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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 5

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C RmI I 'GA"RNI. HAYWI The Real Old Refiable 1,000 PR Consisting in tPart Boxes,' Perf. Boxes, G/ove Boxcs, Ladies PESENTS of Do/il Cliildret Ge nts These goods were bought specially for the Xmas Trade '-, FIor Cash. AND WILL BE SOLD AT- BEAT O ALL O PRICES. In addition we weIl make Special Reduction in al lines of Dres Goods. $1 Tweed Dress Goods for 65o 50o Tweeds for 30ce Serges, 60e for 37k-o, 35e for 25c 50e Brocaded Black Goods, 35c , 50o Black Lustres. 35ce Nice Serges, 30e for '22c ; Melton Serges, 15o for Ilc;32i Flannelettes, 10e for 6e. Great Cut In OVERCOATS ::AND ::ULSTERS. $10 for $7î 50 , $8 for $5 50 , $7 for $4.50. Overcoats $î.50, for S2.75. NLMens Tweed Suits $7î 50 for $'4.75. Black Dress 8uits $12 50 for *7-50. Men-,s Sbirts and Drawers 30e, regu- lar 4.5e, 50e reg 75c, 75e reg $1, $1 reg $1.25. Top shirts 50e, reg 7.,- Great Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hose. 25e, worth 3,5e ; L-idies' Ribbed 20e. at 5c, 10e, . 15e s, Toys, Books, Fancy Cups and Saucers, us b n's Tea Setts, Silverware, Games, Ch idren's Saits K and -Ckildren's Si/k, Linen and LawnHnkec1e Boots, Shoos, /AT YOU R Don't Forgot and Rubbors, PFRICES. to Remombor ~HAYWARD*~ is determined to selil is Entire Stock this Winter ani quit Business. That the reason for such Low Prices. Sorne say Cash and One Price, prices to inake them \ seil. Ms, Pin Trays, Smoking Setis, ee~ ,nije Fork and Spoon, Napkin Rings, S, Ties, Gloves. iîts, Etc., Etc. 4 lbs fine Raisins 25c. 3 lbs extra fine Raisins 25c. 5 lbs fine Currants 25c. 3 lbs finest, eleaned Patras Currants 25c. 2 Ib8 Orange or Citron Peel 25c. Best Shreded Cocoanut 25c. 3 Ibs Icing Sugar 25c. 4 oz. Nutmeg 2.5c, 4 cans Corn,' Peas or Tomatoes 25c. 29 cans best Salmon 25c. 2 tins Kipperd Herrings 25c. 1 lb tin Jam 5e. 2 glass cans Jam. 25c. 4 lbs best Mixed Candies 25c. Mixed Spices, Lenions, Oranges, Nuts, &c Vary Bout Tuas and Coffoos. Pure Moca and Java Coffee, 40c, regular 50e. Moca, Java and Ceylon, 30c, regular 40c. Breakfast do. 20c, reg 30c. Fine 25e and 35e Teas for 20e ; 35e do. for 25c. World's Blend 25c. suitab- Kolona 40c Bu ttei 1 say Cashi and r and Eg8s taken in exehangye for goods at regrular prices. N.B.-No Turnipy Butter. Reniember the Best Bargains are always at HAWARD'S, Whît byl GRERNBANE.1 The W. F. M. . held their annual meeting on Thursday lasi and elecced1 their otffcers for the pear 18<97 as fOl- lows: lres, MIrs R Somervîlle . vice pres. Nîrs John leasl<; sec, Mrs R Michie, treas, Miss Lena l3oe; organ-1 îst. NlMisNaggie NMcM1lan. ('grand Xorthy Associaîte jas A Mil-, 1er attended a meeting ot the execttve of the grand Diîvision S of T held in Toronto on Fridav evenîng last. It Is told in a whîsper and as a close secret that there is to be a wceddingj down in Egypt next week at which a1c young mani from Colu mbus will play an important part. On Wednesday of last week the re-r sidence of Mr L Hurnett, M 1', was the scene of a quiet wedding when bis sec- ond daughter Nora and Mr James, Davidson of Ashburn were made mnan, and wife. We otier our hearty con- gratul.tions, but flot without a pang of5 regret àt losing one of our most highl) esteemed young ladies. We regret to hear that our old andt s venerable friend Mr Joseph Lee i se5r- ' i ously iii. Hope we m-i11 soon be able to report him better again. Miss Jennie Phoenix is home on a COURTICE. Mr. Blake Courtice visited friends in Tyrone Iast week. Mir Samuel Everson is at Seaforth on apple business. A contest is being arranged by the inembers of Mt Carswell division. Mr and Mrs A J Courtice visited Brooklin friends recently. Mrs C W Osborne is spending holi- days with friends in Western Ontario, Annual meeting of -1 U Cheçse Co. was held Tuesday. Secretarys,.rêport showed that a large amnout of business liad been doue duîing the season but the low rate at which the cheese was inanufactured leaVes the.,coppny with a very small divldend c.*i tieir invest- mient. Fouir dlars cd was aflthat the company received on an outlay of $î..Thos- it cao be seeni that theý "ratrvbs are. having t4c hedèee#nu Sfactured at lese than actual coe. We j nderstand also that b& VanÇa ihas 'mUstained bis high ,rcpuàièas a4 #'ntake of first dt chece-t ti. x- \înson, R Court ce, L Plair. Pt Il- 1 Per. c. 1I Worden. G Burridge. Sr 1't 1I F lirridge, F Vi"nson, J Truil. Ir Pt 1-M Trull, A Osborne, M Worden. IW WVHancock, teacher. NEWCASTLE Sorry to hear that Miss Annie El- ridge i,, lîkely to leave our village for D)etroit, Miss Elridge is an energetic worker in the church and Sunday school, and p.esident of the League. MIr a-id Mrs David Hayes entertain- ed a number of friends gaturday night at the christening of their youngest ch Id. N.\T Ellison is making improve- ments in his residence by erecting a new glass porch. Mr W Law bas returned from Port Hope Model School, he wili teach Crooked Creek school, .Mr W Mason, Orono will. probably start business here. Poles for new electric light have ar- rived at G T R station. Mr Robt Barfatt is comfortably set- tled in hig new residence Barfatt Block. Subscriptions and collections in aidi of the Superannuation Fund were tak- en in the Methodist church, Sunday. Mr Geo Morrow, Kingston road cast, is moving to Toronto. Messrs J Coulson aud j Parker are candidates for Reeve of this noble burg.& Mrs Enoch Hoimes bas been quite Warren's evaporator has enough work to keep runninig tilt New Years. Mrs Thos Douglas is sufferiig, Ir=n a severely scaidcd band. Mr and MI~ Humter, Toronto, are spending their'honeyrmion at, î 'Geô Luin'Ëd6n's. Mr. Joseph Flowoll, of Uxbrigop nuoved to Mauchostor thia week where he willl take, possesajon -of -the Pruo farm. Mi.O. . Blteiff i.st roeut engag. ed on -the, oditonael stea-the ,Tona-l quits aIhon eô 4olà %ftc À n M rJwj ..Jf 1. 1* ..n ý" home (one mile east of town) when a wan drove up bebiod on tho 8ide road riear the fence. The younger girl suc- Ceeded in Rettifl2 out of the way, but jrl8t a& Mise Skene turned to see wht uhe danger wae the horme &truck lier to the ground. She was severely bruised on the face and body. The earelesa driver eontinued ou his çwuy without seerning to care whether ho hâd injured anyono or flot. A draken rov. Laut Friday three menn arued John- oton and a tnan natued Irish. troni Utios district, camne to town together and Rot on a spree. They were ail loaded into tbeir wagon at the Bascow bouge ready to go borne wben they stot quarreing and bad a general ruction, Irish seeming to ho the object of general attack. They eprawled around in the maud and had a lovely ime until thepyolioo tool a band- in. Irish vas neaily sbrippod, and wiluh tund and blood preented a terrible sp- pearance, but ho was fot hurt as- much as ho soemed. Ho wus allowed to go homne, and John and George Johnoton vere locked up. Neit day they appoar.' ed before W"Hamilton, J. P., and were fined #5 sand conte eaeh. WIU appeeL. W. sam znformedchtb tht ithe ti.case of Alma Date and -Thomas Parkinson Va. The. People'& Loan and Dopomit'Go.,M. Henry Joues, wbo ie the rosài dofoudant: ini ths coso, as, tbrough hies olicitor,, T. W. Obapplo, given noticé of-appoat, trom the, judRm»nt -given n w avr, rofthe,' plaintif aý the .division court cf b#p igb," courtof jsic's Trut M.Jan">, porohase fo inýt &h. égo'8 'Loan and Savigs Qo. & judxcàenst, agpnsT. W.. Dale iwiexée:cutiontRdÈ ý9àe- mg éx a ratlb er of àb ît.wb~I wnerpi.adoe ha. Jte Â*i-W tti DarlÉngto-n OounciL Town bh, ilanàptoin, Dec. l5tb, 1896. Council met pursuant to statute. Membere ail preserir, minutes read and confirrned Mr. Aliai> Truîlaseked :o have R. B. Mitchell and Williamu Allan notified to more t heir fences off the road Cler.k of Man vers asked for $8, haif cost of work on boundary linoe. Referred to Mr. Clemens. 'M. S. Bancroft wrote in reforence to hie brotber's funeral ex- penses. L K. Msirton wrote in refer- ouee to ine between lots 80 snd 81, con. 4. Tenders wero received to furniah hemlock pîank, from S. Trevail, Geo. A. Siephens, W. Swain and Tbos. Brima-' combe, laid over. Tremarer eubmitted pis annual statomont of acounts; ezam', ined, approved and orderod to bo pub- bashed. Mr. Fauer baving boilt a bridge And covered anotber larg e me Mbis division, iuwolving tii, parchas. M#ZD.91 extra road material, tbe tresuer wIWIJp ttructod to transfer mid amopnt from IMn. ,Fostor's amacnt -te gen eral towxiabip account. Accouats pso.BWiudatt.; sui>driea, *17.50,91Smlue i n, 8 l«o ofgrarel,.*4 40; -L. Ml3orio acd* '#S gae,*25; h M Red1.14font~n ,fravel pit, *440;!Dr. Mitcheèll., nIia ter, takmir aie n oa H ~êrgu,8 ~dsg~W~O r CHRISTMAS Fýaisins.,: Peels Choice, Choicer, Choieest. Nice, -urrants: Figs: Fine, Finer, Finest. Good, I ( GOODSB e Nie7er, Nicest. Better, Best. Lemons, Oranges, Nuls and Candie, Top Quality; Bottom Price. lW bçg to advise the Public that our-long delayed w. ,a Just Âwru B.. 11 PRNLE Santa Claus on hand with ail kinds of Fancy Goods, Toys and Novelties New Years Gifts. For You and for Everybody. E. Re Ba 20c

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