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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 3

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.4e n. Again. -y L?~1 a il fi fi I~p/J, N CCOUflt v 'r dîsin. i ci .ckwt.lI i il l'ifl'45 t il t 1t -s t t - i r - tii '..' ail I t 0-it '-c t tii V \ifltlW * *, 'iii t - Il t~li * - tril'45 tr ft 1,,t'or to -1. 1 ofi ;i t 1- 1i 1.e 11, àCtilu , (l)ft. .4 ut, I e VEAUS' KPERIENOLa tDE5 10 MS, VRIOHTS "0 il descul ptiof mal r an invention1 W ftiona etrtoti7 r mesurtfl patenta imlilnhitolp OMMce Ln & Co. reesiv ERICANI r r.n1,$3005ef (tpif>g and HN .Addreul 0., w iork. -tii el Years INýC TLiI" When I caileli on -ber, sud Willy, the dog chased mne out of the yard. Did -no one ste you ? Her father did. Why didn't he call to the brute ? He diti. Ht said I 'Sick hum" about a dozen limes. The Wife-.l think, John, you oughî t0 be ashameti o! yourself, expecting Me 10 sit up till i12 o'clock at nught daming your socks. The Husband-My dear Maria, dont youi know that il's nevcr tbu late to mend? Tht Minister-If the primit ive Chris- tians could corne back tu earth 1 Friend-If tbey could, I presumne they would start in at once bo couvert the nearest fashionable cungregatiou. She-Mrs. Manners Is very partîcular about the behavît>r (f lber cbîldren. She give'1 îhem lessons in poliiteness evvry morning. le-Sort of dallv bred. eh The goal, said jenkînri>, s a %,crvîin- telligent an imal. N'e-i. assentud DI )rkinç I \e fo t bat lie îoessss a -,tri k i ng hbu. Sbe-.-re vou ver-v lîckv at cards ic-cxlui kv* I always win. She a v I about love lie rmtk u. as luc ky. 1lai- wavs liý5C GiCS besroke again. liow In the worl diii lie go ttiîrotlgh ail bis nio n cy Meritt-lc ie11idn t. Sonebodv went through him. ilic-I wsh 1 bad a gun. Evidently :ý, that cat thinks he can sing. 'aShe jdro)w.,ly -<env iikelv. lie att tbe canarv Ibis mornîîng. First V'udcrtaker-l had to bury a fat man to-day. Second Undertaker-That was quite an undertaking. Wohbling \Vîlidu ver find er dawg at ther house on the lbilID liung- liank--lle didn't give me er chance ber. A CHEERING wTRUTH, THOUSA NOS PROVE THE STA TEMENT., That Paine's Celery pound Maties People Young Again. Com- Feel A Ciured Moan Savs: 1 Feel Just as B3right as a Boy." The Right Medicine For Every Ailing Man and Woman. Alil de combîneti powers of earîh can not stem the tîde of titutb tlîai. weepê- over Ibis Canada of ours in reuard 10 the curng and hlegviug vîrtues of Paine'e Celery Compound. Thousands o! the best People back up the sensible. Plain santn varuistieti statements about lPaine'b Celery Cotupaund pubiished fnîttu lime b îtitue. The cured thousands tend sucli conviîacing letters o! tesbitimony it the anost hardeneti akeptres are 1furcel ru ad- mi.ttat îhey are fouuded ou L.. rock o! truth and honesry. The folowing letter fronu Mm A. R. McGruer, Dixon's Corners, Out., ss.ores you, tbongb your case may ite uesterale and deatb Very luîgb, snd iL ugýlidoctore fail sud otber medicines prove unuastail- ing for your relief, ibat Iainit-'. bGo-y Compound wîil do more for yuu lian yen eau jnatly meaux. or hope for. MNr. Me Orner aya: IlSome time ago my condition o! bealîh was alarming aud I s;uiffeed very mualit.[ was laid up three tisys out of every week ; and i ofteu said to my friends that it wonld be hetter, if t vas the Lord a wiii, ibat I shouid bo calsut uvay. Tbree o! -the beot dootors atten'd- ed me, but coulti not reieve me iu any way. It was then 1 vas advised bo use Paine's Ceiery Comipound, wbi-cb brougbî relief at once. After uiug Ibis great nemedy I finti myseif a - nov man, aud feel just as bright as a boy o! eigbteen yeare. 1 tlink il la tbe greateet medi- orne lu the voit, and would strongly recoinu.end it te aIl who suifer. WRFJ)ZOKE. Mrs Harkley, flue vife of Captain Hark- iey, Weli-known Lake Captain o! Owen Soundi, Ont., Telle boy la grippe left ber, and bow oftuen Doctors Gave up Hope, sud ber Fuuily aud Friendis De- upaired of ber Recovery-Tbe great South American Nervine vas the lIes- con W hiclu Directed ber into thue good health hurbor. "About four yearsaugo I vas affiicted wibb a seveme attiack o! ha grippe. wbich left me almost a compiete wreck. 1 vas prosbrated for weeks. I doctored witb -severai physicians sud usedxnany rexued- ies, but noue bail auy lasting effeot. My friends began to be alarmed fùr mny ne- oovey-y. The doctors sbook tbeur beada, and beld out little hope. I wu a utirotei b y an ativertisement of! South Americau Nerviue, and as my trouble was of s uer-. vous nature 1 decideil te try it. Tbe final botule helpeil me greatIy. 1 pe- -- abed in its use and tii greuti remedy hau completely builti ,p my systemu, snd I positively déclare that iti lathe only rern- $bayta gave me auy relief. Solti by J Keliogg'à Dy@enteryCordlail à vithout Othe boat tuedicins ever lubroducad for d"acbooiransd a& Ume swo gIrelief sud never fille toe deot sPeette cm Mothers sbouid nev ove lsithont -qbet *1. vben thoir idren ar e ~ig Rggehotena le neportsd MinUddles mm. iThe Bont Plla -Mn. WmW.d T vf 00*iy.rsaing, out$ ,w éehavé- I 7 I Household Talks. A few leaves of green wormwood scauered wbere the black ants congre- gate wil) rid a bouse of them. A wooden breadboard is a favorite resort for germs. Iteshould be kept chemically clean or else a board of marbie or polished metal should be used. Sweet oil to whicb bas been added a few drops of vinegar issaid to be ex- cellent for rubbing and polishing the leather seats and covers of chairs. Use a bit of soft cloth and put on only a lit- tde at a time. Then rub withfliannnel until the leather becomnes bright.' Boul six eggs for ten minutes, then rernove the shells and pour a crearn gravy, o! milk, flour and butter, well seasoned, over the eggs, cutting them n two before pouring the sauce over thern. Set the dish in the oven, brown lightly and serve at once. Vout somxe- times hear mfen foolish conceit of how hard - they overwork and that they *neglect th ei r 1bealth in the phusuit o f u leY. There are men who admit these tbings with a sort of pride, and slap themnselves on the, chient and taugb at the idea they will some-day regret their reck- lesqness arnd neglert. They lauzh at Death, but in a short w hile, a verr short while, the laugh is on the other aide. Ileath waits w'hile they laugh. He who Iaughs asat, laugrhs best. and in due time Death dance- on the prostrate body of the laugher. There are many fuuny th' ng% in Ibis world but death is not one of them. Neither laisill health for it is one of Death's weapons and the Most effective. When a hard-working mani feels out of sorts. and bas a poor appetite. and doesn't sIe well, and goes to work ini the morning tired nut and beavy headed, he sbould take Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is the best bealth-bringer and bealth-keepeT known. Tt corrects aIl disorders of the di gestion, invigorates the liver, restores the appetite and keeps it hearty and keen. Tt dr;\vcs impurities from the blood aud dis- esse - gerins from the body Il buildg bealthy flesh. flrm mnuscles. steady nerves snd active brain ceils. It brings restful sleep and restores ambition. Tt cures nerv- nus irritation, nervous exhaustion and uerv- ous proçtration. Tt cures 98 per cent. ofoeli cas~es of consumption. Tt is the discovery of au eruinent and akilîful speciahast, Dr. k~ v Pierce, uow aud for thirty years past, chie f con sulting physician to the lxxvalids' Hotel and Surgical Iustitute, Buffalo, N. Y DR. IERE'Sis largely a mat- te fgood bealth. sud good health is larg'ely a matter of healthy activi ty ,of the bowels. Doctor Pierce's Pleasaut Pellet cure coustipation They are safe. sure and apeedy, sud once taken do flot have to be tahen always. Que ltte -pellet"- la a gentie laxative, sud two a mnild cathatie. Nourise*h Thats the whole seuct hIa word. WeC= icure no disease unlesS WeCa= keep up the Pa- tient's strengt- And theres only one way to do that-feed himn. But if the sYstem refuses food? Then use SCOTT'S WHY B UFFEIR WITH FILES P Pr. Choseg Otnu:wittcure iThom at la Cost of But 60 Ceatis. Piles,. crofula, eczesnatic eruptions, scald head, sait chmarnad aIl otiser aunoying and paietui skia diseaises eau be eaally cured by Dr. CbMa'u OintmeUt. ..i had protruiixg pes for ten years," write. H. R. Sutherla.nd, com- mercisal traveller. o!f1!ru.ro. N.S.; *"trîed imai17 remedie@4 and had doctcsrs opvr- axe ,it waa no use. Waa conipleely laid up at timea. Clis Ointmeiit waa zeeominended to me by Mr. Breuxian. of the Swnnseruide, P.E. I, Journal. I tried it. sud nme box eoandetely ,cutedj Mr. 8tatla., the edtor of the Streete- iville. Ont.. Rev1ew, give6 this mrsolieited,- testimonial under date -of No*. 6. 18915 : '"Haif a box of Dr.Chaaele Ointmeut cureit My daugliter of ecema. ýTba%-wat six, bnontwagio, am&%h"he aa eob"nu no rýapl1era j M ,i lbe 4imaee4 04~t., w-usatroiabld ut - thblind #bing, piles for 20 ye*rs. "I e trioad.ver, reanedy tlîýi came outý ne lva'iu," l enreeEl me.'- mg- Ail êeIsr8 n&~lV.e5QBLse mu*u!at,~ru,~ ~it~to frs .. gI& nb eXg-af6til, k PAi!N KILLER> THE GREAT FaMlly Medicine of the Âge. Taken Intes'nally, It Cures Oiarrhoea, Cranp and Pain ln the Stomach, 8r Throat, Sudden Colda, Cougha, etc., etc. Us.d Externally, It Cures Cuts. Brulees, Burns, Scalda, 8prains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. No article ewTR ttained t. surt unbounded pnua,. liy J-,. h,,.- 'A e r. n bear t.t.timn.ny tote t ffira of tisb Pa!n. Kilier. We have MWei n uo mrc r- i% ln ,ýtiir tio sovpret pain, and ku.c.vit t. b. a gondaril-c.,- i.,n, blyet nrp....d th. Palm-KIier. wbirit la the moozi minable fam.uj nu tdl& i..fDow in Uo.-Tmnesaee it bu an i meriî: ai a m'a&ns of remoVtng pan.no medlrla, han s "utrrd a r"tuLsuon @quai i. Perry Dav1s* P'l ain 1cri-Z *,tri n. -.a, fM!tati.atBu-r n.iy the gencne - Puu y DAI.bold ove-7where, in rge huIle, 2b.. Very larvu ut l,.u PIOKMIRINO About a week ago Richard Moore received a kick from a horse whiie shoeing the same. The iujury did not seem to signify at the lime, but for the past couple o! days exertion seems to be more than he can stand and con- sequently the anvil is geîîîng a holi- day. Ere this reaches the pniblic hd wili Iikeîy be himself again. Wm. Morcombe received a very ugly bruise on the head on Wednes- day, from the eflecîs o! which he was unconsclous for some minutes. Whilet unloading bags at Edward Baîstien'si barn, a gust of wind suddenly blew thet door back andi Wm. was îhrown over1 tht etige of the gangway. Although badly bruised he is apparentîy not scriously injureti. What do you think, dear readers, the electors of Whiîby were asked to express their ideas upon Monday last, aside from the regular electit-n of town anti schooi officiais: "-Shall, or shail not, the cows run aI large upon the highwa)s within tht limits of the îown.' One can imagine a majority of councilors being elected upon chance wvho would submit such a ques- tion p-crhaps, but listen, the electors said by a majorily o! ont that the stneets be thrown open for pasture landi for tht accommodation of the bovines. Ont would think that on the main sîreets at least the traffic would keep the grass down sufficienîly low to permit pedesînuans 10 gel aîong with- out tht assistance of these cows, but Whitby electors say no, and they are in tht best earthly position to judLye. Tht by-law to repeal local option was defeateti on Monday by a major- ity o! 58. This means that thet own- shiip of Pickering will grant no liquor licenses for at Ieast three years t0 corne. Aîîhough fifty-eight is a vtry narrow majoriîy, il is a majority, anti tht minority must recognize that fact. While many electors were confuseti over this ballot, ut is hard 10 say how that fact effected the result, as the chances were (equal tither way. il is saiti thal îwo magistrales voteti ccn- îrary t0 their belief, while ont hotel- keeper votti against tht by.law. Now that licenses have again been refuseti, il becorne those who contenti that the public can be accommodateti withouî lipuor. 10 substantiate that cdaim. Two weeks ago last Suuday uight some person, or persoins, broke unto W. Logan's store anti succeetiet in carrying away considerable underwear. several pairs of boots, postage stamps and other portable articles. Tht mer- chant titi not make tht malter known, as would bave been natural, but kept perfectly quiet in hope that something would leak- out, as he suspected tht burgiars were no-straugers, as tutrance was gainedti o tht store through tht sky-light over tht shot store. Tht next Sunday aftemnoon James Gordon anti some others came across tht stolen gootis secreted in tht small cottage at the tast endi o! the iron bridge. As this bouse bas flot been occupied for some years, tht idea was no doubt that it affordeti a safe biding place. Duriog the past week a stranger bas beer ini our midst anti rumor bas it that-be is a tietective Iooking up thtegiilty parties. While stroug suspicion refiects in cer- tain quarters no arrésts bave as yet been matie. Higb Constable Calverley, of Whît- by, camne lure Monday morning with warrants for tht arrest of L4Alaway anti F. Shepherd. As the former bad got into trouble Suîurday. negt U-1 That WonderfiLl Churn! I waDI 10 add my teaîimony to the list ,o! those that bave useti the Lightniuai Churu. It does ai that la claimued for il; yenu tan churu eaaily iu one minute anud get a large percentage more butter than wjîb the common churua. I neyer took the agency for anythiug before,- but so ruauy of my ueighbors wauted churus; that 1 ordered 80 aud tbey are ail gone 1 thiuk lu a year every fariner "Iibave a Lighîning Churu, in fact they cau't af ford t beb. it' out one au tbey make so wnuch more butter and a good little bit of tuoney eau be nmade in every township selling theize oburus. By writing 10 J F. Casey & Co., St. Louis, Mo,, yeoe gel cirenlars aud faui particulars about the chare. A REÂDER. DOOMED TO DIE. Doctors said Mrs. Ackerman o! Belle- ville Would Neyer gel Better. 811E CAN LAUGH AT DEATH. Anti tht Doctors, too, for Eigbî Boxes of Dodd's Kidney PuIs Madie a Well Woman o! Hem Afler Six Years' Illness. Belleville, Ont., Jan. 11.-If there's any one tbing under Heaven that ex- cites a man's pity il is a weak, sufferiug womnau. If tibere's a.uy disease on esill that causes weakness and suifiering in women more tihan another il is Kidney disease. If lluere'e auy medicine between Heaven and Earth thst vill infailibly cure Kidney Disease, ib is DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. And tbat's no dreain. Womeu rise up by the score aud cal Dodd blessed for hie voudèrful daseovsry that bas madie weak baeksand backaobes nukuowu wbere Dodd's Pilla have besu trieti. Lot one of these grateful vomen tell her story : IlI bad been troubled witb Kiduey Disease for six years. I bad doot.ored, but il was o! ne use. Tbey bolti me I wonld neyer get better. I1saw about the wonderful cures o! DODS KIDNEY PILLS, and I procured one box. Upon gettulng relief I coutinued go une sight boxes, and I eau .afely say I amn coin' plet.ely cured. Yeu may publiaittiianas you see fit, so as to bbslp sonia other pur. son Wbo May have Kidiuey trouble." MRS. 8- ÂCKEBMAN, North Pront atreek. April 27. DODD'S MEDICINE COMPANY, o! Toronto, are the sole ovuers and mauer ci tbis rezuedy lu tb. Dominion. 'Write to, thei, ecolosing prise (50 cents), if your local drnggist lanI mpled.,' a Geuemus Oifr. flear Mr. Rio.--Ilynhnl tenu the nederao! o iugkay t0604d70Ztoe au, . cf youtbful lei*ly. bn ue ' gge sud 4 p~ *r7 by qusb anipt w %~s~i oeelnfcvwek&,l.o*~ ,tOun gie War r 0 -= -- ;sg.c~..p When the Gore Vale football club came Up froin Torontci last 24t1 Of May. and won fîom the Qrillia club in an exbibition.game, the prize that was advertised to be given to the %vinners was flot banded over, owing to the slim attendance at the oval, andi con- sequently lack of prize money. Mr. J. Taylor, of Toronto, sec.-treas. o! the Gore Vales, was un îown last week and took the opportunity to reminti R. H. jupp of the fact5that his club had not yet receýved ils hard earned tropby. Mr Taylor returnet 1 Toronto empty handed, but reconciled to the inevit- able. There is a conviction in the mintis of several prominent townsmen that ice-cutting will be carried on exten- sively in Orillia this winter, not only by Canadian ice companies, but also by several corporations frorn the Unit- ed States. The past monîh bas been a bad ont for the rnaking of ice in the ,,fizlds" of the northern states. Thus the unseasonable weather that has been in vogue latelv and to whiç4 i i aîîributed the responsibility for bard limes among some people, may prove a Ibless ing and godsend to the very men most in need of work and money. las Burns, the Toronto ice king, it is reported was in town last week. It is staîed authoriîtatively that if the Americans corne over this winter they will cul more ice than was ever taken out bcefore. -News-Letter. No Man Knows . thue perturbation of spirit a woman au!- fers ia cooking witb a bad stove. Our constant aim bas been to furnlsb the best article possible for tbe-use iùtended. The "REGÂLPERFECTION"y foW A GE a.0. frcoul or wood, fulfls eveiry require- nient Tht design and ornarnentation o!c this range are in ativance o! anything prevotsl' aîtempted. ' ' he ovens are lge sund provided w"t draw-out rack, oven doors liied with tin, ire box pro- yided wth genuine dupe gate and lb is aper«t ad sre b er.Fufly equipped with oven shelf, jtes pot shelf, footoveu door trip, doorhearth and extra large broiling or tobsting door with mica frame, muade with four or six cooking holes. Send for descriptive catalogue. LTD.. *ROCIIVILLE, ONT. Dressing W )I 4 The eminent surgeons of the day use - it as a dressing for Wounds, Bruisesc X Ye, I$Jaà »Quicefor.C Strains, Sprains, etc., and they find that 0 dmaigag Woudeansd Bruis«., for speedy relief of pain and for quick .3 healing there is nothing 50 good as Cru 1t 1 th Qu iclkcu re" apy I stefarnily eniergency cure. Always ready. Easy oapy Neyer fails to give relief. For sale by ail druggists or TH4E QIICKCURE COMPANY, LTD. QUgoegC, CAn. :FOU SALE E WILLIAM BRYÂN & SON» Dundas Street, W]hitby. Musa M. Jobaston in villu Toronto friends. Miss Bonuels, of Toronto, la viaibiug at J. Gerow's. Mrs. Wm. Mosgrove bas returned froni Picton looking nuucb better from ber twe weeks visit doua east. Mrs. aud Mrs. A. E. Major, of White- vale, sud Miss Windsor, o! Buffalo, oaled at Thomas Pouebers on Sunday. M iss Ediblu Robson, Toraubo, spent bthe holidays wirb ber cousina, Mrn. Thomas Pencher and Mre. Wm. Mosgrovo. J. T. Jewell will dispose of bie barnesa making business here and st.art st Stur- geon Falls. He expeota to, leave bere in the course of a fortnight or se. On New Year's niglut Mr. and Mns. Alfred Hamilton entertsaned a large number of their finonda at an evlaing party. About uixtuy people avsiled tbem- selves of the invitations extended, sund paeeed a very pleasant eveus ng jeuda sud dancing. The festivities were keps up until the atreaks of dawu were mark- ing the esteru aky, and everybody went bomne lberougbly deligliced i th th. obaxming bospitality awarded by the boat sud bostesa. Nov that elections are over va expoot our toapeophe te settie quietly dowu te work again-. Muolu money ebanged baude acoroding to, reports, bautne blood- shedi bas been beard of up te lime of vriting. As in every sobcasmesom muet wwn and some mpst lose andine body ias quealing very oehe. Our division. bowaver, knem very veli what it vantot d dspoke wltb ne un- certain sounti, but tbe Philistin.. came down i4ponn sud money.obuugen go; mgco the temple. At Brougbam, on Moriday eveuiÏng lb. 28th uthelb.followickft vot a stg'ed by hum Union' . A' -M for the xsioyaar:Un WBroWÀ JW BreAThoi>sM; Ohap, W Br U B ~3ueso, ~ Tne.,W Bro Thoxua Toucher; e ~Xro D Betou;8 D, Wbrim iT ý f1cIa J D. WBI 'Vii Dunl-;1~ ! O.WBro -Bobt W wlri; StdW Bre J- IIH aortop ; Bld, WU6 WM-Grabam î ,-O-W-fBreT -B Wls;Tylar, W Bio W H]EL, h, Nowa.1 1 - : 1.l Souvenir - "Porget-me-not," Scranton Coal "There is no better Anthracite Coal mined than this" Neyer had and never can have a superior among An- thracite Coals. GRATEP EGG, STOVE, OEESTNU' makes clean, brigbt,- quick, bot, strong, cheerful fires. Aiso quantities of Soft Coal (for- dbmeBtic purposes,) Threshing Coaý:und thelb Celebrated "Morris Run" ltbini Coa!. PartIcuar care-*> screensug and derivewy. *WHITDY, *'ONTAIO. ~ eriùm1 palus. Pin tlu the bide. etc. ftmpihi EcIved and 0umd by The ".&Le" Menthol Plaster DAVIS & LAWRMeCCO £.,Lvi." Pro9rletormoavzan NEW. BUS UiýNE,, BMEETS ALL ýTkAI1NS l'ir aicsaccomnmodation. Ordee prmpdl tteztd to. Qis hmla, or execues order kirt- at Newpoel'a .- 0. "_ olxcaiage, factoityW àopo.xoe t ofià WM1. NEWP1ýT Pr* prietor5 Whityjuy zzSg6--j~ bizuz i -18s the ucéusedp !KS, lterlad! .Iy fol ----------- vw-i e e e e e e e s e e e e) e) s) e) e) o) e) e) s> e) e) e) e)

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