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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 9

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:*Academyý Hairdressing, ShamiPooing, $kaving, Etc. îv wi-sh your cranium renovatcd. your mountache curled, that briqtly beard re- moved from your physlognomv, Or YOui hair trjtmned in the latest New 'York "ndrap in to the Up-to-date Par- lor of Lou Bande,,.mmogw ieeê One door North of Stephensofla. T tien oetamy lomalpaper ta Canada FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1896 LOCAL' LÂOONICS. miss Maud Puilipo bas returned front Toronto. G;oad ci-ocolaites oniy 25 cents per pound S.M athison's. you are iooking fur Xmas bargaitis read A Attîvî's açlv Listen 1! foin't buy a alove until you sec Jake Mclntyre. MIr. Thomas JenminZs. Hamners Corners, doe-s not improve in health. llo)n.t (ail ta buy >our groceries at l-ay- wardsa, it vill pay you Weil. Mrý. Rtc. i Broughal spent a couple of dlay- la-t veeL at ber home in Toronto. Moi Florencet Iartnell let on Tuesday to spend a week in Toronito with relatives and friends Rcnlelnber D. Mathison's s the place to get the verv best of canidies and confec- %lr RI)hI johnston, lately emploved in t- Souiîîdrv, has secured a situation in M îlRichardsotn sang in the Berkte% -trrt methodibt churcil, Toronto, on Sunday il Fe 1-evhiothiers have returned rom i2uebec herte thev- hive b"ei egaged dur- ul,î the imstsummIer. %Ir, %%ii Rooke left on Tue-sdsy nieht for 1'o)rtland. M- ,wbere he vili fil a position ini the )rfict cof the îGrand Trunk R. R. Nir John Brchali, B. A., Ashbumn, vas iu tiwn Saturday Ht viliiboss tht aihooting of tlit voung idesat Columbus next year. A large representationf rom beme sttended tht- banJ cdncert at Oshavva on Moudav fn. yht ani acre much pleased with tht n',ic .11 tht 4sth Highlanders band ut Tor- <,titi) nIrst two issues each veek our town cil-r»n 1rints eight pages, six of whîch art- tic production of a Toronto oundry and two pages are printed in Whitby. Vet st warns people flot to be hoodwinked iîi-p taking the CHRON ICLE. whîch priit.s more local titas thai sny local paper ini Canada. ( )ur pages are smaller than tht patent sheets il s truc, but our type ici amaler, and the ;arette cantiot reset a columun ofour matter inî ns- t% pe and crowd it itb une of its longer chium ns. Horne Made Bread Farties wishîuig the aboire can be supplie bNv caiiîg at tht resîdence of Mlr. i-eri 5o Waated ýry soi) peopie are wanted to attend the enter- t,îîinnent b b4e cîven by the pupils of tht Ciîegiîate in thtenmusic hall on Tucsday eveînîg tht 22nd inbt Tht pianîo fuiid ,A Mouster Cha.nnel Cat .Mesta John Griffin sud Wm Dunlop spvared a chauiel cat at Stortys mamaitOn Wr-dnesday, which fish veighed 14 Ibs. It was flot prtviously knovn that chanurl cat ~sto he found in these vaters, aud bt i.. nh.t ofteu that one so large ia caught ia any 1lI;Lt- AssemblY for 197 A nicet luz wds held on Tuesdov evening at toce Royal teotel, when it was decided to boit an absemiblv on the evening of Jan 7, îs97 Another meeting wi be heid to-night iMn1tit, ïor the selection of fHon Secret.ary and other officers. Alil interested are re- qtrested to attend. Wbose Hired Man? Tht Gazette delights ta speak of the editor of the CIRoNItcLE as Mmr. Henderso's hire- Iîti, alîhotîgh the publisiera ai this journal 'ec eq di p arttiers in its o ners ip . r. few t-n s certanly hi. ies hired man, e nig to run ber paper, and ane vould rond er that a man who is no open ta <is re- 'tort vould be tht first ta tahk about hime- linga. Not only this. Mir Newton had ta become lis vîfe's bired man because et the mi igrable 'sianders he had heaped upen hig lily respected men. Haviug thue made a clear field he ia daatard enougli te ibel men lke Postmnaster Macdonald, of Brookhla, and then v rite ta them bluntly that h. lbas tinga au fixed that tbey canet gel at him. Has <is man neither senne te keep quiet whilst living lu a glass lieuse, non ehame to make hîm seek a hiffing place wbcn ex- posed ? A Spiendid Fake. There was an old device of burflifg Oneps arm with drugsaai'd then traveling through the country solicitlng alma wlth the Inflamed arm wrapped Ln a slckeang 480b of vawe- line. Great sympathy wassO~rredtip 4MlODÇt unwary people by these awtUl displays, sna most people would give the beatra quarter %0 get hlm out of slgbt. When firet we lisar of this fate it was rçported that tue'bandaged arm was a false oe, the naturiarS p bbolo bound to the body' closey, 'We 4eIu«t01DC te have the aIse arm of theunext fellow who came along with one, and to lay .itby 'lotr-a ralur &dY wben we would carry Ont a l<Ig' cherisbed hope of makinga trnptoSothr ÎCslornia, t1510¶ k to defray re0 -âkIOng th-îwajj0yà One. ay a fellow camp aloang pitti n&.dwhen h. bared hie band, 'a we g poe>w lp It auth *ho4Of, u'te fand that If WCg*th t ene lac cubatars Hatch chickena by the hundred. Hot water incubators made ta order in îoo, 200. .oo and coe egg capacity. W. H. NEWBERY, Whitby. Ont Notice ta OffpeentU of Cava We are requested ta intimate that ail who igned the petitian against cows being shlow- ed to mun at large will meet et the ceuncil chamber next Monday night Ioaoppa-.. Coun. ScottIs motion, of which he bas given notice, which aima at burking the vote, in favor of which a motion vas passcd samne veeks ago. 1' is rumnored that some counciiors are trying o work a trick upon the peapie lu this mat- ter, and those'iaterested are requested ta at- tend the council on Monday ngbt and se" how it is proposed ta bîîrk the vote, and who s responsiblie for the scheming. Selni drink ta Spt&cated Men. County Attorney Faieweil. Police Magis- t rate Harper and License Inspector Fergus- on vent out to Port Perry on Wcednesday to act i their respective capacities in prosecut. ing Hotelkeeper Robert Brown, Seagrave, for selting liquor to a man who vas drunk ir. jno. Nott J. P., presided. It vas the case of McLean, or Manilla, who died re- cetitly at Brown's botlt hilsi on a booze. There was anoher man named Wilkinson had joined McLean in the drunk, but who escaped with his lite. Brown was fined $io and costs for seliig the final drink ta Me- Lean, but the prosecî'tion tailed in Irving Io convict him af an sttempt on Wilkiasen's le. Lawyer Haverson, salicitor for the Li- censed Victuailers' Association, appeared or the defenasmt, and declared his intention to appeai againat the decîsion under whtcb the fine vas infiicted. Prahably Mr. Haver'îan feel.. thüzt 8So is too mucb to charge the liquor intersts for kiliinq a man, or maybe he thinks a hotel keeper should be rewarded ln- s;tead af ined for gi ving a man who spends luis ime drbnking enough liquor t., rid the wotId of hlm. Iftthis be bis theorv m.'st of us car' aZree wth Mr. Haverson ; but to be consistant this clever and genial lawyer mould have to admit that Brown should be fined for not kiiling the other. man. Part Whitby Jottingt. Good skating ou the bay. Wm Rooke bas gone ta Portland, Me., to take a position on tht G. T. R. people are rccoverlug rom the cifect of tht Rcheol meeting. A report vas ciîrculat- ed that tht meeting vas o ff and cnseq utat- ly many vere disappaintcd at net beiag tbere. Wm Puys hotel at tht station is nearing completion. Very uearly ail the outside work ia finisbed. The inhide viii be ready for paintbng by the Nev Year. Mr Foy viii move ina aut Feb tis MrnJno Taylor journeyed an Mondar bo- vwarda tht North Pole. - e tbink bis destiu. ation vas Uxbridge. We hope he viii re- <urninl time ta complete tht manufacture ai bis mnucli talked of vinged baloon. Tht somth yard a-un club intends holding a monater shoot on Xmas day. 3oo bimds have been secured, and, primes vili be given for the beat siseatiats. Tht match is foi menibers ai the club or for persons vbc have neyer talken part in a match bcfore. The Tiacombe Club. Onie night asat week the abonve namec club held an assembly, vhich vas attende< by the "'bboresI of the noble yard. %,l Jno Taylor. thevorthy peresident, vas mas- ter ai çcremonice and in a neat speech madeckflovnthat Uithebospitality ai tht club vas eztended toalal. The <un t.hen com- men.ced. Program - Mtonth urgan salo vhich vas accompanied bp a refrain of four dogs vho can't stand it, H Sarles; pigeon ving figurés and claga. Bovaet Pearson ; tubacco'chewing coatest between ail tht members of the club, van by Alf Perry. vho abolisbed a ten cent piug in zj minutes i0 secondê ; essayon preianîty, lu. troducing severai b evformes, Nip Gibsan sang sud dance te griedstone acconipani- 1ment, Maorgan Goodviq card tricks, dw-ing vbicb a cuchre deck is swalloved and cou. jured (romu the fiames of a ted bot stove, Dunc. Watson ; imitations of spification, L.umm y Lawrence ; collection taken up b3 Billy Correl- Prestdent John Taylor clos. l1edthge meeting vltb a maledictioti. xî! Gmi fr.e1 dr. Geo. 8ter, mds last week. For clotbing of aU kinds try Ilergusen. Oysters served in up te date style at Reduced prices on aU Xwa*ogoeds at Més For choice robes aa&overcoats go te Per- Velvets. Vevets. Velvets at gc) et per box at Ted'. on Saturday. W. H. Piper keepe repaire fer ail klnds of pumps. He has the beat windmill for sale. Wells cleaned. ia percent discount un dress geodeansd 20 percent on bouta and ahoes, at E. R. B. Hay- watd'a, Saturday. Mfr H Meen. collectar of Whitby tevu. ahip, aays he wil have his roll conipletedl be ore J an itI As hie instructions are ta have it finisbed then, people in arrears- there are only a dazen or so-had better hurry up. On Tuesday lat a mishap oc.rurred which miglît have resulted disasterously to engin. eer Sam Siater, of Grosa and Granger's piaining factory. It seems tht in sornie mnysterlous manner the key came out of the crss head, -isconnecting it fiom the cou- necting rod. The steam passed into the top of the cylinder, driving the piston down- ward, and, tbere being nothingta check it. the bed and aonme other part of the engine were wrecked. Hereater it wil be advisable for ai par- ties, especially business .men, ta provide themnselvea wîth envelopes contaiuing their pninted naines, and instructions ta the post. master on the upper and le-t baud corner ofthei envelope, as under the new post office regulationa undelivere4 letters wili not in future be returned to th~e writer uiess 50 ordered by the printed inarue. tions lu the corne-r. Written instructions will not even do. We print auch as are te- quired at this office, cheaply and neatiy, and have on hand a large stock of envelopes. See Stephenson, W'hithv, or cbeap tickets to aud from England. Scotland. lreiand, British Columbia, Manitoba, Caîttornia, ai Uinited States and Canadiau points, any- whcrc, everywheie, boat, rail or accan. Rates guaranteed right. Througb tickets rom Pickering, Toronto, Myrtle, Brookiin and Whithy. For special Xmnas and New Vears tickets and through rates, also pupil%' and teachers' sc. -ual vacation rates and timne linibts, see Stephenîson, Telegraphic Express arîd Ticket Office, opposite Hatch Bros, WVhitby. 1A large mutton bill. Mi. Geo. Bight, from near Brooklin, vas sumrnoned betore Police Magistrate Harper hee on Saturday afternoan last, on a pecul- iar charge, that of being the owner oC s dog which had worred the sbeep of a neighbor. Mr R j Michael. Ou the morning of Aug, 3rd idr John Neshutt vas awskened by husti- ing sounds as if bis arra stock vert raciug round the premises. He woke bis son John. who took up his gun and thc two vent out 10 sec what vas up The nigbt was dark, but they soon tound that Uic trouble vas in Mr Michaci's field acrosa the road. Upon going over there tht>' heard Michati's sheep runningz up a-i dowvn, but could not see what vas wrong. The>' feit certainî the arli- mals were being pursued by dogs, Soon the running appeared to stop, aud aller lis- tening for a time the Netsbitts started 10 go home again, when the chase was reneved. Tht sheep soon ran alonc near thtm sund thev sav a dog pursuiug, wbich young Nes- bitt downed with a discharge of bis gun. The dog mianaged to crawl away in thc dark, but the runrîing ccased, and the men started for homne. Next mornting îey visitcd the place aud ound where the dog had cravled througb the ence, but vas not yet dead. The>' gave it another charge of lead to finish t, and proceeded to examine Michael'a dlock. Two sbeep vcre found dead, four others badly worried, and une slightly hurt. Michael vas sent for, and he touk the dog's c&rcass to Bigit, wbo acknowledged it vas b is. and when told about the sbeep said be supposcd there would be a bill of damages to psy. hiessrs John Nesbitt and John Morrison, tvo leading (armera, vete secured to estimate the damage donc, and set ît at $27. Mr Bigih demnurred at payiug thia, as he ftt that this dog atone could not bave donc so much harni. anid <bat he sbould net pay the vhole 0< the dam age. Michael taok fthe ground that nobody had heard or seen more than one dng cbasîtîg the sheep, and rthat ts owner vas responsibie for ail. Upon 9hcar-bng the evidence and arguments on bath a ides. the magitrate gave iudgment againat r Blight for $27 and S'.gt coats. John Bail DDov for pîfi; James Rutledge for delt, r ki r b ey 5- N«tosntEw SfeCnty ConneS Thre nominatiomis for the election aof<lie new-fanglcd couuîy ceuncil viii take place thremgheut the Province on Mbnday next at noun, a veck aniier than the urdiuary nmun- <cipal vninations. 1Whltby tovu sud Whitby towuship comprise the second rlec-, tien district ef the couuty, and fer diii dis trict the nominations vïii' le held lti he tovu hall here. Mr -Rose jobuston béiug the returnLug officer. E9ébi ef thé seveti 41- tricts ofithe county viii -have two reprceù>It ativaa la the new :COUOy councwil., and il mont thas twesman ma ion electin lin on moidiff thtv:u tae placte t tht, sanie tInte and at teaie place$ as the- alertrviibveIovotes and ay eidhi ceit theW .for ont catdldtehbynmakig tvo trosses opposite -bis ,naîne, -or - May Vauefor ivo o(the candidates, glving -theone u vote, tacli.Tht cnnu ctvncU o çe elected Suspended frain the connection. For a month or tva past Ihere has been talk throughout the coaty of trouble ha- tvecu Rev J H Mallett of Scugug and tht other clergymen ai this district, and those w ho liise a bit of >candai have been looking mysteri.>,us sud carrying etories bu vhibpers. Èr. Mailetbas beeu up nôtth buutiug fat several veeks, and on Friclqy lait he vas cited Wgfre a tribunal or methodist clergy- men aI Part Ferry. He has been baving trouble vith the cannection for a year or two, and bis fatherlei the churcli becase bis ideas did not accord vith those of the churcli. As we understand it there la a drap eifIree methodist blood mized vith thr.oden ted liquid that courses îbrougb the arteries of the Mallets. They are loud aboutera of the camp meeting claie, sud are said te fayot prostrations and other <nee methedfisi en- iormaîîces. Young lM alleIt of Scugog l said te be a verycitevrand aanffst youing man,-and ater spendiag a vear at Scugog vas sent back there lait, une, but oeyafter nxucb tribulation. "The feelhingin confëtVemce vas lu laver ýof-rahisng hlm, sm tht. ýbase- bail plavere sayand. *bearing, ths-be h ad kai constralned te send l is neu io. vhich heplacedluni-bauds et eNvrThoOs, K4annlng, of Whitbv. - fr. Kaunng'touIl kt bestt'give -Mr. - sfrtanethtr tr=iai,,n Scugof vwas attacbied -19%)Whitby -for the tinte elg.liorder -that Mr. Mazmingm4blt superV ismn. ietswr This W.. In lune Sat, buft t ooiy took Mr aaiu short tinte Ii-> ld ouit tM- he could flot mIati- Corne in L4. For robes and boi se blapa ne$ are aI Pergnson'15. E. R. B. Hayward speciai cash Cu, on Saturday wilI just help yen out. mli and see aur Happy Home and other Ranges. Stavepipes îac. oer link. Wm. BrYqn & Son. 52-3 in. A entertainiment wil be given by the Sun- day achool of the methodist tabernacle on the evening of Friday, New Year's day. A goodprogramme wiil be furni-ahed and the children of the achool will receive holi- day presents. There will be a reguiar meeting of the town council next Mondav, which wull be the last of the year. A change in the law prevents the council holding a wnding-up meeting ater new years, as has been the custom heretofoire. Sheriff Paxton, High Constable Calverley aud Court Crier Fairbanks visitcd Canning ton on Monday to officiate at the election trial. Their services were required for only hait an bour whilst their lordships were pasigjudgement by cancent in favor of bodiiga new election. Next Monday the nominations for county counctlors fur the Wbitby district will take place at the town hall tere at t o'clock p.m. There are two mnembers ta elect, neither of wham las eligible for next vear's town or township cauncil. The town nominations takte place a week from Monday at 7.30 P -tmT- BE SURE TO SEE OUR SIL VIER WÂICE jdoz. Teaspoons,- - 15c. ý. doz. Teae;poons, - -25c. Sdoz. Forks, - - 2c Children's Sets, - -2e Jewel Cases, - - 2e Butter Knife and Sugar Shel! 25C. Silver Teapot, - - $2.50 Silver Sugar BowI - $'2.25 Be Sure To Fancy Xmas Goods. See our New Linen Doylies at 5c, 8e, 10 each. New Table Napkins and Table Cloths just to hand. Aprons in white and colored, 25c. New line Gents Ties, Silk llandkerchiefs, Caps, at very Iowest price& C. EF. STEWLARTr XMAS WEIIrTRYm :ANNOUNCEMENT. Being heavily overstocked, we have decided to make very SPWCIAL REDUOTIONS IN pEIOZB 11ntil Jan- 18t. You will find a large and varied assortnment to select your gifts frorn, in FÀ4NCY GOOD$, 'TO YS, GA MES, BOOKS and NO VEL TIES, also a fine selection cf Raphael Tach & Sons' XMAS CA4RDS and CA4LENDERS, (the fineist in the wcrld,> and the Priea are Light. Corne early as the choicesl articles are lessening every day. Bargains will be the order of the day for Holiday Shoppers. your wants, and wish ail aur friends and patrons a Merry Xmas 1Subscriptions for 18969 and a Happy New Year. DEV'ERELL'S BLOCK9 BROOK ST. any Newspaper or Magazine for the New Year at Publishers prices. CH RISTM-AS WilIis' Medieîa-l .~TE~IS .18978 Hall f Wi11 be one of Bargains or J. ýWe are Offeýring111dan,~t 't ~We Iouru !ocuma. Tonsorial M.O0RE 'f ochoai Couuty rgaa.-Larg"8tCIctul&-1 fi. «, t etroniclt. au of HAll For the Collegiate Entertainment next esay evenii'g, optas at Allin's drugstore as Friday morning at 8.30. Reservzd ats 25 cents. -f Clark'& Lectue A muost delightfui evening was spent on ondav listening to Prof Clark's charmng k on Kingsley'&s Water Babies.'" The arned lecturerer treated the book in its legorical sense, remaking that it argu- ent in this age appealed to religions lufe did the Pilgrim's Progreas to that of the xteenth century, o for Xmas at Home 1 . i 1 Tu thti Sem Prc tai les al Hc 1 1 1 1 New Blach New Table Lineù. See our Table Napkins Men's Braces, reg 50c, Sat.

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