PEflT.&~R'E EYDUUTPWfIU I .1 - I - - -- ~6 54J~ Vj. ILLNESS 13BROUGHT HlM AL)ItOST TgO TER VERGE 0F TUE GRAVE, tP.IO and Emaciated, Suffering Froin Ex. cruoiating Pain. in theo Back, Life Bocamo a Burdon and Doath Wia Thougiti to be flot far off. LMI a for Wm. B ing.near largeft, of a rict who left 000, to ht Bangey a :1er k y ~ v.». rk «N 4 4, *t..'cl, lit r' '«N J t. y ~1. il t ~l Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are soit! univ iu boxes bearing the firins trade mark andi wrapper, (printeti in reti ink). Bear in mind thiat Dr. Williamis' Pink Pilîs are neyer eold in bulk or by tlîe tozen or bundred, sud auy dealer who offera eub- stitutos in this form ieq tryîng te defrauti yoti anti sbonld lie avoideti. The public are also cautioneti against ûiîl other so called blooti buildens anti nerve tonics, put up iu irnîlar fonni lutendeti to de- ceive. Tbey are aIl imitations wlîose makers hope te reap a pecunian>atta tage froni the wttiidF.rtnl neputîtittr adhieved by iDr. Williams ' iik .lsi Ask your dealer for them These Pills are niarntfacture I ltyt1ue Dr Wî l-am's Medicine Comipany Frocîr. ville, Ontario, anti Sdlenectadv,N.Y, andI are. soiti only iu boxes. bearnug ije firmes trade mark andi wrapper, at .50 cents a box, or six boxes for 92.50. TtkeV May bebac1111 rom any dealer, or wîll be sent by mail un neceipr. of price. D)r. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of ail druggist.s or direct by nmail froni Dr. Williams' Medicine Company froni either atidress. The price at whicli the v Ils are solti make a course of treat- nient compRratîi-e!y inexpensive as oompaned wir.h otiier reinodies or inedioal treatmeut Railwav accident. Mr. John Gnîce, of Whitdhureli, Was in Markham on Mondsv week anti iurdlias- el a WaROîI froni Mesars T. anti G Mongan, and while reLunninR bomne with tuje îwo wagons vas stnuck lv the Sutton train at the Utb con. croeaine, sud lad botI wagons demolisheti sud hîmseof senionsi>' ijurod. The borses rRnauaa> anti one was badly cnt up. The will of John A Lino, a fariner ut Vlauglian Township. wIn died a widower, i.. being provoti by the son Charles, the dangliter, Mn. Riioda Baker and John C. McQuarrie, wlio are the executoré. The estate comprises 220 acres, valiied at 8 11,000 ; peisaQnalty $1,400, sud 81,000 life insuranco. Provision is ruade for bis failier sud mother, and au adopteti dangliter, but the bulk of the estate is lei to his son and dauglitor. f e x plo sio n t he h g h s ob o o l. Dunig a cbemical ex priment at the hîgli sohool bore Tues day mornin g an explosion took place. Mr. Doitige amst- ed by tbree of the pupils were ma&kinag oxygen gai vbon the vessel exploded. Grant Cammiîcîsel, wbo va. noareet the apparatus, lad bis banda and face burued aud bit bauds cut, also lis clotbes were @ot on fine. James Reesor bad bis face burned aligbtly. The explosion was due to impure cbemnicals. WIith honora Ainong thbe succesef ni candidates wbo passod tibeir jaunir oxaminatione at the Ontario Colloge of Pbarmacy, Toronto, VO ar0 pleased to note tIe naines of E. J. Thomn, formonl>' of Mankharu, vith firat ciasa honora, and Mr. Harry Brodie of thi. place, witb second clam. honora. Also Mr. W. D. Conson of Brantford, <nophow of H. B. Corson) vith second clam' honora. May these young mon be eqnaliy succesaful in the final examina- tion aoxt spring. WliaS migLit have proved a disstrous Br@ va$s narowly provonted nari>' Mon- day usoruing. Tho bouse occupied 1,y Mi. sert Jonninga, from Main 69. and tot the Markham drug store, took 4e the cause beingz a mouse'a nest moexi -tovepipe ini the second floor. Whoa diseoverea the fire bad a go bold eof1h. floor snd IuIe bd ciotheslu room Tà uamri. A ev, pail! of *&ter suffiSd te put it eut, but ia a fev Bangey, a farm laborer resid- ýMongolia. han corne into a tune through the recentdeath h uncle in London, England, an estate valued at over $700,- be equally divided between Wm and his six brothers. There is ,h about his fortune as Mr has received full particulars uncle's solicitors aud the pro- irt. t a serlous accident occurred iay afternoon while Mr Henry fthe ïotli con, Whitchurch, irning from Markham Village ew wagon, which was attached d his old wagon. and while lie ;sing tlicrailroad track on the :ncession of Markham, the 9ixed came along and severed :wagons. smashing them to nd hoisting Mr. Grice into the orner. The horses started up h. with the front pair of weels, ious rate. where after running it a mile tliev were cauglit. ýr W'm Rowden stopped the d took Mr Grice on board and him to Stoutiville, where his whîcli were found not to be werc attended to by Dr S L This crossing is a verv danger- -as the road runs alonsîde of oad track for a short distance, train is noticed coming around "e it puts any person. who hap- be approaching the track, in a to know whether at is safe to ro r orfot before being over- Free-Press. PromU the St. Catharines journal. no0 rytl, It je a Ourlons pathological facti tlat Bange>' spinal compîsint bas souietimes actually from lis been muistaken for Brigts disoase, aud bate cour thenê is no doulit man>' have beon mal- Almosi Stroated for Bnîglts disease wlien opinal on Mondi Ytrouble was the real malady., Ueo. T Grice, of Smith, pedlar, of St. Catharines, is one was netur wbo t hue suffered. Hia narrative lasas witl a ne followB. - lu the fal of 18~94 1 began toonbein expenieuce alarunug symptoms of wliat 1 on behin thougLit to lie spinal trouble. I reBortetiws rs 1.0 lotions, plasters and dther reuiediles, ninth ci but 1.0 no avail,. as 1 continnedto 10 row Sutton I Vo-rse. At this pnint w>' friends advised the r.wo tbe services of a physician, whxcb 1 glad atoms an 1Y submitted t-). The protoaslional man fence ce muade a minute examination, andi pro the ninth nuoced vaine a casýe of Bnîglits dîsease, at a furi whîcb qulte uaturally gave me a spvene for abot ebock, as I deeniet the deatlî sentence. Conducti bati been passeti upon me. Tlie dortoir train and saad lie coulti alleviate my sutlerîngs, l ut bouglit remarked that it woîîld oruh' be a inatter i vounds, of tirn, withras m. Howevor, I acceitet-t->ri"tUs.1 bis medicine, and t.ook it accordiug rci directions witlî no beneficîilresua luIi orie the meantinle a frieul procnned a remetly tue .îtîr saîi to ho a cure for BrIglit's dise-ase' This rnediciuçA I r.ook, but with nu effecrt .îutiil a I wliatever. Ten mouthi liatipassed i%- thec turVE and 1 bati becomne son hggard, eniaciate., Bonst i stoopod aud miseralile that my friudnt1 ilulcînna liad difficuli>' iu recogniziiig me. In tact irv andi c V by,1ike nmyseîf, barboredthe tu ru -nu aprebeusions;. Ar.ttis jîincturte au aunt came to visit me anti sinon glv advified me tu try Dr. Williamns' l'ink Tha, Plilla. Like a drowuinR man reachîng for a straw 1 dîd so. To iy great sur- prise I soon uotioed an improveineut. the pain in .my back began to leave, mv' appotite improved, my colon returueti, Sve and by the time I had used eiglitbixes not an ache or pain remaiuied, anti I arn as able to travel about to-day as previous Paline'ý to the attack. I know that I owe mv restoration 1.0 Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsa and I urge thos8e 111 or Bufferng to gîve Rej thon> a trial. From Certain L etter. Death.1 s Celery Compound news Another Life. Twelve Years Work of Medical Men Did Net Effect a Cure. Kidney Diseas6 Surely and Per- manent/y Banished by Paine's Ce/ery Compound. A terrible reiord of sufferling sud mnispr>' I Twelve yeans a martyr to kid- uiey disease aud othen serious ailment.. M>oney ispent fttr nuedical attendauce sud a v-at vaniety of patent niedicines, sud 11o cure Sud disappoiritments sud failures adi- deti to physîcal and mental agonies were suthicient tw drive uaany a suffurer to the verge of însanîty. Deliverance troi sufl'ening andi disease was long and eanuestl>' prayed for, sud a kînti Providence directeti a friend to the sufferiuig lady to alIvise bier tu make trial of Pairies& Celer>' Compound. It wus used. There wxs nu hlank disappoint. ment. ; nu vain expenimenta ; no waste of liard earned money. Relief and cure caine 1.0 gladden tIe sou!. Mn.. George' Stone, Eganiville, Ont., write.a&bout ber case' a.s follows: "For more than twelve yearais1wa. aiflict.ed witli kîine>', stomnadliand female troubles, sud liad been attended by five doctors, ani tnieti modicine after medi- curie withotr any gooti nesult. 'My suffernigs a yoan ago frorn the kitine>' sud toinacl were dneadf aI. 1 was un sucli a stat that I thouglit 1 couid not live, and concluded thero was nu use trying other medicines. '-1 vag adviaod, >owever, to try Paine's Colery Compound, sud fluai!>' decided to give it a tain triai. Before I lad finished the fr51. botitle 1 lad improved ver>' mch and aften the use ot a few bottlies I lad flot licou so well for long years, and amn nov alr.ogether a difforeut penson. The use of Paine' Celer>' Compound aLso banished ai>'nervousnese. I cau there- foune recomminn Pain..s Celer>' Compound to anyone suffering fron> kidue>', stomach and temale troubles.'" Have You (ver Tried ? Have you tried Lu dye- over your cast- off garaiente ? Thousands in Canada answer "Yes and ver>' successfully, roo' To those who have not atteaipted the vork wo would s.>', Thora i. mono>' in iL if you use the Diamond Dyes." Old dresses, mantles, jackets, coata, penteanad veste, and other articles of woaring apparel can easily b. reoratod and made fit for woar at a trifiiug cost. Ton cents expended for soins fasionabie color of the Dîaunc'ad Dysa 'wlll savoy-ou several dollars. This vonderful tranafor- mation and monoy-laving vork ea only be done perfootiy by uuing tho Diamond Dyen. Ask youî dealer for them ; b. sure yen refuse ail substitute.. Money!1 Make il Yourself' 1 have never seen anything ln the. papens alciol tho Pooples Wind Mil!; w o aul it the 6pe>ope'",,becuss ewi. vontor Dover patented it, but las overy. body' use il, fres, Any -fam.r is aiare pýlt llt aitç t,,"0? - - 1_,00M hplendi4 mlEiVilPum b~dipa ho'Y.8 Auu (N ominations continued.I) FOR DRPUTY REET. T G Jackson said he would bave pro- forred to amoMr E R Blow nooiuatod for deputy roove. Ha beon in the. coun- cil two years, and bas had hie oyea open- ed tesomo peculuir motboda. Assamom- ber of the streeta committee ha. found Mr Devereli a uîoat useful and capable chairman, and can say the. oommitteo's work haa been barrnoniomsly carrieed on.. Noticed that Mous Pringle and Deverelli got along firat rat.e until it became ap* parent to Mn Pningle that ho could Dlot use Mr Deveroîl for bis own purposes. Thon war waa proclairned between them. Be (Jackson) ha. been chairman of fire and water for a year, and bas been able to aink a very la.îge well at the college and also add a light in front of the.t-un hall whilst keeping within the suai spent in t.hat deptirtmettt last yean. Mr Jack- son thon took up the matter of the sale of debentures, aeverely conimenting on Deputy Pringle's conduot in writing pri vate letters 1.0 a finm of brokers with whom the town was negotiating a heavyi cash transaction. 11e said it looked very much a" if somebody was to have a coin milssion if that agency secured the deben ILu res. WVould flot decide to niglit wliether or flot lie would be a candidate for deput>' reeve. It being after il o'clock p. in., a mo- tion was passed to adjourn unt-il 7.30 Tuesdav evening, when Mr %VinBurns would have the floor. 1 'ESDAY S MEETING. Wmn. Burns said lie had been a member of the town counicîl for rnany years and had done his best. He is now a candidate for deputy reeve. and expects to be elected by a large major- itv. fias nothîng to say against Mr. Scott, and would like to see him in the council. Mn. Jackson saîd last night thar. lie had saved $75 in the fine and accounts of the year, froni which we are to understand thar. the former chairman (Mr. Burns) had been ex- travagant. Mr. Jackson wenr. round last year and fixed things up for ail the. chairmanships. Found fault with the' well at the college, sr.atîng that Mr. Jackson lad selected the location with- out aur.horir.y froru either the council or the fire and water committee. J erome Scott said le had been a member of the cou ncil for a good many years. and had decided to retire. Mari> hdd urged him to run for depur.y reeve. Has the sanie friendlv feeling for Mr. Burs that that gentleman lias for hini. Nobody has brought any charges againsr. himnardlie lias neyer made any enmur.y ber.ween hiniself and the other members. Mn. Burns has found sonie faulr. wir.h Mr. Jackson, but that gentleman hias don 4 well. Be- lieves taxation sliould be reduced, and lias v'oted thar. way at ail times. Op- posed the $200 *grant on the hilis between liere and O)shawa because lie feir. that tiines are too liard for sucli grants. Hopes for a grear. decrease in taxation in a year or two. Han neyer sought to secure cliairmanships. Is no canvassen for votes, but asks support on lis record as a councilor for thinteen years. If any person can bring a charge against himlie will leave the field. Is in favor of co-ws running at large, and does not wish to conceai the fact. T[le charge tltat hie artempted to burke a vote on that question is a mistake. Believes in maintaining our educational institutions well. Is proud of the ladies' coilege. Believes there sliould be no fees charged in the col- legiate institute. ing committees. The north wrard was shut out with the exception of Mr. Noble. To heal my feelings the>' put me in the celebrated committea on manufactures, of whicb Mr. Pringle lias been dhairman for years but bas done nothing. He (Robson) came loto. the council six yeans ago, and soon after found that the towns ailairs were in sudh a mess that thc bank wiould flot honor the treasurer's Cboqc. Next year will sce ail such dtOiclties. straightened up. Would like to bin l the council for 1897 to see the end. of iL. [s a candidate for councilor in the nortit ward. John Noble raid be would rua for the nortit ward as councilor.à Dr. Adams and W. J. Luke were aot present. -E. R. B. Hayward - aid- that alter listening to the preceding speeches le, doubted the gdvisabIllt of runong fqr9 the counicil. The members usual!>' in with a goodcharacter, but camne putf wikh i*lany astain. -.Neyer sogi y positiorn of publkc 'truSt. Awytz fnuined fIrooii. IMr. Hayw<d .; aplendi4 seeadealing îw.#rt witl thétoW I'intersuc gr'eat reMï-,:ta the 'bai~4 biou.ght -its financial 5 M _%plëiid$ s hape. O^,d en4beSi stogive O 4tid, sple di î&L - aW.i B viN à K i i i I q n LD- GOLD 4CIGARETTES W. S. Kimbali Co,,) ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere ~C. Per Package. 7First Prize Medals. Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins. It is no wonder that rulb. brs, which are flot the Sarne G ranby shapeas the boot, should be uncornfortable. It costs mo- ney to employ skilled pattern RubrnDrS makers but the resuit is a satisfactory fit. Each year new patterns are added, to fit ail the latest-shoe-shapes, and Gfranby Rubbers are always " 1up-to-date." They are honestly mnade of pure Don't Draw the Feet rubber, thin, light, élastic, durable, extra thick at bail and heel. They Fit thie Boot As to Mr. Scott's opinion that there sbould be no fees at collegiate institutes and high scboots, he (Tarnblyn) would also like to sec the tees abolished, but this would increase the taxes. Was sorT>' to listen t.o the personalities in- d ulged in b>' the speakers. The town's interests are in sale hands. Six years ago we had to pa>' 6 per cent. for bor- rowed mone>'. Now we pay 4 par cent.a Mr. Blow said the soutb yard bas a habit of knuwing a good thing when it sees it, and bas returned him by accla!. mation. As chairman of town property he has made the receipts exceed the expenditures. FOR SCHOOL TRUSTESM John Ferguson returned tbanks on behli of hinmaf and Mr. Hatcb for, their elction by acclamaion. He wa, proud to beable to say that in all the discussions flot one wordof complant bac! beea heard about 'te schooký The people ar justly proiid of -our educational esttiutionsî. Drtlng ln-Itê council matters, he said he lai atound.. cd at, eeîng althosc e aà ,wboliovru vieing with tach other in pralsin M4r.- Pringe up a year agoarSw ~pftcb109 Iita lm in the iosmm- té au Mr. Prixà gle i. too sa tfoi th=e tai andthç fear hiSe. .Mr.-SCoçtisaa*pa- erm",ho bu sbeeaigoêed jn.coun -cl for years, .:sad ye* no*mn at, t4 I board ho-as better ideso l otui qualified. to state theni.. H îï- = man, the y are ati afiid bé eity asa1u.!a harw 1U-0 ,sM', 1h* î ~e 4 w cIwwlll4 haplalu.sesled4 af~vesr* nom. 4 Capital Paid up, - #1,oo,00 WitbyAgelloy. General Banking Businem Transaoted. SÂVINGS DBPABTMENT. Interetsi fow.d sai hhst curront rae& NOnmotto. of wthdraval requtr.d E ,THOINTOE,, ma#«*. Back.Ach.i. Fae-Ache. Setie Pains. 4leeunaie pains. Palu la tha ide. etc. Praxnptiy Releved ad Cured ty The O. & Menthol Plaster T ota funds nin -l"band.....4 r8,som. Total aunt Assrance..... force Dec ~.....7o,967,261r.4a 68s dlaims paid 'ý5 amount. Grailis a world- wlde and indLsputable pollcv. No restrictions as to residence. Profitls lncreaslng with age of policy. Immediate payaient of death dlaims. loterie and compound bonuses added. Every description of Life Assnranoe polîc gned. Loca agnts wanted. Moat liberal terns. Afp ly T H Carter, General Agent, Tor- unt iction, Ontario. Head Office for Canada, No. i Adefli St. Eau Toronto, Ont. (Ian. Manager, A W BRIGGS, Esq.,, June 23, i896-3mfon. Tootoi Ont H.. SCOTT, PUMPMÂkNimWmTBT>. - (Sbeceor go H. <27sOmpsU. The. Subecribeir a jn opeedbusineà ** bere. Hai ,omff inf t .~@' 'bueo x4, Stee, ot. w uap cous nksgiving ?tcr Fi re Proof.. tir it' atu ti r. t Sru LiC ODý ETC ist c E R vin g. tut) be patent? voaiS. t Âià oe. se offer COR- tIjshed. missicEl do you lown t0 1gîrlwN sers ta" t 1 W. have the I1ineut Sels.- tion ln town of thous BEA U TIFUL A MER/CA N WA LL PA PRS, -IVITE- Borders to Match AT LOWEST PRICES., Corné éarly and geifirst chows.g P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stanid, Brook St., Whitb DOMINION BANK$ 1