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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jan 1897, p. 1

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4h-. - v. o. The VOL. XIL. WJIITBY, ONTMURO, FRJDAY, JANUARY 8, 1897.0O. -THE- Leading Drug Store. A. H. ALLIN --wo wjshes hîs manv custoiners a H+APPY NLW\V YAR. %'Ne dont preîend to selI y.ou goodLs at les thon îhey cosl us. 'Ne do giv our cusitomers iust -s rnulCh lr tiiei rnoney, as the most pretentlous act Veitiser. Ve rient tun a go called -Cul Rate I)rug 'Ne do fi'eet ail conrnetitlofl in prices, ercepu vhere quality would have to be seri ficed Io do il. 'Ne dont do a Dertist's business. 'Ne do seil Toouh Brushes thai will not shed their bristies the first lime thev are used. %Ve alsno eil Tooth Soaps, Wasbea and 1i'owd(ers-ue latler in buibi, which i-s hy jar the muaI econonulc ai1 vay Io bus ,t. A. H. ALLIN, CHEMISI & [DR V( G11T WHITBY, Established ONTARIO. 1849. MarbIe and Granite WArS1 Dundas St., WHITBY. LI Chas. H9. Smith, (Forxnerlv Wolfenden Work-; 1Im- porter and Dealer in MARBLE A.-t) GRANITE MONUMENTS. Etc, of the' latest Material and des-igns. Al kinda of Cemetery work. Our work guaran teed. reSEND FOR DE-siGSS AND) PRIC ES. IIAYWARD'S GREAT RETIRING SALE -G- HAVIugR fuUly made up My mul'lt1 up business, i wîll offeî My "Ive Entire Stock to the people et Whitby sud surrocnding ceuntr-y at lover praces thav ever kuovu, te enisure a quîck asle, COMMENCING SAT(URDAY NEXT, JAN. 9th, 1897. Now for unpa-cedented Ba-gaina. 4pT'use Liste are sot in it. jI amn culte sebi. Goodas mugt go ai soume price REGARDLESS OF LOSS. ..iiDe't think this la an old chesteut orj pou wili get eft. This is a real, etraight, honeat, ont and out saie. It iu true I intended selling out ast yesr, but vas persnaded te voit til the Fall in hopea- imes veuld be better. Tisat vAs a miatalue, thiey are-worse inetead of btter. Tbat's pai hebp, nov goode muet go whist- ever tbe sacrifice. More boss for us meas gais te yen. Dont dola>', the fia-st te coee iii sua-el>' get the Biggest Plurn Wait- ing for yen. Fatin Producèe taken in cichange for goo8a at Regular Prices. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. CIONIoîsCL oILsaaZPOwÇZaaCa. PORT PXERRY Charles Joncs, of Oshawa, was visit- ing hîs fiends over Sunday. Chris. Clemence, of Toronto, was visîîing friends in town last week. The genial Jimrny Balfour is laid aside from bis dutnes by a painfnl swel- ling on hîs Ictu forearrn. Arthur McMillan. of Oshawa, has been visiting his brother, F. Mi. Mc- Millan, of the Western bank. D. B. McQueen, of Manilla, who bas been teaching, bas returned to attend our high schooh for another term. MYSTLE. Mis S Holu las spending s fev day- ai Toron- to vsîieg relatives. Mr and Mis Cbarley Mosher spent New Vears day nt Port Hope visitsg. Mis Lubie Francis vas very i111 aoni ai yacek, but ve are pleased te say la recovering agoin. The Harbiness Bics, vers bere ce ruesday cf ibis week buying borses, and uhey shippeit the same night a car b.ad to the cool by the C P R. R.g-v Mr Bunner from Halîburten cccupied the pulpit here on Sunday mcrnieg at and preached a very thougbtful dîsceuise. He is a brother cf our paultor Mr Sandy Johnson îerurned boeea few diys aRo after being absent fer anme veekbis hinR eruploved hy Mr Harkuess te cross the ocean with herses ai two different limes. We are îobd uhat ai the football match piayed ai Raglan hast veebi uhe combined îeam frore Mynîle and Ashburn succeeded in moking thie goals te ose of Raglan. Some of the holiday visiters bere vers. Lyman Faisvîh and famfly heom Uxbnidge at Mr Manty Briggs ;Mis Haycroft fromr Aguncouru au Mr R lar Tý rn ail on s'c wo wi Co by Sc 1-l i ist. LraresKelt. ormri o!L>aîsBlghts;Mi Lewis Mclaggaît at Mr McTag- 4C drug store. received many warm greet- gart's;Mr and Mr@ Cooki fiom Buiketon ai Mi. <U ings from his friends bere New Years Lubie Francis; and Mr Levis Stephenson fiom bc day. Perth ait Mr L Hubbei's. Ri At the onnual meeting asi visebi toe ctiorCIc liengough, the Cartoonist, was greet- re-elect a truster te the school board of thîs sac- ed wîth a fuil bouse on Tuesday even- tion. Mi F L Brovn vas ie-aiected, sud at the 4ý îng. Hîs bocal bits were good. He is saine meeting the trustees vers instiucted by theM hos i bisef.ratepavers te puichase about ubice quartais oai a hostin hiself.an acre oan id fhem Mr Robert Bedac n oen.-P Mrs. (Dr.) Procter bas been confined large the pre sent play gîeund for tihe use ai dia to ber roomn for several days past by a pupîls standing school. Cf ~'ev ev r spai, utisnowabe e ,.rs David Eîîeîby. oneofaur seigbbors as il beroun thvee spbo, use agan abe heen aiong in ber mimd for some menths pat,L be arund he hose aain.and lait week she vent so fai vith an ungevern.G New Years day was quietiv spent in ed temper that she thîeaiened ber dacghterI town by Oui citizens and visitors. Tbe butche-i knife in hand, and in conse<)uence vas cnmmîîled to the Wbitby isil by Magistrats Mc. young people enioyed themrselves skat- Taggarî and Mi BeaI, 1 P. ef Breobiuin. 71%e~ ing and otbers wit'b ice boats. unforiînaie lady wii) probsbly ha sent on te uhec Archdeacon Roe, from QucbecOC- Isn slm sn esegse ;.f Miss Nettie NMcTagg avin enogns cupied tbe puipit of the Cburcb of the ile the chut-ch and Sunday school fer sortieans, Ascension iast Sunday. and wbîle bere many oh ber fîtends îbougbu it ime te gîve ber was a guest c.! Mrs. Carey. somi- token of their appreciation of ber labois. l Tbe annual niissionary meeing ofan~d te do s0 qulle o large number Of ber maI17L ee f fends met at her faîbes homne on Wedsesday tbe church of England will be held in evening oftshîs veebi caiiying ba<keta, and pre- that churcb on Tbursday evening. Jan. seuîs-d ber wîh an addiess, a durable gold watch i t.Addresses will be delivered by and fleenîRol chaîn. The addiess wss reait by î4tb.Mi C W Bateman and the watch preasttd by thîe Rev. Canon Farncomb. M. A_. is Frank Harrison. The foibewing is the ad- Newcastle. aud W. C. Allen, M. A., R. dicos. Te Miss Nettie McTaggart :-Dear i D., of Millbrook. An interesming m-eet- trîend, we, a few of your mony friends andvweb s al ae oudiay 1n- ishers have gatbeicd ta nigbute exchange the t ng i anticipated l r oriyi-gietingi cf fniendsbip, and spend tbe cvening ( vîued to attend. wîîh yeu under youi parents' roof. 'Tis truie wen Mondv nght waslike Egyptian have cfies met in tbe different vaiks cf bfe sud Monda nigh washave noticed i vih pleasure the veiy great inter- darkness on tbe streets. An accident lest you have always taken le evcry ause ubat tit tbe switch at the electric ligh station bas be-n for the spinitat andi moral advaucement f was the cause. lu was amusing to sec of the netghborbood in whîch yen hurve, and *cil izens groping their way through vbîle ve appîreciate the choir cf vhicb you are as mcm ber. we halicure lts success laigely te ha the * own. Tbey bad aIl tbey coubd do 10 result of yoa as organisu. Thai duty yeu bave keep the sidewalk. evervbody Was nobly patermedin l oui chcrch, in oui Sundtay sober but the night was unpieasant as acheol, lu cci epworth league, snd lu 0cr iem- well as uthe nky daikness. perance reciety. and ue abov joua ibat va ap- pietialle yacr pasu ser vices vae nov presant Voc lu is repouted that wbile Mr. and wiîb thia case, vblch cenuais a gobd vsicb andt MuJs. R. J. Willîamson. who live on theCchais. You vili acceptifa le the sanie true9 Aveue hve ee aav soe nek utb vb wicb it bis beau given, net on st-E Avene, hve ben aaysomesnea conle! flus venbte yenM, hua on accoui cd thieves have broken into their house I our vorub te us, bopisg ts gift wil'. gladiten1 and ommitud amea rober. l isyocr beari as your muaic bas ofien gladdened andt kown te s ean wht te loit ss ours. and as you look upon ira face may joui -e- ntil the ue pruu n t Mu. thillason. member that if is the seconds ubat mokas the unti th reurnof r. illarnon.minctes, an.d the minutes tbe bouansd thel The guilty parties do not ive a hund- houri tha daya. îeacbang us the tac thuat ime is red miles from town. moving on and uhat va sbcubd grasp every op- portunity ef doieg gocit, and may vea ai ap Inspector McBrien is in receipt Of a preciate tbe Savieur vbo vas sent into the very fine diploma fuom the World's wved as a tue gifuta gladdan oui hearta and Fair Comm issieners or rather the Co- guide us lamo the patbway uhat leaits te etersai lumban Eposiion.Ibisdipbma ws lie, and tnoy va ail vben va bava sang cci lasi lumban Eposiion.Thisdiplma w s sng upon aarthb ha prepare to te ha iîh God te granted Mr. McBrien for the excellant Isîng the songs of Zion tbraugboci a saurer ending work donc under hlm as sebool inspec-! eteiniy SigZnait-C W Bauarnan. Mrs F Rar- toi, and shows that that gentleman u1s, oni bebahf of tenighbbrhood. stands high in-bis profession. 1-e feels IyU uum]ror very proud over the diploma and well L y rt.b* Business Drae te Li be may. Oui scbool aise receivad a BaiLxvxwr CKÀISGE- aVIgpriehased due liv- diploma from the same source for thic tlm Barrett. 1 sam prepored te accommeodat. good woîk donc at oui school. travelers and oteTbss vltb ries at reasonable raies. Commercial men deait vitb Iiberalby. The officers of Pot-t Perrv division of Bîabling for herses, sud good ftire given thsrn by reilabie men. ibm Oshawa, Whitby' the Sons of Temperance for the eut-- anad Myrtis stage doesasot run on Bundaja. rent quarter are :-W P, Miss A Rob- Div1D AsisTot, Kyrtie Stafton. erts; W A, J Goudy; R S, Miss L Roberts; A R S, C H Kelett; F S, H BROOKLIN. A Nott; Treas. J Stovin. si; Cbap, Mi W Gi of Toronto, spesu a fev dajsaia Miss 1- Peause; Con. J Taylor; A Con, home lsst veak. A Quackembush; 1 S. Miss M Knox; O M, WilI Dryden returersatot Woodotock lai S. S F Bunton. Tbis division is mak- yack. after spending the Christmaos bolidaysaiau ing good headway and large attendarice berne. every meting.Mn laines Grey is seriously aick vitb neulral- ever meeinggis of the iver.. Wa hope te, socs hear that ha The municipal ehections passed off je geming better. vrav euietIvi. The candidates ail agreed *<'.nneatulatiors te, the tempence .worem of .1 The social held under the auspices cf tbe Daugbrers of the Cburtb in the Presbyteriac sebool roin on New Vears' eve was oertainly true te naine, for seldoin, if ever, was tbere a moe sociable trne spent ini Brooklij than was enjoyêd by tie laige number prescrit. 'In look- -imte tb gaheivgitwould bave becs bard ,t ofl ergtevivgit-Or i'rcsbytcriae enteruaisment, as eacb cf these- de- neminations was almost equally represented, AI] the numbers os the programme vers of special merlu. Among thoe akinq part wsre Mrs E R Eddy, Miss Lambly, Mr Vichert, pas- tor ô( the B-aplist cburcb, Miss Woodcock. Whitby, and W S McAlpin, poster of the Bap- tist churcb, Wbitby. Mr Mc Jpin's stngmg was very mucb apprecaaîed. Durlng interis- sion coffee and cake were served. Since ibeir organizatice about a year ago ibis Society bas raüseil 95.whicb amount bas becs e.xpended in varions repairs te the cburch. Tbey hope te have the interior re kalsomined aud in other a'ays brigbtened up during the ycar. W. A. H. Bmuukn~dITobr7 BBÂLL, 8. - Imer cf Marriage lcenso. Residence oppoite TowufIt-.Breeklit. W A MoNEELT, D Y S-GQraduate of the. 0n tarie Veteristfry Collage,'Toroteno;Hcflcr8 meniber of theOnlarto edJcalgScetîy. Treaso&aI isases cf the dcmestcateil ainimalà by tbe mmnt apprcil edmthcd. Aie partititlar attetion t surgical operatlons and dentiutry. Day or night catis prempli attended te. Office andrmaldoeo rocklln Ontario. Our best wisahes to ail for not te canvass or soi icit votes or te Pckering On the rasult Oet ue votlng on local ~ n RS carry voteis te the poils. Witti the t-e- option last Monday. a"H PYadPû3 suit that everything was more satisfac- Miss Florence Dais bas gene te OrIlla, PEROUS NEW TEAR.ý toryandsavd th cadidtes lo o vhes suhe bas saturait s position as teachen le toryandsave tie cadidtes lo ofthe public achool. worry and annoyance, and as ose cati- Rev J F Barker cf Hamilton, a former poster didate expressed himself, it prevented of i hucu iltoduibt srivsl i Balance of Speollu*d 1a a good many veters making so-called Baptlsu churcla an Sunday. Jan x7tb. GO o " liais of îhemseives. The plan worked Mr 1lames Jackson bas deelded te move te AI- >OC.urfgszdcd so ellths yar t s t b hoed ha 90lnext apngl, and *advertises hie tarin stock price. ,Ohriatmas a ihg - se wll hisyea luis e b hoed hatforrsais b>' anti 95on Wednesday se=t, s3dith e ay i*,bt the same thing may be doue every year. int The ratepayers in their wisdorn saw fit MesrMra ecgadJCmU'haethv tl nitrYiga te dci te ol coucilaad s thy ireught up another lot et coule v" hic ey viai dit faiîby vebi tic choice was about sali b>' acites,ou Mr J A Deboaga farm the ortment. rightitnl fact there was ne aeed of an (Fridait)ateic. election at ail as there wene ne issues Rev John Mutcb, pester et Cbaimcs-s chiarchu tbefore the ehectors. Thc retuarus are in Toronto, vii prsarh la île Piesbytsuiaunceb anoîhencoîumn.on Sunda>' aficacmat ai dis unaI er, . 13o, anothe.col. n Weieope te use hlm greced by a lage coupe Mn JamesBuniett sd lanull hav nvdo_ _____________ 8 - - PrinceAlbesiTebav I verDye' -. E.R. B. llayward.t *TER BAH 0F BAlADAS o B.st H pIOARD 0F DIRECTORS. dW CPWAS, Eeq., Premideut. We -se t!F. T~. HMfor 5QICFfSa1»'4goud dé, i~$W.IL MMILLAe, -- ik- ji fam for Seme en u ae rvdt~ial vas to he gcod nslgbboss sud natafl mespbees of wî tic comnuusty, oints vs ave soeuy tobm Io . - ived WçMeW'r vii tir 'fmllà aj1uis0p ycsn, have dlu*ovsd prar ii iWd brother bas. sioeê osMtèr-MuT dunsajean. oui as servlop baye beeca oeilati J A4«-> L.mlly ame Meare; ,ammu lbai rr GAEEZ4EANK IANcHUTxR Oui two ncw teachers started work on Tues- The first meeting cf the new counicil wiUl day. May tbey bave abundant iuccess. be held on Monday. Miss Mable and Edna Throop, nf Petexbnrc Mises Naoma Ewers of Toronto, is viuîting spent New Vears with thier Irisnds bere. ' ere with ber parents. 'Me election passed off very quiteir, tib Biith, on New Veats' Day, the vile of Mr rooris making it difficulu te gsi the vote out,.lhe 'Thes Dobson, of a daughter. chief nerest vas centrsd ie tbe flgbî bstween Misa Bella McBrien, cf Kinsale, was visit- Cragg and Weir, fer irst derutv. Cragg's ing last week ai 1fr. W. H. Hay's. friends in ibis pol-îng division atood by bîm velu tteebo etn eeo ensa and reiisd up a good majority in bis faoer butof At wbe scolMetnho eare ons Weeds the adverse rnjDrities ie other places put Weir cfrls ee ,M hsBaewseetda ai h edadtemaoriny mstrl.MrEw Welsh nf the Windsor hotel, There was but a small atiendasce at the lec- 1 i~wr ture by the Rev. Mr. Sbcray in the metbodist Lindsay, is vlsiting for a. few <lay aia bis oid church on New Yea?'s nîgbî. The extremtely borne here. dark nigbt and bad roods were ne deubt Jorgeiy The Sons of! Temperance officers elected te blame, but those that attended were deiighied fer the ensuitig quarter ore as followve: W by the nfany good peints mode. The subject P, A R S, j A Parkin ; F S, Miss A Parkin 'd Work and Wait," and wass andieti by the treas, Geo Lyle; chap, Miss A Rees; con, lecturer ie a very interesting and instructive mon- W D Munro; P W P, R M Holtby; D 13 W net. We boe e mnoy secs bave tbe previlege P, Win Stnbbs. ef bearlng hlm again. Quite an exciting turne vas witnessed ai Mr. Joseph Loea, another cf or cld landrnarks, Prospect on Wednesa of at week, wben passed te bis reward on Saturday lut.as ai pe Messrs G L Robson and Wm Cook stood as. old oge. He vos coecf tbe fiast selîlers. havlng candidates for trustee. The centiest lasted mode shis bis home whan the greoter Part eftthealal day, and neaîly ail that bod a vot urnm- country wos onc immense forcst, and mony is the ed ont. Mr Cook was clected. lntsrasting %tory that he ccnld tell cf the diffi. culuies and bardsbips of bis youger days. Ha Mir and Mrs j R Heard cf Poplar Ronge, may truely ha called the fatber of methodism in quaker fit., invited a number cf ibeir fîiends this cornmunnty, being one cf the fonaders cf the in ta wbîle away-a few pleasaint heurs on iîmative tnetbodist congreation and in the Tbursday evening last. The New Vear bod dsys when a circuit weuld embrase severaltownv- made ils appeorance belore the Company ships e ho aq*ont te ride many miles on hers- dispersed. Ail present enjeyed tbemselves bock (buggies vara e ucin l those days) te very much. fil] his appoinnienîs as a local preacher. Sînce due mshodit uni n u er men have corne t Despite the rainy weather dams m th fon sunail'te u ods(hc a passable roada, a large number cf the elec- neyer irksorne) froim bis shoniders, but ~ tors turned eut tg record their votes en Mou- last lie vas hosored and raspected by ail bis fel- day. Messrs Christie and Cange, aspir- low-wcrkers and iecked up te as a latter la the ants for cotunty honeris, receivealarge sup-. churcb. The funersi on Menday vas vell ai- port In the tcwnsh!p. The former bad re- tsnded, notvithstanding that the veaiher va corded for hlm twenty plurnpers at ibis poll. very bad and tbe roads alinosi impassible. Thbe We are picased to, note that the old council poster, Rev. Mr. Leitch, being asslstadis i the members who oflered themielves for re-elec- service by the Revs. Tborniey and Camerco. lien vers retursed. We ceegratulote these He leaves o vidov, four sons and six daugbtersi, gentlemen, Mesurs Weir and-Stephens upen aud a large number cf gratîdeblidren wbo bave -their success. le addition Mr eicDonald, thc heartfeit sympatby of the commruniiy ln ibio, a promising young man from Gîeenbank, ubeir heurof bereavement. wiii fill the, vacncey mode hy AId Lamnb, PrigNCE ALENET wbo stcpped Up 10o 2d deputy reeve by ac- aige number et wbern attended the funcrl on hursday. The inuermienitecok place at Greve de cemelery. The hockey kamn= raferred te in baet veek's botes were- played as arraeged. ou Clirameni ink and Oshawa. These wera the firsi matches îc Brookls boys bave played. and ihough tbey cers beaten in each they bave ne reason te ha ubharnd of the sbowing îbey mode. At Clore- Lent their lcam play vas superlor te uhat cf heir opponenis, but wben ht came te aboeuing )n goal they iaiied at critical times. The score ceod 3 Ie a agaieat ubem. The Oshawa game vas plaved on New Vears' Day. The love beys viuh tbeir longer pistils. and experience la the ,vered nlnk had the best of the game, and won :y a score of 5 teo2. Promotion examinaujons for gr deparurnent ef Brookute Public School. Written test. Ir 3rd ýSi 3rd. Max. 37o. Roy Bray 26t. B-saic tcotI -.59, Ediih Langford 254. Henry Heskiegs a42. Lizzîe Delong 228, Jessie Crolg 215, James Kctr 1%, Jno Vipond, Mires Vipead. 8r 3rd te r IV. (Noms" in orddr of menit.) Pbilip 1rayn, IlyV Skinner, Moud Wickett, Carn;e Bigg. ,Fred Kieigshury, Henry Rc.bîeson. Jr IV toeantrance clos&. Max. _ço. Clifi Eddy 09q, Bertie Goldshro 3.47. David Neale 3.42, .ýarobiDeNU lS 336, Gertrude Marsball32rOs- borne Pherrili 58 per cens, (partial examn.) Regubar mrnnûiy, vritien crama ln enirance class--Arnth, Dravlng, Can History. Grog, )ict, Phy,eGrarn Max. 61ro. Editb Huseon 470. NeleHsloP 436, BIla Burrcugbs 43e, Mary Fowie 4àç9. Maud Dbelong 34 .Hostie urass 338, Lilita Knight 326, Alberu Caine 72 pcr cent., partial axamnatios. Report of the Xmu opromotion examination.; of tbe Jr dept of Brookia public school. Frem r te Si dept. Tennie L.avrnce, Effie Delong, Laura Ftonda,. Louie Biggs, Fistnk Cairns, Gordon Cowle. Samuel Huesos. FremIn r te £rScend. Peairi Reesos, Nellie Colviii, Grant Eddy. Gelie Lawrence. Osvald Wilson, Ross Nonung, Frneb Redman, Lottie Wbitafcrd. From Si Pt 1l110 Ir Sac. Minele Craig, Maggic Cirig, Artbur Cookveil, Cloa Coites, Lily Rota- sou, George Banner. Ralpb Marshall, Frank Agustus, Nellbe Spencer. FremIn r te Sr Pt II. lennie Grass, Laura Fowie, Mary Covie, Andy C.ook, Charlie Elliotu, Clarence Bickle, Louis Lowrance. Patience Froncia. Fromt rat te Jr Pi IL Franki Scott, Walter Bonner, Beauric Longlorci, Cealia Fraekimh. Ceesitderabie interest was talas itrhe elecuen for township and cousty councels on Menday. Tue disagaeeabe veather kepi a good mouy et tha rateayers at home, and thus the vote vas mncb smaler thon canal. nhe rassit et the vet- ing viii be fouad in another coiumn. An effort *as mode in nme quartera te Istreduce a pol- tucai alestent imue the coent-but happiiy ibi diel net meet itisheneral approval. le the nortb end cf the township the grasting ot au extra hosaI licensa vas moade soretbieg: et an issue, but tbe candidates. vitb perbaps ene or two exceptions, distiactly sitted thot tbey vouid use ibeir influence againastiscreasung tbe aum- ber, or aise refused In piedge ubernsîlves subher for or againsu. Any candidate for office ln ibis towsbip 'wbe voubd odvocale an increase ô( lh- quoi business would ceruoialy be esowed under whes the ballets vere cost. T'he epvortb boague isuend baving a mission- ary service tbis, Friday. evening, ias Od f their usual beagne serie. Mir Miller presesîed sevenal of hie pupila vwiii bouks os Monday, îlte ra-opaning of scbool, far standing tirstin aacb class, for a itenu of six menthe. The ebnistimas esutantamesioethe meibodisi chuicb beld bers but veais vas s grand sucess, The prgam cossisicdof, munie by ube sciiod ; sddrassesby Reur D N McCamu, Port Pcrny, sud Mr- Wilson. of GaIs ; recitatlens lsy Stella Sta.bbask,4 of Beaverten, and A SuRl. cf ibi pl ";slos by Miss Convie Sees, Port Perr, Ira R Ilassi. Mis W Weir and S Stabbsck. A ialogue entiticd, 'Tbe Christ- .o Di lgm, vspertcrrnd by soins fountacua cbldran ottfesieoL A pntmise b, nacerai mernbersofethe acheol, vas lulgbiy appreciated. Gras proie la due te the bisildera of le aHet logecable. vhie vas teatfàhy bag ut w ýpr ,eis. Ail prescrit vaee mçh pleassd viii the rvening's eujoymeat. Proaseds about. $u1. AUDLXV. Miss llaggl Nea. cf Kiamale, spes Suuday vidi fnieuds hors. Moret oethde vomers (rom cmn quartera mode use ef tucat franchise on Monday last. New S. S& officers vers ai liait pisas onc Sunday. Tbey are a good combinies. Mn. Richard Puckerln and bride arn visitdng bers Mach joy and iepg bile friende. J. H. Madili bas gene te Whitby me attend the W. C. I. Maysuccess attenid bis efforts P. M. Chapinsapeni a fev days laet veais vislslng friands ia Orangeville, sud Crecese. Ne. ç ochool epene.d onMoriday Issi vftb s barge aitendance. Balng ab vet day vitis 49 out hatokesa a beavy scboleb i vsIn. Epvcnib League éos led haut week b, Ms. Albert Bell and provsd a vesy pr >lbsose- 'hos. Fucienin vas tolead luit Isrvews. Ili arnevbat strange tiat vs are acquaited viii se much maud uhese pas$ tav deys. tise tin ci z897. Ceuld sriy onet b e no splied #se go compose a menfiet osn<'la, Much grastlcaiion -04 the pan of tmmitof or: villagese vas; exblblte vies it becam ke im tbat bpéaloptio seusustalaed.Piesa tovasmhl yst tise vas; Aitheugi sw.e c us ves dhephW~utd ln oui empecsauslfor 'ceuneil et 1ùIect ét&m ancapùablnsd suiab WeW. oulu 'e 11k!tebhane sees Mr. Oýsbbsor re« pesevi at utihe cumcl bead. We.-bgwe, sacdottt, .&gocid mms bt et oi va b.iied.u 5%A &» te O Sebonl mutbug - off very quaily s yack.bar1rtc&y beO p té ba*;,au pou bis, clamationi. P. C. GRAHAM. The entenisîsmeat givea by the English churcb os New Years evening was a succ*ss. Our vet, Dr. Williams, bas bean appoint- cd inspecter of animais for expert for ibis district. The presbyteniana have secured consider- able talent and ara busy preparing for their S S entertaismetut on î5ih. Messrs BeaU &-Stase are pushiag the 11ve stock moade, shipping anc car Ioad fea Canningion, Port Perry aad Biackteek within the la veek. Que car loi rd. fu each place sboya that they traverse à. large district. The municipal and couniy commuitil ec- tiens are ever. Messrs 11eu* Glesudeaing adJmsGUmphrey 2are ,1td for the Sunvcunc. --fttow%151prcosiitl are r Reeve, jas Vicemar ist deputy, joe Weth- caal; ond depoty, J1 ' BdWaurds; council- lors,;Meur remm rýantd WllAaIass Miss Brock istihe guest of Mm-s.Alf Tremble. Iocal option -earried by a little ever fbrty cf a majority. Mms..W.It-ait lias sufReiently recovered te be able terattcaud te ber housébcld duties, Mm ,Relut Glibsse, whe bas becs helpiiug bernmotse2, bas returned te. ber home tu Messrs. Jos. Shae, Pot LArkin and John $bate cf Tôrouto, were in lova tise day of thsa election- Tisere were several parties itIis vicinity duriug tise belidays. Messe. Hmilton Wilson and Clark ech isad a veuy tcs- fiel and enjoyable oue. ou New ger' dy a. Fred Seldonini cotupany Ttlîsom eyef tise otirbe-YsW"s out for a berebcisride sud, ab la psuafly tise, case bry ad a race. te -sec Wb" 1"sa thse besi b oise. * bile soe ergaged red'e herse l throvlyits rider soute distance alesîg thse- grenu Bots boseanid ider vwers badiy braised, sud eut but forunately- 0 noboutes versbroken.' rMiss Matie -Sproule is visitini e B isterin uarise. Ighe M 5 SPeufond lmbas besvisig ,Mfrs .Thoe anaP. rý Miss Hamm, of dÙake, l iin r 7seMsioft. ýMr WiIl auId Miss Mabel Witherage atjre visitisg frieuds at the Sôo>. sr> n New. Ycars at bar houtc ' Mr and Mms IrA Plrce visited,'Iihîa F. "fI Miss Lirris B-ey. cf Cannisgtou, bas becsn spending s few daja witb friands. Mis las Scilitu and Ses, of Paterbero, but for. meîiy oet iis place, is renevitig oid acquaint- a nces bars r I )aue r 0117.0 foit. anîîd b est bat's theu 550 n. -a use U us8 but .6h .40 .19 8c It 1

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