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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 11

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-Ba-or toa young for municipal positions.' «Sbiaimt"-S. oraapnnpt a eîwi»Unàmt .1.£a&; c- <-.ng as thenonaig ficr The paint ta be considere<j was: Is the days of this present year 1896. It alsa Wor-,t, woesune U-, of Opksý, ToawS.o- or oko&i =& #uasvmie U Licdoiiene ws erysmaî, ew e-mani fit for the position ? If old he brings ta a close aur association with whîÎcii 80» bldto a intYr, oansumptio ezad au ouly gmav.We' i:rýi esert f rom î he township of Brock, generally has the experienee, and if you as aur teacher. We have been ta- almoet hop"s, hsU îha b8Uted by th moa a1byîtfr< m0wpue (u )ni- a snalî contingent of repre- y ung will grow ol4.and gain experience geher as teacher and pupils for the Bi,.hd bsmtr std yte cs tlntithsb senîtie nenf rm te vllge t Cn-as he gets there. The candidates hav- space ot two years. During this tinte da~rote~toPad»I#aW e n1::1u!rmn. The apaîrhy and indiflerence in z ail retired excepting Messrs. Arthur you have labored diîigentîy for aut ad- Woodme Phosphodine, them casma thait haem esivea op odle4, wmf eqnpî r te letoat b wads th n w Johnston and George Gerow their eec- ý'ancement in knawledge bath in the esbOiI$eod Bruigu b onb Concl At'wasvey apa- ion b>' acclamation wsas dul>' declared. school and out. You have treated us trhhggvno up as ticurbie-the WPmneiy teiiow vitayern Cn. t h hurapontd.ro~lokand the meeting was ciosed by cheers with kindness. We believe that yaur tech, by ts uyom be reto d o untOu A ta, d. W k i.nMations being called for thfr ei queen and the newly elected conduct toward us bath in and out ofFiscJm- Spresîdîng officer, the f9llowing county councihlors. school bas been such as will benefit us NUZesvarudgc<.amiifejonaft, lce, mes wene duly moved and sé"conded OS9HAWA, in the days that are to corne. B>' your lTh. Wood Company, Iý ,On. *iiia 0 Ui * Fb 4 -ç -îuîM- cilîors for th<',uigdiligence. your knowledge, your loyal- W .Pepoluaaodyi08qeb*5is5ndie r wgg *Ui«»-tbeil~t. o-n 8r nd19:D.Nominations for county conncillors for t>' ta aur interests and b>' your kind- o&p"ba suy GasIS) n 88-r iflespie, the 3rd district of Ontario county were ness you have earned a place in aur af- - --- ---, WV. Brethour, W. J. Gibbs, J. Sharp. held at the. town heJ on Mlonduîy. Re- fections. But now our associations -- R. C. Branidon, C Junkin, H. Glendin- turuing offilcer Liither Hall prosided frouacaeadw hnki itn hti nung. W. I-. Hoyle, Dr. Bingham, J. 1 to 2 p. m., when the foliowing lis ai e oewynesal r t xrs u G. Umphrey. Ail retired from the put on the, miate:apre atonaf ou efors ad ls conîresîr exept W. J. Gibbs. J. G. Um- Landidate Mover Seconder our respect for you. We, therefore, asknétem o*-bud phrey, and H. Glendinning, who will L j Corrycîl Gea Mowbraîy WJ Hame you to recemve from us this- sm4Wlglftý," t go tu the polIs on Jan. 41h, 1897. After John MceGregor Ambres. Henry Jas Stocs o for its awn value but iteprMe nominations were closed the nominees W in Smith W Couha rd, E 1I o s d ' 4 uelivered an address upon caunty coun W Coultbsrd El1 Rôsse W , Ham i n a srnal degree our esteem for yap, U r~fhu'..ii~4f~îg :ilboic. r.Gîlepi dd otthnk Guy Robt Muackle s Trewîo With this gifirplease accept Our bée_, ciltopcs Dr Gilepiedidno thnk SEdmonilson A Misekie A HendersovS h«s for your continued ._appsn1M the new order of thinzrs was in the R 1 M"cke JPTamblyo L G I>ewp0"Iôl*s b best interests of the count>'. and-ýsug_.1'~î~ÀyDmiouJMTgu nipoprt.Yu uiso 4 gesîred some amendments ta the act. F .yýkA R Ke IatRj Machnie - . Reach .Dere, 2Pd, ý. (-f1 Mr. Brethour reviewed the action of A er the county cou ncil du ring thi past year -"&tthe c. 1- o iimatio. ufUl@Q upon roads and bridges. W. J. (bbs Mvryvsapit4t ~u@if ~ rki eSIj ~ :laimed that bis past experience in.P .t~~ï~--- ýounty malter., would be useful inte j r 075»-e a â.r-w cou ncil if eiected theretc>.. m vsi»fn4j- < ~ ' - 7 Sharpc alsa spake of bis career wben -be Mobers to the MWnov untiyooixnfl )gr ' represented the village ai CandingtoniWO me r vst~ uioni.êw~>' ' at the caunty council. R. C. Brandon ma" a apeh of a y! ]k -sý&4,4rooon., N4-î'#i4 zpnsidered the rîew method froun the Mi" 4udÎin Y *g4 i I.è '~ ;tnpitof economny. C. Jnks»oont od i a àii pôKîlizt- bqy - 'co -r~ï.4 1 ~t f5c5f~hvn svlittis -*wl "1I-t ý -  4 - - ý t ti ïf tf ' gruame 1 awaî'hie cait fo»r a peeé ý W. 'H. lHoyle reviewed- the inanI Condition Of Uic cou .t n4 ,A lie propçscd bouse of refugé. H.c 37leç,dliing ab6eiewe iccu~ fie wanite mi e thé,o~~c~ isi y.Dr. Bipgham nak hc*- Mi. i~~6 gave m2 Ma"emeînatiobu -th, uns=in hIc Pr mpl st10o'l~ kte oniatn daes for le fiaor P eing m caùd » oet Mr Sil a Pq06 afterexpliU 15theobjMe bfote î ýan aa edfo iO»jjains fo Dsrit u.7 o r oc . i ., wb nrth fIl WIg-,» McL hi"4 p ost o O o m ri a n T o r a , e a e r o n , M a a c dd a te , w e re pr o o s d 1 , o 6 a n o r w a n , 2 r d AP P .l y tM 1 oe o h , de wo d AtJia t s N i s n ,fgW . l c e l vo w a Lst e f t h u r e o Athelyno. ox, Mara w.frotheed G c 6»ùtyod W.i5o b Mme Sovo by ie r tedusaant OD O L D' io cSura, ID ABo nt huF. he mein o r e R d DR& K anowb*y Ar ayr W attný ères Eaî*ireand n motion o M. o a Uptergroex ,Pla Mcfgt e ob eco hein G e av W G Ba»e W0o b». Rlhnîo ok, 58eod ab r a lo. t e s kD. fo, nm a t Dio n ara ticmi atNu.fice, b a g gîncle o to W in co l cion N .2 0. mm o 1 0 'l Tre ea et , aroft on. A fe hen a lled thec ha it s r, ale d p o n te d i er n w t i t r6 a d e r at f b p r ce t The Sev welcn at e s gavw e n acoumad antia the O C SO t i vvr e hsder op te ot R $4 3 Kier in, E dfgToraoAphR O CHN E S T ERan N . Y . ut teir xporence in unicpal ffaîa~. iew on he uilit of ouny co ncil.13009,111nr MonWjo, wok in roa -a î p o e d t, o t h eF o , r l a u u w .e s c b e n e s d b ae h e r e t d i e d o un i cib p a l i te to n l u r 1 n e rs , a nf die k t n , MMI RD Ae o Thurah , ha J, a lway b ee R Tought them o uy e use.dhrt fiso or te uacou nt 83 th Com O L had u reson îow u cange hîs ~ he pro osed t0 is clle GMes n e 32.47; R:o b End gonmotonpo cur. e ah sU d ieg o e P Mlete wo ld o i n luG p W G cou nîy counci th a augucst o dy ing, siu d e d b, $ r.; T ay Br.w theR e a i E e r w ' e r t(le R , Jasîex le rathbrno s Peld ma e t N Last l ate s tamenticabysof L15rlîng to b ounda r ie $5 hoory U e a~~u h e oMa stD Mcof e ach u Oito legtwo ng ta the a l eg isla tuhe ndm - P Ao l0" - reîln 8 oa wr e c, $ am Don el tha t o way rnîghama, tions wh hic it w s ed ad the of34.20 onC h re Sitk, of d orhew c<Mi i h a r a s r teîpn , M e y arg th lo mun ficipal c o n cais t fn ce W m oi c gl in, 26 ro a i nci , itP e r I P A R k g e Trev d ta rduerthn e e ing caredothuetcharsignanld di. o mpheaire te hall $ ;terest ce rt e on sr eoo. cuo the lconiase oul.1 ae hil retdcand t OfeianttheDominonSers oad-e. $15. ayfr h retono ii pi the Alî cRîîds atdh D Brownjrate a d it But h meing ithes rprseTa. ti e t o o Tr u e iaiedShesection .No. ia l'& 0 B o ii ea d F re r lle spitî e f SM co elecî thgeogh th cat smore nd ida it ees 8 ; N s o. , $602 .2 Ndig. 3, JI dhStrac n didates ghav re n otie. s o n he en pila fcd n the fnl. Krvnu 4 J 321.39; o , R$2u873 Nu. 6$ li esl eprece uiipa g" Togh hrey bti theuservc. o "chh îîr î- î .Byrsiîa we oiiin 242 ; e. 7Mo, 30.9 o. 8$50-rorisritRsOCHESTEReam od ndNN.96Y.0 Mh w r R o hat a h a ic h a d mal e he ir C o n r y t eS he eohred u to-I i il h e c o n c l dj u r e d t te p se t t e . For iue dî îl em e kand l oe enat e. i mu o nici al ifairs whe "vsO u 7 e co , $ , t ht' tO î,îri u al 1011. l u t w as w s ite d o n h y ul;ît&'n wih lr~lysriid uqls. mntybecame old and grey we cannidgent had no e:,î on oto tchange hià vus ol te sdehi b th int o ni e 24.; orEgrtn t roue iu ax 1 nd l e xp!aîîd d ail n i nt oer Co nty enat. H had prôp t o d y Mr. Gen ,uu,,,. f ret$4 ; TR.mR. Mrowbnv, not frc-nuse he is sVer e ro8t o a jvsesion oflw unt was e tff ting totheeoa lgst, and Nasr losi mt V'~. nuthe atirs \-er'old orgrey5eiher, bu becaus he ..$4.70;Z c"ui i u e 'îr s bric ver vlrgîeminhetlcal unialed for the poitinc Wn eag i,26rd wr f c, A ro k e î s d li e t hr a t 8 1 e w a i g t hbe t o u gw ih a b i hit an d e x e n e . ; M r. 4f0i C a r e sNpi k- , otîfro.w Il ,si,e f N ran dt e lc i teus and i f B uA t hr Jo hs e t r e th n s oM' Sta lc h o ~ j' - m r f NI ( ra a m n in lii t e o n o C n t r ere h s en o m a ti e o T r u s te s ra te s :I I I O nese c t io N o .a p e diic t i. ld o - h-ish t . rt e ilear s heN,)s-w3,l8ng0ta1serve as their repre- esso, uhedstia s aî w hol.rr. J s I - IrIfte eo l ot ic & i watd rnDd e ra -t e b ies n an ho S ns l, wrlr 'I p ;lspf Ntenathîuîkthenhiativ e r a h tcou ty h e oard. c a xpe826nc.28m;orNa.e7,ros306.95 looNngo. 8, provin)Z b c e oif eve r ey ime corns enteohap4i;eNs. 9.fl2e.-Ta. wi w as t b ani r ru îî e -eu t a d ~ me i i w ou ntry b e er bad day for this .urn4 b aersmutnlbhtcxfro bal o s N ie R e r linîîîî r, w o uh e h a v e - 1. lic 'ueli t ri ter thu support <i poL It)n n u uncpl council e.f o tooric sr u d, fl n jîl i e i t i ih tar i i,, lit a ir l i e b e gn g. e a t .H e h a d o a x e s g i d , M re.d, s e e p4.< */ and inuiri si-ii , is. auj % - . Mil lasb rv e. Hibcsdes eire sigbb.îrdk ~ ~ ] w ih p a t r o n ce, P't n o p o ps e h et or9 e t - g re1s s , O x f o r d.e8 c ien i ec ka 1 i d ei - S e - t]o r rry é-he r , u tu n ius eo r ,A i i , v e t',u j h I ou a h a u f il e i n if a sl e c te d w o u l d d o a is o b u t e a ver - h a e n j aFacZde , w r a i " î e :c , 5 b a r d h , A b 1 . G - ' x~ Ji.9triWt.tMr Ir0, $4 coe$tIyoouSvaîieedfor the positio co w i l * i p - f l i a r and c ri a u i - . Ath ur hc had b e h n e ri îh a o u d h e li k o b b sh sttc ' 'ils lo Mru riî:i i no c tSS ri is1 he n orit onsired by- a t-nvminuationttrrjt tl tilet r/ r ~ .n inlu nia lu be f aep vus>, ap v iir o dtn chair.GU S i at r S o e Il, :- 11 y!l h ic , o T ( a r -, a 8,. > u e w s ir î g m to ls e arv a t h e - lî d te i fh ai h- t henr o f m o hur -s in e ss__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Se n s ib le ,_ _ _ _ _ _ w~ ~ ~ )o1l (.i.fs',- trî- %lra hai ira <ntnveat beunt t ab o rar Th n h i n w k ru urcaevo er sa - -_-*~ - Ci n (ind n 1toithe righttoretee dav for ths hi 1r cl 15tli-f lthesurprt (c eig laî'mer e c ntrre t/vt akband u-e of th delcate - of -N I v xîîr e tiri: r im r t-i -tave ev li ticîul ni t - bm s - ent ocr he r o a ooh to , iIlan n r Il i th ir-dc,' - r -snt n i th îiobcht a e r b- ailrkHe-wn r e diesforth Il te lohîful i ,ad uex- leci sa c niatsI s r e. for te rooi inîto f aLsdîetl rnd ont.oCteo___- % &I- i h i t e r u I -i i c h i s i e U t c r- o î î n c i l i f t h e P e o p l e e h n g h s a - 0 4 1 5 t h tpel ayt. t mn d f m t h r and quaauilcli(Illsbsuch aie if e lecrud w orln dtheoexo>thtant pcnrodest an 1. trru -r -î- - lis c (r)lr. t s in fot he p skM o he.orG d 1 t î i ri . u-uaî du--onati irss and nakTes51 %-ThA. oGp( i i - I i i i h i li'i u - u c î u iii i fyao t 1 s r v t e wt t c a a t ¾id a e n ,ý t e s y a nhaa pt p a yn t e d ds . 0I t 0,$ 5 0 0F i p d o n t h is - . I a d r/r t lit, i e r ln (îî t t t . t ehun. W ; Ba n nh e s u nI a %;,]l <lite rn-rIres , ta - ht ) n usv-ne e t er su d o f a m plbe' u i-r -- n t . cii 4t- ii reuestd bt a lu-ednub e i r ic d -n ly er--,derr rjes Mn M r-e cri,,li/ae limm %% - ii t t if ilon hus s r ices o r ne p sii n t e>- ha ta :l i tuok nie bh oitie iiiaiof ou r- il~~~lstc ai 1otal claiutrs tthe a«'ainýiilcnW wýo u-11tyli .sh, Total sfmoe F a v o rit e PI t f dr es r ito ti h d e e n m a r ri e d f a r c e k ~~~ f'Iîh ~ ~ ~ ~ bt as t e e h d n iîed i l t c ip i n etceapstv cuey art ft al t e- g l> r w.i ii mehap bmth ape îed en g a ddt o o nv hv -îugsan d-aýe u e lrad r ic esd le a h~t t1it it(I hdo litldat îetreink rherc vchhau, i h1 here ta-a a t flot xta hik a i dri -.ccqrl- atai 1 oiuil d b t inîtbeInli, t d a is Cndae f r n m t ion s a r ieu-es Plesat Pelleta origteP":andoe A e n tProt \s i-t 1'- .ra < îre rt-t . Th c uult iv nddte orco nb c unul n a- ivrst mbnd.owl. od y W a 1 k M ..Itei fi ' / i iae y uruijcue un tcr o nc ed Ithat e opl ee t a the ___________________ evyonothe W .erol] iti 1 aidr luut s a e tca sur eu wih so hsfie nbeig a cnitse- s- polîcv g ranis f 'iote ar-i ~~ ~ ~ ~ lir rett-rns w lf- ruh r sndn dae for e poe. Refeîred ta thteexlecdva nt peLocall age' ;or , e-rWi t L)Y)t oi if epeen hen io the he cunte mb otant> counti e d sna i-on * Appandly T i-r*,i tiuir lit i i er rlIP!'isons eand saeth r. Pc e u g tosrn-O T-s a a-rrn on i ei g heHed-1 (ANNINGrT'111 h ip wth îwo rprsn tatives i he l î dy of shoo l afrerthp e sc as St EsiTt l i 1 ( ) In e i t l e w r c O u n % y c u n c î l wb u u l h a v g e a l r g - a d a f e w ft he1 i r a etta n u e e a t. q, ýN jýj«L (f t nd sfeý fi er re res e nt.v a tio ar n it o fha i h f rafied fi l îYhaffy ands popc r n . Mir s s. I W O O U EGr eat g ls e e i~ ~ ~ A ti the t\ tPI N iJSURIt NO. 6. memobe rs uanderate fodrsthe mtow shr. Prkin waPrBoes 1.e n de irh the Colum -biasl t vc35yam tra n toaaa ta1"wthal n w rr-rirrwnajrs r ic r lok d itic otit . Hoover i no thc n at e. De- ng add e land a ha n D soe r lormtl tiatwehavdicofea ueuree Ris aa e s O - - - c r e / u t t h t o a a l l C a n u n - p e c a e d h e c r y t h a a m n w s t o Ie l a . T o ri s s e . P a r k i n , e a r Te10 1 h -i H~ 800TT, 5, Wbitby sud Os.hawa. ve the PI-nentse Bob- an town of those 'EAUTIFUL AMERICAN ALL PARPERS, -WtITs... Pders to Mfatch AT WVEST ::PRICES.0 le early and qet(Jirsi choie, P. B.. WARAM, Bryan's oîd Stand, Brock St. Whitby )MINION BAN K. al Paid Up, $105000000 as, - - $1950o0000 Iitby Agency, oeral Ba.nkxng Busino.. %cted. SAVINGS DEPA.RTMENT. tallow.d St higet outrent rates. c f wlthdraw*al requîred E. J. THEOINTON, >ai n-Killer., (axasR DAVis.) me and Safe Reanedy in evkery casef every kind of Bowel COmnpLaint is ain-KliIIer. a sa true atat-mi-t smd it can't b,- a-de too stî'ong or 100 elnphatàc. a slimr!c, mrfe and q-aiek cure for]E rp6, C0119119 Ytheumnatism , C, Coids, Neurnigiu, rrhoea, Croup, Tuiothacltte. TWO SIZES, 23c. anîl soc. LIE ASSURANCE Co., LONDON, ENGLAND. Establjshed 1843. ds in hand ....$ 18,501,777.96 Ided ......-......9,635,706-40 rns pa;d......... 22,132,956-39 -nt Assurance in 'ec '95 .....-...70,967,261-40 paid '95 amount-. ............... 1 ,38,65683 a world wide and indisputable iCons a-q toresidence. icreasing with age af policy. de paymnent af death cdaimrs. ind compouind bonuses' added. description of Life Assurance ied. -nts wanted. Most liberal ternis.

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