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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1897, p. 2

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Thomos A. JY"n& A Common Affliction Permanontly Cured by Taklng A~7T'TVCWSarsa- A CÂB.DRIVER'8S TORY. 1 wa.; afflicted for eight years with tSaIt Itiheum. Dr Mg lit ime. 1 tried a gxeat mativ medtcîîîeq which were bighly tec- 0111ninedu but none gave me relief. 1 wv~a laLst advised to try Ayers Sarsa- pari!Ia. b) a frid ho 10141 me that t mus~t pîrchasc six boules, and use lhem arcording to direetions. 1 i Iided to bis persuson. hou ghl the six tbotties. anàd t ook the con tenu,; o! ti 11 ce of tilese bot- ties withoî,t noticing ariy direct bernefiL- hefore 1 had flîushied thie !ourth botUe, ni)' bauds were as Free from Eruptions as e-ver they were. My business, which is tbat of a cai-driver. reqiies me to be oui iit coid and %%et weather. otten wîthout gloves, and the trouble has 'hesler retturned"-THOM"s A. JoHNS.a :ýiratford, Ont, Ayeî's, On, ySaîsaDarilla A.dmitted at the World's Pair. Aà4er'a Pilla Cieanse the .Bowe-Ls. CORR.ESPONDENCE PICKERING. Tht- ftî ct> ýil.toîthle I'resbvterian iuL h. I,1î(ltîirtn tn. %Nu111hîtitl themn an- ni' !i s.îy r ilîudaý.1 â .n u.aîrv 3 rd. iW DC( kcr lia>s îirvb lased the pn'u t y i r'. icit- s-. tnt n ttc XV odbi ne knossn as tii- Sniiis i 4.rk. 'l'he build- ing- ar c L(t tc reliitc(id rd the place ttttt0t54tt 10thetlc t-teuut if seserai t>.- -nît<I Au \"lcru tnîçlcîcd t ii it tic tiau î-viilci e uu of the 1. Cs 4 c -l t 1t i ic sic t n ils of t.he - s d.- c îîcld iîci 't- .ýh thar. (lYeonge rt., t . n . s i> t iu r nîdertakiuîil i r a--r.,iiusti. e mecclmg beid lit-.- ie .î. vening vas ven- f,', \ .4 . -t i %%Illli ikely prove a - l.ilt t) those who - -- t..~1--lIt ethe farmiens sortie - -ti uuu. -tAt this season of utIl;( 44ut.-v s n-4iî:ug to prcvent c -.îittid !.cî i OI(e!. ttur-In a tt enrd înrg I.- -- t tt.. . t týa,-. - n.,- laire; the -~ - t iiirit -i î,<st.-u.ti t en of a lu - t t s 5 lt n'.ierge tu Cott- ýi - :id a 1 turc lass set ont-t!. i -citior il lt fils i,ýi iuiîftornis us b- cit--huit tiir îruatcr-. of alltire un- t tAXC-. 11('c s uîth of the t- h con, -rcýýmv l itr .i latt-rnunotlî (Athe 4ttr i1 wîile u c'. lus frcim St LOUiS hC Ittu lueta-, '1h51 undergctne a - t'.- .u , u.ra litfor the nettovai - ,îtît tr lic tuas îecn sutlering for ult talîund tut4w lias evecr>, hope of a iuî- King and sornt othens killed a m n NIoutlaNyfr Job n Reti mer, of i1t .rthar. veiglbed hie ibs, and ut8usu f'ie- c-t futmnitiîp 10 tip. This .itî.!Aa-s tlnec veans (Aid and a-as not t-l-tdrm<Lgli îotrk. Wi. -i tutsi extecîd ou n congratulations it,, \V E .-nVn-ou, ornienly of the --ýk t rtig l>b.îi-nuî.î v he hâvinug taken --nu I14lcet'in a.îc lîssaofone h undned nul Jt(iu <o pils iui thc nec cnt l'barunacy t srelutt es Stucli diligence is s ofniii -e t ut un ueridat ion. l,- irut A.-i rianri, suithfiof the village. ict sithii .îuî ai dent one day recenr.ly s'. fi triw itg a fente post oîut of the dr ît In sote wav the lever Slip- ci) stniking hînu uipon the bead. For rutluut lie was unconscuous, and ,1:11lf, îî t tuie is not feeling irst-ciass ilt t)iglî recuorerung. -News. BRECHKIN. Xiv Johin Santumone ha'. netunned I t - liiithe îuîrtiî, w licre be bas spent reList.four nmonths. The \VW' W Co are making quite a i îenrtown. Tbey have given away ,î lânge number of presents since they live been iin toatn. Last Saturday vening blank tickets were givu at the itoor, of whicli the audience were ta vote for the most hartdsome and pop- ular young lady of Brechin. Miss Cooper received the majarity of the votes, and vas presented vith a costly lemnonade set. Mr John Overend's littie girl, whiie nunning across the street, vas run îwer by a horse and buggy, injuning lien foot but uaL aeriously. Mr Matt McDonald is in tovn again. Our owu is increasing fast in pop- ulation. Mr Patrick Doyle and Mr Michael NMcGrath vere eacb presentoti with a son last weelc. We areglad tosee that Mn R L Gaughan bas entirely recovered from his recent ilîness. We are ail very sorry to say that Miss O'Connon, ouir scbol teaciser, is CLAB.EMONT. B. Manle's chopping milI hu augain âarted. NI ra. Boyer la vith city fniends over the holidays. F. Pugh of Chatham, vas here luat wetrk with bis son. at Thos. E. lugh's. John M1cKay, who ha beeti in Dakota for nîne years, ta here on a visît with f rîend a. Misses Palmer and Mr. Doyle, of Pickering, were here vith friende on Sunday. Mca. F. Farmer ie in Stouffville thiz week, huving been called ttsere through the illnesa of her brother Albert Booker. C. A. Mitchell, who bas been witis Geo Anderson & Co., Toronto, for some ime has now aecuced a more lucrative position with Renfrev & Co., of tb.eaume place. The Erskine people held a very suc- cesaful bazaar und ent.ertainment on Wednesday evening of luat veek- The ladies as usual provided a very sumptuoua ce PaL. A construction gang from Havelock are engaged erecting a new bridge on tise railway euat of here ut Waddie's fanm. Some tight men are employed aud they expetct to complete the work in about a week - The Wilson Bros. gave a very fine concert here under the auspices of tise Meehanîcas Institute. The attendunce was very poor, bovever, and tise troupe were out of pocket. Shoald they again vîsit ustheir rsception would b. mucis miore extensive. The unniveraary of the Metbodist chssrch vas iseld on Suuday aud Friday, Dec. 27th and Jan. lat. ,eV. McAuley preached appropriate sermons on Sanday morning and evening and ut a muas meet. ing held in the deternooa. - On New Year's nigstu a splendid concert wil b. given by the Toronto Junction Quartette Club. As this promises t o sun except- ionul concert &Il viso could ahould attend. A fter a ingering illu strelicbing.over a period of muny weeka, due te consamp. tion, James Rev died at. bis resideuce on Sunday, aged 82 years. Deceased bas been a resident of Cl0aremont for a long imne uyd vas bigbly reupected by &U1 vath vý om he came in contact. The funeral took place on Tuesdy vheu Lise remuins vere interred ut St. John'& cemetery, 7th con. In the absence of Rev. MeLean, the Rev. Whato coudueted the ceremony. We mu8t congratulate our vorthy Lovuoan, Geo. Gerov, Esq., ou his ap pointment to tise position of county coun- cillor for this division, he having been elected by acclamation on Mouday at Brougham. Nov that Mr. Gerov has been elected teOcounty position vs hege in the uortb desire tc have a membeir at- tise tiownship hourd, sud no doubt the other portion of tise townsbip ha"e no objection theretro. Tise natnoa of tise fol- lowiniz have been vhispered sbout for s fev days :-Meuars. (3. J. Btodile, V. 8 ; Jas. Underbili, Joshua Bundy, B: W. Evans and W.J. Micheill Noue of tisa bave actuaUy stated that tisey viiiru. -News. CERRTWOOD Alice Stoven spent lait veek vtsiting vith ber many fieuds in. Mount Joy.. D. Wood, of the N. W. T., called on the acquaintances of bis boyhood lasi week. D. Hoover bas set up a grain - ehô' per in the old carpeuter 4op. ýT sounds like old times tohearo6e ffiachinery runnlng in t. Atemperance. a4ecting lwaî.. the churth laut Mouday eveûiugw The following is the report of the pupils in Union School No. i, Whitby and Pickering, for the term endingi Dec. -221d, 1896. lu the senior clas- ses the wnitteu examinations held dur- ing the term give the standing of the pupils. while in the junior classes, the pupils are ranked according to merit.. Sr. IV class, mnax. 638, Mabel Rowe, 549; Walter Rodd, 5o5; Georgie Gold, 489; Arthur MackeY, 453; An- nie Canruthens and Lizzie Fothergill, equal, 399. Jr. IV class, max. 500, May Rodd, 284 - Mabel Mackey .54; Edrnund Bnadley and Dewart Ca-ruth- ers flot. present for ail the exam's.) Sr. 111, max. 302, Wilbur Webb, 208; Archie Coakweil, 191 ; Willie Robert- soni 19-. Wîllie %Wehh, (did not take several exam's.>J r. III, max. 250, George Fothergili. 225- Mona Taylor. 207 Edna Shipnsan, 194; Elsie Kemp, 18 1 Russel Cai'nuthens, 176 ; Harry (.oao-ei, 165; Nîchol Robertson, i46, I)eninis O'Connor, 136, ýmissed one e xaiTl. 1Il1ciass, Lîllie Robertson an41 Edgar Austin, equal - John () Con nor and Walter Truli, equal - Arthiur Wis'lson andl Earl Bradley, Ceqiill l>Part. Il,- Chanlie Fothergîll, May Bradlev. (,oldie Tru. ,Fnank \*anstone. l'art 1. Russel Coakwell, LÀivi>acl'gcît, Oliv.e Shipman and Lin Mcncon îi.i1 iThe follow- ing promotions %cre inade during the terril Fnom 111 to jun. IV I\May Rod, MNabel Nlacka)y, Lewant Car- ruthers, Edmund lHnadlev. Archie C:oakwelli.Wlhur Webb, Wýiliie Rob- ertý'on. Double promotion, fnom 111 to Juln. I \', and froin Jun. IV to Sr. SV An ie Carnutiiens and Lizzie l'ot h e rg,11. i1 to 111 (;eorge Fother- gi, llar Coakwell Mona Taylor. Edna ih ipman. Russell Cacruthers, N ichol Robertson. Dennis O'Connor, Ilisie Kemp. Part Il to 111 Tillie Robertson, John O'Connor, Arthur WVilson. Eanl' Bradley, Edgar Austin, Wýaiten Truli. l'art 1 to Il : Frank Vanstone. Charlie Fothergill, May Bradley. Goldie Truli, Russell Goak- wel.Wc closed a yeac of successful school work on Tuesday. the 22fld inst. The new termn commences Jan. 4th. i1897. A joyous New Year to ail my pupils and their parents is the wîsh of Hl. H. West, teacher. Obariea E.Newman, M dbooUgb tUt, 'tmmctc Ont., bad acooe 14 son isicog tuMUR us. matiatu »vers rWe ootJ.- -1 - Was trequently dlaurbed aegt b, Ibubsapli sud vas a verysiIck m&& Hia K k Rykan"oMtenar e--uIwOç,by Oui".Acv & lm rat"l a0eldemt. On Saurday Mms Adel aiSs4tte went to visit ber daughtér Mis fme4 Burke. in the Acadexpy fMnui. While com~-' ing- down stairs she feUMRdowft a sort flight of thmee sp-breaking her Ieg-,. Dr Poole wuas uinkbed and b found thaih lw b o1c n tlirep _tthrogh frsIdn, conoultation waEp rhe -and Ik was fourni thai 'it woud bê Travelers shudder with horror ut the thç&ight-of the train-wrecker who steaithily undermines the supports of a ruilway bridge and precipitates a passeuger train with ils load of l~ecious buman freight to a honr- bic deat by fire and water. There is a deadlier enesny than the train-wrecker that menaces not only Lveers but stay - at - homes. Ils name is ndigestion. It slowiy undersirs the supfV >rs that hold Up the bridge of life and y ...ivprecipitates untold thousands into the dread valley of consump. ion. If people wiil only take the riglit pre- caution thry eau avoid this calamitv and es-en rensedy Il after il bas occurred if Lhey will act in timne. Ail cases of indizestion and every diqease that has its inception lu indigestion or faulty nutrition arr cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Miedical Discovery. It cures 98 per cent. of ail cases of consuimption. It cures wasting diseases. h is an nufailing remedy for nerv- nus prostration. It is the great blood-maker, flesh-builder and nerve tonic. Thousands "have testifàe4 to its menite. There i3 nothing elise just as gzood ' Druggists sell il. 1 beg leave to luforrn you- writes Mns. Slhely, of No 1701 Thomas Place. Minneapolfa Mfnn.. *that Dr Nie-cesr Golden Medicai DWa covei-y curctd my trouble in mv neck--Goitre. Il ,went say lu three tuonths. At the slzth bottle it began tb grow snaller. Before. 't had gruw tanrger very perceptibly. i arn vers grateful for 4fe cure. Healthy babies. Healthymiother. Healthy father. These are what you find in the homes P hat have s copy or Dr. Pierce's Common ense Medical Adviser. Send 31 one-cent ý. tamps. Lo cover cost of customns and mail- ngz onuv. Lo Worldl's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. ALTONA. Aý B. Reesor, of Brooklin, is in our midst again. Miss T Stoufler, of Stoufiville, was visiting here over Sunday. There was a temperance meeting in the Union church Monday evening. -A high intellect is the gift of God, -apure heart is his dwelling place." The bible society collectors are on the-ir annual round. Give theun a cheery reception. The trustees of our public school have engaged Charles McDonald. of Dunbarton, as teacher for next year. Gharlie was in our midst on Monday The devil lives in the same house as the man that gets mad quick. F J Reesor was working in Scott last week. "Heap on more wood'the wind is chili; But let it whistie as it wili We'll keep our Christmas merry still." OREECIN RIVERI Miss Hiattie Hutchison is spendinga few days in Toronto. Misses Maria and Gertrude Hopkins were visiting at B. W\ilson*s on Sunday last. Geo. Ferrier anrived home Saturday last to spend the holidays with his parents and old friends. Wednesday evening last the teachers of thj Union Sabbat h school held their annual meeting. A very large number of teachers and scholars were present. All the old officers and teachers were re-elected for another year. This speaks weIl for superintendent and teachers. On. wsuNat GERs~s"ooeAr Cure 1 1 b4ichael j Brennan, condemned to1 death for thse murder of Mr Strathy, remains in the same condition, havingi to be fed regularly by the jailors. He does not move from bis cot, tbough he seems in a fairly healthy condition. His brother,. James Brennan, has ai. ready secured several thousand nattes to the petition for clemency. Invesatiiag Mr. MaPhes. Mr J D McPhees case is nov being investigated at Atherley, the matter having commenced yesterday. M r. Hugh O'Leary. of Lindsay, sits on the cage. Mc McPhee is represented by Messrs. Gunn and Grant an&k the gov- erniment by Mc Thos Noble. of Can- nington. The changes relate to Mr. McPhee's management of bis office of Indian agent. e wasfrozen ta death. Particulars to hand regarding the death of the laLe James Murray, of Or- illia, fromn Sudbury, show bis demise to have been a sad one. He vas frozen to death two miles froni Sudbury white1 returning fcom Sunday School. His body vas frozen on the raiiroad track. It is supposed that he vas seized by an epileptic fit. to vhich he vas subject, and vas stunned by his taîl and fro7en to death without regaining conscious-i ne ss. Nearlyasphyrxlated. The famiîy of Mn John Hopper, Moflat street. had a nacrow escape fromn death by coal gas on Sunday morning. Mn Hoppen vas avakened about 4 o'clock by a veak cry from one of the chiidren. and he investigated. lie found his daughter, a girl of 15. almost dead. Hec heart beat vas im- perceptible. Mrs 1-opper's case vas neanly as secious. He spent an an- xious haîf hour attending to the fat- ie nts. Jake hba autasp Mc j G Gaudaur is nov of the opin- ion that accidents will happen. He vas out fox hunting last Monday and he had with him a very fine double barrelled gun, and tvo valuable hounds. Jake had chaseda f'ox off Grape Island, just'outside the Narrova, and vas fol- lowing Reynard aiong the shore of Boultin's Point tovard Mr. Gotiatt's Is- land, when something happened. Neither of the hammers were cocked, for Jake is a caneful man vith a gun. The two hounds were on ahead and the champion vas making good time close behind them on the slanting shore ice. Suddenly he slipped and the hand hold- ing the gun came smartiy .down on the ice. When the smoke cleared away Jake sav one of the hounds had been shot. dead, and the other had its legs pretty velI peppered. Fox hunting is great sport. Bir Justice Rose'. DInner i3y vhat trifiing things is history made. Hece the News Letter has been bothering itself for the past six weeks to find out why the East Sim- coe eection triai had been set for Barrie ingstead of Onillia. against the wishes of everyone interested. This paper had pointed out that Barrie %vas not in the constituency, that it vould be more convenient to hold the trial here, and vould be much cheaper. It had just ceached the conclusion that Mn Laurier had somnething against the tovn, and this veek intended ta talk out about it. But there 15 no neces- sity. for Mr. Laurier is not to blame. It vas aIl Mc. ustce os's fault, nd R. Scriver, Carpenter, of Hatings, vas a Great Sufferer from Kidney Dis- ea8e-South American Kidney Cure ElÎect,,d a Quick Cure-It in a Speciflo Remedy for a Specific Dîs;eae-It Disolves and Eradicates AUl Solid Matt.er Fromn the System-ils Sale and Perma- nent. For mnany years I have been troubled witf kîdney disease, ùIeasitatinq the taking 'of rnuch ini the way of remedies. Two years ago they became 8o bad thsst 1 had to seek tbe aid of a physician. My urine was more like blood thun anything elue, and was very painf ut. Just at that ime 1 beguxi uaing South American Kid- ney Cure. I gave me irumediate relief, and from that tîme5 tilI now I have bied no diffictilty. I can gafe1y aud bonestly recommend this great remedy to &H1 per- 8uffertng from kidney trouble. Sold by J. B. w ii à Gs'aduate e1 Toronto Unlvorulty l"Te FSMy aidren bave been trested with SooWs* ,mulsion f rom thelr éarliee: yeuse! Our phy" eician fret recommended it snd now wlSever a child take. cold Sy wvUe immedlatey rrt to thia remedy, whicb a was effecta a cumu FAI RBAN K'S Real Estate (3olum, FOIR SALER.-A nice story and a haif house wlcb 2-,5 of ana acre of land, corner of Dundas and Garden streeta, W'hitby, wltis fine lot of choice fruit trees, good stable, well and cu*tern. AU in firet clasorder.ý Will bc po1d cheap. Smsll Frame House and Lot, corner, ef John snd Byrou streets, Whitby, Wil be sold Verychoep, FOR $ALE. Cheap. A fine tvo story brick hQDpýê,, witb brick stables. Situated uron St- Wbltby, the s-rsdetalseelxth tovnewltbia ubre.mib"oUtswfetthe'po office. There are threeoatacf laod itb au- entrance on tvo stréie t ;Iouse apefrct repair. For. appju Real F4stt e Î~ot, W44tbyý, Ont. jý. AIRBkNýKSp O ctIim îSglà. 1 touée«. Wbltb: EEAVURT@N Messrs Wm and Fred Smith. of the foundry, speut a week in St Thomxas visiting Mr Wm Smith, jr., who le about removing to England, Mn Smith, of St Thomas, is fast rising ini the artistic world, and is as yet but a young man. Mr Wes Micheil has recovered fromn his recent iliness. The lake is at last frozen over and good skating reported. Beaverton will have a good hockey team this yean. We notice the name of Mc D W Rutherford amnong the successful can- didates at the recent civil service exams held in Toronto. The Beaverton erchestra, as welI as a number of young folk of the town, took in the basket social at Point Mara school house. For a town of its size, we think Bea- verton can surpass anythin in the way of skaters. Standing on the bridge on an evening of last week, and watching them fUit to and fro vas, if anything, amusing. Mr Harry Cameron and Mn Sandy Rutherford do the figure eight Lo perfection. Mc W H Hoînies with his Kempenfelt stnide, takes the ladies by storm. A E Cameron and the ',nailec' cut the rose to a T. Misses Turner and Gurly do the grape vine like professionals. Miss Maggie Dobson also manages the flat iron with skill. Fannie King and Minnte Bow- erman do the spreadeagle while Lexie McRae trims its wings-vith the sea- son. Really Mabel Davidson, the champion lady skater. would not be in it with our girls, so Ena says. The 'Methodist church intend hold- ing another grand concert in thé AIex- andria hall next month. ECNFIL»D. We vish thes CHRoNICLE and its staff the complimente of thes season. The Sons of Temperance enjoyed a feed of oyst.ers on Tue8day nigbt. The S. 0. E. heîd a White Rose degre meeting on Thursday night aftier vhich a grand oyster aupper vas served tilt aIl were satisfied. Viuiting bretbreu from Bowmunville, Hamupton and Burketon were preseat. Mr. Wm. Humpuge has euguged vith Mr. J. Dyer for the coruiug year Who would think that auy farmer in this neighborhood would drav sud apread munure on the Sabbath day ? Mr. B. Armstrong's sale vas wel uttended and good prîcea vere nealized. Mr.J. Dyer is the proud poseassor of a new vînd mill. 4yer'a Pilla eh@ B..e VIM, VIOGOR, and VITALI TY RESTORED IN 30 DÂYS. GOOD KIFEOTS AT ONCE. CATON'S VITÂLITZE cures geersi or apeta1 d.btutty. wakqul- ne»a. speamatorrheea, e.na. luAmp.- tency, puers , etc. correcte ftUaes..al dterdera. csusail bY errera or sic a., quickly restorina eIonUanh@cI lu old or Young, glvlng vaser sd trmath where for. mer veaknesaprevaflcd. Convenient package, simple, effectuai, sad legtimate. CURE 18 QUICK ANiD THOROUGH. Don't be dcoevdb miatu Inalat en Catn~ Vtsiuou~Set 'bu , x lyodrug- gist doss not ha"e, re.S I~k.. o ewuta rtagaraê mit 01Ur. Inorm&uoz4 referenaetc, fr" e-sud onldntial. Bond un stsaoeglof cas ansd MStc, for a wee stulsitmtaSfnt Oziy one sent to each person. CATON lmD. 00., BOSTON. Masa, /NUA/ Of mIe Board of for The Fioari r(ndialrainJrsu The bo-ard is picased t ,reI)pr*ý <replsed bv Miss i. \y k a,7 !,y conducttd iuring itýe '4 ar s.îî Princtp.,> %Ir tas. Browni1t C is . i Fra-ter, - NI - 1,.i 1;fi r nA mat' N dI Phr A s.-t The antendance 1tir:rig the t '-'a 'sumn,-r von the R,,' ......... .... A veragedty tnat. ..- NumnIýer ou the Rr,!..... . A veragedi. tedt Num*iier on the Rý........ ... lu us vtrrv piua-inz brIt t>. nZ au the \1odI t.ctIfur ,ht la-, stars. No changsZ,- have nccuîrre-d n n41ha., --n efîcituv cnlu- -.edv tî,s\aoiuu.eis a ar Numt-r on the RAi;l............ Average tlati- auuend,àut -.... AIl necess,.rv. repairs hrie bem-, - ging f the wtst ..ingnf thue 14 TH Fî iiunîng the year the stanl -ou Messrs. Hotgarth and Hend.-îson r.i the s;aff. In the place of Mn. W'X sevcsofan able a[ud ettiirit Jpr:- stituted the'sial consists rof M r. John Waugh,.BBA.. B Ps- MNI. G. H. Hogarth, B.A , M.i NIr. W. A. Dent, Science-.. Nr. G. M. Jones, B.A., Mode Mn., A. G. Henderson, First-c] Ail are Specialijts in theur depa ai the la'e Inspectoral visit in Sept- No effort wii be spared by the Bý., successfuliun the Province. The attendance of the year has Number on the Roll......... Average daily attendartce -.... Duninig the yeac the foliow;n.t Art Dîpiomnas, 13 ; Form t, 3 ; Pl cates, 6 ; junior Or 2nd CI.ass Cerui Class Certificates, 2. Duning the year the Board ha'. Huston, who for mfany year-s disch duties of Secretary and Treasurer. the appointmrrent of MnI. IDavid Ormn ou Education mn the town as nepres to.i8c>6. STATEMIENT ()FI R ECElPT 9. Goveroment Grant ............... Countv Grant ......... ........... County Special Grant ............ .. F'ees for Entrance Examinaiions.. Fees for iepartmental Exams. . Fees fcam Pupils ......... .... . Municipal Assessment ........... Goverument Grant .............. G-ove-nment Grant, Model Schoe i Caunty G;rant, Model Sehool ... Fees, Teachers in-Trairnig... Fee-. Non-Resident Pupils ..... Municipal Assessment ...... .... D. ORMISTON, Sec-Treasurer. TAKE O 0f Dr. Agnew!s Liver Pilla e It viR promote digestion ant corne aoy evil efiecte Of Loo 1 - eating. 4t~irely vegtabie-Do not disytm Safe, prompt, acotive, painlesa ant-1Oc. -a vial. This eftective littie pil i jesui 8.11heUIC oldsehool nauseons Pl The demand is bard to keep Bince placing it on the Canadiai Take no substitut». 40 dloses,]1 droggists. Suffer Moreor Loua Prom 'T Madnsve of Dm*eaaesoata Dr. Aguewr's aturrbal Pol Woenul B.medy in Test Thouua5ds Who Rave Be O ribk Mr. loiEdu &q abe2ea trobied vith c -. ~ T5I1D07 leamS. Have greuly #Pm ~it ,hadtýried a - - Uled onree u5 'uever reet s Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Oonth. No Reet NIt nor Dar. Gilven UP by Doct.ors. A L1FE SAVED lTAIZNG HySCHRRY AYER SPECTORAL *"8everal years ago, I caugbt a severe cold, attended with a terrible coUgh that allowed me no rest., sither day or nlght. Tbe doc- tors, ater working over me to the best of thelr ability, pronounced myeue hopeleas, and saud they conld do no more for me. A frlend, learnlng of xny trouble, sent me a bottie of A yer's Cherry Pectoral, wblch 174 began to take, and very soon I was greatly relleved. By the Urne I bad used the whole boite, I was completely cured. 1 have neyer bad much of a cough since that time, and I Ilrmly belleve that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my ltie"--W. ]E. WAED, 8 Qjuimby Ave., Lowell, Maus. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARD8 AT WMUSD'8FAR.. Like Sufferers Only Know. 9 wants tbem. Just try us ugain.- News- Letter. Agitation lu the world of hoinopathic medi- ciao. ha. been itsveryoul of progres, «ln politicasud religion-tb difficulties of opinion sud thse individuality of mon have bsen parent to tise dbasgreemenre by vblch tise gisudard of thea. bodies have been elsvated. Bo, vitis mnot ot our famom prepsratioua-foremoet k tilutratimo f ebacistrutis stand. tth. votld f amps remedy tu general debliy and lsngour1 "Quinine Wn,"sdwiicb, vio b taOin- sble laita genclue streugtb, ila a hfrculous ereafor of appetite, vltsJlti &Md otmlmt, Lu the. generafertly Oftise systeu., Qtýml Wlne aud, its Improvemnt. , tram tihe firat dlsev"ry f thse - "t *tne c Quinine sm a medW Iagent, 1beA reo iemoel4isr- ou~diacnadre-dsea ove «mdtets Atlà f fô ti.gi oue ad11 ~geiJuululs1wb.bmu1o Il -A Famay phvg".

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