32 ~ 011 .rcut...e-.~. - -s -~ - -.~c-~?hV>i~~ - ' us-a.'-' ~ c-. -- -- wm- -S~-i-- -cf 1' 1011 Cail Rely goods in the market- Our Dispensing and Coii pounding is alway8 accura and correct. FINEST NORWEGIAN COD LI'ER 50 Cents 'Per Pînt! O' J. E.WILLIS, CHEMIST & DRUGGI MEDICAL .:HALL, BROOK ST., WHITJ «,4 ~t4£r8nitc. WII I B Y, JAN. 8y 18 Political NoteJ1. ý..r lJoseph Ilickson, formrely gen niail.agrr of the Grand Trunk Railway, Il.i. ho. McGrevy, ex-M. P. for Qui W\est. are cead.-The Globe on Mot auîîaîiuçed an eafly session of parliamet eîiable the govertimeul to announce ils f polit v anîd thus relieve tht suspenuse oft ne-,s men and manufacturera -Tht arîo, Legisialure meels Feb. zoîli. Local Uptioti 8antal.Ud. Tie peopîle of Pickering have neyer îîsdan op;îorturftV lu vole fur prohibi 1,i p roîvo kng t rick thal moue)', las %%hiskey ccsuld work upon tbem bas1' mtiie s th the' same rebu 1. Tht grat townshîip) iathtelDominion la determine 1-ave a clear record on tht lîquor ques, and at everv opportuniily Ihat tht cour las .wyiuld shlow has struck it a deaîtht Whienever îhey have heen asked ta rept tenîtpersfl(e law it bas been tht same. Btîlhere is alwaya some meaus fé sonie o1îhole, îhrough which tht intoxi i. retsoredt li îe.\Vote aller vole is t la kîil t, but our laws appeartofurnish splendid facilities for their owu nuliifica wlien monts ta brouglit lu bear, that1 lias neyer been atîy end ta the voting. îween the polilician-s. the judges, the lap :îiîi the spondulix, whiskey mariages tc luil swing, vote or no vole. Pckeringt -.hip is. bui.id lstamp it out, if il 15k hînffied imnes li du iu 1here are se'.cn hîtels seeking licer 1'ckermig, vihich aI a low average of $5 pt day wuuld take tin nearl) $i i,ooî AlA.iunî The vote is over sud argu m 1! di- O'gonad nos,, but will auy p p litIiioUl t-.ils whal retittitht Pick îii e tt for ihat squauder. Not on 9-xI, bt inîesimable harm ? Thei yeîui e of the l'etile forces them ta rec( thi, faci, and toa 51. upon it. Our rliit w îh tonI> giveune-hors lawslto1 %vsllskev, btI ur Pirkeî'lng irieuds lii l oui sach strengtli as îhey catin -' i .îflile îlis e% il After Tht Battit. [1-e ie\%town Cî.uticl muiets next NU ti't .îw bas ig clîarged iii ti-is ulaiter Tlhe .-,w Nse tcame out e-yen. A ow iii ,guI i( i itIli itere a tarmnini h ý ilicît fruis se slial know 1 fui bt-gan tw ripcn aid faNl as s l'i keritig lu .d ont' of the hottest fig iu-.urvini &ecig fur reesues stîd iiz the local uuilnliquestion. Aiu aluildaîice uf figures and oth hers re- hwve the capital, tht bulsiness abiliîy, andt Horses,-T. & J. Harkness will buy herses .. i k a t h .- r a ili iîe s f oir a rrv in g a n im m e n se 1i -. .. - ý -, - n...... n .... v T .... .Ath - t1' r i_'- uthîe municl iai eIectioiis wil oe ail ----' - tu[- -d- - .1 - i jý,jp( r dii,-en paes f hisisse. business. AIl that is required is better M "uti u iltteetu pags aibi isue. methotis of drawîig trade. 11, (') i,,os u stui a îuos er in towli politica, whîu ti aie lssi cîiîung dowri 10 ils levirl. Un- Tht Oouniy Counoil.lb hîîs î, - e-ver. the ' os ta not a shît ai ri ut'> ci.i.Ltd respectlable'than i vrPickerinig Division-Gerow, Johasten. Ci i&A Whitby Kinîg, Qà lder. hg A eiou1 i nauli opponents of the' cow wert Onitario " Caulîbard, McGregcr. I.,-) reruu.ub ticinle out and vote on Mon- Scugog 4 Christie Carnegie- Highlandis « Webster, Dowsweil. da%, aînd inos- li a sear or Iso mort they Brock Umpitrey, Glenduinulng. c ail bave bo carry ibeir skiats occasioaaly Simcoe *Gillespie, Brooinfieid. hîilst raniping tbîeîugb a bogua barnyard. Teeae if-Gilau i Tre i A gîodtuîtî voeraapparo hve iidr-tht new counîy council. If thinga fellcw1 stioij thal etecu ors woutd be able lu cast ttntawcus brewl ea oyWr votes for one canididate for ather officers be-tien, as the veaker party usually wina. t tuhsle cauîîîy couricil. Many ballots for Thev caucus, sud îhey bind their honor iceve and deput> h.îd 10 be relecleti because with solema pletiges, but titat îs all'I Ilue electors marked two crosses for onte amnounts te. The voting is by ballot, auâ candi1date. tht ballot was invented inl order that men Men af gooti reputatiotis eagerly seek muight talk ue way anti vote anoether. pîositionas here îhey may zeaiously serve tht No carididate lu the ce>înty madIe a moret public for nothiug, andt hen, aller losîug aurpriaing run titan Hou. J. H. Long for thet their gooti namne through tht vilifying tend- County Ceutici. Having been eut cf muni- encies af municipal politica, gel kicked out cipal poUlies for years, ho had te make a in disgrace, anti have the mortification of seeing shaliow but cunng tricksîers electeti uew slart lu 1hi5 canmpsigti, altiteugit by ne to the places of hoor la upset ail tht gooti means nov tu cotrrîty matters. Ht did net that bas been done? go outaitie the towu te cauvasa, and duriug i Ibhe last few tIays of tht campalgu vas lu the Tlîýr' was a pretty fight in tht north ward United Stat.His friend itImt suppose bel weea Messrs. Henry anti Brown as te Ibat bis chances vert as good- as the ballot which wouit camle ouà at tht foot cf the polI. sbowetd, antI titI ot (tel that hope of vin- Eachhat sttet pulicy Iht i hocouti ot ing which Inspires doubtfül electors te ralîy down he osther pb l l av l le îou.lu oround ià man. Mr. Leng's excellent record tht endi honora were een. Henry g et the ozt ouiotgte îi h more votes, but Brown camne in ai h foot cf good poiicy lu county affairsevitictha »lias tht lual. We Joat some weeti wagerîng cigars sîwaysavctd oo inheforada ta hywudcoete e.strenger campaîgu mightt eusilv have placed that hey ouiti out ven.hlm lu tht ItatI for a tvo-vear terun. We Wbat musI Ibis town have thought of ils congratulate Mri Long on bis excellent MuI. new officers aud their outrageous conducl at tht close of Monday's polllng? Every bod- ~ brtsoeiety lum anti bum in tevu vas there to cheer Tht firet rehearsai. cf tise-thora huuclty tem ou 10 uslng the meut vehemit langu- Wedu",dy nigistu mw ev h active' maemiser- age, andtut blows if possible. *Every dotent ,hpicresdt ffyd-~peeonaof citizen tumg biietead Inlusanme 'sn u te hpiçcsdtoff>.Ixtm 8 home,,aud no venter. Ont tovwasooselz- plessittieahue cbeezftd applarsagües of the cd witit a moral spast .n six yesrs ago, sudnd f(%OWi vert e ; ..Tiose wiso kMvw it thank hoaveri, üusaffira have been stralgit- nderearleW conîditions isrd&y tsmpeguiued ened evtn if vo relapse ilote tht bane '« -ftise oomt7rtabkPl=ainit-3a > «Mrsu obmg titose vite sek office lu enter tint tbey may. ~tni 0ialasdëelý« n'! -rtap honora titey conki neyersecare by e tmae -utjs#5IS"iIyr~ merit. Thlnga dnlft and ve Io nnot ets gffée e tic t tà "oïsby -be It, untîl kIa kes a big waett te carry aion4>£t. bsci. We are nov aifoat. Ont>', divet <an u h paé t tella in at dretion. ofmýuI 4 ,ht Iêe< Mr. Chais., tClig bas --*MI ahi>' tbW Mayor Rutl.tge otSIXy in ill ter 1IiA44 baé touas finncs on tiit.t ptuient 'halls. NaIt wrdc of kit ~b cf il à ct~>e>dmp~ Àà - Mr W. byJ. 2swrenomil cerk, tan.agan ceen transferred, lrom Whiîby to tte Toronto andi Loruvilie rtfn. Hie successor la Mesgrs. Paul Gordion. Lucknow, anti ColEn Campel, Wingham, spert Sunlay cire, and went away again Monday merning. Mr. Jas. Tait,' cx-M.P.P., well known to riany of our readers bas been appoiriied :Ierk cf tht Surregate Court, York county. 4à per ce 1 bns madIe on wèll improved farma. W!g. with stamp tucloseti or wAli on ittynolas, Sutýf & Ce., 124 Victoria St., o ro n to . 41 Prof. Ehlis, cf tht northwest warti, fired tht college cannon ai rnidnlgbt on NeFw Years eve. It sheois ai the looat windows lu town, and caused msny reports about another eartitquake. By s chaig. lu tht Municipal Act muade ai ant seslW f Legislature, ceucls mee for erç4aalzaton ou tht second, iustesd cf tht thîrd Monday in January, vitici t tis year wili he Mcnday ntat. z ah, ai xc a-m. Pe rsout concerned should .govern uhemuel- ves accordlngly. ; Rev. M.,Gould reurled frein t tbe urth- west ou MondsY uight 14. basspent nine, unontha lu baptîst mission work- at Medicine FMat, N. W. T., whkb la about 2moc at of tht Rocky Mountalbs ou tt C. P, R. Medicint ha t la the. junâction cf be C. .R. sud tht Lethbridge hrancb, whkhb latter lu te be scon txted dthtuuighe i.cro*'s Nuit Pas. te htgolI.ouutry.- -14e. ït bas about xsoo popl »in sd 'hrW' country arcund tbtrt ls deÎotedto ran<iisiug, thougi tbat leof business eould-beexteQ. e t ubre U hundrisd old, Tse to*tî la bat onii she notitbranci of -the SsothswattI w ( c e t ri s it se ra ty o * e r. ta plxfor & prpu . llà e s *Y hlomEf f. Stook -taking For Al. lLpZ#i5d!!JO ar No .xe l hitliy jbWit Ile'gopedel l oftyset îir t >sefrau le tent. ey léd the wuter,-a v e"ypetybM thet wo leadlng commi'ttees in cSuacil for Thele nimber of memibers able to reAd _while m« twV6. 'ueroly .81W geste 1i eY i or aIndlvlduafor couacil were elther returned by aclamatIon, the W17, 50 pleaMing te lMr Eharin, as he or re-clected by a triumpbant vote. After sald ln some compliureutary remarks at the. M-ail their work tbey have the humulliatlen cf close, in 'whbich the sovety at is firat et- e elus thenmelveadiscardsden&uy ~ta~a~d~ rather difficuit music of ef wem astn (om ht oilte ugà e ~ the p ce. Tongh this la highly fiatterlng' bergardon oxercise. lMr. King, alter s> oi ttmsia culeetlc h ajr beycr fal ndhns ie a d lty, yet one of the jrlmary objectaecf the manyy crs c abe anI butai'P1' ~ socety ls net te be eost slgbt of, for cern- te get bis mnaoity outaide. the toi%* Art' r mencing wîtli the next practice the firat aIl the pralse bestowed upon the inayor, we *bau heur, (rom 7.30 te 8K is to bc devoted to doubt net that be would bave bots laid iow instruction in the rudiments of the art by if ayboy bil ppoed hm. n ai adesblackboard illustration, etc., of notes, L. me ol have vedwt each otbr i signaexpressioni marks and other musical singing bis pralses, andI would have run t hcncltis otat the verlest novice over thetotp ef each other In their hurry t0 possesatd of au car for music, a volet, and gelte the polil l bit hlm In the nock. This the willingnesa to learu, may profit by the is an abeminable practice wblch is too ceni instructiop whicb se accemplished an ar- mon in ihis town. We ail reniember whaî tint and experienced a teacher as 'Mr Marri happened Mtr. A. M. Rosa. wbo la perbaps son will give. It la desirable tat thia the most useful andI systematie municipal should tic as generally knowu as possible, mani the town bas witbin ils borders. la 1: for there ta an ides abroad that the Society any wonder that men whe have any sense oi la ouly for tbost knôwii te bc singera. Such honor and pride refuse to go into our coun ýs a total miscenceptiou of the object in es- ST, cils with good reputations, to serve abiy tablishing this musical enterprist. To a without reward. and get kicked out cevered large citent it la to discover and educate wtth obloquy and disgrace ? For six yoars musical talent. Two especialI y practical our towvn politica have becri mont ably and Illustrations of ibis were afforded Wednes B.creditably conducted ; but a period or Moral da7 night. A lady who thought site had B .decadence bas set i, andI to talk about neititer a musical ear or a voice capable of -honesty maires people suspect ont of insanitý development was extrernely gratified upon if they think he means it. People are look- learning that site had bot. Ste ia a teach- ing for men who can cajole andi deceive and er in one of our public achools lu which ie 10 themn. A candidate who runa hhk under the regulations Roing jute effeet the campign pen nd aoveboard isn, present tenu il is necessary to teacit the camp'gn penantiaboe inul:children the rudimentary formi of vocal smar" enough for them. Thev .nul music. The other case was that of a voung him or lie 10 himn if he openly aaka theit man, recently corne to Wbitby, who was in- - support on bis record, and ini the towfl s dnced by an enthusiastic musical frienti interests. bere to corne and let Mr Harrison tiv bis 97- Though usualiy well.inlormed, Mr. John voice. Whal was bis delight to bc made aware of possessitig, not onîy an car for - __Ferguson is far from correct in his vifws se music, but a tenor voice of great sweetriess to the nightwatchmati. He, in a speech andI very considerable cempass. When the Mondy nght agin ook xcetio tooutreal menit of the advantages which the se rieral Mnangt xeto ou ciet provides for mnsically disposed peo- statmen tht th niht atchan s pid pe cmesbetter known, the rnemhership ,adby tht business men, but we are right. The will increase probably three.fold There ig ,ebec amount la raised in the saine mariner as if ample accommodation for that mariy or nd the t o tet@ýikig trqie more in the commodious root which bas nl, to petillon signed by îwothirds of those resid Wtitby (rom e suTesa of thutciet i fiscal i rg in the ares of his rounds in ord er to gel htyfottl uceto h oit ç bus- he ev lealzed ad te ounilbaseh h so apparent as to, warrant thte xpectation of Out- ea tht v e in edspod Ib aetiounute ase this being realized. That the townspeople Ont yer atet ir repone b peitin, ht ameare net se awaketotetheir opportanities ini .s in done in regard to street wattring. Aà Ibis matter as those living outaide tht nobody tise but tht business men la con limita of Wbitby was evidenced in the cerneti in these matters il ln scarctly worth presence af this initial meeting of three whiie 10 make speeches about them to, ibe différent parties of youug people who had ryet w boit town. Howe ver, there la ont aspect <riven over the rougrh roada on a colti win. ito.of tht malter wbich' do"a conctin the ter nigbî distances varying from Ibreetot vadw hoie town. Tht fire insurance comparue> six miles. To the end that tht fee of $i foi *adhave demnarded that two firemen bc kept ln the termn of weekly practices till tht end of ýett thet rehall ail night, who aah always keep May may be furtiter reduced, wbere more ,deat tht waler hot ini tht engint. For this serv- tban ont person from a famnily joins. the ýedi te ice tht wholt town wouid have 10 psy $6oo additional members will bic chargeti only per annum, or else sufer an aggregatt i-5o cents. Next Wednesday night sitould 111011, crease in insurance which would amount tc, set tht Society a hundrcd strong. ntry's probabiy $1200. Tht council bas manageti blow. to put this off se fai by haviug a watcbman, LclOto os )eal a paiti by the business men, but there wii nouéclopInNt longer be anv hope ot avoiding it if Mr Tht majerity la Pickerrig lant lime wa ound, Fergusen succeedo in getting the watchman 64, tbis ytar58 icant wihdrawn. If any other persena besides- taktn Mr. Fergusen believe we are wrong Ici Ariother vote cannot be taken for titree 1Sucih îhem visil tht clerk's office and set the facta. ytars, se the question willi have a rest. Tht 511011, or let tbemn consult tht town insurance ettlime tht temperance party will* pro there agents. babiy look aller their votera' lista better. .Be-_________ ,wyers Tht antis claimeti they had the best of i D have Whtbi Rollida rad '-y î2o in making up tht township votrs tuf TkCROILelsie dteaan rmlista lasti la sliat ofl8o appeals on behal ks tht business men of Whitby that tht bolida> of tht temperance element being thrown ou ýnst in trade ia îowa ibis year waa belter than il by the judge because of being illegally enter 5 each has been tor soene ime. This good reaui t d. JO pe of tht very liberal advertising which waaý There carinol be much bebind thetli lument )erson dont in ils celumna, bad a solidi basis upon that tht people did nol underatand tht ha kerng splendid stocka and tht reputation for hon lot, as thte antis got malorities ai Pickerir ,ny no0 est deahing characteristic of Whitby mer- village, Liverpool and tht two Broughai intelli- chanta. Those wbo were attractedti 10 owri divisions. as they expecteti, andi the vot :ognixe found ne trouble in selecting purchases, 'ame oSt at tht other places as it hati bee parla- and secureti whst thcy wanted at the right sizeti up by the oplionites. attack Prices. Wbithy is nu shuddy town, a faci neyer wh-ch is lully understood throughout this get lu section of country. People know Ibis very Whtby Town Locale. weli, andi have net the slightest fear in tak- Mr. Sam. Jonies wss out St Salemn on Sui ing any mercbanl's word as t0 tht value o1 day lasI. qaality of bis wsres We believe thal if al our business men would follow the tacîlca îoo horsts wanted. Sec T. and J. Har' of tht departmental stores in Toronto la ad- lits local elsewhere. vertisiîîg Ibeir prices and tht apeciai valut Jno Hamilton and Pardo Tanner, Toroni onday, ofîbheir gooda, the public wouid in many were here New Years. r. cases be turneti lrom making trips 10 Tor- Miss Downey. Oswego, is -bere visîtis ciiw.lt onto-an -1_uldI...onth.ir m--y Ore. %r. a-iLMrs.J.UH. Dwney. Gents' 99J. U F-r r Children'5 linderwear at 15 cents and 20 cents each. Ladies' 20cnAn-l OK tzsrn s,u. Gents' d 2c, e~ue', 0,,, --£VfDý-- Best Quality Wide Width Flanflelette, only 7 cents per yard. Ail Linen Checked Glass Towelliiig, at 5c. and 7c. per yard. - -1 rl___ Intn. g4-in. wide, only 5c. per yard. Good Heavy Tweed Pants, ail sizes, $1.25 per pair. Chilclren's Plush Caps, a few left, 10 cents each. Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. and 35c. each. Men's Unlaundred Shirts, to clear, 40 ets. each. Men's Canbric Shirts, to clear, 50 cents each. Chenille Table Spreads, good size, only 75 cts. eacb. Large iRoll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 13 cts. each. Floor OiI-cloth, good quality, choice patterns, 25c. per square yard. Good assortinent Ladies' nfantles and Gents' Ijisters. Also Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Our' Tailoriflg Departrnent is under the managemnent of a first-class cuttor, and good Suit, and fit guaranteed, is $10 and upwards. and we will convince you are prices are right. ANDRE me ROS our prices for Give us a cali 1' Fancy China. ÂLarge Stock of"«O Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Groceries. Always :.- eliab le. AT GII3SON'Sa ghlera te lime. andi Alloway climbeti upor 1e top of a sagecoach, an ti ro mi this perch threw a bottie of whiskey, bilting a mari iamed Tosseil in the lace andi renderiug him insensible. Aiioway was commiîted fort risl by Magistrale Eliott, anI wlll be sen- tenced aI Toronto as soon as tht extent of rse'ainjuries bas deveieped. Wben bhey gel îhrougb wilh Ahlowav at Toronto be will be brougbt here for trial for sîealing1 Gortuan's herse, aud ti tht meantirue Higb Constable Calveriey went te Pickering on Nionday sud brought yeung Shepparti here to jail, wberè we presumne he will be of more service t0 tht crown as a witness titan as a prisener. Alioway la anether ot the victima osf tht liquor habit, snd no doubt Ibis speciai lUre of product will grow scarcer, ucw thal it ia regarded as s settieti thing thai liquor will nevermore be soid in Pickering except in op- position te tht will cf the majority. Sons cf Scotland, Tht newly tiected officcra of Roderick Dhu camp will be installed at the meeting titis eveuirig. Tht Grand S;ecretary is ex- pectd te act as înstalling officer. Chlamp Printlng andl Clubbiag. Tht CRONICLE dots the cheapest print- ing and cifers the lowest clubbiug prices cf any paper lu Canada. Cail ait tis office wheu yen want uewspapers or prlntiiig. SomnsNewape Suapa. $i. Tht Weokly Sun, (Farmers' SunI. 8 pages. chîtfly coutrolîtd sud edited by Prof. Goldwin Smnîit, sud 'Fa CROONIcLE, R pages ci county nom, la ait 1,6 pages wtekly, for $z to Jan. , ig8 $z.25. The Weekly'CGlobe. 16 pags of geea news woekly, snd TiiE CHRtONicLE, 8 pages of Ulaclcw we ,to Jan. z, i8g6, for #1.2&. S-The. Saturday Mail-EmpITire-24 pages illustrattd, tteWeekll aIEile#- T'un CitRoNîcLE, foMa ytartthepriceof lb. S=trday ml tu. $atb he t«OutD dalty Wll d-aidtE CB1à ONtc1,.E*2b75 P"'* luff thtse pr. sýé ot brilerplate sheets prinited tyrpe tà undriO - jIld palsied..of -6ù tht public, s uewepaptJS. t à Wm aRinen. f raord l is in- SatChest.er Power'fs. Charles Aiford has 'been appointed trustee. Could riet gel a better one. The achool board has bought a cea stove te use instead of a wood steve. Pearl moGill sud A Bond, Oshawa, were among frienda here ou Suuday. A very pretty wedding took place on Weduesday af ternoon st the home of 1fr S Bartier, maple Grove, when his second daughter, misa Polly Barker, sud mr. J A Thotupacn, one of Ocihawa's wtt! known unorchantz, waeo the contractiug parties. The Rev. Dr. isarvin. tied the nuptial kuot. xiss Lilly Barker acteci as brides- ruaid while ar. Johusien, night eperator ab Darlington, supported the groom. The bride looked very protty. White carnations were the ouly crnamentis wern. Afiier thse ceremcuy abvut 70 invitedl gueat.s set dowu so wei! ladentd tables. Âfte* thbe bonemoon, wlxioh in beiug spont in Tesonto, xr. and mtI Thovupuon wJi taise up their resiclence on Simet St nortis, Oshawa. annuel, scicol seu house la meeting', vel e est tttilted iii compact Party, Rosa ver Ur meeting belt'inletht Wick swéé.k. lîvas an 1day ,w4itg zfntîni aa to finish.1 se TO SUE IS TO BELILVE CaU --..ge WM. TILL and be convinced titat an Elegant liue of FURNI TURE -ÀAND- UPHOL8TERED 00008 is being sold tIa wsy down prices 10 keep in toucit with tht HARD TIMBS. Antique Oak Leather'Seat Cobler Rocker - - $2 25 Antique Oak Plush Rocker - -3 00 Gents large uphoistered as y Chair -10o Parlor Sets., Oak, Pluat & Tapestry le 00 Sideboards, Plate Mirror - - 6 oo Bedroom Seta, 3 pieces - - - 10 00 Dining Table, 4 Itaves - - 5 00 Ctildreu's Rockers - - - 50 Ahl otiter gooda pro- pertionally cteap! Everything suitable, u.seful and oruamental. Repairing, Upitoister- ing andI Uudertaking. WM. TI LL9 WHITBY. -GR ADUATE- 0OF- TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. 9 ~Pupil of 1Mr., Mdward Fisher. Teacher et Pianefort.--' For terme, etc., apply at residen ce-, Whitby, Aut. 27, '99. COVNTY BUII.DIziS. Qor-don lHeWdrmMD L. R. C. P. EDINR URGH, Phy8ician, Surgeon d- Accoucher. Office and Residence N6rth End of Te TERRÂOU, ETRON Sti, offies Hours: 10 a.m. 0$ and 8 Lo lOpi 10Telepboue Conlunnlatioa with once. ARter N1ew Yeers. BEoaduIoggfo tvo. !'Rooma e lt, sitale '-r. stU4ets -uiet borne. Appi>' ett ifice. Wbithv, Dec. a-ti, xggo LOCÂL LJAN. O JÙust rectuved ioo00pieces n G Walters. Listen11 Dont buy sa set Ja-ke Mclntyre. Mr. D, Whitney, Port Pce on Monday ta vote. Mr. Jno mcCuilough, lat diug store, was in lown Mor Tht criminal justice audi Ibis weck ; aise the cauritys. Mr. Frank' Brvan, of th Sunday anti Morday witb fi Ladies' jackets worth $. on Saîurdsy, bargain day WValters.' Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Fltt tht latter a daugter of Mi tewn, are bere 'visitiag. Mr. John McCulloueb. lai bas gone to Ontario Basin. ltvilUe, te takre a course shorthanti. Sonie forty assembletia Mr. and Mrs. John Hallel faim, last Wednesday le sgt of their youngest dan, te Mr. Wm. Giles. a youî fariner of Bronle, Ont. TI ning perlormeti the ceremo misa Coates, of Toronto, while Mr. John Hallett, jr man. Asembly. Tht gentlemen of Whit stmbly- in the music hall ing, the i4th. Speech by Hon. jobbn Dryden Posters wtie put upv ing a non-partizan atidre-s Dryden ou local parliamne the music' haillitere. on Mr. Drydien visiteti Brock snd addrtased tht Dai Leeds. Separate Sehool Tinstee-s The separate school t re-elected as followa :-' Moore, centre ward. J, ward, J..til. Long. As 1 airous of retirnng as the i town achocti board Col to be electtd0tethat posi Oh for Manitoba and E Sec - E. Stevensen, tiéketà ior England. S ish Columbia, Manilo United States andI Ca wbée, tverywbcre, by- Rates guaranteed nigh * frein Pickering, Teroul and Whitbyr. Wrile Whitby, before 1ravelliri ton biut ocean anti stea jara. Warens Reminis oni another page wt tien of mrm.Clarissa Ogminisd~ences of lte os dulaud viciMtY. Th a living person whose me ie eariy days, or Can gaialydescribe t of the old days of bord We know far tico uttle or raders no deubt, efforts masdt by Dr.G others te rereai (acta woWsd eberwise accou lm tteo urcouniry'a ne 1tAhOgsoaf Deatb ErsTot R RONICL #~~ ry oice cf tht lam tume inuasplit that I Yet allow met *0xwgb vot matelal, id- att a talle record. ý ew Ut Ak ai 'g lm )t ,eti k. no, rig ve an utis ailf hat gai . day om Note the Following Low iPrices: Children's Hleavy AIl Wool Hose, 15 cents per pair. fi 20 cents per pair. 64 11; dr.pnts ner Dair. Ladies' 0A cents and Zà cenu eucu. ar- Qat, -Me- 45o each. Ladies' Thank-s q:mani e-rs for theïr ai words and practil aurinig the y e; i past, lu 1h'.j7 i, bu relaxed to maj of \Vatchus ai i thoroulIxaura taste, tiie :i prîce sliall mer tîniuancc and iii. of the patronange IV bestowedeltrU t: 1897 prive a Prosperous tOmewiaiCounty orgaIL-LBI tUon of any local PapT i