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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jan 1897, p. 3

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I s~ A fire started ia McGo*an Bros's cellar last Saturday frorathe explodcg of a larnp and hâd k flot been for the prompt work of the firemen a most dis- astrous blaze would have resulted. The firemen had three streams of water turned on in four minutes and quench- cd the flames. The fire started near the coal oil tank and at once had the inost tinflamrmable kind ol miaterial to feed on. The fiames rapidly spread andd dscended the stairway to the store, burning the woodwork up to the ceii- (i)ng and blacken"ng the whole interior of the storv. The damnlage toIle building bas been assessed at S185; damnage to the stock is placed at about $2000. Living ehcaply. A week ago Sna Capt and Mrs Rwoe. wbo had heen in charge of the Salvation A rinv berc, farcaul c1-Il. and il few davs later left town for tr\nfrt On Sundav tbe t.aptatf it tîtii tte<i a fluancial reportt.bo%%,iig the supp r")ters of the arilnv bow tUir nunvhait hen expended. '1his re pu 1t1 otd 1il('( soute interesting inforînatuî.tiii 11(luifu a statenient of the i\ing i. l tbe Captai n and wife f 'ýr '. iii dit i They rçceived frtc h ' iltIO 'n, ârId $2 5. o))as ' salarx . \ n ( uo iti i of edibles for the ý ti r v~e~ er(c e ntered at a val uat on arnd fornird part of this $25.01)saîrt Aber liv ing at tbis low rate of .iisut a cf i \r aCvek Ile OtTcera îr îh cv ithout funds to pria ced tu) ilîc\et api nient tuntil thie ( "itii t'ddlet. eSIIln ad tc. ti lit tc S itic - EVERY-FAWI-LY aOUW IIOW PAT la a very rema.xkabis remedy, bath for In. TEPrIRAL antd EXTEERNAL use, azd won- dert ul in lis quick action ta relieve <isti-esa. PAINi-KILLERT ot.Cuas% 4rlln tIDI.Itaurhosa. Dystentery, tramPu, 4 boit-rianud a&t à..u t COpiaucta.& PAIN-KILLER - TIIrlIEnT1 4vr Mekes,1~Sik leedach-. pin lu itt.e tkr de. lih&eumuaixm unitNeuraigia. PAIN-KILLERB LS MADE, It l ite% $IrrcY Att) Pr>1AN.Ns Tc eIýrF i, .1t e oflitruisem, ('uts, tpralas, Severe 19rcas. te. PAINKLLE etew,-Ilsid aud f DA - Lt bcicc,'r . l'i' -J. ig' : U4 kac. >c) t. -, eu ic. t DR. CRASE'S CAJARRH CURE our Sundpy s choni was announced for Tbursday evenrng C-f titis wveek. Mr. Jas Sar Hort.op is, and bias bacen for nany years .I the superintenclent. All bas been done lectîr that lies i bus power ici advuunce tbe ii to a terests of thre school. Mucb credit is due becoc him fttr bis nntiring enerizies. An ezeel liftte lent staiff of teachers bave been ti opera trtu decetot.aN ,rv ibaWi . il,îi-cs uit> Nostrou. cOui uieeutaavfci lie .riic u' rtt t- ~cte.Now tihe municipal batties are all dige itoffeers theru'-ia'î' lic ii pii"s fougbt, miinictpl matters wrll cesse ta catitl ther 'h'111dsttir e purclîc Lo any mrked degre tall ston ~ ~ I oreifaliui.Iitcr'- c 'c R bout tweive montîre hence. R R. Mow.- "en the camp btt brokcii up I maIh' '.lray us oxîr reeve for '97. Iinsale pro- V.1 hutmil _n 1ramciî' .i1 t>bt(/ilces te reeves for the tciwnsbtp ; Mr stria euoutgli inuoue to tii' k nsl aud it lit.'1 Mowlcray bas ably filled thre position as H ot, crut of townr. and l ii î-.ci', ail delo bas Ex reeve Mackey, of this place. dert adueri isette ut of acnîîr il îî.ci mnt Rnsale duly receives ite share of tira usai Tribune.,ironors. S( Lewis Rogers snd Miss Rodd spent ~ \Ir Jobhn Bt-,cer. a uýrnicr I xfrîu1ge SuaywtMe(edsa ufed boy, v h o ha ei i t.hcc.i'lw' '\ eâr, Sidywtfresa Eil. ti V'hîtti\-,hatic uuri la-cii tuecrt.nî, CURES cold in the head ini ten H. W. Mebnian got ueverely laft et barbt.r s'hop ifr(iiiit ilii i i i' tri 'ui minutes. home in the mucicip-l campargu to the - -lak '. tr'- c1-'-' lun'ii i-f I CURES incipierut catarrh in a o s and i ta uite cuufu )ilir w ii thc l'ccuirtg frcim one to three days. A quitet wedcing took place here a few petople cul tule tc 'À Ie lic t-'-k 'scs- CL-RFs chronic catarrh, a eveninRsaReo aet the roesidence o! Mr Wil- sion111)rrltlt fev r a d ro e hayr fred Sadler. Tie cortracting parties ha Il 1fil Nlcîf.' iiuiiir -ic .'-t ee and r o erree gMR is Wartng and Mr. Slaneblte.r. Go isr.Coleeowt lwe re Tire uptiale; were performed by Rev. SOo slow DEAER Buriner, of Myrtile. About ton o'cloela At, îuei'. u ti 'îii , lii 1 o0n1 1 SL YAL.D Stire quiet gatbering ws.s scverely diaturh- Tuesýda c ei, iLiï. ut Oc',li c t iticI Price 25 Cents ed by a crowli of boys from Greenwood tht' sîrptuî- inlinue-bhc iiutI,'Al'-c>-Who cut up Lîreir usuai tent.rums on cicca- 1 tng futici.ln tuct. ir-',fî.i c i o,-e--,.à c'ons of tItis krnd, but they fonnd et tire 9 irtîtek t' lc'c tr îluuC iîî.îî oc- it.c -end of tireir toil it wasae fruitiese task, as; .îii't il au !itic'(îgrl1c-1,ii-nothing vwas in store for tbern ouly to re- tak 't) aill th 11(inr, n '1)\turri ro tueur homes and rernark cie ici cnher ih1.11ti c îf-~u-1cir u. lil if ' another, tiret gatberinRs of tbis kind are wws raoi-itlA .tinaît approved of in the vicinuîy of Kir)- Frastar than thie flamassae Il l- .1 cu'uuf tliiL4 lttltlcfine al,îrm The Misses Newtoni, of Oshawa, are islc r- ) i oiit i i I 'r tilt l or. holidaying in car midast with their broth- tii -c i imii oz'- lheuilt Ilre illà i i n so u nit1- n e jMn. and Mrs. 'Norton, o! the uorth- Cut i-u-ti rinlg et.' )lit f f in î west. have been visiting et Mn. John srs mi(i )-(ICS uta nd t h e Rod d'a. sic GrbnBo.,Ca- 1 e i \ c ui lîie iii i ( anri<a ft. 1icvi- rush -C0d~ssr to M. Jos. Hortop sold a valuable tam ru sic f ui-r.aicil tear anc1 '-tu-cr\ mnt îhing theoo . can aý'tht.ir on 1 10 do havOC s0n3e Thae ad intîeligence reatbed here a stnd()ia ont. r hl cd:1 li tnt a whr 'he oPIY few days since rom Wisconsin, U S., of ables ciilic heticcî)r. tien ,tu." ut a n .S uîtd son of Mn. Nathan Richardaiso, Ofthis frour tleîr >(,fil ani walK ('ii1 c' i tia TeS S'Il'e place. He was well and favorably known bundît.'tu)fiu(rkh2cnuilt.'> liiru -ci (r four 1-I T here, haviug bean boru lu the vicinity cil Sthie onl Knalsu ied hans al bis life nutil tinstle pala \urill sand i ,ii ' i '--the ~ kdrcs a few years ano h. went Bouth u e beliof tir eic i andsî.iiu c -it he 'çy1,àd<i- mairipd there since. Deceased suffered way tjult. At ýc on dg . .and died from the effeets o! typboid fever. ever~btdY .\tSic t cc.u '-- the on1te OLY Joseph Harirron snd wife attended trie S aturday suic-frilii s as tîe-.ec ru nl,- G 1illC, equies on Satundav lest. Mrich sym tlceabie..0 ramtle-br2ric( idualpat le sfeIt for the relatives ai decoesd. stood un tire dixctceýa'c art ,% i The spociai meetings have beaun closed; pair of pçlatfu itulsu.aies intut ico il IÂdne UItbey have beeu a series o! quit. succese smasiiing ttetr to piec -a a teoov fuI mUeetings; many have coma out into inrugte l h ass nelage sho a e. the gospel light and have determined ta carefulîy guardurrg a iîcck saw. A-n- thedg christian 1f.. We trust tbey may ot îer feature cil this lire w as the a ulc '- b fud sncere and aili be f u d au of te gnt ho hovd hi had Te Nw Rok SoonPre toAn.adorment ta society as well as the christ- thof g thre gt linua lcrgecishowseu heNwHckSonFret i nlcburch. and then begari to pull the glass\a art.v edi h hita tnadta The tempgrance meeting hêrn.oou'Tues, therein onto tiretiloor. A bull alter a Misms A. M. Fritz, Station A., St. Louis, dey niglit wss a disappointiment ta a Raod red fiag is but a nit.] cunpar ison to Mo. would giva an elegant hook spo many preseut. The aneunced speakers,c the way sciue people ruaIht lu a tire and oaynsedgbr ten -c-,sams Revis. McLaren and Allin, a! Columubus, i commence to desiroy ti ts asier dnyone errdputbernann2-ctit sampe. ' d no putf ta th iecud Ifthengs n 1sent foronre and found iL iluseful that wudnxus heanterue.one ib t dhan r the hre noul.Ifie oftiretnI sbowed h teamy frierida, and made 813 wotld oexcs e ihosau unavolemen onti wu~ d turu be bse n scme i! tesein two hours, taktttg orders for the spoon. rudobtbegannfoab ih, 1~le n mighl have a t.ooluug elect The booik spoota is a hoosabhold necesstty. buin quita dark and threateuing nain,r o! year-Times. tcno slip inoteds r vkn u e anc perhaps a litile uncharitable fi titisturneiheIt c nt ldinotha dlace boracbokgbelieviug ami we do theso man aboula ce vessl. ein hed ti te paceby ek ha ve been presRent, thisy could have left t nion the back. The apoon le somothiug home adarvdhr ndyib.W Th£1 l R te D llr that housekeepers aenee ee ic ol suppose our ministens are vary d spooris aere first invented. Anycine eau oo trmdign r hescdd geL a sample spoon by seuding ton 2-cent dgonthai reldin s frooftha rsaced Bterling Value and Ful Strength sterinps to Miss Fritz This ila asplendid dkou the L ond' a y ecf btîLe grat evil in Diamond Dyes. way te mie money around home. jo! the iqoraf se oreitcb ilwe; anithie Verytruy, zANETT S. ageement, toc oft.on it turnaont toc Sxenounces c! siilver, for the coituirig AnisaneM n much trouble te b. presonti. We hope Sixtee60 n le olrcnb ogt A nuac a' Story. these gentlemen had sufficient excuse for tcdyfo 81.6 9n.94e olascrib'but-absentiug themselves from our meeting. Think well of the mrua value of the J. 3. flanratty, inspecter For the Stand- Rev. MaDonsid took charge o! the meset- silven dollar if itô coiriago were made f ree ard Life Assurance Go. ai Poterboro ing aften deiivering a pointed address on and unlimited. Cured of Muscular Rheurnatiaem by the evils of intemperalce. The meeting Just another important thought for the tae Great SoutluÂmericafl Rheuma&_ vas dimuolved into a teruperance fellow- Ipias t takea f conr two to tirre peck-. tic Cure-Lt Turbos t.h Midnight o! 5tiP, eniadesd.. o .W ge s-f4 the commun uritatien dyes to do Sofferinr Into Middsy Bightnesa o! Mckvoy, Jas. HOntop, C. Rogers, Chas ts work tiret oe single package of'lhe Good Health--These are Ris. Mackey, J. W. Salton, 0. J. Stevenson, Diamofld Dyes will do. If you wrsh ta I avas a groatsiufféer fnôm musculan and othons. Afien singing the meeting - krnow why, we twill taliyou. Ititt itiiPlY nheumatism lu my arm tse much se that wua orderly diselused- that eau bo botter doue by the Diamoud DsiaCost o! toen Centa. Yen ailI n tyb o he wronrgaide àas longsas ye wproet-lovlng menchautu te a fouwith their poor. weak dyea; SU J. oertauly to f hein peeuuiai'y honefit, -,but you are the louarin u vory waY. The - *l4-futlp tftltquestion la: Will you1 work wtli dyes o! fullsi tnsngth, Or wifl - rjlldly iak ybur goode wit.h the kind .lIBOonly one third the coloring s ud that cci àau much as the. - -nianypegueuq die *apnuMlly fi-cm Chl- bee eved 'if îpopesi- remeiobat if ttu*ed fndo nt dlly ini'geîtlu s sctiefu tmatlueorfailu to effeet rh bp viehave use t L t t sL sud, sUbl7,.ubdsu1Ûlit Bold by J. B. Willis. marry This Girl (Qnick. il ca uyou paît., that ia18 year aid boy made 812~5 the fl&,sê b e worked seflug the Perfection Metal Tip 1aMp wlck. I. ordered a ua0ple sud vent 10o wonk and the firet week I cleatned $10, the econd lwsekI euw $1.Iret 0 fnup to #25,S voihinthetiesiff&W are, as tho e eob lo tai Tip4lsui ek ÎÏakes ,uueh' a beautifbl vint. iZ and os ay--witb smq>ky si4iimny8 anid b.4 odor and sir o11 it i ay to ...u. If yôiovn t r9igod18btwo r _et __ pt6 ié .MI-1iii -éstatio1 V agiouo4way têmh varioui troubles resultiu' fncm youtbiffl, ezeesues-r cvMvoek, vin take haut is«d ça me, 1 vlltaed him coufidStisllyMd of chargethe plan pursuedd cerapietey restoredt tepefe - M 0 bnod, s&ter yeara o! suffedul-u .-ç t Debfitylàe so! VWroMdstiO>WMà Ibave nothb« tosReIlsd1~tl Money. u sIko"t tosoure. Iaaeu .f quackmryt« ImnsD une V~oe~ W~ i- Mr. and Mm' Xmo. Lawtoia bave re- truved home after apending a few days down sut with thefr son Fred. Mr. 3. B. MeCullocb, ex.teaoher of onr school paid a visiLt t sorne of Jus fiaonde bore. School meeting took place ber. on Wednesday of aset week. Mr. Aaron Parkine ably presided as obairruan over the meetaog, anid .. Hortop as aecretary. Auditors report wae read by Mr. A. Orvis; secretary's report by Mr. W. Rogers; botb reporta were dnly adopted, and Chas. Mackey was elected audior for '97. Next business was rthe eleetion of a trus tee. Several of the ratepayers were nom inated, the resuit being tbe appoiritment of the ebsirman, Mr. Parkins. After at tending to ecore miacellaneonus business the meeting ardjonrned. The trustee board for '97 will now read R. R. Mow- bray, C, J 'Stevenson, Aaron Parkins. Mr. A. Holliday. our new teacher, took charge ou Mondav lest and things are said to tne runnrng ti a workmanlike style indeed. 'We trust Mr. Holliday wril meet wîthl exellent succe8fs in Our scbool. Rev. C'iislolm, of 1)unbarton, officiated here on Sabbath last. This rev. gentle- mari lias given different discourses bere before and alwaym pleasps the people witli bis efforts. whieb are both practocil an irntereauing. matimes the met caretul women are the icareiesa. Many % womao bundies ber-i rip, to keep cut aicknes-wben ehe is negf ing the vary woret stcknesu ihat cen come awoman. Sha allows a eliorht disorder to ome worse, ta ulowIy uap ber vitality. Tihe e pain aend tirs othar utight indication. of ble serem ta ber unimportant. ribe goe. on, b increasiug uuffering, until lite itef b. eq a drag. Nervousootis, '"sinkïng upells." estive distiorbances, and fifty otber compli- ina may arise from the derangement of the ans distneely feminine. Over thirty years ýtee- neal for a reliable reanedy for no-calied naltl complainte" was recolized by Dr. R. Pierce, thon, a-§ Dow, chief consulting pby- anr ta thre World'a Dixpeoaary and Invalide' ai.l at Buffalo. N Y. He peepared Dr. i'ce's Favorite Prescription, tire Most wn 'ully effective ramedy tbat bas ever been A for Bucir maladies. ;enJ 31 trente in one-cent stabmpi and ra- 'e Dr. Pierce'. 1008 puie "Coinncon Sense clical Ad viser," illuatrated. im A Geuerola Offs. f Publirked luy Requesi.) Dear Mr. Edilor.:-WilI yen kindly rý rm the readers oi your voluable paper tha' 1witl gladly serrd FREE toaeny sufferer freta Lnot Mauboad, Nervous Debility. Nigh Lcsses, Varicocete, ImpatanAcy and the rniauli of youtbful foily, particulars of a simple an( tiexpensive means of aelf.-cure wbich miter be tmg irumhugged sud iuuposed upon for year, by quacks and patent medicine sharks, curu me in a few weeks. 1 bave netbiug Io seli 0 give away, non am 1 adverticlig any pate neditne business, but avilI be pleffld te bes from amy suffereranons re fiud s cure for hi complaint. ta wbom I avil explan cOnfidel tially bow andi by wbat means i1avas ours 'lundreds bave b=encured thrcugb MY Ra uice. Ceu uothing te larw wat I paid but dreds cf dollars te fid out. Address cou Ientially sud encloue stamp il convenent. Toronto, Ont. D. G.rslde p.î Mn. Peter Yerke. o! PlarkbMi, abat bis fret et Entait fatally, mlsiakinir biSe for a bungli ~YNY-~COA positiveily COUQ1ISaçiCOl cattfec cértaiatz. trie4 arud trus, u@ili audsaht*litafroct 1UOOR Miss Ruddy le the guest of Miss Iva Card. Mr. Wesley Doble la spentding a few days in Toroàto.,'- The sliooting match, bere on Tues- day was a decided success. One of those pleasant events whicb are bound to occur took place on the -r6th Dec., at the residence of Mr. Jas. Page, Epsom, uncle of tbe bride, when Mr. John Scott, of our burg, and Miss Elisabeth Acton, youngest daughter of Mr. James Acton, Brock, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The presents to the bride were numerous and well selected, showing the high esteem in which the happy couple is held by their marry friends and ac- quaintances. They have our best wishes. BLACKBTOCKE No Man Knows.. fers inckigw constant aim bas b article possible fer * "REGAL P' e - for ceai or wciod, e - ment. T-ire desig 0 o! iis range are ii * previously ettetnr a .~~ARnru arge sud provideo TH£ JAMES SMART MFG. CO.. FOIE SALE of spirit a wo ith a bad sto been to furrtisi the use inter LiGE. mien su!-e ve. Our* the beste ded T;he* IO n adfis ve eofayting tead. The avens areo dn widrewounthrack oven dors li ed. wth e tiienoxr. videdwith enuine dupexg at u tk lsa aperfect and sure baker. Fully equipped with oven sirelf, tee pot sheif, footoven door trip, door hearth and extra large broîling or toasting door witb mica frame, madie witb four or six cookiurg holes. Send for descriptive catalogue. LTD.. - BROCKItvuu., ON. e e e e e WILLIAM BRYAN- & SON Dundas Street, Whitby. RAGLAN.Souver - -"Forget-me-not,» Miss Cors Courtice was pleasantly sur- prised on Satîurdiy evening last by a pro. sentation of a pures of a purs. of xnonoy, Scra.nton Coal and a nicely worded addresu for servces rendered ln the met.hodit church as or- "There is no better Anthracite Ceai ganiet for some yeara. The address read mined than tii." Never had and as ollows : Mins Cora Countice :-We, neyer cari have a superior among An- the undersigned, on behaif of thbe Sunday thaieCls achool and congregation of the metho- GRÂTE, disti church, ali you te aocept tbis purs. as a pantal compensation for your faith. GG fui services while our engamis. It le STO VE, given te show the respect antd est.em enw.O E NTT have for you. Wi.h this we, aak yen te accept Our bet wishes fr your con- makes dean, brigbt, qtiick, hot, tinued bappineeso and prosperity. Bd strong, cheerful ires. Meibourne, Joseph Harper, Ed 1H0eli-As onite iSftCaô fr ans purposes.) Threshlni Corul, enti the Report of Raglan sehool for the month Celebrated "Morris Run" Smltbiug CeaI. of Deceusber :-Sn. IV-Edith Rosa, Ar- Particucf. acre insscree'ssng and deivery. thur Ros, Flossie CurtÎs, Charlie S mnith. O F C - P O I È C R N C Jr. IV-Flosae Smitih, Angus Angle, OFC-POIECRNCE ALez Ormîston, Bannab Meffatt, John WHI1ÇEY, - ONTARIO. Rose, Violet Stanton. Jr. III-John Bray, Editîh Couch, May Bray, Charlie Onsstez, Luelia Streets, Frank Blanch- ard, Mand Harmon. Br. III-MarMaAa Haruden. II-Edns Dawson, Wilmer Harrison. Part Il-Agnes Moffatt, Clan. euce Harrison, Arthur Wilson, Helen P ain-K iller. Haruden, Austin Thompeon, Lizie Or- («Mm TDAVIs.) miston, Mlorley Rosa, May Martin. Sr; I Am aend sale Remedy ln everv case -lara Rome, John Martin, Morley Lake. and everyIlddof we COiàeW aI C Madden. Teacher. (Too kUe for las! issue.) P ain mK iller. -This le a ms etatement and Lt eaut bo Miss Noule Marlin, Pont Perry, la mmae tee atrong or toe empha"ic apending hon holidaysa atMn. W. L. It la a simple, sae andi qsulk cure for Ormiston. cramps, ceagis5 Jtheumatism, W. -are pleaod to see Mis Lrura Curtis CoiLo, CoRda, Nouuaigis, i- home again after an absence of two Diarrhtua5 Croup, TootIScJIS - -St*_&. -à TWO Sm.%S,2fc. adsud 0. - at t. rid s- sr. Mn. Bd. Sandçft and Mn. Geo. Noigh- tonton asuud fros Cleveland where tiuey ba&ve !Rn engaged lu the dairy business- ThY tihink there 's no place lik. Ontari. Quito a number flom here attended the Chrislmas ires ho Id iu mountilOarmel la" -week. 8.>me of the boys came home la*fe.ditb china babies, 'Wearesorry to report Mr. Foster iu very po« ftrbe.t.We hope hoeasy son b. anound *agai. The contest in the divii4 uendedt BrS. Neightente i ide being victoriens. The oytta rsupper wu. hsld çr Tousday evenng5 viie a l rge owd turne&,-out sud paeogk -pf* s aittptUOfi S UPPOe r o vidediby the lo.lngï- ade The weld's Xniaafafrhel lu n la lai> e *0v a ge mse. tv woadeIéfu lthe dispba ofpoulirys buitter,<- fat~ cattoie atd )Î:rs7 fuk, the attor- .amaslW org ue hwni* ershero sud.- NEW BUS LINE- W-MEETS ALL TRAINS. Fltirs: amommodation. Orders prompt' attended to. Canla at hotels, or emuctu S der lefi ai !4ewpart's livery or caulae, factor opposite pou: office. WM4. NEWPORT. Pro prdetor. Wbitby JuIay x, 5X46.-1 yr. rCApyNs TAk,4SY fitI A *ls *usi& i8I4.0-0Wa,. Growing Chýidren Onc.-thw dOf al the children die bef ore thcy arc f ivc ycars aid. Most of them die ai same wasting discasc. Thcy go vcry slowly; kccp th!n in fah arc fretfisi; faoddoa not dIO thcm mucli good. You can't say thcy have any disease, yet thcy never prasper. A slight cold, ar some stomach and bowel trouble takes thcm away ScOTT' EMULSION of Cod-liver 011 with Hypaphos- phites is just the remcdy for grmwin children. It makes ard u ; sundf lesh; not soit, flabby fatIt nuites strang bancs, hcalthy nerves. It changes, poor children 10 children rich in praspcrity. Book about it f=etfer the askin. W No subsitute for Scott's Einu- Sien avli do fortt -cChu=denwbat WC know Scott's Emulseu wWI do. GeL the genuine. Fror sait by ail drgghstsat 5Uc.and $i-O. sco-rT & uowwf, sen'vt, Ont That- Toot WOO. is Cauis- C - WsD, yd If ye onl nyry ied "Qkcretacbn oidso uoc.promnptly P to one application of 'Qulckcur." S The pain disappears almost immediately. Inflammation ia prompty checked and necd- lesa uffering avoided. " Quickcure " May be relied on as a certain cure for toothache. Sold by druggists or1 TheaQQlicri Co.pauy Mt. QuebsO, Cal. Q% . ..e.eeeee*e e e Dakota; Mr A Beacock, Herb Larmer, Toronto; Mr. and Miss Tabb, Mr. S. Hoar, Bowmanville; Mrs. C. Collier and son, Miss Preston, Mr. G. Deacon, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Luke, Columnbus; Mr. John Pollen, Cavan- ville; Mr. M. Prust, Port Perry. An oyster supper was given by the A. 0. F. to the members of the lodge andt a few outsiders. 2 1 13-r ITY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It on Irug- 6 fLr bitte aud and oue n of ý oar, LAso ýND )A.

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