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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 6

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w -B UY ING Men 's Mon 's N ~_=~ fl~ FOR XAS- STORE IS SELLING CHRISTMAS GIFTS . larger quantities and at Lower Prices than any store chance to get the best at the srnallest price, we neyer hesitate to make room in of their money-and more. low. Including: lastingc policy of giving our patrons the fuit worth Xmas Gitts, and0 have priced them surprisingly Presents for the Home. Table Covers in F.îucy Plush and Chenille fromi 75c to T able Covers, Tapestry, Table CGothsDmak Curtains, Lace, per pair, -froin Curlains, Darnask, per pair, fromi Table Napkins, per doz. ? Ma.rseilleis Quilts, in ail sîzes, froîn Liuem Tea (floths, from- HLoneyeornb Bed Spre-ids, fromi Linien Towels in flne qv-ialîtîes, Linen Tray Covers, at- Fine White Table Liinen, t rom - SA Whitby Town Locala. $l 50 to $2.50.* 60e. to $.3.50. 25c. to $7 00. $1.50Oto 4.50. - 60C. to 00, -$1.50Oto 4.50. 35e. to 1.25. - 75e. to 2.00. 10e to 50C each. 25c. to $1.Q25. in Whitby. -'Whenever clear, clos(> buying will givé you a the Big Store for goods Foreign to our regular itock, But in harmony with aur ever- We bought Iargely and cheaply of severa, papular and useful fines of goods for Presents for Ladies, JACKETS-60 cboice, Winter Jacnkets, al - 4 i s] .75 to $OO .50 to 1.0 ,t t~o 3.00. 25C to 1.00. .,50to 16.00. 25o to 600. 50C to 1.25. 75o to 2.00. C) .-,- n 1 (If) extra k*avy weight, 75c to - 124e to 20C. 100 ta 25e. $1.50Oto 2.50. 2,50 to 1.50. 1. 00 ta 4.50. this seasan's styles, from- Silk Handkerchiefs, fram - Pure Linon Handkerohiefs, fram Kid Claves, from-- Fur Ruffi, from- Fur Muifs, fram - Ço!ored Dreas Goads, per yard, fram Calored Dress length, fram Silk Embrellas, from $3.50 ta $10.00 15C ta 1.50 - 1&J ta 25e 25o to 1.2.5 2.50 ta -5.00 1.00 to 10.00 L 121c ta 1.00 Goads, high clase, drese $5.00 -ta 10.00- 1.50 ta 3.00 5o- Seaohaor 6for25e VRGAJIN Se-,,W Ladies' Tweed Jackets, silk velvet col- lar, regular price $8.oo, S aturday's price $6.OO, Suits from Overcoatis, from Men's Pants, from- Men's Cloth Caps, from Men's Fur Caps, from Men's Wool Gloves, from Men's Kid Glovos, from Men's Lined Gloves, trora Men's NNeck Searfs, Mon 's Men's Men 's Mon' 8 Mon' 8 25C to $1 per yard, Men's TURDAY prîce $3'.50, WALTER'S, The Wabash Railroa4, MîdandHocey ssoiaton.With its superb and magnificent through A meeting was held ai the Benneit H-ouse, car service, is nomW ackuiowledged to be the Bowmaivule, las! Fridav for ihe purpose ut~ most perfect railway systemn in the worid. ýr nring a Midland I)îstrict Hockey Associa- It îs the greatest winter tourist route to the ti lIle Iollowing delegates were pre- south aud west, itncluding the famous Hot ,Ml Il (,'aham and F 1). Warren, Sprîrgs of Aikansas, Old Mexico, the Egypt U' hî(thi' J. A Thompson arid Mr. Coady, of the New Woîld; Texas and Calituoia, 9 ,hi%;i, C. Kent arnd Mr Furrs, Bowmuan- the land or sunshine and fiowers. Passen- 'ie, R F 1).t% anti J.A. Campbellpor gers goînz bv the Wabash reach theti des- 1lupe A. Robe-rts, Cobourg. J. A Camrp- tînation houis in advarice of other lines. hqtll, l'.rt lhope, was appoî)nted cîlakrrmati The Wabash Santa Fe special, leaving Chi- and! the foliowing tfilcers were elected - cago every Wedresdruy sud Saturday at 6 Patrons<n d PaiLt roniesses - Hion. john P. m.. and St Louis sanie evening an 9 p m, ItrNdenî ard 'i i.,s D)ryden, Whitby:- Mr. reachîng Los Angeles in just nhree days. .n H( Ir, Svkes, Oshawa ;1D. Buike This is the best California *setvice in exis-i Sîrîrp-..n atid NIrs. Simnpson, Bowmaîî- tence. Full particulars froni any railroad1 NI rir1H. A Ward and Mrs Waid, agent, or j A Richardson. Canadian Passen- 1,ort liope , Nir W ýj Ciobsen,' Co- ger Agent, noitheast corner King and Vonge bourg. Presdent-A. G Henderson, Whit- sureet, Toronto. t1%. is! vice presideni-J. A. Thonipson, How London Lo>oks at it. a id vice presdent-A. Roheits,i Comgsertarý-R. F. Dav. Port Hope. We observe than the wonderful position itteasurer C, Kent, Boarmanviile. Ater the attained by the Farndy Herald a.nd Il'eekly eleU -ion uot ofthcrra a constitution ,wss adopt- Sar of Mont real, is attrgc:ing the atein rd %N i, h -Aab alnobt the saine as the 0.H. of great Americain and English publibhera Aý wit ît s w arnendmeîits. A schedule who appeai to beamnazed thatsucha.succeas% wva' mille out, giving eachi club foui gamnesF could be acbieved by a Colonial papèr. Onre home and rour away. English paper sent a representattve,*to 1 Motitreal and he is now engaged in enquir. A Grand Periodicai ing into the organiz.anion ut the Star and its l-%ery niumber of Current History is a ref- buge achievements. erence libîaîy in itself, presenting a corn- pirte revies ut coiîuenoiary bsory. To keqp the îun or important occurrences as they take place fhum day to day is a task for which mo.-t readers cannot find the tine. It is hete acconiplisbed for theni lai beti' than il they diligeîî:ly îead a dozen . daily papers. By reviewing quarterly the world's recent progress it nat only fastens ideasj which we may have glesried froni daily resdîn)g, but reuders broader and clearer oui grasp of the afiaire of today. Every thing an ordinary person neetds to kuow i9 bae and wirevu tdussion. I 1vero- biageuniwritten updisfusdion. tuseles ve- piled wîth cuniscientious care and excellent judgment, aund le always fair snd impartial in its treatment. of controverted questions. No brie! press notice can give au adequate idea of its scope. The 248 pages ofthtie cur- rent number (3rd quarter) cuver bundreds oft imelly topics, inSDv uf thei are elabor- attly treated. Among them we note,-LI Hung Cbang, an inteusely interestîng bîo- graplîical sketch; Politicai Campaign ln the United States, outiining proceedings of convientions, parts adjustments, resuite of poling, etc; Ctaban Revot; Ottoman ÇrIsia; Vetselan Question; Interinatiqional bitia- io;Internationallmt*llieai;South Africa Sitton; Nîte CimpaIn Poliicl Deîtelopinents in Euro*p, TtFar East -Austrellg id Canada; Labor Au 'd SocWa Reform movessents. Dr Naon's aghieve- ment la t*e Artc relons h10 hilJy-rvewd ~cih~ sy<lIly dran, mopi s*o,êiau the reul bs muidprevhiouis e*4 Thes~jee o f lItettum FA*EdCation , Mual, Drama eligion, ati 4estd 4<o ateto.andi the N.a'ah-ogvrè Henry & Putney. the leading photograph. ers of Osbawa, are makîing theji finest photos :o per cent. lowei than tbe lowest price in "Iti vinitv. This is a rare chance foi Whitby peuple as they are the very best photos snd every one guaianterd not to fade. No service was he' d in the cburcb bere on Sunday night du accouRt of the dedicatory services a, Greenbank. Quite a number from bore attended the ser vices there. Thte tça meeting held bere on on the. 6th' and ?th was the met sccessful afiTr orthe. kind beld here for .ome débi , both ininci. ally and lu otber respects. Qa 'Sadgy thse church was filied on ail tire. occasIons àan eloquene . sermnies wee prescbed b Rév. MesIs. Ste*at and lauma. On. Ionday eveuing tie celebrated Sunderlau d -tait sùrlied the mustosl pantof the programnm!4 ALdra -were dellvçred by lRevr'a Stewarr MicKay, Reid, XcLeoýd, Leitch and 2lIbit. Ti1W pkoaeed ".ere#1 den Shirts, urlauidered.,E Lauudered Shirts, 'At Linen Collars, Linon Handkerchiiefs Silk Umbrolas, Silk Wind.kerchiefs Winiter Underwear, per suit, MANTL large si eeves,l Saturday's price $4.500 m Oddfellows' iTake Notice and psy up. WVe have bren compelled to make ci'sts for R lot of delinquent subscribers, and will do the same with ail the others who are be- birid. as fast as me can arrange to attend court. This appears to be the only way or makring somne people pay, and we have re luctantly adopted it. No person who owes us a vear's subscriptiop or more need be suiprised at îeceiving surmonses to attend the division court. O'Brien & Stedhamn's platino pbotographs are the finest in Canada, make an appoint- ment to sit -for somne, gallez y open evet y day t -Il after Xmas. The Weekly Globe. The Weag lGlobe bas been enlarged to Iweekly paper in the country. We make a specialty of clubbing the Globe and CHRtoN. ILE at $1. 25.1 Soin. Nevupaper Saaps. $i. The Weekly Sun, (Farmers' Suini. 8 pages. cbiefly controlled and edited by Prof. Goldwin Smith, and THE CHOONICLE, R pages os 'countyi news, in al z6 pages weekly, for $i toJaàn. i, ,148. $1.25. The Weeklv loe r6 paee" of general news weekly, and Tus CHtON icLE. 8 pazes of lacai news weekly, t<oJan. ifx-e for S. -2. 82. The Saturday Mail Empire, 34 pages illustratei. -the Weekly Mail-Empire, and Tius Cneomîct.a, for $2 a year (the price of the Saturday mail atone.) $2.5o. Thse Tnonýodaily World and T«s The"e are not brilerj a hots printed in Tormnto type>foindtïIes and «palmed off on the publie as newsppem!. Dout foret tht e tbsü a!on $afÙr- day thtot at sthe * Sow oe. os ma 0"- oemvoth and43, fo rJ . 'u Al t si 'muwomew i Md ku.*e fr eaJC.Id1 flld asUvéo bondMvIe,awi1-Iu,..' Prince Aiber Chat-les Bongard, of Toronto, is home on a short visit. Miss Bell Sollitt, of Whitby, bas been spending a few'days with friencls. Will Philps is spending a couple of weeks with his ,<iandpaient, the Rev. Mr. Philps. We are informed Mr. C. Cruise intends goir.g to British Columbia wbere be will take up a situation. The Sabbatb school teachers and pupils are making due preparations for their Chnistmastree wbich is to be beld on De- çember 3otb. jas. Burnett, formerly foreman of the farm of the Hon. John Dryden, Brooklîn. is re- turning to bis old homestead here. We welcome back Mr. Burnett and family in oui midst. OBzREla IVEZi. Look out for wedding belis. Miss Annie Boothe us improving. Wm Jolilihas gone to Toronto to spend a few weeks. Wilie and Jennie Leonard spent a f ew days last week at Whichurch. Miss Lena Fraser, of Locust Hill, was visiting at P R Hoeverls Suinday last. Mrs Baiker and son, Man, are visiting her phua Hioover. of Winnipeg, OU sister, mis âM.1. OU Mis Fuller visited ber sister Mis t B Nigswander, of Locust HMlI who bas been very sick.for soni# ime Mr FlotÎnce, who bas .beeu spendig a few -weeks witb MràntlMt EisàIh ÉOMIeon a prcWpecuiig -, jueditlQo Buildin.g, MRS. ALUIN BEA UTIFUL INSPECTION Whitbyq ySf-j) STOCK OF New Year& HolidayGoods À..T- SPECIALLY REDUCE--D :: RIESR INVITD A PLEASURE G- council to do, but kt * to do kt.- That bodi power to expend mon~ couacils--are alrnostw X~Ho-.çever, it is e this is so. for' too n only.to abuses. He~ iii nbig outlays, Wh~ spends large sums Ibe daafromxnthe~ ties and then marrie on théfir roads. Th~ of coeunty work far K .bte case if the .- th eiork oathei grants on rads- tive t Ïerc gýeso. " GUIDE ' r Cou.uty Nomini WHITBY DIVIS! The rat 'epayers of t Whitby town and Wh met at the counicil cham Monday. to nominate G~ the county council of 18(- This was the first time t i->;~ the townsh;p had an c A"foregather on commrren .,those of the town. A i most prominent ruralists to take advantage o! it. The following nomni placed in Nominating Johnston's hands: Nominee MoveT Chas King T A McGiliîv Chao Calder 1 L Smih J H Greenwood S H Graham JH Long LUI Barcià'Y L TBarclay J HI Long John Burns- F H Annes THE SPEEC F Mr. Chas. King is ple rnany new faces at thiîs those of our new fellov Whitby township- H new order of things wIîE ment. It will give us county council. TI-ter deal of county legisiati( apart from actual wor county council bas serv and active influence thi press for useful rneasuri always beeni that local Iave been neglected counicil because it wa mnembers of minor cour erally took the stand tY best facilities for carvi nients on roads, etc. May corne from an ind( council he cannot Say, will have two year tel any work is taken in hý to go on and finish iý1 year under the old plar cou ncil and ail unfinish wvent to the wa 11. often well illustrated which the question of~ was proposed at an almost every year, be tions cleared off the sL tion for a home for thg in progress for a long ing has been accc members of the couni usually expressed then, personally favoabe to but almost v0in variah their ratepayers do flot Whîlst the question knocked about many are being committed state of affairs exists a ince, except whereý the ed proper homes for ti disgrac *e to treat the f *and we i thîs countvîi stain. As to local in minor councils have be As fair back as 1889 h( a grant through the cc cutting down the huils and Oshawa. For county last year almos spent on these his, work accomplished. question of a house oi Presents for Gentlemen, Ladie's' Beaver Jiackets, in brown and; Black, rga eligprice $4.50, Saturday's Ladies' Tweed Jackets, latest style, regular price $6.oo, IN A WORD, wu Go we have the highest class goods at the lowest prices.. Our stock iireai Z.:)c Io I.vv. B.dý

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