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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 10

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St. r N Y OoUtyNo *in .y able .ownship of oGENTLEMEt;,-We say ,ecause women whose names te on the voters' lists are entitled to ,vote as weil as men. You are asked on Jan. 4th, 1897, to vote for, or agaînst, the repeal of the local option by-law now in force mn this townsh ip. The lawv prohibits the sale of intoxi- Ç'cating liquors as a beverage, within the 'nunicipality. Over three vears ago the electors of this township said twice -we want such a lawv. The validity, of the law was only known in Julv last. It rei;1l'. therefore, hasno had Ãœrim 'i A e~fàlr trial The repeal 0tîi' , awisnow asked '~ for. j;y whm 'e answer by the ho-tý.i-keepers, or botel owners in the ,township. Truc a largely signed pt tion was presenîed to the counicil at its i tii Illecet Ili,,4 askiing for iinn mcd ate '['i(, coui. init- s r mm rieferred til n t iitng to spri ng t his (lues- 1 -FI n the p-oopte. The rail for repeal illl(' 110tfr on t he larme rsý, lfCr(1aflts. r . urt e iitîtfrîrîr thte toteinien 1Iltc 'tI,-'.Ni r. ie r uw. Brougham, ,'ftie l(ltir tr ,ets -..tdthat Ilie ,% t, t' c ne whîo had sent onut the petîtins 1()r sitgnat tires. The hait w.îs set roll- ting 1v thc' ii1nor part\., and cothers wcre ir.awrî t hell) themi. The i- pressioji thlat the ia w wasunworkable % as Iargclv t ir t(i tted. Il t he iaw was t n workabie, wh-v ndi ea( Ihhotcl-keeper -«t N, a fine ( o rt'do lars) ba Lit t aloritshows that itht iaw WhCli set mrr r utîto- svalîd andiwr.tt' [lie lawno%& n force practic ally bas rticdthepuli c treatitng systeîfl. SO des,ýt rtntire n îî', rosuits. Repeai thîs ýW intI%,ou hring back aiilthat horrid l rt t te. \\'limen the liquor deputaticsn appear- rit hcfore thle counicil noeone advocated r tucir t ratie, except a lawyer froin Tor- w hi t Who empioc-ed for the occa- n 1)i. T'lhC ttniipe rinule dle 1ti t at 1o n .oiit forty ()r tifty lintîrnmber. rep)re- -(t'nteli tht t'hutrchcs, the schoil, andi i hc t radte , îp1cai ng wit b the counicil lIt t î i w t it'ce'al mittil S'oi ti tr e(s i" tlit' i.w hi.d a fairr trial. ()ne tf thlt Iý *pit.'l't un nIt lit'Iniqur parti boîcic1 r rtîtrl1v saîd. ' '\X'ecannot defenr(i th( o n nmoral grounri. " lectors of r rmark the statement. 15 il ri '. tii,,im-",.i.pe tor forntriîîl otre orti irafrîtihît h.aîrio cdbeefentled frîitrhe il'r. "lin-it ', That raises the itr tlI ut r tht and wrong. Thc r tth(it ni rlt ia!ig i qte ,rs as buver- s i ti tr right or wrong. If it i> mt rîghit ît s thle dutv of the townsbuî, t,) n iscotirage and pruibit it. Whio in r i nclt'c ti .llthe terîdelnce csili atlirm t ha.t tîte trarnuc in întoxicating liquors i' gutel andi oughrte be defended ? V o irwe r'ew it in relation t(i the r:.teri al or social, the moral or religious t '-tIare rtf the buman familv, we flnd i'..t tht li rink traflic is at war w ith ail 1 'tl(rr"o [iltrît-csts of society and is one II!t i' îîost powerfui factors in the de- ri ndanti debasement clf the race. aind cruelty." juriges on the bencb say-"-The li- tînor tiaîfîc is responsible for three- foîirtbs 'of the crime." The liquor dealers tbemseives believe the trade to be injurions. A liquor dealer once raid :-,"If il. were flot for the dollar that is in it, I would flot continue in the business one bour. Electors of Pickering, who have the power of deciding for this township Jan. 4th, is it right to vote for or en- courage a traffic that is acknowiedged to have not one redeemning quality, but exists as a blighting curse on every- thing that is pure and virtuous in qo- ciety ? Is it right to pray to God to remnove a certain evîl and then vote to build it up ? Is it right to prav: '-Lead us flot into temptation," and then legalize temptation of the worst forus. Thse tree that brings forth evil fruit is not to be protected or trimmed, but CUL down and cast into the fire. Electors! Use your franchise for the good of ail. Do your .duty b your country, your famiiy, youlr God. NEVER WORRY Toke thom nsud go about youar business they do tisait *ork-while you are doing youMe. Dr. Agnew's Lâv.t rilksw. >uoely vegetable =sud ,tïp« i* ae withouï,disturbauo. to thiytse t dïet,, o or Woupt$ '0cet Tbq are .yatein ienoraora; bIood pur!fiers-iu4 bu'dsiI p:#1$tg ind Ûutisu n tis ýe11 isJ n»',M and 4timuliw din êb 5»W grthg11ý 40inia#. 10Conte Made before Justices of the Pesos for the County of Ontario, trnsLmitted- by JusÏioes whose names are herocader written and publi h ed by me under the provisons of the Statut«e of Cnd and Ontario in thgît behaif. Office of thse Clerk of tise Pesos, Dec. 8th, 1896. Name of Name of Pro.;eculor, Delendant. F' M F'ruash ,.jotCli Wesley Mathews . Jhn arper* VAlln Wright . Michael SUIlYta.. A. R Long .......Chas Crawford A~ R Lan&r.......Henry Crawford os Cherpaw .. . E Pennock.. Allan Wright. . E Pennock.. ohn Edwards.. .. has Edwards ohn Edwards.*. .'Rebecca Edwards .ebecca Edwards, jr!Rebecca Edwards, sr.. Fobias JJodgtos, S 1 Malcolm N MColcuen.. " Chas le<uer v ames Hall. iober O verton Vmr O Don neli .. joseph Wallace Phlip Sullvan .. Geo Austin Fhos Reid.......Alex Wright 0 i. Wrllirrms . .Arch Lyons.. o'rn Ferguson.. . T G Ryley ........ ohn Ferguson.. 1- I0GRyles.. ustin NMeGrail.... Wm Robinson Xrm G Mitchell J ,ohn McGrail ohn H Paker.. ». ndrew Thomnpson Vmu Hainan... Robert Kennedy . t H How~ard.. . Ans. Eliza Demili.. VJ Burns .. .....Chas Shields, a juveni ofiender and incorrigit A k T- W E Dyer.. Naueo h .Date of Name of Amount of Penalty, ITime wben 10 Nauec Cag. Conviction.1 Convicting justice. Fine or Damage tbe pald to aaid __________________ ustice 'Sshing during close season ..Ocî 28, 1896IWm Hamilton........$io fine .........notice ofappeali Dnor-paymnent of wages.......Oct 24. x896 Wm Hamilton, E Gould.. $3 53, to be pd. prosecutor...... dmnnk Ibd 4sorderiv........Nov 21.. . . ,Wm Hamilton.. .. .. tine.. .. ........ortbwith..* :Usault..............Dec 7 .. ..Wm Hamsiton, JE Gbuld.. S.5 finse.. .. .......Jan 1,18 asutult de ,.. .. Dec 7 - 0. ~ " $5 fine..........Jan 1, 189, .abusive langage... ..IWm Hamilton........$10...........Sept29 drunk and disorderly .. ......Wm Hamilton...................Sp29 .asb.auit and battery.........Dec 3 . .D S Brown .... .... .......5.......forthwith., assault and batte.'y.........Dec 4 r) S Brown .... .... .....................,forîbwiîh. assauît and battery.................ec ... ..4¶4,,rfQritiWIth 1 j ,vioiating the bealth ftt or sanmîsry by 1i 1.~. lrkw of the village of Cannington.... Dec 4........... ...................orthwiib violation of bealh act........Dec 4--.......2;c.............'oi'thwitb violation of health &ct.........Dec4-- 1. .... .. .25C............forthwitu violation of heaith acî.........Dc4-.............. .. ...25C............forihwit * .non-payment af wages . ,.et 6...F 1 Gillespie.........$4...........0dais ..sssait.........................pi 2-a. . r H GIendenning......8 and costs........zo days vagrancy.. ..... Nov 2 ..." Neil *McPhaden commîîted îo gaol, s mos....... "Ssault . . . . .Dec i .T H Glendenning .. .......S and costs........foi tbwith. ..oflýnce against liquor license a-t ...Oci 6 ...L K Murton .. .....!..2o...........forhwith ýi loffence against 1.I. I c, 2nd convictioniOct 6 "...... $40..........(rthwith A ..-assault............... . .Se Pt 71896BC» .. ..5...........week * asaut.................AUg 26 i8o6 4.. .. .3...........Sept 2, iqL l assauît................-wpt 8, 1896..................$1.............4 days vagrancy . . .. . .D'ec a..89ç6 " " _...6 mosin gisol as hard labor .perjury...............Nov 14,180 -'.... -3 mos in gaol at bard labori nlit -:e tbeft Geo Livingsîon and Thos,' "-%m Hainan .. . John Achiqon t)sniel C'oryell.. . Wm McCoy Riby Ellis........John J Stewart John Ferguson .. Ed Newon.. Wm Lesdîngham tarie Dafoe.. .Jamneq. Sutitif . aac O'Neil A Soper ........... Marden 4 4 4 S H Christian Isaac Johnson.. 1-Sebert Ben j Jones........Fred Masters Wnî Cýalvertey . ..'('has Smth.. Win Calverley .. ..jos Smth.. Jantes Balfour.tUex Wilson James 1Al. .... T I'rC,.-'rv vamTney assailt .. .... brencb of liquor act --brench of liquor act breacti of liquot At -breach of game Law drunkennes. supplvinR lîquor 10 -assault theft of a waich. vagrancy vagrancy.. - malicitns destructît June 13, '96, June 25. '96' .5 yre in Ontario Refo-rma. tory at Penetangwshesie .Geo Li vi ngs toue, 2 54 y r in Kingiton penliînîiary at hard labor. Thomas J obuston, 1 yr. in Cen' 1prIson a aitru 'abor... .une 17, '96ý 6 mos mn gaoi at bard labor .Nov 9~, î896iArthur Miller ............. !$ fine .Se pt 16. îS96John Noti....... ....5 fine i...........Oct 28, 1896. ohn Nott, C Crandeil $S. ,o fine .Oct 31. 1S96ý] hn Nont, C Crandeil .. . Lo fine t...........Nov a. î896l ohn Nott, Major Harper..!$S;o fine .Dec 4, î8qôJlohn Noti .... .... ...... tire .~~'Octi 16, 1896W Bateman.........sentence suspended indians.....Oct 10, .896, .. .. 3 mos in gaoi ai hArd tabor .Dec 5 ........ ... ..ýsentence suspendsîd Ov 2 ... 4 cOsta . .. .. t0 pay $8 for waich and $3 N"ov 13... Major Harper . i mo in gaol ai bard lahor Nov 1.3 1 .['..tmo in gaol ai bard labot Dn of property.. ..Nov 16 ..,..' ". . . SI an-d costs...... .... .Dec 5 ....siand CoqtS....... JNO. E. FAREWELL4 CLERK 0-P THZ PSÂcueC0UNTY o'OIP îo Tinse when To whom paid ove' by said pald. Justice. and wben ser'vd Nov Oct 24- Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec .Oct 'Sept Nov Sept Nov 17 . .-JNov Iorîhwîth .. .Sept iodsys . Nov forrhwith ...Oct3 forihwith ...Novi forthwith . ... ,Dec 21 i.. t896 prosecutor, Oct 24 (own treasurer town treas, paid under former îwn treas, paid under former 3. ..Dec 8th, G Boyle 4 .. ..Iec 8ih, G J Hoyle 4-- - .Dec 8th, GJ Hoyle 5- Dec 8îb, G J Hoylp, 5.... Dec 8Lh, G rcl - SI f e wll go to gaol été as he wîîgoto oi 6 . ... Wns O'Donnel, et 6, 1896 'et paîd .., ws.rrant of commiîsmenîta.s county treasureir, Dec 8, x896 '7, 18q6..John Fergu,§on, licenne inspec- 7. 1899.. Jobn Ferguson. license inspec 14 .... îtown treas, Nov 14. 186.... 2, 1896. .!town treas, Nov 2 .1896. . i0 .rtOWlit mas, Sept i i, 1896.... 17 .. .cotInty treas, Dec 8,.1&896 7 county treaS Sept 1796 2 .. . license inspector. Nov 2 31 h.. lcnse inspector, Nov 2 14 .. .Ilicense inspector, Nov 16 5~ to prosecu tor, % to prosv.1 10 pay $5 C-ostS, tfi t a py S4tcÃ"Sts Iorthwitb ... . not yîrt pad forhwith .... iforthw'th.. . clerk of th ..ot ver paîd tbe peaee If uQ! paîd, wby Dlot and general obser. vallon, if any. rcofivicio rconviction bued« tcf, Oct io, r896 tor, Oct io, 1896 t paid on case for- 1 merty returned peid on case for- amerly resurned treas, Dec 7. 1896 1 hereby certify that tihe foregoing Sebedule cont.ains a true copy of ail returns of summary convictions made to nie by Justices of the Peace and filed in muy office between thse 8tmh dayo Sept., A. D., 1896, and the 81h day of Dec. A. D., 1896, inclusive. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD %NOW THAl' l a very rerirkable remedy, both for IXf- TELItNAIj .and ]EXTERNAL use, asd won- derf al Iln Its quick sactimo arelieve distrea PAIN KILLERosths Chtilts. Dlarrhoea, Dysmnery, trampoa thatra, and .au bosui Oompliuta $aterkoeaas kImeaahe, Puins lie iSack o ide, Rheamiulsa .&bd Ime.samata PAIN-KILLE.R,, UIMN NADL Itbrtnge m IWiNAD FI'EAN"Tl-srtI ti t, ii câamesof iSruiseca ua, Ssrah.a, 55vere Buraa, etc. Iiaitstr. Fartuer. Plaa.ter. "Ilo1r. adl la t K)i I..m s .au,.g i a ,edteine ,' a~- t b.-'.i. &0 1.,I T, ' -%laLcraSI.7or cxicsaaly cb cortaisty ofrelief. «'f " 5 , niations. T.a. non,-"-lt Lm. 9-. e ." lt '1'14LUV DAvIS. *Sotd -en wtei;., b4 bout.. - VM r ia wnUo.e. ta - SOLIN&. Dr Mar-eus Pasce is home for Xrnas from Toronto. Mr Hayes. the analyst, Ottawa, ie vis- itlng at Mr Thos Pasocesi. W. hope that Mr 8 J Williamsi can Le prevailed on te offer himueif as a candi. date for townsbip council He would be a gobd man at the toosrd, nous better in> tise township. We are ples-sed ta learn tisat Mr T Baker is out for cbnnty conncil. Ho will be a Sood representative. There ia quite an agitation in tbf.. sec ion in reference to building a new achool bouse. It is mucis needed. Mr Horace Aobtien i8« visiting bis brother William hmi. Mr J Van Neat is busv digging a well at the Tyler place. Mr A Moore intendo removing there for thse neit year. Mr Russel Baker, (fhitby, je viiing at AlIbert Muera so.* Chas Vice, Chapleau, i. bore on a visit te bis brother Walter. Mr Herbert Reynolds intends takiog a course at the Guelph colloge. Did -Tou Ever Make Mouy Essy? MR. EuxTout -I have read how Mr. C. E. B. made se muahin oney in tise D6sh Waeber business -andti ti 1 Ibave-boait bis. I amn verY YoneYet sud hâve ha& littI. oxperionce in> sellhng gooe., b*, bave made over eigbt hnndred doIia*»' su ton weeka selling Diais Waaers. It. id u ply wonderful how esay it is te soU thora. AUl You bave te, do i. t-0 evIpa4 hew they worksud tisey osunêt hopbu buy one. For tiseboufit of others lwfl eowa. ha'go-y ositrtinth oMun City Disb Washor (Co., 8tLU~Is, UIO. Write $0 thens spd tisey *in! tend yoq ffou I "bik I ceau oger over #SffO1~ thî coonng Yesr, sud I sm Dot goiugi<>J* iîb#,opp ortùonity peso. -TY'y wa' Yotarsno for 5h. b"owdg"ô East Whitby Couincil. Counci1 met Dec 15 th. MnirSimpson moved that the reeve grant bis order; i on the treasurer in laver of Chas Good- man for the sum Of $25. being in full for salary for present year. (Jarrieri. \Ir (Ju moved that thc reeve grant bis order on tbe treasurer in favor of j Bartlev for the sumi of ten dollars, beiig two thirds value of ! 2sbeep kiiied bv 'dogs. Carried. 'NIr Henry moved i that the reeve be instructed te make 1 application to the Maple Leat Fine j Is Co for insurance to the amount o! $8oo on town hall pi operty.-Carr ied. Mr Grierson moved that the reeve grant his order on the treasurer in favor of Mr R Hodgson for $5, and W Purves for $13, being in full for stationerv. postage, etc for $1896. Carried. M r Henry moved tbat the reeve grant his order on the treasurer in laver of the members of the counicil as follows : The reeve $5o, and ether memrbers S4o each. Carried. The following ac- cournts were paid: Roads and bridges -Fred Glover $7.50; Eber Milson, gravel, $iî; John Bray, gravel, $1.68; Geo White. gravel. $5.70; John Mc- Kenzie $1.54. Salaries Wm Furves $175; R Hodgson $75. Mr Stocks moved that this courncil do now adjourn sine die. Carried. W Purves, Clerk. A HERO 0F MAG-DALA. A Chat WIth a Vetemu ViWho Wau lu thse mensomsb Bava& . British valor la the therne ofmnany a thnilling story and stirring song. Mr. Geo. Kingston, Of 136 John Street north, is one of Hamilton'à best knownvtmrans. A man of martial bear- ing, magnificent physique and geniai persan. aliy, he is a splendid representative of thse best class of British soldier. To aur reporter Mr. Kingston readily gave an interview. With al thse puide of a citizffn cf that empire on which thse suisnteyer sets. Mr. Kingston said: - 1 axis a DevoUgsitie mma, borts near thse banka tof thse Teign. 1 entered the British amarx t 19. sud served fourtiecs ye*'s in Indua. %31tluwos, h the Abyssinian ciupsign and fought at ÜÏa starming and capture of Magdala, King Theo- dore' s Stronghold. th ie king and hue- dreds of his arm>rfefl. Napî*er, the -Heroeof Magdala,' was W M ted «daper ofMa34e dala for bis spIefidid serwices,. MA.ftths sa turne ta 01 E41ga4,'I*pigîouf+ years. when lI was aanserit. tuathe uuny- Seuth until My 2K1!S8 e#c~4ry That is thse pacIo ga kdeyxj i troubles, and I wass Doexe On. Awe senit as an invfl dto the ety IIsp- for invalid soldiers, m4 for*- î4'0 sfrnginmate, ha6 l Unirtg ù as a hepelesyicrle nvid suffered more -or b m iiefonii Constant misesx. tbat Mdé Iý0 stéda m e ming pai s alu t eadb .ae4 urinarqdtufiçulties wessedobm abuiat, s tbt .WaS nouclg.C94'$) n ,ffad - ' JNO. E FAREWELL, Clerk cf thse Peace, County cf Ontario. 1Barrister, Cossnty Crcwn Attoruiey, and Goutty Solhcit.r. Office- South Mig of Court Bouse, 4bitby. JAJLM.a MITL.DUu, Rarrister, etc. Office I ormerly occnpied by Farewei & Rutiedge, utit Itoyal Hot-el, Brock St., Whitby. D-)A VE1)- -0 tMirfUi,1SA. Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, conveyancer, etc. office - In the Office South of the Poot Office, in mcMilian's Block, B.rock Street, Whîtby. G. YOUNG F39ITU. LL. B., liarrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. lIner of Marriage Licenises. Office - smith's Block, Sousth of Market, B,'ock St., Whitby. DO0W & MuGILLIVItAY, Barristers. Solicitors i Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Bawken'a new block Brook St.. W hitby, south oi Ontario bank. Drs Warren ic hMoore. J. J. Moore, -M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Brooklan. Offce heuris 9. a. m. to Il S.M. ..hl---j Oefe ohursîla.m L7FE INSURANCE. to 9P.M.-: - - W. H. WARNER. DEALER 1IN COAL, LATH, LUMBER, CORDWOOD, SLÂBS, ETC AGENT For COAL CO., UfficewndSaton Office ndStaion Whitby, Oc. 25t.h, 1894. W. A DAMS, C2ýDENTIST. Rooms over John Ferguson'a clothingtstore Residence-No. i, The Terrace, Byron St Whltby. Jan. a<th, z8g6. the PEOPLE'S TORONTO. r!ad Iust East of 0-Privt'ae TeieP/Wise Commesicatiof. DiP. t. OGA.ItT9 1.D.9L.D.O. Physsesa, Surgeon anid Accoucher etc. Office and Besidence neit ta AUl iiintt'8 Church, Dandas Stzeptl Whitby. 1q B.-ý Dental Burgery in2&il &ta branches promry attendod te. Dra H., W'ightunan DENTIST. r opten ,very Bsterd&y W. 8. RO9 Manutactssrre' Lif. & Accident Inauranoe Co, Torox4o. Larget Capital etok Lt ,or.e on the continent.Nin.ty par ,ount, aI usumulaionu et surp1um is -rp*urned ts tu ptslioy holdat,. AI oaw.rîS* arep'dw~tzu deiay o.dscn ppottfd r Peb. lot, 98. g1,'bb. Sittings 0f The Division Courts. COUNTY 0F ONTARI1 LS6. WHSITBT-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, Clerk Jan.3 - Feb. 3; March 3; April 2; May j2; JUDeO2: July7 Sep. 2; Oct. 2; Nuy. 8; Dec. 2. OsRÀA-D. C. Macdoneli, W1hitby, Clerk;. Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Metrec 4; april 3; May4 ; JUDes; Julyb; Sep. 88- Oct. 8; NOV. 4; De. d, Biaouon.ax - M. Gleeson, Greenwoôa, Clerk.-Jan 6; Maroh5; May 5; ,lnly 9; Sep. 4; NOV. 6. PORT PEXZY - J. W. BUrxhaM, Port Perry, Cierk-Jmn. 29; Maroki 9; May 15; JuIy 20; Sep. 28; NoT. 18. UIBRIDG-Joseph E. G-culd, Uxb-ilge, Clerk-Jam. 80; March 24; May l9th; Jniy 14; Oet 14; DeO. 16. Cà»zueTox-George Smaith, Cannington, Jmn. 81; March 2b; Mday 20; July lb; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. .BE'iz3Tox-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 26; May 21; JuIy 16; Oct. 18; Dec, 18. UPTEBeRvz-Tbos P. Han, tJptergrove, Clerk-March 27; May 22; IlIy 17 ; Ocet. 17; Dec 19. By order, J. B. FARBWELL October tb .1895. lrotees- teoUvry a«SAsStbe r LT. 'of tise elecoa toW -ent. At thse hour appoin m., nominations beinig t presiding- officer, t ~mes were duly movei- >_county, councillors fo 'years.1.897 and zî898: W., Bretbour,, W. J. Gi *R. C. Berandon,, C Junkin, ning. W. H. Hyle, Dr. g. Upheyi -Ail reti contest.except. W. J. Gib phçqy. a*id,'f. Glendin go to thsePoils on Ja.-4t ~~ itoMintos wetie closed ,. delivered an address upon Dieopc~-fs.Gtipe te uew order of -thinus ~ ~ inzi, -the -CO'u "fTie tapple crqp, Yeu*, 6Aes an hey s Promnptiy at 10 ocil officer called the- me after explainîng thie o COnîPrisi ng Thorah, 8 Rama, when the foil Alex McLtae of Tho Atherlv,Jno. Fox, Ma Mara, -b A Browîa,Th LUptergrove, P MeRge Iey, Raila, Jag Doyl Muleahili 'Mara, D Me JM O'DonnF]j Mara. Ji, D (- hamn, Maris, Dr Trele-n-rlT Barvqrrto. to the Platforni as nci exccptuîîg A MeRae a of Thorah, D McMîifiar Broor-týýeld and PJ The Sesreral candidate. ()f theïr experience in M1r McRae of Tnorah apposed to. the poo.ri". had no reason now to and if eiected would d, to kevj, down expenâ,es EPOke ()f the coal. (t! ear' ýcouncI1in tthe past as and w.,u:'d lîke thatis,, deviBed to reduce th, coUttty council. He w Ili the banda rof the choacit as a represen district would do hi,; esta Qýf the district a8 a lespi ' went trito the ho- tihowilnv what an-advaiî wtothe preaent tifne. the D'omination, Lut w d eputatio.n with a iar,;e ~ n. He went inito 01 lwunity, and explaitîrtd ligerît and iiiuiterlv posed to the ilousje 'f lr would u-ie every ufl'r,rt terest8 of Sî rncrtris, Opoke of his intere,3t il, township of Mara, aià stance h'8 support ()f election t.o the warder, MeRae also in te cheî, warden. (The people that if tbey had flot se down as their repre- county ecrincil neith. Messrs McRd.e tor B placed the i il, the war bipoke of the high schoo, plaint-d whs' there w amn< ;unt received l'y dîcf itot aî.irue wîth l re. 1 C>UIlit.v courncîl w,,rk b'ut lOit tiiere were mi 'aog. f.)', antI Sorlier 1111 dehare. If the e1ect r * hum he wouid s,-rt'e th Iiigbt. Mr MýcMiiljan oli flot intended beiînL' a c, ing that 'Mr G F Bru wr-iti( be In the field,i (MNr Brucer) wouud itot ast he wouid noý rptirp fr 110w, but wouid all whîs on nianiiation, paper. date had a right t(-) 0 t4 4 so desîred. and that %-h 8sputh in Tniorah or iivî.u-, part o-f thedistrict he a3i ed in, every part otf it ai ail impartially. After il) over a rumor was9 in Borne candidate from at h distrn,ý wotrid retire it Mre .'eilao or Brown.î Mr 'ItI cRise of Thorah. as the strong manin ti fiirhr would appear to he1 Gillesapie ana Broôùmfield. be said as toi the eut 1 1 whîtby.

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