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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1896, p. 8

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-v -- =~ ,at Lower Prices than any store e smnallest price, we neyer hesitate ta make room in our patrons the fulli'worth of their money-and more. nave priced them surprisiflgly' Iow. Including: clear, close buying will give our regular stock, But in harmony with of several popular and useful fines of 0-Qr- T0 Tons oria I iEi C 1: e Lou Bani you a our ever- goods for ,£ts for the Home. iPresents for Gentlemen. Presents for Ladies. Officiai County oQ tian of any loi -$1.50Oto 4.50. - 60e. ta 3.-00. -$1.50Ota 4..50. 350. ta 1.25. î ~ 5c. ta 2.00. - 10e ta 50e each. 25e. to $1.25. -25c to $1 per yard, Men's Suits fram Covers in Fauey Plush and Chenille framn 75o ta $1 50 ta $2.50. 60c. to $3.50. 2 5e. to $ 7 00. Men'a Men' s Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's M en 's Men's Men's Men 's Men's Men's M en's 'Table Covers, Tapestry,- Table Claths, Damask, - Curtains, Lace, per pair, froua Curtains, Damask, per pair, froin Table Napkins, per daz., Marseilles QuiJts, in ail sizes, from Linen Tea Cloths, from- lloneycamb Bed Spreads, froua Linen Tawels in flue qtiaities, Linen Tray Covers, at Fine White Table Linens, tram SATURDAY Ladies' Beaver jackets, in brown andi B3lack, regular selling price $4.50, price $3,50, Overcoats, froua Pants, from - Clath Caps, from Fur Caps, frani Wool Gloves, fram Kii Gloves, from Lined Gloves, tram Neck Scarfs, Shirts, unlaundered, Lauudered Shirts, at Linen Collars, Linen Handkerchiefs SiIk Umbrellas, Silk Handkerchiefs extri Men's Wmnter Underwear, per s« $3.7'5 ta $12-00. - 4.50 ta 12.00. 1. 00 ta 3.00. .25C ta 1.00. $1.50 to 16.00. 25e ta '60e. .50C ta 1.25. î 75c ta 2.00. -. 25e ta 1.00. ,a heavy weight, - 500,. - 75o to 1.25. 1-2jc ta 20c. - 10 ta 25C. $1.50O 2.50. : 2.5e ta 1.50. mit, 1.00 ta 4.50. MANTL 1Ladies' Tweed Jackc latest style, regular pric( Saturday' s JACKETS-60 ohoice, Winter Jackets, al this season's styles, from Siik Handkerchiefs, from Pure Linen HlIandkerohiefs, fromn Kid Claveis, froin Fur Ruifs, from- Fur Muifs, from Colored Dress Goods, per yard, fromn length, froua Silk Embrellas, fram $50to $10.00 15C ta 1.50 15C to 25C 25e to 1.25 2.50 to 5.00 1.00 ta 10.00 - 12jc to $5.00 to 10.00 1.50 ta :3.00 Ladies' White llerstitched Handkerchiefs, 5e eaeh or 6 for 2.5e BARGAI N ýts, large sleeves, L price $4.50. se. .adies' Tweed Jackets, regular price $8.oo, silk velvet col- Saturday's price $6.OO. A X'O RD, we have the highest class goods at the lowest pres WALTR Wbtby Town LoCaIS.A Word with AderMaa Smth. Concerts at the Gdllege. At the soiitb ward meeting on Frida>' No more delightful entertainer has night last Coun. John Smith made a grievous c-ver appeared under the auspices of thie lamnent bçcause of the taxes. He said he (>ntario Ladies' College than Miss La Dell, knew uotbing about the schools, but he be- who made ber appearance before a Witby ieved smre money could be saved by cut- audience last Friday night nt tbe Frances' ting down the salaries of the teachers. It Hall. Awoxnan whom nature has greatly seems to us that Mr. Smith bas about as giftrd, ber brunetttè beauty being of the litile to howl about on the score of school spiritual tvpe, -sligbt of figure, graceful intxsa n'mninttstw.Ldya c-very movement. and crowued with a head he paid Six tares to the collegiate ilistitte indicating intellectual glfts of the highest and had three pupils Ina attendance. The order, -ber nervous temperment readily farmers are mlighty scarce who can thus lent itqelf to the grapbic interpretation of a scr ihreuainfrtercide o tic-h and varied progrm of recitatians. To secure nhg educt oforthei rehidenifor sncb a charming personality. arrayed in cien ta natbig Plnt>'of thtar so edin 1 gowns of artistic appropriateness to t~ he lrnt u ibahola ota er pieces selected for the program, the rendi. 'yl$2w0pCT snnum. Mir. Emanuel Sleep wss1 tion of anytbing would naturafly carry itih another wealthy farmer of the south ward1 dt a favorable impression from such ma7i_ over wbom brin>' tests were shed because1 fe-4 advantages. When to this is added the !ie carmai e<lucate a whole faftiiy of school1 art of one of the best schools of elocution ma'ama for nexi to nothing. Do these men and oratory, that in Philadeiphia, in exist. w&iii the carth and the poor people ta, puy ance toda>', it will be readily conceded a for it ? As for Aid. Smith we wîll point out deliizhtful entertainment might be expcc- to him a littie plece orbuoitie,. <ba he does ted. Realization ran away beyond expec- know something about, wbhere he could ease1 tation. Miss La Dell was rapturously ap- smre of aur burdenmome taxes if he la plauded on ever>' appearance. In the ear- anxlous to do mo. He bas been cbalrmaua lierp art of the evening she graclousl>' res- over town officiais for yeorm, aMd at pond ed, but towards the last she denied trne couid have saved scierai bundre aof those whotn she was so greati>' leasing, dollars annually b>' reconstitinug the port-.. what evidenti>' was toa much to as k an 8r- folios. "Yet be bas nçver mmdc a move, but tist of such exquisite attaluments.-readi. bas been turnrng hie attention ta praying for nes" to tespond to ever>' request preferred belp from sources which he says bu; knawm for a second selection after each number on uathlng abouL t. tle no wand er he cannot the prograrn. Ilu mimielng the manner and sec exacti>' wbere money conld be saved b>' speech of eýhildren Mies La Dell was most the board of education, for there la a big adept Tbe 'Chaiot Race" from Ben Hur nioat i n bis cyt, the outgrowtb of years of showed ber dramatic power and eflergy. negleted dut>' on hie ow n part.. The reading fromn Griffin 's " Marjorie Gray" displayed ber commiand of the pathetic. The Tail with the 6kmn. The consumnmate art of ber marrying motion and music together as she did ini reclting At the south' ward meeting on Friday Th"e Stately Minuet" was altogether sadmir- inight Mr. Castje Fox made *t charge against able. Last of ail came the "Plastique Pas- the school board, of wbich-be s a member, ings. " These were the idcalized exprea- that it spent 82 ta advertisc in the two tawn .uosof cammon buman sentiments and papers forF tenders for two or tbret hundred 4sis.conveyed by meax's of the Del- dollars' worth af coal reqnlred by the board.- sartian movements, accompanied b>' music, Some menc in public office feel that the>' and each posing announced by an attend- caver thernselves witb glory when tbey jcw a ant, although that was entirely unnecessary, dollar out of the printet, who talks 'up the so eloquent were the delineations. Miss echools and-aUl other public institutions for La Dell is a woman of sufficient Pers5aa nothing the wliole yéar. How tua»> tirnes charme and artistic culture in ber skilîful during the vear do uur teachers and trusteesi recitati4'us of wicIely varied character to corne Into the newspapcr offices ta, ask them warrant tht warw est praise. Shou'ld i'he to write up sorne iterest af the achools. ever return toi Whitby tht public patronage The town papers are ail the time taIking np of tht entertainnient would certainly be the eStwt jWt rvn us cominensurate with thetraction. The t tnac on wh iew tlasofrulwi ouawd Ontario Ladies' College is ta be commen-datndabontwhicb camyaopiis wb Eerm ded for tht enterprise of engagiig s50 c-iret> ou tsols a >ereac h.eros complished and versatile an entertainer inythre nt a esooa i,",rservd t thuMpol Interspersed with Miss La Dell'a numbersbyttewaerndespoeM.Fo were apiano solo, 'MadiKl," hymise thinkathet tatIgons it iithe hiàdé- Suâ thit Ada Snsder and vocal solosby glas Uc- the.advriifg of thé board àh*u14 ;op le Ammond, iss 1Udtb Thomas, ms me- frec with-the régi. 'A mn'is la mdUp tur, Carty, and Miss Amy Wilson. 'riese were subjet to diecusa at s public Meegng of bis given with great acceptance ta the audlience awn callhig whenic cannot fidbotter tub- wbo insisted in the case of escb lperformer jects than tht pctty àccluts bronglitbeo tupon an encore, but thet mie agkiapsi bis the soutit ward meeting b>' Ki. Fox. was rlgeronsiy ez*torvd, sud.~efsi q could OuI>' bow their a5i ýFlý0 ï1 Vot"Risd. Sqons. e flwspaper Snap& e. e*M) wfid fo mte-fer Couuty $z. The Wcu;kly Ésun, (nnrnIèrs $nnl. fte mtth;M? "" othe ibti.ouNCow 8 pages. cbiefly çoutrolled and edlted by vioe-tthe >,eoc e ofiIpmlity ofdthe Cous Pro. GldltaStntb Su TUZB%~UdLB Md mïupicpul c1ýrk a 1d u4 0 ; R Pages ai couUt>' -sev., lu 80i'16 paa eg A êro pqnaIlfedqIiau Ié wtekly, for $i tais»n. r, 18g. as e $t.2s. 1i4e Wqekly. Clobe, 16 papgam ou CunUbêI lwê genr~lu..*ekI~ adT CUOUlL C ' 1 td1P1iOoI snd 1 kt Id*ba S2. Thte$.turdmy Maill.2mplr., '4 $q* ý jllustratedi tht eey*ll!r* uiisate.ém f t, r. B m Qddfellows' Coflcgtmte Concert. The collegiate concert on Taxsday everi, ing, the 2211(1 nsL, promises ta be ont of tht most pleasing enttrtalunetst given b>' the. literar>' societ>' for many years. The pro- gramme in addition ta ring, durnb-bell. club and rifle exercises will contan a japanese wedding, japanese fantastics and a miliatry equestrian tournamnent. The wbole wilbe given with Calcium iight cifecta. Admission x,5c. ; rescrved seats soc. extra. Plan opens ai Allin's drug store, Fridry morning, Dec. ith, ai 8.3o. Heur>' & Puine>', the leading pbotograph-' ers ai Oshawa, arc makirag their finest photos io .per cent. lower tha» the lowest prace an ibis viciait>'. This is a rse chance for Whitby people as tht>' are tht ver>' test photos and every one guarantced nonta fade. Miss Kate Fiera», who bas bec» visit-. ing ber cousin, Miss Kate Murray, has returncd to ber borne ira Toronto. 1We intend holding a Christmas tre Christnmas night. Mr' John Ainsworth is building a new saw illii. Mr John Middieton, of North Or- illa, paid a flying visit last Wednesday 1.0 bis bis isterb Mrs T Kennedy. was beld last Friday at Chas Speiran's. ht is with deep regret that we record the deatb of an old and highly resPect- c-d citizen of Mare i ti person of Mr. Chas. Fox. He was buried lest Mon-- day at the atone charch.1 Beaverton. Misa Lena Doyle lett' hast week foi Toronto, wbere skie intenda to renmu The meeting tbat was held lust St- urday in the R. C. school xcSultp4 in nearly an unanýj"ou vote ini avo-,6 two teachers for the whole 0f-the'e suing year. Thée tongues of somne R the start of thcfr brma, but on tbe whole it passed off very nicely. Mr. Willie Wilson bue gone toi Elirn- vaic, În, tht county of Simcoei t im bis parents agnd-friends. Albert Baochas on àt tVISi to tiiW , acdto~iby f EYEI<ISKILLZN. Skating on the Boyne Water mijl pond is the recreation enjoyed by the young people at present.. The choir of the Methodist church are preparing choice selections for the Blackstock tea on Xmas. Mr L B Williams is pursuirng bis studies in Bowmanville bigh school. We wish him success. Miss Mary Virtue of ibis place, bas been engagt.d to teach in Purpie HiU sehool. a> an increased salary. Mr Wm > Moroney bas returned from Toronto, where he has been cngaged in railway work. Mr Jno Cowling and family, Cart- wright, have rernoved to tht Hanna lestate. A number of our sports were suc- cessful in bagging considerable gaine on Moraday lest. Mr j j Virtue is acting* in the ca- pacity of Grand juror, at Cobourg. Mr Jas Webber, Mr Wesley Webber and family, left for Manitoba on Tues- dlay Last. Rev S G Rorke visited at Peterboro on Monday last. @aouffl xVU Miss Cora Doten bas ýrcîurned to oui' tuidst-agein. Miss Jessie Nighswander is bomne after spending a few weeks in the city- with Mrs A B Colins. R. Hoovcr, inho has bec i-M for some timàe is rapidly rècovcring. Wi sympatiîzcwith Mr.* a nd MPrs, Wm. Booth over U i nessof, t eLr da-ughter. Miess Anme, sund oe* ~Wi. Soa reçovçf. Xueda e.un-g i- Building, Ready Whitbyg for Ohristmas WHITBY'S BOUI AND MUSIC STORE, With a large selechon of the newest novelties iu Fancy (3eluloid aud Brasa Goode, ini Toilet ana Manieure Cases, Fan Boxes, Sha;ving Cases, Iuk Stands, etc. A choie collection of Foots in fine Morocco and (loth bindings. Albuams m inlHte new'est designa. A large sssortment of Biles, andail Churcli Books. Writing Deae, Worlc Boxes and Work Baskets. Tuck's artistie> Calenders in great variety, vitit quotatous from Poeos anudiMsicians, età. iun sia fnot-un"hap, Violins, AcoordiansMado- Gaies from 5 oe. UV, -ma Toy Lu greit valiity fo 8utias subscriptio»s taken foia Daladweekly Paris as Ldg We uite ~4 inpeti- adtbax*ouroutm sfrpê *.a d we invw furtferut iàteqm ag*. LOCDAL' LOCs ALdp Toron to. ,,uare 1sk j see jaice !lcln' dosnot r) i).fl t faitl wards . t w;1. M:sFlorence spc-nd a weelk 1- f rie nd Rtnteinbet 1) ge'. ,he ver>.b tion e ry týe fundrv h L:nd say tWill Ri- ,;t le past u NIr IXi1 lRoi-- Pciýrtîand. NI- tDwn Saturdav uit the voung id A ages aýre nis peopdle in its t bu colo mnts 1H,-,e - aide Brio bV agesngare ,arnspeople tA Mov.terCH ()rpaesarce w a notre w s to eýbuf Gazt ote ant A meting * 89 calnotermetigi 50 an ter iesdi taini tt ioNCEa . C.Iiegieu intilS ua eveing tahne e pp A Mnser htamsyo atowube Uc rt *lngs. ftntoI'hs msbltSlSfor' b ca unedRo eala atr hlke aiasit Mrns th p wte for th ns bito ibne so atted.ta te ofste Ctit mai tiasr. ji atough »the lsl makequalm souk a in4it U'UIUE FOR -,.,NG CHRISTMAS GIFIS L'able in Whitby. Wheneveri thie Big Store for goods Foreign ta We bought largely and cheaply '4.50 Saturday' s IN wi Go 1 1.00 bigh class, XMASe-ýýý op»VM.,At -- 1 1 3 ATMTEupsp

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