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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 2

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W H. Woerd. Almost a Hopeless Case, A Terrible Oough. No Reat Night nor Day. Given uip by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED 13Y TA.KIG CHERRY AYER'S PECTORAL "Several years ago. I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough that allowed nme no rest, eiher day or nlght. The doc- tora mter worklng over me to the best of thir abillty, pronotinced my case hopeles%. and sald they couild do no miore for me. A friend, learning of niy trouible, sent me a bottle of Ayer3 Cherry Pectoral. whlch I began to take. and very soon 1 was greatly relieved. By the tlme 1 had used the %hlole bortie, 1 ws.s completely cured. 1 have neyer bad much of a cough since that lime. and I ilrmiy belleve that Ayer'3 Cherry Pectoral sarN niy lf -.IL WAB.D 5Qulnby .Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWAROS AT WORLD'S FAIR. iqver'a PsU.. h Rost Fuait&# Phve4. OORRESPONDENOE Epsom The contract fur taking care of the metbodîst cburch bas been let to Mr. John Carruilbers. With no couniter attractions, Epsom division of tbe Sons of Temperance ha, prospcred rfnmcnsely1. From the nigbit aboujt four or five y'cars ago) wlien a few perscvering persons form- cdl a neuclils. tbe societN bas steadily grown until now its miembersnip num bers soineîbîng over one bundred. Tic contt'st P, <ertaînly a good nicanS olt diinng inîînhers. l)uring the 4qjî'a 1er hefgi n nfl in 'nJ uly and end îng ifii'cehr tbîrtv-one candidates appqlied aind wcre admitted totbe lodge. d' lIelIIit>rs. Nlany of these were far t ro )ifrieinl] v 10 temperance 'work 's lieni thv division was organized. but tlle 1l)(ilge bas raduaIly gained in pop- til.iriîv u intul m of the available îîiîîr ltbe comnir.-IY are rnem- beir-, t b at inlStitution. The need in teiii<ran ew<îrk to-diay is the edaca- ti Iratelîayers to a standard wbere 111c\ wîll voit' for and bep to enforce 'r di lbit n bcause tbcv believe sucb a 1lrlaui nec bencliu îal to the interests of idswcllarc, This is the work of C"isof Teniperance and kidred '> i e.and well-wîsbers of tbe com- iii iii t>- w il!lic glad 10 see the înterest i ,1 n the' division. It is boped tuait somne tiactical work will be done, il, tilt shape <>f canvassîng and tbe dis- îî butiuin if temperance literature, clîicthe plebiscite carnpaign. The liill uîestion is again being agitated. Thi' utnie it is boped tbat some defin- ilv' stcp)s wîll be taken and resuit in thi crction of a fiee commodîous buuilding for thbeLuse of tbe 'various so- iue in our rnidst. Tbe S. of T. are it w a strong body and should be affle to aiuncb oui for tbemselves. Witb ite free site and $ioo subscribed, a srtcould surely be made. The bovs (-)(11(1 easily manage the getting out of thc timbers and tbe bauling of lumber our brick. Co-operation and energy, BazCHIN Miss Katue Murra>' bas returrued homo froun Toronto, whoroe he has been spend- ing ber hoidaya. Mr. Samuel Kennedy. of Uibridge, is the guest of hie brother Edvard, Main Street. . Mn. Fred 'Bennett vent ta Muskoka wi&h horses last week. Mn. Thos. Kebos bas bought Mn. John Oook's bouse on Main stireet for 4550. Mr. Mat. MaDonnel, vho bas béën visting Mr. MéConnell, vont tb antÀs- ville on Thurada>'. Natwltbatantiing tbe rein »nd bad:wo.4a on eleetion _daynesrx<.vrerrbody &7 onttomak toi -iUt, orth bunti and township ounil. M*mr.s. »roora- field. *,na F. ÎJ, . (*ie $.ameleoord for ceunI>' couneil: Dunean:- %qPbW f or' de yt>'reeve; busl ','(';én1ONbe Jh e n 3' Nwàotell'. e a ri> t i>. loi'~youé i htxaâ*&Anr Bau., lime,- who wuhwugbt befoe P. J. GU ieapleo M, MoGt*lla "d P. MiRat, 3.Pla, Thura d ateru o epd itb tukng a lima ehoke w" oh *han, and othha trickete frira a g belonglng tb 2. uf fey. The plaintifse namte waa forged on the bsok of the check ».d tb. Mon.>' drawn. The chain wua lr%îed and pro- dnced in court; witneu bellsved is to b. the same chain. It wu taken from a camp in Parry Soland district luat Joue. H. M. Roach for plaintiff; A. J. Reid for dofondent. Muoh sympathy is felt for the parenté of Santimno, as the>' are ver>' respectable. Màr. John MoCraig, genoral black- Smith, of thisi place, had his oldeat son (aged abont Il years) serionsly injnred on Weduesday by fal ling from a&stable loft acroos Lhe manger, Wheu picked nu lie was unoonscious and remnained 96 for two days. HoRe i iproving elowiy. Dr. Gilpin received a check on New lears day for one bnndred dollars, a praze takon at Philadelphîs exhibition for the six largest oniona in Ameriea. The smalleut rneassred 22 inches around and the six weighod ovor 22 Ihe;. The Dr. is a skiliful Izardoner and equally as succeas- fuI a pbysicîan. MUNYONO HONESI PEOPLE TESTIFY. Stiong Staternents In favo of HI: Im- Facts That Cannot be Oenied The Experieuce of Thoso Who Rave Been Cuned Proves that the Most Ob- tiuate Forms of Rhenmatism, Cat- arrh, Dyspepsia, Kidue>' Complaints and Blood sud Nervous Diseassare Prompti>' sud penmancntly Cured b>' M uuyou'm Guide ta Hoalth. Seect a 25 Cent Remedy aud Cure Yourself. MR R CROSBY, employed for s num- bon o! years on thbe Evouing Telegram, Torunto, aya :-*"1 suffered for yes frorn that terrible diseaso dyspepsia. and vas sa bad at imes tha& my stomacbhed to bu vashed ont in ordor ta get relief. 1 vas coustautl> under the treatument o! pbys-cians, but did not get botter until I began ustug Mnnyo'u's Remedios. The second dose gave me reiof, sud I arn nov feeling atronger aud botter in ever> va>'. I have no hesitaucy in reoommending the rernedy for dyspeptia. A fev doses o! Muuyou's Whooping Cough Cure also cured my littie child o! a severe cane of that diseaée." Munyon's Rheurnstism Cure aeldom faiis ta relieve iunue to tbree hours, sud cures in a few days Price 26o. Munyou's Dyspepsis Cure positivel>' cures ail formis o! Indigestion and stom ach trouhle. Pnico, 2i5c. Munyou's Cold Cure preveuts pneu- mmanad breaks up a cold in a fsw bonne. 15xioe, 25c. Munyou'e Cough cure stops cougha, uight sweats, alinys @ùreneos, aud speod' il>'. heals thbe lune. Priee, 25c. Muuyon's Kidne>' Cure speedil>' cures pains in the back, bains or groins sud al forme o! kidney' disease. Price, 25c. Munyou's Hoadache Cure stops head- ache in three minutes. Pnice, 25c. Mnnyon's Pile Ointment pouitivel>' cures ail forme of piles. Price, 25e. Munyou's Bload Cure eradicatos ail impunities ot the blood. Price, 25c. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to aIl vomen. Muuyou's Asthma, Remedios relieve in 8 minutes sud cure permanentîly. Price, sil. Mnvno's Catarrb Remedies neyer fail. The Catusrrh Cure-pnico 25c.--eradicates the disesie fromn the systena, sud the Ca- tarnb Tabieuus-prioe 25c.-eleacse sud heal the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure us a wouderful nerve tonie. Pries, 25c. Munyou's Vitalizer restores bat vigon Price, $1. A separate cure for eacb diseso. At aII druggista, mosti>' 2r a Vial. Persanal lettons toa rof.Maonyou, il aud 13 Albert et., Toronto, answered vith free medical advice for au>' diseas. ua- limai- m~ i Break Up a Cold in Time SV USINQ PYNY- PECTORAL Thse Quick Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CIZOUF, BRON- CH1TLt, BOARZSENEff, etc. Mas. Josres NaevuaicK. of oui Soraui en Ave., Toronto, writes: bvi?'tas bnpmver £ailed to curs ny Z of eur.n up aflor a tgv dme.. ft *u'rd iSmy om e sd lleut.1 LB rove anexcclunt couh cm'reor uaq f.typ"rIt to aau tt., Medicine f or cougat. croup or huuareunemL - H. 0. Bsssoes, of Little Rocher, N.B., write,: 'As acars fer cuugtis Pr-peteale thý eg a el lwmrdidne 1nbve; My eta- ta~nm vii have ne eUîo.» Lafrge 1Bottie,2U Cta DAVIS, & LAWRENCE CO, Lvii. PrOpnleOrsMONTaai I M[arryThis GIÉ,. Bomobody!1 I have been reading in your papor about several mon sud vomen liaI havp been very sucesaful elùgal]etu fast irons, and I cnbddIvulu.e w ba.t a eil conld xlo. , 1 We verke. 12 dasym tud have sol.! 151. iros #ad bave 218dolarslekftp ~qe»1 ~paea ta d5i~hPA-.i'h-bma aho..er Pa4e~ à While helping to place the piano in the Methudist church on New Voares day, David Hopper narrowly escaped a serious accident b>' the instrument tup' ping over ou him. The new teachans, Miss Litte snd Mr Tory, assumed charge of our sohool Mon- day. They have botih already created s favorable impression in the minds of our people. lu a lett.er received b>' a friend bore frorn Rev McLean, who ha-% spent the paut few weeks with frieuda in Scotland, that gentleman states that he hua accept- ed a charge in Glasgow àud ailiask for a robeas. frorn Erkino cougregation with' out dola>'. Bis decision whilo regretted cannot be wondered at, as Mr& MoLesu lias hsd ver>' poor hoalth since locating in Clarernont, aud uow that sho is in Scotland, tho>' have decidod to ats>' there. Roy MeLoan is expected bore in a short ime, when his removal vill bu arranged for. Tbe anniversar>' services in connectir>u with the methodist church wore held as announeed by pestor, Rev McA nley, of Pickering, preached morning aud even ing ta large and attentive congregatuions Hoein a speaker full of hie subject, in- tense in hie oarnostcuese, sud reedy in hi& utterance. The sermon at uight vas on the tapie of the hour, Local Option, and found a response in man>' hearta. On Now Years' evening, the. programme was given by the. Torona Junction Quartette club, Miss May Barnes of the Methodist choir at the Janction, Miss Etta Coulter, of slirtgton, and bMiss Hoover, the or- ganisti of the Metuhodist choir of Toronto Junction. Wo cannot understand ail the aelections given. "The Ivory Gates and Golden" by Miss Coulter was veil rnn dered ; aho han a funil clear voice of con- siderablecoorpsss. MissBarnes is acon- trsst, mellow, rich and aweet, she sang with pathos and feeling, a aoug emi.cly suited ta her voico, but vo forget the iarne of it.. The quartette rendered a nmber of pieces sud their vices har- mnuyed well, smre were humrorons, soine platouic etc. Miss Hoover gave three piano solos, sud proved herseif mis- tireas of tuhe art, thbe general echo after thbe concert being, ' Why did not she play more 1"O' The Hollandens March" vas an oxcellent pioce of mnsic. sudso were the othere. We asked ourself why could nôt the rest of us do it, and 1 cen tind no answer. Somo people have their fortune in their fingers but the>' are few. 1 felt as the>' flîtted hituher and thither and crossed sud skipped over thbe key board as if they rnight almost make the muusic tithout s piano, like littulo canar>' birds flitting about. hi r.McNamara was happieat in "Catcliing a Mouise' and in "Calling the Chiidreu." The wholo con cert vas good and wel snst.ained through- ont, and a ver>' pleusnt evoning tormin- at.ed the "Firet Day of the f er. " We cannot givo full particulars of the incarne yet, as ail the envelopos are not in for the free will offoring. The nigit vas as dark as a black cat, thbe road very rnnddy and tuhe rain pouring down, but tîhe con concert tickets brought 135.-Newa. A Ohmne W Mako Money. I rosi bow oneo f your aubacribera made moue>' aelling Dishvashers: I or- dered one, and my lady friends wero charmed. as tihe>' hate diali washine. My brother and I commenced seliing them, sud have made $1,700 after paying &Il expense.. We dou*t cauvass any. Our sales are &Il made &t home. Pecple como or send for tncm. The' Mound Oit>' Dieh Wasber is the best Disbvasher on tbe market.' Our business le inereas- ing, and we are going to keep right on, untit wo make ton thousamnd dollars. W. seil from à te, 15 maachines ever>' day, and some dive paore. The diabwasher is bad eeeaion Sa go u<YIte 4ae0,?le '-'hWteai tie Whon; 1.was WeilI whiie i wa si lcik. And Now I arn Weil Again. MR, MAXWELL JOHNSTON One of the Best Known Printers ln Canadlaq Tells the story of his terrible sufferings, and gives an accoLint of his rescue from the Jaws of Death. Probahi>' no one in botter known ta the priutiîîg trade of Canada than Max. vIl Johaston, of Maîvelell Johusan & Ca., 72 Bs>' streot., Torouto. 11L- mari> years o! expenionce have ao- quainted him witb slmo8t evon>' per- son iu the entire trade. To mari> of bis fiends it hbbon kuown that hoi has iffered during ver>' severe illuess the past yean, sud in regard ta thbe saine Mn. .Joàastoa writîes the follow- ing btter : TonoNna, Dec. 3, 1896. Mzas"a. T. MuLBURu.r & Ca.: DFSARSSut,-For aven ton manthe I ufered from draps>', caused b>' kidue>' trouble which followed an attsck o! la grippe. The symptorus rapidl>' becarne serions sud medical aid wus called in. Aunouîg others who vere cousultued vere Dr. Wallace, Dr. Norman Allen, Dr. Weir sud Dr. Glass, ail of this cit>', snd I cau truly state that tube>' made oeruy ef"rt tubat medical skili could provido. Seven oapontions vene performed vithin six monruhs, during which tine I vieited at different periods for thbe purpusae of these operations the following hospitals, viz: The Toronto Goueral Hu; utal, St. Miches Hospital sud Gi-sou Hospital. Aithough ail that could ho doue for me was faithftully sud akilifuilly perforrned, 1 recelved oui>' temrpuran>' relief, the, operations oui>' serviug ta rernove thbe emormnus quatitities o! vater vbich con- stsuti>' sccnmulated. Ais a matter of fact, 17 galions o! vatuer venu reunuved during, the last twa operation.Âfter the luet aperation 1 vas given up to die sud va. giveru oui>' ii ta twelvo days ta ive. In addition t4- the bost medical ekili which niotioey conld procure, I used ail kiîd-j of patent medictues vhich pro. miwed relief, but vituhout effect. Ail the fitmil>' reuîedies su-zgested, much as Milk- we"d Tes, Pnmpkin Seed Tes, hMullein 1,-.%f Tenu, S;itnish Ociion Tes, Sweet Nitre snd Buchru, etc, wvo faithfuUy tried beut gsve not tho alightest relief, w) that 1 hadsd aili hope, whon I ws.s por- .savded ta tr>' Doan's Kidume>'Pilla, ta. gether vith Lais Liven IPilla. To mny surprise 1 receivedi almoqt imunediate re- liuf.W At this tiumo I vas uncublo t~o lie dovu sued ion three sud a hall manith.s previouul> vas fonced to sleop in a chair. My vairît neas'îre vastheot 49 juches; 1h in nov 3&3 inchee ince tho vonderful cuire made b>' these pila CRETMWOOD. Levi Annis occupied the pulpit her. last Sunda>' ovoning. D Hoover àe kept busy running the. chopper Tuesdaya and Fridays of esch week. Miss Ferguson hms eommenced ber du- ries as tmucer hero, W. trust ah. wW enjo>' ber ste>' among us. Hors. buy.rs have been tbrough this neighborhood. W. have not yet heard whether the>' have purchssed an>' aoi-- mas or Rot. The. Sunday sohool heme talk of sn ex. change of libraries vith the Baptint 8,8 of Whitevae. -It wMI doubtlSes b. ver>' accptable to both parties. A _goodly ;number cfvqjerstmred out sat :KMnda>' wek- TLewaotthoel sauta seme, diteÀa**, thorabu# little. MIl uteetinworn >eiu 1 consider mymelf perfectly curod sud feel strung sud wvol. My wevtight wheu I wasa auacked wi&s 198 pourîds. Aftor the operations I vais reduced to 1'30. 1 weigh notw 160. B>' carefuil>' watching the action of Dosu's Pilîs and Làais Lîver Pille Iarn poslitive thaita othem salns18due Cie vorîderful cure which làas taken place in my case. I arn a piinter b>' trade and bave heid poitions un the offices of The Globe, MlaiU, Niethodist Bouk Rout, etc., 'aà veli as ini Ohio and Detroit, Mich., sud have been an ernploying pninter since 1 847. Altbough itmsy seeni incredible, ever>' word I have stated us thbe trntub, and I am repsred ta back it l'y the evidence of hundrrede of citizen an-d fnierîds vho k new me bof or I vas sick sund afterwards, while I wa.4 near deatulis d' "'r, and wbo now, ta thoin sur'priîse, see -n~e rosîtored t.'u c, tuplete hellh h>'the uti o01L>usu'a Kud' re>' Pilla, sesisuuudb>' L&a sLiver PuIls. 1 shaH bu glad toanasvsîr urquu-ies f rota suiferons from kidue>' or liver troubles at au>' tiwe, sind reftur to the filiowîusg gen- tlenmen who have knovledge o! the facts, and en venif>' ever>' word 1 say. Many> o! these gerntlemien k'nev nie hef're ni> sicknus, curing un>'terrible mufferings, sud ince I vas i'estored to heaith. My testimouy ici given voluntaril>' sud vith- ouL ail> conaidenation of au>' kiud, eiuuher directi>' or indirecti>'. I gis'e it soleiy for the. benefit of my fellow boings wbo rnay bu afflicted with Drope>' or Kidiiey troubles of auy kind, viz. : R. J. Fleming, Esq., Mayor of Toronto. E. F. Clarke, Es.j., ]V. P., t'x-Mayor. Rev. H. C. Duxon, of Gillespie, An- aie>' & Dixçn. J. W. Sr. John, Elsq., M.PP. Patrick Boyle, E&I., of the Csthalic Reguster. Dr. Phillips. J. B. Cook, Esq., phnoagrpher. W. G. Mundock, Esq., I»rrister. T. C. Robinette, Esq., barrisn.or. John MeGregor. Eîrc1., harrister. Chas. MeDona)d, Esq., bairriajuer. M. .1. Quinn. Emq., barrister, etc. John Kent, Esq., of Gowans, Kent& Coîmpany'. Geo. G watkin, Esq.. of Gwatkin& Son. J. Gordot i lwat, Esq. J. J. MeCîtifer>', Eaq. R. G. McLealn, Esq. Chas. B. D'biberty, Esq. Wzn. Vomner, Esq. Trhe MngeetOf r"la The first vinter is the critiesb period in a 6o0iV4 bistor>'. Toc seldosndo vi ses at tbis sasuon the veenlinip !rolieking playfflly authey did in thefMUlbe!orebeô mg vusaneti. A gréât quanüty-bi ford is not aul that the fi requireo, #ut =a*. aigement is bighly neeessayif theyoung* ster i tio pey forr"i 1,ig.Ithi kais expensemolf tbe foliowing Itb"e s a et b.eoenparavely ligblt to mnake. r hmoo hes; butif he be rnel-o-ed,-aid> iuer, bo vil b. more expenslvet6 keep in auoodingwizterï, end viR W im e mark'shogathor of'bemii-ig àI. od bonse. 10 foalwaysffl, -.better 1-viblaorne or more ~ ~ ~ 'r" ouano$el aOsls rOis 1mw. nA 'mh'vi~nA ai. uiàsauî Iâk-[ John Stormont, Esq. J. G. R4nise>', lfq. Geo. Verral, Esq. Ex-AId. W. T. Stewart. G. T. Peuxdrivh, Esq. John liurine, Esq, 'f hnie & Grahamn. Wm. Ilovenden, Esq. Win. Throlkeld, Esq. W. S. John.toýn, Eeq. .1. J. Ryan, FA.-q. -las. E. Henderson, Eàsq., of Stockveil &Honderwon. Frederick Diver, Esq, Central Pross Àgency, Torouto. Ram>' Brown, Esq., of Brown Bros.& Ca., Toronto. Nicholas Murphy, Emq., Q.C. Thos. Parknson, Eàq., of Messrs. Powell & Parkinso n. .Johnm Brown, Ekiq., camner Simaca. and Adelaide atr':ets. S. T. Britten, Esq., of Britten Bradblav. Chia.. Field, Esqq., Queen street eat. Wm. Hirst, Esq., corner Churcli aud Shuter sl.reots. And hundreds of othere. Youns trul>', MAXWELL JoIN'vwrow. Mr-. Johuetn sappeared before Mn. C. Rienderson, C'omiisioner ini the Higth Court o!f.Juqtice, sud gave thîe f.,llowiing declaration a-9 regards thbe alb&alute truth' of the sý'-àtements ruade in bis louter DOMsNOeuroNor- CAX tA, Province o! Ontîario, Couuty of York. To WIT :-lu tihe mnatter of a letten to Mosan. T. Mlburo & Co., dated 3rd De- cember, 1896, 1, Maxwel Johnston, of tho Ciu' ty T routo, in thle (2tnuty ot' York, do solemuly dtrclarc that t tut tato mente coutauned iii tho above letten are 'crue, and I ruake this solemnu dleclaration coIuSCieuitiously beiievnlig it tce ho trie, a,îd kn> ithat it is cf the sanme fi-rec îund etffot as if madle under oath and b>' virtuje vi te iiiianea evidcnc', acnu. 189.3, declared l>efn-re nue at T"iroutu, in titc C. unty o! York, this 3rd day o!fet~ lber, 189(à, Ïhy Chias. II.nîidersorî, a sm missiomnrin H1. C. J. Courts. (Signed>, MAXWIML JORNSTOS, of Maiveil Johwton & Co., V72 Bay stres, Torontoa, Ont. 'Sp 'G WberItu 'th (t' /, ho- prostruted foi saeoral physici ies bat noue 1 iovery. The. ;and held out 1 byanaâdvertis lifervne, andl vous nature 1 pou tvely deci *yh4~ eî The. Brooklin, hockey vlsitedl our ik on Thnradaernoon of lmt ...k ant wer. difuted b>' Our homue teant b> 8 goals te 1. uïrboys oxpo bave a ver>' ancessal oasaonoifoke>'. The intention in to have& leagne formed cota- pring Stouffville, tTxbrislge and 01er- mont clubs. The achodule wall b. ar- ranged by a joint orA*miltee in a few d*ya. W Gourlie, of the 0 P R, Toronto, apent Suinda>' vith his aister, Mns Young. John Gerow lef t lst weekfor Uhley, Michigan, where ho will &pend the wînter wituh his sater, M r Bell. Principal Young and famil>', of Guelph, also Hugh Young, of Osprey, spent Xmas week with their parents hore. Tobias Caster wus olected achool trustee at the a.nnual meeting to I the vacancy caused by thei relirement of W Scott. Mr Akin, a atudent froin Toronto, ec- cnpied the Erakine pulpit on Sunday, and was woîl recoived. A warrn weicorno awaits hirn on hie neit visi. 1l rl through him. 1'hat rat thu1nK- the caria?y îlh First Inde' fat mari to-d., Second lUni an uridertakir. Wobblirig V, at ther bouse Hungry Har chance ter. A CHUE THOUSA, 'si That iPair Pound M Yo A Cu1 "I Feel Jus The Ri glt Ali the corn not steîb thei e-ver this Carisý cnring and lii,9 Celery Compiu best people bue snd nnvarnislic Celery Cotupal to lame. The convinci-ng leus most bardened. mit that theya trntb and hone Tbe followim Mc<irer, Duco YOD, tbongh y<l and death very fail and other1 ing for- your r Cornpound wîli Mnu jnstly rosi Gruer sayas: IlSomne ti health wae ais rnnch. I wae every week ; friends thasiti the Lord a wiLi siWay. Three ed me, but cou -Way. It was t Paine's Celer>'î 'ree-a--on- 1 LAA-eý "'É ýC ým eétb col

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