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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 5

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.Duu'a bh.moemd arbering Mmorâ thEotaythe, Michigan, is here Un,. Thomma . Thomspon, cf Toronto, is bête vith biends. Ums. F. George, of stouffnihle, is bore w1th lier brother B. S. Paimdr. hMr. -ad Mus. B. Russell, of Sndford, ,vere in the villiago on Tnesday. ""iCharles Gibbons bas been indisposd \Ça few da". but is >vw much better. s0C&rOCey vigited town thin week. Ho in looking splendid, and much welcomed by frienda. Miss Â. Burgesa has been quite il] with an attaok of inflammatioti. She is on the mend again. Mrs. Middieton is recovering from ber recent severe illnesa. M. Forsyth viii sbortly commence a course in the Toront.o business col!ege. W.J. Graham and Albert Raweon wr in Whîby last veek acting on the jury at the Quarter Session. King bas the town sewer fairly urider way. He wiahes to delay the frosî for some days in order la reach a finish. Dalgetty & Bhackwelh are 'buving horsos. Tbey viii malte severai trips bero during tbe vinter. CGel your borses ready. John W. Graham bas purchased Caleb Forsyth's teaming outfit and viii operate the smre bereaf ter. Caleb taike of going to Kirkfield for the vin uer. Hockey in ahi the talk bore among the a. The first praclice vas enjoyed in *nov rink on Wednesday and a spien- did trne vau had. T1he formation of a league is nov geing hopefully disoussed. John Graham, the livery moa, has Beourod the mail contract betwuen the village and the station and viii com- mence bis duties in that connection on the let off the year. Thomas Gibbons hais had the contract for years. The program thal Mr. Loeaper baFs draftod for 1.1s rink ls something like ibis: Curling Tue-day, Wodneaday and Friday niga~ts ; Hockey Monday and Tburaday nighî, and skating Saturday nigbt. A camaivah wiil be held jusî as soon asne hesîbaer wyul permit. Watcb for particulars by buis. Harry Sîorey, of Picton, bas purchâsed the splendid Clydesâsle "McCuaker,' from Grabam Brus.. and had bîm sahip ped from Pickering satation one eveningist veek. "The Royal Standard," a spien did Clyde that bas won wberever shovr, vas aWs sold by tbis enterprising firm luo a syndicate at Beaverton. Roth borsea brougbt fancy prices. The Graham boys- bave disposed of a numherr of fine ani mals duriag tbe past few veeks.-Nevs Mat Wht by Couacit. Met Monday, Dec. 7', 1896. Communications read from 1. F. Grrierson re taxes on Mallett'ý boue, and from tieo. E Mowbray askiag reliat of dog tax for Chas. Stone. Orders were aZranu- ed on theti.-asurer for th-- fo!Iowng : 23 valut sheep killed bv dogs --J 1B Alu'n $6 50, JAý G-'rrard $3 33,John Perriman $5 33 Expenses of commiluee pu'c'îasine cedar, $8. Indigents- Jas Hobis $3. Mnrs urZoyne $3. *aRrv Mc Cartby 03, Mrs j1r)îngle for j Abraham 82 50 Roads and bndg-- ino Bance 56c, )no H imil ton $2. Dd Cale $ia, Jn HaIIoWuil $2. Thot S0eop $22 25, Thos Campbiell Soo, Jis McNeally $18 25, (Ieo Thomas $2 50, Geo Brock $5 5o Fred Glover St 3o, R Beatty $3 42, Thos Guy 85. R Kerrigan $20 75, JnIo Lee $5 Wni Ha) 5oc, A Farewell $2 40. Wm SWItcl'r $7 80, Phl Harper $3, jas Htrper $533 Wm Purves $2 . OA4by-iaw sas paiased tin approprusue tbe inierest accru:ng f rom munîicipal boan fund ta scbools and union schoohl of the muaucpality. The fatlovîng wer.- 4ppoinied depuuv reiurning nIfficers for thee cîu9intzut îni- cipal dlections.ý E Welbourne, G E Mlowhray, F Coleman Finîl L G Drev. The namie of Jas Baxter was placed on the --olec,rs r(-l for zo acres af lane, lot 17. con 2. fur $400, uhl- same beintz ommitted from asseesment roù. A n-hate Yarded Hens. When the beris have their liberty tbey wiil not oniy bave more exercise, but will also secure a portion of their food. The point yuil be ta leamu bow flot to feed, that is, bow 10 avoid giv- ing t00 mucb. Pouitry nmen are usu- ally kînd to tbeir bens when t'bey take an interesl and pleasure in poultry, and cannot resisitbe temptation to feed 'hein more tban should be given, and h~ey fail 10 make a distinctioni between ~ens in confinmeut and those having a range. By observing the flock it will be easy t0 judge of the requirements of the hens. If they should lave been able ta pick up a large share of food, tbey wîhi bave fùlI crops or partially so, and tbey migbt bave eateo and diges- ted quite a quantity during the day, consequeatly the meal at nigbî sbould bechight, aotbing being -given theim at night. Whitly Town Loomia. Take Notice and pay up, - We bave been compelled te unake costa for-a lot of delinquent subscribers, and vill do the same wius ail the others vise are be- hi0d. as fias. e vecan errante to-attend court. This appears ta, be the osly vay of making saune people pay, snd ve have ire-, -.luciantly adopied it. No person wbe oves us a vear's subscrîpthoti or more need be surprised ai receiving sumnmonses te attend thse division court. The South Ontario Farmers' Instituts -wîll-- hold . meetings ai Port Perry on Dc. - ,2o .~aand ai lktao ec qd i9t and A llott, Gaht -8ee Pro- efor partictilars. ,oSXhC oereln radst lî dlean and weil kept. The detention fo lengtbened periods in the gaol of tbose viii ,4re insane is to ble. deplored, as it no doubi diminiabes, the prospect of restoration o sncb persons 10 a condition of sousd minc and tends to aggravagaie the unfortunaiq circumstances in wbicb ibey are found. Wi cannot too strongly urge thai Provincial au ihorities increase tbe accomodation ho lbg Asylumi for Insane persons to sucb a degrem as to tender sucb detention in ihe gaols ut aecessary in ihe future. -The present syster af the aged and infirm indigent is also in ou opinion a blot upon tle good name oftbi county whicb stands so bigb 1inits altentiol to methods of bducation and religion, andi ia our hope that slepa be takren irnuediateli by tbe council to maire provision f r a refugi for this portion of the communify. Wi would also in ibis. connection urge ihat tbi vouthful criminals who may fj'om trne tg timne be detained in ont gaol be so separateq from old ofienders against the law thu tbey cannel be forther educated lw-a Arte of vice; anid ibat by sncb separation and th, treatment tbey rpay receiue4urîng4he ehoir terni for incarceration berne ibey may b saved so fat ast, possble froîn turiber des=t loto crime. - We deu'a o iDo-frurcongikt ltlons to your honc>r upon the oceaaln g your elevation to the office of sole juzdge0 this eunt-v whilst ai the same trne e ideq ly regret thai ibis elevation bias been brougi about by thse deatt of -Hls, Uoor Jude Bu nisani wbo for, ,$0epsny'-Ye ars '*dctrn thé beiucbnd mai i4e lf e)espece.d ani beloved iv this- commtinûty. Txéàu GaàAxe4 Forornui, Whitby, Dec. gUi, z&,% xéw*thé 1 gppo8v4 the lm a= (Conhs.sued from I aise. Qus'en vs. Thoinpao.-Indctineut fo aud. Thé main- particulars of thisi' case iere given lasi week, but may be repeated mit is tmportant, end te we liad an Impor- tan error in it. Jos. D. Thomupsou was a tnant on Mrs E -Rtichatdson's fartu on the base hiuc west Of Port WhiîbY, si $326 per annum. In i895 le bad amre dlfficulîy pay- ing the rent, and bad t0 give a chattel mort- gage for part of it. whicb was ieoi ail paid until ibis stqmmer. Reit day Sept. ist, and It was notlced tbat i'bompson was dispolrig if bis property before that date in 1896. The firsi part of September (ell on Sunday morning Constable Calverley went with a mndlord's; warrant to disîrain fog the reni, but found there was bsrctly, anytblng to seize. The live stock had been sold or else rembved:; the grain bad been ail sold except iome that couid not be harvt sted afnd sold before Sept isi, ad thai vas left standing in the field unbarvested ; the implements were nearly ail misslng. The bailiff aaw ai once thai Thompson had prepared for bis coming. and upon interviewing Thompon in the pre- senice of Mr R Richardson was informed that Tbompson claimed $170 damages bc- cause a nehghbor's caîtie lied crossed the rnarsh and injured his crops during the dry season, and that he would only psy 8150 of 'he$32torent. Thingsstood this way for îwo o- three days. during wbîcb limne Thompson sent John Grayer, a neig'bor, to Mrs *Ricb- ardson to offér ber $u5o for thîs year's rentai provided she would ailow Grayer u) have the farm another year for $2oo, with Thomp- son ta reside on 11. This she refused and hctd Tbomipson arrested. At the triai before the magistrate Thomnpeon testified in bis own behaf, and adm,îîted that lie had disposed of his grain and chaîtels in order to be able tu dictate hie own terms to hie landlady, and Up 10 the trne of ibis trial bas made no ef- foi to seuile wlîb ber. Jr la not even set Up n bis behal duel be paid any other débits with the money lie reaiized by sacrificing ai his grain and challels hn sucli a hurry ai ridiculously low prices. The de(ence was that R. Ricbardson, wlio acted as Mrs. Ricbardson's agent, had agreed to ix thne rence aiong the mnarah wbere the catlle got in and bad negzlected to do so, end iliat Thomnpson bad a right 10 expeci a rebate in the rerut as damnages. This R. Richardson denied, and Mrs Vansickier, defendant', sister who resided in tbe bouse wiîb bim, ad- mitted that she never heard of the claim for damages until afier the rent was due. Iii arguiniz the case before the jury defendani"s counsel set up the plea that tbis wart simplv a case of invoking the law 10 coilect rentais. to offset wýhicli the county attorney asked what hi-tuer mneans could a mani taire 10 de- frrud bis landlady than Tbompson liad done. The jury was onily out baif an bour and brougbi in a verdict of guilty. Defendant'e counsel appiied for an appeal on the ground baât the verdict vas flot it accord vîlith he weight of evidence, but bi% bonor refused, and remanded Thompson tili Dec. 220d ffr sentence, when bis sentence wiii probably lie Iig hier if ie lias in the meantimne made resti- tution 10 Lira, Richardson. Farewell Q C, for crown ; Boultbee for defendaDt. Queen vs. Cockerbam. Itidictment for criminal assault. Defendant is rallier au uncoutllloking young -nan lately out fromn Engiand and mtli wearing a broad i ortb oi Engiand accent. In 1895 lie worked as farm tielp witb a (armer nemed Cinuamon, souili ,-f Oshawa, ai wbîch place a Barnardo girl was beini' raised. In January. 1896, several *nonths afber Cockerham Ieft Cinanons. Mrs Clu namon notîced that the Barnardo girl would soonbecome a moiber, and she quesîioned ber about mnaltera. The girl said it was Coclterhem's work, and upon mnoie minette questioning the girl said that tbe first breacb of propriety belveen then had been on a Sunday in Julv, î89,5. wheti during thte absence of the resi of the family Cockerhani lad put bis hand on lier persan ;td liad torn ber dresa during thie aîruggle Afier tbet ihey grew intimâte, but she liad lcepteverytbing secret. Ayouniginan namedi Moihersili, who beard of ibese revelations vent lu Cockerhanm ard warned hiro 10 skip out, but the latter declared bis innocence, sayingtbat it vas onlv a trick ta frighten Pau.la ubo 5Me, et Proxpll RelIevod r" Cduo The Il&L" is.Ï bdlm LU& redby co 1Niotu.L tQ eCloff O Our - (T1oo lae fr Miss Ida Millirter bas ber home on Scugog after spen- few days with (riends in this commui. ity. Miss Sarah Tripp is the guest of Miss Katie Moon. Miss G Stevens sperit Sunday with ber sister, Miss F Stevens. Mrs S Sleep has returned f rom To- ronto after waiting on her daughter, Mrs J Gondy. who was ill with dip- theria, but who, we are pleased to say, is fast improving. Mr j- Brown has invented and buit a sort of machine for cooking feed for bis numnerous bogs. It is just what farmers need and if you cal) upon Mr Brown at his home on Tbursday after- noon he wilI be pleased to show it to you. We regret to state that one of our enterprising faitmers, Mr John Bol, met with a serious accident recently. It appears that he was on bis grainery, pitching off corn. when a loose board board became misplaced. On account of bis poor sight he unfortunately did flot see this, and fell through. falling with his sîde upon a beam, causing him to break one of bis ribs. We. Curran, 5 lb. for . 4 IL for 3 l b. for Sultanas 10c. California iRaisins Table Raisins from 15e. up. '25C. '25C. .Sie/led A/nonds go c/s. Site/led J'Jabiln/s go c. alb ORANGESP LEMONS) GRAPES, FIGSS DATESe ETC.) WALN UTS, FILBERTS, ALMON DS, BRAZILe PEAN UTS5 PECANS, l:ýe Prices. of Above Down Low, M~ATIIIS0N FOR THE Going for a Package of Candies-e" -GIVEN WITH -rA.~. 10c. Bottle of Perfurne. "ýD, Get In The Swim - And ask for RDGECR & GALLET'S PRIEHPERFUMESCF, in Bottle or Bulk. Tbey are the best. Hereafter -we wi11 handie ONLY the best, and will now selI SEELEY'S at reduced prie to clear. You Will Have to Figure- hope le may soon be able 10 work aga ine Our supper was a decided success. ever>tbink wenî off well, and we bad a good attendance. Proceeds about $70. Our Sabbatb Scbool bas made ar- rangements for a righî royal good lime on the evening of Dec 25. Partic- uhars ater on. Z&PUYIK Mr. Ed. Cbristie of Utica vas in the viliage on Sunday. Mr. E. Shuttleworîh of Batbgate Ne De, bas roturned to bis home near bore. Mr. Jas. Francey, of Sandford, vas vipiting bore ast veek. Mr. R. Harman is avay this week on Jury st the asaizes in Whîtby. Miss Lulu MacLeod of Uxbridge, bas retnrned to ber home bers. Miss Williamson of Aurora vas visiling hast veek, at tle home of Mr. J05. Bell. Miss L. Balfour las reauîned charge of ber department of the publie sohool since ber recent ihînesa. Mr. W. J Kester is in the field te reprç-sent Highlands Division in the Oounty Council. 4is far as ability and experience go vo ara sure no botter man could be selected for the position. Mr. Kester vill receive a large support froîn his unany frionds. The market bas nov got fairly startod witl a good staff of buyers, aod if the produco ibat bas corne in every Tuesaay in the patis a forocast af vbat the futurs viii be, At is going to b. a decided Succeas. The Ladies Aid gave a tea at the home of Mrs. J. N. Dafoe an Wednesday, Dec.' 2usd. Died, at ber home north of ho re, on Saturday, Dec. 5, Mes Wm. Kay, agea 42 years. The funoral was held on Mon- day, Dec. 7, to, the Churcb of Engiand oemetary, Sotton West. Rev. Wm. Reid, cf the Preabytorian churol, intends baving a series cf ser. mons te young men, preached by differ- eut prorninent ministers. SOL1INA. We are very sorry to announce the death of Mrs C Hill, of Streetsville, The body vas brought to Oshawa sta- tion on- Tuesday. The funerai took place to Eldad cemnetary on Wednes- day, and was largely atîended. She leaves a lusband and rhree smaii chil- dren. The famnily have the entire sympathy of the' whole commnunity in their bereavement. The big contest at the Solina Div. bas corn menced. Hoskin and Westlake have just ii ished a mosn successful season's thiesh iog. Quite a number from' here attended the Grand Lodge S O T ai Whitby on Friday last- Mr W A Tom is in Cobourg this week on the jury. BO TTLES, LAMPS, mE ~-C.mi ensd Druggist, iWhithy, h i~ r. .Tsylir, k CHRI82tMA8 +G00Db. Sée our Goods. and get- our Prices beore buying elsewlwhre. GEL.± E. Ili-, CHEESE. Pepsin. McLaren's Iru~ Fine two year old, Canadia. Chris3tie'. Bi3scuits 0F ALL KINDS. Always fresh. Choice Hams and Bacons.' Choice hue o-f Fanoy Cups and Sancers and other Novelties for Xmas presents. uEROS. £CHILDT ENV!1TI ETC. Raisins. 5 lb. for 25c. 4 lb. for 25c. 3 lb. for 25c. away down to beat our prices for PIPES, HlAIR BR USIIES,. MIRRORS, TOILE T

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