- - ~ - - ~.-. . nomiatiou.,:. I ~ 6 vls WHMmers pestai eUe'"m e "6rn.)- Zveey su Rétrnig Oficr D Holidy Rq.candfidate dedans yoarly for .onomy, yot Reirnlg Oflor . Hlidy Eq.but the taxes do neS go dewn. Defis eÉ «alid for nouùnations promptiy &t 1 anybody to my road m"»,bin mq bé o'cloek, snd reeived thie folowig good. Is n.ely seres to uerpe ail th@ese nnaaes :-mdilfuonit-ho ditdhes mW lthe eutn oof zdei For Reeve-Chas. Cahder, J. L. Smitb, tube tract. doi and M. MoTuggart. - A. Ketcben, R. Rogers, John Bright, For Depnty Reeve-J. L. Smith and John Wiiita, Helnry MoBien sud H. tici M. McTaggart. Biakol vil i go s the poll fou couneillor, Rc For eonnoilo-à . Ketchen, Royal thbe reeve sud depusy being eleoted by tbe Rogers, John Bright, Chas. Coakweli, acclamnation; Lei Henry Mobryau, Henry Bickie sud ýobu OOUNTY COUNCIL TALK.ag 'Willis. u At the conclusion eftbte nominations, Retuning Officer Holiday thon pro-.o RtrigOfficer Hollidsy waa electod coeded te explain tube netuboda of votang forý ehairman, sud eaeh ef the nomitieOs was under the nov "County Council Act."ti calied upon in tur. He ai-id Witby towu and Whitby twn. ter Mu. Chas. Calder said ho hsd te thank sbîp bad been uni4ed iu one ceuuty dis- e the electors fot- baviug tavored birn witb trict, fromwbiclb fwo memubous would he o bigb honora fou a numben of yesrs, snd eiecte-d te tbe oeuuty eooucii. Every lie, weuld nov viubdrsw te run for ceuflty electer viii bave tuvo votes, aud fou t-bela councillor. lits relations wîth tube other firat ime wili b. able te vote tvice for a mem bora et con neil had been ustonee man. There will be Liree candidates w- cordial, and ho egetted pauting wyuL in tube field, Meesars. Calder, King sud t-. them Wiat tbe ailtered condition of tibngia Long, sud an elootor may vote once escli osl rondered ita ncestiauy to elcci cotlnîty fou auy tuv ofet tuer or tuice for any one D conueilera. lie Sook up theo financtal Of tuen. t. l i spoil a ballot to, mark di stîremeiso f tuhe township for the veau more tban tuvo crosses upon iL.fu I-hifi, snd disciiased it ubrougbout in a Ub Cas. King vas calied upon sud sSuted Be verv cieau andl exhaustive manner. The - is intention t-e tun fourueconyd expenditure on roada vas several bon concîl. A good many t-iuk tb. conuty th dueda cf dollars greater in 1896; tuan cooincil aboulil bava been abolîabed ou-th touinerly, botthLis vwas owîng to ruany aîtrely, but be believea it serves a geod unforseen crcuimatances, and woulsl nul purpose lu many vaya. Lt bais slways lue likely tue Ie repeated nextu yeau TheC exerted as srrong influence ou ou parusa malaries voue as tile leas, the print, R iments in sscuning ameudiments tue lav. abosut tube sane. Some vears agis viets Sînce 1854 tb. couuty coui ofe Ontuario n. tiie concil imiposes i per ceut extra on b ais beiped the veak municipabuuies cf if ail taxes unpatd at Dec- IôtU, tUer w&8' tihe noutbunutil they bave uow bocome to considerable ut a fuse, but at tiai.ttleabsle to psy their full abare et ou conlty mi thleue waa usuallv $4000 o<su85000(1 tncol i taxes. Tbe connt' councîl bhas Sres tuL lected stu the end sf tube year, whiereas i valuable povers sou l iLst bauds : 40 siI nth-s ue amotini.ocf uncolleotedl taxes w53 1 take cane oethtue destituto ponr; te belli~ le..us than $100. Hlie btd boped to b.- in edocatuonai matteus, including publice> able tue sav tlîat thie roll wouid ho returu- hbraries ; sud te make impuevemeuts on -u ed Iefore Jannary lst, sud PosriblY Suclu main roada. If a bouse of refuge cari b.Itu migbat be the case vetu. Coilectîng Illee8otabllsbed for a aur nont far exceoding Ls taxes prompt lv lutit manuer bad tihe >5 000 ho vouid go ln fou tbe coonu t etiectu cf saving tihe township a nîce figure cooncii cauryîng it ont at once, but itS ninterest account. lie turther epas-nlcaagrao u odlie tuessTc esi (bat a sum equal Se 8150 instAsd Of le vot-eoftheb.ratepayers tatiou bofors d $100 for sacis public sobool in tise towns- goîng on nith it. As ta public libuaries, ai ship lbad tue be collected Lis year lu itbey bave them at Pictering, Brougham, mi ac-cordance wîth law, and tisis muade Clansmout sud Columbus, and be vould Wl school taxes a litttle ligbter in some place lîke t-o see eue at Brooklu. If ono vers r and bîgbeur in others. started it voulil at once draw goveun- tut Mu. J.- L Smith said hohial decided te ment and couocy grantua, H. (King) iist retire frern tube eoves bip sud - louve tube preident et eue a& Wbitby aud would ýe field cleau So Mu. McTaggart, vbo lbas like tuo see Mu. Calder prosident et anotb- 1i1 been s very able snd faitbifol councillor- er st Brootlitu.Ras a high opinion of du This woolsi cause Mur, McTaggarts rettîru Mr. Caldeu's vert as a public man, and Po by acclamation, an lionor veli deserved, bopeil tu 800 bim returneil. be snd would enable tbe ustepayers Le con- M~'r. Caldeu s4aîd ho conld fnlly sympa- ie gratulato Shensselves upon baving a geod thbise wtb Mr- King'@ ideasin u uuing e mi for reeve. Mu. SmithBsaisi the people noStuao give up their couoty o cony grant on the Kingson uoad bail iceuncils ou auy part eft tueir present cost tube îtownshiîp $180, but as tUe bi!zpowers et soif goverumeut. Mu- King n' L'est part ofthtue vbole $900 bad been came trom a countury visero tube struggle tut 81îen i-tu îtbn tube bordera cf Wbitbv te te secure more freodons, not abolis it. townshi-p Le ad ne doobtu that thse rate- We bave se many municipal poweî-a PaYeis would ap[rove efthte grant. Tii-e deiegated te us tubat vo oftou tuint &Orne VS new arrangement would transfer tiie of tii-m vould ho botonr boliahed. la@S 110118e of refuge question entinely to tise opposesi te county granta on roads or me w courty conucîl. as thbe reeves wonld no0 public libranes. If local communîtuiep0b longer have power te deal vitb tisat vaut repaira doue on moada, or vaut more bu 1inestiuri-. lie bas figured up tbat #3») reading maLter, why ahocsid tbe whoie t Peu annum wold ho savesi te tiie ceunty couuay provide itu? Dosa net believe tube'0 in tihe resinction of membership of tihe couruuy sbould bave gene ln debt t-a bnîld wl essînîy councîl. The township shoulsi roada loto t-be notheru townsbips. We de bave a new town hall, beiug compelled are in a verse position te psy tubat debtu Pl te iii-et tn tbîsonue (Masouto bail) fou t-e Se day than vben a vas coutracted.8 day a nomuinations. lie would favon Annouuced thbe same peiicy in regzard te builsding a new hall as soon as thbe road tube bouse et refuge as stuated by Mu. or dcbentue s-ebt of tUe towvnship is s littls King. Io poreoually favorable t-o the nc furtber reduced. establishsmentu of snob an institution. 8C Mu- MoTaggart said it vas 80 unrez- Tise meeting thon cloaed vith tbro t- pected an lionor te Le elected neeve by chocro for tube Queeu.n acclamation tbat be vas quitouprepar ëd t-o express bis bîgU appueciatîou et tube WHiTBV TOWÃ"N. t lîcuor. Ho Lad souglît te serve tise For Mayo-:n townsip ou matny occasions and bad Noninee Mover Seconder t - 1 be 1 w 1e efated b1 liesbyl-B aueu__JRLog- TBacly to see Mu. Smith elected deputy. Will Centre Ward-h go in for goosi noads. Tise uoad machine W J Luke Jas Henry O Eastwood n baie <oue mucis te impreve ou roada- Jus Mitchell Fred Hatcb S H Grahams StoDe criiabers are aise nastul luthis E R B Haywsud W Tamblyn H Willcox ver, ud iitaes es s-on S bid W H Beweil L T Barclay T»McGillivray wokan i aks es soe o nid C ee A Rosa 4' J iH Long rossi vbene t-bey bave bosvy reliera LaW W Burns Jue Baker nhos Law use in making tuer. W W Tamublyn Wm Burns T Deverfl A. Ketoben a s eon thbe day vhen ho LS Bal-ard L T Barcla VI Long vas more ambitions tue get into tube 'evesell W B PingleW Morconîbe E connoîl, but vili serve stili if elocted. Geo Lormack J B Dow L T Barclay s Tbere are many places on roada vbere South Ward- t accidents are possible, but fotuuateiy T G Jackson las Mecielian F Golduiug tuere bave been no dlaims puS lu tiiis InonSrmith Wm Wicks J McClellan Ituvouu py "e gard 19 R Blow Chas Goldrnug T G Jackson yeau. I ollpy't ur againatu L Gslbraith T Gi Jackson C Goldliug V accidents. hIstoriai used lu improve- Wm-Wicks R L Huggard T G Jackson mente this year bas uIl bosu finaL clama. Fou Scbool Trustee-Norti Ward- Sisoveiliug anov is an importent mutiLer, ani euct asunotuent- ny vire Juo Fenguson Wm Brown C EMstoodr fou foncesaS mauy bad places. Indigent Centre Ward-t oxponditure bus; been a hile bouvier F Hatch A C Wilson T King doring tube yoar, tbough somte bave been H W Vilicox W W Tambiyn E R Hayvsrd- rofused. La a candidate for counciler. South Wad- John Bright is a candidate for councl- 1Jno Bow las McCichian Wm Wicks ar. Retired last ypar lu ouder te niaker rom for Messrs. McTaggart sud Smith. O orOUN sUScELOitr C. Coatvell uetired. C Calder said he hardlys .xpeoted Wt obo N. Bicasîl said everytbing vas going cailed upon first, but would nos laite up1 aloug ini bappy-go-lncty style, and lastue. and voulu! simpi>' gay h. la a-anu-j son-y ho la ast theSsii end et tho nomina-: didate for counu> couneilor. tien paper, ai; e1erYtbing bus beeon fixed FR1TI rip before bis turn came. Seemas hat o Â~ the peplo bave only Su puy their luxes -I L rpenter mid b.ho ould tait quité and come bot-o and se the councilous semibly for two hours Thon. ure mMn> oleot thems2elves bp acclamation. Lest tuge thal might lbter.Blss yeur toiwma4lp aseets voe efifi>' Per est. l she oldesi 'Mali or Wo'mM lu in. bigbeu Iilià 4hla Wus thi. r.duèvion (Langhsor). ie ,futher movod boe, ovxng to, thIie.'-country faing 1mW the suns ago, R as %QjQ,4W1 e w a bauds of t-be 49#0'?, Nolices shat Ltho n d dvsé-Crn-5&ra vas $le wetth'O e Wroubaaed lust oelons a»d show vlere Ibiuge wouId- bel y.au. Wbtas it al used for. botter. Have lha4 gçe o >qi, AM# 1 Mu. Kaislen explained t"t-be town. tîold, ou ont stietfor ,'à ý" ship and Wbitby tevu hadjoined in bu>'. Sblng bas best done. Ire odua re Bot ing a aarlead of frost proM tIl f t f a bly fa*a ha w*e8Y«", Mn. BickelI eaUd that WpÃld ýpulu sb ýte reWsl scera il.e uvrs Iagier.> 4u mon. If 1pa Lest t-uâm e (ieo > owo ot .M4b. aà vote et5 roldin but Vas dfote.d luth b;tyo~ 4oaal. H rl 7 PoeWul ad ail#utWal ~Iking w*s me z oo&. Aulwe "10l toi1u imiid on1he mue, tI ba!mdfà îIu1' Aok. If u0 *&nt tiebo loupaved putinlu cb [USA me and lem ylong. The bille iweu -Wiby aud Odmiare,,e dam- sd rather "bn improvod by the work, Due lest sammer. SM)Obould have Due more than the 9900 did. F H Annes, la a cndidate for tb. posi. on of Mayor. £1iiod an election by Delamuuton, but Ws urged b>' man>' of e Ia.rgest property hoider. to ru. auna ibat Mr -Rutledge le running gain te finish th. debenture payments, ut dos not think it sufficient ground )r runninR. Wisbes te b. mayor ln rder te endeuvor to bring backt liveiy mes to the town. Theocseeme of a wry acrosa the lake ia 50 beconie a suc- m.. Tbis la bis chief hope in runnlng-- )put this ferry aest-she laite. Be- eves the G T R sbonld give us better Lcilities. Thinits we migbt have G T R raine 50 ttbe laite lu order to develop our rater front aud make this a summer seort. Hia plans ta make this an edn ational centre, whichb be thinks it net )W best 50 diaclose. W. bave a spioun id institute and colleRe. These are bis arther rossons for asking Su b. unayor. suaeves the Rovernment migbt b. lu- îced to establisb a public institution in be Perry catle luthe nortb ward, sud tut tubere sbould b. a new pest office. eing a Liberai bolieves he would bave puill with the party uow in power. L T Barclay is net a candidate. Duos io wisb to criticise Lb. council of 1896. ftube council bad not don. much for thbe vun dnriug 1896, tbey bave not done ue aucb bsrm- Agrees with Mr Aunes bt tbe Sown sbould ho more progres- ve. Thero are ten or a dozen croakers ound tuhe attest cornera wbo are always -ying it down. We bave tube beat bar «r on tbe lake sud sbouid seci to make usneful. Io proui or tube Ontuario adies College and recalis the great truggzle that bas been made to keep nt Iive h ere, sud to keep it from geing te Coronto. It bas aiso bad iLs oapacisy [ubled. Has bad a pars lu this vork, Mid believes that il otubers would work tue nae our institutions a greater suces it vouid b. for better. Migbt say as a ,ustee of tb. coliogiate se-at thbe staff bas >eon greatly obauged, and b. believos te ,îe advautsge of thbe town. Dosa not ýree w-ah tube statement that the salar- es are too large. Dose noS doubt ihat uriug tbo bard Limes ebeaper and norer teachens euld ho bad, but it won Id )e greatly te the dlaadvautage efthtue ovu. Roes tbe cr to cut down salar- st vill be dropped, and that tbe attack )n tbe coilegiate institut. may cesse ;:xpressed tb. opinion tubat Mu Long bad ot saS illegaiiy aStubhe board of educa- on for a veau. James Rutuiodge is a candidat. for layer. Has boo n luconcil since the )onus by lava vero passed Lon years ago Lud wouid net nov b. a candidate elcept vtb thbe hep.eto payiug tbemn up ntxi oetober. Tbe important point about any nasinesa man ou corporotion is : What a bis business standing ? Some rpen ýome bore aud talk of bringing prospei-v 'itbout saying a word about puyiug our lbtus. Wbeu tube consolidation ac was assod thero waa a debeuture debt of 56,000, sud a feloaing debt of $10,000, wbich latter means oxpenditunres in an )rdinauy way vbicb were net paid. WVe 0W OWO 895,000 sud propos. tue puy off 31l,600 of tubat next faîl. Atter tubattube ixes, should corne dowu te 19 or 20 misl on the dollar. W. have 117,474 et sinkiug fuud in cash lu baud. Witb Lie sinking fuud thia year and that of mext year, plus $10,000 to, b. paid thbe îwn next Oetober by the Martin ManfR. ,o, we will bave $81,600 to psy ou onu J E Long is noS a candidat. fou mayor, mut la for couty counciilor. Mr Calder has nos committed himacîf, and ho dos not intend to go inte t-be matter eitber. tA to tewn affaira, b.lieves t-be nxayor hsa given ns- a good statement of oui financos. If the, council continues as bhey have dons, good vil ceme of it. lYbe people are al l ntereated in ibese nattersansd v*musttey t e=ooanise Believes 5hat oudebenitu abonld hi soid st 8j per cent. If' the town as gtý ting smalier it.e redit in gssug btteu. Thos. Deverell gave'an accons01 tei work don. en streets for thbe year,-slhoV. ing that 51er. lad boom a lgrgeo v a of substantial voul -don. ai e reasonable cotaS.. MWe Somepr4s refèences te t-ho diffqrenes ei bule. Lveen hlm sud, Mr., 1>ringe, û*unî up hy saying thas if elected thé fiance wo n dbsod aenr ar j W. B. Pringle d Seecnemior <esutM remunrad-on, fer hie Wô *»Aja l -.~11 Deversi hau son fSt te Ihînoi*riend vs~y-*og-midedmaxi 'axd caunoi 4'1wya sg t.heib O béru*ntuuear. s Anmes to retire, and lMr. A»u mid ho wuitid regril flir. Pringi. wouId. Mr. 'Pringle aid h. voul"w te~ h. natter in ,th* hands of 1h.e eetomne H.diacuasod eth. toWui'* fina"ew I liceon, deelaring %that nothing but ste gond finuncial stand. iisg hïd .nabled the couneil to »Illis debentursat 4 per oent. Went at longili4 fitoe h.debentute sule abowing 1hat w. .nov pay principal and interset for I..g snoney than we formerly paid li intorei. Chas. Ring doe. nos take as oeoch oredit t0 his colleagues and himsolf for the good sale of dsbontures u to the good state of its finances. 19 wam fonnd neeessary in 1891 to make a etrong effort to straighten out ihe towui's finances, us they were getting into a bad mess. He attacked Mr. Pringle's method of ex- îlainingthinge howing that instead of eing useful in t.he financial transactions of tihe yeur h. (Pringle) had been badly mistaken on an important question, and had not kept faitb with bis fellow memb- ers. Is in favor of Mr. Rutledize for mayor, Asked the support of aUl for the oounty conocil. (Continued on 7th page.) PAIN -KILLER TEGREAT Famlly Medicine of the Age. Taken lnternally, ItCures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Boe Throat, 8udden Ce/de, Cou ghs, etc., etc. Used Ext.s-ually, It Cur-es Cuts. Bruises, Burns, Scalda, Sprains, Toothache, Pain je the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet nô ar-til-.e -r attinied i.> .rush U usnded pnpeia. iiy. -5.-..--. iosssrý s.1 IN e u n bmre i.-thss.s-rta the .5-...,v ilthePal'.- KIi.-s- W,5ha- a^.i. r meu. f'.-. .. in - r,, a.-.cs-. ai s ..d kno. ilt. ble a goriatii -tn nait - £' N - ,. h".. vt ,-thebPain-Kiiier. -hlch ia the r.so ai= alim" y - Mo nsoi.Me Do* In u - Trneue Il hn rmeut: ;Mua means or rc.novlng pai-s. s- mcl,-,.. h.. vs s-.-sl *sa-.puation .quai to Perry tss'u. Da uld Sesiev-,rYwb.s-c:;la-ge Sote. 2i-a Verj iLame botuea ît.c Fourteen Years in Terror. BuS Du. Agnevas Cure For thse Heart Gave Relief in 30 Minuteos sud Tisree Botties Efft-ctod a Cure WUicbi Bat- fled the Beisit fPiysicana. This la visaS Mra. J. Cookisur et Warkvoutb, Ont-., says : "For tourteen yesrs 1 have ben a gi-eut sufféeru tomu hoart disease; treublesi very much viais sharp, shootiug paina instuantly pasaing t-hnougb my heaut. Very oftn tube spasme vere se severe that I vouid ho- come oncenacions. My limbe vould enel and become quit-e colsi. Fer t-base fourteen years I doctaresi vit-b the beat physiciana vitheutu relief. Having seen Dr. Agnew's Cure fou the Resut asiver- liaed, I doterminesi te t-y 15, sud befere I bad taten hait a bottie I fouud great relief. I fe!5 the I1c-eficiel offecas linsiée of thirty minutes. 1 have taketu tht-e botties and iL bas don. me moe good than uny medicins or any physician evor did. 1 can coiscieutiously reoommeud itu to ail suifat-ers trom heurt trouble." Seid by J. E. WiIs. DOAN'S Rida.>' Pilefiraiprovod to the people tbat Kflney dise&se la curble. Beiug tbe originalKidney remedy lm pili form, th. Oumse hey bavs mado. sud the faine Ils> lave attained have-opened 1he vuy fou a host of itatione and subsuteisbut ihosa vho have heu cured of KIDNEY Complaints ibrougltheIeueof ibis von- deru n modiciue, Ihose visoso lame baok la aiov fre. from pain, thoae vIe no-v have no esaaes, tise. vio have eacuped trom 5h, 4sath grip of Diabotes sud Bdet adiseue-b>' lhe une of Damna PI LLS ane i0S ees -vh»eusopnion lu van".bs WbmUMMacens u*a pe"O=plreoardA aud tonl publie!>' ]>a 'à De auseduy Pile - u re ih ea att N o b n u a s f i s l Drs, Warren cf Moore# JJ. Moore, M. D., Broakln. Office heurs 9. a. M- F.Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office bous il am t-o 11 a.m. t 1'-Iii. ;M- Privale 7TeP/iOntCCommunt catto"- 1). P. BOGART, D.LD5 Physicsa, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc- Office aud B.eidenco next to Ail Sasi-t a Cburch, Dundai Street, Whitby. N-B.- Doutai snrgory in aUi ts branches promîtly attended ta. Dr. H. Wuightman DENTZST. Over Gzrosa & GrTangers. Whitby- gý" open every Saturday nigît. W. B. YAIRNOLD), D.L.S.. Oouuty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, perS Peu-y, Ont. WU. CALVERLET, HARNE88 MAKut, vuITBr. Having xuoved inta our nov premises, vo are prep<ared ta.extend thse uusge of businiefss sud saddiery business viilb. doue 50 saLis- faction. Collais a spocialty. Cal sud ses my shop sud stock. W. CALVERLEY, Seond door voat of oid sBiop. Dundas Street, Whitby W. A DAMS, J. E. FAREWELL, Cierk ofthe Peace. 1October 7th 1895. New Llveîy and Sale Stables ]Du.nd*st St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Propr-ietor- Conumoucil =emn liberal1y deait vit-h Teaxuing dons as reasonab* puices.- Freight and Baggage hasuied ai resson- able prie«. A sali soiicited. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. Fou thse next thuee montha I am, giving speciai attention ta ?atielts from a dis- tance. Arn atili maksing plates liuisbber. $8, celluleid #10. GoId and silver filling work crowxiug by fluaS-duts operators aI th. =ost ressaua.bIe rates in t-ho êity. When in Lb. city cal lunsud let me exam- ine your teeth. I make ne extra charge. C. Il. BIGOS, Dentiat, soutis east corner King sud Tonge Sts., Toronto. N ov. 8th, 18M. Ws, H. WARNER.B DEALER IN Qj:3)DENTIST. Rooms over John Fenguson'a clothing atone. Residesce-No. u, The Tenrace, Byron St Wbitby. Jan. 29tb, 1896. LIFE INSURANCE. AGENT Manutacturera' Life & Accident Insuranfl0 Co., Toronto. Last-est Cakpital Stock Lifte Inuanco Co. on the continent. Ninety psu- cent. o a&B accumsulation@s ot surplus la retnrned te the policy holdeus. AUl claimr.s ara pald vishout deiay ou discouant on proof of deatb or matunlty o! endovment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lei, 98. Agent, Wlhitby. W'eitbg Qilhoickt, Estm.blihod 1856. si peu anuuen uadiance, othervise 81.50 Subsoriptions always payable ai the offiee of publication. The publaberi do net undorisie le alelivor the paper ai any pout office but Whitby. Any paper *bichfils to rebo It il dstlnaion vi roplaceal upon notiication sa a malter of oourtssfY. dvorllang rates nuloeab>' con- trat. 10 cents pet lins, noupazlel, trsti- meusien, andlô cente per lice euoh subse- quent Icsertion Lecals,10 seuls pr lias. IW»AI1 changes fer yesrly advertisemeliiS muat b. brcnghi luinet later tisa Tuesaa Moug. KBII»IBON haGBAHAM. ZOHN- STANTON, Poreman. Pore Railway Time Table GRAND TRUE AN»KULAX Neos,' Noil xù., 9041 ,u4zrs' . 90 i Mntufiou~au1v .v5or CO&L CO.J COALI LAT]E, SHINGLERS, OORDWOOD - 8LAB8, ETO. the PEOPLE'S TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Wbituby, Oct. 26ib, 1894. ASK YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SPARTICA, T!Z IMW WBMO - ?AMIR TAKE NO0 OTHER.& Auguat pu51:893. CHAS. S C'OTT, Thse UPdorslgxtsd -tp muonot iho wus tae u ali 1e -a IoshsAnd 111l b. ÈiA-sa ilt -oederm i tà g,~m *fui. Wblty0 -'N5~ Ltgal. SftUUO f The Dielsios out _____________________ I oOUITY 0OVrâM AI18M. urmister Oounty Orro*n Âttà ç* lmi& WtYD . dnIWza *1 9; Clêr Oonnty Alctor. OMo6-lgùt* Vin i u.3; Feb. 8; M.15h 3;A f ; B 'CutRlsWhitby. Jute 2: July 7 BOP- 2; Uet. ; BUT. a; ,ou.t1Bouse, Dec. 2. JAN11Jt tl6BtDVE, OB 0A-. O. Iadonell, MWhitby, Olerk; Bsnlter,~O.~ fo.aery oeupld Ja. - Feb. 4; -March 4; April 8; May 4; by Fmsee ]Rtleage, nent BYa1 Hotel, ~~ e.B c.8 o.4 Broo ~t, Whxby.Dec. 8. BrSBIOUGRÂN - M. GIeesoflGreenwood, DAVID ORMJ.STON, 19. A., Cierk.-JBfl 6; Maoh 6; May 5; JuIy 9; Âttorney-t-L&,, olicitor in (Janoery, spoR4; Nol. . . . urnharn, -Port Oonveyancer, etc. Office - lI the Office PryORTerk4BR 29; March 9; May 15 south of the Pont Office, in lkMlIns July 20; ep. 28; Nov. 18. Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ulGo u .ph Go8; Nbide G. YOU14G SMKITII. LL. B., Clerk-J'l. 80; )Mrchl24; MAY19t.h; JflY Baristr, tc.,-Mney50 oan Iseer14; Oct14.; Dec. 16. oaite îc-oeyt lanhes.CÂRX<flTOGeOTBC Smitb, CningtOfl, ofMarriage Lcne.Office - Smith's Jau. 81; March 2b; Mday 20; July 15; Oct. Block, South of Market B-ock St., Whitby. 16; Dec. 17. DOW& lc4IL--AY, BiiVTRTOWN.GeOF. Bruce, Beaverton, DOW___ &________________ Clerk-MaYOh 26; MaY 21; JuIy 16; Oct. 16; Bsrsters, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Dec, 18. Office in Mathison & Bawken's new block jUm"aaov-zThos. P. Haut, Uptergrove, Brock St..'W hitby, sonth of On tario bank. Clerk-March 27; May 22; luly 17 ; Oc%. 17 Dec 19. _iyus, rO hie sson and daugliser. During a chemicai oxperiment at higb gchool ber. Tuesduy morning explosion took place. Mr. Doidge a ed by tbree di the -pipils werenu -oxygen gai whon the vessei explo -Grant Cariohuel,, who vu -nearest uppurutua, lied hie handeand face bur and hbe haà ds.cut, alec> hiselothesv sot on fine. James Beesor bad big burned sIýghtiy. The explosion wau to impure ehem2icale. Âmong-tise auceenaUl candidates Obntarie Collége of Pharmacy, Toro -vo are pleued Ionote tb. Dames of1 Thoox, forxnorly 9f Markham, vith: chu eho norsd IWRa«îy BrodiE ibsplace, wîth o.ond clame hon Aie. -U. W., Di- ora.nýOf 'Br ant ,ss-<ephew of RH. B. Ourson) with se iaw honora.- May these yonug mon * '1a4Y.suooefu.l l-the.final e ý. ý-taon eI efl -PUffl A PKDLARBS EXPERIENCE: ILLNESS PROUGHT HINM A1,Noi TO TEE VELUGE OF- TIIE GUA% Paie and Emaciated, Suff.-rinlz 1 rti J cruciating La;na ii IbeL- Be-came a Burden andfra ,'I iîuglit tcs Le Dot fair tff l-ro-u the 'Si. Catharines J(u:-,à I i.sa curans îsoc~clfa- spinal Cowijsint lias 0iii.- 4. b-eniIi .-ttkeu ifor s:zî' -~- tiiere in,)luL iuanv ave k) restéd for Lro IlsÂ4eake -- truuble wns tUic rf-ai ila who tUýsasiiff,:rpd. Il iiu rc f :- -: lu ic fali -s eXp(-r:eî1ce alairuinlg r\w :i. thco1g:ýt to 04- Fpîiiii tr t 1 Ir, but, to rioavail, aï, 1 n J I t ,s w(,srq. .At tniîî,1) intiY r î fnn lead v - tiPc services of Ea pilîysicîen, -',;ci; I 1Y çuLiiiitted t-s. Tiie protsslýr j: ss ,! 1.13d- a nilvite Panuti'< ii niOiCrsl Mine a cate) of rît: i- w>.ichl tenaturally gavw îui- a - aLs- 1 Ideeîîîed the Jeansi-sn Lad IUs--n p-sised ujun iwie.T!.- I1( ( sais i lscoul 1I als-viate Mvsi-ri'. retnarkesl tlat it on!i suivb- a riua: -f*n-wsîme. Hswe-ser, I arep,.~ Lis ms-dicîne, and i.ook it as-curslsn- dir@ctouns witb no benieficial r-s-uits- tbe rneanhime a frien i procnred a rem- saisi to he a cure for d.ge lis.- This medicine I took, btut with nciff wbatever. len unjtlîs lbai passed sw andi 1 lîad hecomne so bsggard, etoaciai stoopeli ansi miserable thai. my frui had dithicnlîy in recognîzîng me. In t t ey, like rnyeif, iarbored tihe im ianful apprebensions. - At tLIi- junet an sont came to visit me and stror advs-sed me to try D>r. Williams' 1': Plila. Lilie a drowning man reaeb for a atraw 1 did so. To my great s prise I soon noi.iced an improvement, pain in my back began to leave, appetite improved, my celer returm and by the turne I ha& unsed eigbit bo flot an ache or pain rernainod, and 1 sa abie to travel about to-day as previi to the att.ack. I know tbat I owe1 restoration te Dr. Williains' Eick Pi an sd I Mre those iii or suffering tu)cl them a trial. Dr. Williams' Piuk Pilla are sold o in boxes bearing the firm's trade Mu c- and wrapper, (printod in red ink). B in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla nover sold in bulk or by tuhe dozen buudred, and any dealer who offers, s stitutos in thils form is tryiug tue dofr ;2 yen aud sbould be avoidod. The pu are also eau tionod against ail otite. sscalled blood buildera and nerve ton put up in similar form iuteuded Le coîve. -Thoy are ail imitations wil --makers hope to roap a pecuniary adv tago from the wonderfnl rerutal achieved by Dr. Willias' PiLk k> SABk your dealer for theut s- These Pilla are mnunacturod by 2Dr Wi'am's Medicine Comnpany Bri ville, Ontario, aud Schenectuady, N and are sold only iu boxes bearing firm's trade mark aud wrapper, at cents a box, or six boxes for S2l Thoy-- may b. ha rom any dealer will b. sent -by mail on receipt of prie Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla mnay be of ail druggists- or direct by mail fi Dr. Williams' Mediciue Company t *ither addresa. The prie Ft whicb -pilla are sold make a course of tir maent - comparativeiy inoxpeinsive compared with other remedies or me ireatinent1 By ordi 1 Peir