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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1897, p. 5

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I.Barnu 4t Thanku his many custom- ers for their eppreciative words and practical support during the year that je past. In 1897 no effort will be relaxed to make liks stock of Wýatcbes and Jewelry tlioroughly attractive. The tîuste, the quality -and the price shall merit a con- tintiance and an extension of thie patronage s0 liberal- Iv bestowed heretofore. May 181,7 prove a Prosperous officiaiCounty Orgnas.-Largest Cimrula- tson of auj local paper la Canada FRLDAY, JAN. 1st, 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. Il a;pv New Vear for ail Make the date 1s"97nov. CGordon Tamublyni spent bis holiday-s in iuelpb Scz»,opm n ody Mli. £aoe util ybuý t0?enTiesday. M4palmier, or mtia~C, Iowa, la tIaiting h* uaw ~çMis E>J jobtxson pkieusa* &ôil ends~ redueed to haif p 06e otbagan daLy, SàtordaY, Jasn d. HOraea,.T. &j.Hairewiibyoss lit Whitby Jan. Hàkeuwld-y oe Myrtie Iau st . d P ort Perry. Jan. 4tb; We guaranee a \ l er circulation than any five paPers in tbÇ COunty, and insert anmal' advertisements a~ cents per week. A mau was arreate<J ini Orillia for selling barrel5 of aPPlos wbich had fine fruit in the endsa1 but trasb in the mdi.R e i l'y a close shave. ld.Hogto Mr Win ThompaoaofPilot bMaund, NMan, ibere thîs wekl on a vistt. He nover looked better, and reports everytng flour- ishing in thir wesL Mr D Graham. warden af the county, was bore . ast weerk, seloctîng jurors, and winding up the county affaira for the year. He wiIi atain run for Nortb Ontario. Mr A A Bugbee* ebo bas beeu adentified with the evaporating worka bere since tbey bave been started, wil move bis family l'ack tb Olcott, N Y, aftor New Y'eats. He bas ceased bis confectian wlîb the evaporating works. Skating. The rink wil l'be open ta skaters on Fr1- da) evening ar Ibis week, instead of the aiternoon. Chsap Priatlng and Clubbing. The CHRONICLE do"s the cbeapest print- ing and affors the iowest clubbing prices of any paper in Canada. Cailiai this office when >-ou want newspape,-s or printing. Hockey. The local season wili open on New Years' afternoon l'y a gamo bot ween the Victorias, oneof the beattams af the city, and tbe local club. Gamne will l'e calied at p Mu. A good game will ho put up. Ad mission i a conts. Promotions-. Senior division Dufierin st sclbiol. In or- der of menit. J un 111 tbar 111, Clara Foy. Daiay Stone, Fia McLood. Sr Ill to jun IV, Teenie Sleep, Gertie Smith, Eva Gold- ing, Nelly McLeod' John Goling, Willio Smith. Pirst Rejisarsai af the Choral Society. Wednesday next, Jan. 6th, ai 7.30 pin., inl the hig room back of the public libratry on tbe second floar of tho Oddfeliows* building, tho first rohoarsal of the choral socioty will taire place under the direction of Mr. J. W. F. Harrison, the musical canductor. Tburad Burnett M 11, vas in town oun uidlWe indelps A cademy OrSl4 dyour 1 es d re or yout New Xýork tratPar TILL Ellegant lin.- of U)rtr- i kutep rim i.. s. Tapestri Il L Li 'alie, mon@: .sArdcoucher. N. ,,t End of é0N $t. ion wit' office. ind lodglog for for students. lfi ce. Witby, o.(Lui.> st 'N. ist. zp in ibema QW buie T IE itargain dav at W G> Walters' store, '-atiircIay Jan 2. William Hopper îs about again after a protracîed ilînes vw) horse, wanted. Sec T. sud J. Mark- n"ss local ,lsewhere. l-adies îiackets rediuced tb one bal prîce aI \V (, \N alitis, on a-aturdJay bargain day, J an 2ild () Brensý & Sit-dham's Whîîbv photo gai- lery wîll lie opcm r-vtry Tuesday. Friday a-là Saturday Thi- rsI garne - f li-ecre% in the Mid- land Hockey league is bookr-d tb b plaïed irie (oniWednesdav evening rexî againat Iiowrnanvîlle. .1o regards New er promises, don't make aîy. Acîithe man or %c>inai witboîit 1,i-~piedgr il Let olici-ren lie yuur guice' and îlot îiCcaslîîna. pleige-- The ltchrbel-s o( ýVhiîiIts p!-p s,- o gîve thtiefirht- ialiof the %amier ofi;,.-. -ronThîîrs day )an r4th. h wll e (t rr,m(l )o n grand st yle. Giona wcul furnish m-uîsic Once a vear we do-rote mast of the paper ta munîèipal affairs, Repots will be fouud in tbis issue from everv part ai the county and a gond share ai Durhamn county. Our readers will find it well wortb wbile ta read ail the reports, and tbua 6und oui ihe curront municipal topica lu every part of the couuîy. Local Option. The vote ou bhe by-law te repeai local op- t ion bu Pickering takes place ou Mouday aud as there is s full field ai municipal candidabes no doubt a large vote will be brought out. Those desiriug ta retsin the local option wil mark X opposite the word against, as bbey therel'y vote againsi the repeai by-Law and continue in force the ortginal by-law of local option- &II About Ballot Boxes. The Municipal Ameudmeut Act, 1896, re- quires deputy returubng officers in cities sud towns ta deliver the ballot box and packets ta the returning officer immedisteiy afier having comipleted their duties at tbe polling place, and under no circumatances is a dep- tity returning oflicer to ate the ballot-box Sussex Lîîdge S. () F, Ar- ha-.îngz a hand- or packets, or ailow the samne toul'e taken 10 some set of iodge hîirtire t m ii i Irrbis home, or bouse, or office, or place of rooms. The chairs ait o-k nti-si-ed ir businetss, or La any bouse or place wbatso- crimsoni mohair pluabi Nî\r 1 ever, other than the office ou the evening ai supplied tbe ouifit. t pollîng day, uiîtil the said boxes bave been Mr Henry Wilson caýl..i ai mii omeretuitned 10 bon. Officers vioiatiug-tbe pro- yesterday and lef( an eld,-r Hiî-h a lch 'A.as vi.ionis of Ibis acb aie lhable ta a penalty ai coipig out in leaf a- if iii \aiN- Hi tiheS green buda stood the fritso(ii-,i ate-k .a jSaine Newspaper Saapa. wonder, l'ut we suppose thai u ri-rt ait-4ier Si The WeeklI- Sun, (Farmers' SunI. bush makes up ts miiid t in ti-îOt0iiib S pages chi-flv- controlled and edited l'y spring clothes it la no tu b, - deerred IxN a Pro-'f. Gtîldwin Smitb. sud THE CHOONICL.E, litile cohd weatber s pages ni county news, in ail r6 pages New Years Afternoon. weeklIV, for $itLaJ'an. i , 1898. The first hockey match oY i.. ea.'on $1 25 The Weckly Globe, 16 page-. of wîhl l'e played fiore. (;arne ca!îed at general news weekly, and Tata CHRON-ICL.E, oclock. S pages of local nova weekly, tojan. i, 1896, Shooing Matchi for S51,25 grand sbooting matchî wîl l e h-il ai the $2.Thse Saturday Mail Empire, 24 pages illîistratedi. tbe Weekly Mail-Empire, and junctian bobel au New Xears day, 1 lai151 , T m F. CH RONIC L F, for $2 a year (the price of i 9!- There w ili1be an abu nd an ce o 1 bi Veo ns the Saturday mail alone.) teudane itca. akme iibei I 82 75. The Toronto daiiy World and THE tAncgShe, CHRONICLE S2 75 per auuum. A BlgShipientThease are not bniler plate sbeets prited 0f boots sud shoes srrbved at the Wsest in Toronto type foundrie-s sud paimed off Side Boot and Sboe store ibis week, whi .ch on the Public as newspapers. vil1 be sold at bard lime prices. '00 pais #tn imorta.nt c&". or bouse alippers at ç9c. per pr. 100 pairs o buîtoned boots nt St per pr. Metiis gaiters. Hia Honor Judge Dartnell bas handed oui at $i pet- pr. Meu's laced boots at $i t10b,5 judgmenî in the lîquor case aio Carli.ng Brew- Boysi, school boots at 5oc. per1 r., ntth11e bng Ca. vs F Mal ett, of Cedar Date, Car- WestSid Boo an Sho stre.ling's traveleî- called upon MalIett wbo had WestSid Boo an Sbo stre.pîenîy ou band, but was fiually persuaded composite Lod"e No 3o G. R. C. to place an order for filvo caskis taul'e dehi- D. D G. M. Rosa nstalled the following vered in June. The bargain vas that the officers of the above ladge ou Tuesday even- beer wassuot 10 l'e paid for until sold, sud ing ast : Wor. Bta. P. Taylor, W. M. ; Wor. was ta remain the property aud at therisk of Bro J. H. Gale, 1. P M. ; Bro Jas. King. S. Carling until used . [nstead ai vaiting util W. ; Bro. John Burns, J. W.;. Wor. Bro. June, Carling shipped the beer beoire the Powell. Treas. ; Bro. Robt. Willis, Sect. ; end of May, sud Mallet'a hoteh vas bur-ned,. Bru. G. Y. Smith, Chap. ; Bmo. Fred Hatcb, beer sud ail, an May 319t. lb vas palnted S. D.; Bro. Jno. Reid, J. D.; Bmo. Huggsrd, on the barrels thaltbey vere to romain thse D. C.. Bro. Britton, L G.; Bmo. Theo. King, property of the Carling Brewlng Ca..,and S. S.; Bro. Chas. Eastwood, J. S.; Bro. tho Judge hII no difficulîy lu dismlssing Lynde, Organist; Bi o. jas. Nicholson, Tyler. Ihat part ofithe ciainu. Thon as to the aie, it vas soid by the gahhon, bearlng ont the Temple of Pame. dlaim tuant i vas to be psid for vhen, sold lu Betvoon fity sud sixty WaAies ofithe towfl the bar_ It vas alao delivered a7ead cf are busy prep riug the above entertain- time. The veight of evldeuce supported meut, vhwhi t ia expected, vii lie put on the defeudant, and as the time forp ent the stage the second veek of this month. bas not sud causai ever arrive, His Hosor TheGoýddess of Pashe viii cite before hergvtogen o ain ail nations, sud 'o the Most deserving viii avard the crovuz, Costumes, sucient and inodoe, qntnsd gorgeons, viii ho voru by the varions characters, sud sItogethçr a br-iliaut sl9ectacle viii ha proseutedL This ,entertaiumeut dravs crowded honses vherever givon. Prices viii ha vithin the reach of ail. Holld.ay visitors. Win Sullivan, jobu Wall, sud Patrick Me. Crohan, Boston, uets of E 0 MeCrohan. Ian Bell, jr, W S Oston,, Geo Whitelav, Guy Datuell, Robt MeBurney, jack Brysu, Xiss Waterhouse, MisselioDonald, Miss Glendeing, obti chardsos, ail of To i-ut G ilson ofIth: - ll Hrbent Dart neli of Peuelon Palla;f-Mr C7L Ylckery sud vite of Port:Peary ; Ur Robt,,-Patteso ansd viCie, Robt Stewitzt, Dr Mud ICM j A ]Hershey of iasse!, .Algoon,; lins Albert i;8lnW ansd soun lirs Doro sOrs of "Ou- -Ïro iedtcat l ege for womeuP st Mr Bdt~ er5t _ cofns~§:î 6 moathilu a li. John Mattbevs, s fat-mer nov resident of Mari, but ormerly oaf Reacb township, vas sentenced-by Mis Honor Judge Dartneil on Saturday hast to serve 6 montas lu jail for kiling sbeop. Matthews is one of the l'es known slaves cf drink in tbis county. For torty yearsbho bas been kno snî tbroughout the certrai part ot the iownship as a drunir- ard and generat bully. Ton years ago bis viCe ditd ater'au unhappy lIC. sund vas t-e.: hteved trom further association vida sncb a man. She heft a farm, vhich vîli eventually go tu ber cblîdren but wblcb the lsv enables liatthews "' y côurtesy " tu. hold or IlCe. luto this homne he lutrodoaeed amî1nstresa tvo or tbrm yeara ago, sud ilvedtbe sort of sbandoned lite tbat uscally helpe sncb s carèer towards 1weed., Remtalyhe bgo so b.d tat titis vonzan, eft blina, sud tvovee41 igo Matthev.i vas sieut to jalfqrteang sbh.. ti appearatat he ='sttud&rilb- sud tb" snéw ete îm ated.ýCiiou bmrvedb 1lu med ne Of te UmoutnrfgeOusappesracesof Apybod y v «Wsm. -Be bas a bkis ndIamte hboume The banka are complining ai the great scarcity of Si and 82 legal tender bis. Tho Assistant Receiver-Goueral is unabie to supply the demand for tbese sinsîl bis lu excbange for $Soo and $i,ooo note-s. This season of the year there is aiwaya a good de- mand for the smili notes, a large number being sent to the country points for the pur- chase of farmi produce. Piano Tunlng Mr. Geo. Gumpricht is tuning pianos at the college Ibis week parties wishiug bis services may les vo word at Mr. Cormack's book store. Hockey. The V etorias of Toronto will open the hockey season bore this (Friday) afternoon witb tbe local teamn. Gaine called at 3 P. im. Admission io cta. The Weekly Globe. Tbe Weekly Globe bias been eniarged ta 16 pages, and iii Dow unsurpassed l'y any weekly paper in tbe country. We inake a speciaity of clubbiug the Globe and CHRON- ICLi t 5 1.25. zoHors«. Waated. The uuderbigned wlll l'e at the foilowing places for the purpose ai purtbasing borses for export. They musî l'o from s ta 8 yosrs of age, weigbîng (rom 12o0 ta îi8oo ibs., sound and in gond condition. Wbitby, Jan. 2nd ; Port Perry, Jan. 4th ; Myrtle, Jan. 5th. Thos. & jas. G. Harkness. Plenzty of New Subseribers. By the first mail Monday morning we found four new subscribers, and tbey have been cuming 1u ve mail since. Those wbodropped the C HRONICLE tbree yoars ago because we did no ciubbing that yoar, are now coming back to get the benofit of our cbeap clubs. Wo give better bargaîns in ibis hune than any otber paper in Canada. The Wabash Railroad, Witb its superb and magnificent througb car ses vice, is uiow acknowledged to l'e the mnost perfect railway syatem lun the world. It la the greabest w inter tourist route tqý the soutb and weSt, inciuding the famous Hot Sprittgs of Arkansas. Old Mexico, tbe Egypt of the New Wortd ; Texas and California, the land of sunsbine sud tiowers. Passen- gers going by the Wab'ash reacb their des- tination bours in advance of other linoes. Tihe Wabash Santa Fe speciai, ieaviug Chi- cago every Wed nesday sud Saturday at 6 p. ai., and St Louis saine evening ai 9 p mn, roacbinq Los Angeles iu luat tbree days. This j, ahe l'est Californis service iexis- tence. Full particulars fro n ay railroad agent, or J A Ricbardson, Canadian Passen- ger Agent, nortbeast corner King and Vonge street, Toronto. Banks-Davey Nuptiais. Wedaetday Dec 23rd, 1896, nesrhy sixty iuvited guesta assembled ai the residence ai Mr W J Da-.ey, Esq., Kingston Road, Pick- ering, to, participate lu the festlvitles sud witness the nuptials of bis eidest daughter, E A Winfred. ta C W Banks, Esq., M D, ai Port Jervis, N J. The marriage-ai very pretty oue-waa solcninized about 4.30 P m. The bride, liaudsomoiy attired in cresun bengainc slik ahd lace, was attended by her sister, Miss May Davey, sud the sistor _o( the graom, Miss Banks, wbo looked lovely lu their pink and iigbî green odi trlmmedi with pearîs and lace. Alil corred hoquets oe magnificont roses. The groom was ably supportod l'y Mr A N Mitchell, of Toronto Varsity, sud i T N Davey, Triaity Medicai Coll eo. The weddlng psrty as tbey stood l'efole imnhstor presnned a vory charnu- ing appearance. The knot a solomsly nd v"r seelMy tied by the Rev RGeo Davoy. B A, B D, Plttsburg, Ps, (brother of the bride) auaised by the Revu W F Wilson. of Toronto, sud T -Manuing of Whitby At the close ai a boutifful, choiceS d well- sierved weddlng disuer the first groomsmsn, Mr A Mitchellin lus set speech proposed tbhe siîlh and referred to a few of the very mauy exceflent qsafltles of the bride. The grom respondd very graoefly, oecrrbii% most l'oartiy lu the testirnbny pal o bis bonny vife. Short, witty and pitby speeches followed trons the Rov'd Messins Manning, Wilson and Davey, and Messrs W Taublyn, B A, Wbitby, Dr Mitchell, Enulsllen;T Johnston, Sopt. of ihm M*ssey wisa, To- ronto; Dr liliott; Toronto KedlcalSbo; sud R John Davey, father of the bride. number of goad shinge w«e »Widabout tii annexatiou of our Cirocms by the. yo@ng men of the ststes, the good feeling ,slg. betveen the tvo -coupled vliesganl- tions to thbm unte oi~r -suAd be Vlhes, herhapplnea. 'be' paW Sry , fi'foW Corne -in and si ~ethé. NEW Y E-ÂRS. Nice ThingB to, be 868t1oe Mtis Florence Pars,, Port. Perry, le ibe guest o M iss Cora Jon.a ,Ji Malq$a, of4rinlty Ildieal Ulvityl - VdIs>$8k4tsreduced to $4 on bar- sain day, Saturday, Jan 2*d ai W- G Wal- tors. Mr O'Brien wiil be in the Wbltby Pboto Gallery every Tueaday, Friday and Satur., day of each weok. Remuants of cottans, siliclas, diress goods, flanuelettos, fiannels, etc, roduced ta hait price. Saturday-, Jan sud W G Walters. The ClesONICLa lest week gave more news cf the cououy nominations than was publhshed l'y ail the other county papers taken together. Jno Watson, jr, broke tbrougb tbe Ice wbiist skating the other day, and was res- cued witb conaiderabie difficuity, ater get- ting badly chîlled. The daughters af St. Andrew's hoid a very succesaful social on- Wednosday eveulng. An intoresting programme was rondered and light retreshments served. The basetuont of thechcurcb was tastefullv decorated. Mr. John Beavor, for twa years past as. sistent tonsorial artist at Lou Bandel's bar- ber sbop bore, bas purchased a business in tJxbridge, and ieft bere to taire charge af it on Saturday asat. Ho is an accomplwghed artist, and we bespeak for bim a successful business career. Under the new provisions made in the Ontar io statutes for î896, the iaw shlows ten- ants wbose landlords are lu arrears for taxes to retain the rent and hand it over to the collector until ail an-ears of taxes are futly paid up. This seoma a very sensible way af collectîîîg overdue taxes. Men's Braces, reg 50c, Bat. 25e. Men'a Caps, reg SOc, Bat 25a. BE SURE TO SEE OUR SIL VER WRE. ~doz. Teaspoons, ~doz. Teaepoone, Sdoz. Forks, - Children'a Sets, Jewel Cases, - Butter Knife and Si Silver Teapot, - Silver Sugar Bowl 3ugar Si - 25C. 25C. * 25c. 25C. bell 25C. $2.50 $2.25 'De Sure To 5Ses B A G AI NS See our New Linen Doylies at 5c, 8c, 10 eaeh. New Table Napkins and Table ClothB just to han&. Aprons iii white and oolored, 25c. New line Gents Ties, Silk Handkerehiefs, Caps, et very lowest prices. c. BARGAI N EI~LE Saturday, WIIIT]3Y~ SALE OF *- FRICE - 2nd, 1897. We will offer Remnants from our different departruents on Sat- urday, Jan. 2nd, only, at -one Half Regular Prie. 4REMNANTS COI'ONS, LINENS, DRESS GOODS, RLBBONS, LACES, FLANNELS, TOWELLINGS, SUITS, JACKETS, MANTLE OLOTESII BHAWLS, FRILLINGS, BRAIDS, 1TIES, ODD ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, RATS, MTJFFS, DRESS LENGTHS 1! 2 SILKS, SHEETINGS, GAUNTLETS, IYUR COLLÂRS, 1i DRESS TRIMMINOS, ETC. j LACE CTJRTAINS, EC. ] i Don't fait to attend this Bargain Day Sale. Corne early.- wl Go WALTERS.1 tAuctlouî8ale The Prudent HOusewtfe will serve her >i.wY rSmoiers with a oup of our Special Blend Pure Java and Moeha Coffee, adthUà obtain the maiîmm qualityA Fre8h ground,:whi&VI yuwait, AncTuons SAL C al" Under sud by virse 0( eonalud l a ertawi'qn moade, tUtrewM b. o0iui auctiuAt thé Roysl b -Wbttv, -ln thse ffou a acr*W *t lot nme, titi lt& nd aeP t=i&* suamu cf, u alobber1 e -Pick.ri N Priics for a iis a eall E. STE WART, DAY RE MNANTS Jan, 1 1000 yards Dress Goods, regular 50c., Saturday 89c. Ai our French printe.d Flannele, regular 50e,- Baturday 25e. New Black Crepone, regular $1, Saturday 75c. New Table Linene at very lowest pricces. See our Table Napkine'at $1 per doz., regular $1.50. cirs

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