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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Dec 1896, p. 7

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Oonty NomiaUng WHIITBY DI1VISION. The ratepayers of the district of Whitby town aàd Whitby township met at the counicil chamber here on Manday to nomninate candidates for the county counicil of 1897 and 1898. This was the first time the ratepayers ,>it the township had an oppartunity to foregather *on common ground with those of the town. A number of the Most Prq minent ruralists were on hand to take ldvainage of it. The following nominations were placed in Nominating Officer Ross J1ohnstotxfs hands: N omine Chas King (C.has Calder J H Greenwood 1 H Long 1. T Barclay 1lohn Burns Mover T A McGiivraY JL Smith SH Grahame L'i'Barclay j H Long F H Annes Secondeir A Ketchen M McTaggart Ch&. King 1 H Gr.eenwood .1 H Howney S H Graham 1IH E SPEEC IESý. Mr. Chas. King is pleased to sceeso niany ncw faces at thîs meeting. being t bi)se of î>ur ncw fellow-electors from \\'bîitbv township. lie feels that the 11Ctt order o! thiî'gs wull be an improve- nienit. It will gîve us a les-s unwieldv q iîîntV coUnicîl. There is not a great bIal of county legislation to enact, but îipart from actioal work in hand the ounitv counî il bias scer%'ed as a strong akid act ive influence t hrough which ta piress foîr useful ineasures in the Pro- .nîallegislature. O ne trouble fias Ç lwavs been txait local improvenents ave e cn neglecteil br'the county îuncîl ber ause it was conîposcd of nlembers o! mînor counicils. v.ho gen. erally tocik the stand that thev had the bu'st facilities for carry ing out imnpfrovfi- ruents on roads, etc. What result' mvav corne fromn an independent countN COuncil he ( annot 'ay, but the members W Il have ctwi i vear 'ternis, and wher MInN work is taken in fiand will be able u) go on and thnisf i , wfiereas each \-'ear uniler the old plan produced a new ( aîi .ndl ail untbnished undertakings î.unt t<î thv wall. This point was Iten ;vt'l illustratted b;' the way in w;hich. the question >îf a flouse of refuge wtas pruîposed at an important stage ,IiinOst everv vear, because the elec- t ions c leatred off the slate. The agita- tion for a home for the poor bi's beex n progress for a long t'ie, but notfi ing fias been accomplishedi. The nembers o! the counity council havi iisuallv cxpressed tbemselves as hein; personally favorable to bouse of refuLge, but ainîost invariablv stated thai their ratepayers do not back thern up \Vhilst the question is being xbuý knrocked ab)out rnanv poo)r old peopic are beîng committed to jail. Thiý ýtatc of atiairs exists ail over the prov. i(e. except wfiere they have establisli. til pri per homes fcor the poor. It isï ilisgrace to treat the poor in this wa;I aîndl wu in thîs countv must rernove thil '.t.în. A\S ti local 'improvemnents th( ininor Ci îuncîls bave been to o nîggardly Asfar oaî k as 1 889 fie had tried to pu, grant tbrî .gh the coiinty counicil fo i îîting down the filfs between 'Wfitbý andI()saa For $200 frn-)m th( coi îiiy last vear alrnost $iooo had beer *.;î'it on these huIs, and a splendi( w -ýrk accoinplisbied. Revertîng to tho question o! a flouse o! refuge Mr. Kmn .t.îte'd that the provincial governmer hadi a standing aller toadd 25 per cent t> any expenditure the cotîncil migi nimke in establisfiing such an ims,.tItution \Vc sfiaild take advantage o! thi whilst the province is willino. lest th oîtf-rr av be witfidrawn. MaI.îv o! th poor who are being jailed imiî%e hee taxpavers for haîf a centiiry îor more and have a cdaim ta mur eim-hirnan t reat ment. I n conclusion bh(-.î il th di)untV is not much in debt, and is paý ing off a good share each year ol w r e nma ins. Mir Chas Calder said! it made hir fer! sornewhat strange to corne inr.o th town o! Wfiitby to talk municip-il pol tics. Thex e îs not muefi for the count cotircil to do, but lit requires somebod to do it. That body fias very liii power to expend money, and the min( councils are alrnost as badly huided ii i îo.tever, it is perhaps as well rhI this is so. for too muefi power lea( majorities against it. He would 'n support any plan in the face o! tl wh ich had nat been stlbmitted ta -It eletars for approval. Doesnots much attraction for US iCL,,tii.2$ P cent. government grant, as we bave spend so mucb ta secure solittle , doubti any poor peoplée neetiaid ai attendance, "and'* living as th c - 'do squaid'-circumstances their ch -ildrm j W thte rigbt ta b. posupffl..lso, . a tbeygo on froru geiýaoto eration. ,Ji there -Were a -home- such people. the -culidren, could. ïrained <ýo '?iençpnsi*I #4 dentdt# 'e, fI __________________________________ J- uty reeves are now merely ornamental th.ings. Hopes two .goo~d men will bc sent from eacb divisipQn ini the comlity. and 'that they rrmy establish a bouse of refuge. The hearts of successful peo- pie turn cold when asked toassist those who have utterly failed. There should be a comfortable haome provided for the poor, with the love of British hearts caring for and feeding them. But this question has been talked of for a quar- ter of a century and yet no progress has been muade. He bas nom inated a gentleman for the county council (Mr Long) who has made $4o.ooo or S50,- ooo in aur town and wha has neither child to leave it ta. Mr Long might be influenced if hsucceeded in establish- ing a house of refuge ta endow it with $5,ooo or Sio,ooo. --My heart and soul," said the speaker. , a re in this question o! a bouse of Yefuge. Our poor are being sent ta jail because the great rich county o! Ontario refuses to do its duty by them. When will we remove this disgrace from us? Hun- dreds of thousands of dollars of public money have been spent on our educa- ition in order to enable us to live with- out becoming paupers. and we can sure- 1%, afford to, spend somne further nioney te aid those who have failed to secure a competency. l)on't send your poor as crirnînals to die in jail. Ask your- Slves ifletour present course is right, Dntlt tâ sordid dollar stand be- tween yon and the proper care o! the poor. 1 arn bound to, see a home for the poor before I die ' Declined te be a candidate. Mr j lH Long said he had favorec fthe estaulish ment. of a bouse of refuge for 1 5 vears. As lie grows older the feeling ini favor o! such an institution *grows npon him. Eacb high court judge who bas been here in recent î years has favored it. in bis address te sthe grand jury. If elected to the countv i counicil will do bis best to carry out thi's cscheme. Mr Greenwood has said that -i fie (Long) has S4o,ooo or S5o.ooo. and vcan well aflord to devote $5,ooo to, sbouse of refuge. Wffile he is not S( swcalthv as represented he cani say that n it would not hurt anyone who haý e money to spare some of is riches to 2 e bouse of refuge. The county counicil -has a large sum of money to spend, -and sbould go in for ail necessary pub- nlic improvements on roads and bridges. -There is too much partyism in th(i ecounitv counicîl. He ýLong) is notE e part;'mran. being an Equal Rigbter. 9 MNr L T Barclay said be came here t( *sa;' a word or two for Mr Long, and iý .'. not a candidate. The county counci )has been constîtuted beretofore o s what mav be termed indirect represen. e tation. Under tbis new svstern onlU Is 14 members will form the counicil, an( -thev wîll he elected directlv by tia lpeople. Hieretofore the first tbre( a davs o! each session were taken up iU *orzanizing conmittees and in their six .s tings, and onlv the last two days werg e devoted to legislaxion, Under tbe ne' Y-order of things a large saving1 will bi t eflected, and a purely deliberativebod, )r will be formed. Does not accept th, y commonly expressed view as to thi e uselesness of the cou nty counicil. Thi ,n agitation for its reform has gone oi d for a number of years, and ha e reutdin what be regards asra croo ty eard, the movers and seconders wei dy given a hearing. Messrs Tbeo A M tle Gillivray and A Ketchen described IV ot King's qualifications in language of hig n. praise. Messrs J L Smitt; and M M, at Taggart took the same course in regai ds to Mr Calder. 'Mr Long's sponso -ve having already discussed his merit ty they were not called on. to Mr King took the opportunity to ce li- rect an error in Mr Ca1der's stateme, ýed that we would have to expend a larl ast sum of money to secure the $4ooo go Ald ernment grant for a house of refug ,ok The law stipulates that we may ha, No<- 25 'per cent o! any smaller amount ç he may expend ta, establish a house of r ta- f uge. me Mr Annes said thit is a most mer ity arable meeting. Is praud o! this ma ds. ifestation of the development of o &ys municipal institutions, and is pleased but hear the stand taken by the diflere ive candidates on the queftion of a bou -of o! refuge. Feels great interest in th xge question. Has served on grand jmu not and severald coraner's juries, and foui bis that poor aId cmatures are thrown ir :be jail and kept incarcerated there un see tbey- die in its ceils. 19 sorry1 per Calder did not see bis way to cor tO ont clear on this question. Had hop NO lie (Calder) would not have mzade 1 wnd SaPPOrtOf suchi a scheine continge lu tipon îts being carried by avote of, t zg rtepayers of the cotity. Also oIje a, j ed.41 Mr. C4Ider's position -agai in- coùüty grants on s'oads. Mr n for said ther s iklhood that the'fei ~eschetpeacross -the. Iake wiJI be *vii vi2tbi# e~ ad i f 50o kwill bê, f advainta'ge to Whitby. h a so but that.the Sudbury, cool fnyt *~xpr~efroin here.. uty should again. b Ib4 Mr King said be takes the same pos-1 ition as Mr Calder as to the establish-1 ment o! a bouse o! refuge. Several others spoke a word or two in support o! the-st.and taken by M.%r Calder. T'he meeting was closed by tbree cheers for the Qneen. **0 o0 0 01 b e lep le n&LIl: PIASTER: 1 hae p~rled JestbnPiaer In a ruinhAr of e& UrDm raru an 1hoq,rnLtih a nfi and &nvery u.u. ~-h l s h % ie ..trnts ind ,z M D.. .ti oxÂoPd, 1 ave ie i.nr&dpn ei eo o w- I r ID e u f Lum.anhind Là vI c as 0 It Cures F«IaticaLUimha 0. Non- raigia, Pain* In Back orlSide. or 0any >lniaoiar Pain.. 0 Pric'e1 Davliq & Lawrence Coi., Ltd, 10 b.c uie 1'rPnietorg, NMoNTRaAL. CLA.B.EMONT. Splendid skating on Barry s pond. ?irs James Middleton is serioualy il]. Mr@ ThoLnas Pugf i8i indispoeed witli quinsey. Joseph Hood, eouth of bere, i. 111 witfi inflamnmation. Principal Gas bas bad a ligbt attack of pleorîsy, out is now at duty again. 1i"îs Alice Burgeslias been iii for a few days, but is now muofi better. Thomas Sadler je not mtich better. Hie case is considered very serions. Misses Mary and Maggie Maenab and Laxira Dowsweil are with Toronito frienda. Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Allen, o! Toronto, visit.ed wîtb Dunean Macnab over Suri- day. There is a rumor afloat bere that Wm. Scott wîll likelv fie a candidate for muni- cipil honors. He would inake a good representative. F. Wriglit. souitb o! bere, and Mis Lawsoni, of York, were married on Wed vesday at the repidence of the bride. 'They will reside on the Ge-row fa.rx. Muefi joy t W. Tarvis was cbarged by Hlarry Law of steshing a drake from the hiahway op posite the latteres premises. Wiien the time for trial came Law failed -tc appear to proeecux.e and the case fell tbrough. The methodist people are getting sr range-mentse completed for their annivers ary on Sabhatlî. Dec. 27th, and Friday, New Yeara' Day. Rev. MeAuley, of Pickerinu, will preach appropriat.. sèr- tuons mornin~g and evening and st 2.30 q maus meeting a! Sabhatb achool work- ers will be held. On Friday evening. Jan' lat, a musical snd literary concert wilI- be beld. Ses bills for fui. particnlare. Ralpb Lett appearedi betore Magietrates- Gerow, Holden and Philhips, on Tuesday, ouarged witb etealinz $8 frouz Isaac Con nors on Dec.. lot. Lot.t, who je a tes agent. in driv'ing aloug the 6th cou. over- took Connor, wbo wau walking. Connor got into the riz and rode to Braughaw. Upon reaehing there be conld not find a lettpr tlîat be had intended te post cou <iving $8. Hie contention was that he dropped it in Lott'e wagon, bence the charge. Wben tbe evidence was ail in tbe court diemisped tbe case.-Newe. 5 J. Drurmond ie reuewing old ae- qrun iances &round ber.. W. sa-e glad toac ee C. Lintener around tagain aftaer hie rec ent ilines.. B . Taylor from Wester. Ontario ibited witb relatives heie a short time aao. Woe. spencer 'bas gene t. England wbere he intentis stasyngovr winterwith hie many frîendoi andi reltevs. Be,. 1fr. Nerman Oceupid the tiip#p bere lat 8anday ant- deive»dti a Very - ~ ~ MM enM~asi i" Urysrmn. - As there wll be Dno AW? bEY e". r this Chratum sou-umdes viiib. format Dte spenti thei'haif dol"arsehere. ýt This vek B. Petty'. .,bu a - vea i b ebouse oun uh ts$ u inow rmakes a> t Comfrtabetamwe itiibsnzforeJ;Green Qute and iseo luit Widl leu than! intend la ie f ( THE Christmas before voting to carry the scheuiC Bt the çounty council.- Mr. Calder stated niot only this but that he woiild expect ta see a CIearl defined schemne placed before the people ta vote upon befare/ giving bis consent to carrying it out. He also agrees with Mr. Calder as to the unwisdoma of opposing county grants on roads. Mr. Calder said Mr. Holliday had clearly stated his kCalder's) views as to county grants and the establishment of a house of refuge. He has opposed caunty grants to roads, and will con- tinue to do so. Mr. Long bas stated that the county counicil has consider- able money to spend. Ail the money they have to spend cornes out of the pockets o! the ratepayers. Does not believe the people of the courty havie ever been in a position to vote intelli- gently on the question o! a bouse o! refuge, and he cannot support the sch --me until such has been donc. Raisins. 5 lb. for 250. Currants, 5]i A Y '4 ln. loT zOO. 4 3 IL for 25c. 31 Sultanas 10e. California R Table Raisins from 15< Shlled Alwonids 30 c/s. Slue/led iJ,'alut,ý ORANGES, WM LEMONSe Fil GRAPES, AL h lUS9 DATESe ETC.) lb. for lb. for lb. for aisins C. u p. 130 C. ý.LNU LBER* MONI BRAZ IL9 PEANLE P ECAN Ç n'rces of Above Down Lu 250. 0 250. 25C. 0 loc TS, TS, DS, 01W. MATHiI I s 0N THE 1IN Goto ?. Taylor, * ~' 4~<~< I - good White Onions, Mixed, value for good money. Stock-taking commences Jan. 2nd, W-~ THAT MEANS REDUCED PRICES. When Buying your New Year Presents get a box of" "Frog in the Throat.". Présses the soft pedal of the vaice and gives relief ta coughs and hoarseness. ton- Candy, Fanoy Brownm Mixed ...... oly Gum Dropeé,.... ..........ýàonly- Ckoioe Chocolate -Cream9'""'.oly 0-hoiê'e Ânn Cbss.4 nly, Walnuts, Chow Chow. GELLARD'S NEW PICKLES, ENGLISII CLUB PICKLES. HELNZ'S SWEET PICKLES. Pepsin. MeLaren's Imperia]. Fine two year old, Canadian. Ohlris3tioss iscuits 0F ALL KINDS. Always frcshi. Choice Hams and Bacon,,.-, IBOS« LEADé~~ 2,000 ,7é er lb. iOc per 1b. S -per lhe 20c) perlb ~:> fl3< CHOICES - Fruits, Cross & Blackwefll Picà-.. Allin's ss Drug ss Store,, Goods Purclzased fromn us niever fail to give Satisfacti»on ; because zve alzvays giVe G/VEZV WLTH lEvery Package. Wb aye just Reeived E- Whkch we are Ojjering 1 Our stock is now complete in the following Fresh Goods, a. invite your inspection and patronaget: Choice lino of Fancy Cuips and Saucers and other Novelties for Xtnas presents.

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