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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1897, p. 1

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The VOL. XIL. WHITIBY, ONTARIO, FIDAY, JANUARY 1, Ipour~ r i T- -THE- Leading Drug Store. A, H. ALLIN ad waishies his many custoiriers a - HAPPY NEW YEAR. -- We dont preîend to selI >ou goods at less than they co-t us. \Ve do Rive our cusgtomer-, îtîst as rnluch for thr-jr money, as the most preterîiious ail Vertiser. We dont tun a so cailed "(ut-Rate i rLg Store" Wue do rneet ail competîtion in prices, except where qualtty wouid have to be sacri ftced ta do ht. We dont do a Dentis*s business. \'Ne do selI Tooth Brushes that will not shed theîr bristies the i-st time tht-v are used . 'e also sell Tooth Sas Wsashes and l-',îwers tlite latter i't bulk, whtch , 1b, lai- th,- mosl ,.olt al way tb bu),' t. A. H. ALUIN, CHi'MIST N DRGISi([-T, WHITBY, 'ONTARIO.1 Esta.biished 1849. Maiblg and Glanite WorS; Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. ]H. Smith, Formeiv \V-fettden tWorks mIi- ; n N'IT}i t,"1'M NTS, El- of the- 1att.t aterial and le-igl'. Al k,lQ 'f C e terv ' O ti.>r 'Av. guarantcti, 1> IR II-( <.S AtIkts Happy -A New Year 111( YOU V"F ro m E. B. B. -Haywrard. Special Sale ()F BALANCE OIF .IXMAS +GOODS-> ~AN Y P RIC E# Saturday, Jan. 2nd, '97. -o-- Look For llayward's CLEA RING OUT AI VERTISE MENT NEXT O WEEK. Be. Re B. Hayward. ,I ITERN BANK 0F CANADAB 0 itAuthorized $1,OOO Surplus105000 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. jo«N COWANi, Esq., Presidesit. REUBSEN S. IIAULIN, Esç., vie-Pies. T. H. MécMILLAN9, - - - Cashier. eueral Bauking Bassnems transacte. rafts lsued, payable in il part fn- adUnited Stats5. aud o odi,~ ý Iâ, Pyal laal=pato f 'x~ an~d credltedbalf YeafW.- t 4 Managet a Whiiby »ranac. LOCAL NEWS' LETTERS. CItONICLE COsutsseoNDnCZwc -.0 *- MANORMSTERI Miss Leta Potier, of Enniskilen, ie visit- ing this week wlth Miss Josie Haves. Mi- Chas. Ewers, of Clinebtirg, is spend- ing his holidavs with bis parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J no. Baya spent a few days titis week visiting friends in Etnnîskilien. School will staît on Monday wilh coui- new staff of teachers, Miss Tillet Holtby and Mr. Pt-tcv Fraver, in charge. i tin't for gel the Sons of Temperance Iodge on Saturîlay evening. A good programme w-iil be gîven, and s good lime expected. NMrs H. Shade. of Waîerloc, Miss Neilie Spencet, B A , of Toronto, end Miss Frankie S-'pence B.A.. of Peterboro, ai-e spending tite hoitdays with their parents here. Mir. Atchie Ewers is very sick again. We are sort-y to learti that he wiii be foi-ced ta ceave as soon as able ta undergo an opera- tion at te generai hospital, Toronto. The Christmas fait- on Thursday lest was rto, as fat- as exhibit was concernied, a vei-y g'od ai nccess, but tht- attendance was large. Our cilîzens do nol feel discouraged but look forwai-d for a spii show. Mr-. \W H. Ham, af Scugog, aspirant foi- citut«t counici honors, held a meeting here on Monday evening. The attendance was tlot large Tht- opposition candidates Messrs. Carnegie and Christie were present and deliveîed speeches as. Mr Gen. Porteouq, of Straiford. but form- alit of ibis place, is renewing old acquaint- ances here. It was wîîh pleasure that we recetved a call from hiîn tht- other day, (,eo savs. he is îîroud to ho a subsciiet- of the îRîL. as it elways biings hum al the news fi-om home. The liaîest sport aI pt-esetn for tht- younk, lads s in triatning a calf tb draw a hatid- .letgh In this Jno. Parks seema to he quite skilful. Aq Ihere were no entries lor fat ca,- tie at the Xmas fait- lest Thursday, Master Johnt takes a stroîl up 10 the- secretery, and chalks lier down, and in due lime cornes drîvîng around. In consequence lie thcpsIe green (1) and vert- proudiy car- ries (tii tbe ied ticket. When & omne more sttow cornes îîo doubt we will set John quite iîeoîucntlv, dutng up the- town with his drivei- The annt'.ersary services of the- methodist -but-ch bet-teiis wvek were e grand succes ()n Stndav !srs T W Date, of Uxbridge, ably corolucted the three services, and all aîîenîled were hîghly pleased. The clturch was packed every limne. On Tuesday evets ing a grand tes and concert were given. Tht- Rev Mi- 'eatherali occupied the chair ai the entertainiment. The programme con sisted of music- by the choir * addi-esses bs' the Rev. t). N. McCamus, Port Petr", and Rev R H Leitch, -;eenbank i-rectaiions bv Miss Th-essa Scenes, Port Pet-iy, Miss F Keniner and B Wilson, Prince Albert solos bs' Cari-le Scenes, Port Pei-ry. Mrs R WV Fîvers, Josie Hayes. and jas Balfour ; duel b%, Mrs J R Heard and jas Bafour ; instru- mentli( Paradîse AIley> by Mr-. Ewers ; Jno D)irsit-ld, Pot-t Perry, R W Ewers andi W F Ilobson, assiîsted ini chorus by Jas Balfour and NIrs J R Heard. AUlpi-est-rt wei-e very much pleased with the evening's enjoyment. Proceeds about $36. P C GRAkHAm. TOWN LINE Mr. Coakwell is improving in bealth. Mr. Myron Brown is building a place of Rhode. here, who extend their sympathy to the bereaved farnily. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Grove Side cemetery. Mi.. Thomas Wrag is geting btthtr. Heie 1 There was a better attendance than able t0 be oui.. usual at the school meeting on Wed- Miss Poilard of Toroento, is visitlng ber cousinnedymrig Th usa rpot Mise Addie Philiip. edymrig Th usarpot Is it a sizn of a good legisîsmure ta wait l'or tht- were read and adopteci, andi Mr R peope to say whaî we are te do. Craig was elected te fill the vacancy in 1 be Master Jeffery's are spending the hotîdeys the trustee board. The financial re-- at tht-jr Lncleb.Wîiffain Jeficry. port showed receipts Of $1427-58. The Mr. Spencer Qi-vis whiie driving te iown Sun- expenditures since lasi report were as day evening, was seized with a fit. He was folîows : Teachers' salaries, $75929 caried mb tor. Rowt-'s house And medicai aid ear,$1.0;ites 173 summnoned. He watt taken home and uow rpis.$ 520;itret 13 much liciter. map, Si. 5o0 debenture. $26160; fuel Tbursday niRht there were six people, wagon andi caretaking, t 18379 ; which leaves rend team upset ail et once mbt the deep ditch in a balance on hand of $88.88. front of Mr. MackAy's. Two women wet-e hurt.' Tefloigaetenmso The oîhei-s escaped. They ived in Goodwoad. Tefloigaetenmso Whiskey and the darkness was to blamne. pupils of S S no i (Dryden's} who have Almonds achool ht-Id an election of efficers obtaineci honor standing du ring the :anc teachers ailt-r ssrvice last Sunday. Tht- past term. One third of the marks on foiiewing is the qteff.-S-mupt. Mr-. M. J. Mackey; each ekyeaiainad6 e librinn.Mr-. Fred Davey; sec. and treMr-. hweky xaiaon nc6opt S. T. Kempborn; Organist. Miss L. Rowe; cent of the total marks obtainable teachers. Mr., A. H West, Mr-. T. Hai-ris. Mi-. necessary for honor standing. 5th Milton Brown, Misses Kemptnorn. M&and class-Annie Spencer, Florence Sadi- Florence Hart-is. 1er. 4th class-Sophie Sadler, Elsie The annuai achoal meeting came off on Wed- Dryden, Willie Holliday, Jessie Joncs, nesday aftcrnoan. About anc dozen ratepayers M aggie Coakwell, Zella Borroughs. wet-e in atiendance, who seemed te be *wel 1esEte lnhon ad pitased with the general appeerance of th' s.3t-d ls-Eh Bikon Sad About ail the business donc was tai receive Ire Blair. 2nd class-Ethel Blair, Annie trustees and auditors report. Tht- mee-tinzg ga Boyes, Agnes Boyes. ia an argument about whîch was the auditers report and îiliîeemed ta leave ihe meeting in a Vote for ulekeU. iattled condition. The- new trustee- us not To THE ELECroRS 0F WHITBY TOWN- a riaepayer nor a voter; be was absent wben SH I P: 1 bt-g ta announce myseif as a candi- electc.xi. A vote af îhank.s was tendered Mr, D. date for councilor for the township of W, Carruihers the retît-elng trutee. Whitby. I arn epposed ta the- present plan PINIC ALEao having the retiring counicilors sft in secret PINE DALEsession andi allat tht- oficers for the- following Miss Martha Mai-lin bas gant- home for a yeer. The people shauld settle these thunge, few weeks. and will always finci it te tht-jr intereets te Mr. and Mrs McKinnon, of Buflalo 'endi break an Ibis,, happy farnily plan of doing Mr. and irs Wright, of Cartwrightai-e things. 1 have no great ameouni ef fiaulit t visiîing in this neighboi-bood.' find witb Utheattle of affaira, but 1 believe Tht Chistastre- ed ete-taninnt aemalters cen be improved. andi I believe they Thjoe Chita eandho ereresnent The nevt r wil be improveci as long ait every new Rt-vs. er] iltch, of Green M Theman wba la eîected le forceci ta get lmia the Revs Leich, f ervice. nd cKay, af same groove or tIse flght the- whole crawd. Sunderland, did good sevie.Tht- people know their intereste, and I be- Mr. Howsam is in te fit-Id again for m si- lie ve i cen serve tht-m well, t-yen if I do not cip-il honors. Mi-. Howsamn is a g oq;tsan fail in wlth everybody~ else's dtas-H. fur tht- position and being the oniy caunciior BiCKELL. Brooklmn, Dec. 29, 18&6. in ibis cornei of the township he shauld geî W. A. H. The contest in connection with tht- divi- sion bei-e ended in a victary for bdiss Pink- hama sîde. On Monday evening most ai the members gatbered aîtiMr. Pinkham's end spent ais bout- or îwo in veriaus gaines and amusements, suter which the defeated breth- rt-n treated al] hands ta enougb tafiy ta keep tht-m sweet for the- iest af the year. We think, Mi-. Editor, that your instruc- tions in lasi weeks issue in regard te voting foi caunîv councilors were tîmely and ta tht- point, and tht- people need more ai it. We find tht-rt- are a gi-tat many pt-ople thet as yet dont t-yen knowu that tht-rt-bas been any change in tht- municipal law, and we are af tht- opinion tbal unît-as there ai-e tuen et the poliing booths throughout tht- county ta ex- piaisi tht- icatures ai the ut-w act, and tht- manner ai voting there will be a good many spoileci ballots. J. C. Bo-rr. ERROOKLIN urnett, M. P., was in îewn Miss Crowe, of Toronto, is visiiing at Mr A Ketchen's. Miss Ferguson, of Markham, is visit- ing at Mt-s. T. J. Holliday's. Mr. Ed. Jeffrey, of tht- Toronto post office staff, was at home for Xmas. Messrs. Frank an-ci Will Tomîinson, of Toronto, spent Christmnas day at home. Mrs Gea Burdge, Oakville, is here visiting* her parents, Mr andi Mrs J E Knight. Mr Chas Morrison is home from tht- Guelph Agricultural College for a short time. Mr. Eci. 1. Holiday, of Trinity Medi- cal College. is spending the- Christmas hoîîdays ai home. Mr. N. Marshall, who has been workirsg in Cleveland since lasi spring. is home spending a three weeks vacation. Mrs B Moore, of Souris, Manitoba, is here visiting ht-r daughter, Mrs John Robinson. Mrs Moore intencis to rt-- main tilI March. Miss Annie O'Day, of Winnipeg, Mn and Mrs J H Hoar and Master Gordon Hoar, Toronto, have bt-euht-rt- this week vigiting at Mr. John O'Day's. home- Mis% Pauline \Vhite is spending a few days ah homeý Mr.-.IlBat- and famîly spent Christmas in the- nrtb. 1 Miss Kate Wright, ai Coldwater, is home on a isit Mrs. Button is visiting bier father, the Rt-v. Mt- Pbîlrp. iýMiss Bessie McBrien, of Toronto, la home on a tîstt. fwdy mtr. L).L. Wi1i ams is spend n g a fwdy witth ts parents. Mr. Fred Campbell, ai Toronta, la home for bis boidavs. tirs. Edgar and son have ganetTronta to spend acterai weeks. Messrs. R. and C. Bongard, af Toronto, spent Chrisimas ai home. Misses, Clai-a and May NMacden ai-e spt-nd. îng îhetr holideys at homne. Mi-. R. O. White, ai Toronto, la spending a few days with bis mother. Miss Ida Sornbt-rger is hame witb ber mther for a couple ai days. Miss Reuben Bond is spending ht-r holi. days with friends in tht- States. tir. jas. McCuiîoch and famiiy are holiday. îng wtth friends in Darlington. Miss S. Tewksbuwy, of Coldwater. je et home accompanit-d by Miss Nellie Tray. Miss A. Boynton, of Toi-ente, le home far ber holi>ys, accampanieci by Mr. and tirs, Milier. Quite a number firnbt-rt- went ta Man- chester Stan(ay taot-ear Kt-v. airs. Dsae, of Mr. James Mornison je home from, 'i-rd.Tom Atmt-nwalebtu Manitoba to rt-main for a lt-w months. homne for a lt- das Le o Hamilton Tues- Ht-as lf anciMn. James Robinson, anotiser day rnorning. Brooklin boy, have recently puncbased AtYDLny a 320 acre fanutar Portage la Prairie. Many from here attendeci nomination Ail tht- gentlemen nominated for on Monday.. . . Mrs. F. 't'. Smith is seais at tht- council board for 1897 are visiîing f riencis in Western Ontario...still in tht- fit-Id. A repart af tise nom- Miss M. A. Puckerin is visiting rela- inatien proceedings, with tise names ai tives in Gavenhurs... A Happy New' tht- candidates, will be founci in an- Year to our many f riencis. . . Mr. andi other columu of ibis paper. M rs. Geo. Lawrence speut Xmas in Tht- Suuciay scisoal eutertanment Uxbridge... Mr. Bray lias haci an ai- give.n in tht- methodist churci on tise1 tack of pleurisy but is recovering. - - t-et-nng ofChristmas day was qu#e, Go oui next Monday andi vote for your succeseful. Tiie grogramme vas zigwcu choice of men for tht- township council. by wonkers af tise schoool ail of ohm 1 andi also your opinion Of local Option. - acquitted tiserneeves admiral The.- Notice your ballet andi do net make a'pi-octcdc were ovCY '$2o. mistake and vote against local optioni Tise BS>din" hockey tear ausi in a desine ta vot- against tht- repeal tplay two gaines this weei, he t ....- Meusrs. Miles Chapn and su ai Claremant on Tisasdy evewing and McBrady are spending tht-m holidays tihe second at Oshawa On Fnsda.y, .ftpr.. at home; bath are looking well .... .Ep- neon. At thet-ie of *Miung 4 worth league is doing fiue werk nov,À and soan a fiue programme will be prospects for good Iei or printcd vbçnthe leaders fon tise cern- by r spn o-o4rwabt ing six months will be given. . - .S.tTt nia et~~ annual electionaofofflicers was ht-Id on ýSunda1y scisool was ê ouç Y, Monday eveuing vut te -loi ng e CCu l nj 1'as unît :-Supt.,Ties PuCketn; lrujersi~ ntieudeM i*t *iI Ht-nry Bee4 sec., E. L. Clmpà v-Ib nartaii, J W. Pardon; teapher -'ladies' 5~~ W, Ët W. H. Gathrie.; gent? ible F.'# )K. Cisapun; boys' No. i,:- Miss'Par r don; boys' ne 2. Miss Orvis; girls,,u BEÂLL, S. - lminer of Marriage Licenses. Residenos opposite Town asil, Brooklin. W A MONZELY, D V S.-Gradnste of the On- tario Veteràxia.y Collage, Toronto;-, Honors.r menîber of the Ontario Medical Socety. Treats &Il i'iasea --oft thedomestiested &nimals by the mos> a ,oved rnethod. Aleo partiçular ttenti rjfl gcal operations anid dethtzy. Dsfyor ngtclspopl att.n44 s&o. 0lq and reodnce rooklln Our best wishes toalal for a "HAPPY and PROS- PEIROIS NEW YEKR.1' Balance of Special Holiday Goods now offering at redueed prices. Christmas selling de- pleted many lines, but we have stili an interesting as- sortment. City friends were thse guegsaof thse Ge family on Xmas. Mesers. Sam and John Haney of Toronto, spent Xtnas with tbe Moor family. Mr. and NI. Geo, Ward auci family ané spending Xmas holldays lu the city. Mrs. Robt. Gibeon and Mise Lenle Gib- soni are the guests cf Mrs. W. Tait. Mr Frank Tait of Oshawa, was ln towa on Saturday vlsitlug his parents. Igessms F. W. ?&«n sud W. S. Grna spent Suaday with Kinsalelfrieuds. Misses Eliza and Emuma Emierson Toroiý spent the bolidays under the pereutiil iro«( and with their oldseoclates. Weare sorry toreport'Mrs. WS.Tafttgo beontbeskcklist ae Ms e- h aves4' speedy- recoery in thewisha1 Mr. 1. W. Phllip of Baisases çoantted tise league meeting lms week -41-VM pleémat eveumng was peut hb£I MiesersWess Ge. aad MWlehtt secured emptoyiueut te the hfuit bosemof J4 0, Henry of QMsw, W1*forUere Mon-' gÏýç&IÏst prt o bi w-Iàtf espaçb4g apples fg~r. et$w. &sspncéof Tffiwasanuounç* dayaight to loueaIn- béhlfoIieeperaMe. The bour towàî ruiw dedtth4IUtfKPéUë good rde' ug. is. 4r!es% rya~. Greeeubaa proceeds axnounted tO $43. 5o. The Visitors-Mr Vincent, of Chicago. usual votes of thanks were given, one Mrs Malcolm, of Inneskipp, Mrs E of which was to the S of T division'for Bagshaw, of Stayner, Mr Hugh Petty, so carefully lockcing up their organ for of Pickering. the evening. We extend our hearty congratulat- Cadar ]DM*. ions to oui townsman, Mr John M Mrs Jno Burk and daughters have rer Real on his election by acclamation to îurned from visltlng rinonds ln Coiborne. the reeve of the township. Fniends from Pickering and Toronto vis- Instead of the usual tea and concert ied with Mr and'Mrs John Harvey aver the Rev Mr Shorey, of Lindsay will XmasI. deliver a lecture in the Methodist Mrs L j Coryeli entertained a number of churh onthe venig ofNewYear' s friends ni Xmnas dinner. This is an annuel churh oThee msin illbof 15New gatherIng. day.Theadmssin wil b i cets. Mr Art Germond and wife have reiurned The S of T officers for the next from their boneyixsoon trip and will settle quarter are- W P, Albert Pboe ; W down ini Cedar Dale. A, Rose Petty R S, Geo Miller ; A R One of our citizens had a special car en. S, Etta Bryant F S, Weston Phoenix; gaged 1or bis Xmas friends, which is far Trea, js AMiler; hap Hemanahead cf hacks and other conveyences. Trea, Js A illr; hapHerian Austin McGrail, who hais been working in Craig; Con, Elgin Real ; A C, Nellie the Cedar Dale Works for some years, is Real I S, Philip Helemnky ; 0 S, about to remove bis family to Vermout Chas Phoenix; P W, Victor Jemison. state, wbere he formerly lived. The presbyterian Sunday school held Mî.F Hines of.Cobourg, who bas been appointer! signairnan ai Slmcoe street wàa'ch their annual meeting on Wednesday towenlin place of thse late A C Smith je this eirening and from the report presented weelr movlng his family to Cedar Dale. it is shown that the school is in a Station Agent Kain stetes the holiday healthy and good working condition. travel wss very mach in excess of former The officer% elected for next yoar are: years, and the long distances travelled did- Superintenidant, jas A Miller; assistant not ixidicate bard Urnes ln Oshaweai least. super., James Blair; sec., G A Mc- Van Dyke's bread camne to grief on Wed- Millan; treas, R Michie; librarians, nesday cf ibis week. The homs forgot lie had the cart behund hlm, and caet the breed ArcIs McArthur and P Leask. net on the waters, but ou the road, from At the regular meeting of Court which it was rescued very shortly. Greenbank 1 O F held on Mouday Thse Xmas tree distribution et temperauc evenngthefolowig oficrs erehall came off under very favorable circur»- evenng, he olloing ffiers eiestances. AIl thse school'childreu received elected for 1897: C R. John Doble; somethi ng ln the shape of a remembrance, V C, Alex Gordon ; R S, Richard, and more especielly fromn their teacbera1 Mr Cragg; F S, jas A Miller ; treas, T Webster and Miss Lick. Gully; chap, Geo Lee ; S W, Albett The Brook H -use under the able manage- Akhurst ; J W, Wesley Luke; S B, ment and klxsdness cf thse esteemable host Yand hostess, Mr and Mrs R Kirkpatrick, is Alex Leask; J B, jas Gordon; phy ta,,ecite us utmost cepaciy to provide ac- sician, D Park ; court deputy. Samuel com modation for the large number of ra vel- Dusty; trustees, D W Luke and 0 lers and resideni boarders who make hits Leask. fine bouse a stopping place. A meeting of a somewhat unusual character was held in the new method- ist chut-ch on Wednesday evening of this wet-k. The object of the gathering being to unite Mr. Harry Hickman and Miss Jemima Wells in the holy bonds of matrimony. Msr. Leitch performeci the ceremony in his usual pleasaut way. As this is the first wedding in the new church the happy couple were present- ed with a beautiful bible by the officiaIs of the church. May long lufe and pros- perîty attend them. Tht- public school meeting on Wed- nesday was not very well attended. Thse affaire of the section appear to have been unanageci so well during the year that there was almost no discus- sion and evérythine passed off very harmoniously. The chroaic kickers *ere rnngicias hvthtjr absence a nd tiithis ne doubi is due in a large 'degree the good feeling ihai existeci, Mn. George Real was chosea te fil the vacancy in tht- trustet- board. Alîheugh the night was very dark tht-rt was a very gooci turnout at thse meeting on Tuesday evening called by Mr. Hamn, te discuss municipal affaira, Mr. Amoes Stone was called ta the chair, when the ihree candidates for couuîy council addressed thse meeting. after whicb the aspirants for tise town- ship council tibo vere present. nainely, T. E. Cragg, E. Beare and D. McDou- ald tiere heard frem, 4rîd tisen a lt-v words frein the reeve-elect, Mr. J. M. Re-al, tise past reeve Mr., jas. Muro, Dr. Park, and Mr. L. Burnett M. P. There is every appearauce of a tiarun figisi fer fist deputy. At the noinamtion on Moniday Mr. W. Weir, in rither.3trong laugeage ex- pressUd bis dîsapproval of certin re- mark* by your correspondent- lu regard ta his attien 'inivotiuL ga inet thse -y- law passed . by the- council limitfîg thse numiber af liceuses lW the uuicipahity. Mr, Weir shiâold ksiowhat bis acte,. as- isauldisbe. open tîi <,âticimn ataUltioas bytiseetectorsand, Itas 1o#1y lu titis Wedidunote:p ct tat it -W.,01=il ea- cii, - akei 1 b0,î = a roge worC4d, U if tise'-trutist. e Il 1 bard Wfor.,. Weir la awailow. Rev H aUet~ aeutCh*istinas L e~h4"ientlsc teiau t. grand tarnily remuùomn îook place ai the- residence cf tMr Win Pearse on Chistumas day. when bis aged mnaiher. Mus Henry Pt-aise, cf Bowrnenviiie. and ht-r four stelerart sons and five intereetinqg giancichildcinu assembled tai celebrate tht- Christefas festival. A most eujoy- able day was apeux. and ih was well ino the uigbî bt-fore tht- fesdvitW.s were braughîte oa close. tirs Hodereos, molt-erof Mn A G Htenderson, of Wlsitby, was ausong the imvîted~ PORCT F MrY. Diedc. In Port Penny on the 28th Dec, William Bell, aged 57sY 4 Dieci, in the 4th conCaerteigt, on 28th Dec, George Keenôn, aged 92 years. Rev Dr Potts wilipreci educational sermons in the metl4odist churcis next Sunda4y. - Died, ine -d, utar Port Peniy. un thse 25th De. Emily Sarahs, beloved wife et Mr-Georg&e Dawsen, aged 36 years, 8 Most. Mn J W Bengougis, Canada's ininsit--ý able cartaenist, is te, lecture on "Sketches in life- on Tuesclay evening next. Jau 5. Edwin Loitus. son of aur townenMan, was home te speuci Chuistruas with bis parents. Mr Lotus, is principal af the public scisools in Portage-la-Prairie, and is doing well in bis chasen profes- sion. On Tuesday Mr J39o Potiers, builder, was walkiug an thée 'crosng near Mr Stonehouse's residenite, when li e ll on hie right arms breaking tis e sd'ai the- elbow joint, and for sometime wil bc laid aside Incas work, thoi4hgcis ert ablete be around. The ratepayers cf, Port Perry cnewd- ed thse town hal oetMnday evenin to attend thse, nom'paiosor reeve and- councilars, ansd schcial trustees. Thse'pîRinatiana were as tellowa.- Flot -Reeve"-W Rose, J 'Curtg, J Wrlist. M =asUeetetbyaclaf tion. For Couancllr.-A Sper, E -H Puirdy- No Iud ~,W Bim Se Jfre, ' rse 4J oncesCPar. noldi ,-Th i la st named'ul fredaq tse otheragothse ibI. FÉor Sciool Pt-r.,WMèbarry;A W 'Aile, Dr Archr Prris, JDor*t,-tWroc- tor, A-J Daviâî.'-The tour lut naed ei.retw*d-a Îe ' otrhi-*1 aIW tt-the *1 i prince Albert Mi-, L. ti Mrý L. Tripp is spending a lt-w days ai on Mo nday. IL 4 1 T n . ý

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