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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 1

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-q, -. r VOL. XIL. WHITBY, ONTAIO, FRJDAY, DECEMBER 259 1896. o 1886. 10 SI[ IS TO B[L1[VL 000- Cail Ou-.Od WMe TILL and be Convinced that an Elegant liue af FURNI TURE -AND- UPHOLS TERLO 00008 is being soîri et awav down prices to keep in touci with the IARI> TIMES. &4 ýtique Oak Leather Seat Cable:e Rocker - - Antique Oak Plush Rocker - Gents large upholstere asy Chair Parlar Sets, Oak, Plu i & Tapestry Sideboards, Plate Mirror - Bedroons Setts, 3 pieces - - Dining Table, 4 leaves - - Children's Rockerý AJI other goods pro- portionally cheap ' Everythitig stuitable, useful and ornemiental. Repairing,1 ing and Un( Wisbing season. yau aIl thse coniplîmu WM. TIL Established 1849. Whitby Steam MarbI8 and Grianite Woîs, Dl]fdfis St. - $2 2' ý3 (X) 4 50 10 ()0 atdwti many pictures and mattas and there LOCAL NEWS LETTERS*, was a Iso an abundance of evcrgieen decorations Put np for ibis special occaision. The oid bartn like expericace bas been -completely donç away CEMONxcLX C01IsaZsr'»NDIcI. witb, and the scbaal-house ia now what it shauld be, a bnght and interesting place. - .o:- Mr. Harry Bickie " struck ail " with a ship' TOW NZS. ment of 150 badrrels of apples, ai bis own graw. 1 Annuai schooi meeting next Wednesday. îng, that he shipped ta the Brtisb market sevecr- MissAlle Mcregr arive bore t a l weksaffo He recettly received bis returos MissAlle MGreor arivd hme rom for thens whucb amloants ta $1.75 per barrel Toronto Wedniesdlav ta spend the holidays clear ai al[ expense Tis is sa mucb différent jwith her people. tc the prices being received generaiiy that it is 1 Miss, Lilv Rowe haisRafle ta Ridizetown ta remarkable. In contras:t t this, 1 heard on isedChristmas wt irs e ni h ensa htseverai tannera living betwcen istehinz there. br itr:t:wo here and Ashbu-n bad iust reroived nine cents Mr. . T.Kemphorns may frendswilîîper barrel as thue proceeds o h plste a be glad ta knuw that he. is getting better sen t. quiteiast airer his relapse. Las: Fnday atternoon a large numFier ai vîsit Moiss Lovina Mackey passed the nwniver-1 ors gatb'tred ai thc scbaol.hause on the oecasi<'n sary oi her ninetv-fir-st birthday on Sundav f h annual public examinarion af the junior j division. This was the firit held since Mrs. iast, she is stili haie and hearty. E ddy took charge and a mas: favorable imnpies' On True'sday the teacher and pupils of the 1sian s'as madie. The work oi the schaol in the public school ertertained their parents andi vanious depar:rnents and the way in whichi the fiends for over two hours. First Mr. W Car- 1 chuldieru were manazed by their teacher, together ruthers acting as chairmnan a programme ai with the splendid behaviaur ai the childien themn- ahout thirty items was well given consisting selves, many af whom were crowded aimas: out aio sangs, readings, recitatians, dialogues, of shape, was exceedingiy cri'ditable. Two imauth-organ anid violin solos, somte ot which special prises were given, the following being the were esýpecialiy goad. During intermission succes-ful pupils :-Board draw-ing-ist, laura the blinda were drawn andi thelarnps lighted; Francis, (prise) ; 2tid, Grant Eddy, 3rd, Nellie theil came the stripping ai a beautifui and Colwiii. Qutck arthmnetic--lennie Lawrence. hea'. il, laden Christnias iree. Ater hIes2 exercises had been dispaseri ai a very Mr Lon Taylor was introduced as Santa enjavabie entertqinment was given by ihe lutile Claus anud a vrry good ane he made, mnany folks. and the prooedings were closcd witb ad- a good laugh he caused by his quaint saying dresses tram a number ot the gentlemen prceit to the' bovs and gis as they carne forward andi the atngxng aof 'Gad save the Queen. " to rt-ceive thieir presents. Mr. West and his W. A. H. scholars dese rve great praise for the excel- Bune Dlrecsory. lent wav the proceedings passed off as there was not the least hir ch. ht was ail joy and BFtALL, 8. - mner af Marriage Licses. Lhappiness. Ilesidenoe opposite Tawn Hall, Brooklim. W A 5'M. Tn v.- v4tinat *1f t,%(o The' services hast Sundav in connectian wlt.î the offering for the Sunday scbool 'were qui te hargrlv attended, and something 'overr orty five àollars were handed iu. dertakîng. The regzular services ta be iield in the church bere, marning snd evening, have ents of the bhem withdrawn for next Sunday, on ac- coutaofthe anniversary services at Raglan. At the annuil meeting helri on Tuesday air bis week ta appoint officers and teaciiers far the Sunday school, Mr. Gea McTaggart WH ITBY. was re-elected superintendant for the com- ing year, - The choir tram here went ta Glen Major on Motnday nugbt oftisis week ta assist in the' musical program given in connectian with the ayster supper et tisat place, andi they repart baving a good trne. The pupils ai the public achoal here presented Miss Aggie Balfour, the teachefr, witti a j wel case. flower vases, and a photo- graph albÙm on Tuesday alternoon, it be- ing the lest day ai achool for the present Iyear. We utiderstand that liveryman Ashton, ai this place, has secured the carrying of the express froam bere ta Braoklin, Wbitby, and Oshawa, tram Mr, McTaggart, of Oshawa, wha bas bad the cantraci for some mon ths pat. The business us ta change banda tise Jfirst of the coming year. SECAGRAVVL L~J~JTbe iallowing i. the report of the standing ai W H I T B Y. L - ], the pupils in Seagrave Public Sciiou for Nov, and Dec Names arranged in arder af standing 0 qbp in examinations. 4th class-4ý-Alfied Cracks. Peter Trusa. James F annery, Hâtel Tbornpson, i Eugene Wise, lames Reynalds, el Sn Chas. H . Sm ith,, Ruins, Morley Mci.>augall, .Lames McKinlay n Norman Mîdley. Sr 3rd-Luther Sle-ep. Wîllie (Formerly Wolfenden Worlzs.) îm- Leask, MatAl Thorn, Clarence Town, Bessie porter and Dealer in NMARI.E AND Kî-ng. Florence Moon, ERie Sanins, Mouley GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., ai Caucb, C;arence McLean. Maggie McKinley. the latest material and dle igs.AIT S*r 3rd-H-enry Mudgiey. Lattie Marks. Georgia kinis ai Cemetery work. t)ur work Truss, Howtàrd rhonison. Chrisrena Steven- guaranteeri. son, L.aura Couch, Cýhartes Sornberger. 2nd ),'SEND FOR DE-siGqs AND PRICEs. Ciass-Edia Town, Erneat Midgley. Noira Marks. 1%: pari and-Heicna Sornberger- Tsi part î Mltcon stone, Olive Thompson. Myrtle Kune, L.orne Mcl>ougali, Iona Mftier. David nr McKinley, Lampîough King, Rouent Mldliley. WiST 3.11BANK OF C NAR Lettia Mdgety. Howard Couch. Fiassie Midg- bey, George Suohrger. Capital Authorized $1 ,000,000 1 aKoolmiN Surplus 10510(0o Mr. R. H-. Waiks is borne tram Lindsay far B EOARD) 0F DIRECTORS. the Christmas vacation. Nominations for tovnsbip ecuncil takes place JOHN CowAN, EsQ., President next Monday aix p. m., lu the rnasonic hall. REuirr<N S. HAMUNv, ESQ., Vice-Pres. The caliegiate institute entertainment et T. H. MCMît.IAN,- - - Cashier. Wlsitby, on Tuesday nigh:, attracted a numuber General Banking Business trensacied. from lraoklin andi vicinity Drafts issued, payable in ail parts ai Can- Mr. James Harvey arrivcd hanse lest Satnrday ada, United States, and on London, Eng- tram Parr>r Sound. He ntends returtinia6t land, payable in alI parts af Europe. 39f work there in the spring. per cett. allowed on Savings Bank Deposits Rev. W. W. McMaster and Mrs. MeMaster, and credited haIt vearly. ofTroronto, are speuding Christmnas a: " Maple Scia enintoclecino Shasie, the home af Mr. sud Mrs. Dryden. aTers' attno" letes. of Mis. W. H. Hewî:t bas arrived back troms Famr'sale oe*1 Gravenhurst, wbere she bas iseen fur some trne. E. D., WARREN, Mr. andi Mis Hewîtt are naw living ru lima, R Manager ai Wbitby Brancit. B. Patîs bouse. The annual scbool rneetiu'g will be beld lu the ,, I CAN GIVE P0SITIONS-4-to per- scisoal bouse an Wednesday nex:, 3athinsma., et- XA7 iioa. m Mr. B. F. Campbell is the retirng smups of ail gradea.a .ebhly. Agents, trustee ibis year. Book-ke2'pers, Clerke, Iftmre' Sons, Law- Mt mrs. Jna. sud Fgauk Kerr lef: on Wedues- yers, Mechanics, Physiclans. Preachers, day marning for Suznmers:own, near Cornwall, Students, Married sud Single Wamen, eetewilsndCrtmsihteraï Wldows. Positions are worth front $4oa te whrtbyilapn Cisa ehIsrss $2,ooo per annu-m. Vve bave paid several afiter Mrs. S. Masterman. They expeet ta retur ont canvasBCrs $50 wcekly for years Mary in about twa ceeka. have started pour and become ricb with us. busiead of having a closing entertiuiment at Particulars upan application. State salary the scboolbause, as in the pasn cas done,,Miss expected. îLC. B. Hollîday. teaciser af Dryden%'s chool As lt T. B. LINSCOTT, Manager, -Torante, Ont. la generally called. invited tise'pupils ta spend las: Saturday evening aetber borne. About fôrty of lbe chidren gatbered at the boue pr ae Boarer8Wantod sud all enjayed tise e*eti tb&àuegt>w4 " TeDaugbters of the Churc vcili boW4 aW Aller Newa Vears. Board and lodging for chil ibe sçlsolrigia tepreslytertau dwseh two. Raom ta fi sultable 'for students. 011 Thut's4-y as'eelg, Dec. 1je* (New YeaiÏ Quiet home. Apply at ibis office. Whitby, eve)-.9 1oo 1o Wm Wh,~eÇrusedu Dec.i îoth, e896. wihM.<~d.MisLiu),Ms o4 ___________________________cack, (b anb~,d nilsers imli týk-pa.Ull - retresbments wli beserve& -Admissin cle The frt 0 Mms$cam S U Ncents. Ù~AU~S.<.' 4NA Iditor. af bis division. Tbe figboclugis thea ssadiu<lof i ~ ~ ..4 , the fiet three Ipachsols &itCo~~*n * :soùs tbe Aneri- Lazrte 'Yer - $ a yr. Hou. Jèbe .Y4et en-a. u a ç W"sisî-gton,cer #~-ê .tiite Mnlg i "ino Voterlnary Coliege, Toronto; Bonorsq mnrber of thu Ontario Medical SocietY. Treata ai! 'liseases af the domnesticated animal@ by thse moet spproved nsetbod. Aibe particular attention to stirgicai opOi'&tions sud deitrty Day or nigbt catis pranptly atten<ied to. Office and realdence ttrooklin Ontario. B. Duncan, mnerchant tailla, bas secured the agttncy for the Oshawa Steamn Laundry. Laundrvyuil leave bis shap en Tbursday marning. and wiii be returned on Saturday. Ail work guaranteed satistactary. Hastings & Manners, Oshawa Steam Laundry.-22-tf. Coal ail--Canadian, 18 cents per gallon ; American water white 2,3 cents per gallon, cash price. Get yaur cana filled naw, at Holliday Bras. "Peace on Earth; Good wlI to Men."1 e May the angols' sorig re-echo throughout ail oui land today. To ail lte readers of lhe Clironécle., and oar ces- torners andfriends wher- ever /Iiey wis/i a rnay be., we1 M ERRY-+ +-XMAS. Holiday - af the tambourîne, Word was sent framn head quattera a few days ago that the corps îr this town shauid be cioscd, Part Pcrry and Whitby are elassed as "bard sbaps" in arrny cidces. At the nomination for county counciiors for Scugag division, Mesars P Christie, Wmn. Ros, jas. Carnegie, W. R. H-am, J. W. Curts, J. Wright, J. Hoiman, J. Munro. N. M. Wier and T..Grahamn were nominatcd. 0f the abov,e Messtrs Christie, Carnegie and Ham yUl go ta the polis en Jan. 4tb. The Port Perry hçckey team bas elected thbe toUclyiing afficers :-lon Pres, L Borne':, M P preos, Wm Ross; t: vice pres, F M Varnold; 2nd vice pres. L Seber:; capraîn. A Carnpgue vice captain, W Donaldson; managrr, E L Eh. bels; mRaRaing cOmimoitef', Deirnison, W An- derson, P Murray, Il B.ong stc.treas, W Plat' ten. Rev. C. 0. johnston. of Toronto, dclivered bis lecture "C(ourtsahip and Marriage" iu the niethodist church Thursday evenîng aflasai week. The rev. gentleman knows weli how ta handie bis suhject andi did t: wrll1;it: was worth gain g a long wsys ta hear. Fi e stnthinizly deuaunced tbe dude, dudese and what is termed in ardinary parlance, socety, if wbaî hd- States is corrert, So- ciety is a hurnbug and fu1 yof hvpocrlsy, and Mr. Jabnston gees so far as ta say àr is. The municipie circus starta next Mondav evening in the town hall and lasta ail week. From preseni appearances it is nat known wbe:her il yull be a go-as-vou-please, everv- body's race, catch -as-catch-can. or a hop- and-go-tetch-it tiîne. Theracers are quietiv getting rcadv. Some wiil need qpura. sanme long iegged hoots, and anc or two will wear alippers. The nomniiation meeting next Manday evening promises ta be rather an intcrcstiîîg time. The firemen's supper a: the St. Charles hatel wa: a splendid success, some seventy ofthe praminent business men and residents eft he tawn wvere present. Mine buat Sebert and bislady received many words af praise for thse excellent bill af tare given to their gueula thât evening, and it reflected credit on the well known hostelry. Severai excel- lent speeches were made, but the Rev. Messrs Whitcman and Mode made the speeches of the evening. Last Manday morning whule Ernest 'ý Eh- bels was sweeping aut Allisan's drug store be noticed sinoke issuîng tram the partdon betwecen the office and stareroom. He ai once cailed the attention ai Messrs Allison, Hiscax and Evans, who worked bard for over an baur, andi were successful in put- tinq out the fire, but not betore it had de-s- iroyed nesirly anc hundt ed dollars worth of drugts and about ihirty or torty dollars dam- age ta the building. Luckile thev gave no alarmn or more damage ta stock uight bave resulted in removal of goods. The ire started tram an averheated thimble in the partian; it was verv fqrtunate that the meni were at band, or a serious fire might have resulted. 1: was with sincers rerret that out rltiiteng were mode aware by telezram ilast Friday af th-, sad intelligrnce that Wally Hait, son af Mr. and Mrs. W. H H;l1, ai the ý,venue, had been drowned in lalie Rosseau the previnus evenine while skating. Arthur Watdemar Hall work--d for a iengtb of tîme with Jones&t Co.. and F. W. 'Phillippo, and was a general favorite with alil and young. It is ssd te sce a strang. ro- bust youIIR life of nearly twenty ftve years so sud- denly eut off. Being a member af the Truc Bine 16ge Il liat,ôwi vesal ifferitmersatte.nded bis funera&l' last Sundaynt Cannmingteon.l'hé sympa- thy of our :owuspeope goci out to the bereaved parents and fricnds in their sad bereavement. Our Christmas fair las: Tuesâay was a success in every wav. Tisere was a very large =rwd in :awn and everyane waç weil pleased. Large quantities of poultry and park and beef was soid for cash and prices wcre paid mare than was qnated ait in the Taranrto papers of that date. A nother year wiii spemucb Lameer prise and more of thern a: the Christmas fair. The e'- mittee deserves credit for the way in whicb every- tbing was carried out. The toliawing are thse prises: -Fattest andLbest dressed bind quarter of1 beef. 'st 1 Wheeier, $3 ; and Cawker & Son, 82 ; 3rd 1 Wheeier; do. hog, no: weigbing over î5o lbo.. Fred O*Boyle. 83;' do. hug, weizhing ov-r i ýo %bsasd not aver a7; lb.Fred O'Bayle. $3; Cawker & Son, 2 ;J Hessle- wood. si; do. pair of geese, drawo, Mn E Smiîb. S$; J Rolph. Si. Miss T Rosisoc;-.do. turkeys, do, Mre E Smith, $2-, IRolr>h, $x - Xiss 1lames, Soc. do. ducks. do., Miss T Ross, $2..- Mrs Smith. S';i TiF'alewood.- soc ; do. chickens, do, Miss T RS% a. ; MissE Smeith. si; .argest iludb.sî callectuosof fowl. Miss T Rust 113-,MisE Smith.-$2p; Mr$ ie : besa r sa $butter in s lb lU4 Mis A0rchard. $- Mm Wm Pearsoa. 8Sa; Ist 80 lbs butter, in ornck5 Mrs A rOrchard, î3; Mr WJ We 1896 IIIas Greci AROSS & SON8,ý ýýýPOÀT PE. To our many Friendti and Custorners "A MERRY C3HRISTMAS TO ONE AND A.LL."* We propose having a Grand Christmas Bargain Festival, 2 Weeks of Bargain Days, Commencing FrîIay, ]Deloni1ith, and continuiug uni il after Christmas Day. Every day e Cash Bargain Day. Our weekly Friday Bargain Day. are not enougb ta d:tribute the niany good tiiinga we bave boulzht specially cheap for aur holiday trade. We are ioaded with usetul, serviceable, sensible presents. surpasing any- tluing we have ever offered before. Variety, Quality and Value. Our whole large, wcll asorted stock i. offered in this sale at specially re- duced prices for cash. EVERYTH ING AT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES. hlave you bought your Christmas presenta selectiona, and it la time to buy now. Early buyeras get the best Remember Our Cash Xmas Sale Before Purchasing. A. ROSS & SONS# Kinaleed fo $7,51.000 and ta fil ai tho- tir-m hýtd to Mr. and Mrs. Barker retnrned to Whitbv a ment Io. 125.000 packets. Pf required a ý,i) few days since after visiting tbeir sor.-in-law, Mr. mentef10tnspr 5îh, prlioht A'fred Salion. JieSh Vetenary Hlarvpy. to the est of us, is rep,-rted1 A Fainous Musiciar. as heing nomne trom the west, with a wallet full Mr. Brown, director of the McGill Univers-- of toad skins. ity gice club obtained first pnize for his choir Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lawton left Thursda u f male voices at the world's fair in Chicago muibrnnLvia C P R. to spend Christmas wit in 183 The' club have hadi the advantage thei sonin embrke.of this eentieman's experience in their train- thei sonin Prnhrke.ing. The concert will be given at Oshawva, Mr ,Tos Harbron and CO,. Lawrence, have Dec. jist, and tickets mas' be obtained ai been buAiy nccupied mnanagîng Mr Wm Bailev'o Aliin's drugz store. Thebe tickets wiil be ex- chnppinz Mili. Th'-y have completed theur changed for coupons, which wiil be kept work and wiiI spend Xinas ici Kinsae. exclusiveiv for Whitby buyers up ta Wed- We winh ail the rnany reders of the CHRON nesday mnrnIne. ICLE a Merry Xmas and happy New Year, flot Succsfu Teachers in Training. forigettinR the efficient staff of excellent carres- The following is the liai of' tenchers who pondents, including your Kinraie 'sCribe. sriccessfully passed the recent model school To day, Xmis. 1896, wiIl of course, as is al exagninations. Whitbv-MIisses B Adais, G ways the case here. be soienmnly caxisidered and GTýdshv, L Keddy, A M Kinver, J McePher- kept a holiday. The business centres will ')esn I M La intg, &I May, J R M il1er. A M or ri S. silent and ciosed with the exception cf oui post M J Orvis. M C Potier, S B Pilkrey, G M office, whicb will bc open during regular bours. Smith, G M Thomna, E S Wigg:; Mcssrs F The special meetings bave been weil attendel W Burnett,,Wým Blukoett. Jno A Bush, W ru and good res.ults bave takexa placé.-a pB g 'iyG 1Gouxlip i4wtwad AIf Halliday, number baye declared thei' desire tw lead a N Lawôtwî~nd, H j Smith. All new lite and bave adhered -ta -Utc waraing of cwndidates pafssed, Part Perry-M jases 54 the Scriptures. viz; 'Corne ye out ftoam among Camera,*. T Hobbhy, R NIcCabe, C Perkiris, them and be ye separate tram the world." Our H Martin, C Ward. Messrs N W Ctaig, Geo pastor, Rev Mr McDonald, bus labored faitb- W Delury, Perey Edz'rton. Wm Emmieroni, fully. and bas carried on a series of excellent Wm S Fairzele, Percv Frayver,_ Eher R F'ray- meetings. er, Frank Hairrison, F3 Jcil:r. The follow- Chas Mackie, wbo bas taugbt the Enfield ing camprised the cxamining board: In- public scboai for two ytars bas given up the spectnr* McBrien. G Y Smith, L L B, Whitby profession and bas rsturned home. He Will and J A Uncierhtll, Port Perry. bereslter partake cf the profits accrning Ironi Setakt u mi the faramng andustrs' and will attend 'o theA Se bac taaAmbisio.h Bwani farming aperaion on the aid bomestead. We SWemn Ba amuies of tefBaoa anillte extend car bei: wisbes for a successful ftu- ttsua no:cviusg s addt aiong this Unecdo procedure, we welcrme bîm for the co-unty council in or der thai the pes: bock tolus o!d neîgbborbood. pie ichtb be represented by meni wba co.uid Nez:Wedesdy, ie nUawlU bte meaco,oMe back and. give'an account of tbem- seoolmigdar. te usth, amob an ufl ~selves, we tetb e bud oa, a tiny aspiration sclnnmbaeeti ung c 4. 1Te asralamut«our sprrnging Up, iflur saisi. 0f cour»e we achoig al u s e, tudusxe. ila, ssi is<Or bavnot ruimlbr msra fn ' ~ s r tbe 1 -ci Wl $7.",àà Jameshao, but as heo was -k1-Aya din bow p mebol ittr*ôl b ad~.W be mrucê-we culdsoon qif f i iatete woi*sug~: b.~ ecia ttuet ad jm.Airnot aiiybodyl- could. Joweyer, téé de-. finpàrtpsa oi* Doe vour fu4adlg#efe c1 iy couricior, and tbeom à ke a bod vgè I hcà4 oeso ibat k my ha 01 str<,ke %for ia ýpt ji-te ël6untlt~nt*;w sani in b ndhehold !rr3'oss-m",stfs l t he, Sidmrsl~~~~ î -,~tinT~mav f MCl t -. -i @5-ý I BI«,QKLIN. Jrs . Ralfll Iï 0rk-- eau b. seau P!Urdyýs'* e*Y pUAçq ThéeFarupers5 lu-tostpti çï4-GQ- Monday we arely &Ïtind w, - Ic 1 à 1 :Iiw i""Y ik-.P %.& a a N-4 " 1-7 ) r2nný 1 1

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