1896, p. 4

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You'II Ner~rOn. Jh Wre w ?5eriubcountry.We make etn bo ie or a qPer~ specialty of clubblng teGlobe adCLN -t41u iAU I. H 8eâet 1L .55.a -jus how rnuh roneyand eJ'a, ssei ofis first w1e, msrried In Hywd»u Lovais -sat4sfaction you are îoosing june, 187o. By her ire bas irad two bl -tiWyou uy yur Dugs n Arthunr Warren sud Clarence Hard, tire On Saturday-Ladies' trimtned aud un- -til youbuy our rugsandformer of whorn lbit bis Uic tirougir a gun trimmed bats ; ostrich Plumes, wiugs, sud -Medicunes Get your aceldeùt two yem no.è, lowers et balf prive. and tale bt ry u iet iay. Fruay year sSpedial mensasnsd boy's overvoats sud Recerftts an iPre sc r l'Ofs lbse n vry religion. H set er- sters. Men'a overvoats, black arid brown, ly ail ii spare tisse from iris duties witir velvet vollars,. $4, regular 87.50: tera $5, FILLED AT bis fraily or in religions work smong the regular $8. Plymouth Bretirren, as the acct la termcd Mr Robt Barries is getting tire rink in bcre fHe was thc bacirbolie of tireir con- shape for hockey and skating. He is board- w -IJJ L nection in town, aud was to be seen walkiting tire rink around the skating ice to tire bible lu baud to their room of worship sev- height of about four feet. -We se onebutPUR Drgs eral imes a week. Hie seldom expressed -We ue noe bu PUR Dru opinions unless called upon to do so in the Special sale dress goodsansd fianuels now -and Chemîicals and 'ofler nîone diacharge of bis duty, sud, as for town af- on. -but fairs or other local matters, he lett them alone- fHe was kindly disposed towards Some Newspaper Snapa. Genuzu Patet A/cd mes.everybody, sud neyer knew wbat it was to $î The Weekly Sun, (Farmers' S Geun a6thave an ettemy. fils life assurance Ny'1 S a$t. cie6Scnrold n eiedb foot up about $20,ooo, some of which bas Spof. o ln Smt, and aE HooNîcL been paid up so long that tbe income from rf oinnSihadTECONCE it bad bevome hiref yearly than the pre-9 pages et county news, in al 16 pages (;od ]LîV3r 0 j_ý* n;umq had formerly been. weekly, for $i to Jan. i, 1898. O F~ L VO ' he funeral on Wednesday was an event $125 The Weekly Globe, r6 pages -of of county importance. It was couducted in general news weekly, and THE CHRONICL.E, I~5o cents per pint. that quiet mainer ln which tbe deceased 8 pages of lacal news weekly, to Jan. 1, 1896, Zt Nearly Tasteless. fudge had lived, but the pioneer public men for $1.25. fromx every part of the county were there and with one voice declared their sorrow ln 82. The Saturday Mail Empire, 24 pages J En U Il1 0 the loas of a prominent man. illustrated, the Weekly Mail-Empire, and r sa, I I UONI e fnr,$2 a vear (the ponce of CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICA-L -:- HALL, Brook Street, WHITBYY NOV. 20, 1896.1 Short Noies. The Toronto papera have heen having a great time cor the past nîonîh discussing a municipal g>îb attributed to Mayor R j . Whtby Town Local&. The best of cresm chocolates ot!lY 40C. Per pound, aI D.- Mathisona-. Tire firemnen's annual hall and supper will as usual take place on New N'ears eve. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite, plush, with silk plusir bands, for $32, worth $5, a: W. T illaP. M. Mecklenburg, scientific optician, wvîll be iu îown aItirhe Royal Hotel, on Saturday, Nov 28. Eyes tested [ree of charge. Mn. S. Hughes, s somewhat eccentric re- ident of this town, îoo)k Roui h on-rats last Saîurday, but the doctors gave hîm s second liCe. Mn and Mrs Wm Spence, Manchester, were in town on Wedncsday, the fornmer being here to attend tire funeral of j udge Bu rn ha ir O'Brien & Stedham's platino photognaphs are the inest in Canada, make an appoint- ment to sit for some, gallcî y open cvec y day ti Il after Xmas. Fleming. About six weeics ago the City Mrs. Joshua Reid, Athol treel, died very council sat tilt the w~e ine' hours one night. suddeuly on Friday eveuing lasI of heart and after the spectators had left a grant of lailure. We tender our deep regrets to Mr. $500 was made to Mayor Fleming to recom- Reid in his great affliction. pense hini foi outiavs in chaniiy. The re- The Misses Houck and Dr Aikman and potera were asked not to give the item to wife are moving eway fromi town, and al the public lest the mayor migirî be worried their furniture will be sold at the Houck re- to dcath by fakir mendicants wsnting a sidence, Byron sticet, on Tuesday, Dec. ist. share of the 85oo, and nothing wass lnown of On Saturday Percy Humphrey, paced by the transaction until the ever watchhîl Ex- two tandens and s triplet, will take a crack Aid. E. A. Macdonald gui wind of it, and ap- et Meehanas Toronto to Whitby record of plied to the courts for an injunCtion 10 re- I.27à. He erpects to do the distance in i. 2o. strain the city treasuren from paying over AtsmeigotreOaiocbntn the maney. Then items began 10 appe A etn fteOtrocbnto showng hatMayo Flmin ira cotem Tuesday Judge Dartnell was appointed sur- shpla ta t pMaythe .FC.mineg, sd pole-nogate judge pro îcm. of the county of lthda trsud tha gthe .C iersdo plued Ontario, whicb position was made vacant by puttaan hattgtean ocid tire deatir of Judge Bunnham. tiaItire $500 grant was made to psy the mayor's trip ta Rossland. Tbey raised au The annual meeting of thre Whitby brancir awful taik, sud upon tire hesd of it Mayor bible aociety will b. held (dI. v.) tris yesr la Fleming took higir ground, refusing to be- the mehodiât tabernacle school room on conte "vcustodian " of tire " fund "tiru- Friday evcnirig, Dec. 4tb. Don't forget it, a crested for charity. Considering that the real good tbîng may b. expected. City payasls Imayor $3600 a year as salary, Henry & Puteey, thre leading photograpir- snd tbia extra g ab for the suspected put - ers of Oshawa,, are n*ging tircir finest pose ol seeiug the gold fieldsata the expense photos 10 per cent. lo*er than the lowest of tire taxpayers bas been made the subject prive lu Ibis sicinity. .ýTins la a rare chance of aIl sorts of animad version sud joke. for Whitby people as tbçy are the very beat - > photos and every one guaranteed net 10 1%0 CouatY JuftOShIp.fade. Mr. Charles F. Miller, artist, who resides Tire deatir of His Honar Judge Burnham with NIr. W. J. Luke, iras declided 10 remain 'bringa prominenth' into public notice a here tuis têluter. Ris a firat class decor- star, aigu or acene painter, sund la no mean II,.eiange lu iaw, whivir was probably tire 1551 hand at painting a portrait, fe teaches acst drafted by Sir Oliver Mowat before ahading. blending of colora, sund finishlng golng int Dominion politics. It la a fol- decorations or pictures. Io"a: The Bowntanvllle loothali cut came here 44lintire vase of an y vounty or union of onSturday te play that of theêllegiate iin- * cnut6s rsvngs ppultio no eceeding stitute. Tire game was a very fair one, Ootooo for wiii there are aItirhe paasing of fougirt out 1 the asat minute by both ides tbi at wojudges, sud heresfter on fa~ most friendly mauner, aud resulted lu iimderesigna bis office or la removed t. defeat of tire viitors b>' 2 ta o. There 2irerefr0tf, tirere shalltirereafter th oh. ilb retuiru match Thauksgiviug day. Ypointuientot another judge ln tire place-of Hie Honor Judge Dartnell hac cosspleted the J udgc se dying. " the revision of thc Pickering votera liste. T his, we sironld say, does net prevent tire Owing ta the contemplated vote ucît Janu- eppotnttnent of tire remamniug judge,, if ire ary ou local option there was s large number bica junior judge, t0 be vounty judge. It of'appeals. 84nasses wcrc put ou sud 96 mzakea.it plain, bowever, tiratinl future tbere struck ofl sud a large number of corrections inale hÏ but onc judje in Ontaario connty, sud transfèe made.' Tire sppeals were al tic population of whîcb us leas tban 45,000 put in on beaîf of tire anti option mca, troue 'Judge Btrirassla deatir aise left vacant tire hasiug been fled by the advocates of tem p- post of viairnian of thre general sessions, or erance. cotiuty court, snd lte Detion of judge of tJue aurr0Igate court I, eh lttr has 10 do Our town cotent la Iosiug subacribers fast wsth-the, probating cif-nuls sud disposai of ou its new scireme of îssuing two four page 1' saé,sud, ta v'ott uMeS" ~ per annuni patent fly-sheets s week iustead 0f one eigbî ta ecu li vu mi. oc~te aditrsof page patent sheet. People will net be foole tins- ote<té*$, à14aile b>' virtue of mbt believiug tbey are getting more for their bis ottns dollar. Thre Gazette bas been priuted in ow i. DrmdiWin therefrebe about ten difierent forma lu ten years, and Il.Daituel vii tiereore -eace time il boomed Itself as being perfec- "Prpm'ged t, tes. positions, and iiu- tion. A tbing tbat in perfect, or anywhere b>et flit tsiy .eban sd juadicial mind. near perfect, does net need te b. made over =td bos etpererie amply fits him for tire ever>' Lime thre moon chani es. qmtsu of jtuge Eruham. r ~Hcny &-~we~.~i9Sba5, ade the ~ plietogaphaever Ceunty jndgc Zacheus Burnham died at -Cep rntn and ciubbing. bis residence here on Sunday evcning last. The CusioNiciit does the cheapest print- Hes iliness, which lasted about a month, ing aud offers the lowest clubbing prices of was flot regarded as being dangerous until any paper Iu Canada. Cai nt this office al>out ten days before his death, when bis wben you want newspapers or printing. lfiode and attendants begaji ta be appre- Correapoudestashonld read titis lensive; sud hope gmrdually melted away, Next 'liursday is Thanksgiving, snd iin untl te attr prtof last wcek, when it order that ithe CuRoNicLit'staff vnayb ave antil he later PAt uomethtng to be thankful for we want to go bevaine apparent that death was near attereso Wdndayig.Th.eve haud. The people of the town and aoty ,ua a day less to gather news cnougb to f611 Iesrned of the j udge 's death _with dceeP and the CHRozîicLà, sud we want every wrlter wldesprevsd regret. Plaga were swfug<Sýt- osend news a day earlier. Please reisent. hafmast from thre court IÏouse, sud o*ater lber this. nblic buildings, snd HisL rdbfClf nsdée &rsotirt-ook occasiion ina adareu*rà . sG TRRento. ~he ryoreer a tei~ ax newG~ regulation bas heen triade whereby ustine. GandTruak brakemen Qu ail freigbt tramn leus Buru'uam wu bom in tp he towu- sare now recluired to be on .top of their trahis ofHidinud, CýorthuNer- wheu passing stations, wbether tier. ira# W*s4,msrh 31,Î 81. . Hie fitirer, stopS or DoL TII. forward-,brokeinu!uxst Burnlam, wss nafre #~WH l a1 > chaige signala witb ithe rear -man, Iii ln ,ïtwosmaei ~w55 'Thiiregulistiol3 15 1D*ed upon as a lmn- 0 ct.a*PTs, w ufo x. 14ewVo rk. 'He provenient by ti , officia i st#,,but, tih lv a i flte a y ed teatio t t U ic Co . b r k en ien tite n selves U ink it sooeetjîlu g 5Io,~4t4i8 a~lk ardbip '.beyare .keptoù îheul.th lu eider lrotbcr' Ça u'1s'~ ~tn galaq4lLslo (lAan voc.nwttavlr mIIeal~ About thirty ladies aud gentlemen met lin the council chamber of the town hall Wed- uesday eveuing intent upon realiziug the suggestion recently made t.rongh a letter to the CHRONIcLE by Mr. F. Howard Annes that a choral club or society should b. formed in Whitby. From, the earnest, way in which the preliminary bui'inesa was dlone at this meeting it la safe to say that the town wil shortlv possess a powerful musical erganization front which great good may be expccîed. Mr. Aunes was choscu chai rmau sud Mr. W. J. H. Richardson sccrctary. After considerable discussion as to bow Ito go about the business iu baud it wa» resolv- cd upon a motion by the Rev. J 8 Broughall, sevondçd t'y Mr. jas. Henry to form s choral club or union for tbe study and inter- preta' ion of vocal music. Upon motion by Mr. jseh Thompbon seconded by Mrs. Broughall the nante adopted w;as, The Whltby Choral Society. The next motion was by Rev. Mr. Broughatll secouded by Mr. J. W. Brown, for-the appoiuiment of a pro- visional commlttee to draft a constitution, and prepare by-laws for the society sud to get information about available talént for a muaicial director of the society. to find ont wberc meetings for practice van h. held, sud such other matters as may h. uecessary te lay bekwre an adjourucd meeting of wblvh due notice wil h. given. Mis" Minnie V. Powell rnovcd, seconded by Mr. Brown, that this committee vonsist of seven membera. The secretary was decided 10 bc an ex- officlo member of the vommittee. Upon 'ballottlng for the seven members. A H Allun aund Mr. Carswell, the sèrutineers, reported the elevtion of bliss B. Dartuell,. Mr. Asbury, Rev. AMr. Broughall, Miss Decker, Mts. G A Ross, Mr. Aunes, and Mr. Burns. Isi addi- tion to those already named tie followïng. t00k part lu the discussion whfvb led te the above related action : Mr. G. V. Marinl, Principal Waugh of thte colleglate institute, Mr. Dent, Miss Elsîe lawler. Dr. WilchOuan, Mr. Wm. Ayres, Mr. Bd. Rc. snd Mr. ChUsa 1Sntt. It was appîarent fron. lb. opituions rexpresind that there wllli e ne difficully [ii ,having ab ,diedot neeigiguebr oft~sole~wbcftCfldtett4ssecured and lbgt t ins 1upi uu Ity for thec cuitivation of vocal music Wit b. easi~ttbin the retuc ..r-* ..î ia des i t nxrove, tiemmele,. j $2.,g0. The Toronto daiiy World snd Tim CHRONICLE $2.5o per annum. These are not briler fflate sheets printec' in -Toronto type foundries sud palmed ai on the public as newspapers- A great bit. The publishers of the Farndy Herald and Wclekly Star, Mont.real, are certainly io congratulated on thre r"t hit made by thel I prcmiurn picture. "The Orphan's Prayer.'- Artiats, teachers, connoisseurs, judges and people of thre highest teste are writing most congratulatory letters on the subit ct- E-d- ward Everett Hale, the celebrsted Boston Devine. writes to say he is deligbted with " Thre Orpirant's Prayer." Henry Sandham the famnous artist, writea a long letter of praise, closing he sys :"in publishing "The Orphan's Prayer" you are supplying somietlring that la in universal demand, a simple homely subject that appeals to the heartsand svmpathier of the general public. John PoIls, the revercd clergyman, of Tor- onto.. writes that ire is delighted with "Thre Orpban's Praver." We irear tiraI congratu- lations are pouring in from al aides. Tire publishers are averaging nearly a tbousand letîers at day. St Andrew's Concet Preparations for Ibis grand concert on 'Aonday evening. tire 3oth iuaI., have been completcd, and tire hearta of Scotchmnen sud tbeir fîiends Yvill be made glad on that oc- casion. Oshawa will send thre followiog contingent ro aseist lu making the concert an unqualified success, viz : essrs Gallo- wvay, Punahon and Dingle, sud Misses Park and Galloway. Mrs. W. O. Johnstou, of Muakegon, Mrs Geo Ross, MLsh B Dartuell, Miss Martin,i.Ma)or Farcw;eii sud Rev. Mr. McAlpine, o Wbîtby ; Misa Jessie Fisher, of Toronto. sud àaster Comer Parka, of Saint- field, wlll also take pronrinent parts. Such an array of talent has seidom been seen at one tisse on the stage of our music haIl Scotch danves sud Scotch music will cao fortu an important part of the programme. As this isas chsriîy concert the prive has heen put within tire seacir of ail snd s full bouse may reasonably be expected. Every- .one wl1 receive full value for bis money and 'have vontributed t0 chsrity at thre same time. Plan of hall will be opeued on Fni- day, the 27th inst. Admission 25 cts. Re- 'served seats without extra charge. We ýOpen'Out This' Week I We have also a New and Complete Range of e e Men's and Boys' Suits and k' - 4 t Shirts' and Drawers. Our Gents Furllshtng Dopartmot-~ o o is stocked with a choice assortment of SIi1,ITINGS, OVER- COATINGS, and TROWSERINGS. Ail qualities and prices, and we guarantee every garment turned out to give the best of satisfaction. ANDRE FUST RECEIVED (~~) ChoiceNew oods.~ China Glassware and Crockery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Coffee, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheap/or Cash or Trade. Pr.ces 10 Seut Me Times. )ou't buy before calling and exa.ming the stock and pricea for yoursel r-%z,%MTÂTE 0F T o B I s n SaleR.gst.. ITue MarkUt WzDNESDAY, Dec. 2nd, i896.-Sale of eight acres of standing bardwood timber, in % acre lots, on the premises of Alex. Brown, lot 7, con. 3, township of Reach. Sale at i o1clock p.ni. Credit on ap- proved joint notes to April ist, 1897. 6 per cent. per annlum for cash. Pur- chasers allowed tili April ist, 1898, to re- move wood. L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. THuRsD)AY, Dec. 3rd, îSg.-SaIe of 8 acres of first vias bardwood tituber, unculled, in5 acre lots, on the premises of Geo. Robinson, lot 29, con. S. Whitby town- ship. Sale at i o'clock p.m. Credit on approved joint notes til Oct. i, z897. 6 Per cent. Per auuum for cash. Two years allowed to remove tituber. Levi Fairbanks, auctioneer. AsirrOw..-if Reacb, ou thirrt linaI-, Mr. Edward Asiton, aged 72 years sud 7 monuthe. - RsID.-A Witby, ou Fridav, Nov. î3th, Annie, bclolwcd wife of Josirua Reid, aged 47 years. Hl&TaRuv.-At Pickering, on Saturda>',i Margaret Gordon, wife ofW. T. Hartivk,i in ber 55b year..1 CuRaiz.-lu Port Perry, on thc Sti met, Agues Currie. relict ef tic late Mark Currie, aged 75 year - ad 5. mourir.. W*rspw.-In etlbridge. on tire 3rd ttist., Alice, second danfgbter ôf Mr. Alex.-Watson, aged i7 years sud S montra,. Fr-pderick, youngestSOP of CiapI,. o.Pl BuatiRAxL.--At Wbitby, enou nday, Nov. zmh, acchs-Buruainjtdg f th oWty court-aud ~rO~etlItaged 79 yesrs45. Wieqt. whrite, 86 10 86c; red winter, 86 10 ooc; goose, 62 10 64c- Barle>'. 25 10 35C Oas 22 ta 2r Pees, ;4c îr56. Hiay, $9 to $zo. Buckwheat, 32c ta uo. Rye. 32C 10 00. SrraW, 84 oo. Butter, lb nolls, 16c; çlo tub. 14C. Eggs, no. Chickena, per lb, 7c. Ducks, Se. Turkeys, 5c. Potatocs, per bAg. 35c. 10 40v. Dressed hogs, $4 5o te $5.25. Lamii, $2.75 to S3 Beef, hind.quarters, $4 10 $6; fore-quartera, $2 .50 tu 0t. -TORONTO. Wheaî, white, 88 to ooc ; red winter, gi to ooc ; goose. 65 b oc. r-Barle>'. 37 10o oc. Oati 2to z6c. Rye, 33 te aoc. Ha>', $z4.oô 10 $zi.oo. Straw, pXo 0e 10 $ x. -go. Butter, tub, 12 iO xc; rois.114 t0118c.-Eggs 1 .tooSc. Hioga, drcssed, $5 25, Obicirena, je pair. 2 te 4oc; ducks, 46 10 55c; turkeSpc lb, 8 to ooc ; geese, 7 to 8c. Potatoes, per bush, 4010o ooc Laumb, $5 to !$7 Beef, hmsdqusflere.s4 t0 $7. do fore .$a,5o 1054. Multion, $4 te $5. Veau, $5 to $6.5o. Peas, 46c to 4Z Buck- whent 3810 ta aoc AUCTION 8ALE of First-cla%'a Househould Furnittire iu the town of Whitby. The subscribeir basre- cexved instrucZtion)s frpm DR. AMKMAN to sell by public auction, ait thc. premtse uf,,he tâte Lewis Houck .B) ron streèt Whitby, on TUJESDAY, DEF', 1.,1896, AUic whole ofj the HueodUtircosstrgin Part as follows; jftawlng- room suites lu5nk. rep., fine tapesti y unci,otier vres x tension, dining- and othieîtables; 1 sqnare piano; êcidrs ib bau' -clotb, cane, and up-ý holstered, ilivaiid choit' ; -CUraius, picMuies sàtïïes, 60and coni'! 6bedroo'n. sUites,ý juarhile ýtop, wvâlnut,.andba'ïdwoQ:; ditiler *-,l.umwoe. julery. bureans,. me ROSSO b i GoId Exoitement ORf to Rosslande Don't forget to cail at Hayward's. His FALL and W1NTER GOODS, at the surpr'isingly low prices now going,_ is hetter than GOI8D. Stock fully assorted in every hune. Everything new in Dress Goods, extra value. SpecWal lothing.. U8Le wic -m- Men's overcoats, velvet collais, $4, regil- ea ymaea5o..o, c Mens fne e;tn d., 65o, reg. 4 exta do. 7lr . 50, reg u.o Youths Overvoat .. Youths Ulaters... Boys' Overvoats...' Men 's Tweed Suits .... ir eavy suits.. difiue tweed suite.. 44fine black aitIs.. "fiue cost aud vest, 8.00 6.5, reg' 60e 7.50 'reg 10.0 3.00, -reg 65.00 5.00,reg .7-50 3. 00, reg 'c>50 8.00, reg 7,.50 8.50, reg 8.,50 8.50, reg 12.00 .,W*Menl' Smnocks and Overalis. 2.5 Ladies' Coats. iast yeat's style, les thxan haif p rie. $9, coats for $4 ; S7- 50for Our underwear. fd ladies and gentlemen beat all couxpetitors, St 2,W, 35r,, 45c, _%S, 60c, 75c, $1. Sec theux. Ouréb i'49tse sd-not profits--as th t,& Lýk must go-" smonth. Remember you save money by buying at FAUBNS Real E&tàte» olC n FGIINTMNR PENO themIl "incomparable," and many of your neigh- bçrs who are corupetent judges are loud in thPeir praise of this nîost iridîs- pensable writing impie- mnie t - . - . . - Gold Pens, i n Sîlver, Pearl and Ebony Hold'ér-s ELIGTFULGI[1SI Jrio. B BARNAR ... JEWELER... Oicia ounty Organ.-Largcat CIrCii tien of any looai paper in Cana"a FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. this week. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only at W. Tilî's. Listen Don't boy a aloseutil sec Jeke McIntyre. Mr. Chas. Derusha, Pickering, wa town an Setorda>' lest. Mrs. Ed. Worden, of Darlinglion,- is~ * ing at E. R. B. Hayward's. Try e boaf of Tod'a home-mrade or stl cd bread. et Yates' old stand. Mn. Hoskîri, Toronto, was a guest of Honon Judge Dartacli oser Sunda>'. Bring tire wirolc tamuil> and have a z taken on Tianksgiviiig day et O'Brie Stedirama.. Mr. Gea. Ayers, express messenger tween Tarouito and North Bey, was over Sunae>. W. H. Piper keepe repairs for ail kmn pompa. He bas tire beat windmill for Wells cleaned. Mn. R. Casseis, the popular tellerc, Dominion Bank, bas been nemoved bere te the Lindsay brancir. Mn. R. Eluggaid was tire purchaser c çgmf~iî1afI sold et auction on Fr ,"j'lst. Te prve $8005&Oor $32 an acre Miss Lillie Bond, wio was recertl with typhoid fever, iras opeaed -a dress-i ing sbop oser Stepheasou'5 telegrapir o Mr. Jno. Andersori, who bas been 1 n ear Lyndes Creek, bas moved ta Pennr ta thre bouse formerl>' ocvupied by theM ýStarr. 41 per cent. boans mrade on weil impr farcis. Write with stamp enclosed or ci Reynolds, Stanks & Co., r24 Victoria Toronto. Mn. Pringle, tai collecter, null be at Henrys store on Moîrday and Thursd chcirwee& (rom 10 e. nm. ta 4 P. M., lie nill receive taxes. 'Misa M Greenwaod, of-the Jewish hos ÀCiaciati, was home last week. She -e Montreat, where she null 5pp1y in pi for a situation in one of thre leading hosi -there. Great alaughtering of boots sud. aboc continue aItirhe new sboe store. eat $1 aua $î.5o boats for 5ov. Evervbod> acome te base a pair.-Coi'e carly. i collins. nlt tb. skating part .êbenéfit of ticehh tIcs, wha wilj.B ver>' numerous sun aStroug bere th ~winter. Mr. John Cle ncns, who iras fillea the - -hal of foremai'(oser tic mouldiag d ment lu tire buvkle factor>' bas rcesiguî position there 10o accept a similar place tire, Niagara Snpply Company of Nir -Hie fàmil>' nlnot follow hibu otil lati * Au impresbion la sald ta exist -some of tire teachens of the vount>'ti .taci o f vertical writing la vompi * .acodig.to recept regulations. O0 point tire Deputy Mînister- of Eu write5 ir a the chaice of style betweee tlcalaud elant methoda is optional W-~ -teacher or school authorities. Teoriprr0M begine the self denal tii. SaIvatiou Army. Collectors ame .ed t loIect front bouse taouse - --- er-ffort is being put torti to~ cauîse for surprise tiaI tire -cpreVÏlous Scrs bavebe ~ka~incré5eint. Mani> have deter tofv~thirans»t ft e for tir e lf ;cw.ek'4U dito bie abi. te trbute ~~ $wtd nd hs -lPthir afl"Sssa c, kAABugbec COilege* ýovf hli danaliter der . W I1LLIU, Wliitby1 «, Ii(£ronltch. e * * o 1 I& ib 1 1 a New Stock of Ladies' Manties; also a fine 8Bsort- ment of New Dress Goods in the lateat shades; and designs. A complete range of Ladies' andl Childreii'S Underveats, ail siizes.1 Ready-made Overcoats, d Whitby wûl have a Choral'Society

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