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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 3

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- -. ~Uhi I~* ~?\r» WZNDUP-TE ~o~e~'oSTO ATVOTE ON TUeE<~ V4O»W=' XE LIVELY SPEKOLN aEoi-$25 'TIn W. C. T. W.-DAN AIS ljPAl» FOI HALLOWE'EN EXPLOITS ?eTà3'owgncougcil of I8a6 met Lbth las i Ure Monds.y nigbit and about on, >Q~tdred and i ffty ratepayérs wére pree * bO hear thé discuiesions, thé partie .%»tr Object Of thé gathéring being to lIn euntenance a<'ainét a Schemé laidl hatcheti out by some of thé aldermen t4 havé thé plebisoité on thé 00W questiol atifled. There were no communications t réa( abt tiis Meeting, and thaefore there wil b8 ne business leit over for thée nez counacil. COUD Deverell read a repor, frotn thé streetLs commîittée in favor oi payi&g R Fogarty $11.25 for breakine A1tone, and G M Rioe 88e for repairs Thé comumitée bad an aocouut from 'iN Hl Crosby for 88 75 for thé caet of mov. îug an Outhuilding back to dte prol el Placé after thréé succéssive removala 1, thé youthful celebtaîrs o! liallowéen Thé co()mmîtiée re ported aedverse ly on the Mattér, but t4é nayor puinted ont that thé council had slready pasu $2 for hiail inff back water closetLs alLer te receni Halloe'en, and hé mid nuLse@ Low iA could refusé Mr Crosby. His worFs1ii furthérstated I)at it was s singulan ing to im that those who do sucli thInge wéeré not prosecuted, and tîtat if ho wéré in office as inayor whien another yVesr rol around ha wuuld 8penil Hallu e_ ith the ovo and see wio ît IF. M%,Jée s80 iu3hlinke work as Lu carrN around législative buildings to such ai) exténit that thé town bas to puy lam2e éumsf to get îhern moved back. Cotan Jackson said that hée nudertiLood that thé night watchman had given thé naines of séveral parties to Police Magîstrste"Har- per to be procéédéd againgt, but nothintg further had béén done. Thé mayor said that if no information weré laid iL woîj'd do no good to hand in namps to thé pul l'De magistrate. Dép)nty Pringie said ai Mode no matter wliat ha4t or had flot beén done wxîh a view Lu liroeectiting (f e boys, thé town le légal y liiable for ta loié to proteet the ratepnye.s or tîtéir prcoî. értY, and eau WQY iuîîlled te pay suefa accounts as tîtese Coun .jTeîkscin said thére were sevfral coses of a lîke char. acter in the scuit lwitrî, and if we paý others we Sfiiuili pav tiietU. On Motio'r of Colin Devereli, Nlr Crosby was shlow éd 8 1.50. Coun Blow lîronglit in a report cf tf'< town propertY coirinittee, rel)nrting for palymont. these acconte: rose and Grangér sc. $62;M ('Lawler, ac, $1.50; John Blow, cal, $3 63. Thé, ac. coni passed wîthout discussi )n. Coun Noble read a report from the relief eoinwîttélýe in favor cf ;avicig thes<- suma MNrs Jenniugs, koel)pcfîMrs Rirn. $18 50:; Mat is-son Bros, kgooýs tio Mr'- Coff-Y. $13 50; ) li V\'ckers, gonds t( M1rm Murptuy, S8; M C Lotwler, giodR toi R Collinet. $1 95. The account passed Reeve King bronglit iin a repoort from thé floanice cîniittee in tav(r o et psng thèse anme: Dr McGilivray. for attend-i ancé on thé (2.1 ns fa;lilx., oflictjd w tIi diphtheria, $20î 75; W C T (2, S25 Th, conniittée reported adverselv ton Mr VM W Tamblins a pplication tLu reilure his tales because lie is nulotnow eartîing ap- rmiiiehisalary ea; hp le ftsose fofr. It wam thé opinion if the cru ti t timo 4%le mrely a schéma of thé rééve'stici catch thé Iadies' votés The maN-or 8aid this question is flot e3prung on thle conn- cil at thé lAst. minute so far as lé can ses. Thé matter bits been befuiré thé coclil over a yéar. ilorîng whir':i ime jal yearly granit o! $25 Liîst year '..matter wnî; laid over to, tltis yéar 'liis year it bau heen héld back at evéry stage bécausé, memberi of council ineist- éd on iinformnin themeselvés bv inquiring it thé work of thie W C T U, but the mmnr appaaréd 8sud to know verv Iitte or nothintz of the question. 8urely thé mattér had béén lonLg enoiih under considération. Couneilhors BucîAl and Scott and Depnty Pringlée upported the grant. Conn Robson said that mémbers who had eervéd on thé r elief commwitte reqLlirédl no posting as; to thé valué o' th. work doue by due W C T V. Thé ladies nover cease lic do good work. As a1 member of thé relief comumittee for tour ypars hé bas had a good opportuniîy to learn of tbeir work and no pérson will e 1 er- know of its full éxteni. thé ee' s*ld it waa probabiy owing to ihéir obaritable woirk that the township li'as te - ppond about OO<s yoar in rMleL The &Oottwas granted., ý 1Iie oew quesetion thén carne on. Théb c rowd had waited patiently to hear about thé cew. Ceuni Scott moved té roup4i4 thé motion pausssd ponihe ago iv ftatr of taking a voe. The motion had & fflasor twoinit and ran ail ovr th -, of municipal Politien tofind a, ow W" pvensot ci tAttaxation bydouiké$ing with thêe *0o t *a motion tl e r.osfdûr 'lw1>1Obpr.viously voted upon mueit be tt me, MuttiDg or tho u nsît cillor bt i t 1004&lu4na. that the £Mayor u1O& tbe âiËo"in ole on bis feslbi- 1m psiel»O ïï»dU4 16I goe Iaw. The Moayor rêI1t bjy .n&horitY. 0OoBn S -c - - w làs *U» about khe matter, snd app.îsled to- the couneilsginst the wnayor's ruihng. He prooéeded to makeae lOction speech Lo tbe effect that ho didn't car, for snybody; didnt care whetber ho got one vote or five huadred. The mayor pu thé quel.- fion sa to whether or flot hie ruling would b. sust.ained, but upon the request of thé réeve and deputy reeve Coun. Scott with- drew hie appeal and the matter dropped. Deputy ktringle moved theé mayor out of the chair and thé reeve itohis placé. and then moved a grant of the usuel $10o to tue vmayor. Before a vote oould he t'tken Mayor Rutledge asked tbat the matter be dropped. He had refuesd to accépt thies8100J for years and belie'eed the imae b.d corne to top making ibis arant. Thé motion w&A therefore drop- ped by consent of the mover and seconder. Deputy PrinRle then moved another motion «iving expression of thécounocil'e appre jAlion of thé ability, eourt.esy and faiLÙfUiîuéss wiîh wbich the mayor bas discharqeul bis dutie, and nriding uponi uiw thenanimous désire of conil ti fie occept that office for anotîter year. The motion was carried unanimouely. His worghip tbankéd the council for iLs 2niod weords which were quité nnderved. HF lai found it a véry pleasant and eair tatk Le présidé over théir délibérations. ýis to thé town's affaire hé h1ad given considerahle troublé and study to thfe payment of sume cùf debts, and bélieved this was thé firet honest attempt ever made te) do go. Thé council then adjonrned. Deluged in Mon treal. Tremendous Efforts Made te Meet the Rash. Neyer héfore in thé history of the Wélls & Richardson Co., manufacturérF f thé célebrated Diamond Dyes, havf héy béén 80 cotnplotely delugéd and wemgliéd dowrn with mail matter as ai îth, riresent tAmé. Thousande of letter or- 1èere are crowdine in from. ail parts o! the Dominion for thé great popular Ton Cent Combînatien that was advertised a short rime aézo. Tée avalenché of letterp is Sc vaitfîat a iargely iocrenoed staff of ibandA 1i; necéssary te attend te it. Th( 'nterrrisinz Diamonti Dve firmi havé béer dired te h(111 over for a few days sonit tlîcnaRands 'f ordere béforo filling tbém. Thîs fart shotid disconrazé no one: thére will lie ne disappointments; evé-rt- i)rder recérved will ha weil and trulv fili- éd. as sepâ havé béen taken te double the lstily supply o! Photos and Excelpsior RhvnninL, A 13 C Books, fllustrated. For the benefit o! those who havé no, en or béard o! thé advértised Combina Lien elffor, it 19 hère repeaté-d: Frrst-One "Excelsior Rhyminiz A F C Bootk, Illtitrateil'. no two lare]et èere o! tiré Alphabet are o! thé- sarné celer Serond-One fiil &7P rich 'Cabinel Photo o! thé "Thréée ntura Kings cf EnLeiand " Evéry loy'al Cariadian ehould have il Third-Oue packagye of "'Diamond Dve Ink Powdor," for msaking sixteen ounce of kest bisck writing i. Thé wholé Combination, wortb 65 cents, te anv addrése for ten cents. Send emaîl silvér coins, or the proper amonni in one, two or thréepent stamps. Stamps o! larger deonination will not hé rereiv'ed. Seal vonr letier specnrély, snd before maiiinR hê @enre von put on fulil poeitaLeé thréé cents in IamRps. If full postage 1' not nrernaiii lét.t.rs wilot he cceptéd AuliréAR Wells & Richardeon Co., Mfontreal], P. Q. COtYRTICE Mr. Frank Brawnd and wife, o! Pick- ering. are visiting au bis- father's, Mn. j oseph Brawnd. Mn. Anson Pickle bas sold bis hand- somne driver to Mr. Darch, o! Bowman- ville, fora good figure. Mr. Levi VanCamp and wi!é are vis- tlng at S. Penfound's. W. R. Courtice and Blake Courtice spent Sunday at A. Clémnence, Tyrone. Mt. Carswell Sons o! Temperanre wiil start a litérary contési ai New Years. Thé capt.ains are Mr. Frank Gay and McKénzie Penfound. Mr. L. M. Courtîcé bas been attend- ing county counicil beld in Cabourg hast wee k. Our noted shotsman, Arthur Gay, took in thbe shooting tçournament at' Newcastle last week, and got away wibh first prizé as usual, killing 16 birds straight. Hé is a hummer. Mr. George Short's youngest child is véry snck with -inflammation of the lungs. Mr. Samuel Courtice, of Troronto, is visiting bis f ather here. Mr. Fred Spey is visiting ai S. S. trooks. Murray& Lariman 's FLORIDA WATER THE SWVEETEST MOST FRAGRAN-r, MOST REFRESH-INO AND ENDURING 0F AU PERFUMES FOR THE HANO)KERCHIEF, TOULT OR BATH. £11 BRUQGISTS, PERFUMERS aNO Our enterprising stockman, .\Ir jas Leask. captured a number of prizes at the Guelph fat stock show. The special serv ices in connection with the dedication of the new metho- dist church were well attended op Sun- day. In the morning the Rev Newton Hill of Omernee occu pied the pulpît. in the afternoon the Rev j M Carneron spoke to the young people, and in the evening the Rev MIr Stewart of Sunder-' land. Next Sunday the Rev G Wood, a former pastor, w1Ill preach in the morning. and the Rev joseph Real of Woodville in the evening. Communion will be observed in the presbyterian church next Sunday, com- mencing at i i a m. The money has been paid and the deed signed, seaied and delivered, con- vevîng the lot where the old brick church lately stood, to the Sons of Temper- ence. Now that the division has got room to enlarge themselves it is to be hoped that the long taked of improve- ments will be pushed forward wîthout further delay. The only trouble is the fnancial part, but if the Rev A Camp- b)elî*s services could be secured for ai) hour or two that trouale would van îsh as the morning dew. tarr1ed aAt the residence of tfie bride's par- ents on the !3rd inst. hv the Rev J NICJameron, Mr John NIcLean of Coluni- bus, to 'Miss Maria Akhurst, (A (Jreen- bank gp)-t'. Mr joseph is subilvêt-v low, and iL is teared that the thread o! life is almost sp n t. Our schooi closed on Tuesday with the usual entertainment by thé pupls. A goodly numnber o! the parents and frnends were present. Both teachers are retîring from thé ueaching profeès- sion, at least for a imé. May success attend themn wherever théir lot may be cast. BIROUGIRAN. Our Sunday echool people are makung iireaL préparations for a grand time on Xmes éve. Robt. Miller is away in thé St.ates de' liveriiîg sonne sheép that hé sold. Robt does quite a large business importiing and shippîng sbéép. Thé young follis made quite a large !arewell party for Thos& Sandersen the uther evéning. They képt up thé danc- itîg until thé wéé ama heurs of thé Lorning. Thos. Sandérson bas rentéd part of the A.damson farut and .vilI inove there one o! thèse days. I hear that we are going te havé a new store in our village soon. William Wilson bas moved into hie uéw bouse, which is quité an addition tu thé village. Pattérsoni & Méire havé a new chopper and are chopping grain for thé farmers. John us a mover. John Moire hae hie house slmoet fidish éd. Re hau bee' baildinir quite an ad- dition te it and groaîly improving il. A MT5SAOE TO MMN. Proving that truc honesty and truc philantropy staîl exist. If &Dy man, who is week, nervouo and dobi- litatéd. or wbo is euffering frosé e»tofthé volrtffe troublés rèsul n -rouwoutb tI of , excemséeor overwork, il tskeheEatad write. to e, 1ué Iil sepd i bireconidsntially and btéé of cbsrge thie 0pla rsueti dy whkie-1 Wâ*- coîuipietéiy reétorâd tiperfect éaltbh a is. bood, after yearsofet suffeuisqçfrom- lIqervôl!s Debility, Lon. of V-4or aàclOr aiWap 1 have notbihg-te seli andtb thoreowant nue meney, but au I know thrangb my own -ex periéncé how té symipathiea-uthasue ufferezý I amu glati te hé able te assiot III, fllow-bsiWg te a cOeum Wofa wMof thé, aeus r im p o ad u u t uil n krindlbut Îr"»l-& WaY foot!7 well and happy GMO M MW *6 diffir. eus heromre e nh W, pias,qMspA.of curé m t S.I knwne l n @wIwu-ýV ýtoeu voun eua . neîm ibI*ai,5m I al à k ....,.A M' Marritt visited\ here on Sunday. >hsses Morris and Gilmour, of Whit- b , vîiited Our scbool exarninations. Miss Sophia Eiliott spent Sunday wiîh her mother. Mr. David Annan, of Pickering, called on friends here on Sunday. Mr. tlunting gave us a sermon here on Sunday last. The- Sunday school election wii like- iy take place the firsi »week in January. Mr. Richard Puckrin wenî west on Monday lasi on a verv important pur- pose. His brother Siîmon went along to aid bim in bis néw venture. A Mérry Xmas and a Happy New Year to our many friends in Audley. We have again tg remember this happy season and wé wish for ail an abundant joy. Mr. Madili's examinatjon came off last Friday. Although a drizziy ramn came on Dut a crowd was flot to be kepi home for ail this. A most enjoy- able trne was spent t'y ail. The teach- ing o! the classes was very interesting and shows a good training. An excel- lent musical programme was rendered during which a Lreat of apples. then candies, was given by the teacher. Near the close a handsome address was read by a Miss Masson and a fine gold ring with suitable engraving was pre- sented the teacher by Arthur Lyndé, behahf o! the pupils. The scholars felt their ioss and in their joy o! Xmas imes this tinge o! sadness was on their faces. The incoming Leacher was flot present but t~he good-will o! the section is with hirn. Thé tempérance question is now in full swing here and theré are many in- dications that Audlev viciniîy will au.g- ment anv former majority for local op- tion. If any one casts a voté on the question without due consideration of the mnatter in the light o! right or wrong. we say that such a one is an ex- ample of a rnisplaced franchise. Mr. F. S. Spence, o! Toronto, as you wil sée, is to be in our township ail the comning week and iL will do weil for ail to hear him, as he wil h at aIl the points o! interest. Foliowing is a report o! thé S.S. No. 5, for the fal l erm 1896. baséd on a written test :-Leaving class, max. 65n marks-A Brown 374, W Chapman 373 E Pilkéy -337, Wm Westnev 283, A- 'Maddaford 282, F Brown 277, B Mc- Brady -. EnAtrance ciass. max. 65o -Alice Westnev _389, A ()YLearY 375, Lorne Sanders 33-,. E Thompson 267. .EdwardS 231, E Thompson 219, N Calvert 219, Sherman Brown and Robt Piikcy. Sr 111, max. 5oo-Frank WVestnev 28-. E Haight 238, F Pilkey 234, H M,%cBradV 233. John Haiglhu 173, G Mladdaford 133. 'WCalvert 1o4. -Jr Ill, max. 525-Henrv Brown 401, G Williamson 325, L Puickrin 31 1. H Blake 287, G Huntiv 270, S Miadda!ord 255. G Cammack 232, B OrViS 221. Sr Il, max. 475-JOsie *McBrady 3n4. .A HuntdY 307, M Pilkey 26o, RTIhomp- son 182, Daisy Huntiy 181. Jr 11, in order o! menit-H Calvert, E Lynde, W Fowlie. 'They say that no one can beat Hoffiy keeping books," "guéss that's ight. He borrowéd dozen of mine and kepr every one of IfSathCas iesawhe."o A Genewous Offer. (Pabh.shded by RequesI.) D5ear M1r. Edilor :-Will yeu kindly n- ferm thé eaders of your vabiable paper tbau I wîll gladly send F REE te aby suflerEr frotu Lest Maxnhood, Nervous Debihhny. NÎi&ýt Losses. Vauicooele, Iompotency and 'the rjsults of youthfül fétty. partculars'et a simpele anti inexpensive muas of SeIf-cmrewbich after a- ing humbugged andti aposeti upon lôr yiear by quack - samd patent mnedldne eburIes. cw'ed ire in -l'afew weéks. 1 h»ae cOng Io se» or give away. nov rn Iâ a4 îuf cy paneqt, moficine busness, butvtw e p trd Oteg' frein sny sufferer auxieut init ka cuirefor li compl#iut. mO wbom 1wWepaa- n4o tially. biow ,nti by wht .ies 1 Iw..ms* Huadretis tiave béas Ï,O>ied t:hrougb a 'm' - v i c e . C a s e o t ln- t l e r w a t i - - y t u dreda et dollars-,'fni dendl yaedoeLmif 'toioOU. tww- et - tç w»I- Septem ber 6t576 Botties. 18265 BOTTLES ON D.CHASES LINSEED ANU TU1 Total Sales for Month of September1, and October 11,689, and Publlshod Mei Is the Affimation of t:- Dominion of Canada, i h atr0 r.Cae yu t Proriiiux of Ontario,IntemteofD.Caesqrp vl Counnu of Yor~k. Linseed and Tnripentiine« To 1JVit: 1. Btrton Morris, of theéCI -ty of Toronto. lni the County of York, do solemnly declarey that M1Iamn shipper for the firm of Edmnanson. Bates & Co., proprietors of Dr. Chase's fninily medic'lnes. and arn familiar wvlth the quantity of 5oods sold and ïdhipped by said firyn. 12) Duririgthé months of September and October respectlvely there wer-e sold in the Doninion o! Canada 6.576 and 11.699 bottles o? Dr. Chae.e's Syriip of Liiîmseed anud Turpentine. and I miàke thig solemu declaration. conscientiousl believirîg i to ha true. and knowing that .'t i.- of the samc force and effect as if made und er oath and by virtue of The Canada Evidence Act, 1I3." <Signedi BURTON NMORRIS. Declared before me at the City o! Toronto, ln the County of York, (bis 2nd day of November. 186K J. H. DENTON. a Commiesioner, etc. 01 - e..A UNSOLIOITED TESTIMONY: ASTHMA FOR YEARS. A BANKER'S EXPERIENCE. I trled a bottîle o? Dr. Chase's Syrup of Li n. I have .,uffered very severely from asthma seed and Turpentine fora troubleçqome affect ion for over twenty five years." says R. G. Moore, o? the throat,"wtrites Manager Thomnas D)e woti of Harniltosn* If 1 ventured away fromn home of the St.andard Bank, now of!il MeiboIuruie t.he change of air would brlng on such bad at- avenue, Toronto. -It proved very effective. I tacka tV at 1 "<as araid 1 would suftocate ex regard the remedy as simple. cheIap and ex- tîmes. A. short ime ago I found it nécetiary cee-lingly good. It bas hitherto heen my habit t o go to Pari§;, Ontario. on business. On the way to co'i"ult a physiclan in trwl6egof t his natu re. my old enerny attacked me wlth great severity. Hereafter, however, I int.end to ha my own As soon as I got (o Paris I went to Armltage's family doctor." drug -tore Ptnd hought a bottie. It relleved my AsthmF%. and althnugh I have been away from A CROUPY COUGH. home scveral tirne- since. I experlenced no MyLtlbo aabdcru ogj-.av more trouble. I regard my quarter as weîî M-ltl oyhdabdcou>cnhl,. eipeîîi. au u iteni to twud soine more aftv-r a.." rs. SniLh, o? 2)ý6 Baî huîr.t "truet, Tri "Mvy nelghbor, Mrs. Hopkins.reorniendedni Li try Dr.Chta.e SYqrîp of l auerd miîrpç.rt A PEVE TATVE F C LDS "te. I did so. ind the firmt dose did him goomi. A RE EN A IV 0 OLSIOlle hortlke conipletely cîîred the od Iti aPPeatr'.to Ine it ran now hc found in eveiY "I have been a chronic sufferer fromn severe hu. colt" for a long time." says 'Miss H attie Delaney, of 174 Crawford -treet. Toronto. PROVED MOST EFFECTIVE. .Uiiiilly at thi" s-eairtn of the year I did not I nised Dr. Chase'.. -,riip of Linseed anrd know what lt wtv; 1 be free froîxi Lhem. Noth- Turp-t'ntn for -% vcth;roat trolible, 'rî i ng did nie muxel gond untfl I got a bott.le of M r-. Hopkins, of 254 Bhiîr-.î triet. Toroîiîo. ['hase's Linseed çind Turpentine. It not onîy It proved inost effective. 1 regard iL as unie o? the b 'tLio"'lndretvc'uies there j,.. lu i-. cnirrd my roid, but I have not had another e~ and plenaaît 10 take enid drives out the siine I ascribe the credit wholly to Dr. Chase." coîd with surprising celeit y." Dr. Chase's Syrup of soothes and heals the affected Lins ed a d T rpenineparts, relevsthe over-charzed Linso d and Turpe tine membraie, î'elieves abngestioil of the air pas,,ages ; arrestis the progress of fever and infl'amination. Tt v-, pre- pared froin the fiuiest dernulcents and expect.rants f rom the prescriptions of Dr. Ghase, and is speeî1ally eff*ective in Croup. CJ1ILflREN JIJST LOVE IT. Druggiots 2 5 CENTS@ ILL ~0- "'~- f baud thînt irau

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